#technicalanalysis #amc #roku #nio
Live Market Analysis | AMC, ROKU, NIO, VVOS
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, which, by the way, need to update that, so we will do this so so far, watch list uh and one second all right, awesome good morning, guys hello, everybody good morning and good morning, um. So we'll probably first start with alibaba because made a video about that one last night, so um last night ended up releasing a video regarding alibaba, suggesting that the markets could very well have started bottoming here. Hence kind of that big finish with a hammer candle with a lot of strong buying volume. Uh, the video last night suggested we would go up and fill the gap you know, potentially, if we based it might take a couple weeks or maybe a one to two day reversal so looking here this morning and the market on baba has pretty much filled.

That gap you can see most of the price action has been filled. We have jumped up to the half deviation or sorry. We jumped up to uh the negative one deviation mark here this morning, um. So nonetheless, baba is slightly over support right now, pre-market, so that red line priced at 168 or more like 167, is pretty much the support for right now i mean realistically that's already a really good move and a good trade.

I feel that baba is going to end up going higher than this. We might pull back a little bit, but i do feel that baba is going to bounce more than what we've been seeing just here. I think this is only the start of it um, so we're going to be watching baba closely today and over the next couple days for continued long movement. The next long target up would probably be somewhere around 175 to maybe 173 area.

So again, we'll keep watching baba pretty closely here today and over the next couple days. Ah, gold well i'll, be all right yeah we will uh we'll definitely take a look at gold in a sec um. Also something to keep an eye on. Is the penny stock bbth, it's been very confusing all morning in a sense, almost broke out here almost broke out.

There almost broke down here almost broke down there. So right now the market makers are playing games on bbth, but nonetheless, if we can get bpth um, it looks pretty strong right now. I think it has a little more to go on the day, we'll see but again if we could actually get bpth up to the prices of about 725 to or sorry 772 to, like 7 16. yeah pretty much if we could actually get bpth up and through These two red lines today, we should see the market go up to about 850 or 840, or so maybe even higher, but for now i would assume the breakout through the 780s will take you up to the price of 840, so just make sure to keep an Eye on bbth throughout pre-market and into the open, uh sight bob so you're saying the volume's too high, because if it is, i can definitely turn it down because the last time we did this, everybody said that this was good volume, but some of my videos seem That it's still a little loud, so actually you know i am going to turn it down a bit.

You guys tell me so i turned the gain down just a little bit there. So hopefully um it's! Okay! All right next thing, we're going to take a look at is neo. Hmm, that makes sense. I was like.
Why does that not look right so once again, uh bpth sitting right near that breakout level, just not really able to get up and through for the time being, all right. So yesterday we had mentioned being long, biased, neo and following neo um. I believe we had mentioned the first price target up, you'd be looking for on. Neo is going to be around it's.

This isn't the exact level from yesterday, but pretty close right around 39 18. 39. 20. So nonetheless, neo has gotten up to the desired long target.

So i do think we're going to be seeing a day where neo starts by pulling back. It has been selling off for quite some time. So arguably you know i feel as if it still wants to go higher, but to at least start the day. I would imagine, there's a good chance.

We see a pullback so for right now, last looking at neo, we had suggested being long this bottom because it was on a negative one deviation mark. We have now bounced back up all the way. To the four hour, statistical mean, which is generally going to be a slight resistance. Part of me feels that this is going to continue going higher, but nonetheless going to be watching neo, maybe slight pullback, to start the day, but overall long bias on the stock.

For the time being, okay, okay, awesome, that makes me feel better uh eric, yes, baba did gap up pretty much exactly perfectly, as mentioned in that video. So it's awesome when that happens. That's you know not always the case, but yeah. I'm pretty happy that panned out very nicely um he's not a culture.

Witty he's not necessarily wrong. We've discussed some of we've on this channel at times i've discussed or had discussions that fall in line somewhat similar, but not exact to what he is saying. So much of what he's saying is in fact true and accurate. Some of it, you could say, might be exaggerated, but nonetheless, it's fairly accurate, all right, really quickly we're going to pop on over to amc uh.

So yes, yesterday we had mentioned, you should be looking for a target on the upside of amc max target yesterday, which might be slightly different today. I don't think so, though. No, it's not because it's a daily chart so yeah! Let's yesterday we had suggested you looked for a target on the upside for amc to 37.72 once it had broken through its half deviation price point, which was probably around like 35 88, or something like that. Yesterday.

It's moved a bit, it could have been even less than that. I'm not entirely sure. Let me look yeah yeah, that's about where well, because it started at the pre-market high, but it's probably it's hard to say because the days change, but there was a level yesterday right around this first red line. You had a break and once you broke that we suggested looking for a 3770 target, the market ended up going to 37.93, so markets are doing everything on amc that they need to be doing to start getting back to suggesting we can hit the 45 target.
So again, once we get through these previous tops and highs and break out the stretch or the length of that move is going to be up to 45 dollars. Okay, so you just got to make sure if you're trading you're watching amc that you know how far this thing can go so again, once you actually successfully break around this 38 39 top and run your move is going to go to 45. So that's pretty much! What you're watching for right now is for the markets to get up and out of this top today they have the possibility of doing it because we're in a mini cup and handle so we had bounced up down back up to the previous top slight little pullback. So we're in sort of a little mini cup and handle, and if you can get up and out in this direction, then it should work and it looks like the stock bpth is trying to go.

I'm trying just got through the 775 mark. Oh yeah. Sorry. I kind of stalled there for a second but yeah.

You can keep an eye on bpth. I don't have a position on that for now um one second, so yeah you're kind of looking at like a little mini cup and handle formation on uh on amc, but pretty much everything over the next couple days should be watched carefully to see if the markets Can actually get up and through the previous tops around 38 70s to 39, and if it does successfully, we should see that run to about 45 dollars. Next, ah, tdo see doug uh in your morning. Analysis.

Are you using the deviation with after slash before market data or just market open, uh? Most of the market? No yeah, i mean everything in the morning is done with using pre-market trading yeah for the most part or analysis is done with pre-market and after hours, sprt sprt ended up jumping up later in the day yesterday, exactly to the price targets we mentioned, so i ended Up moving long - and i think we might still be watching that one on the long side um. So if a company owns a lot of bitcoin, it doesn't bitcoin, isn't going to necessarily make their company go up. But it's the premise that if bitcoin goes up and they have a bunch of bitcoin, then the company is going to be generating more revenue or earnings which therefore would be reported on their earnings, which therefore would generally make this company go up. If you know good earnings, good money, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera so yeah, if a company has bitcoin and bitcoin goes up theoretically, the company is making money.

So their earnings report should reflect. That is better than the previous earnings report. If they didn't have bitcoin in the previous earnings report, so yeah it's so it's more of like a psychological thing, partially fundamental, but i can't say that there's well there. There is immediate and direct impact.
So you know if bitcoin goes up like um companies that had like tesla you've seen tesla. I've had good days when bitcoins on the run so um. There is sort of some sympathy there. You can argue that has a direct and immediate effect on the market.

So i'm going down the list and currently writing down some tickers uh, be if you're referring to the red lines, i mean those are just the drawing tools from thinkorswim. Most most platforms are going to have some form of sketch or draw that you can make on a chart. No, i i really don't use elliott wave in my analysis for the most part, not that i shouldn't, but i don't yeah. I've noticed that too crap.

When you go to look for my live stream, it's like it doesn't show up like on the main page, which is just kind of odd. You end up having to like scroll down or something yeah, i'm not sure it's just really goofy. Actually, let's do this. I know sometimes it's like that.

Sometimes it's not, but every once in a while, it's kind of goofy you have to kind of jump around to find it um. Hmm, i honestly have no idea about the hawaiians. I'm not really uh not really paying attention much to the lions right now. I don't even think i've watched one football game right now.

Actually i really haven't watched like any sports, especially since, like before lockdown, so i haven't really. I haven't really been watching. Much of anything sports related um, all right, so taking a look here at tdoc, so tdoc has been in a downtrend. The daily chart relative strength index suggests that there is a potential reversal based on rsi, but it's been struggling.

There was a very, very big like on this day. Here you can see. There's 11. Is that 11 mil.

Are they counting this in the millions they got ta be hold on, but that doesn't even make sense there? It goes yeah, so i was 11. 11.5 million shares traded um, i mean every time we get. I mean that was a big volume spike that was down. It was down, but anyways uh yeah, that's a big buying spike here.

So i could say this market might be trying to bottom here on uh on tdoc. Let me take a look at the four hour chart interesting um, so is that a double bottom market bounce market move down reach how slow run it yeah? I mean that could very well be a bottom um. There was a lot of buying pressure here. It would be nice to see the block orders that were going through on that day um.

You know if there was significantly big big block orders coming in on this day. In relation to you know this stock itself float and market cap and all those things uh. That would be interesting to see, but we can't because it's so far ago, but this double bottoms come back and it's bounced pretty nicely so that could be a re-test to the bottom testing the flow so yeah. I think i think tdoc should be watched slightly long.

Um, there's no higher low off this double bottom. Yet so it's kind of in a down moving phase, you're, still below a lot of important moving averages, so i'd probably feel a little bit more comfortable on tdoc after it kind of gets up and through the regression trend. So until then, i really only see long moves, maybe up to 150 to 61, but once you can get up and through this that's where i'd be a little bit more comfortable in that long, all right. Next, one list sprt.
So yes, sprt yesterday made a fantastic move up um it went to our price targets and maybe even more so yeah. This is effectively gotten through all of the highs and previous resistance. So you should probably watch sprt on the long side. Today, it's up through plus three deviations which puts it overbought so now this is into just a running market um.

Let me just double check a couple more things. So next price target up for sprt for me would be up to the price of 12.51 max price. For now 14.50, so yeah watch sprt long on the day, with the target right now of 12.50 uh yeah, like there's tons of videos on my channels, about how to set uh things up on your chart, yeah um yeah i mean for the real estate market to Even move plus three deviations would be super significant, so the likelihood of that happening is pretty much non-existent um, but any good time to buy real estate is when the markets are down. I guess you could say which you will know about when that happens.

The whole world will tell you that um but yeah i mean you could track different real estate investment trusts. You know i'm not sure of the ticker that actually tracks like the real estate market, but you could also go to the fred website. Where you can look at you know all the reports that are coming out from the feds. So that's another thing i mean i can make a video on that too.

But that's another thing to take. A look at is go to the fred website where feds list all their documentations and reports on the economy, housing markets, um treasuries - i mean everything, that's another good place to look all right, uh really quickly. I want to take a look over here at uh bitcoin because well, why not? Let's see what's going on so it's pulling back a bit which it's kind of like meh, come on just get up to 54 000.. I mean we've already done a really good job.

At you know getting most of the move, you know. Theoretically, you know when this pop happened, then we started to break up in this move. We suggested to move to 47 and then to 54 000, so from 47 to 54. That would be seven and we hit a high of 50.

so we're about halfway there. You could argue so. 50 percent of the move we've been able to track so just hoping it gets up to the 54 000 because that would make you know a lot of sense to me that my analysis would be spot on. So i i still going to kind of stick by that 54 000 for now.

Well, maybe it's 53 700 now, but nonetheless, pretty close all right going to be looking at the qqq here, so we're taking a peek at the overall market uh. So if you guys remember from yesterday's analysis, we gave a long target on the market. Up to um, 372 36. market ended up going through that price point too.
So the pullback you're, seeing in the market, is most likely going to come back down to this price of 372, 36 or pretty close, maybe even below it, but for now the market is magnetic to that line. So we'll see how close it can get. If it can get to it, if it can get through it, but nonetheless, markets are moving down to about 370 to 94. This morning is the way that it appears.

Um yeah, that's uh, oh no, never mind my fault, there's something before that. So, there's still a lot, there's actually a level well before the one. I just told you, which was actually the level we were going for yesterday. I just hadn't updated it yet this morning, so um anyways, the pullback support of the market right now is uh 372.92.

So there's a good chance: you'll see the markets, try to bottom right about there this morning on uh on the nasdaq. Now i yeah, no, i don't think that's gon na happen. I mean that big of a day would it really give back that much of the day. I would be super impressed i'll put this there as like a contingency, but all the way down to like 370 102 is also possible, but i don't really think that's gon na happen.

I would really think markets will come down to about here, maybe slightly under and try to bottom in about that 372. 90 area. Um. I don't really i mean when i say pretty much whenever i'm saying time frame.

Typically, that's going to be soon right, so i'm anticipating those things soon and then, if they don't happen, then that means they're going to take longer so um like, for example, right if we go back to bitcoin or yeah all right when we started moving when we Started breaking up and through this move at about 42 000, we recommended uh, 47 000 and then after 47, 000, 54 thousand. And since then you know it's taken one, two, three, four: five: six, seven, eight, nine ten, eleven twelve thirteen, almost two weeks right. So i would imagine, if we're correct, maybe another week week and a half possibly two weeks, i think in two weeks time we'll have an answer whether or not this gets hit or it doesn't or we're moving higher or we're moving lower. So i think, within two weeks we'll have our answer so on that don't think it's going to be months to figure that out yeah it should be uh pretty soon yeah baba strong gap.

Up, i mean i mean: if baba could bounce back to the mean that would be awesome all the way back to 191. ouch. That would be great. Are you going to look at fcel here, um fcl, pretty much bounced back to resistance, so you got to get up and through six dollars and 41 cents for a bigger pop um.

You want to stay above about six dollars and ten cents. Yeah 610. 608 is where your support's at for fcel resistance on fcel is 641, so i think you could see a move up on the day to about 641 from sceo netflix, oh yeah. Somebody asked about that.
Was it short netflix um i mean, would have been better here off the gap. Phil move um i mean yeah, you could you could look to be slightly bearish on netflix around these prices? Obviously if it starts breaking up so pretty much put it this way right. If you bearish this and it breaks out fully you're going to go up to the price of 5.79, so um well, actually, no, you go up to 571 and if you let it break there, then it would take you to this so anyways yeah i mean you. Could be bearish here, your first profit level down is going to be 547 um so like, for example, you could you could do it like this.

You know this is a way of being bearish this. You know your target would be down to 547 and a stop out level could be around 550 940 and your entry um is at like 5 57 91.. You know you could look at it like that. Um anyways yeah.

I could see why you want to be bearish here. I think it needs a little bit more time, but you're basically being bearish off this previous top hoping for a pullback um. So since, for example, this move started down here and went to there, the pullback was pretty harsh okay, so this goes up pulls back, you know actually more than 50 percent, but it ends up basing right at about. You know slightly 50 percent of that previous move.

Okay - and then we go from here up to here this pullback, if you're correct and you went bearish and it pulled back. You really shouldn't be anticipating for a move anything more than maybe to about there, because that again would be about 50 of the previous move. In that market, so, if you're bearish here don't anticipate profits of this drop, you should anticipate profits of about half of that um. So yeah, that's netflix, uh square and amd are next on the list and then, after that, we're gon na be popping on over to weeble for a sec.

Oh big news, yeah weeble, got back to me and said that they believe they have finished. The standard deviation on weibull um. They will be releasing it in their next uh next update. So next time they send out an update for the weibull platform, whatever version that might be, they said that they will have it on their platform so thumbs up guys.

That's happened, sorry if that was a little long, okay, so square uh. We just talked about square recently, not too long ago, where we had said i kind of wanted it down to this price for long, but if it doesn't get down there, you'd watch for like a break through the price of 259.. It did that we've moved to the plus one. I don't see a big move from this today.

I think you're gon na end up seeing it pull back a little bit, maybe down to 269 or something like that. Yeah like back to 269 269.50. I i think really the only way square is going to rip today is if the market does and the market's currently pulling back. So i think most things are going to probably start with a slight pullback today, bpth max for the day um.
So i ha. I think this has the potential to actually be a runner. On the day. My first target, i was expecting to look towards or look look up to was 8 43.

So i was really anticipating the markets going to about 8 43 this morning, which they got up to 8 14 pulled back so we'll see if it ends up doing what we need, but yeah so 840 for now is my target on that. Okay, uh last one here amd, take a break here from looking at so many darn stocks um, so yeah amd popped up just over the plus two deviation mark pulling back this morning. So yeah i mean the markets on amd was kind of meant to pull back to 108.66. So it's done that.

I think you look for a move on amd, maybe to retrace down to the price of 107.79 today so again, if the market does keep being bearish on ams or amd uh, and if the overall market pulls back a little bit of the open, it might give Amd the power and strength to shift down to about 107.80 or 60s uh, and then you look for a balance: okay, good stuff, all right for mr chupapi milienna. We will hit you with a tesla uh, so tesla pretty much bounced back to resistance, you're, probably going to be slightly neutral to bearish this morning, as opposed to long bias. Well, yeah. Another way of putting is you're not going to get a big long move from the stock until you actually break about 7.

17. 48. So really you're pretty much just waiting for this to get up and through that price. But again, since this is the first attempt at the resistance, since it first got there probably going to be slightly neutral to bearish on tesla for the day, i think all right, i'm gon na pop on over to weeble here and bring this guy up um, so Count is still up, that's good, a little bit of an increase overnight, so it looks like the days p.

L is up 59 today, um. So a couple things i had added you know later yesterday it was a small position on neo ten shares and just one share position on alibaba um. I also did a trade in alibaba elsewhere, but anyway, so yesterday we made that video about the dip was adding long to that. Looking for the gap, fill move so you'll see.

The p l right now is up 10.65 on baba in this little account, and that's because this is up to the gap fill price. So there's about a ten dollar potential profit margin there. If the market did its gap, fill a couple of the um. A couple of the cryptocurrencies that i have are a little red and that's that's simply because the markets haven't really.

You know boomed, since i've picked them up, they've been sort of stagnant, so overall account's doing just fine. Only thing, that's really changed is just a couple entries and small trades there, roku neo and baba, and really it's just because i think those are getting ready to pull back. So there is going to be a video coming out. I think on wednesday uh regarding weeble kind of the start up of the series on weeble.
So if you guys are interested in following along with that that will be coming on wednesday, we will work on a tablet. Yeah, i think weeble does work on a tablet. I'm not sure i've never really used it myself, but i would imagine so more. People on our stream is never a bad thing, but you never want to intrude onto somebody else's uh platform and or business.

It's not the ethical thing to do. I just got a uh. I just got a message from my uh, my dentist's office and they're like connor yeah. This is the second time i've rescheduled my appointment because first i had my wisdom teeth taken out and i just wasn't ready for this dentist's appointment with my wisdom, teeth so anyways they're like connor, i left him my voicemail.

We need to reschedule your appointment today again due to a flood at the office and i'm like that's cool, because i just realized that i lost my insurance card because they only sent me a paper one and then i accidentally put my wallet in the washing machine. A couple weeks back and i took it out to let it dry and well. Needless to say, i don't think i ever put it back so that ended up working out just fine, just fine, all righty um. So a couple videos will be coming out pretty soon.

On weeble we're going to be running through the accounts details page, so that's a pretty good video because it runs suit everything you need to know about your margin, margin, interest, dividends, fees, everything that you can pretty much talk about on this page is described so pretty Beginner, but i think for some it's going to be right up their alley. Um look at roku sure! Yes, we can do that so for the 360 of you guys following this morning, would you not mind giving your buddy connors a little tickle on the like button? As it does dramatically help the streams appreciate you guys so yeah with roku, pretty much has fallen down to the negative one deviation price on the daily chart tends to be an area where you know sometimes uh market makers are going to try to accumulate stock. Excuse me, i know it's like kind of runny this morning. It's weird um anyways, so a lot of times when prices fall down to the negative ones, negative twos, it's areas where market makers - and you know bigger guys - are looking to accumulate shares um before moving the markets back up to then sell into you essentially so um.

I think it's worth watching roku down here, as we mentioned before, the first price target up for roku was to the price of 362.66. So for now you need to get roku up and through the price of 360 to 58. In order to really see a pop. I got ta say: roku is kind of one.

That's, it looks like it's not gon na jump. It still looks relatively weak er, but i think it's shifting to the upside. I do we have decent buying volume. The ultimate volume system has gone back to slightly green down here.
Yesterday was kind of an uh day. We'd rather see like a solid buying day yesterday, but nonetheless i mean it's decent um we did get our. We do. Have a buyer beat over the previous red trading session, so that's good and the ttm squeeze here on the daily chart is turning to yellow uh.

Also, let's see yeah, there is a very early signal potentially of a reversal on the rsi. So if we look at sorry i'm trying to get this. So if you look at this low to this low rsi low here to this high we're getting opposing arguments on the relative strength index, so we're starting to see a divergence play to the upside on relative strength index. So there's a couple stars that are aligning for a move to the upside, so i think it's it's probably decent to keep it on much more long bias, as opposed to bearish now uh.

If the price of roku comes back down, it starts trading near the price of 339.59. It's going to take a lot longer for it to recover, if not go lower. I do not know of any volume indicator, that's similar to the one that we have now. Uh yeah, no problem, no problem, all right, so it's 8 48..

I kind of want a coffee, but i'm a little lazy to go, make it honey. What are you doing? Aren't you good friend, no i'm just kidding, i love her. I love her but seriously honey. Make me coffee jesus over here trying to pay the bills.

All right need some energy um. So so i think today, sorry that might have been loud. I do believe today. So far, what i'm probably gon na watch is bpth.

It's been a pain in the ass already this morning. I'm definitely so for sure. Today, the watchlist things i'm watching are baba. Amc neo, i thought i'd put a comma in there.

How does that always happen? Um? Oh, i know why i need one um yeah, so bbth amc, neo are definitely ones we're watching for the day, but i believe that that watch list isn't going to do us any good, like those are more or less stocks that have been following, and i have A couple positions on and they're doing, okay, so i want to follow them, but i don't necessarily think they're going to be the best trading day. So i think i still need to increase that watch list a little bit more to something i think is going to have better activity so uh we still got 40 minutes till the open uh. Some things could shape up hell. I haven't even looked at my scanners like once this morning, yet been too busy holy smokes we're over the 400 mark baby.

Let's go, the resistance has been broken. Thank you guys. I appreciate that. That's awesome.

We've been uh, we've been waiting for this day. Thank you. Baby, lord jesus for another day on the planet. I love you shangri alrighty, um, so yeah.

Let me take a take a peek at my scanners and if you guys didn't already know what you probably do, there are free scanners. At trading clips youtube channel, live benzinga trading trade ideas scanner, so you have news: halt scanners, price price, spike scanners and a bunch of momentum, scanners and pre-market gap scanners and all that good stuff, so make sure to check that out all right just going to take A second to just speed through a bunch of stocks myself here. Well, i guess i don't really. I should just be like okay, but i got ta move the head, uh yeah.
I will post the link to the youtube scanner. Link has been posted to the youtube scanner right there in the chat, and it's also probably in the description too, show oh back to back to 389, almost at where omo was almost cool. Why is that even stupid? All right? The stock cara is kind of interesting. Today, ah cara might be something of interest um, so so so.

Okay, sorry about uh, so yeah, just basically gon na speed through some stocks here, um give me one. Second, i got ta. Do another thing see how busy the morning can get for me at times it just uh almost endless, so all right, awesome, all right good to see you yeah, i mean i'll, try changing my settings to get to only a one. Second lag i mean i've.

I've gone through my settings multiple times um, so it should be uh. I mean we also have it on ultra low latency. So i mean yeah i'll, take a look at them, but i thought i was running the best you could have. Sometimes things change.

I guess but yeah uh, some hobo yeah, that's typically how it goes. That's that's typically how it goes yeah! No, because that's all i really needed to say on cairo is that it might be a possibility uh. What is the deal here? Why is everything just always not want to work makes no sense. Sorry about that um, yeah pdd! That's got a long move that'll, probably go to 93.77 yeah, so currently just kind of running down the gap.

Scanner see if there's anything, that's even interesting this morning, jd with a big gap up this morning, chinese related stock. Actually, you know what i got ta check something out so so yeah, probably those the chinese markets are up. So a lot of things are gapping up too thanks t all. Would i appreciate that? Okay, so anyways jd is a pretty big big gap up pretty much moving similar to like how baba's moving um interesting to say the least uh you'll see mrna ended up going up to our price target yesterday of 410 to 408, starting to see a little resistance.

Now or wait? No that wasn't a price target from yesterday. That was a previous price target. Excuse me or wait. No! Yes, it was a previous price target.

Ah yeah, i think with mrna you're, probably still on the long. I don't really see a big need to be too short biased at yet that's kind of interesting bbig short float, 51.26, so yeah. If the short float is 51.26 percent, then that means most of the float is shorted by a market maker and there's a reason. Reason why um so generator is a big short flow.
It's probably because he wants to smash the price down. Um, obviously, cover into lower prices and accumulate shares. So um you know realistically, if the stock goes up with a high short float, that's good for the market maker, because then he can sell more at higher prices and then, when he brings it down, he can cover them. So you know it's not necessarily just because there's a high short float like it's a guaranteed short squeeze and that you're squeezing out institutions or necessarily retail investors um, you know so anyways yeah - does that make sense, bbig big, very short flow huh, i mean it's down.

You're just basically buying in the hopes that it bounces, which there's probably a pretty pretty good chance that it does, i wouldn't really be short, biased, bbig. I would, i would probably be long biased, bbig yeah bbth is, you know, basically not breaking out it's just going up. Super slow and uh. Really annoying is really what it's doing um.

I don't really put too much weight on it, because the likelihood that i ever get caught in one of those is not gon na happen. It rarely happens but um. It is something to be mindful of yeah. I mean there's a reason, there's a shelf offering.

That's. That's to sell shares, you know, so there goes bpth up a little bit kind of breaking out. You know little candle, it's pretty much impossible to trade. I mean if you bought that you're going to make 510 cents market makers aren't going to let you get away very easily on that.

So anyways yeah market is almost up to our first price target of 840 on bpth. This was what we had suggested. It was going to get to whether or not it goes higher than 840. I'm not really sure that would be something we'd have to look for at a later time, but nonetheless it's looking okay, um jan.

I guess if gts is giving 36 in dividends for their shareholders, i mean, i think you should just be looking at the yield and figure out what the actual yield is. I don't know what that means or get. Is it a one-time, hey thanks for owning our stock? Everyone gets 36 dollars, so even the guy, with 25 million shares, gets 36 joining the company or right. So i'm not sure what you mean by that, because, typically, if you're going to reference dividends, it's going to be in the form of yield percentage yield as opposed because dollars is based on how much equity you have in the company.

That's how many dollars you're going to get the percentage yields is the same. Regardless of how many shares you get the dollar value changes, depending on how many shares you get uh neo yeah, so we covered neo earlier it's on resistance. I figured it was gon na start with the pullback on the day. It looks like it's still pulling back, so it looks like i'm i'm right about that so far, um or wait.
No, it's not sorry. It did and then it came back so it started going down now it's coming back up, but pretty much. To put it simply, this current level of 39.25 is resistance. I want it to go higher, i feel as if neo can go higher off this bottom.

I feel like it's still kind of on the downside, with room to go up. It's been a strong downtrending stock, to say the least. So if you're looking for easy obtainable wins, then it already happened right. If you're looking for an easy obtainable win, you should have been long over the past three four days right, because then you have caught this bounce right and now you want to sell the bounce anything you're going for more now on.

Neo is more of a swing. Long sorry, trying to get the price higher dog hair gross um yeah, most of your profitable move, happens over the course of like a day two days so like, for example, right. If you look at baba, if you look at baba, it had a gigantic gap up overnight right. So if you did not buy yesterday or the previous two days, you just missed ten dollars in the stock because you didn't own it and it moved overnight and there was nothing you could do about it literally look nothing you could do about it.

You would have got none of that, and so now, when you look at the chart, you know it might look like extra bullish, because you have these big green moves, but after big moves comes red so again, that's the annoying part of the market is the way That it's designed it's designed to be like that, it's designed to be basically impossible, uh, it's designed to be hard um, so anyways, um, alibaba and neo or with neo. I don't think you should be really looking extremely long bias um, i think, to start the day. There's going to be some confusion and maybe a slight pullback um. I actually think a lot of the insiders didn't sell shares of amc during the big boom and i'm not positive that.

But i do remember reading at least one or two articles regarding that situation, and i think the ceo was one of them that didn't sell, but i could be wrong that guy no problem, my friend, hello, hello, lawrence hello, hello, holy smokes 454 people watching what did I just become cuter over the past couple days or are you guys coming for my uh build-a-bear workshop today? It's probably the build-a-bear workshop. We got some cute cuddly little bears coming, so i figure. That's probably why you guys are here, but i could be wrong. You know so we'll see uh all right like i said, the watch list is pretty much still the same.

For me, this might be a day where i just kind of sit back and watch a little bit. Uh we'll see just because most of the stuff, i'm looking at on my watches, doesn't really appear to be things that are gon na. I just don't see them as being awesome right now. They were good yesterday, but i don't know if they're going to be good today right, like neo watch long neo goes up all day gaps up overnight thumbs up watch bob along later in the day goes up gaps up ten dollars.
Uh overnight amc i didn't trade. It but amc was recommended after the 35 something price to go to like 37.90. That happened. So a lot of the things that we were looking at to have happen have happened.

So a lot of our plays have already happened. So unless our plays continue to go we're kind of in the ballpark of re-shifting to to find something which at this moment, i haven't really haven't, really found much that i'm crazy about. So i might just do a lot of sitting um, something that i've been trying to get a little bit better. At is block trading analysis.

So don't ask me a ton on that. I don't know i mean i know a bit, but not enough. So that is something that i'm gon na try to be working into my system, two more so is some block trading or tracking block activity might be very challenging um, but that's kind of another thing that i'm going to start working on a little bit: taco tuesday. It's lit there's.

Actually this new taco place down the street from me that i have yet to check out that i need to um. You know i don't actually know brian. I don't know if it was amc or gamestop that i was reading this article on um. I mean if i was a ceo of one of those companies, and you know a bunch of internet warriors all blew my stock up.

Sixteen thousand percent. I would probably sell myself um why i mean like that's literally what you're supposed to do. Your investment goes up. 16 trillion percent - and you don't sell - i mean you know.

Obviously it looks a little bad when the ceo sells a bunch of his shares at the market. High after internet warriors are the ones doing all the bidding for you yeah that doesn't look so good um. You know i would have just i would have sold and just said. I have paper hands, i'm just a little sally.

I don't know we'll see, um flow trade, i think float flow trade might have been. There was a company that reached out to me before that. Wanted to partner on that i know flow trade. Does it flow algo? Does it? I use flow algo in the past.

I use flow algo in the past, but i haven't used them recently, but i think i'm getting back to using them. So but i'm not, i wonder if flow trade would be any better than flo algo, not really sure they're, probably pretty much the same. No, no nfts, myself uh the market makers on baba, i would assume, are probably going to try to yank the stock down and create panic selling so that they can end up buying more of baba before before pressing it higher. I could be wrong.

Baba's been getting smacked down for a long time, so this thing might just be ready to run so i'm still long baba i'm going to hold on baba. I think it's gon na continue higher and even if it goes a little lower today, like i'm cool with that it huh ghost wick, look at that ghost wick all the way down to 161., so somebody bought today all the way down there. At 161 figures anyways um, so i think the markets are going to try to run we'll see, even if they pull back. That's fine, because i think it's just the market maker yanking prices today creating panic selling and while he accumulates into the uptrending move now.
So i think you're probably going to just want to watch this more on the long side than the bear side, and i'm just optimistic that we can go a little higher for now. My optimism runs to about 173 to 175 within this move, without seeing a pullback like, i don't think, you'd go up to 180 184 188 without seeing a pullback. I think you could go up to 175 max and then you for sure would see a pullback before the markets could continue higher. So i think, there's a pullback before we would see prices of 176's 178 and i believe that pullback would occur anywhere at the prices of 170, 230 to 175.

yeah flow trade 199 a month crazy and really the only the only time. I would probably you know you know the only time we'd really be using like block trades would be an analyzing. The big volumes right so like this big volume, spike we'd want to look on this day and figure out what the block activity looked like. You know on this big volume day.

We want to know what the block activity look like see. It looks like it's buying, but then the market sells down, so in reality this could have been. There could have been a lot of selling pressure in there in the form of block trades. That was, you know, disguised that you otherwise wouldn't notice.

The market falls down right and then same thing here you can analyze the block trades in here and if you know it's predominantly bullish, then we could be like all right market's going to move up next couple days same thing here. Gigantic see, i didn't even look at block trading volume in this. I just kind of knew big volume all buying on the one deviation - probably a bounce, but if we were to look into the actual block activity of yesterday, you probably would have seen just a ton of long bias. Um accumulation of shares in big blocks um.

So that's something that i'm gon na try to get better at knowing um, and i think it will help my game so we'll see - and of course you guys will know about it when i know about it: block trades in baba yesterday, at 160, 159 158 155 Arc etf liquidated all 1600 shares of the fund gotcha they liquided all. So any block calls that are long aside from arc is, i guess what i would be interested in seeing okay, so some news for amc, amc investors call adam, is working with board to set limits of stock cells over the next two to eight years. Thank you. Joanna for posting, that that is something otherwise, i would not have known so to all of you guys out there too uh good morning.

How do you use different times correlations um, really pretty much. The only thing that you have to understand is everything in the market is fractal, so whatever you see on a one year chart you can see on 180 day you can see on a five minute. You can see in 20 minute just the more you zoom in the more pattern occurrence is going to happen um and the best way for me to answer your question: is i don't use tons of different time frames, i'm generally using one or two major time frames And that's it! That's all! Really, one year day and 180 day, four hour from there i figure out strong levels. The stock should probably go towards, and then i can at that point watch the stock on whatever time frame.
I want because if i'm right and the stock is going to move to either point a or point b, it really at that point, doesn't matter what time frame i watch if the stock is meant to go to those levels, it's going to go to those levels. So then it just comes down to whatever time frame i like to look at or use that might help me in my trading, which really is just an individual thing. You know if you like, five minutes or 10 minutes and 15 minutes and so on. So i just use 180 day in the four hour chart pick the levels i like and then generally speak in the markets, we'll try to move to one of those prices throughout the day or next couple days and so yeah.

But i'm usually looking around one minutes and five minute charts myself uh, i haven't seen bbth in a second um. Well, you guys remember my verdict was the price target of 840 right, so we haven't hit 840. Yet so again, my long price target bpth this morning was 8 40.. You will see that the market has gotten up to 8 30, so we're 10 cents off target.

I do expect there's going to be a pullback or some selling activity here around 8.42, but i would watch the stock for being a potential runner. On the day. Its long term chart looks pretty good. It looks strong.

You will see that we're almost to this yellow line. When we get to that yellow orange line. We typically get a pullback. If this market is super strong, it should break right through, but i anticipate bpth might have a small rug pull happening at about 8 40ish.

So todd yeah, i was actually getting ready to release a video on the turo one, but i don't think i'm actually going to turo cars and that will come in that video i wanted to it just doesn't create, in my opinion, a big enough return for the Amount of time that you might have to invest and all the risks included, not that you can't make money doing it. It's just my money is probably going to be spent better elsewhere. So now i'm figuring out where somewhere else, i can return some money. So definitely going to still continue that series.

If i do continue it and actually get a car, it would probably only be one just so i could do a series of showing people how you would set up a true business, but it's like i'm not even gon na, probably end up going through with it, Because i just don't see a good enough return there, so the next video i do on that series is going to be in relation to how i came to the conclusion that the return just really isn't that good and that's me taking into consideration fees, insurance, taxes, Registration, depreciation, maintenance, taxes, insurance cost of the vehicle depreciation. I mean that's all i can think of man. There might be something else there, but after running all those numbers looking at the depreciation schedules for depreciating assets and calculating over x amount of period of time, based on how much money you've invested, the returns are pretty slim. Those returns could get better based on insurance, but that sort of insurance isn't provided in this market.
So i will continue on with that series a little bit, but it's going to be how i've come to the conclusion. After evaluation, it doesn't really meet the greatest returns, but it will be a good video, so you can kind of go through the whole process with me, but yeah. We will do like a little video on that at least running you guys through that portion of it um. So nothing really changing too much on the momo scanners.

Today, i'll just peek back over here council up 2.23 percent there. So that's good um yeah, i'm gon na, be i'm actually pretty excited next couple: uh videos we have we're gon na be talking about watchlists on weeble, and things like that. So pretty excited about that should be good, so bpth again pretty close to our 840s mark. Still really, no no breakthrough um so greg, i'm not the person to talk to about that.

I've discussed it with my uh account many times. There's people on youtube that post videos about day trading and llc and how it's beneficial and i've had this discussion with my account many times. He said it's really not that beneficial, so it's possible that my accountant maybe doesn't know some things, but then again, at the end of the day, i've had my account for many years and he's helped me start my business operate, my business. Do everything be so he knows everything about my life right he's done my dad's businesses, my businesses, friends and fam.

I mean the list goes on and on and on and on and so um he's a really good accountant for me, uh and so he's pretty much told me: there's not a dramatic benefit, so maybe there's a ton of work involved to make it a benefit that I don't know so i can't really touch on that. A bunch - and i try not to i always try to stay out of the accounting side of the business, and just let my accountant do that for me, and that was actually one of the first things he said to me when i started growing and becoming bigger In business - and he was like - is it kind of for one there's? One thing you have to learn everybody's going to business is that's to stay in your lane. Don't try to overstep your boundaries into areas where you you can get chopped up essentially, and one of those was the taxes and payroll, and things like that he's like get an account to hand your payroll and get an account and file your taxes, even though it Costs money um and it's a pain after you do it for so long and grow you're going to want someone that just does all these things for you. So that's where we're at to the point where i just take everything i have, and i just give it to him and at the end of the year he goes here's how much you have to pay the government still or you're lucky and you get money back Because, well, you paid the government too much money, so this year we're getting a refund, which is awesome.
I think i got a refund last year too. So i've had a reef in the past two years, which is cool, but that's really just you giving them too much money they're, just giving you back money that they weren't supposed to have in the first place, so um, that's, usually a side of the business. I just kind of stay out of because they need my lane exactly right and i don't even think about it. It's like all right money's in you go here that goes there send me a bill at the end of the year thanks and that's it no headaches.

Doug farrell, you can take off your losses unlike 3k per year, so i mean i'll look into it. But what you're looking at would be trader tax status at that point, because, if you're actually able to write off your losses and you're looking at trader tax status, which then there's another whole list of paperworks and things you have to go through um but i'll. Take a look into it i'll i'll see if see. If there is a way to wiggle in there uh, we did go over neo already uh.

In short, we're kind of thinking. Neo starts with the pullback for the day. You said you pay taxes every month. Yes, we pay taxes every month.

That's one of the ways it works. You could pay weekly bi-weekly quarterly, but yeah we pay every month, let's go baby 474. Thank you guys. I appreciate you guys tuning in with me today.

That's awesome. We've been we've been working at that goal, so i really do appreciate you guys tuning in with me this morning. The only thing you have left to do is just hit the like button and make sure you invite your grandma over for tomorrow's session. It's been a long time.

I told you yesterday i missed her that meatloaf she makes it's just wonderful um. Let me take another look at neo, though, for real, because this is a situation where it's just like if it keeps going up lucky if it pulls back normal. So it's like, i want to be optimistic and be like yeah neo higher, but it's like it's on resistance. You know it's almost it's yeah, i don't know he's got ta he's gon na sit like meh.

I i think there is a slight pullback on that.

By Stock Chat

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