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Test test, one two: three test test: one: two: three: what's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions. I hope that you guys are all having an amazing sunday. This is our sunday stock talk. This is where we come together, every single sunday at 6, 30 p.m.

Normally mountain standard time and we break down the top stocks that you guys all see value if you're tuning on in to this live session, make sure you're signed into your youtube channel. You drop a thumbs up and if you have any questions throughout this live stream, i encourage you to participate and comment in the live chat. I would love the opportunity to break down your stock and give you my two cents on. If i see value in it, so i'm gon na be saying.

What's up to a couple of you guys once you guys start filling up, the live chat. Make sure that if you're new to the channel consider subscribing, i upload new videos every single day and again friendly reminder, especially to all of our learn, plan, profit members tomorrow, actually some of you today, i believe we sent out a couple messages today. Learn plan profit. 2.0.

Please do not do not spam me on discord but learn plan. Profit 2.0 is about to be released and we actually have some of our current learn. Plan. Profit members that we selected.

These are the people that get to watch me. Trade live every single day. You guys uh, a few of you today and tomorrow will receive a message, and this will give you access to the full update of learn plan profit 2.0 for those that are watching and they're hearing this. For the first time i haven't openly talked about it, but just like i said back when i originally made learn plan profit, the original one.

I am going to give you access to all the updates automatically. A lot of you guys have a lot of great questions of like you know. Did you just add a couple new videos? How many new you know hours of content is learn plan, profit. 2.0.

The easiest way for me to allow you to understand this is 2.0. For everyone that has access to learn plan profit 1.0. You will automatically gain access to 2.0. That was my commitment to you guys that i would give you automatic access to the full update.

Now, a lot of you guys were asking again. Is this just a few videos that we added to 1.0? What's the difference, it is a full-on update. There is not one video in 1.0 that is in 2.0. It is over a hundred videos.

It is over eight hours if i'm not mistaken, of content full hd. If i'm not mistaken, uh 4k um so again, friendly friendly reminder that if you have or wanted to participate in the beta trials, we can talk about it tomorrow in the live trading session that will be hosting with the lpp team. So uh i just wan na. Thank you guys for all of your patience uh, especially for those that have been waiting for the full on update.

I told you from the very beginning uh that we will give you automatic access and i'm just letting all of you guys know that are currently watching. This people that enroll in 1.0 get automatic access to 2.0, but just letting you know those that enroll after 2.0 is released. There will be a price increase when we release it. So you can.
You can do with that as you please right, so you will get automatic access to the 2.0, but as of right now, it's 299 when we update it and it's 2.0 there's going to be a different price point. Obviously uh it's going to be more, but i just wanted to make sure that you guys um are aware of that. So let's go ahead and get started if you're excited for learn plan, profit 2.0 make sure you smash that like button and if you have any questions whatsoever, if you're not already part of learn plan profit, you guys can refresh this screen and actually message me on Instagram my instagram is linked in the description, so make sure that you only message me to that instagram. So i'm going to say, what's up to a couple of the people that we have uh tuning on in and then we can actually get this video started.

So, what's going on daniel, what's going on o'brien craig michael david joshua james? What's going on guys, we got kareem, uh, jason uh, let's see blood on mars lando we got ruben. What's up what's up cri nate we got andrew larry lisa murick tyson joseph jason, dillon marco tristan james uh lucia! Is that luciano? What's up what's up? What's going on tristan, what's going on five pound fisher david is at windjaw, what's up david briggs muhammad? What's up blake, what's up what's up, i really do appreciate. I appreciate you guys taking time out of your sunday to join us. What's going on uh.

Is that ellie? What's up what's up, we got ricardo dakota. I really do appreciate you guys taking time out of your sunday and let's go ahead and jump right into this. So if you guys have any stock that you guys would like me to break down, please make sure that you uh just share it in the live chat. What's going on sarah, how you doing so stay green, all right, let's go ahead and i'm waiting for the ticker call out format.

Here we go. We got caleb with adbe, so that is adobe if i'm not mistaken, yep adobe! So we're looking at this on uh. Looking at this on the four hour time frame, i'm going to take a step further back and actually look at this on the year chart. I actually really like this, because it's a stock that was previously bullish, very consistent.

It hit previous highs of 673 right now. It recently pulled on back and i get it that it's a pricey stock per share, but what's important is the percentage that it offers if it were to recover uh, and this offers about a 15 roi if we do see a full recovery. So i want to keep this super simple and if we begin to break above 600, i'd love to follow up with this. So i'm actually going to add this personally to my oversold stock.

I really like stocks like this they're great quality companies, they're bullish and based off of recent conditions, they're a little bit more on the oversold side. So again, that's a step in the right direction. Now we just need to wait for indication of an actual recovery, so added that stock to my watch list. I appreciate that we got cei what's going on allen, i'm not a big fan of cei cei is a very popular momentum or volatile stock right now, i'm not going to really look at this on the on the day chart, but you guys can see that you Can i understand why you're paying attention to it? All i have to say is: i have this conversation with the learn plan, profit group all the time and and they can contest to this - i am you know we all have different trading styles.
I don't like encouraging beginners to trade very aggressive, moving stocks like this. This is a lower cap stock. It gets manipulated very easily. You can see that it went from 33 all the way up to 4.80, and then it drops right back down to 96 cents.

It's a pump and dump right, there's some form of manipulation going on and great. You can make money off of pump and dumps, but just as much as you can lose it, and if everything is great, when the direction is in your favor and then all of a sudden when it loses its momentum when it peaks it's just an absolute catastrophe. Right so because of that, i just like to keep things simple and i like to stay away from this. If you want to day trade, it then great, but is this something that i would hold over a long period of time, heck no right.

So i see why it's popping up, it's probably popping up on a lot of your guys's scanners. Maybe some of the you know top gainers on the day when it gaps up, but again it's not just about how it opens it matters how it trades throughout the day so make sure you take that into consideration. So we got daniel with chewy, so c-h-w-y. Let's go ahead and break this one down, so this one on the four hour time frame, it's been pulling back for for for some time, um this one looks a little bit different.

It was previously bullish. It peaked at about 100 and 120 dollars a share and it's been pulling back ever since so uh. This was a strong descending pattern. The really scary thing about this is that you know it's been cheap for a while, but it's getting cheaper, and this is something that we always like to reiterate, especially to beginners right.

So if you're a beginner make sure that you're paying attention just because a stock is cheap, doesn't mean that it can't get cheaper, obviously right, but the reason we say this is for you not just to have that very naive mentality or mindset of buying the dip Right because buying the dip doesn't mean that it can't continue to sell off so make sure that you do it in a very structured way. So i set my alert for the break above the ema line. So if it begins to indicate signs of a recovery, then great so be it, but until then, why would i want to put my money in something? That's consistently selling off it's great that you might add it to your watch list. It's great to add alerts to it, so you follow up with it when it's actually moving in the right direction, but until then i just wouldn't waste time, hoping that this happened.
Let's get on reuben c h, p, t so c, h, p, t very popular stock. Recently, gapped up to uh, you know nearly highs of 50, a share pulled on back a lot of volatile movement. It's been on a consistent descending pattern, i'm not the biggest fan of this. I really like to focus on socks that the direction is in your favor and chpt is quite the opposite, based off of recent patterns.

You can see that i have my alerts set here, but all i want to remind you is: why would i want to buy a stock now that even a couple you know even last month it was cheap, but it it got even cheaper right. The direction is not in your favor, and this is something that we always like to remind beginner traders right. Please make sure to keep things simple when the direction is in your favor, when it's indicating signs of an uptrend just like we've seen here right, it is much easier to grow your account. It's still not easy, but much easier make it easy for yourself.

Allow that direction to be in your favor right now, it's selling off it's making lower highs, lower lows. All the red flags are out, meaning that this is not something that i want to put a lot of money into, because it's consistently losing value. So just keep it that simple. It's great that you can have it in your watch list.

You can set effective alerts, but until this thing begins to actually move in the right direction, i just would not hesitate to want to put money into it right. So let's go ahead and break down another stock hut. Please looking great all right. So always a good time to break down hut.

So, let's look at this real quick hut on the day chart looking very overbought, but also very bullish, right, very consistent, a consistent, ascending uptrend pattern. There's three things and you guys can. Let me know in the comments section there's three things that i like to focus on: on: a stock: that's bullish and a stock, that's consistent and a stock. That's a good deal! This meets two out of the three criterias, meaning that if i were to ask you, you could answer this question right, looking at 11 and 30 cents, the previous resistance level, and then it pulled on back to the moving average with where we're at right.

Now it looks like we're approaching a resistance level and it's getting ready to potentially pull on back. So if i were to ask you hey, you know, let's say you have fifty dollars to work with. Do you wan na, buy fifty dollars worth of a stock at ten dollars and forty three cents when it's overbought, it's no longer a good deal based off of previous hides, or would you rather wait because it's bullish right wait for it to pull on back, buy The dip and ride the recovery, where you can actually take advantage of a deal and then ride the recovery yeah that would maybe make a little bit more sense. It's not saying that this thing can't make new highs.
Of course, if you're already in it, then it makes sense on why you're paying attention to it. But for someone like myself, that is not already invested in hut, i'm kind of too late to the rally, i'm kind of too late to the party right, meaning that it's overbought enough that the upside does not outweigh the downside. Opportunity cost is not in my favor for someone that is currently not invested so because of that i would have to say that it just wouldn't meet my criteria. What's going on mac, so we got o v v.

So let me go ahead and break this down for you, so o v v was up two percent uh. Let's look at this on the day, chart very bullish, very consistent, uh, so yeah i mean for the past month. It looks like it. Uh has been validating the sma line as a decent support level.

This thing's just been so bullish lately that it's hard to you know say anything negative about it. I mean if anything the direction is in your favor, which is great if you're already invested in this, then that's great, but it's just it's not a good deal, we're literally at all-time highs, which is great in the sense that you know we could anticipate a little Bit of a pullback right when it pulls back a little bit and then it continues to rally if you really see value in this, but one of the things again there's nothing wrong with a stock like this, absolutely nothing wrong, you're, doing a great job, focusing on A bullish stock, that's showing signs of a continuous uptrend pattern, that's very, very attractive. That's gon na really benefit you big picture, but for someone like myself looking at this right now, this is not a deal right. This is not something that i can buy now and actually see upside potential, so because of that, i would just have to say that i would like to focus a little bit more on something that would look like it's on sale, and this is something where it's Foolish, but i'm paying what it's currently worth, if not potentially paying more than what it's currently worth, because it could potentially pull on back.

So just i don't know if that analogy makes sense uh, but i hope it's something that uh you know can put into perspective for you. So american airlines, let's go ahead and break that one down aal. So again, if you guys want me to break down your stock, all you have to do is comment in the live chat uh. So let's look at al, so i actually have a whole watch list.

That's designed just for airlines how many of you guys have a similar watch list. Let me know in the live chat, but on the day chart is one thing that i really want you to pay attention to. We've been consolidating, since you know july, around 18, to about 22 dollars. We've been really consolidating around this level.
We haven't been able to break above 22.50 or break below 1850.. So right now i see american airlines like a lot of other airlines pulling on back, and i also don't know if you heard the news over the weekend. There's a couple airlines where their you know employees are going on stretch. This can actually act as a negative catalyst for the airline industry, so please wait until market opened, but with that being said right now, it has pulled on back.

I like that you're paying attention to something like this, like american airlines, because it recently pulled on back, which means that if it makes a recovery, there's upside potential, that's about 10. I love what you're doing, but now we just need to wait for that confirmation. So i see why this would be in your watch list. I see why you would, you know, set an alert for the break above the ema line.

Now we just need to wait for confirmation right. This would be for a short-term swing trade when it comes down to a long-term play. I would really like to see american airlines begin to trade above 2250, as that has been a very common resistance level. So let me know what you think about that um.

Let's move on to mrk, what's going on lando long time, no see so m r k. We got this on the four hour. Time frame looks very overbought again. This is just my two cents but looks very overbought highs of 85 dollars.

You guys can, let me know in the comment section if you agree or disagree with me, but when something pushes up and it gaps up this aggressively within a very short period of time, almost always, it tends to gap right back down and it's just the way For it to correct itself, this would not surprise me if it corrects itself back to the moving average and or back to previous lows, so because of that, because of that quick gap up it's great for those that bought here and we will lock in profits. But now i would really be careful if we begin to trade below 80 that this thing could gap down. So that's the only thing that i do want to make sure that you take into consideration before thinking that it has to continue to rally. Nothing has to happen when something goes up that quickly right there.

There tends to be it in some form: uh there tends to be some form of correction. So, let's go ahead and break down a couple of more make sure it's a bbi g, so bb ig. Here we go alrighty. So okay, this right away throws red flags of a potential pumpkin dump.

I can see right away. Its volume is very low right and then all of a sudden, it's volume, do you guys see these volume bars down here all of a sudden, the volume bar started to shoot up and we see the price action follow. This is true signs of manipulation. You know it could be exposure due to due to some news due to some potential.
You know, merger, whatever the case might be, but guess what almost always happens after this news. It ends up not playing out according to plan or it becomes less relevant and it corrects itself. This looks like a true pumpkin dump, where it gaps up people lock in profits, and we say this all the time to our learn: plan. Profit members.

It's a tough thing to say, but it's like these plays are amazing when the direction is in your favor, but as soon as they begin to go bearish, they just crash, and they consistently crash, and it's very naive for you to hope for them to recover. You just need to understand when to walk away from them when they're too overbought and they're. You know squeezed out in the sense that they have to correct themselves and that's what we see happening right now with that one. So t c and n f t tcnnf.

Let's go ahead and break this one down, so i don't think it's going to show anything. Okay there. It goes so on the four hour timeframe. Can we pull anything up yeah? So it looks very bearish for the past couple of months, yeah on the day chart looks a little bit better hit eyes of 54 dollars.

It's been a consistent descending pattern, making lower highs lower lows, definitely not something that i would take into consideration right now, as it's still making lower highs and lower lows. It has a lot to prove. I can see why you would set an alert and if it begins to indicate signs of a recovery, then again there's great upside right, there's 70 percent upside plus, but as of right now, the direction's not in your favor. So because of that, i just wouldn't hope for that.

You know when there's there's so much opportunity and i'm sure you guys see it all day every day, right, there's so much opportunity right now with recent markets pulling on back, i want to see a show of hands how many of you right now. You know it sucks it sucks when there's when there's so many red days right markets been pulling back for about two to three weeks. Let's be honest right, it kind of sucks, but if you actually think about it, it's also a great chance for people that were not already invested in the market to be able to load up on some deals. If you actually think about it, like that's the best time to buy when everyone else is selling to buy for a discount and ride for the recovery right, but it it's not that it's not that simple right! You also have to manage your position size.

You have to be selective on where it is that you choose to invest your money, just making sure that you always take that into consideration so uh jonathan, i i see your p-t-o-n i'd, be more than happy to break it down chill out dude um, but yeah On the day, chart uh carnival cruise lines, recent pullback very similar setup to the airline industry. As of right now, it's a recent pullback testing moving average we'll see if we find the support, but i see why you're paying attention to it. It definitely makes sense what used to act as a resistance level is now acting as a support level and offers about 15 upside. Let's follow up with it, we're at a critical point where, if it breaks below, we can continue to drop, but if it finds a support, then yeah we can potentially indicate signs of a potential reversal.
So let's go ahead and move on to the next one. Jonathan. This one's for you, i have an open position on peloton, one of the things that and i'm telling you this right, and i always do this. I always do this for stocks that i'm invested.

I always encourage viewers and even members to not copy what it is that i do do. I view peloton to be a cheap stock. To some degree, i have twenty one thousand dollars invested in peloton. This is about a twenty 20 position size for me, so if i were to invest or if you were to invest with a thousand dollars, that's like you buying 200 worth of something i want to put into perspective right with.

That being said, do i view peloton to be cheap? Yes, based off of previous lows and previous highs, i view it to be pretty cheap, but do i think that you should buy peloton right now? No, i don't think you are missing out on anything because peloton is still trading below ema. It's still trading below 90 a share and it's not indicating signs of an option, my job as a youtuber, in a sense, my job. As for our daily live streams, with our learn plan, profit group is not to encourage you to do something that doesn't make sense. But it's encourage you and to empower you to have criteria that every stock has to me and what is one thing that we always say: allow the opportunity to present itself allow that direction to be in your favor right now in the very core principles of what We do with trading the direction is not in your favor, i'm okay.

Due to my experience and how i manage my position, i'm okay with buying twenty thousand dollars worth of peloton. I can tolerate it, but i'm talking to everyone. That's an absolute beginner, because peloton can continue to sell off it's not as easy as just buying the dip, and then it recovers next week it's sometimes difficult because you go through that emotional roller coaster. So i am here to encourage you to be selective.

Allow that opportunity to present itself. I have all my alerts set. Add the stocks to your watch list, but do not pull the trigger on buying the stocks if the direction is not in your favor, that's my two cents with that. Let me know what you think: let's go ahead and we've done one two: three, four: five: six: seven, eight, nine ten, eleven twelve! Let's go ahead and do a couple more so we got ticker symbol, s-p-o-t, so s-p-o-t.

This is spotify. How many viewers right now that are watching use spotify right, not not a bad um, not a bad service. Spotify is relatively pretty cheap, but it's trading below sma line right. It's still trading below the moving average.
It's not indicating signs of a full recovery. I see why you're paying attention to it. Trust me. I want it to recover offers over 50 percent upside if it recovers to previous highs, but what is most important, current direction and current opportunity? The opportunity is there: the direction is not so what did i do? Kept it simple set my alert once it breaks above 269.

I love to follow up with it. Until then, i want spotify to bleed as much as it can, so i can get it for the best deal and then ride it back for the recovery i'm gon na do one more. I think it was tm uh. Someone asked me about toyota.

I actually made a video about toyota: toyota has relatively lower volume, but all of you guys know what toyota is right. A very bullish stock based off of recent patterns, recently pulled on back and is indicating signs of a potential support level. It doesn't have to make a recovery, but it offers an attractive. You know roi about 10 percent, it's very bullish, very consistent and it's a company that a lot of people respect.

So if this is something that meets your criteria feel free to check it out, but again again, i don't want to take too much of your guys's time on this sunday. I know you guys are busy uh, especially for our lpp members. I hope that you guys are ready for our live stream tomorrow. One of the things that i do want to remind you is: please refresh your screen right now and the fourth link in the description.

If i'm not mistaken, we now have the wall street bull statue for your trading station, so we've had the mouse pads we've had the flags we've had. The aluminum are a lot of you. Guys have been asking us to bring this back and it's now available at And if it's your first order on our site, you guys can use promo code wall street w-a-l-l-s-t-r-e-e-t.

Hope that you guys can spell wall street use wall street at checkout as your promo code, and you get, i believe, 10 or 15 off your first order. So i appreciate you guys time. I'm excited for our live trading session tomorrow and again. My goal with this entire video is for you not to agree with every stock that we spoke about today.

That would be very close-minded of me right, but my goal with every single sunday stock talk is to encourage you to be selective. Cherry pick out of the 12 to 15 different stocks that we broke down pick one two or three of them that you see value in, add them to your watch list, set effective alerts and follow up with them when they make the most sense. If you guys are ready to join our live trading session and would like to watch me, trade live as soon as tomorrow. Please just take two minutes, learn a little bit more about what we offer within learn plan profit and that's that second link in the description description until then, like always, let's make sure that we end the year.
I agree now. I hope that we earned your thumbs up and please consider subscribing.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “⏰ top 10 cheap stocks to not miss | sunday stock talk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars javier de la cruz says:

    i watch all the vids even though i cant make the live chat 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver O says:

    great 😌 video 💗 <I will always let anyone know to forget predictions and start making good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can't tell if it's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are tradn without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow.I was able to make 5 bTC in just September from implementin tradess with tips and info from Mr Bruce with my 1.005 btc..

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Павел Филозоп says:

    Ehat is it the program?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hussian Salam says:

    While AMC is going crazy right now, i think EV stocks are the best growth stocks right now. take a look at the growth of TSLA and NIO ytd. the world is moving towards very advanced tech now. even silver and gold are good prospects right now. I have made good from the both of them. However most of us tend to pay more attention to the shiniest positions in the market to the cost of proper diversification. Having monitored my portfolio performance which has made a jaw dropping $350k from just the past two quarters alone, I have learned why experienced traders make enormous returns from the seemingly unknown markets. diversification is key.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Moore says:

    After having some doubts on investing, I feel so ecstatic now on my first profit withdrawal of $16,200 from my $3,400 investment.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jayy Luxe says:

    Aka let me go over some shitty ass shit $200 cheap stocks give me a break

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AcornTV says:

    This guys the man can’t wait to see the difference in 1.0 and 2.0!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bandile Bokamoso says:

    The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left."

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Hewett says:

    Always buy at the low, with out tryin to catch a falling knife 🔪 !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corona The Virus says:

    We dont want learn plan profit

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chase Kaiser says:

    So I watched the video, and I'm still trying to figure out which of these stocks are cheap. All trash companies Toyota lowkey shit but the risk isn't worth the non-existent reward. where were APPL and FB?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hardeez1 says:

    ADBE – yes

    CEI – no

    CHWY – not yet – bearish

    CHPT – not yet – bearish

    HUT –

    OVV –

    AAL –

    MRK – overbought

    BBIG – no

    TCNNF – bearish

    PTON – yes

    SPOT – cheap but could go lower

    TM – good potential

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clncaa quintero says:

    thank you for giving us access to the update Ricky

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zack Johnson says:

    Crox is a great looking stock! just waiting for confirmation

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trisha Pierce says:

    I Love watching your videos, but it surprises me that you have 3.4k views and only 292 likes. Doesn't make sense to me. I feel like you should have tons more. Keep up the excellent work! Thank you for all you do! It is appreciated. I love learning about stocks and listening to your break downs, your honesty, and transparency.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorunn Berban says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Osmar Castillo says:

    Baba is making a comeback the stock is up like 8% rn in the Hong Kong market

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin P says:

    What do you think about ILUS?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Colondres says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars christain miller says:

    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses and governments faced the need to solve multiple, competing priorities simultaneously. One of the toughest: how to keep an economy going while at the same time shutting it down to protect citizens from infection. As some regions emerge from the worst of the health crisis, it’s tempting to think that there could be a return to focusing on just one main concern. But this week, McKinsey experts examined sectors, particularly defense and national infrastructure, where solving for dual imperatives is more important than ever.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bendeckson says:

    I'm so happy ☺️ my life is totally changed. I've been earning $10,250 returns from my $4,000 Investment every 13 days……

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NuFo says:

    TMBR ready to break out

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Daniel says:

    I want to wake up one morning and find out that my portfolio is $4,000,000 . I know it’s possible

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Days Off Music Group LLC. says:

    You are a real one and a man of your word. Many blessings to you bro🙌🏼💯

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Czeslaw Kwiatkowski says:

    How high and when will GME & AMC squeeze?

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