Welcome to my new series 'The Secret World Of Passive Income Millionaires' in todays episode Jack talks about Amazon FBA. Jack gives an crash course tutorial into Amazon FBA for beginners. We go step by step through concepts like retail arbitrage, product research, private label, amazon fees and whether or not you need a amazon FBA course.
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Time codes:
0:00 The Mystery Of Amazon FBA
1:19 Amazon FBA Explained
2:19 The Challenge!
2:36 My Concerns With Amazon FBA
4:09 Meet Jack Damz
4:52 Why Jack Won't Work A Normal Job
5:20 How Much Money Jack Makes
5:30 Amazon FBA Starting Cost
6:03 When You Can Quit Your Job
6:42 FBA As A Long Term Business
7:32 Find The Winning With Product Research
8:35 Amazon Fees & Bad Products
10:08 Amazon Stealing Customers
11:55 Buying An Online Course
12:43 Jack's Future FBA Goals
13:49 My Opinion On Amazon FBA
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark @marktilburycoaching.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

This circle represents how much money amazon generated last year, 232 billion dollars. This circle shows how much money was generated by people like you, selling on amazon, 53.7 billion dollars. This little dot represents the share of the profit. You would need to claim in order to become a millionaire when you zoom out it looks like a drop in the ocean, but is it actually that easy? Well, if you believe the majority of the online gurus, then you would think yes, they like to sell you.

The dream of escaping your nine to five and living on a beach watching the money roll in all by starting something called amazon fba. I want to get to the bottom of this. Is it a legitimate way to make money, or are these gurus making money? Just by teaching it now, it's no secret that over 40 000 people generate over 1 million dollars per year on the platform, but are they making any profit more to the question? Is this something anyone can do and your golden ticket to millionaire status, or is it all just a pipe dream? That's exactly what i'm going to be uncovering in the first episode of the secret world of passive income millionaires hi, guys it's mark. So recently i can't escape the phrase: amazon fba, i'm a massive fan of youtube.

As you all know, and on nearly every video i watch and everett pops up saying it's the key to becoming a millionaire and fast. So, of course i was intrigued, as i made my millions through running traditional businesses. The way i've always done it is to have warehouse in and i buy, the stocking in containers bring it in from china or america or europe, and we stack it out and we're pretty much sold out of the mail. We're waiting for containers to come.

The way amazon fba works is a little different. Fba stands for fulfilled by amazon, meaning instead of having warehouses like me, you can just ship all the items off to amazon and they deal with all the storage, the packaging and the sending out of all your items. So, on the surface it sounds pretty great yeah i mean less worries lots of customers what's not to like. Maybe it's something you could do as a side hustle and maybe make a little bit of money, but is it a long-term business? I'm just not convinced if you're doing amazon fba successfully, then i want to hear from you.

I want you to persuade me that this is more than a side hustle mark i'll. Take you up on that offer i'll, show you how these online businesses are taken over and how they can be so sustainable, as you can see, we don't play around with stuff. Here. Are my concerns? Imagine them as bowling pins in order for me to change my mind, they're all going to have to be knocked down number one is the startup costs? Can anyone really start this business or do you need a huge amount of cash to buy in products and then test them out? Number two is over saturation and competition? Can it really be profitable in 2020? On one hand, the marketplace is massive, but also millions of people are selling similar products on amazon number three is actually finding a winning product that sells well with lots of other people searching for the next best thing.
It must be incredibly hard to actually strike gold and find that one product that makes you millions number four is the amount of money amazon takes as they're sending out all the orders for you. I imagine they take a pretty big slice of the profits. I don't have this expense, so i'm really interested to know. If this is a problem, number five is picking bad products.

My worst nightmare would be storing lots of products in amazon's warehouse and not being able to sell the stock. As time goes on. I imagine the fees are going to really add up number six now. This really is the big one lack of control.

I've always been in control of everything, from manufacturing all the way through to shipping the product to my customer's door, but as amazon take all the control of the selling and shipping. I would be concerned about losing all the information about my customers. I wouldn't want amazon to shut me down and have to build up all those customers all over again from scratch all right. So now all the bowling pins have been set jack.

I'm on my way, jack is an obs young entrepreneur who has amassed nearly a hundred thousand followers on his tick, tock account and eight thousand on instagram, where he gives straight to the point. Business advice as well as recently even carving his quote: stay loyal to your goals and they'll stay loyal to you into his porsche, so quite a character, so you've had it all repaired. Now then yeah he's in there now, four by four in a minute jack. What's your age and um, what do you do so? Uh, i'm 19 years old or 19 years young and i do amazon fba.

It's it's a business that you can get into at a very entry level. You can you know it's. You don't need too much money for it, and you know the numbers you can build up with a lot of effort and determination are very impressive. So what inspired someone of your age to get into this and be an entrepreneur? I tried out full-time work personally, i didn't think it was for me a lot of people, you know are better at it um for me.

I don't fit the norm. People thoroughly thoroughly believe that the way to get rich is to work. Work work put money into a pension and when you're 60 you've got a million pounds, i personally don't want that and that's that's, not the road i'm taking. If that's what people want? That's fine yeah, but that's not the path i'm taking.

I want it sooner. So i'll get it sooner. If that makes sense, you know it's possible. So if i can be a bit cheeky, what are your numbers so first year we did and forty hundred fifty thousand pounds uh this year, the last twelve months here pushing on nine on two hundred thousand pounds.

That's a working business and that's good. So for someone watching this video, what do they need to invest into this to to really get going uh? I always recommend fifteen hundred pounds um, which, as you know, is a very entry-level amount of money to start a business, especially a retail business. What that'll get you is good software that you need for amazon selling um. It will pay for your first amounts of stock.
You don't need a certain amount of money for stock. You can start with a hundred pound and you can make your money on that. You can start with a thousand pound. It is just a case of ratios, you know and and scaling it up.

Just please think of it as an investment in yourself. Yeah don't expect that money to come back very soon. It's not going to start paying you soon. You know it's a long term game um, but for long term gain and at what point you um work out that you can quit your site, you quit it as a side hustle and make it your main business.

Where do you think that breakover point is i'd, say three solid months? That's what i i was so you know. I speaking i remember speaking to my dad and i said dad. I would quit i'm gon na quit. I had one good day one good day.

I think we did like 800 pounds in profit, i'm going i'm leaving i'm leaving. No, he said you need to speak if he said. If you want to do that, and he said you need to make sure your business is going to support you um. So i waited three months for three good good months of sales and where it was, you know doing two three, four, five six times what i've done at a job and then i was like okay, that's now that's time, it's definitely something not something that should be Rushed into so i've always seen drop shipping and fba really is just a stepping stone, just a starter type business.

Can you persuade me otherwise i see massive longevity, not with what i'm doing now. What i find is this is the cash cow. So it's building up the cash for what i want to do, which is private label, you're, building a story you're providing top quality products where you can control the quality of the product, the packaging, the branding, the customer relation. You know with nice cards and appreciation stuff like that which is huge, because what you've then got if you've got an established brand on amazon you're, not just getting money from sales.

Your brand is being featured on the most visited website on the planet by google, which they'd find it on anyway. Private label you're creating a sellable asset, a long-term business that is going to tip one keep ticking over. If you, you know, if you boost it to the first page and you keep ads on it, that product is going to make you money for three four five six years, however long and keep it there for and how do you go about finding your products because A lot of people will write to me and they say you know: how can i find that niche product and how long does it take you as well could take me 20 minutes. It could take me 15 minutes.
20 minutes, that's impressive yeah or it could take me two three four months. It is totally a case of sitting down there, how my mentality is going towards it um. I think you know finding that that that key product is tough. However, they all have an expiration date for sure for sure it's not you never ride off just one product.

You need to keep on pushing and keep on finding more um. But for me it is a case of sitting down in my zone and i will not get off my desk until i find one i'll be picking up the phone. Quite a lot um dealing with a lot of rejection. You know how are you i'm 19.

You know how old your business well just over a year, you know the second, it's a no or the second, it's showing that it's not happening just phone down onto the next. You know really detach emotions from it. Yes, it's the constant contact speaking to people and the networking as well the networking's huge like meeting people who know other people or companies just getting in touch with them. You know going around there's so many roundabouts, you know, but it is about going over them and going around them and not being scared to do so um, but it is hard work.

So obviously, amazon take quite a cut out of this from you. So is that a set percentage on every item you sell? Is that a variable percentage? It varies a lot on uh size and weight as well, so something, for example, uh, a pen they're not going to charge you very high fees on that's, probably about the lowest band of fees um, so it depends on the weight and size and how much it's Going to cost them to ship it and move it around say: you've sent a lot of product to amazon and it's not selling. How do you handle that situation? I've had two types of products, two products that have just been a loss. I've had to accept that they're just doing nothing.

That was t-shirts, and there were these. Also, these uh, they were called juicy lucy picture frames. Basically, they didn't go well at all. They were not as anticipated and it was a bit of a kick.

You know it's a lot of money to to expect to lose. That's how that's my instant, oh, it's not working, damn it. What i did was i put ads on them, which i don't usually do, which i kind of stay away from, because then, when you start doing ads, it cuts your margins and that would have been my profit. So i'd work out that actually i'm doing that and i'm making no profit, but then i sat back.

I thought that's amazing. How wonderful was that, because i was beating myself up while i do that? How did i get the product wrong then? I'm, like hang on. I tried it out, it didn't work. Did i lose it? No.

Did i get my money back yes and learn a lesson and learn and learn a lesson and took lessons from that. So i think to myself for me going forward. I don't see much going wrong for me, but you know if i find something that's not going to sell, i have the ability to get rid of it, whether it be tempe loss per unit. It's not drastic.
It's not going to kill my business. You know, which was a very amazing eye-opener, so to think to myself. Actually that didn't work, but i still got rid of it at breakeven and i got my money back. Okay, so you're afraid of the fact that amazon can find the same products as you.

If you're doing really well with them and go, you know what we're going to re-label those as ours and sell them and stop you selling them is that is that a fear with it or do you think you can ride through that? For me? Yes, that can happen. I've heard it happening, but personally hasn't happened to me by one product actually recently um. But for me it's part of the game. It's part of the business.

It's it's a stepping stone. You need to get over. Yes, you know they'll throw blockades in there, but again you work harder. You find another product, you keep pushing it um and keep working on the profits.

That's all. Is there ever a problem if you're out of stock, do amazon put the pressure on you to keep that stock flowing? Will they cut you off if you're not supplying? What was the arrangement there in regards to that amazon have like a a a process where they'll say to you: they'll recommend a certain amount of stock. You should be sending in so yeah. They are kind of they prefer it.

When you have constant levels of stock, they will favor you as a seller yeah and for sure for sure. If it's too sporadic they'll just be like, obviously they want, they would encourage you to get more stock in they'll, put widgets on your screen saying source. This get this product in you know we need more of this in your customer base. Is amazon's customer base? How do you um? How do you make contact with those customers? How do you retain that information? I'm not allowed to take information from amazon and email them.

It's not that's not what they signed up for you know. People don't want that when buying on amazon they just want to buy on amazon, get the products, and that's it that's their journey. It is part and parcel of it. So in regards to you know, retention of customers and keeping the information amazon.

Take that that's fine, but then amazon will pay me and sell my products for me and send them to the customers and do all the customer service. That's fine. They can have that side of the business. You know they can give me my profits.

They can give me my profits, that's how i see it it has. It has got its pros and cons, it has um. You know in regards to keeping them on an email list and stuff like that. But again, amazon's impulse buys people just go on there and buy you.

You don't with the size of the customer base. You don't need returning customers. So did you learn from a course or did you learn from experience? I learned from experience and a few losses um school of hard. Knocks, though yeah? That's it really so um yeah my first shipments.
It was quite a lot. It was huge, um was basically a whole loss um. It was. You know my money out my personal savings.

You know two thousand three thousand pounds gone um, so it was pretty brutal. But again i was paying for those lessons. You know i could have bought a course for 500 pound, which probably would have saved me that two and a half thousand pounds or three thousand whatever it may be um so yeah i mean i know personally, i didn't take a course. I just went in head.

First, i just went head first, and that was that's one of my biggest strengths and my biggest weaknesses, because i just get it done. I go for it and i learn quickly, but, as you can see, obviously you know you can slip up and make a few mistakes which you learn from so you're starting to persuade me here. So what's the future for jack, it's very funny. I i've got huge goals, massive, so obviously i'm 19.

Now by 21 i would like 10 businesses doing 10 000 pounds a month in net profit, each which i think would be unbelievable. Um. I think amazon fba will carry most of that maybe 20. 30.

40. 50. 60 of it i want to retire by the time i'm 30.. Now when i say retire physically, i don't have an obligation to get up and make more money to to work and go forward.

The catches are quite a lot of hard work. A lot of uh. You know research long days, um down days, a lot of rejection. You know amazon fba.

It really is, you know putting in the work first but you're doing that for long-term cash long-term money, which is what everyone goes into business for anyway. No one's in it for fun, so overnight. Success is a good few months of work. It's a good few months of work before you start seeing profit.

I don't see that as a success. If you see success as making 100 next, 100. 200. 300 pound a month.

Absolutely success for me is big numbers and big numbers do not come for a little while yeah. I i don't even believe my numbers are big yet i want, i would say millions. I want to see seven figures on the board. That's that's success to me and that doesn't come for imagine two three years so so did jack change.

My opinion is what i think i have no doubt that jack is going to be a multi-millionaire. In fact, i see a bit of me and him when i was at his age. I really liked it when he talked about building his own brand through private labeling. This wasn't something that i'd initially thought of, and it definitely seems like a great way to build a saleable long-term business.

So he's really done a good job at persuading me, but my only bowling pin left standing is the heavy reliance on amazon. Now jack doesn't see this as being a problem, but maybe this is because of his age and amazon, of course, has always been around for him. So my view on amazon fba is that if you're selling other people's branded products, then it can be a great side. Hustle, however, don't bank on it lasting forever.
So i'm going to leave this next video for you right here, but don't click on it just yet. If you want to grow your wealth, then consider subscribing to the channel ring that old bell and smash that like button and leave a comment below on what you want to see on the next passive income. Millionaires i'll see you over there.

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24 thoughts on “The secret world of amazon fba! (explained for beginners)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Does Amazon says:

    The video was fantastic! I've been clearing 40-60k per monthΒ on Amazon for 4 years with over 500k in InventoryΒ and anything is possible if you put in the hard work and apply consistency, but before you say you don't have enough to start, keep in mind that I began with less than $280 and grew from there..Take action..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Ruddom says:

    One of the most helpful, informative and raw videos I have seen in a while, defo the best I've seen on this topic. Really liked seeing how you interviewed an experienced seller to get the truth. You've earned a sub and a like from me

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. G. says:

    Pls help me sir honestly.. I hate studies…. N m pursuiing msw.. I wanna grind my ass off doing business…. Pls help me sir

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renton Roofers - Providing New Roofs says:

    Impressive content, Mark! I appreciate that you share how people are making millions on amazon. I learn a lot about how to create passive income just in your stream Any opinion on rank and rent? I went thru Ippei Kanehara's program a year ago, now I got 11 sites creating, about $5,500 coming in each month. My best site is a remodel site in Dallas, which brings me $1,500 by itself.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ch Yaqoob says:

    Nice video…Buy complete amazon affiliate multi vendor website here product listening+900 and 20+ blog ,review first and give me offer (andy-collection)sell at good offer

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Junior Gonzalez says:

    Just trying to grow my own side hustle, please check out these discounted toys and help me not live in my mother in laws house πŸ˜‚

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc says:

    Why is everyone saying Amazon is a Passive income? If you do it professionel than its gonna be like a full time Job and even more.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TrendybyTyana2 says:

    Thank you so much for the good information you put in this channel. It is making a big difference in my life. It gives me hope. And thanks for the free share too.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars i9incher says:

    You mention how he has 100,000 followers. I feel like he could pick products, promote it to his audience, and see success consistently.

    Do you think somone without a following could get the same results without spending a lot of money?

    He even said himself he doesn't do ads. I can't imagine he's just doing everything organically, I feel his following plays a huge part of his business.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fredrik Steckl says:

    I like you Mark but ohh dear god this was exhausting to listen to the turbo toungue no offence…I am sure he is a great guy and is apperently successful but wow….slow it down!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ask Questions says:

    I recommend not starting a business as Amazon as the middle man. You’re giving them power that they’re using against you in a negative way.
    Don’t feed the beast that is growing to crush your opportunity.

    They offer short term opportunity that will end in less opportunity for everyone as a whole.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Lewis says:

    Is this a scam. I put a video on my channel for the real way this guy and others are actually earning their money.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beesley says:

    I’v done 1.2 million in sales through amazon fba this year and what jack says is rather false

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zorroborro says:

    Thanks for the video Mark! I learned alot!
    And I have to say it was cool to hear such a young bright kid only 19 yrs and so mature. Hes a jack of all trades πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Declan Doherty says:

    Hi Mark, just forwarded your videos to my kids, you are an inspiration to young and old(like myself) Thanks for posting them. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel F. says:

    Be careful because UK Amazon's new employees are thieves on the receiving station. Stolen things are not listed on the list and are not refund them. I just lost Β£400.

    Never again Amazon!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michal Tran says:

    I dont know much about amazon fba and dropshipping but when I found that, it is nor like you build your brand. I immediately stopped searching more because I want to build a brand for long term and not relying on 3rd side. Does it make sense?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luck Liki says:

    How to calculate profit and margin on a product on Amazon in FBA mode? Are there any calculators, programs for this? Do I include the storage time for logos, packaging, etc. to the price of the product. And separately the costs of e.g. accountant, photographer, etc., and then calculate the profit?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophia Khan says:

    Hey Mark, can you do a product finding video? Maybe try finding a product yourself and let us know your thoughts!🀞🏻

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delta BoXeR says:

    Why do I feel like jack is another amazon FBA pusher who makes his real money on selling these idea's and not from Amazon FBA like so many others. Amazon FBA is massively over saturated. Been there, done that, paid the price with product that doesnt shift. Avoid it like the plague! Its designed for you to sink your money into just like a casino. The house (Amazon) always wins.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Roelofs says:

    Thanks for the new insights Mark, appreciate you sharing the pros and cons of amazon fba. Any opinion on digital real estate?
    Basically building and banking websites that generate leads for local businesses. Went thru Ippei Kanehara's program a year ago, now I've got 11 creating about 5500 coming in each month. Almost ready to take the leap and become a full-time entrepreneur!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marius Rusulet says:

    I would like to see something about crypto mining. You can host your miners in dedicated facilities and pay them for a better electricity rate. Sometimes they even include the maintenance in the rate.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomasz PakuΕ‚a says:

    I want to start Amazon , with FBA private label, I think about Clothes, I have all ready, but need invest some more money. What you recommend ? Maybe start with Chinese goods ? I wanna invest about 2kΒ£

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smurf Ttv says:

    You're the best person a person like me can learn from, would it be okay if you could make an eBay drop shipping and include every step and progress, including how to transfer the money from the eBay account to your official credit bank

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