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2.Β Frustrated by the PDT rule? ❌🚫 I know I am! Check out this link to read about how Day Traders with Less than $25k can trade πŸ†πŸ₯‡ -
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4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil πŸ’΅ πŸ’° in trading profits πŸ‘€ - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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7. How many monitors is too many monitors?Β  Check out this video here on setting up your first day trading station πŸŽ™πŸŽ›βŒ¨οΈπŸ•ΉπŸ–₯πŸ–₯πŸ–₯πŸ“  -
#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are: Wednesday morning and I'm finishing day up 30 000. I'm up 35 000 on Entx and I'm down 5 000 on Moxc. So 30 000 green on the day. But on Entx, that was our leading gapper in the entire market this morning, gapping up 60 with well over 10 million shares of volume.

Right now. as of coming up 10 30, it's at 88 million shares of volume. It's going to be at 100 million real quick. This is a high volume stock which is great high volume, big rate of change.

That means I can trade it with big size and I got myself up 45 000 today on Entx at my high. And then I gave back 10 000 on that choppiness and false break that happened around 8 and 50 cents. So you know I I traded all the way until I had that loss, gave back about 25 of my profit at that point said, all right, That's it. I'm done.

I'm walking away. So walking away with 30 000 in my pocket Now I could have stopped when I was up 10 000, but I kept trading. I could have stopped when I was up 15. I could have stopped when I was up 20..

I could have stopped when I was up 25 or 30.. I could have stopped when I was up 40. I was up 40 in my main account and I'm sorry 20 in my main account and 20 in my Ira. It was a nice look, you know, 20 in both accounts but went for that.

one more trade, one next trade and the fact is, had it worked, I probably would have been up 25 and 30 000 in each account and gotten myself up to 50 000 or 60 000 on the day. So I keep trading until I start to give back profit. And today, I made a little bit more profit than yesterday before I started to give some back. So I'm finishing the day with a little bit more today than yesterday.

But I do recognize that these last two days, although they've been really great, are essentially digging myself out of the hole from last week. You know, I lost 37 000 last Thursday and then I lost 25 000 on Friday. So I had two big red days back to back. So you know, yesterday and today make back most of that.

and I also lost 10 000 on Monday. So I need one more good day to get myself back to whole. So three red days each day was basically my daily average gain in Boss. So it's gonna take three, you know, decent days to make back those three days, so that that basically creates six days that are just a wash, right? You know, Three days down, three days back forward.

So you know, maybe by the end of this week I'll be sitting almost the same place I was towards the middle of last week before I had those red days. But that's you. know that's the way it goes. That's part of trading.

As you know, I hope trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. and you should assume as a beginner that you will also lose money that my results are not typical. And so with the assumption that you lose money, you should be trading in a simulator before you put real money on the line.

Now, Something that's exciting that's going on right now. and uh, on July 6. Right now, we're doing our summer school program and you're welcome to join it if you'd like for a warrior starter or the Warrior pro course. And on July 6, I'm going to begin a new small account challenge with 2 500 bucks.
So you know my positions today were 25 000 shares. That was sort of an average position 20 25 000 shares. Now under the seven dollar stock, we're talking about 150 000 of capital on the line. I'm gonna be starting over with 2500 bucks so I will have leverage, but I will not have the level of leverage or buying power that I have today.

So in about a week and a half, this new small camp challenge will begin. And I hope that we do have this kind of market because if I can have a couple of days in my first week where I make 100 or 250, the account's going to start growing really quickly. As the account grows, the buying power will also increase based on the leverage and so it'll allow me to build up my my equity, build up my 2500 balance as quickly as I can. So that's coming up soon.

If you'd like to be watching over my shoulder while I'm trading, we'd love to have you part of the classes at Warrior Training, part of the Warrior Pro class. so check them out if you haven't already. Uh, I'll be talking a little bit about my uh, the layouts. I'm going to be using the broker that I'm going to be using the hotkeys.

I'll be using everything else. So all those nitty-gritty questions I will be answering during the small cap challenge so I hope you guys are tuned in for it. That's gonna be coming up real soon and I hope you Enjoyed today's recap. It's a little bit of a shorter one about breaking down the trades on Entx and Moxc.

All right, so I hope you enjoy it. I'll see you guys first thing. All right. So I'm going to do a recap here.

Up uh, on Entx 35 000. up 30 000. On the day I was up 40 000 and then I lost. Uh, about 10 000 on uh.

my last two trades. This candle. What a huge and violent rejection. So uh.

on that trade. Right there I was in it. Um, I had bought. Where was this? Um, I had bought right in here for the break through 40 and I was looking for the squeeze up to 60 What we got right here.

But then I stopped out right here for an 8 000 loss. It dropped down, then it rips back up and I got back in right here and sold for profit. but then added back at 50 for continuation and a one dollar drop dollar a share. So lost another three grand on that.

So you know I? I don't know. this is sometimes you get later into the day and you start getting this choppiness and you overstay your welcome. but you never know. At the same time I was up 40 000 when I took this trade.

Um, sorry this one right here and had it given us that nice quick break of 40. It could have put me up 45, 50, 000 you know? So I don't stop until I start giving back profit. But once I start giving it back then I have to say all right, enough's enough. I want to walk away with money in my pocket.
So finishing about the same as yesterday yesterday was 27 000. Today's 30 000 but 35 000 from Entx, which was our leading gapper, gapped up 60 this morning. It's a 6.3 million share float. It has 76 million shares of volume right now at 10 a.m I'm sure it'll have over 100 million shares by the end of the day.

So very high volume, great liquidity, no problem getting filled with big positions and that was. This was the big one for me, so lots of trades on it. We got a fantastic red to green move here, break a V web into a halt up that gave us this squeeze up to 850. We had some really nice action on it.

Pre-market consolidation in the 650s 60s, then the breakout up to seven. The pre-market high was around 7, 15, or 720. It dipped at the Open, surged up to a high of 740, pulled back pretty hard, down to a low of about 660. and then off that level we got the break back through V-wap and the Curl higher.

So overall, some great opportunities on Entx, but also a tricky one And you know I made money on it, but then gave back 25 of what I made. So uh, I guess that's part of trading, but that was that and then Moxc. I lost 10 000 on this earlier this week and I lost another 5 000 on it today. This stock is going to go to on my no trade list.

I just am not able to trade it. It's just too choppy. So I got in here for the break of 20, stopped out. It comes right back to 20.

I didn't get back in, it, flushed again, Then it came back up broke 20 and then flushed again. So this is just a stock that for whatever reason is extremely choppy and so it's going on the no trade list for me so I won't trade that one again. But the Ntx was was overall good. I don't like seeing that type of big red candle right there.

and I you know I. I would have loved to have finished up 37 or 40 000 today. You know, I I know that I'm still trying to recoup some losses from last week, and you know, and and early this week. But two, you know, twenty seven thousand dollars yesterday, plus thirty thousand today.

You know that that's some great progress. It's almost sixty thousand dollars. Uh, probably will be. You know, fifty fifty something in the last two days after commissions? 52 55 Whatever it is, so that puts a really nice dent into the damage.

From last week I had one thirty seven thousand dollar red day, so I almost had recouped that entire day. just on on today's profits, but not quite so you know I I It's hard to completely separate myself from the shadow of the losses from you know, the previous, um, previous days or weeks. but I'm I'm recouping well and I think if I can have two more decent days this week, I'm gonna finish this week in in really good shape on my P L and I I should be. you know, pretty close to back to square from um from the previous week.
So the thing is, that means if last week you know was, uh, if this week just makes back last week's loss, then it's like the last two weeks are kind of like they're just a wash. You know they don't contribute a lot to this this month's profit. So I have the first week which was good and then I'll have the last week of the month So that unfortunately sometimes how it goes with trading that you have a red day or a red week and then you end up spending a couple weeks recouping those losses. So but in any case, it's great to see that we're having better momentum.

I'm very happy with that. Having the leading gapper not only hold up well, but be The stock that I'm up the most on is exactly what I like. 35 000 of profit on Entx. That is fantastic.

And you know, yes it was forty five thousand dollars of profit. I overstayed my welcome a little bit, but you know I I know when to cut my losses. If I was still holding those positions, you know, those big positions that I had up here, I'd be down 25 000 on it. So all of a sudden I'd have given back more than half of my profit and I'd be thinking about when am I going to go? Am I going to go Red So you have to not get too attached to a position where you let your emotional attachment override the logic of you just need to cut the loss.

It's not emotional, just let it go. You can always get back in. and I I That was the same with Moxc. I cut the loss, lost 5 000 on it, and then two minutes later I made you know 10 000 on this trade right here on Entx.

So just you know, Ruthless just cut the loss, let it go, and then go to something else. The problem for me comes when I have a position both in my retirement account and in my main account. So maybe I have a position in my retirement account for kind of a bigger move and then I'm actively trading in my main account. You know.

So I have sort of two strategies that I'm implementing at the same time, and then a stock goes against me and now I'm like, wait, I'm kind of. I'm in this double size because I'm long twice and now I'm starting to not want to just panic flush, Mark it out of it. But can I manage it? Can I average down and that starts to get into trades where it just becomes more difficult to move quickly. And so that comes with the territory of trying to step up to the plate and take bigger positions and manage two accounts a retirement and a main account at the same time.

So that's a challenge that others may face. But I would say that trying to trade in two accounts is definitely difficult and probably not the best way for most people to approach trading. You know, And look at this, this dropped down to 18 and is now back up at the high, so it keeps tempting you to get back in and then I guarantee you it breaks and then it's going to do another one point flush. so not touching that one.

All right. So anyways, um, so that's my day today. It's only 10 a.m but I'm gonna take the money off the table and live to trade another day. So two back-to-back solid green days, and uh, you know, the market seems hot right now, so I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to have some, uh, good trading here for the rest of the week.
even if this ends up being choppy for the rest of the day. The fact that it gave us such, uh, wonderful opportunities pre-market and at the open, that's more than enough. One stock like this a day up 65 on 100 million shares of volume? That's enough for me. That's all I need now.

a few years ago, this would have been extremely rare, but in this market we're seeing this more and more. So um, yeah. Anyway, so um, so that's it. That's it for me and I'll be back first thing tomorrow morning.

Yes, Small account challenge is starting in July in the Small Account. My approach on this wouldn't have been a lot different in terms of I still would have been you know, probably actively trading it. maybe on the first day, the first day with a small account because it's so important to just get green. I would probably have been very focused on the first entry which was um, for the break right here.

and then that's my entry and then wanting to get a little bit more profit on it. Maybe in selling up in here rather than holding like into the open. So maybe a little bit different on the first few days. But after I've had a couple of green days and I'm starting to build a little bit of a profit cushion, then I'm going to start scaling in and out.

You know, pretty much in the same way as as I do today, maybe slightly less because commissions are a bigger factor, but still quite a bit. So small account will be 2 500 bucks and that'll be um, July 6th that I start all right. So with that, I'll let you guys go have a great rest of the day. Get into those summer school classes.

Jess is going to do a Qa session, so stay tuned for that and I'll see you in the morning. And that right There was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. but do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “+$35k on (nasdaq: entx) | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chinonso obetta says:

    Please sir which timeframe are you using for trading and which are you recommending for beginners

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Opeyemi Akangbe says:

    Which trading platform do you recommend for UK residents? With direct access routing and allows mΔ› to trade with sterling?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maurices levines says:

    DBGI was the train to catch this morning.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Ahmad Abotteen says:

    Hey man, you missed out on TTD. I tried telling you man.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Of Jupiter says:

    Great job as always , follow me if youre into crypto , Im the Ross of Crypto (and my last name means Warrior =)) Cheers

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iJOHNATHON white says:

    So, I understand that no one is held accountable for giving or sharing advice, so my question is should I hold or sell on Entx? I've been holding on to the stock for like 3 months, bought at around $6, so if I sell now I'm pretty much just breaking even. Unfortunately, I wasn't watching yesterday so I missed the rise to $8, but man that would have been sweet. Any advice? Oh, and my trigger is already set in pre-market, but just wanted to know how the weather is feeling for everyone just in case I need to cancel or not.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Ali says:

    Well done my friend. Yesterday, was a great day for me too.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spearsg says:

    Glad to see u got green today Ross! Watching your recap in AH got me curious so I traded it and turned out to be my best trades of the day — thx!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo A says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Burgin says:

    I’m about to open my first account, should I open a margin account before opening a cash account?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KoLDBLooDeD Entertainment says:

    when you do start your small account again and start over would you consider going Live 5 days a week and showing us how to do it please and thank you if you do that would help us a lot please and thank you

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Carmack says:

    Three quick questions: 1) are you in the US, 2) what broker do you use for small size accounts ($1k-$5k)? And 3) what kind of leverage do you get?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Mv3Trader says:

    Just keep do you bro. Your style is what has made you millions where most traders struggle to make $1. Taking a $10k loss and still walking away with $35K is a good day no matter how you look at it. More than many people make in a year.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beto Fernandez says:

    how do you take the trade is that just buying shares?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Warren says:

    How are you day trading a small account without PDT restrictions?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isiah Smith says:

    When he does his morning show. Can you live trade with him as a warrior trader?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHARLIE- 305 says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars godnmyhands says:

    WHY??? …did APOP charts blank out on all platforms in after hours. The
    stock soared abruptly from low of day to high (at $4.94) day high and
    then more abruptly charts went blank. They are now missing the last 1hr
    or more of afterhours.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tito Sirj says:

    Does anyone know how he found ENTX in the first place?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mochi liaoking says:

    Hi Ross, where did you get the hoodie? I like it!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Quarantillo says:

    I have to say these 1 minute reversal candles have to be controlled by the algorithms , its almost seemed they become possessed & too strong to fight…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Trovato says:

    I was in that at $6.60 pre market got out before it went to $8.. I did that with Alf yesterday also in early but out way to early ..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizwan101 says:

    Hey Ross, PLEASE PLEASE, tell me where you got that hoody from. I LOVE IT.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jpsmyth1 says:

    Are you gonna put up a trading plan for the small account challenge?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tampanda says:

    Ross, how does an instant 1$ per share drop happen?? What institutional seller has that kind of power to kick the stock in the balls that hard?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Mack says:

    Where were your entries after open? No clear bull flags that I could see?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tampanda says:

    Why not another 600$ small account challenge? Also, will you be subject to the PDT rule?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 07lkt says:

    The float of ENTX is 16 Million +, wonder why on your software it shows up at 6 Million, doesn't make sense

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDarckwar says:

    Hey Ross which broker are you going to use for the $500 account challenge this time around?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. E says:

    Does anybody recommend Warrior Pro? I got money for one trading program only

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live free and wise says:

    False breakouts will only kill you if you take way too much size. If a false breakout occurs, you can average down at the bottom of the falsely broken out candle because theres usually a small bounce after a false break out At the bottom of the candle. You can get out during that small bounce at break even or even a little bit of profit.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 72311A says:

    You need a Balmain Cactus zip hoodie πŸ˜‰ Then you will make 70k a day! or more….

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Schellhammer says:

    Yea man please bring back the live trading πŸ™

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bto says:

    Nasty false break out you’re talking about also killed my day trade today. Can you explain why those nasty drops happen? Thank you Ross.

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