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All right we're live. Everybody um, i'm gon na make sure to go into small cap and drop a link to this, so everyone can watch it one. Second, while we do that, i got ta also put a tweet out for everyone copy small cap rockets faced twitter live on money, monday, how's everyone doing what are their uh. What are their top watches today? There's some there's some good stuff moving out there for sure.

Let me just get all this tweets out and then we're good to go so um all right. First of all, the big gappers of the day are aabb nice 20 gap. This is otc, definitely watching that closely going to slide that over uh and then li acf. This is electric vehicle company.

Abb is technically electric vehicle too, actually they're, one of those sketchy ones that does like bitcoin and electric vehicle uh. With that i actually have ally, which is gapping up. If i pull up the level two above the chart here, but there's no news on this, however, definitely top watch. So those three are pretty much gon na take up my uh morning unless something else pops up and then i have cove which, if we look at the five day, this had news and into the closed friday, not really a gap up yet we'll we'll see uh To me, it looks like roughly this, like 210 level is important because it went parabolic into close, which always definitely makes it difficult with that said, we have six seconds mark's about to open.

Let's uh, let's see what pans out to say the least ding ding ding. All right, goof kind of a sideways gap there. Let me turn off the after hours, so i can see a little clearer ally wish. There was news here, because this is a great.

This is a great setup. Great daily, like easily could run to three possibly break out later this week. There's just no news on it, but electric vehicle stocks are running, so i'm willing to give it like some time of day, to say the least um the main electric vehicles being. I got the other top percent gainers here um as well.

I don't really have a trade plan on abcb uh. This is a wild one, to say the least. I wouldn't be surprised for it to do something like that. Hcwb did last week.

It seems like it's trying to a little dip there out of the gate. If i pull up v1, i pull up a 9mma yeah. Sorry almost to do up, though this one's pulling pretty hard wow. This is probably about to haul.

If it didn't already man. Sometimes you just see it, and sometimes you can't get a trade on it. Abc abvc great halt up for any of those bold enough to take it coupe kind of crushed ally floating around. What's this daily chart, look like this could hold it's on its third green day: hey bb where's the clothes on this one way down there and this one's already up a lot too.

Was this the third green day yeah the risk reward profile is just way off. On those ones, sick holt, though, on abvc so patiently waiting to see which ones hold, which ones don't and one ifrx. Let's take a look, frx see if what small cap sees there, they like the third day surge setup. This is a talk, um, a strategy.
Bryce talks about a lot. I see it typically third day. Surge is a big day, one more or less sideways day. Two, so here's your day, one, here's your day, two and then a third day back to the highs.

That's setting up! It's not my favorite, given how it traded up in here to be 100. Honest, like it's crazy, volatile, but if it holds up especially in the afternoon, it could be something all right. I did say i wanted this one to basically hold 210. seems like it is.

Let's draw a line here. I want the horizontal line tool. This is basically the level i wanted it to hold. I'm not a huge fan of a tank like that on the gate, but if it holds this level we could definitely circle back abb holding near those highs, that's crazy! Let's get over to a one-minute chart.

This is a riskier one, but over those highs. Risking these lows could definitely be a setup i'll be ready, just in case ready just in case, but no rush if it breaks these lows here. Definitely move on same with cool coop gets below this just move on how much more we got halt time. We have halted here - 31 44.

about another 90 seconds before that one might unhalt some slower reaction on this money monday morning, but the good ones always wow mtrt was put on my radar, that's bonkers if it picks up some volume today. This is a monster former runner just straight up here, so you might be getting close to the on hold time on this. One. Don't want that chat, room going to sleep on me.

Oh malfunction, andrew paper, towel for me, rookie mistake, rookie mistake thanks buddy all right. We are not letting it deter our abvc on halt here. She just we're putting on the floor. We've lost privileges um.

Hopefully we don't lose the mouse, though i don't see arty, not stopping hey bb we go back, looks like it's. Failing thanks boss, all right. This should be unhalting any second little party, fowl kobe, um, 36, 44 literally four seconds. Three two one should start printing.

Now there it goes yeah, not a fan of that. To say the least reminds me a lot mtrt, sheesh ally, still holding cool, i'm gon na. Take that off my screen, not a big fan, this one's training, tough, it's fun, trying to have a first green day, we'll keep that up just in case leah, cf how's that looking that's not bad. How are the other electric vehicles i'm gon na? Take this off.

My screen, too, i think the potential is not just there lcid lucid group pulling about tesla when you have this uh the sector momentum here of electric vehicles, you got ta watch the the leaders, the leaders being in this case tesla and for sure lucid. You can see they're actually like even trading identical, but that is what feeds these smaller ones aabb, trying to turn there. I don't like that. Risk reward, not a big fan.

I do think it's got potential runs, but ideally, if we're going to draw on this here and pull something like that, like i was talking about the other day, so i can give like a solid entry, otherwise too hard leah cf that one's not bad, but how Far, can it run the other aspect of risk? Reward aabb is kind of going for it, so hopefully it doesn't do it here, because i can't risk a full penny. A share that risk to reward is way way off, say at least this is definitely my top watch right now, though how's aren't you doing crazy? I don't think that's worth much of my time pause this one. Look, i'm like a one minute line. This is the reality trading.
Sometimes the mornings are just more a little more boring. You got ta pick a plan, not a lot of volume. Here, focus stick to it all right, aabb give us a pullback. I underestimated you the other day, though it's entirely possible.

I'd underestimate you again. The risk is way too high here for the potential reward way too high. Oh wait on there. Let's check the skin prtl make it big.

It seems to be failing off. We can take these offer screen for now, oops bttx. What's this daily? Look like oh, this is what's the float. Abb is not waiting um, i might just have to catch a dip on it.

I'm not gon na chase it. This is like um, i'm not sure. If this is back or ipo, i'm gon na have to do some more research on this, but interesting, i'm gon na keep that one up wow. This is curling really well definitely would be nervous when i was a short seller which could be a decent sign of of.

Maybe i should consider getting long. I mean it's got room very easily to 12.. That's crazy! The range on this is absolutely absurd. Abbc, let's see what it looks like someone held it up in the 850s, give it another second or two: it's struggling here at v1, come on just dip to 17..

Give me an entry. This might it's. A dollar share risk there for possibly two. I really just need to get tighten it up tightens up again.

If i'm drawing it does something like those are like pullbacks, then i can maybe risk here. Tighten that risk up. That would be justifiable pull back, pull back to 17.. I want to buy you on a dip.

This looks like it's just gon na just go for it, abb is just going going on. So is this one? I just bought some 500 shares for fun because i don't wan na. I fomo this so about seven hundred dollars worth of risk. For me on that, one thesis there is the shorts are gon na be in trouble because any time it unholds and comes down like that, it's a big sign for short selling, because you can risk that whole high.

But now that we're above it the shorts, are in trouble. This is definitely the level though, and this is a crazy volatile one, so watch it closely, like i said, easily room to 12. we're already just printed 11 there here i'll, pull up the level 2 and time and sales again for those it is struggling a bit Which is concerning, but we're above view out pretty significantly, so i'm just going to let it let it do its thing. I have pretty small size for me wow.
That is a lot of volume. A lot of volume which principle weapons again over 11 should be a nice little spike. You won't be surprised if this halts again, so it's almost like they're like trying to prevent it from halting speaking of halts uh. I just saw bkkt halted, wow wow, to say the least.

Here we go. This is train difficult, definitely not a clean one. Yeah there's some stuff he's. I just sold that's what you get.

It was struggling way too hard up there way harder than it should have been abb, never got that pull back, maybe we'll get it here to the 17 fives surprised they didn't hold down. I end up losing like two 270 on that small loss moving on abb, psyched me out the other day. This one, i think, is toast. Now, after how it just traded in the volume up there, all right, cf, just kind of low volume alley low volume.

I like how it's holding, though paying off this is interesting. Now it's over the close of yesterday. This is a high priced one. It's shocking actually to say the least, all right, while we're waiting for something pop up.

Small cap, you got any questions, drop them in the chat. Do i use hot keys? No, i don't um. I got you trade level, two on like another screen and you can just like click on the ask and bid little pro tip e trade pro. I don't know if i said that, and it just like auto, fills your shares.

You can like click in and out. It's pretty easy, stop loss or market order yeah. So i mean technically at a limit order: no stop loss, but just clicked out you get pretty fast at it. If you do enough times basis, is that uh? Is that a win for you on ab vc, smart, uh, locking in those profits? It's definitely scary.

I just had such small size and my risk reward was so stretched. I was trying to make it work, but no luck wouldn't mind a dip to roughly that 17-5. A i mean i don't want to get too crazy, because it is this. The third green day on this thing and what goes up must come down.

Oh, like excuse me, i put my coffee on the ground and because i spilled it like a three-year-old um. How long do we have on this 45? Basically, i'm just looking at the five minutes, so it should be at 9, 50, 34.. So about 90 seconds we got on that hold still. This is pulling if a bit, if a bitter steps up, i will take this one with small size depending on the better.

I suppose i'd consider that a trade given how well it traded um two days ago, so if we got two day they did this like weird stutter step in the morning here and then just proceeded to just go to the moon, crazy, great spike. For those who are patient and now that we're just floating like look at this perfect double top at 18 cents, yep friday's high this morning's high, so it could definitely go further. Let's pull the level two watching the bid um monday mornings so far, just pressing it down. This should be unhalting shortly.
But ideally, i could see a bid here. Give me a reason to enter slight uptick there. You go it's unhalted, quick, flash over there, this one's really high priced so yeah. It's just getting pressed down some bigger size on the ask for now watch and see what gets eaten where, but not too eager to jump in this one.

Yet yet it's all about the good entry giving yourself the best odds of success. It's like a little turnaround here. My thought on this one is maybe this could just be like the next d walk. I haven't had enough time doing enough research on it, but similar setup.

This is pulling get rid of the news notifications. It's a lot of volume for that stock, all right! So we're back over that i'm actually gon na long, some here, risking that previous low. You know even the way down to like 17 kind of where it held this morning. Very slow, fells, no they're, just gon na jump me aren't they trying to hit just right at 18..

All right, i'm always getting filled now beds are stronger. I don't know if you can see my mouse, but i'm looking at the bit on the left side here and see how there's way more green stacked up on the bed. Then on the ask. So i like that, it's a combination of the number of market makers and the size on the ask.

Now there always can be fake size. Like i'm sure this 5000 isn't real yeah. You see how many shares just went through 50 000., not five. It was listed.

Look at all these, so stxg definitely has some hidden size, which is fine, there's always hidden size. It's just how much in size. You know they definitely let some solid number of shares go there. The next key level is for sure this 18 previous high.

Ideally, i could risk this level. I would be confident risking that dip if we did break to new highs, oop clicked off. My apologies, pull all the info back up for you all right, sandal, our lone night here on the bed. Otc is definitely trade.

A lot slower than listed for those who aren't used to the space but yeah time to make decisions there we go nice little step up knights on 1718 a3, the 1785 st xg he's on 84 right now, so we'll step down we're paused at high day, though, Which i consider a good thing - it's not like. We pulled severely um long if you're just joining in anticipation of this breakout over 18 cents. It is the third green day, so we'll be quick to cut it for wrong. But that's what we're looking for yeah um to answer your question.

Tb, swag uh abvc was very similar to hcwb. It was a lot quicker though htwb had that, like quick consolidation like two minutes and then ripped so that's why it just went straight up and halted. How do i know how it's about to be lifted? I just know it's always five minutes. They did include a great link to this, which you can look at, but you don't have to abv is down ticking one more question: do you concentrate more on cumulative bed size, it's a mixture of size and number so as we watch this pull here, ideally the The bid side, the left side of the screen, will start building up on both sides and, like literal, like right here, where it says size under this.
Three second thing, like the number of shares, plus the number of market makers, is good um. You always want to ask when we're going up, obviously, if you're long to be smaller, naturally, as it goes up, there's going to be like more size and stuff, which is fine. The volume just has to keep coming in chewing it up so like right now you can see there's more size on six five than six six, that's good again. There always can be hidden size, but that's where the combination of the time and sales plus level two like comes in and you can like judge, i guess all right.

So a higher low here is not a bad thing at all. If i'm going to continue my drawing it looks something like that: we're just going to we're going to clear it, but this pullback spike pull back spike, pull back. If this is truly the bottom, which it's setting up to be, and then we break over that 18 cent level, that's a pretty textbook trade um must be it's the way you think of it. Is it's gearing to set up and break to new highs? So i'll probably try to add some honestly through 18, assuming it works and we do actually make it to 18..

I see bkkt is kind of just getting sold into some very, like um big money selling. It almost looks like, like you, got this rip and just absolutely bounceless all right, so i might try to start to buy some more here because it looks like we're turning yep all right. I just set my limit again at 18, i'm willing to fill up to 18. um.

I usually give it just like a buffer, so it gives me a better chance of filling there. We go. We just got over that stgx good um, what's pointing on my screen. Good bid size there at 1775..

I, like this gear, gearing up as we go to high day 18 cents is the key. 1785 was the problem last time. So, let's see on x there citadel off loading some size you can see, but he lifted eight five offloading. Some size, let's see if vert lifts as well, we can actually get a little bit of a run going here.

There we only left stxg, it's not a market maker. You see very often so that's interesting to me, but he's gone 17.9 all right. We got our full size bring on 18 cents. Maybe we get a nice spike - oh 20.

22. If we get really crazy volumes need to come in, but looking at this spike, this was a four cent share spike here. I don't really see a reason. A four cent share spike can happen here as well, just refreshing.

The tim challenge chat, i'm always in over here nice spike there starting to gear up so we're over the highs. Let me get the level 2 back on the screen for everybody. We're watching um, just letting our winner run here honestly, like the only thing that might stop me out or make me want to sell it all is if i see a monster seller like millions of shares, seller sort of thing come in, but even like that 57 000 share seller, like grand scheme of things that i think it's it's no big deal, there's likely to be some resistance at 18.5 whole penny. Half penny numbers like that there's always resistance e3 is letting some shares go here.
Like the 18 cent level. 17.5. Those whole half penny levels definitely definitely give some resistance, so well looks like our 30 minutes up, but i'm still in a trade. So i'm just going to let it ride letting it do its thing.

Can there be hints on the bid, yeah good question? No workie um there can absolutely be a hidden size on the bed. Typically, i'm only worried if there's hidden size on the ask, but same principle applies both both ways. All right. Little pull, not a ton of movement out there checking out the youtube chat.

This one's kind of falling off the cliffs, that's what happens when no volume comes in. It looks like honestly, one big seller who just got got filled at the bottom mtrt. How did that one get? Not bad wouldn't be surprised to see this have like a follow-up breakout this afternoon, so i'm definitely going to keep this on my back burner. So coming up we're watching 18 3.

This just getting absolutely crushed. No bounces, someone just doesn't want to be in bkkt anymore. All right, aabb a3, we're starting to see the momentum shift with it. We're starting to see the momentum shift again.

So i'd love to see what happens at 18. 3. come on spike for the boys. I don't think it's really even worth watching.

I'm just gon na add an alert here if it's over that level. Okay, on siddell 18-19 good bid. Another round of consolidation up here, which is okay, not always the biggest fan when it's just over high day, but we're just gon na uptick over eighteen. Three love to see some tests of eighteen.

Five there we go push into the 19s would be awesome and that's where i'll be looking to sell right around 19 cents. If we can get up there good and 18 force couple 18 forts prince. Let's see how 18 5 looks, nice people always try to jump in front of these uh half penny levels for good reason. They know.

Eighteen, five is probably gon na have more size than a normal level. It's easy for people to grasp on to like 18 and a half cents. You know so i get it. Ideally, we could see i'm sure my picture's in the way of the volume see if i can move it move it live.

This is dangerous all right there. We go haha. Ideally we could see some volume come in here, some more volume like a nice, 4 million volume candle or something to really like help. This get over 18.5 because the volume so far it's pretty stagnant.

If not, it's even like dipping off, but that's fine, it's maintaining it's just to get like a big big spike. You need a volume surge. 4 4 is giving it some issues. Man abb is just a grinder.
It's so much just it's just easier when they go up quicker, but we're respecting our risk. Let it do its thing. Come on. Looking at twitter, four, four still the problem he's got ta be almost out of shares, right patience, stxg stepped in there.

Four four two interesting alone, knight here or knight in shining armor, some would say see: that's definitely with some hidden signs. He he dropped off, but definitely some hidden size there on the bed. Someone asked about that earlier. All right, i think i'm gon na - have to take some off here.

If i'm gon na be honest, tried to be patient, but it's just taking too long. So, let's see if i can get filled by 18, 3. lock in a little small single this morning. After a fomo, dumb trade happens the best of us there we go all right, we locked it in about half in we locked in about half there, half got filled so with that, that's it for the we got a winning trade.

It was a slow, steady one. Abb, but with that, i'm gon na hop in small cap and finish out the morning so answer any questions in there. We'll drop a link i'll. Do it right now for everyone i'll drop, a link to a small cap uh actually in the youtube chat.

So if you're not involved - and you want to ask me questions about this trade or any trader or any trade - i'm gon na do this afternoon, hop on in there putting it in youtube i'll put in there a couple times for you all.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

18 thoughts on “Small cap rockets – live trading – 11/1/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Lopez says:

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fawad says:

    Hey Matt, this is really great! If you could tell us more about how you read Level2 and also how you get prepared in the premarket in your next live session please. Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faulk Smash says:

    Ended up just watching this now, and I think this is the first time I've witnessed Matt trade live.

    Matt needs a "Mighty Mug" haha (the "Unspillable Mug" from the 2016 trend haha). Spilt coffee aside, this was very interesting to watch.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    It's interesting that I started to shit my pants when you were looking at $BKKT while the spike on $ABVT was happening. That crash was nasty too.

    These videos are precious for experience! Thank you sir!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars New Job says:

    The screen back ground color is not clear or attractive may be you need to adjust the STT back ground color for the YouTube video. Please check it your self not attractive at all.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete frislid says:

    Loving these live streams Matt!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Cameron says:

    I also saw that ABVC was a gamble unless u took super small size to premarket low. The 1 hr chart has good confirmation but the 15 and 30 min was so so I didn’t trade it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Grabbit says:

    Love this content everyday….. this live trading is the best….. appreciate your guys’s knowledge!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shayne Eaton says:

    Thanks for the extra Time you spent with us Mat

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M P says:

    Great live trading to say the least !!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Putnam says:

    we've lost privileges lol

    are you seeing halt alerts within stockstotrade?

    nice insight about to get big spike need volume surge

    these streams are gold

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seekingbuddha says:

    Thanks for the nice start without the crappy irritating music

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUG A VET says:

    Fun fact. Most new traders will lose everything. This is not for you.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Isakov says:

    These are straight gold thank you Matt

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars olivia vaughn says:

    Love these, when will you be live again?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Reed says:

    Good to see how days go when you don't have a quick Trade.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Perkins Trumpet says:

    Man I love this. You helped me make $525 from your Friday live stream

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D G says:

    Thanks for doing this, keep em coming

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