As a trader, you’ve probably heard of stock pumps. But how well do you understand them? It’s essential to know what they are and how to spot them. Tim Bohen covers the front and back sides of stock pumps. Watch and learn why promoted stocks can offer traders opportunity.
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It’s crucial to know how to recognize and trade promoted stocks. You must be able to recognize when the momentum has shifted and when it's time to move on.
As an example, Bohen utilizes one of the best Twitter pumps we’ve seen in years, Camber Energy Inc (NYSE: CEI).
Activity started in late August, early September. There wasn’t much volume prior, but it started building and breaking key levels.
When this starts happening, these are always potential longs — particularly a dip and rip or afternoon VWAP hold. But these speculative plays are risky. NEVER hold overnight.
When trading, you need a plan. Remember to focus on those key levels and exit the second your plan breaks. There’s plenty of opportunity on the front side if you’re agile, trading in and out.
If you don’t have experience trading these stocks, it’s OK. Start with learning how to recognize them.
What should immediately alert you that this is likely a pump? How do you know when the run’s over? There are signals you need to recognize.
Tune in as Bohen explains the red flags. 🚩 Learn to spot when the momentum has shifted.

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You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

All right welcome back everyone. Today we're going to be talking about something that I think is very important.. It's kind of a public service announcement., So we're going to talk, pump the belts and we're going to talk about the front side versus the back side and understanding the gloriousness of pumps, but understanding what they are. All right.

Everyone leaked training with stocks and trade Tim Bowen back with you, today., Be sure to like share subscribe and ring that bell. If you're on YouTube. We'd love to get the information out, there. All right..

Today's the day. Today's the day that one of the most glorious Twitter pumps in quite some time, geez, maybe maybe years I would say., Probably the best Twitter pump in years - CEI Camber Energy Inc.. You may be familiar with this stock. And today we're going to talk about how to recognize and then also how to trade these, so that you can.

Obviously the goal is to make money, but you need to recognize when the momentum has shifted and when it's time to move on. Okay. So let's talk about CEI. What it is, what happened here., So this stock started out late August with the in the 30 cents..

You know 33 cents stock see it was a low. And you know we started seeing some activity back on September or yeah September 1st.. You can see the building volume. Notice before that really no volume, but you can start seeing that building volume and it starts breaking over key levels..

50 cents would have been that first kind of key. And if you remember back on pre-market prep, I was talking about this stock and numerous times I called this, the worst stock in the world.. I called it a Twitter pump but you'll know pretty much every day. We talked about this thing on the run-up..

Now, what you need to recognize is when these are breaking key levels, when the volume is building et. cetera. These are always potential longs, particularly on that dip and rip, and that afternoon VWAP hold., Which are those chart patterns. I talk about there in the ebook go below you can get the ebook and but they're, never ever ever overnights.

And they're, never ever the kind of trade you can walk away. From. Now understand that understand what a pump is understand. What happens when the music stops.? I mean look at the stock., It gapped down all the way to a dollar..

I mean at the low point from $ 3 to a dollar. You know it's bounced back to a buck 40, but it's keeps halting.. I mean it's almost impossible to get out on these days but understand what they are, and you know this is a American stock exchange got stock, which we often refer to as the scam X. You hear me say that I'm pre-market, prep and the stock has been Pumped in the past - and you might say, `` well, how do I know that You know Tim you've been doing this for 15 years, you've seen CEI, you have the benefit of experience.''.

Well, that's great.! Now one thing I try and do with these videos as much as possible. The number one thing I do in the SteadyTrade team is share. That experience. I mean that's, why I do these webinars.
That's why I work in the mentorship program check out the SteadyTrade team below two webinars. Actually, two webinars a day. Yesterday I did four webinars because I had a flight last week.. But that being said, if you don't have that experience, you can look, and you can recognize what's happening with these by simply the fact that I mean the stock was basically up every day for two weeks until until September, 16th.

Barely had any perceptible green red days.. I mean actually the first. What I would call real red day would be September 22nd.. You can see several of these dogie candles here, but I don't even consider those as the pullback, because you've still got higher lows.

So understand that idea. Look at each one of those daily candles. Yeah. We got a couple of dogies in there, but they're closing all the way at a higher low until September.

20Th., Sorry, I said the 22nd that's the first day where you actually get a lower low versus a higher high., And if you don't understand technical analysis, definitely check out the archive check out the It's an entire six video course. Where I talk about day trading., We talk about a lot of these key levels, but you know so there for two or three weeks, you've got that gradual uptrend in an American stock exchange stock, with various very, very, very dubious news.. That should alert you right off.

The bat that there's a high likelihood that this is a pump, and you should only be in and out when key levels - break., Whether that be 50 cents or a dollar or a dollar 50 or $ 2. Those whole dollar half dollar breaks., And it should never ever ever, be an overnight hold and once you once your plan breaks, you need to exit., So you can look at other areas. You know again when it broke two. Look at that day September, 24th.

Big green day, gaps up the next day, gaps up the next day, gaps up the next day goes all the way to 4.85.. I mean there are so much opportunity on that front: side. If you're, agile and you're trading in and out. Now, first red day comes on September 30th.

That tells you that there's an extremely high likelihood that this is over. Okay And then to me the death nail. Would have been last Friday. So last Friday, October, 1st, okay, And why do I say: that's the death nail Again.

You had the first red day, followed by a big gap down and a fail to squeeze on a Friday, okay, Any type of pump and dump that can't make a move on a Friday after exploding to the upside. It's over. Okay, I mean, and if you're holding through that and then maybe you held CEI and if you did listen, learn from this video.. But you got to recognize these signals.

First red day. That's one of the biggest things that short sellers look forward to hammer. Then an inability to make it to a move on a Friday in a wild market red flag number two: okay Closes on the low the day on a Friday red flag, number three., Lower lows. As we discussed, I mean again even on this first red day.
It's still at a higher low, so you've got lower lows.. I mean you've got four five indicators that the momentum has shifted. And listen. Maybe you bought at four.

Maybe you bought at 4.85, but you've got to you've got signals telling you to get out at 4. 3.85. 3.50.. You have time to get out of this thing before you get wrecked..

You know two days later, when the short seller report comes out, hat tip to Kerrisdale capital by the way.. I know I pick on short seller reports, a lot on pre-market prep, but Kerrisdale they're doing the good work. I mean they. They actually do good due diligence..

It's not one of these weirdos., The ones I mock on Twitter or like these guys on Twitter. That are, like you know, alien from Mars, research., It's like what And they have some weird avatar and they got they. Don't even you don't even know who they are.. I mean.

Kerrisdale has a track record. Kerrisdale has a web page. You can actually go to they. Actually have their faces on their webpage., You actually know they're real people yeah.

There is a big difference between that and some weirdo on Twitter.. That being said, you should have been out way before the end of the pump way before the short seller report, because you recognize the shift in momentum. And again maybe you took that loss.. Maybe you were the guy or the gal that bought at 4.85., But if you're out at four or you're out at 3.50 or you're out at 3.09, today's close., At least you survived., If you held through today I mean tomorrow, is probably going to be worse.

Heck. Actually drop me a comment below Where is CEI at the day, you're watching this video, Depending on when you're watching this video. It would not shock me one bit to see this thing back to 30 cents, I mean., And so, if that that's the biggest point of this video. Trade pumps through key levels, building volume higher highs higher lows, you know look for all of these.

You know the dip and rips the VWAP holds the breaks of previous days. Highs. Look for all these patterns, but the biggest thing is: don't overstay., You got a nice little profit just take your profits. If it pulls back if they hit your stop.

Stick to your stop. Okay, That's the biggest thing people say: ``, oh I'll, just go along for the ride ,'', but then they break their stock.. If you're breaking your plan, it's going to get worse and never ever ever hold these pump numbers overnight.. I think that is a that, maybe might be one of the biggest mistakes that people make.

Is they say ``? Oh, it's a pump.. It's going to keep going ,'', but if you hold them overnight it just there's so many bad things that can happen. Financing short seller reports. Investigations., I mean it's all bad when you hold these things overnight..
So that being said, my friends next pump there'll be a one.. There'll, always be a pump.. There has been pump and dumps from the beginning of time and they'll always exist., And they create some of the best opportunities on the front side. If you know to look for green days in a row, you look for the patterns, the building volume, all these things., But then, if you could protect your profits, because that's the thing, let's say you nailed this thing at one and you sold at four something ridiculous.

Like that., It doesn't do you any good if you give it all back when it drops back down to 1.50, okay, Protect your profits, be agile, have a plan and stick to it., Whether that be your goal or your stop and then follow all the other things. I talked about. Recognizing first red day, lower lows, don't hold through any of these short seller, reports., Legitimate shorts seller, reports. And, as always stay safe.

My friends. It bums me out. You know I hate to see people that true believe these stocks., I mean here's. Another rule for you.

This video has been full of rules., Never believe in a 30 cents stock. Okay, I mean that might be the that might be the that, maybe should be the title of this video. Never ever believe and invest in a 30 cent stock. Okay, And if you can't do that, this is another topic I talk about on pre-market, prep every day, 8:30 Eastern., You know I'll, be like if you can't disconnect don't trade stocks like CEI.

Okay, Stick to the Apples, stick to the Amazons, stick to the real companies. The good companies in the world., Because if you find yourself consistently getting married to these ideas and that happens okay Once you got money once you got skin in the game, I know a lot of people fall for that.. So if you can't day, trade and day trading is recognizing price action., You know day trading is my. As my boy Tim Grittani says: `` No trading, the ticker'' okay.

If you can't disconnect from the ideas - and you can't realize that that every 30 cent stock every 30 cent stock, don't believe the hype, every 30 cent stock is a pump., Any 30 cent stock that goes from 30 cents to a dollar to $ 2 or $ 3 is manipulated in some way. Recognize that and the world is your oyster.. If you can't do that, if you can't disconnect your money from your ideas from your trade ideas, hey there's plenty of opportunity out there. Buy some Apple.

Okay Buy some Google buy some Facebook.. There's a million well, not a million, but there are many. Many many buy some Tesla. Great growth companies out there..

So all right. Everyone have a great day. And, as always, check out the SteadyTrade team and we'll see you next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “An easier way to find and trade a promoted stock”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ethan efraimov says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Osiobe says:

    great video lesson.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJ Kanash says:

    $!.69 at the moment. 👍🏼

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GTA VYBZ says:

    Dislike is by a CEI pumper or someone who got wrecked lol, live and learn

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Tennessee jasonrush says:

    Cei at 1.80 right now

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel Romein says:

    STT Pro team enjoyed $CEI a lot, thanks for the mentorship Tim 😌

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Wright says:

    As a practical trader that i am and making most of my income through trading i always like to take full advantage of any market i find myself, at this moment i so much advise bitcoin day trading so as to grow a very strong portfolio ahead of the major bull market after this short correction. Pro trader Talon Bradley deserves all praises from me due to his unfailing efforts, signals and guidance towards his traders. I'v gained 6.3btc trading with his signals and services.. SUPERB !!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blue dog says:

    I hit it lick and made some money last week, I'm done with it. Moving on to something better.
    Great videos, keep up the good work.
    Be safe and God bless you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nordan00 says:

    Guys, ordered my copy of Tim’s ebook and you debited my credit card for it on September 19th. Haven’t seen hide nor hair if it. What’s up with that?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily Dixon says:

    Failing traders come into the market and try to predict moves. they trade what they want to see happen. Experienced traders come into the market with zero expectations ready to observe and take actions when it’s time.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhatsApp➕➊➒➐➌ ➏➒➋➐➑➏⓪ says:

    TeXtMe DiReCtLy

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars me markie says:

    Good stuff Timbo…. straight up get to it…..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Tsang says:

    haha this is film after the long webinar. Awesome

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott trucksess says:

    Thanks Tim. I needed to hear this. I rode CEI down, bought the dips and finally let go with a $800 loss. Painful lesson to learn. I did hear you say this stock was done, yet, with the crazy volume, I bypassed the veterans’ sage advice and went with my own novice guesswork. Ouch! You have been spot on for so long now it’s incredible. I now know the frustration you feel when you work so hard to help people with their trading and they simply don’t heed your obvious experience and free advice. Friday, I was one of those a-holes. I’m sick with disappointment but learned a valuable lesson. Thanks again for all of your help! Your the best out there!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Blazing Knights Gaming says:

    It's really crazy how many people are not watching you Tim you really are a great teacher thank you for all you have done ☺️

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joan Walter says:

    My life totally changed since I started with $7000 and I now make $17500 every 14 days

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlexandertheGreat says:

    I was meant to watch this video today Tim. I was going to message you about this exact topic. Lol. Thank you brother!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Storm-Traders says:

    You’re calmer and more clear bro, way better than the jacked up on caffeine or whatever crap you’re taking 😜

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M corvino says:

    That was an Awesome!! Webinar,
    I will look at the charts a lot different now..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M corvino says:

    GM, Tim

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Bernardi says:

    2nd 😎

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Bernardi says:

    Hi Tim Thank you 🙏🏽

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john cat says:


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