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I took a loss trading APVO stock yesterday. I got short squeezed and ended the day red. It was a careless loss where I broke many of my trading rules, despite knowing that the stock market will be slow and choppy on Election day.
Some tickers traded were UBER, BABA, APVO, NIO stocks.
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#daytrading #stockmarketelections #electionstocks
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And it suddenly clicks against his head and he stands up and screams, so you want the bad news or the very bad news today. Okay, let's start with a very bad news, the very bad news is, i had a pretty decent red day yesterday. It was not fun and it was because i broke some rules and i kind of got too comfortable and too complacent um, so definitely not fun. So yesterday was a decent red day.

You can see the big loss was from apvo uh and that's a shame because that was actually a ticker was up. You know not a lot but like decent on yesterday, and you know i kept on telling everyone. I was trading with that uh yesterday. You know day of elections, you know things are going to be choppy just take what you can and i broke some rules near the end of the day.

So, let's talk about that, so you can see you know i made some decent profit from apbo in the morning um. So, even though i did take some small losses on baba paypal and i scalped a little bit neil short and with a short ap vo in the morning, i didn't hold through the entire day. But in the morning i was knit positive, something small you know about. Just a little bit over a grand, nothing big um, because at the end of the day it was a pretty slow during the day yesterday, and i thought you know like that - this might be it like you know like i don't want to.

I want to take it easy. I don't want to trade too much on the day of elections and some rookie mistakes. Here i made no excuses, though i left some orders out um that i forgot to cancel. So when i came back in the afternoon you know i was also distracted.

I came back. I saw that oh wow, i had some leftover orders and i was short uh. You know a couple thousand shares around after this average about um eight eight forties, and then i came back. I have this rule that if i have accidental orders left out whether it's to buy or sell and i find out they accidentally triggered.

I have this rule to take it off right away, but yesterday i didn't do that. I broke some very, very nice rules that i surely should have followed. So i came back. I saw it.

I was like you know what it's not a big deal. You know. I can add you know this. I only have like two thousand share shorts.

I can add bigger, so i started adding 500 shares here. 500 shares there. It seems like it was gon na break down. So i was like you know what you know like.

I was only up a thousand dollars from the day. You know i'm about to make three more thousand famous last words right. Let's see what happens and it squeezes. I was oh, you know like there's some pre-market high levels, it's gon na break down.

So i just added added, you know, there's nothing! I have a big account. I can do this next thing. You know boom got squeezed out for that nice. Six thousand dollars lost actually well.

The the afternoon trade was more like a seven thousand dollars loss um. You know eight away my morning, profit and i ended up red on the day, so the only silver lining out of this, even though you know i i own up to my mistake - i shouldn't have done this. I got two first of all too complacent. Second of all, too greedy, because in the back of my mind i was thinking now, i'm only up a thousand dollars like this is a slow day.
I wanted to make more money. I got greedy um, especially on a day on an election day where i know that i should have been more patient and just take the meat of the move and uh. You know sizing a little bit too big in an hour that i know that i'm not good at trading, i'm usually not good at trading in afternoons, so i ate the loss um good thing i did you know like, even though it still sucks like it's a Still sucks um, you know, but if i held it to the end of the day 11, my loss would have been doubled, so that would have been like a five figure actually a little bit more than five figure loss. So i'm not gon na stand here and say: six thousand dollars is a small loss um, because i can live two months on six thousand dollars.

I can eat 500 bowls of ramen. I could you know. Obviously, i can't afford a lamborghini with six thousand dollars, but i can probably buy like a wheel with it right. Well, it's not a small loss, it's still a very manageable loss for me.

So no that's the silver lining out of this. It's gon na have a dip on my on my equity curve in the p l curve, but overall i'll be okay and i'm gon na definitely remember this lesson. So i was thinking about this short squeeze that i lost on on ap vo. It's kind of like that scene in breaking bad wait.

Have you seen it spoiled alert? Well, the show's been out for like eight years. So, if you haven't seen it, what are you doing with your life anyways? You know that scene with um gus frame near the end of his appearance, where he's sitting in the senior home with his uncle and his uncle, is on a wheelchair he's just sitting there staring at the uncle who they both hate each other and then the uncle. Just like and it suddenly clicks against his head and he stands up and screams. So that's essentially what happened with this ap vo it.

Finally clicked that i'm about to get squeezed big time and are covered for a big loss. They should really cast me if they do a breaking bad reboot and they should call it breaking bank anyway. Sorry, for that lengthy explanation, i meant lost. The point is: follow your rules, stop out, don't add to it and if you have accidental orders being filled, just get out, take the small loss and move on.

So obviously you know today coming in, i want to be a lot more careful. I have this rule of sizing down the next day if i take a loss the day before so i followed that today. So you know it's a small green day. I didn't make back the losses from yesterday, but that was never the point.

The point today is just to trade well and follow my rules again right. I need to get back on track, so the first trade apvo just a really really small short um. Obviously this is a stock i got squeezed on yesterday. I didn't hold it overnight.
Right, don't do that if you you know right now. It seems clear in hindsight that, oh, if i held overnight, i wouldn't have lost any money at all, but you can't do that right. You know i'm not gon na take a you know: ten thousand dollars! Fifteen thousand dollars unrealized loss at eleven dollars and potentially twelve dollars only to hold it to nine dollars today. No, you can't do that.

It's always like it's always better to take the loss, so i'm really glad i covered for that loss. There's no way i'm going to hold it to today, um so small wing on this one. This one still, i took the loss early on. I was loneliness.

You know added some thinking that we're going to continue in the breakout didn't work. I cut it right away. Um accidentally shorted, so you know when it's accidental orders, i cover right away, get out um, so i didn't try to pick a bottom and let it set in you can see on the chart here double bottom and we're forming a higher low. So that's when i got in really long the stock sold some into this just to recoup some of my losses from the morning um and then once it starts, you know consolidating around this 37s areas.

That's when i went along again built a very nice full size. Um 3720s and added some more 3740s sold some into the breakout, but the idea is that you know we're gon na break high of the day, breakout right um and that's the the the same thesis i had this this morning, except this time around we've. Actually, you know dumped first and trapped a lot more shorts, and also now volume was really strong with trading at old time highs. So that gave me the conviction to go back in long long.

Some more, you know, and you can see i didn't sell on the spike here. I kept on adding kept on adding um sold some just to lock some in and then we saw i saw this dip holding around the highs. I added even more and also out at 39, so i didn't catch the top. It went up to almost 39 uh sorry 40 dollars, but i'm actually very proud about this long, anneal um.

Well, it's not! You know it's not like a big win i'll. You know recover my losses from yesterday. You know i'm still very proud about this trade. You know i followed my stops in the morning.

I re-entered, according to my plan and i kept on adding, adding, adding and until it reached my price target of um 39 and now it's kind of breaking down. Uber and lyft were two other stocks. I was watching, but was i kind of disappointed that they both sold off so hard right off the open? So you can see you know, i don't want to catch the bottom on this. I was long biased on the stock uh, but i just didn't like how hard the profit taken was, and the entire market dipped a little bit at the open um.

So i didn't loan this until i see it, um reclaiming the 40 level um started in long and once it started holding that's what i added to full size um. So after this add about 40 20s average and sold into the uh 41 push um and once that didn't hold, i got out of the loan position. I was a little bit disappointed on uber and lyft. You know it's basically just profit taking and we sold off hard.
I know what you're wondering right now, i'm a trader. Why are you wearing that ugly beanie? First of all, we call this a toque right. We call this a took here in canada: um, it's not because i'm cold, it's because my hair is a mess today. So that's the reason, i'm just kind of like trying to cover this up, just like how i should have covered on a pvo yesterday.

Okay, so first q a time do you track any data that help you with your entries and exit have the day volume average fade spike percentage. So i think this answer will be different for each individual. For me, i'm not a big excel spreadsheet kind of guy guy guy, i'm not a guy, so i don't really track all the stats. You just talked about um.

That doesn't help me. What helps me is i'm a very um visual person. I save the charts. I study my charts, so that's how i learn and how that's how i find my setups and that's how i find my edge.

If you're a numbers person, you can see a numbers percentage and that helps you. You know form a plan or setup, then sure by all means use the excel excel spreadsheet. But for me i just save tons of charts and i go back and you know analyze and cross reference all the charts i played or the ones that saved and that's how i find my setup. So you know everyone learns differently, so you have to find figure out.

If you know the data tracking excel thing works for you or not. For me, it doesn't work. So you know i have to learn straight in my own way. Next question are all or most trading platforms available outside of the us, like the middle east, so most of the mainstream trading platforms at these trading, the u.s markets are only available in the us interactive brokers.

They have international, they take international clients, trade. Zero. Do center points you know some of them, so you have to check with them um they don't accept canadians anymore cobra trading. They also don't take canadians, but i don't know if they take middle eastern clients.

So it's going to be different for each individual broker. You have to ask them, but all i know is trade, zero, interactive brokers. They accept a lot of um international clients, so definitely check them out. Okay guys, so i think the main takeaway of the video is to always follow your rules.

Don't get too complacent. Don't get too greedy, uh or else you'll be like me, i definitely broke so many rules yesterday and i you know, i deserve that. Six thousand dollars loss a lot of people and i used to do this. You know whenever i take a loss or whether it's big or small, you know 500 loss or whatever um.
I used to think that, oh it's because it's the market, the market, is against me. It's rigged. No! I lost because i didn't follow my rules. I didn't follow my stops and i was you know.

I thought i thought i was better than the market. Essentially you have to understand each loss that we all take as traders it's in our own control. We could have stopped out for a small loss, but instead i let it on for a little bit too long and kept on adding to it and essentially that that loss happened. Because of me, you have to take responsibility for your own trading.

It's not twitter's fault. It's not someone on youtube's fault, it's not market, maker's fault! No, if you lose, if i lose today, it's our own fault, so anyways, hopefully you guys can learn something from my mistakes. Um. You know i'll be fine.

No, this is a loss. I can definitely recover. Uh, but what matters more is that i learn from my mistakes and don't you know continue on this bad habit of uh, you know being too complacent. So if you enjoyed this video, please remember to drop a like and subscribe.

Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time. Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources.

Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

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30 thoughts on “Trading losses- stock market on us election day- apvo, nio, uber, baba stock”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flourishing Weee says:

    I don't believe that "I forgot I had some orders out" honestly lol…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jess Brandon says:

    Hi HT😀
    Why do stocks always move so much at the very start of the day?
    Also what's the best website for news on the markets?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veganz Hell says:

    Cheers to the ones who went red😁… I though I was the only one… Who knew Biden was good for stock market…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Digital Adloniant says:

    I dont get it, you lost 7000 Dollars and you seem fine.. I would have lost my mind since I would then be broke.. How much money do you have.. Looks like you must have more than 500,000 Dollars

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nye Nye says:

    You so adorable I love your videos! You taught me so much in trading! Thank you for everything!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TMA-1 says:

    I don't always understand the trading terms she uses but – I DON'T CARE! I love watching and listening to her! Oh, and I SMASH the Like button every time I view a video!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aeromancer13 says:

    Humbled Trader I'm attempting to follow my rules and it is difficult because — FOMO!! Thank you for the videos and especially ones such as this because, you're awesome . . . but human too! Keep up the great videos, and stay green! (please stay green)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Tech leanghorng says:

    I am selling gold bec of divergence target 200ma stop 2atr. 9 November 2020

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay DKB says:

    The loss was bad but the VIDEO was hilarious "Breaking Bank" lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vignesh narayanan says:

    Can you please tell me whether I can open a margin account for shorting US stocks if I am not a Canadian or US resident(resident of India)

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rider AZN says:

    you so adorable … I'm just bless to watch your trading… success for you

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Hodak says:

    Love your videos. Honest and informative. Just getting started and follow you more than any of the others.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Wataco says:

    Hi, I always did this mistake too. try to remind myself, but it's repeating….haha…forget to close.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Wei says:

    See the losses as an opportunity to earn back ur losses and be more profittable

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Wei says:

    Your mistake is you did not follow technicals, it was a close gap and taking profits, is a must, you can close partial profits.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harold PM says:

    You call $1k profit a slow day ? That's 252k a year… If you can consistently have slow days like this 😆

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noel Timog says:

    I remember the legendary japanese trader BNF said…If the market goes agains you more than you expected, cut the loss as early as possible without waiting for the price to come back.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gwent Champ says:

    Is your room cold? You should make your trading environment comfortable 😁

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Elias says:

    Why would You have sold NIO? They are stealing Tesla's thunder! I like the took..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Elias says:

    I luv your BB makeover.. I had no idea You were so passionate about a loss.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Saucy Chef says:

    You so beautiful, ♥️u…. Trading doesn't just reveal your character, it also builds it 😜🤜🏼🤛🏽

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amaro says:

    I get so excited when you tell the truth … this is not easy as everyone believes it is.
    Ps) I love your beanie ! and please forget the market … you have good habits and good jokes .. 😉

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MegaFLYBOY2 says:

    no but i did before closing today and it just jumped $60 share!! bam!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yung Luong says:

    I wanted to ask. Before you take a position roughly on average how long do you hold the position?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoyPi Trader says:

    Hi HT, How do you scale in your trade if for example you have 1000 shares and your risk is $2. Thanks!!! I like your jacket 🙂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V says:

    Make a video of what you do on weekends
    Like your the previous video day in life of a trader

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sako Ranj says:

    Great video, keep it up and thanks for answering my question 🙂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aquilo Manganelli says:

    "Well, maybe I can buy a wheel," LOL. Love your ability to self-reflect and to joke even in the face of bad news. 👍

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SUJIT KUMAR says:

    Hey, can you please make a video on option writing (put writing).

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Levin says:

    you want to stop your you-tubing for a while, you are preaching too much and its hurting your performance

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