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Good morning, everybody, let's get it going good morning guys! Good morning, everybody welcome back to uh uh yeah, welcome back to um your arts and crafts class with connor glad to have you cheers mr montero good morning, sir good morning, so two things i need a new camera just because this one is just like meh, but If there's anyone in here, that's really smart when it comes to cameras, you've been in that business recommendations on a camera that will be continuously hooked up to a computer for streaming. Now i used to use this one which just sits on my desk and basically does nothing because i'm an idiot, but this one right here. So this is a sony a6. I think anyways.

This quality was good, but overheating issues not good for continuously staying on and connected to a pc and streaming. So a lot of overheating issues so anyways. If anybody just knows because they're in that business feel free, shout it out. Let me know uh good morning, good morning, uh so yeah you can see the stock market rips, but when to buy the dip, so you guys know that i've been saying the market was gon na go back to all time highs.

I mean we pretty much went there so i'll say that we did our job correctly. If you want to say we didn't get there because we're still, you know about two points off point and a half so be it uh, be my guess now. I didn't really think you were supposed to short the market, yet i could be wrong about that um. I kind of thought we were gon na creep all the way.

Well, let me double check yeah. I might be wrong. I've been saying, don't short the market, yet don't short the market yet and i might be wrong. Maybe we should be shorting the market today um.

I said it last night on facebook or youtube, don't short the market, and it's because i've been in situations like this. In the past i tried to short - and i think i got screwed over and then we ended up creeping up to this level, and then we went into a short. So part of me believes the market's been on a tear. So people want to shore it because they just think it should come down off this move, but in reality they end up getting bought back up and then squeeze a little higher and then they're gon na swoop us down so we'll see maybe best to play it By year, if we want to try to do a short on this market, but we're not even off of my long term levels still, i feel like um.

I think the nasdaq got there, so i believe it's the nasdaq that might be causing the pullback. Let me double check. I mean kind of right. If you look at the daily chart here.

Oh my, my channels are all off because i'm running this thing from earlier sorry, um morning from smokelahoma very nice thoughts on bitcoins candle on binance usa went below 10k uh. I have no idea, i did not see that um yeah no uh yeah, so anyways really. I don't really want to go too in depth here, but i believe part of i think we can see a pullback today, but i just didn't really think it was gon na be an epic short. I just didn't if it ends up being an epic short and i didn't recognize it so be it whatever right.
That's fine! So if i miss a short, that's cool whatever, but if this market does decrease from where we're at so i thought we were going to. Maybe do a smidge of a pullback and then we would go higher and then we would pull back. That was my belief. Maybe i'm wrong right.

Maybe we do go this way. First, okay! Well, if we go all the way this way - and we go to here - we're gon na get long right there right, that's where you want to belong, so maybe i'm wrong whatever all right, if i am, and the market wants to yank now, we'll let it yank Or magoo, and when a yanker magoos down into our dipper magoo, then we're gon na rip her magoo, all right, it's pretty straightforward, so i don't think we're we could be wrong, but i don't think we're really confused all right. We could be wrong, but i don't think we're confused so we'll see what happens um i could keep going on. I could keep going on.

I don't really think, there's a need. I think i think we're pretty much. I think we're good. I think we pretty much said this was all going to happen a week ago, so i think we're all caught up to speed there.

Remember yesterday i said foots off the gas pedal, because we're nearing resistance didn't think we would go through a complete yank, but i figured that the big money would start to sell the markets here so whether it brings it down fully or we just do little dips And then creep up dip creep up dip creep up before rolling over, don't know, but you do remember. Yesterday i said, foot is off the gas pedal start, taking pressure off because we're nearing the resistance of this market right kudos, okay, so in the cam there should be a setting to turn off overheat. Okay, i'll take a look into that. I got one hater that hits you with that dislike every morning, mm-hmm bbi gee spy keeps gapping up.

That's another thing: uh semper fi, there's a lot of gaps that have to get filled, so you know what you actually might be. You might be thinking something i should have thought already but or said. I guess i didn't think of that. But semper fi raises a good remark here, there's a lot of gaps to fill on the downside of this market.

Now i don't necessarily think we're going to go down fill all of them. That just doesn't really make a lot of sense to me, but we might just go down to fill like one of them and then go up right, so we might not be going for the full pullback to deviation support. We might just do it be doing a quick yank to fill gaps before moving higher. So that's another thing uh to consider.

So if that were the play right, if that was going to be the case, we never really have a gap there. It's on the spy then so the spy had a gap, the other the spy had a gap from yesterday, so the gap fill of yesterday would be down to about there. Oh, maybe not, let me be right there. So did we fill that yet? Oh yeah, we did yeah so thanks for saying that semper fi, because i wasn't really paying attention that i had seen that gap and thought about it, but i never really put too much thought into it to put it on the chart.
So i think semper fi is actually probably on the right path here. The market probably just doing a little overnight pull trying to fill the gap that was created. So it's probably a situation where you watch support here, um for the time being, something else that could help is, if we look at the volume profile, not that i use this very often i already who am i kidding, i already know the volume profile is low. There i don't even need to look at it um then.

I probably watch this more on the long side here. Um probably did fill it again. I already have volume profile up yeah there. It is.

I had volume profile on this chart, but you can see the volume profile down here is very low, so this is the low risk kind of support area. That's where most volumes kind of located for the time being, but anyway, it doesn't really matter so rip rip. Um fcel, so we will go over to fcel really quickly, because this is a stock that you know watching on the day for sure um i'll run you guys through this analysis, so everyone's kind of geeked on fcl. I don't blame them.

It's been rippy, rippy, dippy dippy, so a lot of attention, a lot of people piling in um i've seen situations like this in the past continue to go up. I have um part of me believes that the market is going to try to swing down to 7.77. I could be wrong so anyways if this market's really going to perform on fcl, we need it. We need to get this puppy bought back up and over uh.

This trend line right there. So currently, this is the trend line that the market sold off after hours. If you guys watch the video i posted last night, it basically said you should watch markets bearish down to about 770s and you you should watch for. Basically your resistance to rejection price off that trendline.

So last night made a video basically says you should target down to here on a short and you can't really be extremely bullish till you get up to this line and above that line, you'll see we got to that line and then do we just reject it. Right and we've kind of faded away from it all morning, so it's still the same thing: it's not a bullish, rip rip until you get up and cross through 825, and otherwise the markets are going to sweep down on fcel and pretty much take everybody out. At least to the 770s and uh there's no telling that the markets for sure want to bounce 770, even if they did so if the market did go down to 770s here on fcel, i think there's a gap filled even like 720. So if you look at the daily chart, you have a gap.

Fill um here, see the gap filled at 740 right, so theoretically, market has a gap, fill all the way down to 740. Today, i think that might play out so just an fyi. Oh, did you lose a bet? No, no! No! I just it was the first hat that i had available. I mean my hair was getting a little bit frisky today, you know so i mean i could i mean we could work on the youtube stream like this.
Like sonic the hedgehog but uh, the hair already gives me fomo. It feels like i'm just moving at the speed of light. Oh my god sweating bullets right. So let's just keep it casual with the fedora good morning and all from dc good morning.

What's up with roku yeah, so probably a good time to discuss roku the spy has a gap 436 good morning, sonia i'm beginner trader john thanks todd yeah. I was hanging out there for a little bit connor. Isn't it risky shorting the market with good earnings? Um? No, it's not it's not risky to short anything if you're shorting when everyone's selling and it's not risky to buy something when it's going down if everyone's buying. So as long as you determine there's sufficient selling to support the downward move, then it really doesn't matter.

Also fractal depends on the time frame too okey um roku, all right, so you guys know as well as i do it 40 point swing ain't happening right now. Does that mean it's never gon na happen? No, so i mean the best way to say it is. I'm simply wrong: we simply just went to our 340 slash 350 pulled back to support and did not sustain support. So that means to expect a move immediately is is not happening right.

We needed to hold to continue immediately. Okay, we did not hold right. We broke down all right, so we're aware of that now mind you i mean we could talk back. I mean this has been a really strong downtrend.

So i really thought at this point we're finally trying to get out of this downtrending move. Arguably, we still might be correct right. Just because we've pulled back here doesn't mean we can't creep up and then go higher. Also, let's say that roku does really want to go higher right.

What are we currently getting in the market? A pullback right so remember yesterday, i said foots off the gas pedal on the longs for stocks, because the market's no longer coming off lows where it's easy for it to go up. We're now nearing highs where it's going to be higher for it to continue going up. We might want to pull back to reaccumulate. So then it was also my belief right if we were to look at like say, amd right.

Look at how well amd picked up off that bounce. That's also because semiconductors are just like rips, but then like look at apple right, look at how well apple kind of came off that move pretty decent, okay and then uh. If you look at um, what's the next one i was gon na think about it doesn't really matter and then, if you look at roku, roku came off that bottom pretty good, but not quite as strong as some of the others. So arguably that could be because this downtrend is so strong people aren't convinced to hop into it.
Whatever the case might be, it doesn't really matter it's not respecting and holding above its statistical mean. So, for the time being, i'm not really extremely bullish to make profit in the immediate, i'm still bullish on the stock in this trend until it breaks 322. So right now, unless the market on roku sorry is actually taking out this trend line then still bullish. For me right, i could be wrong, it can come back down and maybe go below sure uh, but minimum right now.

I think we could see a pull down to this side and then we get another bounce. So i think it's too soon to say that this isn't the start of a new uptrend, because we haven't even taken out the previous swing low kind of high or low little dippy dippy there right. So i'm hoping right, i'm in the hope, phase, i'm hoping that this is going to uptrend and i believe the hope that we have to smoke is that market pulls back a little bit gets re-bought up and that's what's going to stop this in its tracks and Kind of keep it creeping up, so i think we're going to need some help from the market to reverse this move a little bit um, so still sitting still waiting, um yeah, i mean it sucks. I really want to see roku reverse, but right now it's it's not giving us what we need right um.

So the anticipation is this. Downside move can go as far as this price right here mind you, we were long roku from like here. First target was here after we got here, we wanted to see 350 to 360.. We only got we want to see 350 for 353 360..

We only got to 360 on those two days and double topped, and then we broke our statistical support right. So everything that's happened. We kind of have discussed um, but the optimism. If how far we could go, definitely wrong.

Sorry, i suck uh, but we are still watching all right. Uh, so she'll be pretty clear on that good morning. Connor tas such as yours are rare insightful in between. Thank you, mr nugent.

Opium is a devastating disease. It really is, but it feels so. No. It never feels right actually, because if you're in the hoping phase, it's normally not going well right, normally not going well a baby yeah.

So for me, bbig is just a stock, we're just probably not gon na get long on um yeah! I don't! I don't really. I mean - maybe actually you know what i think there might be a little little reverse bounce off that again, this might be a situation where we have to look to buy it up off of 592.. I think if i were to try to do a bottom bounce on this, the only thing i would try to buy is 592.. So you should probably let this snap today down to 5.92 and if you're going to get long, it's going to be down there.

So today just expect bbig sells off down to 590.. I should probably short that that's kind of decent 29, 93, 7, 29, that's 36 cents right, yep, 36 cents short. I mean there's better things out there, but if it's obvious, what's the matter, it's yeah? I think it's pretty, i think it's pretty straightforward. I think it's gon na crash down to 593 ish and guess what, if i'm wrong, i'm not a financial advisor, so i can't even get in trouble it's the greatest thing in the world.
It's like it's like a get out of jail, free card right, no, but seriously. I think i think, there's a good opportunity for this to go down to about 590 or so mogo mo no um, so got ta be truthful, can't lie to you. Guys took a big big l yesterday leveraged up right here. No, no, no i'm just kidding, but i did sell some so ended up selling quite a bit of mogo pretty much throughout here and into a little bit of this dip um.

Then i thought we might support our previous swing. High breakout so did a little dippy dippy here that didn't work um, but then ended up. Adding some here off of here then sold some there, but anyways um. So i really did sell quite a bit of my big position, locking in most money um and now we're still just trying to get the last little bit up to like still 650ish.

You know that's that's kind of the game plan, but if you do remember from yesterday right so from yesterday on mogo we mentioned the stock wood, it doesn't matter, we said, go here, then go there, then it would go here and then it wasn't gon na have Any more long bias movement from the day you will then see. We said it could pull back to retest its previous swing high breakout on the day, which was this line. I don't think we said anything while on stream about it pulling back to its statistical deviation down here. That was something we mentioned after we saw the bounce here was failing.

We said: okay, it's going to go to its statistical deviation. You can add long here for an overnight attempt of momo in the morning, so you see the dip sustained down here, you're, not below that dip after hours, so anyways it doesn't really matter all that matters is that max move right now mo yo to is uh Is 6 38.? Now, let's say that mogo were to fail: where is it going to go for the day? Where is the dip? Where is the there? Where is it going to go? It's going to go down to here? So if this fails today or whatever and you get a quick little yankee little yankee mcdoodler, it's probably gon na go down to that dotted line right and then, if there's no yankee, mcdoodle mcdoodle ski, then it's just gon na keep ripping dipping all the way up To 650, probably okay, it's pretty straightforward. I don't think anybody's confused anymore on mogo, if mogo, for whatever reason wanted to sell down, it's probably going to be attracted to that line. Okay and then, if mogo gets down to here.

This is where it's probably decently low risk to attempt your first bounce move on the day. If it doesn't go down there and doesn't do your bounce move, then again it's going to be rip rip to the 650 okay matthew b, more likes and share this video. If you dislike the video mean you hate the making fat tendees - yes, sir, yes, sir, you definitely are not a fan of fat chicken tenders. If you dislike the video and that's okay, you can like skinny chicken dunders, i'm a fana, i'm a fat.
I mean i like them skinny and i like them thick okay. I really don't i'm really not a. I don't really judge right, because you know a guy like me is going to take whatever he can get. If you know what i'm saying some of you know what i'm saying, if you're below the age of 15, then you probably don't have enough experience to know what i'm saying again, this mustache isn't the most inviting centerpiece of a face.

Okay and as you can see, my game ain't that good, so it's kind of like uh, like i'm just fighting for scraps out here in the world, sometimes um, so mogo. Looking pretty sharp there, no standards, only standards - i worry about - are deviations aside from that. We can fluctuate as far as we want outside. Of that mean baby.

Give it to me first time here: subcon. Are you guys gon na kill it today? Thank you, mr cobra you're, the best i love you. Could you look at bb, don't yolo on mogo? Don't yolo on mogo, no, i mean maybe um. We're close.

You know, that's the thing this thing hasn't really. If i'm correct, i don't think mogo's really gotten much pr recently. Um, i mean the last thing was jim cramer, this stock, the stock over mogo. You know what jim no one likes that cola sack of a hairdo.

You got on your head bud, you might as well just shave it or let me drive my lambo on top of your head around your cul-de-sac. When i get one bud but no seriously, you should just shave the coal zack. Okay do: who meant do do humanity some good? But but aside from that, there really isn't any uh no prs here. There's been nothing to really.

You know pump this. So i'm wondering if when we get up to like the sixes, if more attention comes here and people like oh and then it goes rippy rippy, but we just kind of been on the steady ho-hum. You know bread, shirting thingy, so i i don't. I don't think you should leverage up crazy size, but um at this point, but yeah.

I still think there's a decent trend to be had there uh. Let me just pop back on over take a look at f, uh c e mcl. I mean yeah good old fuel cell. It's still just sitting there.

You know slowly creeping down, so we we, we need a zac m pump here. We need our buddy zack morris to uh, come back from his business trip, okay and give us a good old pump. I don't know if you guys saw that video uh again, but i there was a video posted. We should watch it.

We should support zach, i'm totally for supporting the dude he's made other people tons of money, not that i really follow him or make any money off of what he's done. Well, i guess i kind of have because he pumped up cei to an extremely crazy price, and then i shorted that so that did work so we'll give them thanks to that um, but i mean the video is just the video is great. I think it's comical. I think it's i think it's i think it's anything's good, so we're just gon na watch that video we're gon na change the pace for today, uh we're gon na get the music pumping.
Let me scoot over a bit okay volume check in support of our buddy, who has made a bunch of people, money, you're, a multi-millionaire penny stock guru and the most famous pumper on twitter pumping is life. You even say it yourself pump at the gym pump in the bed on the market on life. Getting rich is simple. All you have to do is follow these three easy steps buy a low flow penny stock.

Think of a reason why you bought it and tell everyone one tweet from you will send thousands of investors flocking to the stock of your choice. Dad i'm going all along with zach morris on ceo to make sure no bag holder feels left behind, set unreasonably high price targets and post gifts. Every time love it what's up. While your pup is exploding and squeezing shorts people will tweet at you their massive gains and call you a scammer in an obvious display of sarcasm, i mean you can't be a scammer if you call yourself a scammer right, you're being covered in the mainstream news with An army of half a million twitter followers waiting for your next zach attack.

Even hedge funds and ceos, are keeping their eyes on the master furu. It was on twitter and the guys like zack morris. They choose you, you don't choose them. How much money are you even making just to solve 20 million on amc, 15 million on sunday, 4 million on ci and many many more? So how do you spend your money, like any other dude with self-proclaimed fu money, mansions jets, lambos, mclarens, rolexes jet skis boats? Golf carts and good times when you're, not trading you're on a business trip, make sure it flex the money and charities you donate to, because if you didn't post it did you even donate.

No tim sounds jealous he's. Calling you a coke. It's hilarious, seeing 10 strikes come at me like bro shut the up bro. Please do this to me in person.

I'm gon na come to your next event. I promise do you ever have losing trades. Of course you do wish was a disaster, but no one cares about the losers. How can anyone hate, when you have a list of multibaggers ready to cover any losses like? Oh this guy's, a pumper yeah, i pump money into your bank accounts.

If you can't make money, follow me, then you're, a idiot. Is it legal, absolutely you're, not an accredited investor for all. We know you like the stock. You even tag the sec on a photo of your rolex, while riding your jet ski.

This is the life of zack morris. Thanks for watching love, ya, bye shout out to our first video, sponsor the attendees app to support my content, give them a try and use my download link below sorry. I didn't put the video up, but that was uh. That was the whole audio, so i'm sure you guys enjoyed it.
I'm sure you guys enjoyed it. So that's on twitter. You can check it out there, but sorry! So anyway, sorry you couldn't watch the video uh. Clearly, i still haven't figured out how to stream properly, but the audio is great got ta say i got ta, say so yeah those are the things that really get me all pumped up and joyful in life.

When i watch a video like that, it's just comical love the tim sykes park, love love, the tim sykes part that was great. I'm gon na come to your next event. Bro watch me bro love it d-w-a-c, oh god, the mc pump of all freaking pumps. What could be more pumpalicious than a d w a but no seriously? I have no idea that went all the way to 20..

It's down at 11.. Just came off the statistical mean, so that's where the dip was supposed to be bought. You got up to the neg the positive one already, so this is where the dippy dippy was. That was the statistical mean now the market's moved all the way up to the plus one.

So maybe a little tizzy magoo pool there, but wait could this pump all the way to 20? Today, that's right, the trump news, social media thing i mean: should we just go all in and if we blow the accounts today, just say who gives it i mean if the trumpers are out there, they should blow this thing up, let's buy it, i don't care. Whatever i'm i'm down to lose money today, i made some good money. Recently, it's a terrible entry, don't enter there, it's terrible, i'm just putting on a little small size so that if i get lucky, i get lucky luck's, never a good thing, but but wait. There's more yeah - i remember that was.

I remember, seeing i remember seeing this so let's so, let's do some due diligence. Let's really, let's really look into this all right and and if and guys remember if dwac explodes today, if it explodes today and then all of a sudden they sh so again, if trump's social media thing blows up today and then all of a sudden they halt The trading and they stop it overnight and then resume a couple hours later on the trading, and you don't know why or what happened behind that you see i'm getting, never mind you, you get it so uh, nonetheless duwac the trump move. The question really is: is this thing actually gon na pop or is it just gon na be some dumb? Nothing today, all right, uh so well, dwac, so new that we're not even really going to be able to get float on this off fin viz. So is it even on trade ideas, sorry that i'm gon na have the trade ideas scanners up right now? Well, that's dumb! Why would dwac not be up on there see that see? Sometimes the scanner just like doesn't even make sense from time to time.

Anybody have the well. I guess i could check another place. Let's see, shitty spack tt you're not subscribed this morning. That's really weird! Why? Why are you not subscribed this morning who unsubscribed you? If not you weird but yeah, that's the thing guys.
I noticed my subscribers get knocked off my channel, like i can re when i refresh my subscriber rate every single day. It's like six ten subscribers get knocked off daily and then they go back on and they get knocked off daily. So i literally do get get subs taken off every day, so maybe they're just old accounts, probably they're, probably just old accounts. They wouldn't be this guy tt who streams or joins our stream every single day.

Getting knocked off now, wait what oh that happened to you! So you you come into our live stream every day, you're subscribed, but then you wake up today. You're not subscribed this morning who clicked the button, if not you and if you're, not an old account, that's inactive! Then why were you unsubscribed? Yes, you should all send youtube, an email, a question hashtag. Why um so yeah, i'm not really sure what the uh the float is. I would like to know the float.

It's a 36 million float. 40 million share float. Okay, so it's got a 40 mil share. Float, how much shares has it traded today? Looking at this four hour, candle we've traded, almost 20 million, so the floats almost exchanged hands.

Okay, so let's see where the floats almost exchanged hands at. So, if there's more than like a 20 million share exchange down in the bottom, that could be a good kind of sign one day, five minute five. Why is my chart being dumb one day, five minutes there we go. Let's see one two, three, four, five: six! Oh, what am i doing that doesn't make any sense? Why would i do that so we're looking for volume? How much volume did this trade that traded all right so 790, so we're going to say 800 we'll go from the bottom, so we go from the support dip so in the support on we've had call it a million 2.4 million.

Arguably three, four. 5. 6. 7.

8, 9. 10. 11. We'll call that 11 still and 12.

there's been about 12 million shares exchanged down here on this low, which means almost the entire float. Wait. No, that's not correct! Well, theoretically, what about there! So if we even count from here - that's that's hundred and eighteen hundred and eighteen so we'll say: there's been about 1 to 2 million here and then there's been about so maybe about 10 to 12 million shares have been exchanged down here. So so half of the float is theoretically owned at this price.

So i think i think we should add on the bull side there a little bit um i mean it's the trump news. You know how they rip the big ones. You know they always squeeze them up and then shrink them down, and then next thing you know you're like holy this thing's at eighty dollars and oh my god. So i don't know if that happens, but you you know yourself, the ones that rip a hundred that rip 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or whatever they always are these big pumps pre-market they slam them down pre-market.
Then you look back later in the day, like 300 shares 300 dollars. No, but seriously. You guys know that right, you've seen that they always rip the big ones down pre-market. Then they explode them throughout the day.

John daly, that's funny! Uh! Do you remember kodak yeah made my best money on kodak dude life is getting pumped today, baby, let's get it poppin um, i'm ready to blow my account on trump social media. I don't know about you that actually it could be dangerous. I mean he's got a lot of enemies out there in the world. Someone could definitely be willing to uh.

Throw some shade wouldn't be surprised. Joe biden throws on a 20 million short position. That would be funny. Uh ocgn, i think ocg.

So ocgn is it's kind of kind of interesting hmm that makes it even worse. I'm like kind of confused - i don't. I don't, really have a good kind of it's kind of confusing. I feel like it's going to pull back today.

I it's kind of on resistance. I i don't think it's going to be a great player, but if it's going gon na have a good move, you're looking for a break over nine bucks right now, really god with this - i hate when it gets that. So you see how the selling is kind of coming in look at the big red selling volume spike. Where did it occur on our white line? So that's some smart money selling at the plus one deviation mark right, smart money, kind of dip buying down here towards the mean smart money selling a little bit there, whether or not it keeps ripping or not.

Again. I don't know for sure right here, but theoretically there should be a little typically a pullback there. Let's see how well it gets bought up, though time is at 8 37. hold on i'm supposed to send come on trump, the trump pump lego.

Where is my friend, you hmm, damn uh what happens when a stock goes to a threshold list? I don't really know uh su-t link in the description, custom volume system, all right, so alibaba stock, we are still mick bullish on alibaba alibaba had a big bearish day. Yesterday we said by the dip: now it's actually possible: this dip could actually go all the way down to 171.. Now i wasn't really thinking it would go to 171, but it could so if, at whatever point, we kind of think that it's gon na break down to 171, then we could just add bearish on options. If we wanted, we could hedge the long or we could just flip short on shares and then re-long down at 171., so still playing this by year.

The current intraday resistance target on the long side is 180.. If we can get over 180, then maybe that's awesome, but if not, we might be looking at a bearish short move down to 170 before we then go to 188 to 200., so kind of watching this still long bias, but also potentially short bias down to this Trend and then looking long again for the 188 to 200., so i'm still going to stay long, but might op might might opt into doing some short selling if the opportunity presents to also hedge on the long side of the move. Why did i delete those drawings that was pretty dumb? Didn't need to do that? Sport, um? Damn that zack moore's song is stuck in my head, uh yeah i pump stocks and yeah. I pump money into your bank accounts classic for fedor and stocks milady.
What do i think about sava's range um? I was actually going to talk about, i think saw i mean i forgot to talk about sava yesterday. So remember we were bullish on salva here uh. We stayed optimistic here that we could recover. We didn't so not that i mentioned you were supposed to cut, but this is bearish right.

So if we look um, we'll kind of just look at we'll go back a bit, we'll go from wait, one second, okay uh, we will go from and if we want to, we could just do like and then you get a bear flag whatever and then it Just breaks down, so you got new low, lower high new low spike up very mini bull flag right there um and then it kind of just spikes up. Arguably that would be like the first big pullback, creating maybe your first higher low, extend that to the right. Okay, so then we go down. We go up, we get to the previous high, so it's more like a double top still so not a new higher high, and then we create a lower low, so potential start of new downtrend here.

Okay, remember this is like where i cut my sava. I took my saab off on that day, um and then obviously break of previous well. This would be like the support in between so previous price action levels. Okay, so that's previous, like support levels, a lot of traders will be looking at right like oh, if it can stay above move goes this way, if not, then go down right um.

This here is really like the previous swing low right. This is like the first real big dip in that trend. These were just kind of slight pullback days, so this will say is the first big swing low level. All right, so market starts downtrend breaks previous intraday kind of support levels, trends down right.

You can see. We even retest that line swing lower then, where does it go? It goes all the way down to the previous swing. Low bottom tries to support. We try to get back over trend, we go over.

We come back below and now we're down. So then, if we go this way, we have a downtrend okay. So if we go across the tops here, we have a downtrend okay, and so, if we look at this, you have well the breakdown. So then, you have lower low, arguably lower high, lower low, lower high lower low still going down, so we have not put in a higher low and we have not broken above a previous swing high top, so we are not currently up trending.

We are currently down trending. Now what we would do is we would basically just sit back patiently and we will pretty much just sit here until uh. This actually goes to a support level watch so like right now. The only thing we actually see is like this deviation there, which is a half deviation.
I don't know, maybe it's good but whatever so that's the first thing you see, then the next one down on the daily chart is here so right. Now it's basically the assumption. The markets are targeting that line and then once they get there, we'll probably stop this bearish move. Maybe do a quick little update back to the nine-day moving average convince you that it's done and whatever but long story short watch that for a move continue down there.

I don't really think it's an actionable stock right now. You know, i, i think it's kind of pointless to uh to really uh yeah, try to do anything there for right now. Oh sorry, yeah scanners, my bad, my bad, my bad, my bads peoples, my bads, my dudes. Here you go the old scans, the old mix scans.

What do you know? Folks, d, w a c on the rip and dip tater chip? I'm not a big volume profile. Dude, i was just kind of having it on for fun yesterday and i just ended up keeping it on, but volume profile suggests we're gon na have uh resistance like here right, that's where volume profile suggests. We have resistance. Let's see if our long term levels line up with that, so the four hour chart there's a lot of going on there.

Let's delete all this garbage. So let's go. What did we say? It was what price? Well, it doesn't really matter i'll, just mark off my level, so we had the one. So then we got the two, so it's probably gon na be at plus three deviation.

Four hour chart is the volume profile uh resistance, i bet and or the plus four, which is up there guaranteed guaranteed, don't even have to question it. I already know so. I can't wait until it's wrong. I look like a complete jackass, but that can't happen.

It mustn't happen. Ah, what do you know? What do you know, plus three plus four, of course located in the bad zone, but not right? There, oh, is that the plus two? Oh that's the plus two, i think so. The plus two is almost the start of the selling area of the volume profile resistance. So if you look at or was that, yeah yeah, so look at there's price coming up to plus two, which is green line, which is actually wrong.

I did that wrong. It's actually priced at 12.37, so we'll go to 12 37., so the volume profile right now in dwac um, like true resistance, starts at about, like i wan na, say true, but wherever there's no like blue here, that's where resistance is located. Hence why you see like no volume at the plus four and the plus three, because plus three plus four overbought, very exuberant market not supposed to be buying, hence why there was no activity there right. So on the way back up.

This is supposed to be seen as kind of like a resistance spot is like the way you're supposed to view that um again, i don't really use volume profile. This is my first time i've ever really even like tried to do anything with it. I'm not really concerned with learning volume profile, i'm more concerned with learning um uh. Actually, i don't know what i was gon na say i forgot the name of it, but when i think of it i'll remind you something else, but yeah so like right now i mean um yeah, i think trying to get up to 1249 is kind of logical Um i mean you've already had a good move since we said watch it long.
I mean if you want to take profits, take profits, you know, i'm not your dad or your mom. I can't tell you what to do or make you do anything. So just have fun. Investing is supposed to be fun guys it's supposed to be fun, not that it's gon na, oh yeah.

I am going to share the discount code uh for the trading. Actually, i'm glad you i that was like the first thing i said to myself today i was like don't forget to do that. Don't forget to do that and guess what i already forgot. So thank you.

I really appreciate you um doing that really, so that's how we're working these days, um that makes total total sense. I understand mm-hmm um, i don't get it. Why would you that's cool? Sorry, i'm just like doing dude some things have changed on my website. Recently.

It's kind of odd uh, all right guys there i just posted it uh. I will also pin the message to the top of like the um, the chat. So, let's see if that works yep so should take me there. Let's just make sure that work is not working very well, it's trying to load, but the redirect from youtube is like not even working.

Can someone click one of those links and tell me if it actually works and takes you to where it's supposed to be okay? So that worked, it looks like the second one doesn't, and i understand why gotcha yeah. So the second message i sent there was a one that didn't work and that's because, okay, all right there, we go all right. So those are all posted you guys can use them at your free will i'll post them periodically throughout the day and whatnot um so good. Good morning, everybody good morning, all righty uh.

We got 192 likes folks. We got to get that. We got to get that number up. You got to do your part, i'm here.

Every day with you yipping and yapping we got to get up to uh. We got to get up to about 190, wait no we're at 190. We got up to 320 320 of you guys on here all righty um, the more likes the more the algo helps us. We like the algo.

We love youtube. There is nothing better than big technology companies. We love them, they're, great yeah. So our course is a one-time payment that gives you access to everything in the course and everything that i ever changed to the course and then you will also be given access to our premium day.

Trading chat, room which is really just an area to hang out. I'm sure over the next couple months or so it'll kind of change and become newly developed um. I used to work more. We used to have kind of a more functional chat room and that's because we used to operate our live day trading room like you're, seeing here through there and then i went to youtube and just started working for free for everyone.
So now, if you enroll into our course you're then given access to the chat room that live trading, subscribers were given access to. So now it's just a part of the day trading course. So any communication any mentions of stocks and trades and swing trades and things that are done. You also get access to uh.

In that chat room, mind you um in the chat room as well, not to like sell you. Uh traders have been with me and trading for five six seven years, so there's a lot of traders in there that are very smart, smarter than i am in many areas, whether it be on economics, whether it be on futures or options. You might call me and brandon technical analysis kings, but there's also futures traders kings in our chat room that are better than i um. There are people that understand economics in our chat room better than i uh so vast community of great minds.

Aside from that which every chat room owner on the planet will tell you their chat, room has smart traders and great traders, so everyone will tell you that i wholeheartedly believe that what i'm telling you is truthful um and you do and will find value there. All right, so, let's uh, let's continue here, i got to check on good old fffs, so fcel is still holding this eight dollar level. This is uh. This is this is holding well um.

I'm not surprised that it didn't break down pre-market, but i'm not sold on it popping long on a squeeze, yet just basically going to sit back and watch. If you look at the stock dwac, it's now up to the price of almost 12.50 a price at which we pretty much told you. The stock was going to go. Usually it's just luck and it's just all a guessing game.

At the end of the day, there's usually no skill involved and all you do is just wake up every day and just pick a stock and put your money in it and just hope it goes up uh. So the promo is gon na run till the end of the week uh. So i do these periodically. I usually do like a little quick one two day thing.

Otherwise you always will have a sale around a holiday always so not that this is gon na happen. Anytime soon, but you know if we could grow, you know, to put it simply, if i was hitting ricky g numbers um, i would be paying individuals of higher calibers to come into our chat room for sessions and like one-on-one interviews, that's something. I've always wanted to do so like in the premium chat, room and elites section, i hope in the future. We can grow extremely big to the point where i can use some of the earnings from our company to pay higher caliber individuals for um, whether sit down interviews in our chat rooms and strategy discussions, and things like that.
So those are things that i've the plan. So um just know that i'm only 20 - i'm not even 28 um, but i probably don't intend on not doing this for a long time. So i'm hoping that over the years of my life, we'll really be able to keep developing something cool we're kind of on. I kind of took a step back.

We were growing at a good pace, numbers were going up, earnings were great. Everything was good um, but there's something that just doesn't didn't sit right, um and it just you know. I thought that this was a better move being online to youtube more often because it just felt like the world. It was going that way.

So i already have had thoughts of reopening a chat room um, but it would not be through zoom and it would not be through discord and uh and the reason being is because it would be a chat room that is more catered to actual investors and traders. It gives us some other cool stuff, so if i ever did um it would be significantly better than what we had in the past, but there really is no intentions of doing that anytime soon, but just know that there will be business changes that are made over The years that i hope benefits all of us um. So if you look, dwac is currently sitting at the price of 1227, which is our first number two deviation. You will probably see a decent amount of selling volume maybe come in here.

It depends we'll see how hyped up everybody is this morning on the trump opium i mean, you know the trump following is strong um, you know. If you want to call them dumb people, that's fine. Dumb people can blow stocks up to crazy prices because they have no idea as to where they should go in the first place. So, okay, that's fine! Um! Okay, look at look at look at the volume! Remember the first volume spike here.

Look at the big selling volume right at our plus one. Now look at the next really big selling volume spike right at the plus two. I'm just here to lie to you guys, i'm not here, to tell you the truth. Double your viewer account by having your old lady on the old chat room.

Everyone is hyped and loves trump, i mean no doubt there's a lot of people that love trump. I mean there's a lot of people that love brandon. Maybe that's up for argument uh, but yeah there's a lot of people that love trump. So i think you know there there's optimism on the momentum today.

It's really weird dwac is starting to sell down right at 12. 37. A lot well, you probably are like yeah. Of course it had resistance right there, but you don't even know why the market popped to here last time see that's the thing the market isn't hitting resistance because the market had price action here.

The market had resistance here because the market was trying to go back to the plus two at that moment in time, which then had resistance. So now it's still plus two. It's never changed right, uh, so yeah um. I just started doing this recently, so a stock that just recently started trading.
I would look at them and it at it would seem hard to judge what was going to happen. It did. It seemed kind of challenging hold on i'm going to take a little prose there on dwac. I should have sold before that drop, but whatever i took a little bit of money off the table there, it's a good trade if it continues going higher.

Whatever that's cool um, i you know, i i wouldn't be surprised if the server shut down for dwac for a couple hours and all of a sudden we wake up and the stock has crashed, miraculously you know it's kind of like the it's kind of like the Game stop thing right, so, like game, stop, they halt trading for like a day two days. You can't buy it and then they do this investigation and they come to find that nothing shady happened that day, but all of the apes in the world cannot fathom that nothing shady happened right. So all the apes in the world, this big community of traders that have their own hard-earned money on the line say: oh you halted trading for a couple hours, nefarious must have been going on and they can't drop it and all of a sudden. Everyone wants to believe it right, but when we talk about the no that can't pass no way, not no, so it's funny just how hypocritical the human population can be in two seconds again, like i said i use my own brain.

I never listen to the media. Remember the whole ever grand situation, remember how bad that was, and the stock market was going to crash. I shrugged that headline off faster than i could even think. I didn't even care to know anything about it.

I just said markets are going to go to negative 1 deviations, that's a low risk zone and then we're going to buy it there, regardless of evergrand evergrand, will take us to where we want to buy right. So uh, that's just all fun. Joking aside, but um yeah, so let's just so just know that that nothing everything that happened when gamestop when, when they shut the servers down for gamestop and halted the buying and everything nothing nefarious happened. That was totally normal.

That's exactly how market trading is supposed to work right or not so wait, huh, hmm yeah funny. So i thought people anyways we'll see just how far this trump ripper magoo can go this morning. Hopefully it's a big boy fcel still watching fcel um, just like i, you know just like we're looking at stocks and i'm not here to lie to you or misguide you or mislead you about stocks, and i wasn't misleading about what i was just saying. The idea.

So yeah we're gon na look for this good old fcl to get just absolutely mangled and mctangled to the downside. Just cannot, i don't know we'll see hopefully hopefully come on baby girl. Give us the old short. Yes, market went to negative one on the daily bbig selling off hmm, where is bvig going bbig is going to go all the way down to this price on the day we already said that, but that might have been on the beginner stream.
I think i was on the uh. The beginner traders youtube stream when i said that, so we said that the market would go down to that price. So that's where the market's going to go today, connor spx is still mcbully. Of course it's bullish.

We said it was going to be bullish. Well, it doesn't matter what i say it just matters. What the market says and the market said it was the mick bowls. Even if you went to mcdonald's, they were handing out mick bulls on the daily.

Oh my gosh d-w-a-c. I hope that they don't turn the servers off too soon before we can get the dub, but in the event they do shut the servers off for dwac i mean to me. It makes total sense that we, that you know, servers, shut off and then the stock crashes down 50 and now we're losing. That makes a lot of sense totally.

I don't. I don't know where people get like. This is just funny. I just love it.

It's just good times to be alive people good times to be alive, i'll, tell you uh yeah, so amc we forecasted 47 on a true break of the half deviation which arguably maybe we didn't get the true break yet so we'll take a peek at that really Quickly hold on, let me look at fcl really quickly: okay, still holding 805's okay like a mcturd bag. Hmm, i wonder if they're gon na drop it so fast to 877, that i don't know. I have no idea what i'm talking about. I don't know what i'm saying all right amc.

Let me turn this volume down or i can put my headphones in. Let me do that headphones in. Can this reach come on no time for this? Let me move this camera over a little bit. I got ta sit closer to my wall, so we'll just go over there a little bit just like that.

So this way i can maybe listen to a little tunage in the background everyone's like. Oh, i want to listen to music. No, no! No! We can't play any cool stuff without being demonetized, so i'm just gon na put a little tunage a little leon. Bridges, never hurt anybody right! Oh that's! Not good! Can't do that! Hmm uh! Give me a second guys.

I got to do something really quickly.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “Stock market rips, but when to buy the dip?”
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