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2.Β Frustrated by the PDT rule? ❌🚫 I know I am! Check out this link to read about how Day Traders with Less than $25k can trade πŸ†πŸ₯‡ -
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4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil πŸ’΅ πŸ’° in trading profits πŸ‘€ - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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7. How many monitors is too many monitors?Β  Check out this video here on setting up your first day trading station πŸŽ™πŸŽ›βŒ¨οΈπŸ•ΉπŸ–₯πŸ–₯πŸ–₯πŸ“  -
#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so finishing the day here Friday with another green day. So this is good. I you know it was red, Thursday, Friday, and Monday. so three red days in a row, but cleared the slate there with green the rest of the week.

I know at this point after today, I have made back the losses from Um from the end of last week and earlier this week. So so that's good. Today I got myself up twenty five thousand, Twenty eight thousand, Thirty two, Thirty five Thirty six, Forty forty four thousand and one trade back to up 28 000. Okay, back sixteen thousand in one trade.

So that was my cue to hit the hit the uh, I don't know exit and um, get out of here. So yeah, that was it. Um, I traded right up until that loss and and then that was my cue to get out. So we'll break it down today.

Overall a great day. I overstayed my welcome a little bit as usual. would have much preferred to be up 44 000 today. That would have been awesome, but hey, 28 000 is still a fantastic day.

And like I've said several days this week I keep trading until I start giving back profit. So today when I was up 25 000, I could have stopped right there. but I kept going. I got myself up 35 45 and if that last trade worked, I would have been up 55, maybe 60..

it didn't, It did. It was a bigger loss than I was expecting. but you know? So the last 30 minutes or 25 minutes of trading, whatever. Uh, didn't actually end up giving me anything.

It gave me something that I'm back. So it's kind of like trading on house money. In a way. It's I had the opportunity to turn it into a 50 60 000 day.

It didn't work, but I'm still walking away with money in my pocket. So, life is good and I'll be back at first thing on Monday morning as a reminder in case you didn't already know, day trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. you should assume as a beginner trader, you will also lose money.

With that assumption in mind, trade in the simulator before you put real money on the line. My results are not typical. With that said, Uh, next month on July 6, I will be starting a new small account challenge. So next month's gonna be a little bit different.

Uh, this month. Right now. After today, I think I'm gonna be up about 260 thousand to 265 000 in gross profit, which is very good. Very, very good.

But starting next month I'm going to be trading in a 2500 account. I'm gonna do a small account challenge so there's no way in that account that I'm going to produce that kind of month. It's just it's not. It's not realistic.

For the way I trade it would be. it would be impossible I think at this point. Um, I don't want to say impossible, but but pretty darn close to it possible. Uh, However, my goal is to do one to two trades a day in my small account and then once I've locked up a little bit of profit or taking a small loss, whatever it is, put that account aside for the rest of the day and then I'll trade in my main account until I'm done trading for the day, until there's no more opportunities and we'll see how that works.
That's going to be a little different because the trades that normally would be building my cushion, um, will be in a different account so I'll kind of be like trading and then almost starting over at, you know, 9, 45 or whatever it might be. We'll see how it works anyway. So that's the plan. Coming up July 6th, If you are not already part of our summer school program, we would love to have you check it out.

There's some links down in the description. You can come over to and check out the summer school specials and hopefully we'll see you in the classes and you can watch over my shoulder starting in July for the new small Count challenge. All right. Hope you guys have a great weekend.

I'll see you on Monday. Alright, see you then. All right. so finishing the morning up 28 000.

good. Uh, but I was up 44 000 and I just lost 16 grand in one trade on that drop right there. I bought the dip with 10 000 shares, right through here for the curl back through 19. So I was in it.

uh, 18 60s and it dropped to 17. Boom. Just gone and so I just gave back some profit. Now I'm still green on Iknx, but I was up 28 000 on it or 25 000 something like that, 26 000..

I had some nice trades, uh, pre-market We had this nice consolidation here into a breakout. Got a nice trade on that? I thought that was awesome. Pulled back, dipped down and then we got that trade there and I made some money on it and then went back in for that dip and then that's where I. That's where I got smoked.

Alf for me has been pretty good today. I am up 21 000 on this one. Nice pullbacks here here and here. Very clean five minute setup.

right through here. It's breaking through the daily high of 16.45 So this is. This is a nice looking chart for sure. It's a recent ipo going through its all-time highs.

There was some news that the company's doing a share buyback, which is, uh, which is cool and that reduces maybe concern about secondary offerings or something like that. So I did well on this, but I'm kind of bummed out. I was just up 44 000. Um, five minutes ago and then in one trade gave back, you know, nearly half my profit.

And so I have that urge right now to try to keep trading to try to get myself back to up 35 or 40. And so you know I'm looking at Alf and this is the one that would be the most obvious to try. Do that on, but it's getting a little later in the morning. it's 10 a.m You know the the cleaner momentum is usually earlier, it starts getting choppy later.

and this has a red candle here. I mean it just. and there's a flush. I mean, it just doesn't feel like the right time.

And and so at certain point the right decision is just to say you know what, Twenty eight thousand dollars is still a fantastic day. Let's just take it off the table, you know? So I, I, um, let's see, I'll put up my stats here. I'm not going to look at some of them because I don't really want to see some of the numbers, but I'll show them for you and I'll just try not to look at them. So this is my month of uh, June right here.
So you know I had three red days, one two three and then I had three green days and today makes the fourth green day. So in these four days I think at this point I have now recouped just about what everything I lost on those red days. Almost positive I have. So if we look at um, let's see, I can go to detailed and then I'll just do the month of June right here when lost expectations.

So this will show you right here and I don't I'm not even looking at it, but that shows you. You know kind of basically what my draw down was. It shows you where I'm at on my P L. I.

I just don't want to look at it because I don't want to get fixated on kind of how much I need to make or this or that. I just kind of want to not not think about it. It's just, it's not really important to be honest. big picture.

It's not important and I just covered the 25 shares of Iknx that I had short by accident. So close that up. So anyways, um so this is where I sit on the month of of June. It's uh, a drawdown.

Scott is how much I have lost. Basically so the the loss, um versus my highs. So you know if I make 100 thousand then lose ten thousand. I have a ten thousand dollar draw down.

So you know this week has kind of been digging myself out of the hole from Thursday and Friday of last week and Monday of this week. Uh, which you know I've I've done now I guess. So I'm after today, I'll I'll be back and square. You know, after those losses today could have you know, put me way up versus those three days.

But um, you know it is what it is. I I flew too close to the sun, I was a little too aggressive and that's that's classic. That's how I trade ultimately, so that that's just how it always is. I wouldn't have been up 44 000 if I hadn't gotten aggressive trading alf even though I was already up 25 000 or 28 000.

you know, I was already up really nicely before Alf came along. I could have just said, nah, it's not worth it. No, I got aggressive on it and that gave me twenty one thousand dollars in profit. put me up forty four thousand.

I got aggressive on Iknx. You know that could have also squeezed on this dip right through 19 up to 1950 and hauled up at 1978 and boom, I'm up 55 000. 65 000. So it's you know, Just it's easy, come easy.

Go. That's part of trading. so you got to just let the losses go. I cut the losses.

I don't want to get attached to them, I don't want to be a bag holder. I just let them go. And I live to trade another day. And I want to be very careful not to get myself, kind, of, um, fixated or like, obsessed about trying to make back a loss, because that can get myself into sort of this downward spiral where I get more and more frustrated.
So as I sit right now on the year, um, you know we've had a couple of nice months: January, February, March obviously were really good. April for me, not so great, May better June better. Could have been a little better if I didn't have those three red days, but um, but that's okay. You know June's better and we still have how many days left in the month? We've got three days left in the month and then we're going to go into July.

Now July is going to be a little bit different because I'm going to be doing a small account challenge on the side, so that's gonna take some focus away from my kind of main accounts, but I will trade a little bit in the main accounts. as I talked about yesterday, some stocks possibly like something like Iknx I might say, you know this is too expensive for my small account or it's too risky This trade, by the way I said I was like this is a very risky trade. I'm gonna do it, but it's a risky trade so that was. I was very clear that I knew that that was risky, but I thought that the reward was there.

So in any case, July might be a little slower in my P L than June, but who knows. I mean it just depends on what the market gives us. Realistically, if we get, you know, one of these stocks that just goes totally crazy in one day I can practically hit my monthly goal. So you know I'm I'm kind of not not super worried about it if I don't trade as much.

But as long as I hit the good good stocks when they when they come along, I'll try to be, uh, try to be aggressive. So yeah, Small Account Challenge Starting July 6. So in about a week, a little over a week, so that's coming up. Um, which is going to be fun and hopefully I can.

Hopefully we can get some decent momentum so I can get myself off to a good start. Those first few days of a small Count challenge are the most important. and then you know, once I'm kind of once, I've built a little bit of a cushion, then it's sort of smoother sailing from there. so it's building that cushion all right.

So anyways, um, let's see. So we had iknx bunch of trades on that one alf bunch of trades on that one and Grvi. uh Grvi. I got red on.

I tried to buy it and I coming out of this halt up to nine, hit a high of 940 but just didn't hold and I ended up losing 2100 bucks on that. so came all the way back down. But that yellow ascending support line has been very valid. So drawing these lines, knowing how to draw them, Where to draw them.

That carries us from yesterday all the way into today. So some interesting stuff and yeah, you know, alf, who knows. Maybe it does keep going. Maybe there's traders out there that even though it's Friday and whatever, they are very still active and you do see follow through.
but you've got three Dojis in a row right now. three topping tails. It's having a hard time holding up there so I think it's for me the writing's on the wall after that big loss to just be grateful that I'm green and not overstay my welcome. So that's that's the game plan.

Grateful to be Green and I'll be back. Um, I'll be back on Monday so I hope you guys have a great weekend rest up, study up and I'll see you on Monday. And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content.

but do me a favor. please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “+$28k on (nasdaq: alf & iknx) | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Lewis says:

    Hey Ross, you use a Lanovo laptop which is a PC. Can I use a Mac to trade with CMEG and Lightspeed?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akeem Lavinier says:

    Do you still recommend CMEG as an offshore broker

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amir Khan says:

    My advise, Ross @Warrior Trading is "V.V.V." risky as you need to be correct most of time risk & reward both are high like a Casino so stick in Mid/Large CAP stocks instead go for these Small CAP's if you have less appetite for risk small start and make your way up its not a get rick quick scheme like Ross portrays it $29K, $38K $20K for those you need 300-400K in your account + you need to trade 30K volumes which is not possible for most so BE A RESPONSIBLE TRADER … rest enjoy the ride thanks!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KL 55 says:

    Send a save to Brazil, I'll follow you directly, hugs.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Ali says:

    Great to see you happy and green. Was a great day also for me.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LowKeyBeams says:

    Don't look at it but it's definitely not as bad as you made it sound. Some would say it's good or great

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Ray says:

    Nicely done after fighting red days. Cant wait for your small account challenge, those always show what is possible with the right training.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Franca says:

    ALF went to $21 almost. Tough.. Why didn't you trade SPCE though? It seemed like an easy trade yesterday.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julio Dominguez says:

    You should disclose how much you trade to get a profit of 28k.. not an expert on this but Im sure you trade 200k more or less to get this amount…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Seo says:

    I keep seeing a recurring theme with your losses where the stop loss kicks you out but then the stock rips later the same day, sometimes just minutes later, on IKNX, it ripped about 1 hour after your stop loss.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dharam GongYogi says:

    Ross, will the July small account challenge involve Premarket Trading?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tc Linn says:

    Nice score bro! You’re snacking up to the next level

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Vicente says:

    I’m so happy ☺️ I have been earning $18,000 returns from my $6,000 Investment every 13 days.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Penny Trader says:

    Hi Ross , love your trend trading style . Curious about if you are willing to share percent wins as your numbers are big definitely due to a larger trading account . There’s no way for small accounts to assess the progress as for a small account of 2000 .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FIRSTIN FIREFIGHTER says:

    I’m down almost 40k trading with Ross. But it’s my own fault! I will be getting back in for the small account challenge

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ye nah says:

    Do you own any stocks long term or are you just day trading

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHARLIE- 305 says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    Ross I can't wait for your small account challenge. Keep ER Green

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kade Wise says:

    Are you still doing watchlist streams in the morning?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Trovato says:

    I didn’t have access to simulator.. I traded 1 share instead .. I would trade 1 stock =100 stocks.. in the end the trades end up being between 1 and 12 shares. obviously wouldn’t make much or lose much, sometimes as little as 10 cents plus or minus .. but it was a good alternative to a simulator

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy MacLeod says:

    Made over $700 on IKNX and then couldn’t stop trading and gave it all back, plus yesterday’s profit too. Frustrated.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Pio says:

    After all those facebook friend requests you really dont want to be my friend . I hope you make so much money you have to pay taxes on it untill you are 100 , have a good wknd

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Liles says:

    Do you trade mostly at a certain time of day? It looks like pre-market mostly.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonas says:

    Good Work I also made big Profit (about $200k) today

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peruface says:

    road iknx for 7 pts lol while i was grocery shopping

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev Ngu says:

    Man this guys he’s up everyday. Does he show his pro folio?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Voigts says:

    Ugh, I was up and down in forex this week. My spreadsheet says I'm still up, but I still haven't broken out with consistent, repeatable results. I know I'm getting there, but I wish I would hurry up. Looks like Ross had 2 or 3 so so days and finished up strong. I'll have to come back to small caps momo at some point with some new strategies I've learned. Looking at these charts, geez… definitely more upside there from my new perspective and the trades resolve more quickly too. Is it Monday yet?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Webster says:

    Ross I've followed you for 8 years. I'm down 30k overall. Wanna help me out since it's so easy for you, and I've struggled, even watching you all the time? πŸ™‚

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hiram Collazo says:

    Cameron, what time do you go live stream
    so I can follow you

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Falzarano says:

    anyone know what broker he's going to be using for his small account?

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