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Excuse me excuse me, so we have very, very, very good good news, ladies and gentlemen, but we also have what could be ex even worse news, so i am so excited to bring you the good news for good news. First, get you all jolly, get you buttered up and ready to go, and then i'm going to really just come in with an axe and just chop you down real quick. So we'll start off with the good news. So far the good news is is, from yesterday to today we've been able to successfully stream the way that we normally stream through the systems and operations we normally go through and it's all working perfectly this morning the stream kicked on and worked perfectly and then i Ended it and started it again and it worked perfectly um.

So we have two days in a row where the stream is starting to work as it used to. But that's the good news um, but the really bad news which i'm hoping is just a fluke um. But really odd coincidence, slash maybe even timing, but anyway, so yesterday's stream works. Today's stream works, that's good.

I woke up today and as we turned our stream on um, it looks as if we're un we're not able to actually monetize our stream anymore, so uh when we go to actually put advertisement on our stream this morning it clicks on and then it clicks off. So i'll show you what that looks like just so you guys could witness it so here's the behind screen, so here's the monetization. So if i go into here, monetization um, you can see you can see that monetization's on it's saved um. So, let's see if it stays on now because earlier is toggling on and off on and off.

So i want to see if any of you guys saw an ad when you came in today, because earlier this morning it was going on going off going on going off. So it was really really weird and that's never happened so hopefully that gets fixed um. So, just as enough did anybody happen to see an ad when you first came in this morning, really weird so, hopefully we don't get demonetized that would also suck but anyways. Aside from all of that, the stream's working things look to be good, so we're back online and i'm super happy for that.

So that's good! That's good because earlier was being really weird as soon as i clicked it on it said on, and then it was like off i'm like that's odd. So, let's get into the good stuff of this morning, which there's two stocks for right now that i think oh hold on. Let me there we go yeah, there's two stocks right now that obviously a lot of people are kind of interested in one of which is indp. The other is uh gsky.

Give me one second yeah. So as long as some of you had one, then that makes sense um, so all right, yeah indp. So this is a stock. This morning that's been on pretty much just a just a really good move, and i want to put this full screen here so this morning.

Indp. It is one of the first stocks that this morning had a lot of momentum and grab people's attention. So straightforward stock has momentum. There is news, something about something about something i don't remember so i'll read it to you.
Therapeutic shares are trading higher after the company announced the united states patent trademark office has issued a notice of allowance for the claims related to the company's platform. Technology sounds cool. It sounds so cool that the stock has gone from, let's say about 7 30. 7.

50. All the way to, let's call it 13 bucks um. I don't actually think this ran in like directly into a solid deviation level, but i'll show you kind of what happened this morning. So if we zoom in you have this price level here 11.75, we go to the four hour chart.

You have this price level down here of 992 and then, if we go to, i think back to the daily chart. If you go back to the daily chart, there was a one deviation here, and then you have a half deviation here. Change that to dotted so pretty much. The market today opened up gaps up.

Indp hits its first resistance, which was the four hour regression level. Doesn't really matter but anyways breaks over the regression level and, as we have said before many times, whenever stock successfully break through their mean that's when they have a big move. So you can see the stock breaks through the mean, and it goes on a big move. So it goes from the first mean to the next mean almost makes it to plus one deviations which was up here.

Anyways falls apart, so what you're pretty much looking for? Besides all that crazy stuff that i said you're pretty much looking for this stock to hold support here for a next move, this is the this is the first support level, as in indp goes up. Hits about 13 bucks pulls back to this red line. That's your first level of support in this uptrending move as it's pulled back. So if indp is going to continue moving higher in the immediate, then it's going to do it probably from this point right here: um.

If it doesn't, then it's most likely going to kind of fall apart now if it were to fall apart, i don't see a a low risk buy maybe down until 990 or 10 bucks yeah. So if we don't hold the first red line, then i would be targeting back down to this red line and then you'd be looking for a bounce off that red line. Okay, so if hold here, then it could squeeze in the immediate um and it kind of looks like it might, because that's a good hold so far and the volume we've kind of shifted back to buying beat volume. You can see, we've had red and then the vine volume has gotten above the red, so it kind of looks decent in terms of the lawn we'll keep following it, but that's pretty much the analysis.

No there's a little more. So just know that if you look at the four-hour trend, the four-hour trend usually has indp somewhere on the plus one to negative one deviation and kind of bouncing in and around in and around um. So i wouldn't be surprised if this stock ends up going higher for the day and then, if it does just end up going higher, you should probably look towards a price of 15.85 at 15.85. I would, i would probably be pretty concerned about being extremely long.
I feel as if you get up to about 1585 to 16 hold on yummy, so i believe you get the 1585 to 16. You will then end up seeing selling pressure. How strong the selling pressure is again um. I have no idea, i cannot tell the future, or can i i'm probably going to eat some roast around 12 p.m? Can i tell the future? I don't know, but that being said 1585 to 16 would definitely be a desirable price target for people to sell.

So i think 1585 16 indp would be sort of a a target where i would not look to be buying and where i would definitely look to be selling. I'm not even sold that it's going to go to 16 right now, but it's moving in a way that i see has the potential to move to 16. um by the way there are no shares to short on the stock. On my end, through my platform, so i'm not going to be selling the stock, so there isn't going to be any sort of short selling pressure via the light speed platform today, so you could already or td ameritrade, probably for that matter, so i'm guarantee there are Some shares of short out there in the public somewhere, but not on my platform, so at least there's one brokerage system that will not be adding any sort of negative pressure via shorting onto that stock.

Today i will not be one of them so uh. I think you uh you continue watching that more on the long side for right now ar i appreciate you for the donation. My man and yeah fcl ended up pretty much just falling apart yesterday after it hit that high. I'm pretty frustrated, i didn't get the short.

I mean i'm really not that frustrated, but it is. It is frustrating when you sit there and you watch something all day and you just pretty much miss a trade it uh. It never feels the best yeah i mean. If you can't, it appears, there's not a lot of brokerages that can short this so um.

Well, let me think i got ta think right because i mean just give me a second to like use. This brain of mine, 5.5 million share flow 2.8, mil or 2.8 million twelve. That could be different. Um 2.8 million share float with five million outstanding shares.

Most brokerage platforms can't short it, so i'm just wondering why they would run the price, because if there's not many shares to short then and the short float interest is very low. So it's not like you're squeezing anybody out. So it is a true momentum based run, but it's not the retail market. That's really moving this environment or they didn't start to move.

So my question is: why would you move it so high hm, i don't know um. I still think you got to be cautious around this price point, but i'm probably going to watch this more on the long side going into the open, at least to start um. I just feel as if. Well, those are the means.
Yeah i mean i'm still going to watch it. You know pretty much on the long side, because i can't short it so there's no money i could make shorting, so everything i should do should be more on the long side. So pretty much going to see if we can hold the uh, the 11 70, no 11, 80 1170s, whatever that first red line, if we can hold there going towards the open, then good. If we don't, then the market will end up selling down, probably to 9.91.

So again, as you guys know, when it comes to the trading and the watching of the markets, pretty much the only time, i'm looking to kind of do trading as if we're around red lines on my chart so um. So if this sells off, then i can't short, i can't be bearish. You probably can't so we'll probably just end up watching that fall down to about 9.91. At that price point, that's when you would consider to maybe do a bounce reversal or look for some sort of maybe slow down in the stock, so that's pretty much all there for uh for indp right now, uh david! Oh thank you for that.

Thank you for that. Yeah i mean it was just i don't know it was really weird. So that's also why there's probably like two streams this morning, because i had to start one then i stopped one which actually, it was kind of a good thing. I did because hold on huh the gsky is still halted.

Okay, it's a good thing. I did because um you guys remember yesterday i was saying if you start a stream and it works good, then the next one's going to be bad and anyways. I started two in a row and they were good so folks, i i i really. I have no idea.

I have. I have zero clue as to why our streams were not working. Did everything in the mist the book and then we didn't actually solve anything and then all of a sudden they're like kind of working again? So don't ask me: i have no idea: okay, um um, actually gsky, it's not holding 12 because it's a buy out. It's actually priced at 1160 right now.

It's just currently halted or 11.74. It just look, i'm pretty sure the price action's halted on that stock. There is no trading on that right now so um, but i do think it's supposed to be around 12. um.

It doesn't look like the buyout they've hold on. You know. I was gon na say it doesn't look like they've bought. It's they've announced a buy up price.

Oh there, they go sorry we'll pay roughly 12 dollars per share. Sorry um there. It is. I found hmm interesting, so i guess that kind of was right.

All right, cool, yeah, it's gon na be around 12 bucks, a share you're right, but it's actually the level two is priced at about 11.65. So when it unhauls it should just be trading around 12. Then, okay um, so uh, that's indp. What was the other one? There was another one i feel like.

I was supposed to cover and i kind of forgot i mean i know, iron t was moving a second ago, but that i don't think was the one. I was thinking about, maybe it was, but i don't think so. Anyways uh moving over to amc. So i remember amc.
Yesterday i was like oh it's not going to go below that loan, like i probably shouldn't, say that, but i'm going to say it, but this is why i kind of double back on that analysis yesterday, before it kind of hopped off - and i was saying you See how we're coming from a high point, that's when bottoms are more likely to give out on the day, as opposed to a bottom, coming from a low point, anyways pretty much just put it um the market makers faked everyone out again. Remember the other day too. You know, and i'm like you know, this pattern seems too good to be true. It's too obvious.

The retail market is probably buying into this top and they're gon na swoop it down well sure enough. They did um so pretty much. We got fooled again by the old market makers, so anyways um price target for anc pretty much. I kind of think it's going to go down to here, but we'll see anyways if amc does go down to 43.38.

That's your next low risk buy point um. So that's pretty much what i'm watching for now! I'm expecting that this can move down to about 43.50. Now, if it were to move to 43.50, that seems like it would be kind of weak and we should be watching for a rollover but um yeah. So right now i think you actually kind of still watch amc bearish.

Well, we got pretty close. Didn't we yeah pretty much yeah anyways. I think the markets from yesterday once they started breaking down. They were attempting and trying to target to 43.43, which they haven't gotten there yet.

So i still think we can see amc down to 43.43 and then that's where you're gon na probably look for a slight bounce. You called irnt five times yesterday, you didn't pick it up, um, yes, you are right. You mentioned iron t in the chat and it was one of the stocks that i decided not to look at at the time. Um.

Now i'm pretty well, i feel like we did, look at it at some point. Maybe not, or maybe we looked at it in past days, yeah we looked at iron t when it was here. That's when we were looking at it. Yes and then you said something about iron t yesterday, um cool, so yes, iron t puts in a pretty decent day.

Spikes up comes down, goes up, comes down, goes up, comes down so in terms of fluent action, not so much, but sure enough had a pretty decent move on the day. So this morning, when i woke up, saw iron t pretty much had resistance here at 28.. Yeah around 28. um, but why wasn't there something else? No, no or maybe that's 31.

yeah anyways yeah. If you want to follow energy, um be my guest, it's not again, not something. I typically would trade uh. What time frame do you swing trade off of 180 day um and four hour and weekly charts um thoughts for bbig, so my thoughts for bbig are um.

We had men. What was that yesterday, i mean we said it would go down to this point, but did we look at oh that's right? We had so yesterday. Our recommendation for uh bbig was pretty much if it broke down which decided to break down instead of going long. It would go down to the price of 863 and bounce, so it came down to 863 bounced a little bit and then got even weaker.
So this one a little further than i thought it was going to go down um. But you know, look it really doesn't matter um, so it broke down, went all the way down to the negative two hold on. Let me there we go so yeah bbig. I mean, if anything, it's probably going to be like a little counter bounce back today, which would then go up to the price of uh, maybe like 866, so yeah if bbig is gon na, do anything it's probably gon na.

If it's gon na be a long play, it's gon na pop up and go to about 860, and that's probably it uh - hmm uh envb your dip buy was yesterday off of the plus one deviation mark. So if you wanted to be long, you should have dip bought yesterday, um. If you go long now, your risk is going to be down to 267 um. You know so you're just higher risk entry right now on the long side, but yesterday would have been a good dip buy area um now you're pretty much looking for a move back over 307.

So, whatever convinces you that the stock is breaking out, if it gets back over 307, is kind of what you're looking for uh yeah swing trade off a hundred and eighty day four hour chart one year, one day chart in weekly charts uh when to go along Apple, you should go along apple when apple is touching a standard deviation level. So let's see where that might be. So yesterday it was probably here. So i don't even know i'm just guessing, but i can see that i have a red line.

You see that red line going sideways there on apple, and then you see how the bottom of that market was pretty much to the penny. So when i was saying you're supposed, when do you go long? Apple um, going along apple, probably was a good idea. Yesterday at that point, but that's i'm guessing, i don't know so, let's just double check um, no, not at least on this time frame. Oh close, not quite though so that level i have is old, but it was probably marking this price point at one time.

So right now it looks like the buy zone for apple currently is at 145.57, so um, which you can see it got close to yesterday and bounce. I think you'll still see apple down trying to get to about 146 to 145.. Now again, let me be clear: the only way that is going to happen is if the stock market continues to go down. Now i wrote this little pretty analysis thing on the market um for youtube or on youtube about the market or the day, but it doesn't matter pretty much.

I was saying i think that the nasdaq is going to go down to the price of 372.25. Now, the only way that happens is if the market on the nasdaq does in fact break down its first level of support, which is 374.14. It was my belief that 374 14 on the nasdaq would in fact break, and it would take the markets down lower to the price of well hold on sorry, maybe yes, uh 372. 30..
So i think that the nasdaq does continue a little lower. Also note that i believe the spy was going to go a little lower until it got down to a price of 441 20, so really quickly. Look at about how much distance look at the distance. This is.

This is simply all i want you to think about. Look at the distance of the current like low point of the s p 500 here to what we believe or we're telling you guys here on youtube. The next support is okay. Look at like the distance okay! Now, let's go to the nasdaq and let's look at the distance from where the current price action is to where we're suggesting the next support level.

Is it's not this red line? Excuse me it's this one here, so that's. What we're suggesting is support. Look at the distance now, let's go back and look at apple, and, let's remember back to like just a couple minutes ago, when we were talking about the next dip, buy price for apple. So look at about how far the markets have to fall down to support or where we're suggesting they can go to, because that's where support is so look at the distance from where the price action is on the major indexes down to the next support level.

Now, let's look at apple and look at the distance that apple has down to what we're suggesting is the next support level? Do you see any sort of uniqueness? Similarity coincidence, you notice that the gap or the space, the distance that the market has to fall, is almost about the same. That apple has to fall, so the support level that we're suggesting on apple, pretty much is the support level. We're mentioning on the market when the market's bottom apple will bottom apple's current support, that it has lines up with basically the same sort of drop left in the market, so anyways good, stuff, good, stuff, um yeah. I think we're gon na see the markets go down.

A little bit lower, uh yeah people, you know you know, there's a there's a couple hundred of you in here we got ta, get the like wide enough. You know. That's the only way the youtube algorithm is going to love this beautiful face. Okay, so we just got to give a little tickle a little mick mac schmidt and we'll be on our way.

I think somebody asked me about ater earlier um, and so it looks like atr pretty much just got destroyed so yesterday you know that i said bearish. I never really suggested how far it could go, because i didn't think it was gon na go that far. So if i would have given you the analysis that i typically give on a day-to-day basis for most stocks, it would have been atr bearish down to 1170, but it was such a big drop that i didn't really think it was gon na happen and i've done That a couple times recently and i've done it in the past, where i don't mention an analysis because i don't think it's going to happen because the move would be so big. And i don't think that my analysis is good enough to the point where i could call such a big move ahead of time and it ends up happening anyways.
I'm like it's the same thing for ev, like the way that i do the analysis for stock a is the same way. I do it for b. So why would i change it when the move is so big that it makes me think it's so anyways? That happens from time to time. If a move or stretch of is so big, then i don't recommend that it could be that i just say: stock is bearish on the day.

So that way, if it falls and it keeps falling, it keeps falling. The analysis is correct, but anyways, so this fell and it just fell to the floor and it fell down to its next price target, which i should have mentioned, but i didn't so. I don't see a big bounce from this right now to be completely honest: um nope, a little tickle tickle schmidtle smells mixed max mcmahon, uh marshall rodriguez yeah, the dips get bought up. So damn fast.

You are right. You are right, but i will say that i have not been wrong about a stock market dip for like the past seven, as in i comfortably all say, we've picked the bottom of the last seven market drops every time pretty much perfectly. So i'm not too concerned with waiting. I don't think it can hurt um to see them go down a little bit more and the other reason i say that is because if you look at somebody, let's let's go through the fang socks, so let's go through facebook.

That's not facebook, that's ford motor company, which kind of looks good. I haven't seen four in a long time, but that maybe not so much so. This is why i'm saying this, let me show, let me show you um, so facebook actually doesn't look as bad as some of the others. Facebook kind of still looks strong to be completely honest, but some of the others not so much, but my assumption was, if you look at facebook, facebook really hasn't pulled back much with the drop of the overall market.

So this one might not be the best example. So let me move forward a little bit and we'll get to that point that i want to talk about all right. So if we looked at apple, we know apple still has a little bit of room. It could come down all right amazon.

If we look at amazon amazon, just bounced back up into a selling spot, which it's kind of pulling back now, so theoretically, we might have a little more pulling back on amazon, google. I google's really not overbought in the immediate, but google is starting to see sort of some bearish movement, so some of the larger name stocks still have a little bit of room that they could pull back before they're, actually tagging some of these support levels that i'm Coming to find so, i do believe we're close to bottoming, but still have a little more room down, and the last thing i will say is this: just note that theoretically, the markets are already on support they're already in and on a dip buy. I was just thinking we would go to the second support, as opposed to holding the first one. So the first support is that uh 373.99.
This was the dip buy level that we mentioned for the past like two days, so we mentioned it this day. Don't think we really talked about it much yesterday, so this is this. Is the current support level right this? Is it we're on it? My assumption is, we would break it briefly swoop down to here, get sucked back up and then we'll go on a run. So i was almost thinking.

The market makers would do sort of a stop loss, hunt down to here and then swoop us right back up. I don't know if it's going to happen, but just know that the markets are already getting bought. They've already been getting getting bought since two days ago, so this day we're getting bought on the bottom. This day we started buying the bottom there and, if they're weak enough to break the support, we'll swing down to 371 372-ish and then we're gon na probably bounce back up.

So this to me is the golden the golden zone down there, so anyways um yeah. Hopefully we're not wrong about that because i have missed. I have missed some stock market bottoms by trying to do what i'm doing right now and i don't pick the first level i try to go for the second level and i miss plenty of plays that way. So, but i've seen him do that more often times is not is what it seems.

Okay, what's up, people what's up y'all think mtch will fill the gap below below before the s p 500 edition. What stock is that mtch match fill the gap below before the s p. 500 edition - i don't know when that is. I does seem pretty likely that that gap is uh gon na get filled.

Let's just look in the past: let's see how long it's taken the average gap to get filled on mtch i mean that's, not even a gap. That's not even a gap. That's barely a gap that took about a week about about a week ago. Hmm there's a gap that took about about a week ago, a week ago.

There's another gap and that's taken about two weeks see i think you'll probably see a gap fill fairly soon on that uh tesla. Please please, yes, tesla all right uh, so tesla is on regression level. So it's on yes on the regression, so uh yeah, yep, yep yep, so pretty much the sound resistance, i think yeah hmm, but which way is it going to move? Which way? Is it going to move got ta say i saw the rivian in real life, diving driving down the street wrapped in one of those things and it looked really cool. So i got ta say i did like that yeah.

I was going to say that tesla to me actually appears that you kind of want to be more of a seller. I just i mean it's been a steady trend, so i don't really think we're going to get some big big pullback as of right now. Maybe i'm wrong but um. I don't think you really want to be all that long bias.

Couple reasons why um and i'll point them out. So there's a couple things i see already. You know the ttm we've had a decreasing ttm. So if you look at macd, there might be a divergence there, i'm not sure, but the buying pressure on the moves up here have been less and less and less based on the ttm waves.
Looking at the the relative strength index, we did have a double top on momentum when the price was increasing, so not quite a divergence but a double top of momentum. And then we had a double top of price here with decreasing momentum which superseded this drop, etcetera, etcetera. So a couple like momentum based things that have shifted a little bit. The other thing is just where we're at in terms of pricing in terms of pricing we're up on the mean so yeah, i kind of think we can see a little bit of a bearish move now, if i'm wrong cool, but it all all.

That means is the market needs to be taking back control of about 7, 49 750, so until the markets are up and through 740 750, the bulls don't really have too much control and i believe that the markets would then try to swing back down towards 7. 19., but at the same time we already did that pullback right we went up, we pulled back to support, we bounced back up to resistance right, so this is resistance. This is support right, so we ran up. We tried to break resistance.

We broke above markets pulled back two. We bounced markets pulled back, broke support when i say support that was it's more or less resistance. This is still resistance. This is the market attempting to create a support over that resistance.

Too soon market fails pulls back to. What's actually true support right, we both flagged off this one earlier. This is a true support, blah blah bounces back to resistance. So until you get through this red line, the market hasn't gained back control.

Here on this, bull move we're just on a counter trend: bounce back onto resistance. So until you take through the red level here, it's really just a counter trend move where the bearish players could still push us back down back to trend at 7, 19. um yeah. I know i think you yeah, you mentioned netflix, sorry um uh! So yes, as you well look at that two weeks time netflix is down wow crazy, who coulda woulda shooting in a bed anyways uh, so netflix will probably continuing its selling pressure simultaneously with the market.

So if the markets continue to sell down, this will continue to sell down um. So we know that support levels, good support level can be at excuse me and when i say, support level right. So this is exactly how the markets are working, so the market pulled back. Consolidated, went on a very bullish run.

This is the first pullback since they got to overbought as soon as it gets down to a deviation level that it likes it's going to stop and then it's going to bounce and it's going to look like that. Okay, so you're. Looking to capture that bounce move, that's pretty much it right. This was a trending move.
Now we are pulling back. It is not as likely to pull back and see the market continue to go all the way through highs. Secondly, the markets are very, very overbought in this price, so it's very unlikely that this pullback would then go through all-time highs right. If you look at this pullback here, this little mini one right, we went on a run.

The market is not extremely overbought. Pullback can very well go over previous high because again it's not overbought, so it gets bought up, goes over previous high runs to overbought pull back most likely a short term counter trend bounce back to resistance. Then a move down like that and then we'll go into some sort of consolidation. Okay.

So aside from all of that, i still really never gave you a price so you're looking for. Probably i don't want to say for sure, but put it this way. If the market, like i said, goes down to the price i said it was going to go down to, then netflix will probably go down to 565., so any of these large caps decreasing a little bit more really is all based on whether or not the analysis Of the markets, continuing down is true, which i believe is true, so i kind of think the dip buy zone for netflix is going to be anywhere from 565 to 558, and if i'm wrong about that - and it's going to bounce before that, that means we're in The bounce zone right now, so, if i'm wrong - and it's not going to go down further we're currently in the bound zone, i think it's going to go down further uh. Did this guy really pay to ask a question the sandman? Yes, yes, he did, and he does you know on.

You know quite a frequently regular basis. So it's a thank you to me um, but yeah he did. He did pay to ask a question. It was kind of crazy.

It's like weird. I don't know. Why would people do such a thing like? Why would people go pay some therapists to ask questions and talk to them about their problems? Like such a weird thing, people never pay other people for services provide. That's just that doesn't exist, oh by the way.

Indp is ripping um and it's probably i got ta say that's probably gon na continue going. I would imagine why is i just look so goofy looking? They are the bull. The boy appreciate it uh, but yeah guys keep an eye on the indp. This is something remember he said earlier, you know, could continue it kind of had the squeeze feel um i mean they shifted it down very awkwardly and then squeezed it back up.

So this thing is, it's definitely a little awkward, but um definitely still has some squeeze potential uh the sandman, so uh keep paying him and tell him in the future of these stocks like ross did until he quit his show. The difference i will say there is a difference is that i um i actually canceled my premium service where i'd have people pay me a monthly subscription to do analysis for them and trade with them to actually do this free to youtube, so i did so. Essentially, i removed thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars from my monthly income to essentially come here and just do this for free, because i, like it a little it's fun anyway. So um there is one difference there is that i ended a service to do this for free um.
That is one thing there. There is a big difference there um, so i don't have intentions of ending the show, because then i'm not going to go be working anywhere else, so my intentions are to be here full time pretty much for uh forever. That's really the goal, so i just encourage you to maybe hang out with us for a week. If you like it um, then maybe you can hang out with us more often, i think you'll come to find you do enjoy the show and the price targets and analysis that we give on the stocks do tend to be just a little accurate, actually usually they're Wrong they're you're usually wrong every time, probably but no, but seriously just hang out with us for for like a week and then after that, if we really are that shitty um i'd suggest going to tim sykes, oh yeah yeah, that's another yeah, so i completely stopped All my subscriptions and everything like that, so we just do this all uh all for free.

At this point i mean we still have services a charter subscription things like that, but so that's kind of false, but put it this way. The product that i had on the site that all of the revenue 100 went. No, i didn't know because i have employees so really didn't, but just know one of the highest generating income streams of the business that most of the revenue would go to me. I completely ended: that's a better way of putting it.

So, yes, we're still gon na watch this endp, i'm gon na move this to two screens now, because um i just yeah, so we're just gon na. Do that and do note it's because i believe long term by just doing the show for free and having fun and just you know, being myself and you know not taking everything too seriously um. You know you know. Eventually, you know you might be able to uh youtube youtube.

The income made from youtube might even be able to replace that. That would take a long time, but it's very possible that even doing this, for free just on youtube and through just advertisements placed on videos that it actually might be able to generate the same amount of money. We were making doing paid services. But now we can just do it for free, so that was really.

My main goal is that, yes, i will end up making the same amount of money or making back the money through a long-term approach of just doing a free show to youtube, and just through viewership and gainer of subscriptions, and things like that. Um do want to take a look at bitcoin really quickly this morning. Kind of go over. This um also want to say this.
Let me i'm not gon na well hold on one second, because it always gets a little goofy there. No, i have to edit the transform on this so i'll do that tomorrow. Uh we're gon na go over the weeble portfolio tomorrow, but my account number's here and i'd have to do a bunch of dumb. So we're just gon na wait till tomorrow.

Do that no big deal so tomorrow we'll go over some weeble stuff um. I'm really really frustrated on the way that they handle that crypto situation, but that's okay, matthew, b you're, the boy appreciate you uh. How much is my net worth uh, not including debts? Um about that's debatable, i'd probably have to count, but probably fluctuating near a million um. If you count debt, then it's probably because i have that property of that property, which should be 220 and 260.

So it's 480.. If you count, debt included, probably half a mill close to give or take maybe 480 - maybe 450, but somewhere around the half, mil to slightly under a half mil, maybe over a half mil. If i really get onto the nooks and crannies. So if you count debt, then i'm probably only liquid or actually have a net worth of like 500 000 or give or take some.

If you don't include the debt, then i would have a net worth of about a million. Now, if you include yeah, that's a better way of putting it, but then it's. But if you include the debt that's going to be paid off, then we would be at like 1.5, but that's all based on rental, property and income and cash flow. That's expected.

And what it will be when it's paid off, so those are expectations right, um, but they haven't come to fruition. Yet do i recommend i don't recommend investing into anything that you don't understand for sure, but my whole approach on amc has been um uh. My whole approach on amc myself has pretty much just been if you want to buy it and you want to hold it, do whatever you want. My whole objective has just been able to kind of give sort of the prices each week that we'd assume the trend or bounces or moves would start to take place at um.

I don't, i don't think like. If you ask me, is today the day to buy amc? No, i don't think today's a day to buy amc. So if, like you know, you woke up you're like i want to make an investment connor wants to make an investment, i would probably end up losing on amc. Today is the way i think right.

I think if i were like, i want to make an investment in amc stock and today's the day well, today i'll probably lose money. If i do that, so i think it might be tomorrow or at least at a price of like 43, something i think it was 43.22 um. Thank you appreciate that um. Do i have a 401k or a personal yeah? I have a 401.

I have two four. I have two 401ks or i have three. I have two two 401ks um a non-qualify investing account. Well, that's a lie.

I have like multiple of those, so i have multiple non-qualifying investing accounts, but one of them is used more like a retirement account, as opposed to like a trading account, but so i have uh two 401ks uh, one non-qualify account i used to have a sep ira, But then i um i closed a separate because i found myself not really using. I did a little investing in it, but it to the point where it's like it just seemed pointless to have it so i closed, but that was for a tax benefit thing that we realized. We could do another thing for a tax benefit. That kind of made.
No point to have the set by race and then i removed this fra and i went to 241k. So i have two 401ks um non-qualified account that's used as a retirement account, and then i have um my first ever retirement account, which is with t rowe price investments, and that is invested into the prhsx mutual fund, which is a health and science fund. That one was started when i was 18. so for retirement accounts, i think theoretically so amongst yeah yeah, four for for sure, um indp still holding up good in a way that it needs to to kind of create.

You know still some more movement on the outside um justin crone, so that is so. Yes, that's the elites trading program, so the elites trading program. We have still has a live trading room, that's a little bit more intuitive than this um, and then that also has the option, classes and the option trades with dave, and then the swing trades and the alerts with brandon and then the coaching with brandon and dave And basically, as soon as i get done through my cmt exams, which will will definitely take some time, that's when i plan on kind of putting out some new material, and i guess you could say creating new classes into the elites program, because at this point in Time, i don't think there's really anybody in the elites program that unless they just started but they're people in our elite training program are very knowledgeable to the point where they know everything i know probably um so until i know something different, they know everything i know So when i get done doing my exams and i get certified, i believe at that point i've probably picked up a new kind of base of knowledge that i can share to people. So i don't see me having like.

I can't teach much anything different to a lot of the elites training programs, so i'm trying to kind of get through some of the cmt stuff. So i can have some fresh material um as well, but anyway, so yeah. Not that you shouldn't be that that's really a decision, i guess for you. If you have life insurance, it's funny.

You say that actually some people just sent me some policies, believing it believe it or not, um, so also. The other thing i think, i'm gon na do which won't happen today, but uh for the time being, i'm just going to uh when i'm done and off for the day, then i'm just going to turn this into a full screen of scanners. So if you guys just want to stay on and watch those because we're not running them on the other computer, because that could be causing conflicting issues with this stream, so we're just trying to keep things minimal um for now so probably by tomorrow. I will also just have this turn into a stream for scanners afterwards.
So if you guys just want to continue watching that or whatever you know being from canada, it sounds like you're talking chinese, that's funny difference between a sep ira and a roth ira. A sep ira is, is a simplified employee pension plan ira. So you have to you have to. I think you have to be the employer to do that or right.

No, you have to be an employee, but i'm also the employer. So it's a little different for me because i'm the employer and i'm the employee i'm employing myself. So it's a little different kind of my regards. But it's it's a simplified employee pension pension plan.

It's just another investment vehicle that has tax benefits is really what it is. Um standard deviations are not on trading view, and but they are on weeble. They said they're on weeble, but i still don't see them. They even emailed me and said that they had them, but i still just don't, don't see them so i'm looking is there any updates? I can do i mean they said it was on like the 5.3 update and i feel like i'm running the newest update, because i haven't gotten one of those pop-ups.

It says update and every time i look into the indicators. It's just not there wow. This is uh hard to hold on. Do i pay attention to the momentum? Scanner.

Pre-Market? Yes, like mos y is moving, but i'm also looking at like 16 trillion other things. So, yes, mos y, is on the move. So, let's see damn it, i'm not going to be able to take advantage of this, because it's just going to happen before it can even probably do anything about it. So mos y is something where you probably already gon na want to be bearish um.

Let me see so mos y already hit the mean pulled back um, that's that one, but what about this 642? So it hit that one? This is actually something that could lead to a bigger breakout. Maybe today, maybe in the next couple days, but mos y is in resistance. So if i show you really quickly, if we look at mos y okay, look at you see my two red lines. That means we're in resistance right.

So if we go and look at the four hour chart, okay, that's what is creating hold on really real quickly boom there. It goes like i said and um. I didn't care to be short, biased it. The the the stretch wasn't big enough.

The market makers would have took advantage of me. The cost is short, didn't make sense, there's not enough volatility, it doesn't make sense. So if you look at this time frame, the bottom red line is because of the mean on the four-hour chart. Then we go to the daily chart and the um.

The top red line here is because of the daily chart means those two red lines are overlapping. The term means which put a price level of 640 to uh to 622. So this is your current resistance zone. Now mind you the mean: is the breakout level, not not the breakout level.
The mean is a point at which, if a stock shifts through, we could see a big big jump so anyways. This is maybe a stock to follow for the next couple days. Um but anyways mos y is is probably going to pull back from here more so i would assume yeah. I just don't think it has a gigantic a gigantic rip.

Now, if i'm wrong, i mean, if it really did run, it would have to go all the way up to like six or 757 and yeah right. I don't think that's gon na happen. Is there any? What's the new definitive agreement for business combination, uh yeah, so mos y - it's i mean, like i said this is this is a point where you can squeeze hard. I just didn't know if it really wanted to do it myself.

So part of me just doesn't really think it's gon na happen. Um there isn't a delay on the scanners. The delay is whatever the youtube delay is in general, which might be a few seconds. So so i mean mos y still sitting there, but yeah no big rip up um don black.

That's actually something we considered that the computers were actually fighting each other yeah, the other day, um mos y, starting to uh roll over a little bit all right. Let me take a look at some of these uh questions here. M-O-S-Y i mean if m-o-s-y really keeps pulling back, it should pull back down to about 6-20. Overall, i think, is kind of a logical.

I mean it already. Did it from here pulled back from up here down to 620, so you know we'll see, but right now it's holding a plus three. So imagine a snap through here comes down to this point and maybe even a little further and there's the snap move that i was talking about coming down to that red line. So now, mos y is probably looking to go below that point.

What health insurance do you have or recommend? I have to pay for my own, so it's just really expensive. So i would not recommend that uh sdc is not the name. That's the old one. They did a new update, which was like sdcv or something like that.

Uh yeah s corporation, that can be confusing when starting a business. I can see that i'll take a look at rblx really quickly. I know this has been a topic of discussion, so our blx sold down to 78.50. I don't know why, but it did and um it is a support level.

So uh rblx sold down pretty much to support this morning kind of it sold a little below it, so the bounce is probably coming back to it. Ready watch this i don't know. I have no idea, but i'm assuming i'm pretty sure the price action went below the support, so the bounce that you're seeing is the market, so the market fell through support and now the bounce is coming back to the support it fell through to test. So, let's look ready, so this level's at 79.53 hold on 79.53 all right.

So if we so we actually went through it. Let's check this one really quickly, so the four hour and the daily are the same. Oh okay, so i made a mistake. I thought they were different but never mind so i mean still pretty close um.
So this is the support. You'll see that we sold, we actually tried to hold it. Initially we had two candles hold. Then we broke through big, buy candle all back to buying volume, and then the market, as you can see, comes back up and then creates a flag pattern right here.

Little flag pattern right below that level breaks up and through and runs so anyways rblx, pretty much just fell already fell down to support this morning. Mgaff yeah, i know there's a lot of hype. I don't don't know myself for sure, but a lot of people have been talking about uranium lately, so uh mgaff, most likely gon na sell down very soon overbought at the current moment in time. If the lower deviations can go below zero, how is it a good predictor for stocks that can't go below zero? Well yeah, i mean if a deviation is below zero.

Obviously, that's not going to happen because stocks can't go below zero, so anything that would be in the positive territory would be a realistic one. So, yes, stocks can well stocks can't go below zero, but the deviation levels can go below zero, um and yeah. I mean that's, that's i mean pretty straightforward: yeah they're, not they're not going to go there, but if they could, that would be the deviation. That would be the trending possible.

I guess you say move uh standard deviation is not on tradestation. Zoom amc will go up today. Idga of lego should probably take that down. Gamestop short i mean uh gamestop will probably perform like that of amc, yeah, maybe gamestop down to like 190 203 or something i can see that ah yeah.

That's a good way that hello set it to you too, as well. Yeah yeah, i'm not really sold. That amc is going to uh. I mean i could see amc bounce and then sell off later, but i do believe that the overall trend - oh yeah, i believe the overall trend we're in for you know, maybe the next couple days or so is predominantly down so um in the event that amc Does some miraculous bounce to start the day? I'd probably be looking for it to get well, i already did that one yeah, i mean pretty much put it this way.

If amc bounced up to 49.09, i would definitely be bearish at that price. Um, there's no way. No there's just no way that's gon na happen. Then again, you've said that before and then that so anyways i would assume that first line of resistance would be probably the nine-day moving average at 47.29.

So if this tries to bounce up maybe gets rejected around 47.29 nine-day moving average then moves down to 43-16 then dip by around 43-16. Why don't you think it's going to the moon like everyone else thinks uh yeah i mean i just i mean there's really just i mean there's no, like amazing answers. Just i don't want to you know i don't want to um. I just can't sell my chevy cobalt, 2008 cobalt, for you know.
500 000. I mean it's just an 800 piece of car. It's really just not worth 500 000. Now, if some some by some means someone wants to buy it for five hundred thousand.

Of course, i will sell it for five hundred thousand, so i am hoping to death that there's someone in the market willing to buy my 2008 chevy cobalt for 500 thousand. I will just not be the guy to try and buy it up to five hundred thousand i'll. Let everybody else bid the market to five hundred thousand and then i'll sell my car for five hundred thousand. If that makes sense, so i just whether it's don't know enough, i'm not into the business of trying to prove that hedge funds manipulate.

I mean that's, that's a no-brainer. We don't have to prove that we know that right. So we already know these things, there's not that i have to prove of this. I don't have to prove anything.

I don't need amc to go to anywhere, i'm cool if it goes down, i'm cool if it goes up right, so i'm just a spectator watching this and enjoying it and just coming in day to day and just figuring out where the market wants to go on A day-to-day basis, that's pretty much it bag holders alert um. You need more coffee kind of. I think i do need more coffee, because i didn't even get to finish this cup before letting this go cold. Uh.

We have about about 10 minutes till market open, probably gon na be doing a little amc watch and i think there's a little bit more bearish movement today on that. So you know i'm sorry, i'm gon na be bearish, i'm probably gon na short amc. Oh, my god, he's such a mean guy. Well, no, i'm not a mean guy.

You guys literally blew the stock from five dollars to seventy dollars. You guys are already making tons of money. Okay, it's cool the stock. Why does it matter if i'm shorting it doesn't that just make it a better dip buy for you to buy more because it's going to the moon, so i'm helping you so don't be mad right anyways.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Day trading live stream for beginners”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willy Lee says:

    Very first thing I seen was an ad for moo moo

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