Lets talk about The Great Reset of 2021, exactly what it is, what this means for you, and the impact it has on our economy and how you invest your money. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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The Great Reset was proposed by the members of what’s known as “The World Economic Forum.” They’re a non profit organization who’s main purpose is to connect innovative thinkers and world leaders together, in one place, for the unified goal of making the world a better place that runs more efficiently. They talk about world problems, issues we’re facing, and social unjust…and then, they work on solutions to fix whatever needs to be done.
This “illness” has fundamentally changed the way we go about our day to day lives, it’s shifted demand towards nearly everything becoming digitalized, it’s halted the restaurant and hospitality industry, and the divide between the rich and poor has continued to grow further and further apart.
That caused a LARGE portion of our population to be “left out,” suddenly lose their job, and then be unable to return back to work…and it also caused OTHR people to grow their business to such extreme levels that never would’ve been possible without a stay at home order in effect. So, instead of a gradual shift that allows people time to adapt and evolve…this change was just thrown on us, and that’s bound to create some social challenges.
Well, the “great reset” is a term that calls for CHANGE to current rules and policies that would put PEOPLE FIRST, BUSINESS SECOND…and a few of their priorities include placing a bigger focus on education, re-allocating government funding to more sustainable development and green energy, and placing restrictions on companies that take bailout money from the government.
Their thought is that - if we’re going to be creating a trillion dollar stimulus - we may as well use that money to better our future and creating a more sustainable environment. We may as well use this as an opportunity to address all of our problems, and find a solution NOW rather than wait for them to get worse.
I think the INTENTIONS are good…but, besides saying that “we need to work together and provide solutions to problems” the “great reset” turned into more like “the great confusion that’s unlikely to ever happen.”
So, instead of focusing ANY more time on the great reset…here’s “The Great Solution” that I think we should all implement right now:
First, learn to take initiative.
If there’s something you want, you have the power to begin working towards it immediately. By watching this video, you already have access to the internet…and nearly everything you need to know is at your fingertips between google and YouTube, pretty much for free.
Second, we should all place a stronger emphasis on financial education.
I’m really happy that it’s finally becoming “cool” to save money, live below our means, and invest.
Third, we each should learn how to work for ourselves
Ultimately, relying on someone else for a paycheck isn’t always going to be sustainable…so, learning how to take matters into your own hands, when necessary, is going to be a helpful skill that ANYONE could use.
Fourth, be compassionate and kind to others
I know this one isn’t financial related AT ALL…but, it’s just common courtesy. You have no idea what people are going through behind the scenes, or the struggles they face day to day…so, be nice to everyone.
Fifth…continually learn from our past experiences.
You would be SHOCKED at how many people don’t learn from their mistakes, place the blame on someone else, and then continue making that same mistake because they’re convinced they aren’t doing anything wrong.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

All right, fine, don't ask me again. I will talk about the great reset by the way it feels weird starting a video off without the normal introductions. So let's get that out of the way. What's up son, it's dad here and yes, i will talk about the great reset today for everyone who's curious.

What this is what this means for you and what i think of it. Now i have a feeling. The reason this has brought up so much lately is because there's no shortage of articles and headlines out there talking about the end of our economy. As we know it, the world is changing forever.

E-Commerce is dominating. Work from home is picking up popularity, people are fleeing big cities, some jobs are unexpected to return and in a way this is in and of itself a great reset we're seeing a huge shift in everything from where we live. How we do business, how we make our money, how we invest our money, how we spend our money and a variety of other aspects of our day-to-day lives that have changed a lot in 2020.? So it's no wonder why we're constantly seeing talks of this great reset that proposes a lot of changes to our entire economy. But the one question constantly being asked is: what exactly is the great reset? What's the likelihood of this happening, and what does this mean for you and me that was actually three questions.

I take that back. Well, not to worry. I will attempt to answer that question as soon as you reset that great like button by making it turn blue. It's that easy, you could access to at least a dozen hours that were spent, creating this video all for the low cost of that, like button being gently but greatly reset.

So thank you so much and with that said we'll begin here all right now. Here's the thing to be honest, i had absolutely no idea what this great reset was all about until i started looking into it further and wow, i did not know what i was getting myself into when i started on this quest to figure out what this was. All about prior to this, i just read so many comments, mentioning that the great reset is coming, that it turned itself more into a mythical buzzword than anything and yeah if you're as confused as i was about all of this, not to worry, because i did what I do best, which is spend hours of my time, researching all of this directly from the source and here's what i've gathered and you're going to want to listen very closely to this, because it took me a very long time to put all of this together. The great reset was proposed by the members of what's known as the world economic forum they're a non-profit organization, with the main purpose of connecting innovative thinkers and world leaders together in one place for the unified goal of making our world a better place.

That runs more efficiently. They talk about world problems, issues we're facing and social unjust, and then they work on solutions to fix. Whatever needs to be done, of course, you might be asking yourself. This sounds interesting.
How much is it to join such an astute community like this well you're, either gon na need to be very rich or have an infinite money printer, because, according to wikipedia the membership, could be as much as 628 thousand dollars a year now, because this form consists Of some of the most wealthy and powerful individuals in the world there's a lot of mystery as to exactly what they do and whether or not they're the good guys or the bad guys. I say this not to make you question their objectives, but given all the mystique surrounding them, it's no wonder why there's been so much discussion about the great reset with so many opinions on exactly what it is, because, honestly, they did a horrible job explaining it like. If you go to their youtube channel, the great reset is nothing more than 92 seconds of b-roll, showing disasters and political tension with the captions. Our systems need a reset and 33 000 dislikes and to make matters worse, comments are also turned off, so you can't read about how confused everyone is now their website doesn't provide much help either.

There's a brief paragraph about how we need to manage the consequences of the illness and start on the so-called great reset, and then it links to a video that says watch again, even though i'm in incognito mode and have never seen the video before. In my entire life, but so be it it's a 47 minute long video and i watched the whole thing which i'll be honest. It was a very long, 47 minutes. The video constantly cuts in and out the audio is barely understandable about 20 of the time, and it was 30 minutes before they even started talking about the term reset.

This is not the only video covering the topic either. There's also another hour-long video on youtube and i'll be honest. This one was really difficult to sit through. They never really discussed what anything is actually about.

It was incredibly confusing and there was never really a cohesive message on exactly what's going to happen. Basically, they just talked for an hour about how we need to design an economy, that's more resilient, that doesn't leave people behind that saves our planet, that's sustainable and doesn't leave such a large gap between the rich and the poor. They also say we got to come up with a solution to our problems. There needs to be a social contract that we all have to abide by because of how interconnected we all are, and the digitalization to as much as possible, leading us to reset the way we think and do business.

The problem with all of this, though, is that it was really poorly presented to the point where, if this were my homework assignment for an economics class, i would immediately just get kicked out of school. I'm sure very few people even watched more than a few minutes of the video, judging by all the dislikes, so it did not go over well. So, let's simplify this even further, because from my perspective, this video is a waste of 47 minutes and instead i'll just tell you what this great reset is and what this means for our economy and how you invest your money. So for those of you just as confused as i was and still kind of m, because their entire message is very incohesive, here's the gist of it.
The illness has fundamentally changed the way we go about our day-to-day lives. It shifted demand towards nearly everything becoming digitalized. It's totally wrecked the restaurant and hospitality industry and the divide between the rich and the poor has grown even greater. Some of this, you might be able to argue, was going to happen anyway, like online shopping versus going into a mall or working from home versus going into an office or charging 20 more for food delivery becoming the new norm.

But this illness just put everything into warp, speed and caused everything to happen much faster than it would have. Otherwise that caused a large portion of our population to be left behind and lose their job and then be unable to return back to work. And it also caused other people to grow their business to such an extreme level. That would have never been possible, if not for a stay-at-home order, so instead of a gradual shift that allows people to change and adapt and evolve over time.

This change was just thrown on us and that's bound to create some challenges along the way. Well, this great reset is a term that calls for change to current regulations and policies that puts people first. Businesses. Second and a few of their priorities include placing a bigger emphasis on education, reallocating a percentage of government funding into sustainable green energies and placing restrictions on companies that take bailouts from the government.

Their thought is that, if we're going to be creating a trillion dollar stimulus, we may as well use this as an opportunity to address all of our problems and issues, and it's better to find a solution now than wait for the problems to get worse. Besides that, there's also another interpretation that the great reset is about spreading wealth, taking away private ownership of property and then equally distributing that to everybody, and i got ta say from everything that i have read and watched nothing. They say directly supports that. Instead, the closest thing i could find was an article by klosh schwab, the chairman of the world economic forum, talking about imposing restrictions on companies that take tax-funded bailouts wanting to impose wealth taxes and build more green infrastructure.

But most of that was really just a suggestion. Without a big push behind it now, if you've heard this entire explanation - and you still don't understand what the great reset is - don't worry you're, not alone, and here's what i think about the whole thing and how likely any of this is to actually happen. First, it's no surprise that, yes, our economy has changed a lot this year. There is definitely a push towards digitalization.
Cashless payments are soaring, online banks are doing incredibly well and remote working is becoming a lot more common. I don't doubt that our economy will absolutely be changed for the foreseeable future if not permanently, but one could argue that many of these changes were going to be happening anyway and this whole event just became the catalyst for them to happen immediately. As some examples, i believe, working from home is going to become a lot more normal. I think living in a big city is not going to be as necessary as it once was.

I think digital cashless payments are going to become a lot more prevalent. I think we'll be seeing a lot of malls being repurposed into other uses. I don't think these are all things that are going to go away entirely, but i do think there's going to be a noticeable shift that will stay with us and we were already moving in that direction before all of this happened. It's just that now we were forced to make those changes earlier than expected, a great reset that ships, government and public resources towards sustainable energy infrastructure and education isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the way all of this was presented sounds more like an incohesive wish list Than an actual plan to make anything happen, unfortunately, even after i spent hours going through all of this, i was still left with the question what's going on and i still don't get it, but either way the marketing on this was so terribly implemented that it makes Me incredibly doubtful that any of this is actually going to happen now.

I think the intentions of all of this at its core are still good. I mean yeah. Companies should be accountable if they receive bailouts, we should reinvest into sustainable infrastructure and, if we're going to spend money anyway, we may as well do it in such a way. That's a good long-term investment for everybody, but besides saying that, we should all work together to provide solutions to problems.

The whole thing just went nowhere and instead the great reset turned into more, like the great confusion, that's unlikely to go anywhere. From my perspective, it's basically just a giant wish list of things. They hope the government might implement one day and really that's it and really. At the end of the day, i'm gon na take the stance that we should not expect or wait for government change and instead focus on the things we could directly control right now, because who knows? What's gon na happen? How long something is to take or what we're expected to get so, instead of focusing any more time on the great reset here's my great solution that we could begin implementing right now, first learn to take initiative.

If there's something you want, you have the power to begin working towards that immediately by watching this video you already have access to the internet and pretty much everything you need to know is at your fingertips between youtube and google for entirely free education does not need To be expensive and it doesn't need to be formal, and i wouldn't be surprised if education becomes more about self-learning in the future. Second, we got ta place a stronger emphasis on financial education. I'm really happy it's finally becoming cool to save your money, live below our means and to invest long term, but now it's become more like an open discussion where people could talk about their struggles. What they've learned, what works and encourage each other to have an emergency fund, invest and think long term? Third, we should each learn at some point to work for ourselves.
Ultimately, relying on somebody else for a paycheck is not always going to be sustainable, so learning how to take matters into your own hands when necessary is going to be a useful skill that everyone can benefit from. This might be a side hustle or a business. You could start at night or anything you could do on your own to make money now. Fourth be compassionate and kind to others.

I know this one is not financial related at all, but it's just common courtesy. You have no idea what people are going through behind the scenes or the struggles they face day to day, so just be nice to everybody, even if someone is mean or rude to you or even if you disagree with what they have to say, show them kindness Anyway, and do your part to be a good person by smashing the like button for the youtube algorithm? Fifth, it's so important to learn from your past experiences. You would be shocked at how many people don't learn from their past mistakes. They place the blames on others and then, when they keep making the same mistake, they just say it's not their own fault.

Sometimes you just need to be critical of yourself in what you're doing, if you're expected to learn from that and grow and really as unpleasant as that could be. Sometimes it's really going to be for the better and finally number six. It's so important that you get your four free stocks by using the link down below in the description, because weeble is going to be giving you for free stocks. We need to deposit 100 on the platform with those stocks potentially worth all the way up to 1.

600, so if you like free money, you may as well use that link down below in the description and let me know which four free stocks you get so all in all the great reset is, in my opinion, not much worth discussing it's a series of ideas And philosophies that overall sound kind of good on the surface, but the entire thing is just so poorly executed, it's incredibly confusing to figure out exactly what it is and i would not expect really much to come from it. Instead, i would say the best thing we could do is to take matters into our own hands, to work to better ourselves, be kind to the environment, be kind to others and be introspective and honest with ourselves about what's working and what's not by doing that, i Expect that we'll go a lot farther a lot faster than waiting for government policies and regulations to change to make our day-to-day lives better. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i post it pretty much daily.
So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As my second channel, the graham stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you guys want those four free stocks use, the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you four free stocks when you deposit a hundred dollars on the platform with those stocks potentially worth all the way up to 1 600, so that's basically free money.

If you like free money, use that link down below in the description, let me know which stocks you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Warning: the great reset of 2021 explained”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sue W says:

    I hope now that its a year later your eyes been opened.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Hewitt says:

    WOW! YOU DEFINED thede Great Reset perfectly! Just, I didn't hear
    Any of your actual words to reflect it but your Imagination painted the future quite vividly!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMDM Majah says:

    meaning only a few are rich and the rest are poor, they will regulate everyone and like they will make us robots to always say yes to those people..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FD says:

    Klaus Schwab wrote in his book. It is going to be an "angry change"! That means it will be forced on us either we like it or not. And who is going to do that? Our very own government politicians along with whoever celeb or entrepreneur who has gone there in the past to kiss the ring at Davos!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Cope says:

    Do you honestly believe that they would reveal to you or anyone their nefarious plans lol nope. They tell you about the sunshine and rainbows they propose. Once your blinded with their bs smoke screen the true plan is already in motion and you were completely blind to the truth

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mzmiller52 says:

    What a waste of time. He is much to frantic to listen to and says nothing. Half of the video was self promotion.
    But be worried about the great reset. In the works for over a century. Look up Rockefeller foundation and speeches made decades ago.
    All happening very quickly right in front of us. Destroy the west. Europe is already inline. They need America to collapse.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Peppermint Candy says:

    The great reset is pressing the self destruct button on mankind and the world. It's as evil as evil can get.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Mercado says:

    Thank you brother I really appreciated this video so much!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfonzo WowGoHeredotcom says:

    🟦🟪 … Who the Frick asks people to hit the like button before they’ve even listened to the freakin video ??????? 😡😡😡😡😡

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lindosland says:

    Much of this is simply wrong. The ideas in his book 'The Great Reset' were put forward in Klaus Schwab's earlier book, 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. They were not a response to the Pandemic as stated here; rather the pandemic was the 'narrow window of opportunity' that he was waiting for to implement his ideas of a lifetime, which are close to Chinese totalitarian neo-communism. The big issue is who controls this, and it's not us, it's world government and we really don't want it thank you!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Carlson says:

    This kid doesn't have a clue ,,,,,he just put up a video,,,to see if he could make some $$$$$$ on YouTube,,,just like 75 % of people now a days,,,,,this kid doesn't want to get his hands dirty!!!!!!!! LMFAO 😉🤣😉🤣😉🤣😉🤣

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UNKNOWN UNKNOWN says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Parks says:

    considering this whole pandemic was planned… I think there going straight ahead with there Great Reset… and from the looks of it it smells like Tyranny!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Gaw says:

    They want Marxist society where you will get service and rental houses which are shared based on your entitlement which is based on the Social contracts. There will be no money and or ownership. You will own nothing and you will be happy.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imèn says:

    So you're saying that richest people are concerned about poor people left behind because of the pandamic? Oh how sweet ! Now I'm not doubting their intentions but yours as well 🙄

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adriana del barrio says:

    The fastest explanation for is "communism for the entire world". You can also read the Devos agenda written and released by the World Economic Forum (available in their website) and aligns with the UN 2030 agenda.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J X says:

    the only solutions they fix is for themselves,they have never stood for the masses/humanity or Truth..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slim Pickens says:

    the article I watched on it which was directly from the world economic forum clearly advocated for universal basic income and no longer having personal property. It mentioned also specifically having a timeline of trying to get there by 2030 so concerning this "great reset of 2021", I'm not aware of that. (unless coincidentally it has something to do with the agenda 21, which opens up an entirely different can of worms)

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whirl Wind says:

    The reset is meant to use up all surplus goods and put lower orbit corporations out of business and dissolve the demand to larger corporations that will roll out new agenda items to replace the old. Look at banking for example.. Wells Fargo and Bank Of America have absorbed a whole ocean of corporations in the last decade including lower orbit banks ..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaBartarian says:

    Thanks for wasting my time you are worthless, it is most certainly happening

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cathy Benami says:

    Omgosh!! Get to the point!! You are so annoying, you talk without taking a breath & STILL………NO ANSWER!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars heather land says:

    So I went into our local pharmacy my little boy asked why a lot of isle had nothing in them to person at register. They said getting ready for the reset. What getting ready for the reset.did not settle well.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess bee says:

    It's all a slave game to make the corrupt benefit and thrive. Stop listing to the lies. Be a free thinker.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keep the change ya' filthy animal says:

    It will be met im my state with armed resistance. Liberty or death.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesusandbible says:

    The expression THE GREAT RESET is a masterpiece of counter-psychology. After having our lives wrecked by preposterously disproportionate over reactions to Covid-19, and the clear manipulation of statistics, like the expression "died with Covid-19" on the TV news, our plan should obviously be to "reset our society and economy to the way it was", treating Covid like influenza, not like bubonic plague., and ideally prosecute people like Bill Gates and the leaders of W.H.O. So the hidden powers that lurk behind the scenes see our vocabulary beforehand, and steal our plan "to reset" back to the way it was, and instead apply the expression "to reset our society" to an even more advanced mess than it is in now, until the super-rich become our rulers and we become their slaves.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesusandbible says:

    If we were all happy before Covid-19, we need to "reset" everything the way it was before it, because it was not really Covid-19 that did this to us, it was the disproportionate countermeasures like lockdowns created to deal with it. That means treating Covid-19 the way it actually is, like influenza, not like bubonic plague. They just wanna close down all the small businesses so they control us with a few, and threaten to expel us and starve us if we don't jump through their hoops and be good little slaves, serfs and minions.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nunya Music says:

    Well. Figures that you made a video on this topic and the comments are……..expectedly interesting. I don't expect any better responses but for the love of god please just read my whole comment before responding. Anyways from my understanding this concept is supposed to take into account the looming threat of automation and the lack of physical jobs that will be available in the future and attempts to come up with solutions to avoid complete societal collapse by reshaping our current economic structure. In my opinion the alternative to coming up with any sort of economic restructuring plan (not that this one is good or at all well explained) is keeping an economic structure where most people will lose jobs and their livelihoods to automation and corporate greed anyways. As for my interpretation of "You will own nothing and be happy" lets take into account history and the many things that have changed in relatively recent years. In the 90's you could have had a CD Player, a TV, a radio, a newspaper, a home phone, a calendar, a calculator, bank checks, a flashlight, a library, a camera, a notepad and pen, a map, a tape recorder, a game console, etc. Now think about how all of those items now fit in a small device in your pocket. As our society is advancing we are gradually condensing commodities that were once commonplace and for the most part until now that hasn't been seen as a bad thing because it has only involved material things. It's only now that people are concerned about this trend because now it is no longer just commodities that are being condensed but the very way we commute and navigate in our society. As technology advances the need for certain services and habits will become increasingly less common. For example, why would you need to go to commute to work if jobs can be executed from home? Why would you need to own a car at all if public transport becomes so easy and ubiquitous through smart vehicles and the potential advent of flying vehicles becoming commercialized? Why leave your home for food when your groceries and goods can be delivered to you via drone? Why visit friends if or when technology gets to a point where we can use virtual reality to inhabit a space and meet up with others faster than ever before? Why own a large home if you can occupy a spacious virtual world with advanced virtual reality technologies? I can understand why this is a real concern because what is happening is that we as a society have achieved all of our greatest desires for convenience to the point that we are reaching a societal end game of sorts where all of the things that we've ever wanted or needed can be delivered to us almost instantaneously and as such our physical presence and movement in the physical world will be gradually less and less frequent as time goes on which obvious to say is not natural and a rather uncomfortable concept but as i said the alternative is societal collapse from an economic system not suited to handle the eventual automation of most if not all things. Do I trust multimillionaires to make plans or decisions as to what the average human needs in response to this realization? Hell no. but I still feel as though we need to objectively examine and understand the end goals of such an organization so that we can think of counter actions to whatever might be in store.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jan Tromp says:

    the new world government and the tower of babel!!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars terry willis says:

    3.3MM subs?? You've got to be kidding. This guy is a moron.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luigi Rnotyourbusiness says:

    I heard it means you will own nothing and you will be happy. I assume the government will give us money and homes and will no longer have to work but we will not own anything

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlie 525 says:

    You have to sign up to the World Economic Forum to see the massive plan and it's terrifying!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mccartney says:

    It’s global takeover but it will fail by July 2023

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ellen wilson says:

    The great reset has been in motion for decades and decades. There WERE videos from World Economic Forum years and years before Covid – it’s about one world global govt . You tube censored them and took them down. Covid accelerated it but it was in play way before covid

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