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Oh sorry, sorry i apologize it's friday, it's friday, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sorry i'm getting there! I'm getting there. Give me a break, didn't have any coffee still don't have coffee but anyways, we're good! Sorry about that. So we're gon na first start with uh we're gon na first start with amc.

Sorry about that guys! You know you can't there's always got to be a goof up in there somewhere. So i'm happy. I was able to start the morning rough for friday, uh. It's gon na be a great day.

That's what that means. That's if you stay muted for that long and don't look at the comment box. You know your brain's working, it's focused so um. So there's something new that i'm trying this morning and all it really is.

Is trying to maybe be slightly more accurate, but i don't necessarily think it could work perfectly in all scenarios, so i mean i kind of do, but let me explain um, so you know how every morning you know we get online and um. Well now it looks different. No, i feel like i'm confused anyways, but you know every morning when i get on i'm like hey the level's right here, but that could change at market open. You know i always say that um, what i mean is the level that's changing you know at open is going to be generally the daily chart.

The four-hour chart lines are always where they need to be, because that's tracking, like the trading day after hours and pre-market right, so that's always kind of uh. How do i say that? That's always the same, because it's just an ongoing calculation for the most part. So, whenever you're looking at that, it's generally where it needs to be, but the daily chart tends to change more frequently from a day-to-day basis right because from a day-to-day basis, it's market open to market close and then anything that happens throughout the night and throughout the Morning, the daily chart deviation does not pick up on until the day opens, so there's always a slight tweak and adjustment on pretty much all of the standard deviation levels at market open. Occasionally there won't be a much of a change, it'll be pretty similar, but every day it is good just to make sure that it market open for whatever stock you're.

Looking at you do look at the daily chart if you're using this approach, because there does tend to be a slight change in the levels from a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it's very pretty much the same. Sometimes it's a little bigger, but there can be changes and that can throw off your analysis by a little bit. It's happened to me plenty of times, and so today you know i was basically i'm using an approach, because yesterday we had mentioned - or i had mentioned - excuse me - i remember what i did so yesterday.

I had mentioned that the market could sell down on amc all the way to 38.46. Now i did say i didn't think that was going to happen yesterday. It didn't we did fairly get close, but not quite there um and then it looks like at market open and by the end of that day. So from the beginning of pre-market yesterday i said the level was 38-46 by the end of the day and kind of throughout the day it had updated a little bit all the way to 38.76.
Now, i'm not sure if the 3876 was priced when the market opened or if that increased a little bit throughout the day or how much of that is entirely happen at the open. So just doing some of my just do just just practicing or trying this. I looked at where the level was yesterday pre-market, which was 3847 and then where it updated to throughout the day or at the open yesterday, and that was 38.72, which would be a difference of what is to 38 42. So just call it 36 cents or some like that - not much 40 cents right.

So if we were to go up say just 40 cents for right now, from 39.72, that's gon na put us up 28. So you got to go up to 39, so we'd be like right about here somewhere in this area, quick math, i'm not really adding up. So i'm assuming that this trend line might open up somewhere around here for the day. So it might not be good to say that support is actually 38.79 today, it might be better to say, supports around 39.20 um.

So i was thinking you know. We might see amc sell down a little bit today somewhere into this zone, i'm expecting um and then and then the market maybe balances. So i don't think, there's a. I don't think this move on amc is going to continue falling um for the most part.

I think we're pretty much going to get done on this sell-off today or maybe into tomorrow if we start to fall through the nine-day moving average in this zone. That would be bad, but this would be a first attempt at breaking down those levels in that moving average. So i really just don't think it's. I think the markets are going to be strong enough to at least fight it and give a bounce move or something like that um.

If we were to remember just yesterday or two days ago, we mentioned that this was the first attempt at breaking that trend zone. So probably going to go down well today or maybe into tomorrow. This would be the first attempt of amc to break back down this trend. You see so we went up on the four-hour chart to that white trend, but since we were coming up resistance now we're coming back down to the white trend so coming down support.

So i do think there's a good opportunity for the market on amc to be supported, maybe today or going into tomorrow, and then it's gon na try to do like a short-term bottom now, whether that leads to bigger greater moves. I couldn't quite say, but i do think that your move down should start to slow here in just a little bit so kind of thinking downwards a little. Then that means i'm kind of still thinking. We got a little downwards action on amc uh before it quite gets to the zone that the markets are gon na want to support it.

Yes, okay, so how to get that out of the way? First, today, uh. Yes, we are gon na touch on sprt. That is, oh, hey, hold on there's something that might have moved and i might have missed something. Yeah kinda i mean wasn't the greatest, but you know, but yes, uh sprt is going nuts.
Now there was a gentleman by the name of justabot who always comments on our videos and maybe popped in the stream that did mention sprt to potentially go somewhere around that price, like maybe a week ago, so he wasn't wrong. I was actually pretty impressive of a call by him. I didn't think nor no, that would go to 36, but i just knew that it was bullish, but anyways. We will look at that.

There are interesting things we can talk about, but, yes, my analysis did not lead to 36.. My max target yesterday was 16.50 now through 1650. I did mention that's where it could go bigger, but how big? I never know myself. So i can't take credit there.

Um anyways uh one sit one sack one sec. Ah, that's funny! Oh that's fine! You know i. I can't necessarily say that i know uh the labor day, one i know like santa rally, but maybe i don't i've never heard of that. Particularly no nice awesome.

Arya. That's very good to hear: are you taking requests yet um i mean we can. I would first like to uh run through some of the ones that i'm looking at, but um, so yeah hold off on the request for just a sec, we're going to run through um a couple more things here so which you know, one of which obviously is Uh, the big boy srpt or i always get a confused sprt srpt, but anyways uh. So i want to take a look at that.

I'm going to take a look at bitcoin, um and so on so forth. So we'll just get rocket and rolling. You guys will know so we're gon na move on over to uh the big guy sprt, so uh. How let me actually double check something.

So it's got a it's. It's about. A 10 million share float here on this stock. This morning the stock has traded uh.

It's about six hundred thousand, you could call it and not i mean whatever yeah 600 call it. Eight eight eight nine close to a mill. 1.1. 1.1, now you're, probably close to 2.7 3 over 3.

3.3. Three point: three: four, five point one. So this is trading about five about five million shares, six million shares on a day or something like that. Um now sorry, so i mean the float's 10 million, it's traded about 6 million or so shares, probably around there this morning, uh.

So yesterday. This was what we had mentioned being the max target on the day and when we - and i guess when i say that i mean max target - is always when it gets there for the first time, you're generally going to be bearish. And then you only look for a breakout. Well, you just expect that it's going to have resistance and you kind of wait for a move to come through later and that's when a bigger one can happen so this mark yesterday, around 1630 was a plus four deviation.

Mark you will see the market sold off here, first sucked in more short sellers, the volume pretty much dried up in the middle of the day, and then it started to kind of pick up and squeeze got through that 16s level. And once you broke that you were breaking four deviations and this thing pretty much just went uh on just a gigantic run, so um when it does fall just know this is pretty much where the markets for now are going to target back to. So when the markets do fall on s prt, this is where they're going to go to okay they're, going to go back to where the squi, the really big big squeeze started. So the first initial big correction will take you probably back towards prices of you know.
20 to 18, or something like that 16.. Now how high this thing can go. I personally don't know that what i would say is in the event you're long or what have you? You really wouldn't want to be trying to go anything higher than about 49 to 55 right now. That would be if this squeezed up to that price point good chance.

A pullback starts there not saying it couldn't go higher, but for the time being runs to 50. Bucks would be awesome, and i would if i was i'm not in it, but if i was in it and that did happen right now, i would be taking advantage of selling there myself um. You know, that's probably how i would go about doing that. So i could only really go off intraday levels for at this point, okay, let's see yeah, i didn't look.

I was just kind of counting in my head, um yeah, so volume they got yeah, eight mil right now or so a little higher than that. Now so nice janex, i love it. Kevin brown, no problem, my dude, of course, i'm so happy. You made some money there on sava.

That's awesome, okay, uh sprt is the next amc. Uh-Hum uh i mean theoretically, it already kind of is at amc's price. So i guess you could already say it is amc in a way um, but i mean i think, for now i mean you pretty much just you stay long on it ride the squeeze and hope to not get caught in the drop at that point but yeah. I think you can just continue watching this move uh on the upside.

For the time being, amc is tanking right now, apparently wow, i don't want to say tanking, but i it definitely is making a decent down move pre-market there. No doubt yeah and like dustin, said no, it's not going to be like amc where it stays up and forever, and no i mean srp or sprt would generally have a quicker faster, probably down. Well, i mean amc had a big correction, but nonetheless it would probably have a big downwards correction. So anyways we have amc falling.

It hasn't quite reached our zone where we expect buyers to kind of come in but, like i said i don't. I really just don't think: amc is even a dip by until you get down to like you know. Until you got down into that zone, yeah bob was getting uh trashed on with the gap down. Absolutely that's so pleased all right, so i'll take a call.

I'll start writing down a few of them because it looks like they're coming in so we'll take a look at tesla um baba yeah. We can look at baba baba gap down again kind of annoying. But what are you gon na do um, but i wouldn't necessarily count it out all right. I guess we haven't really looked at gamestop, but i don't think we really need to.
Oh there is this one, but i highly doubt that we'll see we should actually take a look at that. That would be a bad idea: wow, okay, those came in fast uh pton. I do like that. One had earnings right, i think so.

Uh roku would be good to look at that one we've been following roku um, yes, tkat i mean might as well because of yesterday's action, but i can't remember how it closed and i don't think we wanted to really pay attention to it, but i could see Um, i would have to do research right now to figure out which sector sector, i think, is most overvalued. I wouldn't know such a thing off the top of my head um, but i could look into that gsmg. I guess gsmg is good to recap on because you know we did watch it yesterday for a bit bngo uh jd. We went over jd just like the other day, i'm pretty sure, but sure we'll go over that and then what was the other one um that i just looked at a second ago, all right, so we're just going to kind of speed through these ones.

For the time being, first, i'm actually going to start with sava um. So if you guys remember um, i mentioned basically sava - i mean at the end of the day it was pretty much. It fell through uh. This dotted line here.

The drop would go down to like this yellow line, which it did that it actually fell further, and it looks like right now this morning, sava is still struggling to hold up and actually the level two right now shows a lot of buyers right at 71.36. So looks like they might get taken out, though um so anyway, sava you can see, fell to this yellow line, but it's staying below it. So right now, there's enough selling pressure within the sava market that it's not quite bouncing and holding above. What was a support level so coming down to the yellow orange line was a support we went through it.

Bounced back, couldn't stay above it now we're hanging and coming down below so still seeing resistance within the market on saab around the 72-79 um. There's also the possibility that i didn't really think was gon na happen, because there's just no point in mentioning it yet, but since we broke through that yellow level, i mean it's our it's up for debate, whether or not it actually goes to the daily chart level, Which is at about 61 to 61 30s, so there's there's also also the possibility that we see sava going down to about 61 or so give or take um. So i think if um sava does not end up bottoming by yesterday's lows. Today's and coming back up on the day, we can see a price of 61 now um because we didn't really bounce here very well, like i was saying you know, i'm like hey, you know you don't.
I was like. Don't really consider much of a long on sava until you reclaim the price of 89 or until you go to prices of 73 and look for a bounce, so we came to 73 dip below bounced back. Couldn't clear markets are moving away, so they might very well go down to the next support level um, which is down at like 61 and try to base there. So i might still see some downwards pressure on sava.

Okay want to touch on bitcoin really quickly, so bitcoin, i think, did a little bounce overnight. Yeah i mean slight bounce move, not much. Let me get this out of the way so, unfortunately, like i said we haven't hit 54 like i would, which kind of sucks um the price target would now be 53 911. You will see the markets did, pull back to the nine moving average and came down close to the forty five thousand six hundred forty five thousand seven hundred level, which we identified as being a support.

But we didn't actually bounce on it, which makes me uh fearful, because we didn't actually touch support and we're trying to maintain here. So i do believe that this is going to result in a short term, counter trend up move and it's going to end up reversing downwards, still lower. So i feel as if we're still going to see some downwards pressure coming on this market and cryptos are going to come down a little bit more now. I hope i'm wrong about that.

I hope it just keeps going up for right now in order for it to continue right up and on its path and leading to bigger moves for one we'd have to get up and through the prices of 47, like basically yeah 48 000 in maintaining like today Or tomorrow um, and then we would have to get back up to the previous high and through this half deviation. So i kind of think we're going to see this market start to top here, a little bit and maybe roll over uh. I've been wrong about that. In the past so we'll see it would be very important to see bitcoin maintain the nine-day moving average and or above 48 000..

So that's a quick little update there on bitcoin all right, moving to tesla uh, so tesla ended up pulling back off of here, which is where we recommended. This top would probably exist at pulled back to the nine-day moving average and put in a bouncy yesterday afternoon. Up a little bit, this is something that all right, so salva, uh or not sava sorry sprt. We have to hold off on tesla because sprt is going nuts really quickly.

So i just want to see um see, remember how i said i wouldn't go for more than uh, like some whatever these two red lines. Well, that's change. Now the target would be up to 50, 70 and or to 57 like 16 in that area, all right, so that's. What i was saying is the only way you can trade.

This is probably going based off of the intraday deviation levels, which say that we're starting to get slightly well, not slightly, i mean we are getting to the overbought phase of sprt this morning. So this is a zone where you know it's. It's likely. You start to see some selling action come in anywhere in this 51 50s to say, 5716.
If you get over 57, it starts squeezing to 60 65. 70 75. I mean those are fantastic prices to take advantage of selling. At that point, you've entered a very, very euphoric market, and generally anybody buying at that price really doesn't have a sense as to how overbought it might be and you'd want to take advantage of their buying by selling what you currently have so so it looks like I mean it's 49 30.

uh, but anyways yeah, so there's sprt going nuts this morning all right back to tesla so uh. For me, with tesla, i mean long target up right now, you're looking it's you're looking for 748, but you got to get through the trending resistance around like 720 uh dip by support right now and tesla is down at about 681. I think hold on yeah right. Around 681 is like where support would be at for tesla right now.

I really don't have a good outlook on tesla. For me, i think what i would want to see for long plays is. I want to see. Tesla grind back up and obviously get towards these highs and above um you know maintaining the nine-day moving average grinding back up and getting over say 7 18 or so that's what i would like to see there but um.

I'm not quite sure what this wants to do, something that i think you might see is maybe a hold play where it holds this 704 and goes on a long, but that's also very determined by what the overall market does sprt just got through. The three deviation mark: it's headed up towards about 56.80. Let me go back over all right, so sprt has just entered what i would generally say is the selling zone of the market on the intraday. So, let's see how this reacts and you know what let's do like a really close up visual of this, so you can see exactly how the system works and how these things move.

This very well has the opportunity to break four deviations, because this is um. It's just there's it's exceptional euphoric right now, it's crazy, but anyways, so uh right now, people are probably gon na start selling it. This is gon na, be the first little mini support level. As soon as that breaks, you should see a snap in the stock.

You see how it just snapped again, so this is the first little support level on the way down for the day that the market needs to maintain, to keep the stock going in the upwards and the immediate, so watch how the market trades around this line. Now market makers will trade around here and shift spread and do all sorts of crazy uh yeah, but let's keep it close. Let's keep it zoomed in i'm sorry, if i'm not covering stocks right now. I just want to i never really zoom in and show you like, very intricately.

What happened see how the the la the line moved up a little bit. Okay, so see how it's just dancing right on the plus three, so you're. So it's pretty much! You know the the computers are holding it above, the plus three right now: buyers whomever that's what needs to hold in the immediate to keep the stock moving. Now most people who are shorting or buying are going to be looking for.
You know sort of a breakout over the previous body candle. That's why the market stopped there too, or they're going to be looking for breaks over the previous tops, but in reality that levels right here you can see that half deviation price so um. So you can see the bottom wicks are staying right above the blue line, all right and as soon as it snaps that's where the downside move will occur and if it doesn't, then we're probably going to squeeze squeeze up towards the purple line. Okay, so again, um yeah, i mean this is just how it works all right, so you see how the line went up and where is the candle staying just slightly above that now so we'll delete it all right.

We just went through the blue line. Is the market strong enough to go down or do we have enough buyer supporting there? It goes there's the snap now on the way down. It's probably going to first target to this dotted line. Okay, so it's going to first go to probably that line and then once and if you can get through this line, you'll probably target down to the little green line.

Okay, so you see we just went to that line, probably going to be a slight hesitation: okay, um, maybe all right, maybe all right. If not, then we're going to go down towards this green line. All right, let me just double check. Um there's nothing else, stopping it so yeah we're probably gon na go down towards the green line, there's a good chance that the green line will put in a fight and try to bounce you'll see that the candle just pretty much went to the green line.

Now we're starting to bounce a little bit and if we did bounce here the market would probably retrace back up to the dotted line and then maybe try to continue the downtrend. And if, at that point we could actually get back over the dotted line. We would probably force a little bit of a pop squeeze in the immediate, so there's the bounce off the green line, and now we should probably bounce up near or close to the dotted white line or the price of 49 dollars. So also, let's look at the volume right if we go down and if we look at the volume um, you know we just got: a buyer beat right so that previous big red candle we just had more buying volume in this dip than that selling candle.

So we're probably going to try to go back up to that dotted white line. I would imagine um, which is now at a price of 49.18, we'll see but you're not going to get a big breakdown until you go down below the green line right. So, there's really no need to panic when this is getting a little red or whatever, because you know you're not going to really break down heavy until you go below the price of 45.78, which is that green line down there at this point and then also. Let's look at the volume system because that could help us see how much of that green candle is actually buying volume um.
Why is it looks so weird? I don't know, but i got ta reset this but hold on. Ah one sec, sorry! So if you look at the volume system too, oh it's because i'm so like maybe just zoomed in there. That could be it. I don't know it's not working right.

Maybe i have to zoom out. I don't know why it looks all goofy, it's so odd, but anyways you get the point so uh there is a market on sprt, uh sort of bouncing back up. You will see that these green candles did bounce back up towards that dotted white line. We still haven't really touched it though um, but i believe we will.

I mean i still think the markets are going to try to bounce back up to that white line, so um hold on it's almost there. It's almost there close still uh still topping so again. Um people who shorted sprt in this move down um think about it right from the blue line to the to the green line. This dotted line is the 50 marker think about that from the blue line to the green line.

The dotted white line is the 50. So that's the 50 percent retracement level of this downward move, so the market has effectively done a 100 move because from blue to green is one it's calculated as one or you can think of it as 100, so going from blue to green would be 100 down And we just bounce back to the 50 retracement, and what did i say when it gets through the dotted line? That's where short sellers in this down move will start to cover they'll squeeze themselves out because you just effectively broke through the 50 retracement level of that downward move, which isn't good. If you want the trend to keep going down right, yeah anyways, so that just happened. Uh and look at where the market went back to you can see the market pretty much squeeze back towards the blue line, almost not quite but back towards the blue line, which the blue line is what resistance.

So, when tops are put in a lot of times. You'll drop you'll bounce back towards one of your deviation resistances. So now what you're looking for right in the immediate would be who's going to take control of the 50 marker right. If the bulls maintain the 50 level, that's good right, then it could keep trending in the immediate.

If the bears take control of the 50 level, then that might mean trend continues down so you're kind of looking to see who is going to take control of the 50 marker and at this point kind of looks like the bears just based on that candle um And if this is right, they're gon na there's gon na move right back down to about the green line uh and then the green line might hold it again. So anyways um. That's that's enough on that. I hope you guys, like that little mini lesson but yeah in real time.
Like that's the way, i'm thinking about it, that's the way the markets are moving. That's why things go down this much that's why they counter trend bounce back up and go to that level. Then go back down, so that's why the market does that choppy crazy back and forth movement, and that's why most of the time people are super confused and have no idea what the hell a stock is doing, because there's just a thousand different moves that it's making Within a bigger trend within a bigger trend within a smaller trend - and it's just there's just a lot to know - and even i don't understand at all so um anyways, okay um, so we were covering tesla last i was going to look at neuro, pton um. So, let's get on over to that, so we do have to finish there, which, by the way, i do think you should be optimistic that that can continue on the long side.

I'm not quite positive that that's a real top and the reason being is there wasn't really a bearish divergence on that top, but again, like i said it is the selling zone for now so do be mindful. Maybe this goes later higher in the day, but did we not say that the selling zone was going to be in that 50 55 60 level? Today? That's where you would want your max long price to be for today, anyways hope. Some of you guys took advantage of that hope. Some of you guys made some money and learned a bit along the way.

Okay, next thing we're going to look at is neuro, so this is a stock that popped up earlier. I don't know if it looks good anymore, i'm just now getting back to it from a long time ago. I don't actually think this is gon na work that good um, but let's say it does you can be optimistic like this might work, i mean it's been down trending for a long time. It was a recent mover quite a bit ago.

Big move hasn't really had a big counter trend: bounce right. We just kind of crashed slight up and down down up down up down down, so it's really been dragging its feet on a bounce, so we might get a little bit more. This kind of reminds me similar to tkat sort of setup, so if it does end up ripping the day and makes a good move, i think right now, the max target you would look for is something around 15.75 ye hold on. Let me finish my announcements before i say something that i have to end up backtracking, i'm like who's in my house, but i forgot it's friday and when it's friday, my fiancee's home, so normally you know if she's in the office, it's just me and the pups.

I'm like is he getting into some um, okay, so one second, we need to change these to half deviation prices really quickly, and then i promise i will take like three seconds or so and read some comments. I know there's probably many that i have not gotten to. I would get there - okay, oh my god that doesn't really matter. Okay, so looking at neuro, if this is gon na, do anything similar to what tkat did today.

I don't know exactly how it's all gon na form up and play out, but ideally you know. This is like the support level that, if it doesn't hold, then it's gon na get like you know. It's gon na drag out down. Now, if you go through that support level, then it's like the long play clearly wasn't what meant to happen today and things were meant to go down, but if we can somehow get some price action built up, maintaining and getting through for one 1333 and then two, The pre-market high so there's like two breakout levels before hitting like a long target, so it would be uh 1333.
That's like the first breakup sort of level that we would first need to clear before we could even suggest getting up to like 1580s, so we'd have to first get through 13s and then get through the pre-market high of 14, which is actually a half deviation. Price and if we can surpass that, then we could probably push a move up to 1560., whether or not we can go higher than 1560. I don't know i wouldn't really project trying to go higher than that for the time being, because i just wouldn't um aside from that the trend on neuro to the downside over the past, whatever months is pretty predominant. So i could also see this turning into a really good short trade as well um, so kind of being optimistic that there could be a good long, but this could also be a really good short stock for the day.

So i'm really just being optimistic on both sides, so i want to kind of see if prices can get up and through these points, if they can't and they're really struggling here, then i feel as if this is really just the market. Counter trend bouncing back to the 50 retracement level of the long term chart and if longs, can't get the break hold on i'm drawing. If we cannot get sorry the break up and through this trend fully, then we're not going to force the hands of short sellers who would then probably squeeze up like that sorry, we will then end up coming back down and breaking through the support level, which you Can see did have a squeeze look at where that red line's at and the big boom did have a squeeze there. Uh then we'll end up going back down.

So excuse me so um anyways, that's neuro. So that was something i was watching today. That might end up picking up it's the first day that it started moving. So maybe we do get a little bit of follow follow-through and, if not, then arguably could turn into a good short which, by the it's hard to borrow and there's no shares of shorts.

So i won't be taking part on that anyways. It's fine, um, okay! So next one on the list is pton um. Sorry, my nose, itches, okay, so pton, i think pton ended up actually having a revenue increase or maybe an earnings increase by like 50. I remember reading that last night right before about bed.

Uh roth capital adjusts peloton's interactive price target to 125 and you know sometimes i look back at stuff and i'm like i hate that. Sometimes i am closed-minded to things you know at times and not always perfectly open-minded, because i used to think about i'm like really like a computer bike that people want and they're hot i mean like. I guess you know, because you know i look at my life and i'm like i would go to the gym. You know it's like that's more of a thing for me as opposed to this bike in my house, and then i always see bikes at people's houses and they never get used.
But then i guess it doesn't really matter if people don't use their bike or not, because peloton still skipped away with their three thousand dollars. So i mean i guess i should get into the business of selling bikes that people aren't gon na use after two months. What am i doing with my life idiot? So it's funny because i used to just make jokes about i'm, like oh yeah, i'll ride a bike in my living room, cool next thing you know, shit's, like gon na, be like six thousand dollars a share, so anyways um they did have a good earnings. I'm pretty sure so they're getting price target upgrades.

This is and that's and this isn't that's, and so if this really is meant to be along, then this drop is just market makers drop in the stock, sucking up shares and they're getting ready to run it. So they might be going through a merchandising cycle where they have deliberately dropped the stock and now we're accumulating shares at a lower price so that they can run it up, not that they can run it up. But it's because maybe it does want to get ran up on these earnings, and people are now obviously buying up in this dip. So let's just look at the chart and just see what we can come up with as opposed to creating a bunch of random theories.

So you will see, though, that uh pton's earnings was like basically right off the plus one deviation slammed down to the uh statistical mean and then basically kind of held support here so um in a nutshell: uh pto and fell to support last night and slightly through It arguably would have oh and never mind it went right down to support that right. Right, yeah i mean it probably fell directly down to the negative. One deviation support there. If we go back and look at the chart, that was probably the bottom yeah right there boom.

Look at that. So my two support levels are those red lines creating that buy zone and you can see we went right down there and just yeah so uh it. It looks strong. I mean that was a ton of let's look at the volume too.

Let's just so, you had um the move down right. Look at the move down right, look at the volume; indeed right, no one was selling that and that thing basically just fell through the floor right really, really, you drop like thirty dollars a share or ten dollars. A share whatever it is on, let's see so from 115 37 to so that's seven-ish points, so you drop seven dollars. A share on 18 000 shares yeah, okay anyway, so it goes down and as soon as it goes down the first little mini green candle.
You see there look at that big down candles. First, big mini our first mini green candle. You see there on more volume, very small that comes out to 142 000. Then we have some red volumes which do not beat the previous green, and then we have a big green and then we have a red that beats the previous green, so okay, but then we go back to green, beat in the red red does not be green.

Green beats red no reds beat green since that top guys, so buyers still have control until that point theoretically and then the buyers take back control. There. Buyers take back control, so there's more buying control within this market every step of the way for the most part. So it looks like we could have very well been seeing some sort of accumulation down here on the stock pton.

I feel, like you kind of, should be watching this on the long side myself, so i will keep p21 on the long watch today. The first target up is going to be to oh sorry. What time is it 850 good thing i look. First target up on pton is going to be to 110 84.

yup. Now, if you can actually get up and through one, if you can get up through 110 80, then that's where i would look for big volume coming in to the buy side around 110.88, if you're not getting big, buy volume coming in around 110 888, then my Analysis would be wrong that it's going higher, but that's the level i think one 1088. This might have been accumulation we and actually, if you look, we pretty much went to that level in after hours, so we kind of went to support bounce back to so that same way, that i was talking about sprt, i'm like watch it's going to go to The green line, and then it's going to bounce back up to that dotted white line. If it breaks that dotted white line, then you're going to see a bigger pop on the intraday.

It's kind of the same thing here, but just on a long term chart right. We went down to so you can think of this box being the green line, so we fell to the green line and then we bounced back to the dotted white line here and now we've pulled back and it's about who takes control of the dotted white line. If we take back control on the buy side, probably going to see a pop that pops probably going to run up to maybe 116 117, if we can't break the dotted white line which really isn't a dotted white line, it's a red one! That's at 110! 84. Here then, sellers will probably move us back down, but i think the earnings are good.

I like the way the volume looked after hours. Pton is on our our aval scanner here. So i think it's a good candidate to watch for the day in terms of volatility with that being said, i will be right back. I got to start up one of our other meetings for our company and i will be right back and online.

All right guys. Give me just a second: i want to uh read through a couple comments and then i also want to build out a little watchlist here on the screen. So obviously, let's put us wow, that's clearly got ta, learn how to type. Oh, i see what i did that made me think i was typing wrong: um sprt i like pton earnings, that's not bad, we'll put neuro, because why not um? Is it worth putting on the list? Yeah debatable? Okay, i like that for now i like that.
As a starting point, um sorry guys gon na run through uh some comments here. Cemi up on the news and mr monreal, we still got a couple to go through from the previous list. So doing my best. You know hmm david breaking news on what did i miss something prior to that one mean lines, don't work.

Oh sorry, so i'm gon na take to 60. huh wow wow holy smokes sava. Sorry, folks, uh we got ta. Look at this cars andrew charlotte, laura's huh.

It's saying quanturic something in statement following cava's report, saba's report says uh. Its employees did not interpret the test results or prepared the data charts presented by sava at the alzheimer association international conference. Amc, hmm interesting uh ar yes, gotcha gotcha uh sosava yeah getting destroyed. So i didn't really see that coming right.

I mean my projection. Was you know down to, like i said like 60, i think 61 or 62. um? I really wish. I was bearish that i'm shorting that myself but uh anyways we're not so uh, but you can see.

Look what happened, though, look at see how it oversold the level and then where'd it bounce back to right. It bounced right back to the level we set. So if you had been a buyer there thinking that was support, you did get your retest to close out for a break even to minimal loss. So a lot of times that will happen.

You will get a retrace to your support levels as your your exit point too um. So i i myself am not entirely sure where this is so. Okay, i guess we're just gon na have to keep lowering our price target, then um. So this broke there.

Okay, uh also appreciate you guys tuning in this morning, if you wouldn't mind hitting the thumbs up button for me on the stream. That does greatly help. I think yesterday we got close to getting over 500 likes, so if we could get over 500 likes a day, that would be phenomenal. That would be exceptional actually.

So i really hope we could do that um today. Maybe you see saab as low as 40. 72. Now, which would be crazy, i know - maybe i i mean if this doesn't bounce back up and start taking back control of 56 66.

60. It's there's nothing that i see as reliable support on the long term trend until you get to 44 to even 40.. So i think you just kind of be very patient with sava and let it creep down at this point uh the one-on-one training is there. Maybe i need to post the link in the description of the video, but i do have it online.

It just doesn't quite show on the home screen yet because we have to do another update or something like that, but there is like a private page, not private page, but its own standing page. Okay, sorry uh, just trying to read some comments there. Okay, so i'm gon na look at uh tkt really quickly and then i'm gon na jump over to uh. Excuse me roku and zava uh interesting hold from tkat today once again, uh, it still kind of has squeeze, feel and look to it right i mean yesterday it squeezed up hit resistance, came back down, held support, still kind of grinding up, pretty solid, so far, um Yeah i mean we might this this.
Might i don't know exactly how it might happen, even if it's going to happen, but on the long side today we might try to break the trend at like uh, whatever 1350s, you know towards yesterday's highs and maybe attacked the regression level around 16. i mean we Talked about hitting 1630 yesterday didn't get there. We only got to the half dev mark or uh yeah or whatnot. So maybe we do get up to 16 today, but it still has sort of a squeeze feel to it right now, um.

So if this were to end up breaking upwards on the day, it would probably jump back towards this dotted line, hesitate there and then break later on the day or maybe an after hours trading. I could see sorry, so i think we do watch uh a little bit of tkt today. Still on the long side, it's starting to look a lot better pre-market so looks good, not bad. All right, roku, uh, so roku went up.

Yesterday looked like it was on a swing long and then it fell back apart, and this is just something i kept concerning myself with with roku is it was just such a steep downtrend um? This just didn't have what appeared to be a super strong bound. So i i do feel that we still can see roku roll back over to the downside, maybe targeting back to the 340s 338 level zone on on this. Now i will say if this holds this bottom, that's a really good sign. That's what we want to see.

So what we really want to see is we want roku to pretty much stay above the price of 352.. We don't want this coming back down and going below 352. As long as it stays above 352, then we could still gap up overnight tonight tomorrow. Well, that's the weekend so yeah i i think as long as roku's over prices of 352, it's okay to be optimistic on the long, but if we start to come below the half candle retrace level of yesterday in a bearish manner, that's where we got to be Like hold off a sack, you know ah funny funny sorry, i got ta go back to amc really quickly and then i'm gon na pop on to uh nvidia just wanted to say i mean: where did it start to bounce? I mean it's not a good one.

I mean it was: okay, never quite touched our levels, but you can see little it there was. There was a small attempt of a bounce almost at those levels we talked about, so we went down bounce so kind of interesting, i'm not sure really. Well, i mean we did get back over the 50 in the hundreds, so i guess i would watch for maybe a reclaim of the 50 and the 100 for sustain an uptrend in the immediate or otherwise roll back down to supports so all right over to nvidia. Now all right so sort of a sideways day yesterday with nvidia all right, so it doesn't look extremely overbought there, um not really too so you're looking for nvidia to stay above the price of 215., which i think it will because i think we're well above that And stay above the price of 216..
Well, do hmm! I think you actually want to be bearish. I could be wrong, though we took back the half candle retreat system. There i mean video is definitely a stock. I think you just overall want to be bullish on the long term, given graphics cards and all that and mining and this and that, but i mean we went up, we pulled back, we held support.

We tried to break up the other day. Couldn't i think if the market has a bearish day and video is going to have a bearish day? I really do um and i kind of think the markets are going to have a bearish start. So i think you watch nvidia bearish at the open with the market, because i think the markets are going to have a bearish open. Of course, i could be wrong, but i feel like the markets are going to try to pull back at the open, which is going to result in nvidia moving bearish.

Now, if the markets do end up having like a bigger bearer day, then you should probably end up seeing nvidia roll back down to prices of like 2 16 50. yeah tka team might uh. She might do it um one second um i mean there's always going to be some effect on the market. So really what everybody is? I don't think it really matters the conference or the meeting or the place myself.

It's just more or less the words that are spoken, and that is pretty much all in relation to tapering um in interest rates and inflation and whether whether or not the new doesn't matter. Basically, whether or not the economy is going to continue recovering or if it's going to slump, what growth looks like and how they plan to maneuver what is going on in the world right now, so pretty much. All we want to know is: when are you tapering? When are you starting to taper? What is inflation going to continue looking like, and when are you going to raise interest rates? I would imagine well we already know they will be dovish when we say dovish it. Basically means i'm going to talk to you like you're, a child right, i'm not going to tell you the world's going to end everything's going to be okay right if the world was going to end you're, probably not screaming your head off.

To that saying that to your child, you don't want to freak them out right, so um, yeah, they're, probably going to be super dovish, give very vague, moderate numb responses to those questions, but that's pretty much as an investor. What you're paying attention to is when are they tapering? When are interest rates going up and that's pretty much? What you're concerned with right now, yeah inflation is low at two percent, but it's really not i mean yeah. I don't really think it's at it. Obviously it's not two percent but anyways, so yeah, that's kind of kind of what's going on, that's at 10 30.
So you know markets might just be kind of on a stall today. So you might see more momentum in sort of the smaller cap market. More random marketplace, as opposed to larger cap, plays so uh. Keep that uh.

You know kind of on watch. 10. 30.. 10.

30. You might see the market just do some weird stuff. Let's double back and check neuro really quickly. I mean nero's still kind of holding up.

Sorry so still have a small swing trade on pins. From yesterday that i mentioned i was taking some on. I mean it's still, i mean still kind of looks good um wouldn't be surprised if it pulls back um but yeah anyways, it's just basically anything you're in right now, just can't get caught into some market pull back for the time being. Hmm, let me take.

Oh sorry, i didn't look at this earlier, but yeah. If i looked at it earlier, i would have told you that well max target here would have been up to 362 on the four hour in the daily chart. You would already no oh excuse me yeah. So for cemi you ran into plus three deviation a day hit resistance, but theoretically this could.

This could still come back on the day and maybe hit up to 370 to 359, possibly, but for now you got to be very patient with that um sarah's house of flavor, i'm new to trading a market. I would love to give it a try and suggest on what's the best for starters. Well, i would say i don't know if you've ever invested, but if you've never traded and really never invested, then probably one of the simplest easiest and probably effective ways. For your start is to do a form of direct indexing where you just pretty much invest in the etfs to track the overall stock market, so you can just get growth of the overall stock market.

That way, you can just get comfortable with investing seeing money. Go up seeing money, go down and then kind of just learning how markets work on a day-to-day basis, how they go up, how they go down. You know and just see how complicated it might be, that way: you're, not risking really any money to at least start building your knowledge. I would say that's a good starting point: if you're talking about a good sporting, specifically only willing to consider active trading, then do you definitely want to start on a simulated account and just pick a handful of socks.

You, like, maybe that's facebook or you know, nike or something like that, um something you know and then get comfortable at re like reading how those few stocks move, because the quicker you just the more you follow one stock, the easier it's going to become to realize How much and what it's probably going to do from a day-to-day or you know, week-to-week basis so start with a handful of stocks, paper, trade or just do a form of direct indexing and add money when markets go down, learn how to dip by and things like That that's a good start! So if you look at the uh, if you look at the nasdaq, it should be rolling down right now, so it did start to roll over which we'll see, if nvidia did that, so nvidia did start to roll down a little bit as the markets are going Down so we'll see, if that downwards pressure continues to remain there, yeah bbig, okay, all right so for a bigger play on bbig. You are basically looking for the regression trend break of 370. um for right now. The target on the day for bvig is probably about 370., so same thing as amc bbig.
Moving up to regression trend. First attempt at braking, probably not going to break most likely going to see resistance there once you start to cross through the 370. That's where you could see a bigger move so that big move that you saw on amc the other day when it went from, like i don't know, like 38 37 or whatever ripped all the way up to 48, that big stretch move. That would only happen on bbig once you cross the price of 370..

How did i get spr2? Was it going to reach 49 uh? Well, that was just the measured volatility of the market. Didn't really make sense to go higher than that for the day. So, in the event, people wanted to keep buying it up on the day as high as it could go the highest price that it should have gone for the day before it made sense to sell. It was about that 50 area for the most part, 55.

60S. Uh, yes, we did do tkat for tkat. It's uh pretty much watching this long bias. Today again with potential moves as high as 13.59 for right now now, yeah yeah, i mean that's pretty much it a comma in the watches.

I do need a common watch list. Uh market continuing to roll over sprt continuing to sell down and i'm assuming nvidia, is probably rolling over right now, a little bit too. Okay, i'm going to pop over to jd here, hmm, so i actually don't remember looking at jd, it's been a while.

By Stock Chat

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5 thoughts on “Day trading for beginners live stream”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdh23h says:

    Can anyone read lips 👄?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdh23h says:

    Good morning! 🌞

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bob segar says:

    SPRT followed so many technicals yesterday did a 50% retrace and double bottom why didn’t I buy? Maybe I’m just not confident in myself? I hate being right and not profiting

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mave says:

    Thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Bee says:

    Thanks Conner.

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