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You three: what's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions. I hope that you guys are all having a great sunday. This is our sunday stock talk and normally i go. Live at 6.

30 p.m. Mountain standard time uh, but due to the circumstances, i'm gon na go live right now, uh, it is 525 here, and i wanted to make sure that i can break down any stocks. That is that you guys see battling. So if you guys are tuning on in um for the first time, uh feel free, you know.

If you do want to participate, you guys should be able to see. I think it's on this side. I don't know what side it's on on your screen uh, but if you guys would like me to break down your stock, all you literally have to do is comment it in the live chat. I'd be more than happy to break it down.

I'm going to break down a little bit about 10 shocks, maybe a little bit more just depending on the live stream. Um, let's see how the stream quality is. Can you guys give me a thumbs up if you guys can see the stream test test? One two three: so we got david, we got tc jason corey. What's going on for oz, what's going on guys, can you guys see the live stream? Okay, yep? So i have a couple thumbs up.

720P. Okay, everything looks good all right. It's not updating here. On my side, um, but all right, we have quite a bit of you guys giving me thumbs up.

So i'm gon na i'm gon na go with it. Okay, uh! Let's go ahead and start breaking these down and let's get right to it. So the first one that we're gon na start off with again every stock that i break down will be here on the left hand, side for those that are going to be asking what trading platform am i using? I am using the weibull platform, it's the platform that i use. No, you do not have to use it yourself if you want to learn a little bit more about the weibull platform and you want to download it.

Yes, it is for free and you can actually earn four free stocks if you click the fourth link in the description, if i'm not mistaken uh, it will earn you four free stocks by using that link. If you don't see that link just refresh your screen and you should be able to see it from there, so let's go ahead and start with mara one of the three things that i really like to focus on when it comes down to you know, taking advantage Of an opportunity is i like there to be consistency. I like the direction to be in our favor and, let's be honest, we like good deals right uh, who else is with me and with the idea um on the day chart. We could see that overall.

Maura has been bullish before, but it's very volatile you can see that i had an aggressive pullback looking at the four hour time frame. It looks like it's approaching. The sma line and based off of previous patterns patterns tend to repeat themselves. They don't always have to uh.

It tends to find a support or experience somewhat of a support at you know the sma line, so it makes sense on why you're paying attention to it here. So let's go ahead and break this down from where we're at right. Now to previous resistance levels, uh that would be about 26, so right away. I can see why you're paying attention to it, but as of right now, a very simple question that you can ask yourself: is this a stock that is actually indicating signs of an uptrend? If it's not, then one of two things you can either hold back from taking a position and or if you're, really good, at managing risk and or managing your position size then again, maybe taking a light position, so an idea can be or an example can be.
If you trade with a thousand dollars only going in with five percent or going in with ten percent, something that's light enough that if the stock does sell off, you can easily manage and mitigate risk. But that also does not put you in an uncomfortable situation, because the dollar amount invested is so my new right. So i see why you're paying attention to it. Now we just need to wait for that indication of an uptrend just like we saw last time where it established a support level and then broke above the ema line and then actually began to indicate signs of an uptrend.

I already have my alerts set here for the break above 38, so if it actually begins to indicate signs of an uptrend i'd love to follow up with it and go from there, so let's go ahead and move on to the next one. All right here we go so we got g e v, o g e v o. Here we go all right. So this one right away, you can see that um, it got manipulated, pushed up all the way to highs of eight dollars.

Aggressive pullback, i personally don't like treating stocks like this again. This is a very risky trade. It does rally from time to time, and then it pulls right on back is the direction currently in your favorable. If you look it on the four hour time frame, definitely no, it's been very inconsistent, so, yes, it can break out and it would make sense to almost approach this as potentially a day trade uh.

But is this something that i would feel very, very comfortable holding overnight? No, it's a high risk high reward and, if you suck at risk management, just being honest right, if you're not the best at managing your position size if you're someone that's just getting started, this is probably not something that you want to partake in. So, just a little heads up on that: let's go ahead and move on to the next one, so we got o a is that oatley? I can't so otl, okay, so right away, i can see on the four-hour time frame. This thing has been making lower highs and lower lows, a lot of consolidation here right around 15 to about 18 getting rejected by the sma line, no indication of a reversal just yet, let's look at it on the day. Chart uh so even on the day, chart very bearish, continuous, lower lows and lower highs.

Let me ask you a very simple question: if something is indicating, if something is losing you money or you, don't want to put more money behind it. Well, what if it goes up right? Well, what if it doesn't and more often than not, you can't hope for something to happen. You want to make sure that you see that happening already and there's no indication of a reversal just yet so i can set my alert as you can see around 1950. This has been acting as a resistance level.
It tries to break above it gets rejected. It tries to break above it gets rejected, it tries to break above it gets rejected, so a very strong resistance level at around 1950. So no indication of an uptrend and it's making lower highs and lower lows. I see why you're paying attention to it.

It looks like a pretty cheap stock based off of what it used to trade at, but cheap doesn't mean that it can't get cheaper so make sure you take that into consideration. So all right, let's go ahead and move on to the next one. I appreciate you explaining this one a little bit more grafted investor nndm, so nndm. Here we go on the day, chart let's go ahead and understand the overall direction, so it was previously bullish.

It looks like it peaked during pandemic conditions and sold off ever since then. Right looks like it's establishing a support level right around six dollars and we'll see if it picks up right around what is that uh, the sma lines around eight dollars and fifty cents previous resistance level there previous resistance level there on the four hour time frame. It's something that has been making lower highs and lower lows. Yes, it is trying to indicate signs of a reversal, but you guys see this resistance level here right around 720.

It continues and continues to get rejected. So if i see something acting as a resistance, acting as a resistance level, acting as a resistance level and acting as a resistance level, why am i going to want to buy something? That's still trading below that resistance level right? We have no indication of a reversal. Just yet so all i can do here is set an alert, and once we get more proper indication of that reversal, then that can begin to make a little bit more sense. Let's go ahead and move on to the next one, so spy, i'm actually really happy.

You brought this one up so spy and etn all right uh. The reason i really like spy is this is definitely not for everyone, but this is an s p. 500 etf. This is out of you know.

This is the whole point of making uh and having these sunday stock talks. It's, let's be honest, we're not you know everyone's sharing, different stocks, no one's gon na agree that every stock that we talk about is a good deal, but it's the whole idea of this is for you to cherry pick, the one or two stocks that might meet Your criteria, what are the three things that i spoke about today that i'd like to focus on direction, consistency and a good deal? This is spy. This is the s p. 500, bull etf.

This means that when the s p 500 goes up, this goes up as well. Now what tends to happen year over year? Well, on average, the stock market grows at about seven to ten percent on a yearly basis and when looking at something like sp spy. This follows the s p, 500 market and look at this. It's consistent, it's bullish and what recently happened.
So this is and again this is not for everyone. This is not for the people that, like very risky trades. This is not for the people that, like to you, know, take advantage of you know. Momentum plays, but this is for someone that is maybe just getting started, someone that is trying to get their feet wet with the stock market.

Maybe trying to learn the ropes on something that doesn't move so aggressively and you guys can. Let me know in the live chat, but look at this. This is ticker symbol, spy and so when, when something sells off, that's not scary. It's an opportunity, especially if it's so consistently bullish right it sells off it recovers, it sells off it recovers and it makes new highs.

It sells off it recovers and makes new highs. It recently sold off and from where we're at right now, if it simply duplicates what it's done in the uh or repeats what it's done in the past year. This isn't huge margin, but this is about three percent. Excuse me drink some water, but one of the things that you need to understand is that sometimes it shouldn't be so you shouldn't be so focused on trying to make the quickest return or trying to make the most when you're just trying to learn the concepts as You're just getting started, and this is why i find something like spy to be so attractive right now.

It's not that it's the best deal. It's not that it's gon na make you the most money, but it can at least establish some core principles on what an ideal opportunity can potentially look like, and i know this might make sense to some of you and it definitely won't make sense to others. But i just want to i first thank you for um, who it is that uh shared this ticker with us. This is almost an etf that we follow up with on a weekly basis and a very similar one is also tqqq.

I know you guys didn't ask to break this one down, but this is not the s p. 500 etf. This is the nasdaq etf. This is a triple leveraged etf, so we talked about spy that one offered about three percent margin.

Look at tqqq this one offers about eight to six uh, eight to nine percent margin if it recovers. This mirrors the nasdaq market. Again, the nasdaq market year over year tends to stay consistently bullish, not always, but over a long period of time it tends to stay consistently bullish now that it, the nasdaq market, a lot of you guys might have seen it pulled back a little bit last month. Now it can make sense on.

You know why the past couple of days as the nasdaq market has been pulling on back. Why now? This presents a potential opportunity, and yes, i see right here. Uh one of our guys is already calling it out right. It's a little bit more on the oversold side.
It tends to find sometimes right, not always, but it tends to establish a support level around the sma line. So this makes sense on why we should be paying attention to tqq, as it's approaching the sma line, as it tends to establish a support level and then, if it begins to recover, then we can really step on the gas just wanted to make sure that we Did our part in talking about you know etfs that follow bull, uh markets um and that it's not always about trying to follow the most attractive or the highest or quickest moving? You know penny stock, but how sometimes keeping it simple can really pay off right. At least at the end of the day, the goal should be to be consistent with whatever it is that you do right. So let's go ahead and break this one down, t n a t, n a here.

We go uh, so this one's, quite the opposite, tna uh looks - or this is sorry, that's a tnt all right here we go so it recently pulled on back this one's more of like a consolidated, horizontal pattern. Let's look at this on the day. Chart a lot of consolidation, so you can see a very common support level right around seventy five dollars, a very common resistance level right around a hundred dollars right, uh right now, it's kind of in the in between yeah. I could find a support level here.

It could recover from what is that eighty seven dollars to about highs of 95.. So i see why you're paying attention to it. It does find a support level from here time to time right and then it experiences a resistance level right around 97. But the best deals tend to be when it approaches around 75, so just make sure you take that into consideration uh.

This looks like it's a triple leveraged etf, so make sure that you're, aware of that as well. So a lot of consolidation right now and we'll see if it actually begins to recover. So i appreciate you sharing that one with us uh next one is bros yeah, so bros um, one of the things that i have to share with you is uh. This is an ipo right, this one recently ipo'd uh, and it did absolutely amazing um, there's not going to be much of a technical analysis, as it literally just recently went live, but one of the things that i want to share with you.

It's a statistic and look into it yourself right, a very common statistic about ipos think about this. Within the first six months of an ipo on average, they tend to experience a 16 gain within the first day, but within the first six months they tend to, on average, only experience a six percent return. So take that into consideration. Within one day, the average ipo shoots up sixteen percent, but in the first six months on average it only gains six percent.

That is telling you that more often than not the first day or the first couple of days, there's an overreaction, there's hype right and then it corrects itself. So within that six month period it's corrected itself where the hype has most likely died out. So going back to bros it's shot up if i'm not mistaken, like almost 100 from its ipo price, more often than not, it tends to correct itself. So just take that into consideration.
If you see an intraday opportunity all power to you, you know day trade it. If that's what it is that you want to do with it, but when it comes down to trading ipos, you need to give it time to correct itself, so it cut so it can come back to its true value uh and that's just what i wanted to Make sure that i shared with you guys uh: let's go ahead and break down j, w n, so j, w n! Here we go so we got nordstrom. So, on the four hour time frame, we can see that nordstrom has been recently pulling on back on the day chart. We could see that it's been experiencing a lot of consolidation after it peaked right right around 42 establishing a support level right around 30.

recently aggressively sold off, and it looks like that was due to earnings. I do remember that uh looking at it back on the four hour time frame. Yes, nordstrom is cheap, so i see one hundred percent. Why you're paying attention to it if it does begin to recover to previous resistance levels? That's about 36 percent, but a very common resistance level as the sma line, which currently sits at around 31.

So that's about 13! So make sure you take that into consideration before going all in thinking that nordstrom has to recover just a friendly reminder: nordstrom was previously trading at 11. A share right now, it's at 28, more than double right, don't think almost triple. Don't think that anything has to happen. Nordstrom can still sell off, as it's been pulling back ever since then.

Truly allow that opportunity to present itself. If you force a trade, i'm sure you guys can speak from experience, but anytime that you force an opportunity to try to happen more often than not. It does not go according to plan, so let's go ahead and break down c e. I c e.

I here we go so on the day. Chart does not look good on the four hour time frame. It looks like a pump and dump. You can tell right away right what are some huge red flags about pump and dumps? Well, you can see it's normal volume right down here and then all of a sudden, you can see its recent volume all the way up here, strong signs of manipulation.

If you look at it on the day chart, you can see that it's consistently normally selling off, but all of a sudden it has began to indicate signs of an uptrend. So that's great! You know if you're day trading it. If, if you have a position that you got in early, then great all power to you, but to people like myself that are just coming across it, it's an overbought stock. It's overvalued! It's it's only a matter of time for it to crash, and it does this from time to time where you can look at back of its history right, where it pushes up to highs of three dollars and then crashes right back down again, patterns tend to repeat Themselves, they don't always have to so.
If the direction's in your favor then great so be it, but don't be surprised when this thing crashes right back down to 30 cents a share, so that would be a very high risk. High reward type of stock. Let's go ahead and break down z and s p, c e, so z, which is zillow group this on the four hour time frame. Let's see how it's looking for our time frame, making lower highs and lower lows.

Zillow has recently began to indicate signs of a descending pattern, trying to establish a support level right around 90. A share it hit highs early 2021 at highs of 210 nearly 210 and has been selling off ever since then. So it's great that it was bullish during pandemic conditions, but now it's been correcting itself. So again the current direction of zillow is bearish.

Yes, is it cheap? Is it maybe a little undervalued, that's up to you to decide, but you can't expect you know if your intention is to invest in zillow, so you want to get in at 96 because you think it's true value is at 200 because of what's to come great, But understand that you can't expect this to recover right away. Zillow's current direction is selling off it's bearish, it's making lower highs and lower lows. So if you decide to take an investment position, understand that it's going to take time, months or even years for this thing to begin to recover. If you intend to swing trade, it because you see more upside than downside, then allow the opportunity to present itself because as of right now, it would not make sense to try to buy the dip on zillow and realistically expect it to recover the next day.

So those are just my two cents. Yes, i do view zillow to be cheap, but no, i don't expect it to recover all of a sudden when it's never actually indicated any recent science of the potential recovery, the next one's going to be s, p, c e. So this is one two three four five, six, seven, eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen. We went through these stocks pretty quickly uh spc based off of previous highs.

Yes, it is pretty cheap. It's trying to establish a support level at the low 24 dollars. I agree with you: it would make sense to maybe have a very light position, just in case it begins to recover, because the upside potential is very attractive. But all i want to remind you is as of right now based off of the last time and why it sold off is because their executives announced that they were selling 50 million dollars worth of their of their stock, which meant more selling pressure.

So this caused the stock to sell off and ever since then it hasn't been able to recover. Yes, it has recovered before, but again it's at 23.26 right now. We we're not indicating signs of a recovery and yes, although it might be cheap right now, it could sell off to 16 and from 26 to 16, that's a 30 to 40 percent loss. So ask yourself: yes, you know i want to benefit from the upside, but i need to take into consideration the downside.
So if you choose to take a position, make sure that you're aware of the downside and make sure that you're prepared to either manage or mitigate your risk if it drops below 23 dollars a share. Make sure that it's a position size that you can tolerate that you don't go in blind and expect it to recover when it's never indicated signs of a recent reversal, but i do agree with you um. It does look very, very attractive. Trust me i'm right there with you.

I i love the setup on the technical aspect, but there's no indication of that recovery. So i just want to make sure that we stay realistic. How many of you guys have made that mistake before? Can i get a show of hands of the people in the live chat that you decide to buy the dip early and the stock continues to sell off? I want to get a show of hands for the people in the live chat. How many of you guys have ever done that you buy the dip? You expect it to recover, but it doesn't recover.

It never indicated signs of a reversal, but you expected it to recover for some apparent reason. We all make that mistake. Do we not so don't ever think that if you make that mistake that the market's against you anything like that, it's it's a common mistake that a lot of people make. So i want you to know that you're not alone, but the whole goal right for you and i is not to be a perfect trader, but it's to be as close to perfect as possible right so learning from your mistakes.

So next time like today, when you're put in a similar position, where you have the choice of what opportunities to take advantage of, you learned from your mistakes in the past, and you just try to get one step closer to not making that mistake. So, instead of blindly buying the dip, we wait for confirmation. It's the simple things in life that people tend to over complicate right yeah. So we got i've gotten burned.

Um on that. When i first started again, it happens, so we can't. We can't pretend that we can't make these mistakes so f s r. Let's go ahead and break down the next one: f s r.

So if you guys are enjoying this live stream, it really does mean a lot. So i see a couple of you guys are tuning on in live um. If it doesn't cost you too much. Maybe you guys can drop a thumbs up and consider subscribing if you're not already subscribed to the channel uh, but on the four hour time frame uh for fsr.

We could see that it's been making lower highs and lower lows. I'm not the biggest fan of fisker, but again taking my opinions out of fisker, i feel like fisker, has always been a tesla wannabe. Yes, i do view fisker based off of current price points and previous rallies. I do view fisker as it's in that cheap territory range, meaning that its current price point is considered cheap based off of where it potentially can rally right.
So if it goes to 20, that's very attractive because it's trading at 13. - but all i can tell you - is these rallies that it has are very short-lived. Look at look at the past. Look at the times that it's rallied it's short-lived.

It rallies it's short-lived. It rallies it's short-lived, it rallies it's short-lived, it rallies it's short-lived. This is where patterns tend to repeat themselves. They don't always have to, but i do agree with you.

It makes sense on why you're paying attention to it. This just means that you should watch it closely set effective alerts. So when we break above ema or get indication of an uptrend that you can choose to take advantage of it, but don't go in blindly, because you can see that these rallies don't last the long period of time. So why would you put your money in something and hope it happens? You know what i mean, so let's go ahead and move on to the next one, so we got uh appreciate that so regularly go appreciate that zilla.

Thank you. Thank you here we go so we got fiverr broke above. Let's go ahead and break uh breakdown. 1.5.

Let's go ahead and break down one more. So if you want me to break down your stock, make sure you drop a thumbs up and comment it in the live chat. Uh fiverr on the day chart has been very bullish very consistent and hit highs of 345 dollars, almost 340.. It recently sold off.

I was paying attention to five a recent. I don't know if you guys remember when i took a position on fiverr on the four hour time frame. It recently has broken above that slight resistance level that it had for about a week at around 185. It broke above the sma line again and is now actually indicating signs of an uptrend, so it's making higher highs and higher lows.

It's actually indicating signs of a recovery which is very attractive. So i see why you're paying attention to it and on the day chart you can see that based off of previous resistance levels, even the you know, sma line is right around 216 dollars right now, it's trading at 200, so is fiverr the cheapest stock. No, but based off of its previous performance and its current price point i can see why you find it attractive. The direction is currently in your favor and it's been consistent before so.

It makes sense on why you're paying attention to it. So i really, i really do like it out of the other ones that have been shared today so uh. Here we go. Let's go ahead and break down we'll break down these two uh epix and pltr.

So epix and p l t r so um, okay right away, i'm not the fan of the i'm, not a fan of this. A huge rally hit highs of 36 huge crash, so this is like a gapper right, so you hope that it begins to recover. I'm not going to say anything else other than this doesn't look very promising. It would only begin to make sense if it actually begins to rally and recover.
So let's just keep it simple. I set my alert for the break above 10.60. If it begins to indicate signs of recovery, then great i'll follow up with it. Until then i don't care it can crash, it can sell off.

It doesn't bother me because it's not indicating any actual signs of a recovery which offer me no actual opportunity. Uh pltr looks like it is. We talked about this one. If you're part of the learn plan profit group, we've talked about pltr how it established a support level at twenty dollars.

A share and actually began to indicate signs of recovery is pltr. The best deal right now. Well, now it's a little bit more on the overbought side on the four-hour time frame. It can use a little bit of a pullback so make sure you take that into consideration, but on the day chart based off of previous performance that this was early 2021.

You can see that it does have some margin based off previous performance, but we can't expect it to rally when it's already done so well already right. So, yes, the direction is currently in your favor, but understand that pltr is not a cheap. You know it's not a good deal based off of the four hour time frame, based off of where it normally gets rejected at this is a pretty overbought over uh bought price point. But yes, it has rally to a higher price point but understand that's when momentum was in play and that direction just continued to continue to be in their favor.

So if you choose to take advantage of pltr it's with the idea that it remains bullish, but if the direction begins to change and it begins to pull on back, we can't be surprised. So it's kind of, like you, know, an in-between where, yes, it's bullish, but it's not a good deal, but yes, it can rally. Do i want to take advantage of it? I would just really watch your position size on pltr. If you do choose to take advantage of it, i hope it continues to rally, but just looking at the four hour timeframe and where we've gotten rejected for before, i would hate for you to just go all in right now and then it just crashes right back Down because it it is overbought you can see with the rsi it's surpassing the 70rs sign.

The macd is already descending, so it's losing some of its momentum so make sure you take that into consideration, but um yeah. I mean that's really just it. I really do appreciate your guys's time uh. I know that this one was a little bit more of a quicker uh live stream um.

I will see the learn plan. Profit team, all of you guys, if you're part of learn, plan profit if you're new to the lpp team. I will see you tomorrow at market open for our live trading session. If you guys want to join us, live i'd, love to have you for our live trading session.

If you've never seen me actually trading the stock market, i host a live trading session every single morning for the lpp team. You guys can actually refresh your screen right now and the second link down below you can learn a little bit more about the lpp team, exactly what it includes and if you want to join us, we'll see you tomorrow at market open. I hope that i earn your thumbs up. Please consider subscribing if you haven't done so already, and also we have a free facebook group, that's that first link in the description.
Like always, let's make sure that we in the year on a green now take.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Top 10 cheap stocks to invest | sunday stock talk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin clynes says:

    A guest on The Wall Street Journal Report spoke sometime last week about making over $631,000 in 4months with a capital of $100,000, which made me realize that as a beginner i have alot to learn, so please assist me with any pointers or tips that would help me make this much profit.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert James says:

    I have been watching some videos and I was thinking about investing, but still don't know where to start from

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AimLezo says:

    Who’s here after ZIVO . Who wants him to talk about it!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hesham Ahmed says:

    so for $PLTR and $FVRR, after waiting for confirmation, RSI is close to 70 … i don't see where is a good entry point after confirmation?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Charles says:

    Appreciate the breakdowns. And keeping it simple.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Do You Eat Rocks says:

    holding spy calls and are eating it bad haha, still holding, have money aside to hedge the short side or average in on my currently BLEEDING positions once (if) it confirms upside = got in a bit to early on the dip good lesson learned 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Allen says:

    The SINGLE most important thing right now for AMC holders is to not get your hopes up for it to happen this week or month. A lot of videos have titles like ‘ITS COMING’ which disheartens stock holders if it doesn’t happen within the time they’re thinking. If you’re holding AMC, don’t check it every day, don’t get your hopes up for it to happen tomorrow and just stay cool. When it happens, you will know, you won’t need a YouTube video to tell you

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Scott says:

    The reason we are all there is that the current financial system is outdated

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iron Will says:

    love these vidoes

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gx2m says:

    Thanks man.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Euphorik says:

    Good Stuff ricky keep doing you’re thing man 💯

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Gerhart says:

    Hey Friends, I just turned 43, and I’ve decided to invest in the financial market, I have over $200k invested, I need tips on how to grow that’s to $1.5million in two years and retire at 45

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boxing Knowledge says:

    Hey Ricky what do u think of BBY stock, do u think we're approaching a bullish trend?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hardeez1 says:


















  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Dunning says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STAY GREEN says:

    Lock in Profits

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eurobabe says:

    what are your thoughts on $dare?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schwinn Stingray Guy says:

    Hey Ricky I bought in at $118 on SBUX and I’m sure you noticed the big dip do you think it’ll recover anytime soon? Or do you think it’ll take another dip

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cara Ellis says:

    I took your tip on fiverr and am up 15k.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Mercado says:

    How do you add the SMA line on Webull, cant find it anywhere

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Scarberry says:

    I wouldnt touch the SPY right now

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Robert says:

    My life totally changed since I started with $7000 and I now make $17500 every 14 days

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Hofer says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graf Lures says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joseph ramirez says:

    What's up , abml or pmcb thank you

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Palace says:

    Are you still in amc I’m out I think we see 30’s this week

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carbon Carlos says:


  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carson Bezanson says:


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