It's been a good trading week! Bryce is working on sticking to his plan to size down, be more selective, and keep his emotions in check. Discipline is key in staying consistent. Catch Bryce's end of the week recap and check out these charts: $EFTR, $VYGR, $AEHR, $DATS, and $CEI.
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Keep it going one more happy friday, steady trade treats listeners um. I don't really know why i'm dressed like this, but it's cocktail friday. I just kind of feel a little spunky. You know i traded well this week.

I traded really well this week super happy with how i traded, i feel like super alive right now very rested up and again cocktail friday. The winner was the long island iced tea, yeah yeah andrew you said this is your first long island iced tea. Tell the tell the viewers how you like it yeah, it's really good. I never had one before and uh.

Just you know: tastes like i'm tea, a little deafy, definitely a little strong, but we're also going to take a uh little drink of tequila, some don julio. My personal favorite finishing off the bottle there we go got ta, get that ready, yeah guys. So obviously it's friday we'll do a little weekend. Recap um! As you guys know.

Sorry, i'm like losing my voice a little bit, but, as you guys know, my goal going into this month was to really size down, be a lot more selective with my trades, and i did just that like this week, my largest loss, i think, was 700 and My average loser in september was like 900. um, so i'm really really stoked that i stuck to sizing down my average loser. I think 250 dollars and i'm up 10 no 11k this week now so, like really stoked, i mean it's. Obviously it's very, very small.

Sliver of the drawdown that i went through in september, but it's gaining that consistency back gaining that confidence back, i'm using basically a quarter the size i was using last month and i mean almost 10 of the size i was using back in like july. So it's really just about sizing down. I'm trying to keep. You know, keep the good habits going, staying really selective until the market comes back and i've got no problem, um going back up to like that, one to two thousand dollar risk level or risk capital risk.

When the time is right, but this has been a really good way for me to force myself to become disciplined, learn a little bit about myself, learn how to control my emotions and yeah, really really cool good end of the week today. Uh, specifically, i ended up about, i think twenty nine hundred called three thousand dollars um had a couple good trades, but again very selective. That was the key today um, the first one i took was actually eftr right here. Let me get this chart a little bit.

Bigger for you, so we had this really weird gap up um after hours yesterday and then even pre-market this morning, and it was really beaten down off those highs. But when something like this happens, that tells me this has a lot of potential range uh. It could sure it could have made it all the way up to 18, but i knew that there was potential range, so when the bidders were there when that pattern lined up, even though we opened really far into view off, which i normally don't like took the Entry right here off of this higher low off of this trend break got the cells up into the 1390s kept popping, but then instant, instant, dump, candle right here, um, which basically ended up just probably being short, sellers attacking near vwop view op fail again. This is more or less sort of like a gap in crap um, probably a pretty easy short up into the op, and i alerted that in small cap rockets like this probably is going to struggle at or right over under v wap, which is why, if we Get a quick swipe up, i will be selling did just that.
We had a ton of volume that came in too. I mean a lot of volume, 250 000 shares but again faded off the rest of the day. So that's a nice easy scalp for about a thousand dollars and then vygr, which wow that closed the day above five, that's pretty crazy um. I took this part of the move right here.

This entire thing, um, let's zoom in on this one as well. Basically, this ended up being a third day surge pattern. We've talked, i think we talked about this particular stock a day or two ago, and i got in right here at this curl near high a day with 5 000 shares at a 3.85 average. I was really proud if you check my twitter, i sold 69 shares at 420.

I did it for the meme. I did it for the culture um, but most of my shares. I took off - probably oh 1500 here at 410, the rest off at like 4 28 and up through 4 30., so that was like a nice. I think i think i locked in about 1900 on that chopped around for the rest of the day.

I took a couple small losses: um can't remember exactly on what their my biggest loss today was like 200. I think i took two of them and then i made uh money on aehr here, which ended up just being a really beautiful, 52. Well, actually, all-time high breakout, um right through here held the breakout all day, and so this is really an interesting one. I actually kind of want to go into this chart a little bit more.

Basically, what all this was was you know your typical low float pump gap up, but then it held it consolidated and when it got interesting, was right here where it actually had a here, and no maybe this it was here, and here both of these were earnings. Winners, um from well from their earnings and what's interesting about that, is small caps. Normally don't do that low floats small cap stocks now, of course, is a much higher market cap. It's moving its way into a mid cap.

They normally don't do that. They normally don't have back-to-back earnings winners, so my thesis is that shorts are probably stuck from here and up into this grind um and now they are getting really really uncomfortable, so i'll go into intraday trade really quick, basically we're just hovering around v-bop all day. I actually bought this break right here, risking 18 and i got cells off into this. 1960.

Push ended up going to 1990.. I didn't think it'd have the juice to go through 20 today, but i guess i ended up being right, but it was a nice trade, regardless um, pretty nice and easy single. In my opinion, this is one of those easier ones being a slower grinder, but again going back to that kind of daily chart thesis right where it's an earnings winner, it's kind of becoming a more legitimate company. This reminds me a lot of here from 2018, where, where is this? Oh, let's try like five years from h-e-a-r 2018, where the same exact thing happened.
We had this earnings winner shorts got trapped in this pop and then it consolidated consolidated grind up. Then it started kind of going parabolic with volume now and that i remember that, because i remember a lot a lot of short sellers blowing up on this particular trade, because it was that mindset where all you got to do is add: it's not going to go Any higher it can't go any higher ahr can't go any higher, it's already super overextended, but if it's like a legitimate company, anything is possible and you have to remember shorts. It would not surprise me to see big money shorts stuck from here that are stubborn, but have money to um to not get margin called out or to add, or whatever like and even here on this push on this push. Any of these would not surprise me if something comes down a few months and like shorts, blew up on aehr and if that's the case, we probably will see a bit of continuation going into the next few weeks.

This could be one of those trades that ends up having a lot of range and offering very consistent easy to read, plays every day, so that's kind of what i'm hoping for, and then i've got two more charts. Let's talk about quick, again kind of some market action today after i take a sip of my tequila after i have a shot or drinking my long island, this stuff's good andrew have a sip with me: cheers cheers to friday, thank god, it's friday, tgif! Ah, it's some good stuff. I was really hoping. My goal was for roland to be in here today because matt's spending time with his family, so hoping roland would be in and because him and i are going to see george strait tonight - but i figured he could talk about his by gr train - we'll go over.

That one that chart again he's actually been in this since monday and he's got 10 000 shares from a 380 average, and last i had talked to him - was right around here um. He called me in the middle of the day i was like. If he sold me, he was no nope. I bet you sold into this pop, or at least took some off this.

This might be like a 20k trade for roland. So can we get a round of applause, it's it's between 10 and 20k. So far, he didn't lock it in um, great trade by roland, let's go to dad's continuation. Yesterday, yesterday was the first green day a failed first green day and today, just kind of ripped out of nowhere despite cei the bed um, which a whole other, i mean it's bag holders, probably hopefully back holders got out of this today, um because there's a really Nice pop to get out into you're, probably just about break even right, even if i know a lot, i saw a lot of people on twitter saying how they added down in this dip area and if your average was up here, you're probably break even right here.
Hopefully you got out for a small loss, i guess anything's possible. It could break out again but highly doubtful. I've never seen a chart like this break out again, but i've also. Never i've never seen a dilutive company get pumped from 33 cents to 485..

You know. Well, i i shouldn't say: have never hmny um was the other one. I can't remember the other one uh dries. Those are massive pumps, but this is much more liquid than those everywhere.

So we'll see um and again, that's really nice continuation. What i'm going to be looking for now, if i there's nothing here yet it's going to consolidate for a while. I don't think it'll just go straight up to the breakout. I mean.

Even last time i was breaking out. It was grind up, grind up, grind up! Grind up grind up and then finally parabolic. So if it's going to be a play, it's going to have a bit of proving itself to do it's going to have to hold up for a while, but i'd love to see this become a play: death, cei, pult, grom. All that same all those same kinds of stocks, those are what i'm looking for consolidation now even cei.

I suppose um needs to consolidate above lows and then have a really bullish indicator. Maybe continued pumping on twitter um shorts stuck, i don't see any shorts stuck just yet, though so yeah, that's kind of my thoughts on everything, i'm just really more than anything. I'm really happy with how i traded today or this week, really looking to keep that going through the rest of october. I know i'm not gon na make back my drawdown tomorrow, uh next week, probably not even this month, if i'm trading the way it should be.

I should not make it back this month unless the market goes crazy, allows me to size up for now it's about getting that consistency back and just slowly chipping away at it, for when the market gets a lot hotter i'll. I've got no issue sizing back up. So that being said, cheers to friday cheers friday, one more cheers: andrew double fisting. Ah, everyone cheers to friday um.

I think that's about all i got for today. I'm sure we're running kind of long again that weekend recap at weekend not the weekend. The end of the week recap: i want to just kind of give you guys some those eyes to some bigger picture ideas to what i'm looking on uh looking for potentially going into next week, or maybe even the next few weeks, so hopefully you're able to kind Of break down some of those charts understand what i'm saying there and yeah you guys know the drill like comment subscribe, andrew. What's our subscriber goal, how close are we do you have any like kind of a rough number, yeah we're uh we're almost to 90, 000.

whoa, so we're our goal is 100 000 by the uh by the end of this year. So we're almost there man yeah and thank you guys so much like. I see your comments down on the show like i know a lot of you appreciate this, and it really means a lot like we're trying to do our best and thank you guys for supporting cocktail friday. You know the drill next wednesday.
We will have that um poll out to to start kind of getting ready for those drinks. I think it's actually just going to be matt here on next friday, though so we'll we'll make sure to um i'm doing the same thing he's with his family. Today, i'm going to go back to uh new york to visit my family next friday. So, let's, let's the long islands are kind of strong.

So let's give him something strong too, but that's not until wednesday. Guys, like we said, like comment subscribe. Thank you so much for watching i'll, see you back here, not monday, because it's columbus day but tuesday happy friday. Let's get after it.

We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community. We wouldn't be here without you guys, be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to get 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Small cap recap: +$2.9k | selective trading and staying disciplined”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Carver says:

    Thanks for the insight and for taking the time to explain what you are looking at / for and why you make your trades. Thank you for being transparent.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnathan Dozer says:

    We'll actually see you on Monday brother😎.. Unless this is now a bonds trading channel? Lol much love fellas

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars its BUSEY says:

    Pretty sure stock market is open monday, E*TRADE says bond market is closed but stock and options makret is open

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Bournival says:

    You look like such a douche. It's great 👍

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donte Crawford says:

    Clase' Azul reposado over the 1942 Don Julio reposado all day every day! Did a side by side taste test and the Julio doesn't even come close. Try it out for yourself Bryce and let me know what you think. Great recap and very good trading dicipline. Cheers to you Matt and Andrew.✌🏾🥃🥃🍹🍹

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE GAME FIGHTER says:

    Joint this if you want to be a clown like this boy. 1 year ago he was just one of the traders. Now hes intertaining clown.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic says:

    Played DATS, small account grind, green 3%. Sold way too early. Green is good! Was watching EFTR, VYGR, CEI, GROM, and AHER.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Cameron says:

    I can’t trade over 10 mil floats to save my life my only 2 losses came from cei and adtx. Luckily I nailed PALT over and over

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    The stock markets are open Monday. 🚀😀 The bond markets are closed though.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravi says:

    Love what you're doing Bryce, I know the size you have is different to a lot of us here but the lessons you provide are the most important thing. Thanks again.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Militello says:

    Curious, do you guys short ever? been watching videos when I can havent seen a lot of shorting. just curious if you can talk about why dont short a lot if thats the strategy or if I just missed it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Militello says:

    I mean after a great week of trading nothing like a nice glass of MaCallan scotch.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    Nice get up, the bling is strong with this one! Haha 😃

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonoran Good Karma Cafe says:

    Hey brother, mixing that alcohol, whew! Could be a big time hang over in the making…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Putnam says:

    vygr what a surprise actual good phase 2b news

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Onate says:

    Bro you are fuckin hilarious haha love these recaps

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grigor simonyan says:

    Good afternoon Bryce. I am one your subscriber & learning to trade currently. I noticed you always talk about I entered here there, but never talk why exactly you took that position. I recommend if that is not secret please explain every time why you took that trade in details, so we also learn not only get excited & don't know what to do. Hope you will follow my advice, which you better trades & lot of profits. Thanks

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StackThatMoola says:

    Bro my GF asked me if this is the Pimp Stock Pumper – of course I said yes that's him

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShariB says:

    Thanks for your recaps – I learn alot from them. I had my first green week! I've been trading for 10 weeks and using super small size so I don't blow up my account.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian M. says:

    Sizing down is very smart. You should not drink cool-aid on the job.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BLACK SHADOW says:

    You're a crazy … Love this show I really enjoit and learn from you guys!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Jr. says:

    Keep up the great work CHEERS
    Have a great weekend & enjoy the concert tonight

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maurice419 says:

    Oh it's going to hit you hard! Good luck!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Smith says:

    Hahaha chasing tequila with a Long Island… I like your style!

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