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You so good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody boys and girls welcome back to another live stream, thanks again for tuning in so uh today i have uh i'm using my other streaming software. So out of curiosity, could you guys, let me know if the stream appears to be better quality than it was yesterday? Okay, that would be nice. I mean i figure it's probably better, considering this is what i used to use, but if you guys could let me know if the stream quality is better today than it was yesterday yesterday we were working with the different software. It has some cool features that i would like to use, but um is what it is.

I think there's i think this i can still. I think this software. I can still do what i'd like to do, but anyways alrighty, good, good, good, good so good morning, guys good morning from ohio looks better too soon to tell xcla has a short of 35 percent x, ela yeah. Let's take a peek here, um at xela really quickly, actually before i do that, so today's game plan going forward we're going to be taking a look at um, some of the stocks that reported earnings today, of course, and everything else in between.

So i'm going to write x, ela down here real quickly, so before we start jumping into sort of these different plays and different stocks on the day. What i'd like to first do is. I would first like to run us through um the market, so we'll first start here with the spy uh, so the spy ended up having a bearish day yesterday, um, let's take a look at this. I believe i had a level right here that we might have talked about so we'll see so we're going to start here.

On the four hour chart. You can see why i have that red line price there um yesterday, that's where our regression trend was at so yesterday on the four-hour chart we did have a trend, support right around 439.79. You will see that's what we held pre-market. That's what we held.

You know sort of in the morning and bounced later in the day, that's where we broke down, so this level that the market ended up falling through yesterday was a um. It was a regression level, so we have essentially regressed through the mean, and i believe we sold all the way down to the daily chart level. I could be wrong, though, let's see okay, so we didn't fall down to the daily chart level. We just came down to the nine-day moving averages, all all right, so on the day i would say that resistance is going to be up somewhere towards 440 right now in the spy.

That's a definitely a good price point that we would see resistance. So there's a lot of talk on the town right now with the market and a lot of people are betting. Bearish. All right we've been seeing this kind of back and forth chop taking place on this top, which is very similar to what we saw back here.

So, for the time being, we have a lot of people in the market that are trying to be bearish and or betting bearish, and looking for all this support to break down over the past couple weeks, that's been made so right now, on the day, i have Resistance up at 440, so i wouldn't be surprised if the market bounces back up to 440 and then gets bearish okay, so for right now, that's pretty much the level that i'm paying attention to. If there's anything that i'd want to do, it would be long bias up to 440 or short bias off of 440.. Otherwise, there really is no play for me for the time being, because that is the closest price point that i would have that has any sort of interaction that i would feel comfortable trying to do any sort of trade against so for right now, my anticipation is Resistance off of 440.: okay, let's take a look at the nasdaq, so the nasdaq pretty much the same thing back and forth. Consolidation um daily chart, no so daily chart supports down here all right, so the with the way that the nasdaq is pretty much trading.
Is it came down to the nine-day moving average yesterday and currently it's just sitting, sideways and or flat this morning, the closest level that i would have to go off of would be up at 366.47. So really it would either be long up to retest resistance of 366.53, or i would really only be long bias off the bounce down at 358.42. 350 842 doesn't seem like it's going to happen today, because it's it's pretty far away, but the first bounce point that i would be looking to dip by the market would be down at 358 to about 357 and the current resistance right now is 366.46. So again, nasdaq resistance 366.46 support down at 357 to 358..

Now we're going to take a look at the russell 2000, because the russell 2000 is a small cap index um yesterday, you guys will remember. I think we mentioned this level, which was the daily chart or the four hour um, plus one or negative. One deviation negative one, so nonetheless, pretty much the way that we're following the russell 2000 is. It has to stay above the price of two thousand to 14.

If we start to come down below 2000 to 14, we're probably just going to continue going back lower. If you look at the daily chart here, you can see that we have not been able to put in a new all-time high for quite some time, and the market is doing this sort of rolling formation. So again, in the event, the russell 2000 does not hold about 22, 000 or sorry 2200. You should expect you're going to continue seeing the russell 2000 down to about 2165 cents and that lazy gentleman pretty much covers all of the major indexes for you.

So not extremely bullish. The market right now sort of on the neutral to bearer side um, and that's that's pretty much. It should be pretty much caught up with the market now good morning good morning from chicago good morning. Stream looks better.

That's good! Thank you, um. What do i think about amazon and pfe long bias? Currently writing down a couple of these requests, really quickly, uh jonathan yeah, i mean it could very well be that you know we're not using weeble and people are used to seeing weeble. That could very well be it. I mean i have a weeble account, but i mean it's just not i mean it's.
It's a good platform, there's really nothing wrong with weeble, but most of our strategy and stuff that we use just just works off at tos. So i would essentially be running two platforms, which is just meh. I mean i'm already doing that, but yeah i mean that could very well be it um. But who knows really good morning from phoenix arizona good morning good morning, amd shorts, i'll write that down we'll take a look at amd btbt to 13 btbt.

We recommended that it had a 13 price target yesterday. Potentially so i don't remember exactly what happened towards the end of the day, but we'll start with btbt, so the max long price that we suggested yesterday was 13., so today, it'll be the same thing. The max long target that we would go for on btbt today would be 13 in the event we see btbt up at 13 at 13 is where you'd want to take a bearish bet. The reason that we're suggesting that btbt has a potential target of 13 is if, in the event, not in the event, there is no event.

It really is just you taking your cute little fingers here onto a mouse, changing the time frame to one year one day and then you're gon na go to that handy, dandy, little white line there that guy and you're just gon na put a price level there And say that's where it wants to go so on this move up. The max target we're looking for is the regression level on the daily chart, which is priced at 13 and when it gets there, if it gets there, we're gon na bet bearish. So again, today, btbt max long target 13 13 will be resistance. 13 is a great level to consider being bearish for a short play.

Um now, let's say everything that i just said doesn't happen, meaning let's just say that this little area this spot this little flag up move, is a false breakout. If it were really a false breakout and it didn't want to go to 13 and it was meant to pull back, we would most likely see the stock pull back down to the mean, which is down at nine dollars and six cents. So, in the event that this falls apart, price targets back to nine in the event that doesn't happen, price target would be 13., so again, downside targets back to 9 upside targets back to 13., okay, yeah. Definitely definitely weeble is something to be used for more of a swing trade um.

I don't even think i've traded. Anything in my weeble account for like a year. I think the only thing i've done was like bought silver like three years ago in that account or two years ago that account and then i think i bought like cgc like two years ago, sold some of that and then the only other thing i have in There are just a bunch of random stocks that i've gotten from people signing up that i've just continued to hold that have actually done pretty well so yeah i mean that account maybe has like 1500 bucks in it. But it's and it's the same thing with my robinhood account.
I usually keep like a couple grand on my robinhood account and just basically dick around and buy little things here and there alrighty um, lt gaming got ta say thank you for introducing me to standard deviation. Been adjusting my strategy around it for the last eight months was able to get hard stops a one to two risk to reward ratio and a 70 percent win rate very nice, very nice connor for president now that's a terrible idea, because then everybody would have to Witness one of the united states, president presidents, getting assassinated: that's why we can't have me as president a because i don't want to die and because that would just be tragic to have all of you guys. Witness me get assassinated. Okay, so we're going to pop on over to amc really quickly only because well, of course it's freaking am sizzle and because we told you it was going to go down yesterday and because we told you the price target was basically down to 34 bucks.

It didn't quite get there we're at 35 45, but we'll probably get there today. So yesterday on amc, we recommended watching the market bearish with an anticipated price target. Of the mean the mean is priced at 34.. So, in a nutshell, this today is the current downside target for the market on a m mick sizzle.

Now i don't expect that am mix. Sizzle is going to break down this level. I could be wrong, but i'm just gon na say it's not and i'll probably end up being right. So because, because there's times where i try to break the level and then it doesn't work, so i just know that i've been in situations like this, where i've been the one that tries to get it to break down, because it's so close and that it doesn't Work so i'm just going to say it's not going to break down and then, if it does break down well whatever so today the downside target move 4 am mixed.

Sizzle is back into the prices of 34 dollars to 33 dollars. Market amc sells down to that green box of 34 to 33. That's where the downside move will most likely stop most likely slow down and try to base for the day. In the event you somehow get am mixed sizzle to go down below 33.50.

Well, then, could get even worse. So we'll take a look at that, so i mean um. Does it eh? Probably not so? Typically stocks don't break down in this setup right? Typically, they would get supported here, one more time, bounce up and then they would try to break down. So again, i think we go down a little bit more today, then we're going to bounce for the next couple days, trade sideways and then we'll try to roll over in like another two weeks or something if the rollover in the next week or two weeks fails.

Then we'll squeeze back up so again downside target, like we said: 34 33.. In the event, the market does break the levels that i just talked about, which i don't think is going to be today, but in the future when and if it does, then the market's. Probably going to be moving back down somewhere towards 24 to 25 back to this level, so pretty much once the market breaks the 33's 34's, probably looking for 25.. Okay, andy sandberg wow! You are you're, definitely not the first person to say that you're, like the millionth person to say that, which i mean i see it at times.
I do see it at times yeah. I gotten called andy samberg a lot and i've been called adam sandler, which i don't really see the adam sandler one, but you know i would be lying if i didn't use that line a couple times on. Some girls still didn't work, so figures um sava earnings at 8 30 a.m. It is currently moving up already on analyst upgrade.

Have anyone told you that you look like adam sandberg wow, wow yeah? I know i have heard that one much more handsome. Well, my favorite uh favorite movie from his hot rod, so hot rod. It is all right, we're gon na move on over to and believe me. I still have xela amazon amd btbt and all those so we're going to pop here to xela and then we'll eventually come back.

We'll take a look at sava. We will take a look at dlpn. Dlpn was awesome. Yesterday, dlpm went right up to the price target.

We mentioned so that was cool, so xela was something that i think we looked at the other day. I don't know if it was here if it was in the premium group, but nonetheless we did look at xcla the other day and yet the other day i gave a max long target on xela from 319 to 327. The max long target now on xela is from and when i say max long, that means that doesn't mean that it can't go higher or that it won't go higher. When i say max long, what i'm doing is i'm looking at the way that the market is currently situated and looking, at the best case, slash most logical scenario that an individual should even try to bet on and nothing more right.

So in this instance with xela. With the way the market is set up, i don't think it would be a wise or a good choice or something to try for anything more than 320 to 329 on xcla xcla situation currently suggests a move from 320 to 329 would be good logical. That makes sense anything more than that would be lucky and probably less likely to happen so um, yes, xela. Let me just double check the other time frame before i'm wrong nope.

It's all still pretty accurate, so yeah xcla for me today is going to be. I want to be long bias on it. I really do um it just kind of feels more long, so yeah, i'm going to be optimistic, that there is a long price. That's going to touch 318 to 329.

319. 329., we're already at 306.. So, in the event we see xcla up to 319 329. This is where you're going to want to be bearish on the stock for the day.

Okay, you look like a stud. Well, i can tell there's one person in chat. That's got a brain and i need this guy. Let me tell you um: oh yeah h.
I j. I is going up i'm just now. Looking over at my mix scans, airway, h, j l, i h j. Okay, i got ta drop.

You i got ta put this into the red h, a l all right so for now h, j, l, i is on the move up. There is some news: hancock hancock, hancock jaffe is that jeffy or jaffee hancock joffy granted fda breakthrough device designation for veno valve. So they got fda grants breakthrough device designation status for my hancock for jaffy all right so nonetheless, based on what i am currently seeing with a good old hancock is that in the event? Well, it's not really in the event, but pretty much. I would say you don't really want to try to buy this any higher than the prices of 970 to uh 960 to uh 10.48, so i do believe we're gon na see the price.

Well, we are going to see this little moving on up to 969 to 10.50 now, when this little gets all the way up there to that uh 967 to 1050, there's a great chance you're going to be seeing it sell down unless there's something that this market Has in store for us that we're really not understanding this 960 to 1050 would definitely be a good selling zone for mr hancock all right uh. We got mr hancock up to uh 9 28. There and again like i, was saying that uh i think i i do think it can get up to 960's ish to me. It seems like it makes sense.

So we are we're just going to kind of follow this we're going to follow mr hancock here for just a little bit um and then, as as this, either does or doesn't do what we're thinking. We will then move on over to some other stocks. Here we still have to go through some earnings players here in a sec. So don't forget about debt, so something that i'm currently watching right with like hlji or is that or hjli is the ultimate volume system right.

I'm trying to see if you know, if we're basically shifting right now the ttm is dark blue, which suggests selling pressure um but realistic, but i'm just kind of watching this volume to see. If we remain on the buy side, you can see this candle kind of pulled back, but instantly went back to buying volume, so in the immediate, that's, okay, but still not enough - and these are situations. This is a good good situation to talk about. So like a lot of times in this situation, right if we look at the uh, if you look at the four-hour chart, so if you look at the four-hour chart, this is where hjly's at it's right here.

It still has like 50 cents or 40 cents up to the plus three deviation mark. So a lot of times, markets generally like to go to the solid trending lines, so in this instance we're almost there. It's like yeah, i think, there's a good chance. We can get there because we're so close, but sometimes they stop a little early and pull back.

So that's kind of the trouble with trying to trade from where the price is at to a deviation. If it's close, sometimes the market goes to. Sometimes it shies just before um, but anyways, the more you play with it. The more you'll probably understand what i'm talking about see like right now, the price has gone to and stopped kind of around.
This half deviation so right now the market's holding kind of resistance right at that half deviation mark which so far is kind of just like stupid. Hmm, sorry yeah, the ticker is really hjli, but you know, since its name hancock, i was just having fun with it. Um, so the whole idea of you know is a stock. I mean a downtrend uptrend next day this day.

That day really generally comes down to um how the stock closes for the day or how something closes. If it closes low in trend, then there's a good chance, it'll kind of bounce and try to trend up overnight. If it closes high in trend, then there's a good chance. It's going to try to gap down overnight, um the four-hour chart.

I would still consider long-term because it's over the course of a half year, but it's more, you could call it more. Like macro right, i mean you're looking at the course of six months as opposed to a year, um all right. So what we'll do is we'll keep h, j l i on the screen, um. Actually i'm going to put it on this one.

I want to put it on the screen on the right and then i'm going to use this screen on the left to continue with our analysis. So there's a move on h, j l i up to 9 30., there's 9. 36. All right! So i'm going to take a quick second here, i'm going to look at amazon because it was requested quite a while ago.

Oh wait! That's one! Staying over there, this one's going over here holy smokes, big sell-off from amazon. This is actually the first time i'm seeing this um yeah hjli just had a pretty big selling candle there. I say you might get a pullback there on hjli, so good old, amazon um. I think you should start to consider being long bias, amazon, uh and the reason being is it's come down to the negative one deviation mark, so it's pretty much fallen to support, so you've entered support levels on amazon and yeah.

So for now i i don't think it's going to go lower or too much lower than 3200. So for now i would pretty much say that you want to start considering amazon as a long in the prices of 3, 200. 3. 300 down to 3 000.

Like 235, i think that's your current long zone you'd be looking for. So i i do believe amazon's going to go a little bit lower can go lower, but it's pretty much entered the buy zone. Excuse me sorry, um. How did i come up with the standard? Deviation trading strategy, i'm just basically sitting trading for a lot of years and then playing around new things, new indicators, new studies, new strategies and that's pretty much how i came up with it and then so far.

It i can't say for sure, but i'm just going based off of comments, and you know i guess you could say testimonials, but so far it's been the most accurate trading strategy that i've introduced to anybody on our channel and then um. It tends to be well from what i've heard the most accurate system that anybody's learned um. You know people like, oh well, i was learning from this guy. I went over here and took some educational content and as soon as i learned your stuff, it significantly blew everyone's out of the water.
So who knows, but it does work well, the longer you use it, the more you get comfortable with it and then the more that you're going to learn that markets really do follow this um. So could you share your setup with us? Um, yes, and no i mean all you got to do - is go to use thinkorswim standard deviation. Add it to your chart, you're going to add four deviations up to four deviations, but a lot of the stuff on my charts. Custom coded that you can't have so, but there is a couple videos all you got ta do is go back to our channel.

Look up. Something like this strategy will make you a consistent trader, and then you will have a video that will show you how to set this up yeah. So whlm is something i looked at earlier kind of funky. I thought it could be a long, but so far it's fading out.

The target for wh lm on the downside for now is about 556. So i imagine you're gon na see whl i'm continuing lower down to about 550, so more or less bearish. On that um. I was actually getting ready.

I actually sat down to make that video yesterday, but then i didn't end up making that video, so i will make that a goal of mine today to post a video regarding the trading view one. I also introduced that on the stream. Yesterday, but i will make a video today on it, so you can use a trading view one and remember the trading v1 isn't nearly as good as the thinkorswim one, so really you're getting a subpar indicator to use as opposed to anybody using thinkorswim. But again it's really your best bet in comparison to using thinkorswim that we've found so far across the internet, um tom, anthony um, so you're going to want to go to

I will post a link for you here, a second well that didn't work because it cut off the i see. Okay, now i've posted a link there you go so you're gon na want to follow that um and then you'll see all the other scripts there on our site. So for the 314 of you, would you guys please go ahead and tickle the like button, because it does dramatically help the stream, or at least we're told it does so far. I've been waiting to see that youtube algorithm work in our favor, but maybe maybe maybe it will all right next thing we'll take a look at is amd, so i think the question was whether or not to be bearish uh amd.

So, let's take a look also before we continue with amd for the 300 of you guys on here. This is our separate youtube channel. It's a very simple youtube channel. It's called trading clips.

All it does. Is it streams, benzynga and trade ideas scanners? For you every day, so these are two, i won't say the only, but these are some of the two most popular scanning softwares for the stock market and we post them and stream them with the slightest delay the lowest delay that you can have on youtube. That stream is streaming in, there's always a delay to youtube. There just is, but our stream is set to no delay, so that is the fastest real time that you can use that scanner or those scanners in on youtube.
So it's completely free but you'll basically be using 100 scanners for free every single day, so make sure to check out that channel too uh before you tune out all right now. We're gon na pop over to amd looks like our friend hjli is starting to see some resistance, but it never really hit three deviations. So the question is amd short um, so i think, just yesterday we had mentioned, we thought amd could continue higher, but we did suggest you would start watching it bearish now pretty much yesterday, the short play on amd went down to three deviations. Then it bounced again but nonetheless, yes, i do think you should be watching amd on the bear side for a short to happen in the very near future.

Today, i don't really have it set up that i think it's a short, so yeah. The really. The only way that i would bet bearish, something like amd, is if the market comes down below the price of 106 60s or it's rejecting off the price of 109.92. So if it's rejecting 110 then short, if it's breaking down 106, then short, 106 60s, so it's either short off 110 or short below 106.

For right now, yeah this hjl still managing to hold up still trying to stay up uh the channel is called trading clips. So that's it trading clips scanners are run all day, yeah. Any te popped up on some news, um, the max long target for me on any te in this situation would be up to 1460 to 15, which you can see. We already hit a high of 14.45.

So maybe this does one more long push up into highs of you know 1460 to 15, but then i would imagine it's going to be bearish and it's going to start dropping. So again, your max long price should be up to 1460 to like 15 on this and again i don't even know if that's gon na happen, yeah i'm doing well. My wisdom teeth are finally not being such a pain in the ass. So that's cool wow, big drop from any te there.

Well, not a big one, but just a drop is all i look like superman. Of course, i do you see these guns. Let's go baby all right, so uh anyways net ends up pulling back out of curiosity. I've really been contemplating this idea, not that i mean, maybe you know pretty much.

I play golf quite a bit. I really enjoy golf. I've even considered making a golf youtube channel just because why not so what are you guys, thoughts on that? Do you think it would be unacceptable to have a finance channel and a joke around golfing channel, because, again literally that's if i'm not trading and working, i'm probably playing golf. So it's like why not it'd be fun.
Maybe we'll get a couple buddies along with me, we'll call it uh, we'll call it average joe's golf or we'll call it swing lube. How about swing? Lube swing, lube's, always a good one! I'd watch i'd be down, i mean who knows, maybe i could turn my other loved hobby into a way of actually making money and then i'll never actually even have to pay to play golf i mean, wouldn't that be miraculous, literally trading trading stocks and playing golf. I like it, it's got a ring to it all right. You guys have agreed to it.

It must be done, we're doing a golf channel now, why not um so any te's down a little bit. I have not had anything new come across the scanner. We did get some news here for ifb d, which i have no idea what that means, but if you want to check it out, feel free before you make a golf video tell me your thoughts about baba yeah, let's run so we'll take a look at good Old baba magoo all right, uh baba, so the last time i remember talking about baba baba was down. I know that i know we recommended baba as a long, but i think baba ended up going significantly further than what we thought it would do.

So, let's take a little peak ski, so the last time we talked about, i don't know. Actually i think the last time i really talked about bob. I think it was here. I think we said go long here, yeah yeah, exactly you see this red line on my chart.

It's still there. The last time we talked about bob on this channel. No, i don't even it's hard to say because that's over a month ago, i don't know guys, but i remember it was in a dip and i said, watch it long. So maybe that was it but anyways.

So the way baba's position now is baba had recently sold off down to negative one deviations, this orange line. Then it bounced all the way back to the mean and again guys what i'm showing you right now is literally how the market generally moves on every single stock, literally stocks all do the exact same thing. They go from overbought to oversold overbought, to oversold overbought to oversold and as they're going overbought and as are going oversold, they swing back and forth through the mean, which is the white line. So again we went from boeing wants to say overbought, but we go oversold.

We bounce back to the mean, so the resistance that you can see, which is to the t you can see the top of today's candle is at, is right on the mean. So when we go and shift this to a one minute chart, you will see that the pre-market high today on baba is the exact same price point, as the long term mean. So i would say today on baba. This is going to be a tricky one, because the problem is, we've already touched resistance and pulled back.

We pretty much went down to support and bounced. So so that's that's the way of saying it is. This is your support. This is your resistance and, however, or whatever you see today, that determines which direction this is going to go be my guess, i would say that we would typically want to be trading upwards and or long bias, because the market is from down, and now it's going Up but we already tagged the regression trend, so usually, i would say as we're down here, you go back to the regression trend.
Well, we already did that so now. My analysis would have to point to the regression trend and higher, which i'm not as comfortable saying so i'm just going to basically go with the analysis on baba today is. I have no clue - and i know that your resistance is up here and i know your supports down there. So whatever happens throughout the day that can cause you enough confidence to take a bet one way or the other.

I don't know five minute chart. One minute chart so be it, but i don't like the way it's set up. I just can't get a feel for it. The boiler clubs, i love it, treating the greens making money by walking across the street and filming it i mean someone would watch it.

There's someone there to watch it. Um chinese stuff is crashing uh. No, i really don't trade otcs statistical, strokes, golfing, while scalping boiler room golf brg, boiler, balls balls in your boiler, hmm boiling balls. I got a better one, we'll call the channel thick sticks, oh yeah.

Thanks for tuning back into thick sticks this week we have bubba on the tee and let me guess, he's ready to rip tater chip all right. Let's move on to! Well, we already covered btbt, so i'm going to move over to sava and then um at about nine o'clock, we're going to shift gears and we're going to start looking at some of the earnings stocks for today, because some of them reported last night. Some of them reported this morning, so i figured we'd just wait a little bit and about nine o'clock we'll start running through some of those earnings plays that took place today. Um, you know, i actually don't remember it's been a while, since i learned it so i'm probably going to say it wrong, but i think anything over yeah really anything over one year is meant to be long term.

Anything under one year is really not considered long term. So you can just always say: rule of thumb is year plus long term and you'll you'll hear me say: i'm looking at the long term charts and i'm looking at a 180 day which, like theoretically, isn't long term. But i don't know it's close enough uh. What do you think about shorting amd um, if i remember correctly, your only bearish amd if it's rejecting the price of 110 and or if it's that doesn't seem right, 110 and 96.

yeah? So as long as, if it's breaking 110 or sorry, if it's rejecting 110 you're short, which would have been yesterday so again, the reason we suggested that 110 is the short level would be because that's where the excuse me. That's where the plus 4 deviation marks that yesterday, so this is this is basically what excuse me, what we teach so yesterday, if you had asked me where to short amd when it was like going up here, i would have said you're supposed to short at 110.. Okay, now it's either it spikes back up to 110 and you're short for a double top rejection or the momentum continues going down and i wouldn't and either you're trying to jump in trend and short it down or it's so basically, it's either short off 110 or Short below 106 on amd, all right, so sava god, damn it such a little bag. That's right, we looked at some of them was a candidate the other day like even i considered trading, but i did i i don't know i don't think so.
All right, just gon na pretty much put it the bouncy are currently seeing max target. I don't want to say max because it's probably going to go a little higher than that. So we'll just say that in this current long move with um sava you're looking to get the price back up to 93 dollars to 98, once you get to about 93 to 98, it would be good to sell this move. So if you bought this dip, you bought it yesterday and it moves up to the price of 94 to 98.

That's a great selling price within the move that you're currently having. So, with the way that the market is currently situated on sava, it would logically make sense to only be targeting up to a price of 93 ish to 98. Okay, and that's it that's all we have for baba or wait. That's sava you're gay for me.

Well, i'm gay! For you bam. My channel will probably be like shadow band for like three months for saying the word gay, but so be it um yeah. So if you purchase the standard deviation, custom coded script that includes all the other stuff with it um. You always get access to any updates.

We do to our scripts, so you can always just check back into Go to the product. You purchased log in sign up re-access that that service or product and then get the new, updated version of it. So generally, we send out an email or some sort of announcement in chat across the email whenever we're making an update to one of the scripts or one of the systems so check your email or just periodically pop back into boiler room trading to see.

If there's been an update or if you ever look at my chart - and it seems like there's something else on there - that you're not having that's a part of the system, then just check, but you always get access to the update um. I didn't not write the script for trading view. There was someone on the internet, i don't know who it was that wrote it. I don't have any intentions of changing the script.

That's currently there. If anybody wants to try to work on the script and make it better, then by all means go for it. I've worked with, i think two or three people to try to get it right and it never ends up right. So i've kind of just lost faith myself and trying to even get it done and again i don't code and script things i get other people to or work with other people to do it and they've all had trouble.
So again, if you have the skill set the time and energy to figure out why the hell pine script sucks so much and it just doesn't work very well um gon na be my guess and then you can share it with us, uh zach yeah. I mean if you're looking at saba my projection for sava um again max target right there. I i'm not looking for a 107 move, not that it can't happen all right. It's not that it can't happen right.

It's just when we look at the way that this the market's currently situated on sava logically, it would make most sense to go for 93 to maybe 98 logically right now, 107 makes zero. Sense. 107 only makes sense if we break out of the mean, which would be this white line, and the rules of the market suggest that first attempts are less likely to break so with the way the market is currently situated. This would be a first attempt for baba to break through the mean, which doesn't typically happen.

107 would be more of a logical price point if we go to this 98 93 and then pull back because then the next time we go up. That would be the second attempt, not the first first attempts most likely to fail. Second attempts more likely to break, which also reinforces the idea that, just because a stock hits a support level more times makes it stronger. That's not correct.

Actually, the more times price touches. A certain level means the more likely it's actually to break right and the reason i say that is because if a stock falls down to five dollars and then bounces and it comes back down to five dollars and then balances and comes back down to five dollars, Why the hell does it keep going back down to five dollars? It doesn't keep going down to five if the support's so strong, it keeps going down to five because people keep selling that down to five. That's why so um anyways! I don't. I don't think the 107 and sorry if that seemed condescending or asshole-ish or dickish.

I don't mean it to be sorry uh. I would actually say um what contributed most to my financial education um. I would say being fearful of not being secure. I would say one of my, i don't even say if it's characteristic, but i i i have.

Maybe it's a characteristic or maybe it's an emotional thing. I don't really know, but i am very fearful: it's almost fearful of not being successful and success rhymes with money and money rhymes with security and all those things. So really i just always worried about being 40 years old and basically not being able to walk outside, and you know have a life of my own. That's pretty much it i didn't want to have to nobody wants to work for anyone else.

Everybody wants to make their own schedule. Everybody wants to do the things that they want to do like that's a no-brainer, but i've always been extremely fearful that hey what? If i don't do things right and i wake up at like 40 years old, still don't have a plan and i have no money in my pocket. I can't afford to do this. I can't afford to do that so, basically, being scared of not having money be financially independent and basically just old and dumb is what drove me to make sure that i learned about money and saving and interest rates and stocks and this and that and all the Things that i knew that you're supposed to know were all the things i saw other successful, wealthy people or well-loved people are doing um, so that was just it.
I just think, be fear of basically being unsuccessful, not having money. It scares me. That's that's really. What scares me so then? I learned to trade stocks a little bit learned to buy stocks.

Then i learned about credit cards and interest rates and inflation, how you build credit and then - and it was important to build credit and all these things, because i knew i wanted to buy rental properties and you can't get invested in rental properties and rental homes. Unless you have good credit, unless you have a good financial standing, so in order to even do that, i had to make sure that i good credit. So how did i build good credit? I got credit cards and then i even got car loans. I've done two car loans, not that i had to.

I just know that if i did do that, then banks would see okay, this guy took out you know 40 50 000 in car loans and was able to pay them back in a year and a half. So clearly, he knows that he knows how to manage. Money will be willing to give him money to play with. So all those things are in the back of my head, so there's always something i want to do and there's like six million things you got to do before you get there and now i'm just rambling and that's the story um all right.

What time is it? 8. 55. Give me one second here, guys: hmm, okay, awesome uh, i suck, but i'm getting better. Okay, i suck too many times throughout the week throughout the day and throughout the years um.

I don't think there's any way not to suck at trading. I i don't. I really don't, i think you can take the best trader in the world and he'll show you exactly how you can suck at times. So don't don't be too down to yourself.

You know, and that's you know robert that's another thing too, is you know like yeah like some people um and there's nothing against it? Some people are just generally the type of people that, and i don't even want to say lazy, like lazy is not even like some people are generally lazy. Sure, but obviously there's plenty of people that just like they're just comfortable not doing like much and that's completely fine like that's the other problem is like society and social media and everything like that. It's convinced, it's convinced, everybody that they have to be doing something um to like put themselves in this this social status right, like i, don't give a if you're lazy, you don't want to do it. That's fine right, you're, just a human do whatever you want to do right.
So that's another problem, a lot of social media. It's just kind of amped us up into thinking that we have to be equivalent doing the same thing that the guy next to us is doing, and it's just causing it's cause. A lot of problems really is what it is. So that's the thing is we constantly see what other people are doing, so we feel the need to play catch up or i'm not doing enough, and i have the same thing right same thing.

You know i look at other people on youtubing. Oh well look at where they're at and look where i'm at i'm not doing enough. I need to make more videos. I got to be doing better editing and all these things, and it just basically drives you into an endless circle, and so the best thing is just to know that you're all on your own path, i'm on my path, we're all doing the things that we're supposed To be doing in the time that we're supposed to be doing them and that that's just the way it's gon na be you can try harder.

You can try to not do a thing as hard, but life's gon na keep going on, so don't get caught up with what everyone else is doing all the time. All right. Sorry, i'm just kind of going through some uh comments here i owe the government money. I'm currently on the run, but i watch on my downtime i'll, like it uh.

I am 27 i'll be 28. In december this year, uh yeah to the gentleman who asked the question about getting around the pdt or trading with the small account um the best. The the best thing to say is there is no secret that you haven't already heard regarding a small account, pdt, etc. There isn't anything out there, that's magical, mystical or very secretive that you haven't probably already heard about.

It's really just how you piece all of these things together. That can give you more opportunity so either get 25 000 plus trade. As much as you want. Okay, you don't have 25 000 plus, so that option is that's gone, so you can't do that.

Okay! Well, you could just have one account with, however much money you have, and then you just trade your three times per week that it's allowed with your pattern day. Trading, okay or you could take all the money you have and you could split it up. So maybe you have 10 grand. You could split it into two five grand piles and then you can open up a broker at td, ameritrade and robin hood.

And now you have six state trades, so you can have as many day trades as you want. Based on how many brokerage accounts you open based on how much cash you have in all those brokers, so you could take 20 grand split it into four open up. Four separate brokerage accounts and then you're going to have a total of 12 trades a week or you can go to a cash account. A cash account is something where you're being a big boy you're.
Only using your money, you're not on a margin account a margin. Account would be like you going to your mom and dad and asking them for money to go out on the weekend and then monday morning. You'll return that money to them with a little bit of interest, so either go cash account or margin account margin account pdt rule, if not over 25k cash account means you take all the cash that you have put it into the broker account your broker will give You no more money other than the money. That's in your account, so all the money you have in your cash account is all the money that you'll be able to use for investing.

Well, when you invest into a company there's a transaction that takes place just like when you go to target and you buy something or you go to walmart and you buy something. So you went to walmart and you bought this game. And then you realize the game is for two-year-olds and well you're, 50 years old. So i don't know how you made that mistake.

But you did you bought a game for a two-year-old and you're 50 year old. So you want to go back to walmart and you want to return the game, so you've got to return it it costed. You fifty dollars! Well, you're not going to instantly get that fifty dollars back on your credit card. It usually has a transaction settlement time.

The amount of time it took to process the transaction and then do the refund and then put it back in your bank. Account could take sometimes a couple days so anytime you trade stocks or buy anything in the market. It's basically the same as you making a transaction that transaction has settlement times before the cash that's used or being transferred, settles from place a to place b so in a cash account, depending on the broker. You're working with there's usually what's called a settlement time.

The settlement time is becoming quicker, faster, quicker, faster as the years go on generally based on technology. Technology's, improved settlement times have gone down lower, so your other option to avoid pdt is get a cash account. A cash account is the individual investor using all of his own money in his account to invest. He gets no additional money from the broker.

Okay, so you can take a twenty thousand dollar account. You could divide it into or say. Let's say you have yeah a twenty thousand dollar account. You can divide the twenty thousand into an equal five thousand dollar portions and you could use five thousand dollars to trade with on monday, you could use five thousand to trade with, on tuesday, five thousand, a trade with on wednesday five thousand to trade with on thursday And five thousand to trade with on friday, and the reason i say that is because if you take the money in your account and you divide it up and you use that money on one day of every week, the settlement time would be two days.

So the five thousand dollars that you took to walmart and bought alibaba's stock. Personally, so the five thousand dollars you went into walmart with and you went to the cashier and you bought five thousand dollars worth of her stock from the cashier on monday, okay and then sold that same five thousand dollars worth of stock of walmart. That same day. On monday will then be available to use on wednesday, so the five thousand dollars you transacted with on monday in your cash account will now be available to use on wednesday.
So if you take all your money divided equally amongst the days in the week, depending on the settlement time, you could day trade every single day of the week in a cash account, and that's really your only other option, all right. So now that we've done all that good stuff yeah, now that we've done all that good stuff, give me just a second i'll, be right back and then we're gon na jump into some of the earnings plays for the day yeah some of the earnings movers here For the day, so give me just a tickle and i'll be back here in a second you all righty! Ladies and gentlemen, i am back home alrighty. So after the close monday, no big names i care about before the open on tuesday. So i mean obviously there's a ton, a ton, a ton of different companies that reported earnings here today, all right so yeah, really the only earnings that i'll probably follow a little bit today will be baba.

Obviously that's we. We talked about that one, a little bit earlier, um, maybe under armor. I might watch a little bit and then it probably will just come down to anything that pops on the scanner throughout the day, so probably keeping an eye on baba um a little bit on under armour, which is ua, um yeah and, like i said anything that Just uh tends to start moving throughout the day we're at 1916, so i could probably go up to 1975 yeah, maybe um, just in fyi, for those of you tuning in to today's stream. Don't forget at the trading clips youtube channel each day, trade ideas and benzingo scanners are streamed for free, starting at about seven in the morning, going all the way through some of the after hours trading session.

These will pretty much find you every stock, that's generally moving throughout the market on any given day trading clips youtube channel, all right so again, um under armor, i'm kind of more like bullish on under armour. Today, i'm thinking we might see a target of about 1975 to 20 bucks. That would be my max long target for it don't know if i'll trade into it. Excuse me for now, but that's kind of the max long target.

For me. Oh that's rough! We're going to turn that off uh still long, tk 18, no, not long tkat, but you can see tka tkat ended up breaking out later in the day and pretty much went to our price target that we mentioned. If you look at the daily chart, you will see on the daily it didn't it pretty much got there but anyways. Yesterday we had mentioned being long tkt.
We were long didn't work when we wanted it to later. In the day, it ends up breaking out figures. So be it pretty much went up to our price target of 986 ish so for the time being, we're no longer really extremely long bias. Tkat.

I think you can still see long moves, but again yesterday was pretty much a breakout over this previous price resistance, which was running to trending resistance. So again, this is price action, resistance, that's trending resistance. When price action breaks we move to trend. So whenever i'm telling you price levels, it's basically on the idea that a price action level will break and we're going to move to true trending levels, so anyways tkt not long anymore, but it worked out later in the day, clove a little mick clove yeah.

I mean clove um, i would say you want to be long, biased, clove, maybe a target up to 8.99 for right now, but pretty much. All i see for club. Excuse me yeah, give me a second i just want to run through. I just want to run through all of these stocks that we're jumping earlier um w-h-l-m wow that ended up holding support really well okay, so i thought whln was going to trend down to 560..

That's what i was waiting for, but that's not going to happen. This thing's probably going to continue moving upwards because the way it appears yeah so whlm is kind of interesting, especially now that it popped there. So the current resistance in the market with whlm is about 672 ish i feel like whlm, is going to try to move back up to prices of like 660 672 and then i feel like we're going to try to break that today. But for now i guess with whlm would only be looking to be long bias up to about 670 for right now and then, if we can actually get up through six yeah 670s is where the bigger move would occur from whlm.

So, for the time being long bias whlm back up to 670, if you can break 670, that's where a bigger move can happen where you'd be targeting up to 720 for the time being, uh don. So we are no longer offering the premium chat room service on boiler, room trading. The only chat room service, we're now offering is the elites trading program which has one live streaming room and multiple weekly mentoring classes. So that's really the only subscription sort of service that our company now offers.

We no longer offer the boiler room trading premium service, so there's uh, not a big move but whlm holding that pull back a little bit trying to move higher spce moved up to 3280.

By Stock Chat

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6 thoughts on “Live market analysis 8/3/2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jairzhino Milla says:

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CPA Search says:

    RMHB Rocky Mountain High

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Snow says:

    Does anyone know what the ticker symbols are for the overall stock market? So you can tell if the market is going to be up or down for the day

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Bee says:

    No golf. Focus on the charts. Thank you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Nunya says:

    cool intro logo, i like it

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