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Day Trading For Beginners LIVE STREAM
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Hmm interesting interesting. Finally, let's go baby. Finally, man, i've only been doing this for so many years. You think i would have known how to do this, but see what happens.

Is you do it for so long? You stream for so long. You have your computers set up for so long and then one thing happens. It throws everything off and then you have to go back through years of toggling of settings and everything to get it to back to where you want. So that's what i've been going through.

This whole weekend, it's been uh, it's been fun, to say the least, so i truly believe that the streams will be very good going forward. At this point, um looks like we're in 1080p. The sound is good. Everything is as it's supposed to be thumbs up people.

It's been a while two weeks. I am so glad that uh - maybe this is finally behind me and i can move forward onto brighter and less stressful things. Okay, so um, i am going to be relying on a lot of maybe some of your guys's requests this morning, because i have not been able to do pretty much anything. I've just really been trying to get my computers all working the right way.

It looks like my other computer is streaming good. It looks like this one's streaming good, so i had to figure out how to fix two computers this weekend, so it was great. So i have not had any time to look at pretty much anything this morning. Aside from i've looked at bitcoin, i have looked at, i think, like two penny stocks, and that is it so i am very fresh meat to the market today, kids, fresh meat, so good morning, good morning you need an assistant.

I've been told that many times yes and then yes, that has been mentioned to me many times, so i will start first off running through what i off, the top of my head, think has been moving. Node, that's been moving um and then we'll go from there. All right so we'll come back to weeble at a later time which see this setting change. So now you can see my account number, which isn't good, so we're going to remove that for now and like i said, even the obs settings have changed.

So, that's why we don't have the watch list up there so been a lot of a lot of going on this weekend. So we'll just start here really quickly going to kind of fly through a couple things. This is adap. This stock just jumped up not too long long ago, so it gapped up on some news.

Part of me thinks it's kind of sketchy. I kind of feel like it's going to break back down and maybe even fill this gap on the day, we'll see um but anyways keep an eye on adap because again it is moving this morning, and these are just a couple that i'm mentioning so that way, If you guys want to follow someone's um, you know throughout this morning stream, you guys have a couple ideas, so that was one i know there is the is it irnt iront? Is that the one that jumped like crazy to 40 bucks, so irnt from friday jumped in the beginning of the day traded sideways most of the day after hours went crazy? This one again, major volatility, could be very fun to trade, so on so forth, then there was another one um i k n x or something like that. So maybe you guys will help me out with that. That was another one that was moving um, but i want to touch really quickly on bitcoin and then what i'll do is go through requests, we'll look at gap scanners and really get this morning started like i said i haven't seen a whole lot, so i'm kind Of building myself up right now, um so really quickly want to go over bitcoin i've had some kryptos.
I know you guys probably have some cryptos. I know the whole world has cryptos. We've been following: bitcoin we've been talking about bitcoin everyone's talking about bitcoin bitcoin will probably never not ever not be talked about. Nonetheless, we had recommended a price target as high as or at this current moment in time.

The max target we would suggest would be fif and 54 dollars pretty much. This top red line you see on the screen there with bitcoin was our max suggested long target of this bullish, trending move. You were seeing. We just made a post on to youtube as well, but we're pretty much now saying: uh bitcoins getting ready for a top or a short-term pullback, or just some sort of momentary pause in the bullish move.

So if you're thinking about buying you want to buy, i mean sure great, don't know what to tell you other than the fact we just hit our long target of 54 000 for the most part 98 of that long target has been achieved. So i would assume it is a better time period where you just kind of sit watch bitcoin for the next couple weeks, maybe next month i believe, there's a good chance, we're going to be seeing some negative pressure on bitcoin if we could get through 54. 000. 55 000.

Maybe we could open the discussion for a bigger move to the upside, but the likelihood that that happens within this continuous move very unlikely. More likely, you would see a pullback or a top consolidation for a period of time before breaking 54 55 000 and then opening the debate for a move higher. So most likely going gon na see selling pressure in bitcoin here pretty soon. I would imagine um, i'm not thinking it's anything that should just dramatically scare you, but this bullish move that you've been seeing would make sense for it to stop and pause.

Basically, now so just know that we're kind of momentarily neutral to slightly bearish on bitcoin for the time being, okay, yes sol, has been moved, yes sol solana and maybe that's an incorrect way of pronouncing it, but solana solana either way that one is up uh gigantic. I don't have uh the means to run analysis. The way i would like to on that crypto because it's not available on this platform. So that's kind of unfortunate.

I wish i could, but i can't give a whole lot of technicals on sol. But yes, that is one a lot of uh a lot of mainstream attention to sol for the time being good morning, bro dude, that's a new one, but i like it. I like it um yeah. It was a good weekend.
I i worked every single day of the weekend uh, but it was a good weekend all right so set up a light node for sol i'm gon na write that down do a little research on that. Okay, so gon na take a look at bvig here really quickly. I know this is of one that was really again guys. I'm gon na probably end up building my watch list and things that i'm gon na focus on throughout the day as we get a little closer to market open 9 10-ish area is probably where i'll finalize on what i'm looking at bbig.

So bbig. We did talk about on friday's trading session. We pretty much said i don't remember when we first started talking about it, but nonetheless, these two red lines you see on the chart at the price of uh yeah these two red lines. Here.

I wonder if i should make those a different color i feel like i feel like they should be a different color. I feel like people would, if, whatever color is easiest for people to see on the screen, so i'm going to leave that up to you guys. Should i change the color of these lines so the lines that i typically put on the chart as a reference points for the prices that i'm talking about? Would you guys like me to change those to a different color? Would it be easier to see them and or just because you know sometimes there's this red line and that might get confusing? So do you think i should change the color of those just for the purpose of stream so that you guys can see them better um? So send out a couple i mean yeah, just just let me know if it should and then i'll decide on which color um it'd probably be best to keep it something. That's pretty vibrant in away from the colors that we already have on the line.

So we don't really have any bright. We do have green, though, because when it's up trending it's green, we have baby blue anyways. So let me know what you think about it. So anyways bbig those two red lines.

There uh was mentioned as like the support, slash breakdown area, meaning. If we stayed above these red lines, then you could get a long move. But if you started to get weakness below that's where the break of support would be, and then the suggestion was, if you ended up breaking down, you can only be back to long bias the stock if it gains control of that price point again, which it has So you can look back to long bias on bbig, i kind of like the way it looks for a long. In a way i got ta do a little more research on it, but you will see yesterday or friday we break down below the support we go into a bottom uh.

This was most likely off a support level. I don't know if we mentioned it. Probably not. I don't think no, we didn't mention any of those so anyways this broke down hits the support runs all the way back up, probably tags or resistance, and then it falls back down to retest the breakout and or the breakdown from the open hold support.
Bounces breaks down and after hours trading comes back, hits resistance gaps back over this morning. Very early pre-market comes back down, re-tests it pre-market, so we've gapped up over resistance back down re-test support bounce holding. So essentially, we have gotten back up and over a very important level for bbig. To be honest, those levels are probably a little inaccurate, because the whole weekend has happened, so i probably need to update those prices.

So i will take a look at that in just a second um yeah and then there's also that uh, just like reloading time, said, there's a half candle retrace. I mean i didn't mention, but it is riding right at the half candle retrace system too green for money, violet, keep it wide. Thicker lines got it red dash. We could do that um.

You know what that's what we're gon na do we're just gon na. Do i did make these a little smaller? They used to be a little bigger we're gon na do, but should we do dotted, we will do a two thickness, we're gon na save that as default? Okay, do i like dotted, though i think i used to have dotted, but then i switched it to solid. I could be wrong. No, i think i used to have dot and then i switched it back to solid because i like solid, better but either way all good.

It works. So i kind of like yeah: let's try and switch the stone i kind of like change the color myself. You know what let's rock and roll, but then green yeah, let's just we'll, try a bright green. Let's see how we like that.

I mean i kind of like that. I kind of like that, so we're gon na roll with green. For now, until we don't like it, okay, so anyways bbig, let's redo this analysis, really quickly, um see yeah, i mean things have changed so, but you know we'll leave that on the ch ooh, that's a good idea. I just thought about adding that to my analysis, that is a pretty smart idea.

All right we're going to leave it, then all right. So when we look at the four hour time frame with bbig, you will see we have the plus three at about um. 8. 13 and then on the daily chart, we have the plus three at that's kind of interesting here, all right yeah that could get slightly confusing.

I could see um so pretty much the zone to break out man, the red, the green dotted lines. Don't do it for me totally, but anyways we'll roll with it. So this is the breakout zone, um yeah, pretty much the price level from 793 to 813. That's the price level.

Once you get up and through this area, that's where i think a bigger break can happen so for night right now. You kind of have resistance here at 790 to 813., through that a bigger move can happen in which it would probably take you back up to right. I mean on this. This is, i don't even know what time frame this is.

It doesn't really matter. This is a 20-day one-hour chart, so 20-day one-hour chart. You can see up there down to the white trend up to the green down to the white trend. The halfway mark is at about 8.61, so i could see a break up to 861 and then, obviously, if you get through 8 11 on the four hour, the next trending target would be 8.77.
So, let's put a price level there. Sorry i'm just! This is like the first stock. I've really analyzed for the day, so i guess i'm just working my way back into monday, so i'm probably going a little slow. It's been a long weekend and i haven't even looked at a stock since today, uh so daily chart up to there and then there.

So i think for now. This would be like your target long for bbig, so getting through the 813s you'd look for a move into the price zone of 857 to 880. If you were really lucky, you would end up seeing a price target of 920 to maybe a little higher than 920 but yeah. That's it okay moving forward, so that was bbig kind of interesting, though um i think bbig, you know what i got to give you.

The downside target on bbig because uh yeah - i didn't even think about that. So in the event that i'm actually you know i'm wrong and there's no, you know there. No, i didn't really decide whether long or not, but you got to get through. 8.

13. 8. 13 for it to pop, so regardless there isn't really a big long until you squeeze up through 8 13. now uh.

The trending support that i have right now is down at the price of 749 to 734. So pretty much what's gon na happen. If this, if this falls apart today and doesn't move on the long side and you break down the shift point, this is what i'm calling. This is like the shift point.

So yesterday, the price levels and i'm going to change the colors because there's so many green lines already, so i'm just going to change these back to i'm going to use like a baby blue. So these baby blue colors here those baby blue lines. Those were support on friday and then it broke down at the open came back up through it. Midday became support again um, so that was support on friday, okay, um now support is all the way down at 7, 49 to 7 35 resistance is at 794 to 8 10.

Most of the retail market would probably look to kind of stop out if the market fell through the baby blue today. So you know a lot of where the market probably has you know, sort of an average would probably be somewhere around this blue line. So if the markets move below the blue, you'll probably sell off down into the green all right and that's where you look for a bounce on the day. So if you get a breakdown through the baby blues, look for the markets to swing to about 750 to 730 before bouncing um, and then before you can get a bigger jumping, fast breakout.

You can't really it's got to go through 813. So that's about as detailed. I think, as i can give it on analysis there, so that was fun all right cool awesome, so we covered that we hit bitcoin pretty good today, so i think everyone's caught up on that 80 ap was running. I think you're right adap was running.
I think we talked about that for about half a second today. What do you think about the new dragon stock? I don't even know what that is. I've never heard of that myself grandma hit the like button. Very nice um, yes, thomas! So the reason that's not on the screen is because my settings for my stream got all screwed up, so i have to redo it so that will come back it's just not on for the day.

Um yeah gourd, so weeble said that on their next or newest update to their platform, they will introduce standard deviation so pretty much waiting for the day that that actually happens, but that's what they said: okay, um, really quickly. Before we go further, i did write down a few here, so next on the list that we'll be going through is going to be adap, tesla, amazon, slqt and lcid, and then um. I'm gon na talk about a couple other things. So before we get there, i'm gon na first run through spy.

Okay, so anyhooser uh s p. Why uh anyways been a good move? We've been seeing the markets continuing higher. I don't really think we have to touch too much on that. Just know that we're still printing money - i don't think we've really started tapering.

I think the balance sheet has actually been continuing to go up so i'll. Let you know when that all really changes, but the only thing we're basically waiting for in the market is tapering and the raising of interest rates um. That is pretty much and that that's pretty much it. I personally feel that we're sort of in a market melt up.

I i think some would say that some would not say that we'll see, but it really is kind of crazy, but really the only thing market driving right now that we're waiting on is the federal reserve to taper their balance sheet um, in other words, basically stop Buying the market is a simpler way of putting it. So that's really the only thing i think we're actually waiting on for the market. Aside from that, it's ho-hum diddly mcdum-dum and ride the wave until they pull the magic rug or magic carpet. Okay, so right now spy support down at and i got ta.

I can tell you right now: i'm already i'm already gon na change. I already got ta change it back. I just don't. I can't get down with the green something about the green, so i'm just automatically going right back to red and what i'm gon na do is go back to solid, but i'm just increasing the thickness.

So i like that, we're just going to go back with the red. Let's get the deal tried a different color didn't like it. Maybe i'll try another one in the future, but right now your support for the spy is going to be down at 451 ish 20. To oh, oh, would you look at that? Oh i forgot to change and save it as the default.

Do that solid to save as default, save as the phone okay, so uh today, you have resistance on the spy kind of not really so today it's a matter of the spy holding above 453, so the market started with the gap up broke down channeled up through The moving averages over the mean now consolidating in the moving averages half candle retraces since i think, there's yeah. I think the markets are actually going to try to swing lower. Let me just double check a couple things um part of me is kind of thinking down. We do have a divergence, so even on, like the 20-day chart, if you look, there is a negative divergence um, it's more of like a top kind of divergence sort of thing, but it was a negative divergence there.
Um 10-day: has it figures 10 day would have it the four-hour chart, though it is a four-hour, have a divergence. The four-hour chart has a divergence. Two figures: how about the daily daily would probably be less likely and daily there's not enough data there. So uh.

We do have divergences taking place on like a 10 day, blah blah blah doesn't even matter so. I think you're going to see slightly bearish move today where the market tries to break down a little bit. Um right roll down, try to break up rejected, bearish divergence, bounce can't reclaim the breakdown level swing lower, so yeah. I think there's going to be a bearish move on the market at least trying to get through the price of 453.

If, in the event the market sits and holds at 453, then i don't think it's gon na break down. So i think we have a bearish move, come and goes minimum to 453 we're gon na test, the 453 price on the spy right around the open time, maybe slightly just before pre-market some point here and the market's gon na try to defend 453. But if it can't and it starts to get weak, it's just gon na kind of fall apart through that, and then the market will try to move. Maybe down towards the price of 451..

451 is for sure, a price point where i would consider for a bounce on the spy today, um yeah, that's pretty much it and the nasdaq is probably going to be somewhat similar. I'm not going to take as much time going over the nasdaq um a r. You said netflix, so netflix will go next on the list of things to look at and then we'll continue down the list of the other things. So, looking at the nasdaq before we start to build this crazy bearish assumption on the spy we'd have to look at the nasdaq and see what this guy wants to do as well, and when we look at the nasdaq.

This does not look anywhere near as bearish. Looking as the spy we have yet to have a volume beat there over the past couple days within those guys, that's sort of interesting. So do so. The nasdaq does have a 10-day divergence.

Um, it looks like it might even have a divergence on the four hour. We know it won't have one on the daily, just not enough data there, so that guy to that guy is in fact, so. The gap up this morning on the nasdaq to a new high theoretically does have a divergence. You know, i think i think i got to stick with the original analysis.
I think the spy is going to try to pull back the uh. The nasdaq, on the other hand, does kind of look bullish, so i'm not actually positive what this one wants to do. I'm more open-minded to what the spy is going to do, but let's say that i'm right and things do go kind of bearish. Today then that means we would probably get a move down towards 379.08 on on the nasdaq and if i'm wrong, then the nasdaq's probably going to go up towards the price of 386..

So if i'm right we're probably going down like i said, if i'm wrong we're going to go up towards 386 on the market, why is that white? That's so odd or wait. Yeah 386. Those are two pretty far targets for the day, anyways. Okay, that's enough on that, so pop it on over to netflix, really quickly yeah.

We need to uh look at netflix, so i know we looked at netflix the other day. I think i had said netflix is getting ready to sell down within the next couple weeks. You'll probably see a bearish move on netflix. That is what i did say.

Part of me did say this move looks a little strong, so we think it could still continue up in the immediate, so there's still room for some upwards movement, but we do think you will see a bearish move soon by the looks of it and i don't Know for sure, because i haven't looked back at it, but i'm looking at a one minute time frame. I have a price level here at 586, so i'm assuming that this 586 price was a three deviation mark. So what probably happened? Was we got up to resistance? We broke above it slightly, but we held support here on this on the deviation and moved up towards the further price target. That's what i think happened, let's see what happened so this is the daily chart.

What is the four hour four hour? Has a price level up at 592 now the daily chart? Okay, so maybe it was like a plus two deviation mark done so yeah. If you look, we have a plus two deviation mark down at say 582. So at the time it might have been 585 586, but the way it looks is on that day the market pulled back to 583-ish, which was plus two and then bounced and now we're maybe moving more towards the 607 yeah. So i think there's a good chance.

You do see netflix get into a price of about 607 608 and maybe even higher, because, like i said this still is, for the most part, fairly bullish, um a lot of good buying volume. We've been fighting this top on netflix for a really long time. Look at this three year top um. You know what this is probably going to be the time where we actually trend above the all-time high, but i do still think there's a pullback coming right.

I think i think if you look at this, we tried here well. This was just a top at whatever 500 something pull back, try to break through again failed, pull back, try to break through again got closer, failed, swung down. People started to lose faith in this breakout dip down looked like it was going to break down down sucked back up and now i think, we're actually going to be trending into new all-time highs on netflix. So i think in the future you will see a new trend into all-time highs, above, like this maybe 600 mark on netflix um, but you're gon na see a pullback here pretty soon so within, like the immediate swing trading momentum pull backs around the corner within the Bigger picture probably trending into all-time highs, i think, or a very good chance.
I think this was like the. I think this was the trap. I think everyone thought maybe this was done. We're gon na roll down.

Some probably got some people short here, a bunch of people probably sold out market makers scooped up and they might be trying to run that market a bit. But if you look at the current yearly chart on netflix, you are starting to get to the overbought levels. Where pullbacks would be more likely than continued running so yeah yeah? I think that's that's about it. Then hmm um, aj, garcia, great idea.

We've already tried, it doesn't work the system just never does it well. Actually, we've had one person. Actually, one person sent me a script by the name of titan. He was able to get the four hour to overlap into any time frames, but not the daily chart so part of it works.

I guess you could say all right, um gon na really quickly. I'm gon na start a meeting here, uh. Okay, sorry about that. I had to finish that.

Okay, that's up and running the way it needs perfect. Okay, btcm yeah! That was a was an interesting stock from last week. All right, so we are going to take a mix. Look at next.

One on the list is adap, so adap penny stock this morning kind of gapped up, i kind of thought it was going to roll down, maybe fill the gap. Clearly, i'm wrong so far. Well wrong for now um! This is the first time. I've really done much of an analysis on it, so uh yeah that was not overbought at all.

We just got to kind of over bought ish, so good chance. You see a pullback right now on 80 ap and that's only at 6.50. This thing has the potential to get up to 789. Today, uh, maybe let's see is there yeah, i mean definitely possible so all right, yeah, so um i'll just say it typically.

We might. We would see a little resistance around 650, oh, but we already did. Oh, that makes more sense now yeah, so we had already gapped up to resistance, had a resistance, so yeah. I think you watch 80 ap on the long side with the max target.

Right now, on the day of 791, the objective for right now is to successfully get through the price of about 655-ish 660s, because that is where the um, that's, where the resistance is. This is the resistance right now up here at this price point. That's why we stopped here sold down. This is a second attempt of breaking out the resistance.
That's why i was saying most likely pull back now. You can see, we've pulled back, not too big, but it has happened. We've kind of pulled down and we're hanging out so the resistance to break for 80 ap for a long move in this moment in time really is the pre-market high you're pretty much looking for a pre-market high breakout on this stock for the day? That's the way. It's set up, um support levels, so uh, you know, say this stock, so so max target on the long side.

For me today, realistically, my max long target for this is anywhere from 7 30 to 7.91. Now that i look at that time frame if it falls apart and pulls back, it's most likely, you know first, stop would be down to there's 569 and then well. First, stop would be back to the half deviation levels, that's a no-brainer! So that's pretty much. No point so anyways first levels back down would be to here.

So you know if this falls apart today and just somehow just gets super bearish, it's probably going to fall down towards the price of 560, at least for right now, um, so breakout is pre-market. High. First, support level on the day is 569, which means if it's meant to be bearish. So when i say first, first support level is 569.

right when i say that, and let's say the stock actually was like falling downwards um and going to that price targets, because the support level is the magnet, as is resistance. When i go okay, you know we have support all the way down at 569.. That means if the stock is meant to be bearish from this point going forward. It's going to try to go to that means the short sellers, the bearer side of the market, whether it be market makers, big market movers or whatever they're, going to try to move the price to that level right so and then that level would be the first Level where people might be interested in buying, so that's usually where you get the first attempt of like a support, bounce or something but anyways.

That's the analysis with adapt. Do you're funny mr andercom you're funny. Okay! It should be good, no, no! No! Maybe later. Okay, sorry about that, just getting a couple things all situated all right.

Moving over to tesla sorry moving as fast as i can so tesla is up. I think last week didn't we say it was gon na go to a price of we had given a price target of 750. I think or was it or was it on that? No, i don't think your weight yeah, i don't know dude it's so hard, but i know i have a level at 750.. The only reason i have a red line on the charts, because it's either support or resistance.

We talked of so it looks like tesla's going up, uh yeah, i think you're gon na see maybe tesla 750. Well, i mean it's kind of different. Now it's really not it's uh! I see why yeah. So if you look, we have the regression trend right at 7, 50..

So last week um, i see what happened, but either way it doesn't matter. So this is going for the regression trend. So it's going to 750 is what it's trying to do: 749 750 tesla and then it's going to have reason. Is it going to rip resistance, though, because how many times would we have tested this thing because that would have been? But did we test it? Because this is the four hour maybe i know we definitely got one two.
Three really. Is it not gon na break? So third attempt statistical, mean breakout, um check volume, check, check, mic check, one two, one two wiki wiki, ah volume looks good on this one. I mean volume looked good on that one too, but did it he uh of had a seller beat there and they never had a buyer beat until pretty much at resistance, as opposed to this one up, trending volume in the direction of the move pulled back red. One but already volume beat on the way up yeah.

I would say you probably want to stay more on the bull side of tesla. For now i uh, because i think it's going to go to 7 49 um, but i i don't think it's gon na break out of 749 just yet, but i would be kind of more optimistic that it can, because if you look this would be the third Attempt of it trying to break out, we also grinded into the resistance this time, as opposed to breaking up into breaking up into means, it's harder to break out, as opposed to when you grind up into we've grinded into this time. Third attempt volume looks better than it did in the past, so i got to be more optimistic on a long breakout through 750, but not just yet. So i think you'll move closer to 750 slight resistance and then we check back on a breakout move in a couple days, maybe next week or something okay, so, okay, so next one on the list here, uh mdb, then after that we're going to be looking at S, l, q, t and again sorry, there's only so much that i can do um.

Oh, i don't want to have those connected now. I don't want to do that. Okay, how's, that so it's got. Ta have some sort of news, you'd think so.

Argus research maintains a buy uh price target raised to 550. I mean i don't really see anything too crazy. Price starter is 450 300., that's 9393 lower union jobs and i guess goldman sachs are just my good friends for second five. So it looks like you got a bunch of price target upgrades on nine three.

It just really looks like the news just completely demolish uh the wire on news with this company. Getting a price target upgrade there's a ton of them. I mean what's the deal, why so many upgrades am i missing something so did they just have earnings? Is that what i'm missing did i bypass? Oh, that's duh. They had earnings, obviously no i'm like.

Where is it? Why is, why is what's the deal and i finally got to it so? Okay yeah they had earnings, so i mean it's just up. You miss most of the move, probably not something you're going to want to chase up um. So i mean here is the rule of thumb. So let me think it is.
I forgot what it was. I read it so long ago, but the first the first time i tested this strategy. It worked really really well, so maybe i just got lucky but uh. Regarding earnings man, i'm going to forget, i sang this.

Who who did it? Was it chalmeth or was it not him anyways? So earnings stock goes up if it has like two day continuation which it looks like that did uh and then the stock does not give back. I can't remember i don't remember what the percentage was, but basically, if it doesn't correct and fall apart within, like the first like week or two weeks, then you hold for four or five weeks, something like that six weeks for the continuation um. Let me look at, let me look at snapchat because then maybe i can remember so i don't think i wouldn't be extremely bullish or extremely bearish that one i think you were kind of like just neutral. I think it's going to kind of ho hum out.

So i did this with snapchat here uh we go back so i had bought snapchat when it was. Let me change the time frame here to two years, so i bought snapchat back here. That's in this dip like right there and then held it. Earnings gapped up.

Okay, so the earnings gapped up gotcha - i remember now: okay, so you're in a stock you're in a play say you hold through earnings. Doesn't matter say you didn't? Stock has earnings, gaps up, runs for like one or two days or maybe three days afterwards. So continued follow-through momentum from the earnings; okay, when that happens generally, it's supposed to be seen as good additional momentum there's a reason why people were willing to continue buying that stock. Two again, three days after the the earnings announcement and the gap up, so stock gaps up and people are willing to buy it even after a big gap for two or three days afterwards, when that's the case you're supposed to hold the play for like another four, Maybe i'm stretching it eight weeks, but i think the generic one was four to six weeks.

You should at least hold four. It might be. You hold for four to six weeks to see if it ends up developing more and if it leads to a breakout, then you just keep holding, but i think it was you hold for a four to six week period and that should be enough time for you To differentiate between whether or not that momentum is true and it's continuing going to continue or if it's not and it's just going to kind of flutter out and maybe you've kind of hit a top for the time being so, let's see this was one two days After three days run and then it was pause, four one, two, three, four, five, six. So that's one week, one two, three, four five, so two one, two, three, four five! So three! So that's what happened with me is.

I had held for about three to four weeks and then i ended up selling this move up into the into here because by about the fourth week. So if we look at this on a weekly chart, um you'll see that that's the earnings move one two three by the fourth week, the bull flag on that that move for snapchat was starting to curl up and it looked like it was gon na break out. So that i ended up holding this one and selling into this move up here, so that's the rule of thumb on an earnings play if you're going to look for like kind of swing continuation. That's how it that's one rule you can follow! That's supposed to work! Um so yeah consider that with a bag of chips, um all right - it's 9 10.! I got ta go refill on the coffee.
Give me a second. I will be right back in the meantime. Hopefully they give you something interesting to watch. Okay, all right, so cool! I'm back on here so 910.

All right, i'm gon na do just a quick run through on the last ones that i had written down here. So we have sq or slqt, which is down ish 33 reversed off seven decent, steady, grind back up kind of filling the gap so yeah i mean this isn't necessarily bad sort of late to this long move, but overall volume looks good trend. Looks good probably has some some ways to work back up. I don't like it only because i know i'm not first within this current long market.

So i myself it's just not something i'm i would do it's not that it's not good um, but yeah i mean it's got a gap to fill still, maybe up towards like 1360s um. Let me check the four hour yeah i mean it's got room to get back to the mean and stuff, but yeah, not my cup of tea for now, but nonetheless um oversold or was all right, lcid, lucid motors, all right, so i don't rem. I know we looked at this on friday um. I can't remember i think i said i didn't really care for it long and it ended up being a really good, lawn, um, so kind of kind of mad about that.

But i think well wait not really so that came back up filled the gap and it's got slight resistance at um here so yeah. I see i see a pullback on lcid today. I can't take too long as there's no point so yeah. I think your resistance right now that you can only really think that there's going to be a breakout is above 1997..

I think the markets are going to swing downwards today and they might even try to go as low as about 19.. So i'm slightly bearish on lcid today, okay uh neo gap up so neo. We had mentioned pretty much when this bottom then did all of its stuff. So here we mentioned long, so we traded neo along here uh and then we mentioned you'd look for a long as it broke through.

I think this trend, which it did came back blah blah and then we've recommended a long target of sorry. So on this breakout move, we mentioned a long target of 42 to 41.78. We have pretty much gotten there, we're pretty close and we've already hit resistance, because it's kind of adjusted, so i think you're probably getting ready to see a little bearish move on uh neo. I think you're pretty much to the point of it wanting to pull back a little bit.

Let me just double check, not quite maybe. Well i mean, if you think about it right. The last buy that we recommended was pretty much on, like a trend. Break sort of play here so the last time we recommended long neo was break here and then it came back down, swan came up, blah blah, and then we recommended long on.
I think this day - and i don't remember the past two days and then you will see it tops out here, swings down. Then it spikes up this day hits the previous high a day. Almost goes like you know, kind of under the the low a day area, and then today we gaffed back up closer to the defined resistance and price target. So you know part of me does stink.

So if we had yeah, i kind of think you're gon na get you're getting close to seeing this cell down yeah. I think anywhere in this area of 4150s to 4180s is good to maybe watch for neo to get to, and then at that point you kind of see how it respects her, but i think we we might be around the corner from a slight bearish pullback in This zone, but for now i think you should be targeting up to about 41.49 41.80. What is trading futures exactly future trade futures trading is just another way for you to get involved in the investing world um. But it's just the futures markets.

You have the stock market, you have options market, you have foreign exchange markets, you have cryptocurrency markets, you have bond markets, i mean you have lots of markets and then another market is the futures market. So it's a contract market, so you're, basically trading contracts and there's more. We could talk about that, but um, that's pretty much it in a nutshell, very simple, all right, moving over to amc really quickly, because it's just something we got ta cover um and then i need to take like five seconds and kind of gear up on a Couple things i wan na watch, i still looking at a couple things. I'm like yeah, not a whole lot, i'm crazy about just yet, but i think overall, something's gon na pick up the way we want so yes, amc is moving.

Good amc is moving the way we want. I mean yeah, so i'll just say: amc is gon na be gon na, be long gon na be long so target back to 47.90, so back to 48 um. Unless i'm seeing something incorrectly did we ever touch a support? Are we just riding the nine just riding the nine but right? Why would you touch a support after bouncing up there and doing it right? You just did that, so you bounce you pulled back here. So if you had true momentum to the upside, there almost be no reason of pulling back to tag it again.

We did not get a, i mean we got, a buyer beat there, but it's going to the buyers yeah. I think you stay on the long side and i think you watch this um wait. Where'd it go yeah. I think the max target you could look for on.

This is up to uh, basically 48, for right now on uh on amc, which would be outside of that that's kind of challenging ooh good to know, maybe for the time being, it needs to relax yeah. I think right now, amc is trying to get back to about 48 bucks so nonetheless, yes, i think about 48 dollars - is where amc is trying to get back to the way that the market is set up today on amc doesn't really give me the feel that It's actually going to go to that price, at least for now, and the reason being - and you know, is: the price target of 48 is outside of the current trend of the intraday market. So we would need some exceptional euphoric trading to take place on amc today. In order to even get it to 48 for right now, just don't think that's really possible so that sweet face lola.
That's the analysis on amc is really the target's 48, but 48 is not really possible with the way the trend set up could happen later in the day as long as the trend increases to 48. So it might be something that happens more like tomorrow. Throughout this week, but 48 is the next breakout level uh for your big move to happen on amc. Your next breakout is at 48 after 48, we probably target somewhere in the 50s at that point cei on fire.

It is actually on fire. Literally, if you look at it, it's blazing flames. No, but seriously uh cei ci is moving. That is, that's got a good move and i'm about the dollar mark.

Um question is you're gon na break it down yeah uh. It will break a dollar, it will and maybe go up to a dollar o three and then probably gon na pull back. But this actually looks very strong and they stopped it there. So people could have shorted that top trap, shorts and now they're, actually gon na break the dollar.

Okay. So what's gon na happen with cei today is the trend actually looks strong enough to break a dollar, but first, what's most likely to happen? Is it hesitates at about a dollar o three, so maybe break up hit about a dollar or three hesitated around a dollar or three? But i don't think you trust that this is breaking out a dollar just yet i almost guarantee you might so you can't say almost guaranteeing to go. You might now. I almost guarantee price goes to to like a dollar, oh three area, and then it sells down.

If you're lucky it breaks through a dollar or three and just runs today, if that happens, you look for a dollar eighteen, but i don't think it's just gon na break through a dollar or three and run to a dollar eighteen. I think really it's gon na pop to about a dollar or three, then it's gon na have resistance, and then it's gon na pull back to about 95 cents and only if you can hold 95 cents will you then retest 103., so anyways dollar or three resistance Down, oh man, okay, good morning, all right give me like yeah, like i said, give me a couple minutes here. I got to uh kind of finalize what i'm thinking here funny funny you would, by the way, did want to mention um that roku did all that crazy stuff, but i feel like they still might try to bottom it now anyways yeah. I don't want to touch too much on that, but never mind not even uh rnxt.
I think we did cover rnxt a little earlier, but um or wait. No. That was the one that i couldn't remember the ticker of yeah. So rnxt i mean it pretty much went to resistance sold down to support winter resistance sold down to support, and now they make a bull flag.

Tons of buying anyways uh rnxt is most likely going to the price of 10.75 for right now. So there's really no dip support on rnxt, i think, until about 10.75 yeah bbig is starting to look a little better, so anyways. Today's watch list is going to be baby. Ig amc, of course, we're going to keep an eye on all the like.

The random penny stocks throughout the day, which is adap, r and xt um. I think we should watch lucid. That should be fun. You know what we should also watch just for fun is netflix see if that continues trending so hold on one second: pull up: bbig, yeah you're, basically remember saying bbig up and through so momentum is building and if we can get through 8 13, it's gon na Lead towards the bigger stretch right so right now we're still kind of going head-to-head right you're at the 50-yard line.

Right you got the 50-yard line in the football game right now. Bbig offense is kind of pushing on the defense. The bears right so the bulls are pushing on the bears. The bears are on their heels at the 8.13 yard line.

If we can get the bulls or sorry if we can move the bears behind the 18.13 yard line uh, then we should probably force a squeeze which then takes them into their end zone and the end zone will be at the price target of about eight fifties. To eight eighties right now, if you can't get through eight thirteen, the bears are going to cost the bulls to fumble and then it's going to be a turnover and the next thing you know you don't get another four-year contract for 260 million. Oh, what am i going to do with myself? I already made 250 million - oh no! Well, we can't all be that lucky. So in this case, we can't afford a turnover folks we're not going to get signed again.

How about hippo hmm did you see meet kevin's video on hippo? You must have i'm assuming so yeah, so meet kevin youtuber has bought. I think six hundred thousand dollars worth of the stock h-i-p-o, where he's hoping to get it to go up to a price target of seven so pretty much he bought it around. I actually don't know exactly what price he bought it around, but by the time the announcement was done, based on where the stock would go, maybe bought around five bucks trying to get up go to seven, so he bought 600 000 shares of a stock then came To youtube, with 1.7 million followers and made a big announcement that he's trying to get the stock to go to about seven dollars, you guys can take it away with it. What you want um, i have price targets that are actually before seven, so theoretically, you'll run into the statistical mean before seven dollars, so there might actually be a pullback that stops the move before seven.
But you never know. I mean when you, when you pump a video to 1.7 million people, you might get it to go higher than seven or pump a stock. Sorry all right! So there goes uh cheese please. So there is uh, as i said, bbig up in through 8 13..

This is really kind of like the first attempt at breaking that price. So we'll see right so we broke we'll see if we can maintain bbig for the old river magoo. Oh my god, it's so crazy come on no way it's not crazy! That's a good move! It would be cool to see it all the way up into the 860s, though, because that's really where we want it to go, we've broken out, but really we want the follow through up to the price targets for now so we'll see if it gets there. So anyways um um so does uh a and any question a and y is probably what you're asking a question on is a and y all right, um and bbig.

I mean it's at the pre-market high uh, but i say it for the most part seems pretty close to uh, let's say maybe popping into that 860s area. So a andy uh kind of looks like it has maybe a little bit of a long move coming on it um, so yeah a-n-y is pretty much on resistance. The only way it goes higher is if it gets above the 6.66 mark, so it kind of 666.. So it's kind of just jumping back into resistance for right now, um, it's kind of confusing kind of hard to talk about, but yeah.

Your long move should be a breakthrough 666. There is ideally what's going on um and typically a um. Typically, an offering hurts stocks, especially when they're penny stocks, so just an fyi, so bbig still holding fairly. Well again, you did your first little breakout move we're stopping at intraday deviation levels and the pre-market high.

You know if this thing is really meant to kind of continue higher. It should be breaking up to kind of the price hearts we suggested earlier. So we'll see what time frame am i looking at one minute, charts, daily, charts, four hour, charts, etc. Uh charting platform is think or swim.

Yeah bbig is struggling, it's probably going to reverse back down to 813, so it just went back to 813. You know so that's it struggled it couldn't get through the intraday plus two which kind of sucks but anyways uh. So yeah you're, looking at um, let's say bbig, so look at bbig. The way you would read this on the long term right is that the breakout was at the long term level, so we broke above the long term.

We try to get to the next levels, but so far we can't we've reversed back down towards 813, which is really where the support is that you want to hold, or else this is going to lead to a bigger sell-off on the day, move anyways, so cool Um yeah unfortunate bbig really couldn't hit the uh, the full run there, gigantic selloff from rnxt uh jeez. No, i don't want that or that big bearish move there. So i was saying: is you yeah? I mean doesn't matter all good yeah. It looks like rnxt stock.
Is getting just absolutely demolished? Um, don't really see. You know too much of a long play there. I could see rnxt selling down towards 9.55 to yeah pretty much 9.55. Today.

I think that's where that moves ultimately going to go to yeah. I think rnxt overall is going to continue swinging swinging down. I don't don't like it so much ooh look at neo neo for the old rip and dip. As you guys see, it went up long bias pretty much into the targets that we recommended.

So i would assume we're probably pretty close to. Ah, really, though, are we actually going to pull back this level? Um? It's a half deviation price, so it's less likely yeah. I think you'll see neo hit about 41.85 here too. So.

Keep that in mind. I think neo is going to try to get up to about 41.85. Why can't we see your neochar, because neo is not up on the main screen. That is why, but, nonetheless, you're probably going to be hitting resistance here.

I think in a second then again, it's a half deviation price, so um usually don't put too much emphasis on them as normal, so anyways neo good move. I think i think most of your long moves been completed for that stock. Uh fybr is moving. That's an interesting up move kind of late there not going to be able to take advantage of much oh wow, that's interesting-ish, do and kind of like the way.

A and y is looking it's looking a little better. It is theoretically like on resistance right now, um um, so you know say a and why i mean it. It's just it's kind of interesting, but there was a lot of volume there, but most of which looks like it yeah. I'm trying to explain this in real time, but you can see you had a breakout here at 666 it spiked right back up to the half candle retrace system, half deviation system, so this could work well if a and y ends up getting through the price of.

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One thought on “Day trading live stream for everyone”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Lloyd says:

    Thanks for doing what you do and green days to you friend.

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