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Hmm well well. Well, ladies and gentlemen, i am online, i am online, but it looks like the best i could do is 720p, so this is streaming through zoom trying to use zoom as a streaming software, but the best you can get is 720p. So let me know, though, in the chat, if it's coming through like solid, if it seems like it's choppy and so on so forth, so yeah um, if you could like, i said, let me know in the chat if sound is coming through good. If everything seems as if it's coming through, okay yeah, it actually kind of seems like uh kind of seems like it's working, okay, but not the uh, not the best quality.

That's for sure interesting, oh well, um for sure frustrating for sure frustrating. But nonetheless i guess we will we will rock and roll with 720p. So i guess this leads me to believe it's possible. It could still be software issues, so i will look more into the softwares.

Give me a second here: yeah um. You know it's good enough, but it's it's not the way. We want it to be um, but it's okay, so it huh give me a few seconds we'll just let this kind of populate i'm gon na play around with a couple settings. Um i mean the stream is healthy and it says we're streaming a little lower bit rate than we should be.

Is it even possible yeah whatever so we'll just use this for now um and just just go with it. So let me uh break this into a full screen. Now the cool thing i will say the cool thing about using this is it does allow me to put my drawing tools here while i live stream, so the things that i usually do use during my video um i'll actually be able to use on the live Stream now so that's kind of cool, so welcome back yeah. We will first start with the market.

Then we will go over a couple: random stocks, of course, and then we'll look at some requests. Hopefully we'll be able to get stream quality to where it should be. So with uh, oh mind, you, oh, that that's rough, that's really rough um! I was gon na, say: clove was gon na, be one of the number one i would say number one plays, but it was gon na be a play for me today, and it was. I was looking for a short trade and since youtube and streaming all went to hell this morning, i kind of missed all that.

So that's kind of unfortunate. So we will start with going over the s p. We will start with going over the nasdaq and then we will do, as i said before, yeah terrible, oh man, so, let's get into it! Sorry been uh been uh been a rough morning rough morning, as you can see, it's uh when you wake up and you come to the office and everything's burning down every single morning. It's really hard to keep your flow going.

You know what i mean uh. So yesterday um we had recommended that the market was going to be bearish um. We pretty much suggested the market was going to fall to this point and that's where you'd see the first balance in the day. Well, you can see, we went there, bounds they sold through came down to the nine-day.

Moving average came back up, eventually broke that level and then ran the market a little bit. So either way markets did go bearish and they went down to the suggested target. On the bear side, they bounced, where we suggest they're - probably going to bounce around, not entirely perfect, but either way markets suggested bearish. Yesterday we were bearish yesterday um, so let's go in.
Let's get some updated price levels for everyone and uh, let's move forward and hopefully get our youtube streams working healthy again. That would be great. I mean what am i supposed to do. I wish i could call someone at youtube, so they can pinpoint exactly why i'm having issues process of elimination uh, so the resistance for the market on the spy is at 451.67, all right, so 451 yeah, so 451 60s, is where the current resistance is at.

On the market, you will see that we have come to that price, pre-market and sold down. So currently, the resistance of the market on the spy is about 451. 60S. 451.

70S. So that's the four hour chart the daily chart would have resistance a little higher, so that is really of no concern. For the time being, the s p 500 did have a bearish day. Yesterday the volume was significant.

Volume was higher on the sell side. We did get a seller beat day on the daily chart, hmm nine day moving average and then that dip down towards a hundred. So i don't actually think that the market wants to be extremely bearish here. I could be wrong, but i think what's going to what's going to happen, is the markets are going to try to look to get back up and over 451.68 today? 450.

170S. I mean i guess i could be wrong about that um, because because really this is a break of trend we broke down, we came back up to re-test, it pre-market sold back down. So i mean, if you really think it's going to keep down trending, then your belief is that the pre-market high that was set in really is the top of the counter trend, bounce and now we're going to trend down. I believe that that was just a first attempt of creating resistance, but the markets are going to come back up and break back through and kind of, try to sustain above for a little bit so we'll see.

But i think the markets are going to try to move back to 461 68 to you know 452's, maybe slightly higher um and then, if they can hold above 450 170s for the day, then i think that the trend is going to resume back up. So i think, there's first going to be an attempt of the market to regain control of the resistance zone, and only if the market cannot regain control of the resistance zone will we then continue into a downtrend so probably first to move up in the market, see If we can get the resistance or hold uh above the resistance or um go up fail to hold and then move back down. So i think long move first 450 ones, 452, something like that: uh yeah, dylan yeah. You know four different streams to get one stream to kind of work.
Yeah, that's i know with some of the some of the most up-to-date technology and computers with the up-to-date streaming software's most recent updates and most recent updated drivers to your computers and then all your files completely cleaned with 700 megabytes or whatever 700 mbps uploads so fiber Internet, the fastest available internet offered in this current moment in time to the peasants of the world, but i still can't stream very well. I must really be dumb, really must be, though, got ta be cause. Clearly, i'm doing something wrong so um, that's the spy, we're going to take a look at the cues here now so looking at zacchus um yeah. What do you want to? Do? I mean in reality i don't think i would be extremely long bias.

This top with the nasdaq again we're coming off and we're coming off. You know an advancement in the market i mean. Maybe it goes a little higher, but i'm already seeing signs of bearish divergences on the relative strength index. So that's what makes me a little iffy about wanting to you know be like oh by go long.

You know right. If, if you look at the relative strength index here, the rsi isn't you know a downtrend right. So look at this so we're going to go straight up ready to go from that diagonal. I can actually use my drawing tool.

So look at this we're going down trending here. Oh, let's increase the size of that too that'll be fun. Oh, i guess it is fairly big already, so it's just because that white line is disappeared, so you have a downtrend here on the rsi and that the top of that move on the rsi is right there. So from this moment in time in the market, the rsi had peaked here, which is also probably getting slightly confusing, so that was the peak on the rsi before it started.

Downtrending, that's the price on the s p at where it was at, and now you have, since this move going up and here slight uptrend the market's been down trending on the relative strength index. So, that's partly why i kind of feel like this move might advance a little bit, but it's going to result in sort of a pullback like that, so i believe, that's probably what's going to be coming next, some sort of pullback like that on the market. Now the spy has already is already seeing, you know, started seeing slightly more weakness than the nasdaq uh in that regard same thing right, if you look at the rsi relative strength index on the spy here down trending, you go up so that started there. So the market was kind of trading sideways slightly up.

Meanwhile, the rsi was going down. Hence we break down so again. Does it lead to a bigger move? I'm not entirely sure, but i really don't care to be extremely long, biased that sort of high on the nasdaq. I think you can keep riding it, but the nasdaq hasn't really dipped recently.

So i think you just kind of stayed neutral on the top of that market, waiting for some sort of dip and pull back uh xander chan, yeah huh, that's so funny! Oh, it's probably good. 7 20.. But yes, uh! Yes, xander! Yes, people with iphones can stream better than six thousand dollar computer setups exactly and fiber internet. Yes, i don't know what the hell i'm doing.
I might as well go buy a flip phone at this moment in time idiot. What am i doing with my life? So spy puts uh not necessarily and i'll say, and the reason i say that is well, not necessarily i'm just not convinced. Well, i just don't know how big of a pullback that divergence can create. Well, there was a way that i used to calculate the potential move of a divergence, and that was by that was by so this is.

This is a good tip. This has nothing to do with stocks that are moving today, but this is a good tip. Um. You guys can practice with it see if you come to the same conclusion i came up with and i don't do it as often as i probably should just because i think i don't think about it in the moment in time, but sometimes i came to find That when you find a divergence right, so you have a divergence um the length of the divergence doesn't make sense.

So from the moment the divergence starts to the moment it starts to break on price. That stretch is how far the drops gon na be. So if the divergence on the spy started - let's say like here - let's just say it was like 378 and the market went up to 382 so from through, would i say, 378 to 382. That means the market would have went up four dollars.

Okay, so when this market starts to break down, the breakdown should be a stretch of about four dollars, because if so again a divergence is kind of like an inconsistency. So if the markets are going upwards, but momentum is dying off, then the trend shouldn't continue up. So whatever whatever money was made on the way up with the posing momentum, will generally be given back to the market, so i have come up with sort of my own way of debating. I guess you could say how much a pullback might happen.

So when it comes to divergences, sometimes depending on how big the divergence is, relates to how big the drop can be or somewhat similar - and i i looked at i like kind of back tested and just looked at a bunch of divergences and did the calculations and A lot of time it came out, you know fairly accurate um at times so for what it's worth, but then i could see there being moments in time where it doesn't work, but you can use it see if it works. Okay, uh! So, let's see what we got going on here, yeah i'm gon na go over to bbig, sorry uh, so we're touching on vbig. I think you have to stay long on bbig, of course, so it ended up doing the breakout move we talked about but later in the day, and then you would see that it had enough momentum to go. Remember we said like an atmos price target of maybe 917 that was at pre-market now.

Of course, those price levels could have changed by the end of the day and i almost guarantee that they did change by the end of the day a little bit but anyways uh. Nonetheless, right you can see where the blue line was yesterday. Remember we were saying the blue line is kind of where the markets had to stay above, or else they would shift down to these green lines here, and then we mentioned pretty much. You had to break out of the 830 price.
8. 30. Sorry, 813 price. For a breakout, so you'll see we went up, we broke out to start the day, came back under tried to break out again.

Here came back under later in the day we successfully got through, and then it ripped so breakout levels. Everything were accurate yesterday on the dvig analysis. It just ended up breaking out and running further than we had anticipated for the day. I think you still have to watch it on the long side.

It's just grinded up into this high pretty nicely. So i do think you continue watching this slightly on the long side. Of course, you got to get through 1190 12 bucks for another, bigger move so for now, you're, maybe just watching up to that 12 high and seeing how the market reacts when it gets there. Okay, i mean, i guess yeah i mean overall, it's not not terrible.

Seen better, though seem better um self energy. No, so, and the reason you know in in the reason that i haven't not the reason i haven't but standard deviation well, not necessarily um. I can't say for sure, but nonetheless, stocks all have a different function. They have different beta.

Their volatility aspect is different, so you know one stock. It could be. You know 30 days, whereas another stock could be 15 days, and it's all really just based on volatility of that market. Um.

So yeah i mean that's pretty much it yeah. That's not. I mean if you, if, just for your own sake, if you look up stock beta or what the beta is of a stock um if a stock's beta is below, i forgot the rule of thumb, but i think it's below one once you start to get over. Two: it's considered somewhat volatile, but anyways look up beta if you have a stock that has a beta of like 1.5.

That means it's generally pretty low volatility, where you could expect slower movement from the stock, so anyways stocks with lower beta, lower volatility. So, regarding your question about the standard deviation, how long it takes to get to the mean generally you'll know which stocks could take, could do things faster, their fluctuations and movements back and forth to and from the mean quicker based on beta, just because that means a Stock can represent more volatility or has more volatility therefore, could move quicker, shortening the time frame of movements back and forth, um yeah, so we'll touch on amc here um. I really need someone to like organize my stream in the morning. It would be so much better if i could just keep a nice organized pattern going, but uh it doesn't work that way, especially when you have to use six different streaming softwares in the morning that one doesn't work well, so anyways um there's a lot of people.
Looking at am mick sizzle this morning. Okay, so am mix sizzle uh other than the fact that it's sizzling it's right on resistance um. So you guys will know as well as i do that yesterday i recommended being bearish in this top pretty much as soon as well. First, we recommended that was a long target on the day and then once you got here, we recommended this is where you're supposed to be bearish.

On the day, i traded it not as good as i could have, but whatever um going forward into today, the resistance of the market, which has already been kind of touched, the resistance of amc today is 48.19 there's another one up there. So we'll mark that all right, um, so resistance right now on amc is 4817. So sorry tiger hustling these days, um so you're looking for a move up to 48-26 on amc at the open and then you're looking for a breakthrough 48-26 for a big breakout. So pretty much put it this way when you guys look at the the the uh chart on amc, you've been you've been looking at the chart on amc, pretty much you and the whole entire world sees a flag pattern right now or something like that right.

It's a no-brainer, everyone sees it okay, um, which makes me kind of worried right. So so that's that's! The problem i see here is that i think there's almost. I think too many people recognize that um and i just don't. I just part of me doesn't think it's truly gon na break out like easily it's going to be very confusing, so we had a really good flag pattern here.

This one was significantly less recognizable for most people and the reason being is because most of the market is taught that you know kind of a bull flag. You know you have a move up and then the market trades like this into a pennant, and then you get another move out right. Nobody has ever taught that a pennant or a bull flag or anything just looks like this - could look like this coming from a downtrend and then a breakout, which is what this was. We moved down into a bull flag pennant.

We then broke out to the price target. We hit resistance, we pulled back, we tried to come back up and break the resistance in the trend we failed. We pulled back we're trying for a third time to come up and break the trend and the resistance right. We're right on resistance.

Do we break out or do we pull back? That's the question. Mind you, this move up. Isn't really, you know, that's a that's a breakout of a previous flag, so you really are breaking out creating like another trending kind of flag situation right on the regression trend. So that's the other important thing to understand is: let me just double check before i say something: that's inaccurate! Yes! Yes, yes, okay! So that's what we're looking at now number two look at what's also taking place from this rsi top on amc we're slightly trending upwards.
I mean a little bit right trying to and the relative strength index is going, the opposite way, all right, we're trending down. So we are getting a down trending, um rsi and we're getting a slightly uptrending move in amc which can suggest um. You know maybe a bearish divergence. The daily chart relative strength index looks great we're not overbought there.

The daily chart volume looks good, so everything really is more on the buy side with volume. I think it's still worth watching long, but i do just want to point out that there is resistance right at 48, 19 you're not going to get a big breaking out move unless you go through there. This is very well one of those situations where the market spikes up looks like it's breaking out, hits resistance and falls back down, so just be mindful of that right, you know we're close to a breakout, but if breakouts fail then they're usually harsh drops, because everyone Buys in rushing for a breakout and if it just doesn't break out then they're all falling over each other. So right now i i do have potential, not potential, but the long target for the day would be up to 48.21 when i say long target.

That just means that's where the current resistance is at, and markets generally try to target to resistance a lot of times so anyways. That's that's amc for right! Now, self energy right, you're, never you're, never not going to be using it ever exactly right! Wow 359 of you guys tuning in live with me today, even when the stream is pretty crappy, you guys are awesome, pretty loyal there. I appreciate you, which just really kind of goes to show um. You know because, generally speaking, there's usually about you know an average 360 400 of you guys on every single day, um, you know so really, which just goes to show you, even when the streams are running high quality.

It's generally, you guys there, you know, making the stream in the first place um. So thank you guys appreciate that so anyways uh clove, yeah, clove old clovey, magushi magushi, mcgee dude clove, is probably gon na just run everyone for their money. Today, i guarantee it does some confusing ass stuff, so let me explain to you what sort of confusion trading i think might arise and how i might try to maneuver it. So i know this is weird.

You know not weird, but for one it's like. Sometimes you build this masterful game plan in your head because you think something of something and then it doesn't even happen. But what i do know is clove tends to be a stock that can trade very awkward, um and be kind of confusing partially because probably because sometimes it's it's market cap and it's float things like that - lower price people, kind of think. It's a penny stock.

But it's really got a larger market cap and a higher float so real, realistic. It's not so that's probably that psychological mix there, what not but anyways. So if you're looking at clove today, just put it this way, you have resistance right at 10.97 and then above that, you have another resistance which this might slightly change, which is at 11.30, so realistically, clove yesterday ran and remember: we were watching clove short right at 10, our first recommended price target for clove on the day when it was running up was 10 bucks. We didn't really catch wind of clove and watch it too.
Closely till it was probably at about 966 970s area, maybe, and then we recommended you would see. You know a selling move um at 10 and then we recommended a dip buy down here at like 6 30 or something which we never hit, and then it ran all the way to 1113, which is resistance, um and anyway. So clove pretty much already ran into resistance. I am just wondering if this is really the top.

Was this the top and then the market rolls over? I don't think so. I really don't. I don't think the markets are just gon na run and slam down right now i mean if they do so be it. I'm probably gon na try to be bearish on that.

So nonetheless, i'm watching clove more bearish today, because i know that we have broken out and we have run all the way up yesterday into after hours and into this morning, pre-market into resistance into the selling zone into the selling distribution level. So i'm watching for anything related to selling. Today, i'm not as concerned with what the buying looks like um, because i think it's meant to be a selling day and i think the markets are meant to sell the stock and they're going to try to sell the stock. So everything that looks long is really just a manipulation on the stock or just whatever, not even manipulation.

It's just that's just it's the other side of the move you want to be more concerned with, which is the downside. So the confusing thing i believe was going to happen was we were going to see and let me zoom in i'm looking at this really zoomed out and especially with the quality of today's stream. I mean you probably can't see anything i mean geez, oh pete's connor. I mean: haven't you ever streamed before oh yeah, only for like the past four years, weird, why? All of a sudden - i just don't know how to stream anymore odd, so um with clove you're going to want to watch clove yeah you're going to want to watch clove, maybe for a long move back into the prices of like 1097 to 11 30.

And then i think you're, i think they're gon na pull the rug. I really do so. What i again part of me feels like clove, just started this big long move right, so clove just broke out so a lot of the retail market. The mainstream market is coming and they're going holy.

You see clove, it's moving holy smokes right, so a lot of people are getting excited everyone's up and at them you know. So. This reminds me of the situation where, realistically again, realistically clove did not just start moving. Clove started moving here, then it broke up through the mean here: whatever then it hit right and then it had a little drop and it had another flag pattern and then it so it already ran once created a flag pattern broke out of the flag.
Pattern broke up to the next trending resistance, so the flag pattern break out price target was to here right. A lot of people always look for like the second day, continuation after a big move and they're not wrong. But when there's not a lot of room for that second day, continuation to go anywhere, then a lot of times you're not going to get that good follow-through. You might get a pop and then it falls apart because you already hit resistance.

So this is a situation where i think people are going to try to kind of chase in and run clove up for a second day move because the breakout just happened yesterday. But in reality it's already pretty much at resistance and it's kind of meant to be sold. So i think, there's going to be a portion of the market that buys clove up back into resistance looking for two day, continuation that ends up getting sold back into and then falling apart. That's what i think we're going to see today so basically looking for clove to either it pretty much.

I'm looking for us to go back up into that zone then sell back down. I don't think they're just going to drop clove out of the gates. I don't think they're they're willing to run the market down like that um, but if they do, if they were to just run the market out of the out of the gates to the downside on a clove today, which again, i don't think is going to happen. Um i mean where would it even go that could adjust a little bit that could change check this guy? No wouldn't be that um yeah okay, so if they just try to run clove down out of the gates.

I'd expect they're gon na drop the market down to about ten dollars and six cents, maybe to as low as 9.91, but they will not allow clove to go through 1007 to 991 without at least trying to bounce the market on the long side. At that price point so again, clove down out of the gates immediately it will go to 10. 10 10 to 990, won't fall through 10, 10 or 990, without least attempting a bounce. My belief is they're going to try to run clove out of the gates or something and try to get the price back into 11s to 1130s, maybe over that by a little bit and then they're gon na run it back down to a bearish move and then The markets will get bearish going into thursday on clove who's.

Who knows we'll see how it all unfolds. Wow 413 of you guys willing to watch me in 720p. That says a lot. I really do appreciate you guys.

Thank you so much. It does mean a lot. It really does, because again i uh you know, i mean i pretty much cancelled my premium. Uh chat room subscription service from our website so that i could just come and do this for free on youtube with you guys, um and obviously i make money through being on youtube, and so it's not like i'm not making money by being here too, i'm just Making you know significantly less um, so i do appreciate that you guys are still tuning in with me, even though we're rocking 720p, which is way outdated, um.
It does mean a lot because again i took out you know very significant portion of my income come here and do it for free and then you know we get onto youtube and all we ever problems so uh it is, it is frustrating you know, i'm working Through those problems every day trying to get it up to speed, so the fact you guys are still hanging out still rocking with me. It's it does mean a lot. I do appreciate that um. So that's clove, i think we're pretty good on chloe for now.

Um. Just reading a couple comments here, guys: ah: okay, cool uh: yes, we will look at netflix in a sec. I was gon na jump over there. Do you think you can dissect the market deeper introduction? So, honestly, i've been trying to find a time to sit down, because i really want to have uh the stream a little more professional and organized, not that i won't still be myself and we're not gon na have fun, but i just wanted it more organized.

There's more of a flow to it, as opposed to me just kind of jumping around, so i haven't really done any work on that just know. It's more of a thought that i know if put into action would be very beneficial, so um i do intend on having more of a structured flow to our stream. Of course, we're never gon na get there if we can't even stream to youtube in the first place. So i guess that thought can just stay on the back burner for now, until we at least learn how to use a flip phone in 2021.

But i do want to have a more structured outline through our stream, where we kind of start with this portion of the market. Then we move into this and then we move into this and then we move into this and so there's a schedule and then the schedule doesn't change and then that way you guys and everyone actually has a schedule of what's going to be in the stream. So, each day you can expect at this time this is what's going to be discussed, so that way you don't have to sit through the whole thing or you can hop in where you believe it's going to be most beneficial and so on so forth. So i do want to have sort of a schedule breakdown of time, stamps of what's going to be taking place every day, um so that that way, it's just better for the viewer and stuff.

So let's jump on over to netflix um. So the whole discussion with netflix and boy. I hope this coffee is warm because i kind of need it. Yeah super cold, actually, not good, so um, let's first just run through the things right.

So, if you're, so, i think the discussion is when is when is netflix going to stop running off this move. When are we going to pull back all right? I i guys i mean so far. Everything we've mentioned for the past, like two days on netflix, has come to fruition. It's doing what we thought it would do continue to move a little bit higher into the selling zone, but we should see some selling soon i was.
I was led to believe myself that we're going to see it within a from this point forward. I think we'll see the selling happen within the next week and a half all right, so um. So, first things: first, you would look for anything that even suggests pull back or selling right. So first thing we'll do is just look at the relative strength index relative strength index does not have a divergence, so there's nothing with the rsi.

That's diverging that says: bearish. The only thing that the rsi is telling you on the four-hour chart is that the market is slightly high, given momentum, which i don't really put too much emphasis on, but nonetheless rsi does dictate overbought. Okay. So that's one thing and just know that there's like basically a bazillion trillion other investors in the market that use rsi for overbought oversold signals.

So you already know a portion of the market is saying: netflix is overbought because the rsi all right. Now we go down here and we look at the um, the ttm, so ttm just another momentum indicator. Nonetheless, it's on the dark blue side, so the ttm on the four hour chart at least has suggested that we're starting to see that of some selling pressure. All right, let's go check the daily chart really quickly, but before we get there we're going to map off the plus three mark here on um netflix.

So that's the plus three, let's go to the daily chart. Now all right daily chart. Obviously, rsi is on the high side to rs, i would say: overbought it's at 85. uh the daily chart.

Ttm is not dark blue, so the longer longer term chart does not suggest selling pressure. Yet so what that means is is on the four hour you're starting to see selling pressure with the ttm, but it makes sense that you would see selling pressure there first and you would the daily chart, because the daily chart is a longer calculation. So, basically, you need more selling pressure in order to uh shift the scales, if that makes sense on the data that's being calculated anyway. So it doesn't matter so anyways you're, starting to see selling pressure on the four hour, which basically means that there could be selling pressure coming to the daily and yeah yeah yeah.

So anyways, looking at volume volume is all on the buy side right now. Um and i mean there's some selling some buying blah blah blah, but for the most part, the buying volume or the volume is mainly buying which, again, if you look at the volume, it's green and the market's gone up so kind of all makes sense. So right now the market has hit the plus three deviation mark right. So that's where that's where netflix is at right now, it's at the plus three.
This is a very strong trend. This reminds me this is another good way to look at this, so this isn't entirely true, because nvidia had more room to run, but like this, this move here right. Everyone kept trying to short that move. When is this move going to stop? When is this move? Going to stop, when is this move gon na stop right, but it was a very strong trend all right now when we go look at netflix same thing right.

This is a very stair step, fish grinding trend. It's not gon na fall very easily. It's not gon na give you that easy breakdown move, but i do believe these are the zones where you would consider and or start averaging into your selling position. If you wanted to be short, take a bearish play on something like netflix.

This is where you would start to even consider sizing in to catch a rolling move on the market, so anyways uh for not anyways, but for exact details right now. The current resistance of the market on netflix is uh. Six times support is going to be down. Maybe at 598.

hmm what garbage, though um so yeah i mean we can take a look at bitcoin really quickly. I expect bitcoin is going to go lower. Actually i just noticed something for the first time in kind of a long time. Oh wow, that is actually that's kind of dangerous, so for one um yeah this, where we went to just yesterday on bitcoin, was the first desired support level that the market, my knee, that's what i'm gon na sit on my knee um yeah.

That's the first support level that the market was gon na, try to go to um. That's why we said that you wanted to buy bitcoin yesterday on that bottom, because that's where you want to buy it um. I kind of think this is going to go lower and i really can't believe i i can't believe i didn't see this before i mean i guess it's i mean, but look at the divergence. Look at the relative strength index right so clearly a downtrending move on the relative strength index.

Clearly an uptrending move on on bitcoin. So this is a perfect example. If we can see if my uh, my trick that i told you earlier works, so you have the relative strength index right here, so that would have been on this pop, so we'll say from the price of 39 000. So we go from 39 000.

All the way to a top here that price is 53 000 so about there was almost 54 right and 53 yeah 53., so 4 000 is what that would be right. Did i do that right, or am i saying that wrong or is it? Oh? Is that 10 000.? Sorry did, i say: 43. 000. Sorry, i'm way off.

Uh. 39. 000 to 53. 000 apologize! That's 14! 000.

like that. Just doesn't sound right! I'm like it's got to be more than that, so um yeah there. We have it thirteen fourteen thousand dollars, so we've pulled back from fifty three thousand down to what is that forty six, so you've already pulled back, call it seven thousand, so maybe another seven thousand fourteen, let's call another seven thousand dollars down on bitcoin, so uh. So, what's seven thousand dollars down from here so we're at 46, so we'd have to go to 39, which basically would be where the breakout happened right.
So if again, look at we broke up to 39 right. Think about we broke up to 39 ran all the way to 53 markets were diverging negatively since 39. All the way to 53. The negative divergence is a total of 14 000 if it pulls back from 53 14 000.

It would then take the market back down to about the previous high, where we first broke out right there right and from what you're typically taught when it comes to support and resistance is where a stock breaks out, then that becomes support right, like a breakout level. After broken out, then becomes support, so, if you think about it, just naturally people in the market would probably already consider buying bitcoin around the 37 38 - maybe 40 000 mark, because that's where it broke out before right. So if you zoom in right, you would you would go. Oh you know this is this is the bottom for bitcoin? That's a good support.

That's a good support like yeah. True you're, not wrong! That is a good support. Absolutely, but isn't it not very ironic that if you measure the price movement of the divergence from the breakout, the calculation of dollar value movement then theoretically brings the stock back down into what would then be seen as support? So i say there is a strong chance. We see about another seven thousand, six thousand eight thousand dollars down from bitcoin, which will then put us somewhere around thirty nine thousand, maybe to thirty eight thousand um.

Now the exact price points that i would be looking to be long for a counter trend potential bottom. On bitcoin next um, if that all is true what i just said is going to be here um i can pretty much already guarantee i'm right so as douche bag, as that sounds um, yeah you're, just gon na want to buy bitcoin the next time you see It down at about 38. isn't that just amazing that if we change the time frame to the daily chart, the negative one deviation comes into play at thirty, eight thousand two hundred and thirty, four and my divergence trick puts the price action down. Seven thousand dollars, which puts it almost right at that deviation level.

It's just crazy. I have no clue what i'm doing, but it sounds good. It looks good, but i have no idea what i'm even saying. I just add a couple numbers together and when looks like it makes sense and it just comes together, then it just say: hey guys, look.

It works right, so anyways, fun, stuff, fun, stuff, um, so bitcoin, that's your next long zone um, because that's just the way it is. Unless it's not meant to drop there, and if it's not meant to go to that level, then then we will end up just seeing bitcoin uh probably sustain this price point all right, so we might hold around like 44, 000, 45 000 for a little bit. But again, breaking through that low markets are guaranteed just going to swing into that price point right there and then that's where you're going to look for another dip buy level yeah that was that was just sarcasm there. Don't don't dig it don't take it too seriously.
I'm just having a good time this morning because well, you know everything's pretty much broken um. Well, i'm gon na go fill up my coffee, it's a minute, but a minute left so give me a second i'm going to go. Yeah fill up fill up. My coffee and i will be right back okay, yeah, sorry about that.

I am uh i'm back on here, so let me get my charts reorganized. Ah, there goes bbig by the way uh look at where clove is at. As you can see, clove just sold down uh into those price targets. We told you about, unfortunately, um so adding a small long to clove.

Here i think, there's going to be a slight little bounce on clove. It is very bearish, but you know i'm willing to uh attempt the uh the bounce move here. I think it's only a half deviation. So it's you know it's definitely a little little sketch.

It's probably not going to work all that. Well, we'll see. I mean it's only a half deviation, which many times isn't the strongest yeah bbig uh quick swing right back down on the day. That's definitely not what you want to see.

I mean quick spike up then right back down, yeah they're they're, just don't think they're gon na allow clove to uh to really hold so taking clove off, because i think they're gon na swing it into a down move. So that was the first little support level. I tried, but obviously it just didn't work so um real quick. I do want to point out right so remember how i said: they're probably going to swing it right down to here.

So, look at that, so i even even i knew where the move was going to go, but why not be bearish well for one? I didn't even see it in time to consider being bearish by the open and i would have had to enter before market open, but at market open market makers move the candles really quickly to these price targets so that you're not really able to take advantage of The price move, that's another thing to make note of. Is that a lot of times? You can't even get a piece of these moves, because the market makers will move it so fast and your order will just get dragged down in the volume. And then you end up getting filled down at about the price target, and then they only give you the next little candle to profit on so anyways just want to point that out um. So, even if i wanted to wouldn't even have been able to get money on that, probably because i just would have moved it too fast yeah, we'll pop on over to amc really quickly.

Oh amc, nice, uh yeah, so amc just went up to 48.21 um. So amc is right: at the breakout level, the volume just looks absolutely nuts, so yeah. I think you watch amc long up to the price of, maybe maybe the 50 49 price. I do believe it's breaking out um.
I don't think you want to stand in the way of that for right now. I believe you'll see amc up to the 50 49 price. Now i mean if it's a true breakout, it would go to 50 49. If not, it's going to revert right back down to about um 48 18..

But again, if it's a true legit breakout, it should run up to about. Like i said, 50 49. um g, a n x, uh g, a n x, is currently selling down. Don't see much to do there, a adma is, i guess, just like yeah really not doing a whole lot of scanners does not work um, i mean so far.

Pretty strong buy up there from uh from amc. Like i said, it's um, it's the first potential pullback nice move up from amc um, like i said, 50 49, maybe so starting to pull back so this is this is what you're looking for you're, basically looking to see if it stays above 48.22 here, because 4822 Is the breakout level, so you probably good chance we get a move down to there see if it holds support and then you can look for a bounce move off of that you. Ah i don't really think that's a true netflix breakdown. I think that's gon na suck in some short sellers and they're gon na end up trying to blow them up again.

I think amc is going to roll over there and try to tag down to those lower levels that we had just previously discussed. So amc rolling down watch for it to hold like i said that 40 820s area, so this is basically where you want to see amc hold above we're also going to shift it down again. So 4820 is the level that needs to hold here on this. This retest uh cody is bouncing.

It will probably bounce up to about 850, so maybe 10 cents more on the upside there uh cloves starting to bounce back yeah, so they're going to take clove up to about 1006 here. So clove should continue up about another 10 cents wish. I would have seen that a second ago, oh you idiot, remember you said you were supposed to watch neo short ugh so hard to trade. Sometimes can we get lower, though uh looks like amc kind of doing its move? Maybe uh kind of watching neo as well part of me thinks we might continue seeing some downward selling on neo today so added a little bearish to neo to see.

If this this move would continue trending down, but you know, i hope it doesn't turn into a bullish, divergence well neo, starting to crack there beautiful good, good job, neo, so neo coming down a little bit there uh so neo. I think you could see a low of about 38.75 today. Let me take a look at mrna really quickly, um by the way covered. Some on that short with uh neo mrna um you shorted.

Yesterday i mean kind of coming down a bit um i mean. Realistically, you did short mrnas is coming back to the one deviation mark, so this is typically where you would start to see. You know a little bit of selling action. Anyways um.
I think this pullback you're, seeing on mrna like today max could go down to 422. So i mean it is on an up move, you're shorting off some resistance. I think if it goes to 422, that's going to be the cover point for the bearish move. You're seeing oh yeah, maybe 37.75 is what i meant yeah everybody about.

That was 37.75. All right so going over to amc really quickly. You will see that amc has reverted back down to this level. So definitely some selling pressure there um that's.

What was saying like is this literally. Is it? Are we really gon na break out or are we just gon na be fighting resistance areas? I don't know part of me thinks amc is going to move a little bearish off that that move there neo starting to come back up, i'm going to take the little last bit off and neo only because the market's bouncing up, but still all said and done. Good trade, uh yeah also just an fyi. The scanners on our other channel are not working.

The scanners are working, just uh, just youtube, isn't actually working so figure, so we're going to just end that stream now, because there's really no point of having it up so i'll, be right back all right, guys, uh back on the neo, i still think neo is Gon na go lower, i just didn't think we're gon na trend down immediately, but i i still think you watch neo bearish today. I still think there's potential for that to go down. I think you watch amc bearish. This point now i mean, like i said, remember earlier: we were still on resistance.

I said the momentum was trending down. We still had to break out of 48.20. We can see we broke over 48 20. Then we cracked back down below with a lot of selling pressure, so part of me feels that the market makers were making a bullish triangle pennant, looking like it was gon na break out.

Today they use everyone's buying pressure to go short now. They're gon na run the market down, maybe for the next day or two we'll see. I have no clue um, but nonetheless we still broke back down below 48.20 on amc. So until you get back over 4820 and taking back control of 4820, i mean there really isn't a breakout play.

Sorry, apes, but still no breakout play at least today all good, though oh, let me drink my coffee before it goes cold, perfect, warm temperature, uh, so public service announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, i am not going to be online friday. I will be online tomorrow, but well maybe i'll be online. Tomorrow i mean by tomorrow i'll probably wake up and come to my office and i won't even have a computer in my office.

Someone will probably come and stolen all of those. They keep me from streaming to youtube so um. I will be online tomorrow and then friday i will be out of town, so i won't be working. Where do i think the bottom for bbi and g is, do you think matt core is crying? Why would matt coors be crying? Today i mean the market, it's still a green day, right market's still up on amc.
You know, though, it's not ripping and breaking out. I think nonetheless he's probably okay um. I was just gon na look at something, and now i can't remember what i was going to look at. Oh bbi, that's right! Uh i mean really.

I don't think bbig has really bottomed. Neo might be shifting into the new low there kind of no. No, no one would steal my computers, that's just just a joke. Well neo now say still holding okay, i mean it kind of does have like a divergence on the rsi there, but i mean yeah.

Maybe it does pop before going down lower on the day. Uh amc bounced a little bit. Uh kinda still looks like that's going to try to roll downwards, but nonetheless, amc does not have control of that 48. 20S mark still and that's what it really needs to take uh control on.

Am i still holding long clothes? No, i'm not holding long clothes. Clothes was taken off before clove broke down for its kind of second leg, um so started long at 1006. You can see they didn't hold 1006. So that's where me and a bunch of other people stopped out and then you'll see that ends up becoming the resistance, so not long on on good old clovey, magoono yeah neo is probably not going to give a fast breakdown.

It's probably going to be this slow kind of progression down with like a decent leg. If anything, so we'll see still looks pretty, bearish doesn't really look extremely bullish. Ttm does signal a potential squeeze um the rsi it's almost going to put in a low. So i think if the rsi goes below like 33 here, then the move should fade out see it looks like neo is gon na break down right away, but it probably won't like it probably is going to go down a little bit and then it'll just kind Of hiccup back up but we'll see, hopefully it just falls apart all the way down to this level.

38. Let me let me get the updated price on neo, because it's probably a little different, now yeah you're, probably going down towards the mean of 37.80. So probably definitely a little more room down so did i just say 37.80 yeah, so you got another 60 cents, potentially downside, neo, um or so huh bbig looks like they're gon na try to force long all right. So i just pinned to the top of our live chat there on youtube the labor day coupon for our training course and trading guide it's 25 off, so that link, slash coupon will stay pinned on the top of that chat.

So if at any point you want to log in click it get, it uh feel free that will be going on until the end of the day thursday. So if you have time today not ready, it goes live until until thursday, so still watching amc. Here i think amc is, might be rolling into another downside. Bearish move here so still watching amc more on the bear side.

Atvi. Ah here it comes amc. Is it gon na roll down so atvi pretty good bounce on the day um? So i probably am feeling you want to stay more on the bull side kind. I of know that's kind of looking like a bear flag there on uh amc, it's just as an fyi um, so the price target on uh atvi.
I mean there really isn't a good one. I don't think i don't really have a price target on this um it just i mean if you would ask me a couple days ago. I would have said it wanted to go down to the green line and then try to bounce around the green line. Yesterday, if you would have asked me, i said, would have said the target would have been at least back to 78.90 um.

Now i i don't really have a good target on this, because it has to be a double bottom. If it's a double bottom, then you'll see the market on atvi back to 82.79. If it's not a double bottom, then you're just going to kind of chop around in this bottom zone for a bit, but i think you're slightly late to the dip by there on atvi. Well, actually, i mean i kind of think.

Well, i still think you should be more on the long side here than probably bearish, but anyways yeah. I don't have a great price target for atvi because there really isn't one um, but if it's a true double bottom, its first price target would be 82.66 holy. Smokes amc strong little pop back, that's kind of what you want to see on the long side. Um give me a second just kind of jumping through a couple things.

Thanks andrew appreciate that my man - u r, b n uh, you are bn you it's a very strong trend down. You wouldn't even consider it long until it gets to the price of 31 20's or so so until you rbn gets to about 3120. You wouldn't even consider a long, long move on that and then, if you look at say, like a four hour chart, just look at how strong the trend is to the downside when we're like that, the bounce usually isn't as easy. It's usually a little bit harder.

Can clove hit 10 20 i'm not expecting clove to hit 1020, because its resistance right now is about 10.04 1005. uh amd is probably gon na end up going down to a price of 106.26. That's where you're going to want to dip by it next yeah 106.26. Next, stop down for uh.

What's it called? Let's take a look at neo really quickly because neo's down some more right, uh yeah, neo still grinding downwards. You can see so like we said before, really just watching neo down to the price of 37.85 yeah bbig's trying. I don't trust it. I mean again, it's just that's just a very confusing uh trader.

So probably it's gon na avoid myself and dkng kind of jumping around, i kind of feel like that's, going to start getting sort of bearish soon uber down.

By Stock Chat

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14 thoughts on “Stock market live for beginners”
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  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G G says:

    Connor, I love the live stream style- informal, funny, and real. Don’t change it, PLEASE!!!!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Legate says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skuba Steve says:

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  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skuba Steve says:

    missed you brother

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Cockrill says:

    Everthing seems good

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SABA says:

    Thank you Connor for all you are doing

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DRaGo says:

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  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Leanard says:

    It's Zoom

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Leanard says:

    Maby it's Zoom. We use Meetings at work.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom says:

    All good

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Leanard says:

    Good morning,
    The only thing I noticed is when I am watching on two devices at the same time. The timing is off.

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