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Oh hmm, back again, what do you know? What do you know back on back on? Oh boy might as well just end my uh might as well just end my whatever you know. Why are you being so dumb computer? We never said to do that apply. Thank you, but we don't want to highlight it. Thank you all right.

So there's abvc, you will see that it unhalted and it's almost gone to 1166.. So based on this pullback push-up popper magoo, the market has done what it's wanted to do. What kind of hardware are we using uh just an eight thousand dollar computer setup? You know not just streaming off my uh, my flip phone schedule. You know this piece of set up.

Oh my gosh look at abvc. It just went up to 1167.. The target we told you when it was halted, it's just a really lucky guess: iron t starting to look beautiful. Ladies and gentlemen, looking pretty sharp over there on irnt might not get explosive today, who knows? Maybe it never will they'll, probably do it after hours to prevent public participation on the next run.

I don't know just i guess, b k kkt. Oh my gosh look at the top on abvc. Why did it crash at 11.67? It must have been a really random. Lucky guess as to that being your long target, i wonder why my youtube stream gets choppy from time to time b.

Kkt. Looking like the old ripstick magoo, oh bk, kkkt, look at bk take block look at bkkt. I didn't notice anything unusual about the volume today. Bkkt hitting our unusual volume for the day very interesting.

So now my stream is working pretty good. That's that's! Really good uh, especially after most of the audience is left. So that's good, just the just the 70 of you guys get the good stream here um. But that's okay: let's just kind of keep looking through the market see what's up um uh, let's see what's going on with this stock, i mean down down, but getting ready to pop up unusual vol is btbt mick mick rip rip.

I don't know, i'm just guessing. E-Q-O-S eq-o-s a really solid dip there really solid um yeah, i mean looks okay, looks pretty maybe sort of juicy bang out all the way up to the 7-9 cpop with a nice pop dwac with a nice little pop uh. What was the other one? We were just looking at something one, second, guys all righty anyways back online back on the line, eqos, looking pretty sharp looks like eqos might, i say, might get halted, uh neo, just having a beautiful day today, um really good day on the flip side, bbig is Kind of you know trying to base in this bottom right now made money on abvc, but i'm confused how it was halted on movement up, but not halted on even larger movement down. Is there a rule to halt yeah generally, it has to do with volatility and the amount of people trying to jump.

In short, answer to your questions, i don't know why they didn't halt it if it was meant to be halted, eqos still, holding up somewhat decent fcl with the dip back up to these labels, fcl looking pretty good there um, not bad dude computer just work. It's really simple holy like gosh stock, a and ip also just now kind of coming through and across the scanners. Oh yeah iron t it's just not an it's a no-go move for right now they don't want it up. The big boys don't want it up and ain't not not yet again.
If it's, if it's truly meant to go up, just means the big guys, don't quite yet want it to go up. It seems that's funny. Abvc setting up for another run. Um i mean yeah.

It could be sure um, it can also be setting for a rollover drop all the way down to you know six dollars, so that's another thing that you got to watch out for is this never actually went down to its parabrake level. It got close. So this is kind of a short-term pop, and i think anybody who gets caught up here is going to get downswinged pretty hard, very possible outcome. There, bbig just kind of had a little solid candle there very interesting break out here from this stock.

Wow neo. Just a very killer move to start day, big run up. You know just now kind of pulling back a little bit off the day, bbig kind of decently strong bounce. There bgi good move, yeah good breakfast, you only very nice yeah ar tl still sitting on the statistical intraday mean right now, once you cross through that price, you can actually see a move, but for now there's really nothing's going to happen with a rtl until you Actually get through the dollar 27..

In terms of like a break move that you know, i think everyone wants on the long side. It doesn't really happen so you get through 8 28. yeah volume is very high on a rtl you're, absolutely right, it's in the millions. So you're just you're sitting waiting for that to actually swing up through the dollar 28.

At this point, um um do i think they improved it on weeble. I'm really not sure i haven't played around with it much myself, uh possible. Sure next thing bkk t chart looks weird. I mean i just yeah.

I mean it's just going back and forth right, so you're, just not getting fluent trading from it. So, probably as to why you think it looks weird all right. Uh btbt, i mean yeah. It's just just sitting there yeah not too much.

He had a curl pop there, that's about it, yeah, let's see what iron tee's up to again iron t trying to swing down still monday morning pump and dumb baby uh ar tl a rtl still refusing to go through your dollar 28. again, there's not really a Big, i mean you have to go through that for, like your next bigger you know, kind of jumping or move or whatever um yeah. You don't want iron t to break below 1205. If it breaks 1205, the market will probably run it down towards 11 20.

neo. Holding its dip or whatnot amc amc's trying what is the gap fill for amc yeah? So there goes the high a day break traders all stopping out on a rtl now fcel dropping yeah. I mean you went back to the previous high kind of area. You know it makes complete sense to me.

That's a good jump, bbig coming back with a force off that dip baby, strong bounce um definitely looks like some serious players are buying that dip we'll see. Could you explain the gap, though? There's a video yeah there's about six trillion videos on the internet, for it so pretty much. What happens is eventually a stock creates a gap which is just an overnight move. So if stock was at a dollar next day opens up, and it's at five there's gon na be a four dollar gap in the chart from one to five gap fill means it closes the dead space in the chart.
That is, then provided usually on a weekly chart or a daily chart. Time frame do uh a rtl i'll go back and take a look yeah. So artl is gon na crash down into like this dollar 07 area. Probably that's what it kind of looks like it's trying to do a little bit of yeah i'll.

Take a look at mogo here in just a sec, so yeah i mean a rtl's is still coming down. I mean there's really nothing. You know, as we said, unless you get like really like i mean i said: dollar 28, but you can see it just wouldn't go, wouldn't go, wouldn't go um yeah i mean. Theoretically, the market is still up trending from this low.

You took out this previous low. So yeah we'll see ooh bttx nice little jump up there. Oh btttx, nice little squeezer magoo a little pop, not really, but you know all right so it looks like bttx is soon to be halted and at this point you might consider it goes back up to about 1660 on the day. So in this current long move that we're seeing on this market well, at least from this time frame, you can't really get anything on the daily, which is just dumb, but you know yeah, i mean for right now: you're gon na look up to 1660, so by The time it gets done, halting you might very well just be at 1660.

uh dwac and the green, a rtl yeah a rtl. I mean it pretty much. It will need or have to maintain the price of a dollar, or else it's just going to probably try to fade some but yeah uh. Yes, i have a good run.

A little overbought on the intraday, bbi g kind of looks a little interesting. There amc looks like it could be going for a long move there, so i got a little sliver long on amc, not a lot bbig starting to uh. Do a little popper magoo amc, starting to start to pop up. I helped you make 800.

Today, let's go baby. Thank you. Dj super k appreciate that my dude btbt looking a little iffy, though amc trying to get through. I think yesterday's high, so kind of interesting and bbig still holding in its dip right now, uh bttx just hit 1650 remember.

We said bttx 1650, so hopefully somebody made money on that. Never feel! Shame! You know. If you want to throw me a super chat, i'll always accept. So there you go unhalt 1650s, just a lucky! Guess: uh bbig! Very well! You see prices of maybe 544 on this move up possible, not a guarantee bttx the boy.

So then again, this is also like a new guy, a new guy on the block. So your next idea is to break 1737. So if you get a strong pop through 1737 now you know, i don't know how high it could go, but this is a situation where you might get a squeeze through 1737 and then a quick retrace to test the 1737 breakout. If you're not going to come back down and retest the 1737 you'll, probably just zoom straight up to about 20 no promises just watch the chart.
Immr remember we talked about immr today. That is almost now up to about nine bucks. That was one of the long targets on the day we briefly touched on. I think i can't remember there's been a lot of discussion today, uh yeah, so let me pop lcid here on the chart really quickly.

Oh lcid, baby girl. Why you do that all right? So just re i mean it's not like. We didn't cover a lot of this. Today i mean we said it's got to stay up, probably above 39 to maintain bullishness.

You can see a broke. 39S deviation slam down so this is bearish for now, and it probably will continue down for the time being. If you're trying to buy a bottom on lcid there is, there is really no point in trying to buy the bottom until um. We are almost there actually believe it or not we're pretty darn close bbig dip kind of getting bought there a little bit just an fyi amc got it's just so hard to keep track of all this and watch them off for you guys, where's, amc, okay, amc Still just basically sitting there not really doing a whole lot, but okay, all righty uh.

So when it comes to lcid, it is on a downward move. Therefore, you do got to be slightly careful on the counter trend, long um. That would be the first level. I would watch is right down there.

This was kind of like the long entry zone for me, 35. 35. Personally, we did just come into that low. I mean lcid does have potential here as well um.

You know i mean ultimate volume system sort of on the buy side. You might get a little counter trend long. There hasn't really created a high or low hasn't, even broken a previous swing eye, so still a downtrend nonetheless, but um. So remember right, like lcid.

Right now, this was, if you're, trying to buy this bottom or anything. I would probably just wait until it's into this zone for right now for a reversal off this downtrend, so yeah artl's doing you know kind of what we said would probably do sell down to about this price. Now it's creating a little little mini breakout, trying to recover up on the day again the major breakout level. Still a dollar 28, you could buy dips trying to ride to a dollar 28 and get the breakout at 128..

Oh bng, oh nice, little breakout on the day yeah i mean bngo starting a little baby, curl ooh, that's kind of interesting yeah. I mean this does have potential on the day. Uh right now. I expect it's gon na go to about 5 40.

yeah to me. It seems like it's almost a guarantee. This goes to about 540, but don't take you know just my word, for it am mctickler on the way up. My dudes boom amc.
3766. Remember, we said watch long. Maybe a 37 is a gap, feel kind of situation. Today.

Um bbig still holding its dip fairly well amc high today, i don't know the high for sure, but i would not be trying to go anything higher than probably 40. thoughts on netflix sure thing sure thing by the way the market is doing very well today, the Markets are kind of on the up um. I do remember you know we said just watch netflix to trend into all-time highs. We talked about a couple pullbacks here and there at this point i think 719 on netflix to 700 750.

That's yeah! I mean to me it seems like we're going to kind of keep trying to trend into this overbought zone, so i think still up for for netflix, oh yeah fcl beautiful move. I i know i was looking at the dip earlier kind of forgot about it, but you know that's okay, not a i mean you can you can try and chase that up if you want, but i mean nonetheless, it does look strong. I wouldn't be surprised to see this keep moving over the next couple days. It's not overbought in the day.

You could very well see 9 40 on the day, because if this is a true breakout from the previous previous excuse me previous high, then i mean what would you go to yeah? I mean bttx 17 bucks now just an fyi but yeah you might look to see fcl towards like 9 36 on the day. Maybe what is the? Why do you look like such that's right, uh, bbig, nice little dip hold there on the day, we'll see if it ends up doing anything cool the spy is just cr or wait. No, that's neo! I kept looking at neo thinking. It was a spy because neo's currently in the same location, i would usually run the spy hold on.

I got to look at some stuff huh. That is so interesting, so let me see mttr beautiful move and why, starting to kind of come up on the day, yeah kind of interesting you stock, a and y on the move, bbig slightly struggling, but all good hmm, this amc still just kind of sitting chugging Along i haven't seen tesla today yeah, you could be looking for like a little dip long here, yeah, really not a ton of thoughts on that for right. Now, myself, i'm gon na kind of take a second. I got ta do some chamomile kind of run through a couple things amc still just kind of sitting around chopping like a turd, basically just being a little turd bag.

Hmm uh bttx good move, um again spiked right up and into this level, so um. You know for what it's worth uh i was gon na say it looks like amc could be trying to reverse its market today, um, you know it might not get explosive, but you can see right. We've been down trending right, and so then we just crossed the downtrend. Well here hold now we're creating higher lows.

Okay, we just broke some previous kind of resistance swing. High tops so we're over pulling back to it. If sustained, something like that, okay amc is spent. Yeah it might, it very well could be um.
What's a good call right now, i have no idea. Usually the way it works is you need to sit and follow a stock for an ideal entry. So if you're kind of jumping around saying, what's a good call right now, you're just not prepared uh arlp. This is kind of interesting.

This could be a good play right now, just an fyi um. Coming from a high, though that's a little iffy 1290. I mean who's to say that it can't work, though right off earnings, uh heavy volume relative on so unusual volume kicked in this morning. Pre-Market yeah, i mean that makes sense, fits criteria yeah.

So i would say when most people struggle on their trading, it's just when they tend to be jumping around too much, sometimes igt amc that dip got bought pretty quickly. The old mcdippy dippy soon to be a rippy rippy, possibly the mcdip and rip gon na start selling, mcdip and rips at mcdonald's um, that's pretty funny um, so yeah i mean pretty much just kind of sitting. Looking at a couple things to hopefully work out, i mean this morning was i mean this morning, we're down on the day because started a couple new positions that haven't quite worked out so kind of waiting on those. If that all plays then it'll be just fine.

Might take by tomorrow next couple days too, we'll see slg, ah a good old, good old, slg bagoo i mean you are late, i mean i'm not gon na lie. This was your entry right there. I know it's hard to find, but that was it. That was supposed to be your entry and then maybe that right there, but that was it um does it have continuation no debatable before it's going to really have big continuation you'd have to cross through the price of well, it's right there.

So, basically, let me put it this way. When the market decided to break out here and trade, the market they figured, it was going to go to that white line, or that was their price target. Okay. Now anybody else coming in and watching the market needs to wait for a new uptrend to hopefully come up and break that for another move, otherwise it's just to pop up double top, etc, etc.

So yeah, obviously the hard part is catching this right. So i mean that's always going to be your challenging spot catching that perfectly, but that's ideally where you want to be. I know that seems kind of like really like that's no you're supposed to be trying to look for entries here, not necessarily that right and i can explain a little further um. So you know, for example, if we zoom out on slg right so zoom out so like and and guys it's it's the same exact thing over and over and over and over and over every single day, there's like 36 million of these setups every day.

It's just a little hard to catch them, sometimes and there's a lot moving. But again, if you kind of just sit back and watch and just get out of your own way, sometimes but anyway so like up down right potential start of new uptrend higher low, which you don't know until you get like a couple holds. And then you can see here previous break so now that's the start of a new uptrend squeeze up. Okay back down pop up lower high, so potential new downtrend, not down trend until we break the previous swing low, which is kind of like right there.
So then break down into a down trend, so we're down trending until we have a higher low which doesn't happen here. But if we zoom in it probably did happen, and then you get a break of a previous swing. High pop up to your statistical trend. Pull back, we created our first higher low, so market now is potentially up trending.

We are into a breakout, slash uptrend when we break out which previous swing high tops right there, which is also the statistical deviation, hence pop up, and then this white line. What is that white line that white line is our long term uh statistical deviation mark. So if we go to, i think it's a daily chart, so we go to the daily chart right. What's there, let me delete this sorry that dotted line so like we didn't.

Go there fully, but we pretty much did so if you kind of zoom out what did we just do? We just went from this yellow line down here to that dotted line up there and somewhere along the middle. We have a breakout over the previous swing high, which is also the 180 day four hour long term statistical mean which is right there. So when you come in and look at this market, okay and it pops up - which again, this is not like, you can figure. This out, in a day right, pops up pulls back, creates a higher low breaks.

A previous swing high. You take an entry, you don't know. If it's going to be good, sometimes you do. Sometimes you have more confidence than the other, but you're not always going to know it's a good trade, but the concept is, is if professional traders like to keep a minimum or a maximum 10 percent drawdown if you've ever read a book, that's what they say.

10 drawdown, if that's done, i'm out i'm losing it's the wrong trade. It's clearly not the right, one, that's what they say so, every time you see a stock going into a downtrend and then it eventually bases and creates the first higher low off the bottom. If, in the event that high or low slash previous swing high brake level is just a 10 drawdown to the previous low, then you're, looking at a setup that other professional traders might be considering, because professional traders only consider a position with the max drawdown of 10. So their entry has to always be in line with the 10 drawdown okay.

So if the previous swing high break is here hence starting a new uptrend after the higher low the draw down here to the next previous swing. Low is only 8.7 to 8. This is a market. Professional traders will be looking at in the event they get the breakout.

We will target up to the next statistical deviation, though it may not look like it's really special. We have a drawdown of 10 and up to the next deviation is about twenty percent. That's a one to two and that process and that pattern is going to repeat every day, because professional traders need something to trade, so they're gon na pick anything that's a one to two a one to three and do you see how the volume is coming in Today, after we create the higher low and we get a previous swing high break, this is a candidate of a professional day trade. Hence the volume spike.
Today i will be here all week, but my stream's probably going to get a little choppy. If you know what i mean all right, we're gon na go. Look at um like vldr right now: okay, look at vldr, okay, so vldr is kind of interesting because again it was up trending right and then we eventually popped up, swaying down double bottom started. Creating some higher lows: we broke a previous swing high top here.

Okay, so from that little previous swing, high breakout, we have a about a ten percent draw down. Okay to our next statistical deviation on the upside, we have uh. It would be a move of about 21, so we have a drawdown of 10 and an upside swing of 20. That's a one to two okay! Next on your list, all right, you're, ready, okay, bbig, that's kind of hard to see because i got a lot of on this chart.

But that's okay! Just stick with me: god come on think or swim sport get it together, all right so bbig! Maybe it plays out, maybe it doesn't. I don't have any clue never done this before all right, so you know considering bbig i mean so downtrend downtrend downtrend spike up because the break of a previous swing high. All right now you have a higher low okay. So we have a higher low, so potential start of a new uptrend, but now we need a break of a previous swing high to confirm the start of an uptrend.

Today we broke the previous swing high levels, but then we drop back down so we're not fully up trending. So in the event, the next couple days, bbig comes up through this level, we'll start it in uptrend, okay. So anybody today on the market that maybe bought this top on uh bbig all right if they bought this top and they're risking a break of this previous swing low. I think it's a little too risky um! Oh no! It's about that! It's slightly risky! It's about a 12 to 13 drop so slightly elevated depending on your entry, but this does sort of meet the ten percent draw down.

Now, if you break this, statistical deviation here and spike up to the next one, that's only a ten percent return so going for this first white line is not a good trade because you're risking 10 to make 10, so your objective would be to go through the First line and actually go to the second in which you'll get a 20 return. So in this setup there is a one to two. If price goes to 645 and maintains above five, you have a two to one now, that's it that's just if, in the event, bbig just goes to that level. Let's take a look at the daily chart.
We've seen bbig go up here, we've seen bbig go there. So, let's just say in the event, it actually surpasses my first couple targets and it goes up to let's say the one deviation which we have seen in the past. That would be a 55 percent return to 60 return. That is a one to six risk reward setup.

J-A-G-X, okay, j-a-g-x hasn't really done much right. It's kind of popped up, maybe creating a little higher low, maybe trying to break here if it does all right. The max drawdown from the break here to the previous swing low would be about 10 all right. In the event, this breaks.

Sorry in the event that this breaks up right through the now look at ready, 10 draw down previous swing. Low stop out break up to the next deviation, only 10 percent, so you're, looking to when you're asking well, how far is it going to go? If professional traders are trading this, they need a minimum one to two. They don't trade for one to ones, though it can't happen because anything can happen. The objective is a one to two minimum.

So a one to two minimum would put you at a jagx price target of about 278. That's a 26.48 return! So that's just about 1.26! That's a one to two six ratio: if you go to the plus one slash statistical mean and fill the gap, you see the gap fill the gap you're looking at a one to four return, that's a one to four risk reward set up right there and right Now sometimes yeah anyway, so you get the point and then i could. I could go over this like 36 million more times, because it's the same pattern over and over and over and over and over. I am not even i'm not even going to look at that.

One um nvfy nvfy, okay, what about nvfy so nvfy? If we look at let's say um, we'll do like a 10 day five minute just because so this is kind of look. This is going to be very challenging actually for you guys, maybe to see it like that. So if we look at this four hour, maybe blah blah blah up spike up um, you know still going down, but hey started, creating higher lows. Oh here's, the previous swing high top in there.

If we break that, then possible start of new uptrend. What's the max drawdown, the max drawdown is oh, what do you know? Ten percent? So if that's a ten percent drawdown okay, then professional traders will only trade for a minimum of a one to two. So if we do our analysis, we will come to find that we have a statistical deviation right there. So that is going to be that and if we look at the daily chart, which is right here, you have a statistical deviation right there.

That becomes the mean. So if we were just just to simply retrace back to the long term, statistical mean which is completely normal, that would give us about a 15 percent return. If, in the event, we can get it anywhere above 267 to the daily chart, one dev, that's a twenty percent return. This meets the characteristics of a one to two risk to reward setup.
Okay, so there you have it oh yeah, so here's yeah! So if you guys would like the 50 off day trading course coupon, this might be a good time to take advantage of that. So i'm going to pop that there that's a 50 off day trading course coupon for halloween. If, if you guys are interested i'll, just post a bunch of the links, because that's the only because everybody wants something different, so let me do i'm just going to post a bunch of them all of our scripts that are on sale and whatnot. What have you? Okay, so there is the deviation, coupon um.

Sorry, sorry, george, i'm not an though that's the difference, i'm not an so um. Send me an email here. Actually, no, i can't do that because i know it. I'm sorry, george.

I can't do that, but i can't give you a discount because you know what door that opens up but but do do, send me um an uh, an email here and i will we'll do something else for you, because i'm not an that's. Why all right! So there's that um, so i posted the deviation. So if you just click the links, you'll know which ones they are, maybe i should just link them all and that's a better idea. Connor, you can become smarter than the way you are right now, just link all the coupon codes in the description, and anybody who wants one can just go, get it themselves.

That's a great idea. Okay, give me a second one. Take your shirt off. It should be fair.

I love it. Oh my neck man, i'm telling you i got ta. I should just call the therapist right now, while i'm on stream be like yo, i need a big, strong, burly dude come rub me up and down um uh huh man. This is uh a little longer.

I might okay, all righty, almost okay. Officially every single coupon for everything design sale is currently linked in the description of this live stream. That way, i won't have to continually post them good, stuff, good stuff, um, any big difference. You know i got ta, i can't lie to you.

I've been so busy. I don't even know really the big difference in the uvs system, myself, um so yeah, just an fyi, oh totally forgot about nxtd. That was another one god, damn it connor, you idiot another. One yup so here's another setup that i totally forgot to watch today, but ready so markets going down kind of creates.

Some higher lows creates a flag pattern. You see the flag pattern in there, so that's a higher low look where the previous swing break is right. Here, okay, so yesterday, when that broke out, there was a max 10 drawdown to the previous swing low break. First, move up to statistical deviations is a 35 percent return.

Actually a 40 percent return today. So the spike that you're seeing you know you might be considering getting in nxtd right now, because it's moving, but smart traders are getting ready to sell because right there at that price, they just banged out a 40 return from their swing high break here yesterday and Look at all the volume that came in right. Look at all the volume that came in today right there all right. So in this case, if you're going for an intraday day trade, you could have done like break play there right so you're long and then you have a stop price of you know, maybe three percent.
So if you're doing a stop to the previous swing low of three percent, you need a minimum of six on the upside. Where does it go? It goes to 14 15. Actually, in this case, so you made a pretty solid return. There stop below previous swing low.

If break run to next deviation, that is a 15 return. So you get a one to five on that play. Sometimes you just got ta um dmc. I don't know why that would have happened.

I feel like somebody anyways what is uh? Let me let me look at it right now. What is your? What would be your last name that i'm looking for on that? Is it what's your? What's your last name? Is it cook douglas cook gold, dougie yeah, you alrighty, i could have swore. I returned that. I i think i did refund that already, but i'll double check pretty sure i did that the other day.

So if it hasn't hit your bank account, it should be there very soon. That's also, if i returned it, but you know let's see and then i would not be able to automatically apply that to anything. I don't have the those powers to just kind of make people pay for stuff um. So i want to say it doesn't.

No, it doesn't show refunded okay, so there we go all right cool. So that's on its way. Give it a couple days. It'll hit your bank.

I can't apply it to the monthly. Unfortunately, that's just i just can't do that, so it should come back to a couple days. Amc back to 37.. Let's take a mick gander amc.

What do you know back to 37? Kids? I wonder what happened. Let's look at this 10-day chart 10 day 5 minute. Huh downtrend downtrend downtrend downtrend downtrend downtrend gap down pop up higher lows: higher lows: swing high brake squeezer magoo down lower high, so down trending, try to reverse nah, just kidding downtrend okay tries it break previous swing. High fail: okay, downtrend, okay, lower high can't break for okay, downtrend, so still down trending, so down up lower high down pop up.

Okay pop up squeeze up interesting; okay down, lower high still down trending higher low possible start of new uptrend. Okay, pop up no break of previous swing high, so no breakout pull back pop up higher low now over previous swing, high start of new uptrend uh yeah. There's, there's no discounts for anybody. That's already paid.

We can't do that. We did tell everybody that halloween sale was coming up. It's just the way the game goes, but if there's anything else you want, there are links in the description of this video stream and all the links there for every discounts are available down down. There does bt tx, have the supernova trait with b-e-n-e.
No it doesn't. It did not anymore or b. Let me see actually it might hold on. I forgot.

I was kind of getting bttx confused with bkkt um, so yeah, this kind of does have a potential and the reason i say that is because right you were going down and then you popped over squeezed out pulled back to support. Remember we said to look. It doesn't matter what we said, but yeah. This does have some potential.

It just started right. So, if you think about it, this is the first big break up. First, big pull back first dip by. Is there continuation? That's what markets are considering right now, um seth! Please look at the description below so i'll.

Do this hold on one? Second, let's uh, so this is the youtube stream right. If you look at this puppy and then go down to the description right, you might have to click like a draw down tab, but these are where every single um link is ultimate volume. I forgot to title that one, so i should do that. What is that supposed to be um and seven is a multi clock? Okay, so yeah all of them are going to be linked right down there.

So, like look at iron t iron t is a great example of a one minute chart today right. So if we look at iron, t and you've been considering buying this dip all day right. So let's watch this dip, so up down, tries to break a little top thing there, but kind of doesn't sustain so remains down. Okay, so down pop up does not get above so down.

Pops up does not get above so down down still down and then all of a sudden pop up can't cross holds trend pop up still not getting over, but maybe attempting so this could be where your intraday chart tries to reverse right, just after everyone's, like taking Off it goes all the way down here. Most people sell out and now it's kind of double bottoming, not to say this is going to pick up and be fantastic, but something to consider over the next couple days. Maybe connor can i please get a hamburger, yeah sure thing just come on over to my house right now, great time, uh, a ip interesting move, still working, oh yeah, that's right! Philip! You did want me to look at mogo, all right, so mogo up to 590.. So this is again look at where all the volumes coming in right look at the volume here.

Where does it occur? It obviously occurs here. So what we want to know is there anything significant about this kind of area on our chart? Maybe there is so. Let's do first long term, where is that um all right, so we look at the long term. Chart we'll see that we have a half deviation coming into play right.

There you'll come to find that's pretty much the breakout all right on the upside. We have our statistical deviation there. That's the mean, okay, on the four hour, we have our plus 1 deviation there, so that is the first target of today's move, all right. So if we analyze this setup, let's see what we end up getting all right.
So if we look at mogo mogo had the half deviation previous swing high break right at about 563, so from 563 down to the previous swing, low is about 7.95, so it meets the requirements of a minimum 10 or maximum 10 drawdown first target up is the Yellow line, that's only a 10 to 8 percent return, so it's probably not what the mogo market is really trying. If it's a successful trade, if it's a successful trade, we should go through this because then it will from that point forward, no longer be one to one and we get above it. It will be going to one to two. So if we go to 678 on mogo the day trading market, that's taking their entry or the swing trading market is taking their entry.

Around 569 will probably sell somewhere at 689, because at that point they will have accomplished a one to two risk reward trade. Remember folks, you're trading, remember what you're doing you're trading objective met great one to two doubled, my money or whatever you know, uh so yeah. I think this is a reasonable play. Mogo still on the long side, i think you're going to see some uh.

I think you can still see that picking up in the future um you know, and even if you look at the long term, chart the long term charts pretty solid. We just did everything on a very minuscule time frame, but if you look at the long term, chart the same pattern you're getting on the long term, you're pretty much getting on the short term, and that is again down. Try to pop up creates a bull flag. Squeeze up then goes down so lower highs right down.

So the same thing we just did on iron t. Oh, we just crossed the long term downtrend right, so we're crossing long term downtrend, creating the first higher low within the big long term trend all right. So, first higher low, creating the big, long term trend. Therefore, what's that mean up so i would be bullish on mogo, oh man, how's our friend little.

I am c doing. Oh yeah lcid! That's right! Oh i totally forgot. Remember, i'm like you got ta watch it for a long down air. Well there you go okay, so the same thing that we've been doing on the long term.

Charts. Okay, so remember the same thing we just did for nxtd the 10 draw down 20 upside or whatever okay. I want to show you how that same pattern repeats on a one minute chart now. Okay, so we look at the one minute chart and of course it's always easier said than done.

But again, if we look at the one minute chart we're down trending we're down trending we're down trending we're down. Turning we're down. Trending, okay creates maybe a slight higher low here we don't have an uptrend until we get a previous swing. High break previous swing highs are here.

Arguably here all right, so market comes up, starts to break okay. So what's the drawdown? Okay! So, let's see if you enter somewhere in this area, your max drawdown to the next low is about 1.9 percent. So, if you're going to enter here with a stop at one or 1.9 loss, you need a minimum of two on the up to make it a worthwhile trade okay. So we enter here max draw down two okay: we need a return of four pull back support.
The break another bull flag, which you're taught to trade, that bull flag set up right and now, where are we at? We just hit 3.5. So the objective on this bounce has almost been met. We have almost met the one to two risk: reward ratio within that trade, setup you're, probably getting close to a pullback so think about it like this. So someone like me might come in at a long, maybe add a dip to support the break.

Meanwhile, you're taught to trade the flag and you're taught to trade the flag. So it's your buy order here that pushes my market up and it's your buy order here that pushes this market up to the four percent return where i'm looking to sell for a one to two r r. I don't give a if it goes higher right who gives a? I don't care, i'm just trading bro one to two right, so hope that helps maybe help. You guys see things a little bit more clear in the market, so um.

So the next thing that i'll tell you is, if you find yourself looking at a swing high break entry that has a draw down to the next low of more than 10 percent scratch. The idea look somewhere else, there's going to be another set up with the swing high break 10 percent max draw down elsewhere in the market. Okay, it happens. 50, 60, 70, 000 times a day.

All you have to do is see it trust it trade. It manage your risk right manage joe risk. Are we bullish on bbig uh yeah? I think so, let's see um that's a little. I mean it's putting up a fight, it's not not we're.

Definitely putting up a fight right now, we'll see right all yeah, i'm still gon na watch bbig next couple days we're putting up a battle. Does it break out tomorrow? Does it break out later afternoon? Does it not break out at all again? I have no idea just simply following trends, statistical levels and that's pretty much. It risk reward um, so we'll be following this next couple days for right now, but look where it just dipped down to that's the other thing too is we have not been able to reverse the downtrend for the day you can see we went down. We did one swing high break here pop to the next swing.

High could not get above back down break up previous swing high can't get above back down, so we are still down trending okay, but we keep down trending into low risk dip by support areas. Hence why the market has been supporting there? Okay, in the event that somehow this market gives in and stops higher lowing, and we actually take out this low of 498. You will then see the markets probably swing in to 480.. That's a that's probability! So it's just sitting watching right now baba ready to go to 188.
um. Let's see so again like here's, the same thing again that same pattern, i'll tell you already so down down down down trending down higher lows: break a previous swing. High okay entry max draw down here is point five percent. So if this trades got ta work, they need to make one percent so up and the top ends up being point: nine: six percent pull down.

Okay, let's restart the process, so we go down. We create a higher lower kind of down trending down higher lows break of previous swing. High okay, which is actually kind of like right here, so break of previous swing. High all right stop loss is that low previous swing, low break so you're, risking five four percent.

You need at least one percent up, and today you got three and a half, so you got a one to three on that today. Actually, no that's point five, so you got like a one to eight or something something like that. Okay, so it's literally the same pattern every single day it just repeats right, it's literally yeah. So imagine if you took like 20 of those setups put your stop in put your cell targets at one to two minimum right: sell 90 leave the rest for a little runner.

50 fail 50 work all right, something to think about all right. Oh man, i warmed the coffee and i just didn't even drink it. You know story my life, a n y ooh, baby girl. Look at a and y, though i mean looking so spicy so spicy, so mixed spicy um, i will be.

I will be right back. Oh man, sorry guys back home um should have warmed that coffee up, instead of just just taking a pee sad days, luke sad days, i feel you brother um, i feel like i was just about to do something you uh, you know what give me a second. I go. I got ta feed the pupper here.

Take them outside i'll, be right back all right, guys, i'm back on here: yeah yeah, btbt! So far working pretty good uh, the two donuts at the starbox. I love it. Um yeah abvc does look a little interesting um, but what you gon na do yeah, i mean still a little soon, a little soon on that bttx wow, okay, um um. Every time, fcl still kind of holding okay yeah bttx made a decent move there, you're late.

So far, and why still holding pretty decent yeah, so bttx is definitely something that i see can continue neo coming back up on the day, pretty good does bttx look parabolic. No, it's not parabolic, but you know bttx still i mean it has potential to hit highs of maybe 30. You know. So if you want to call that parabolics, you know or if you want to call that parabolic sure um any way to tell if b t t x, it's crazy.

Like d w, a c um b, t t x just does not have the same sort of hype to it. Uh in my opinion, um. Let me think, though, uh hold on hold on hold on. Why can't i see that very well.

Jeez, that's frustrating yeah! This is where bttx might yeah you might squeeze off here. Um, definitely possible. I got ta watch it. It might need to reset up um yeah.
I mean you want bttx to maintain the price of like 1868 1867 right now, because if it does, then it could be saying. Yes, we are actually um. You know trying to break up there. You go yeah mara, knock well, yeah, then again, bitcoin didn't didn't crash.

You know big, i don't think so at least not recently. Let's see i mean it did. Oh, it's still pulling back and m-a-r-a surprisingly going up. That is very interesting.

That's usually not the case mogul and mmat very nice. Well, nice pop there from what's it called nice, so that's kind of like a projected move for the market. Now, if bttx can get through, say, say pretty much, this level could see another nice pop, so yeah bttx through this level is your next new kind of pop, which definitely 23.44 yeah. You might hit 23.44 on that yeah 23 44 pop magoo getting halted getting halted.

Yeah, that's what it looks like. So, oh, no, not halted, not halted almost almost close, but not quite so. Do they not want to halt and just do like a little baby? Oh craw, that's interesting, yeah! So, nonetheless uh. This is kind of interesting, still, probably gon.

Na continue with some movement you just got to the plus one. So getting you should be through it already. You know so getting through that's important, you know say this is starting to move with some momentum. If it squeezes up through about 24, i mean this could hit 30s, it's possible almost a 23, almost through 23.

yeah 323 is big, just got through 23.. Is it getting halted? No, almost, though yeah they don't yeah, they don't want to halt it. They want to so they can suck it back down and maybe grab a little more. I don't know they're playing the old shindig magu boom, all right, that's bttx! Now up to 24., so yeah, like i said you might you're getting a new swing high break here.

Right, you can see that you have this high and this high and this high all right about there. So you're kind of trying to do a pre-market swing high break. If it's legit, you know this, could bang it's hitting the high day scanner now, so the public's? Really aware of bttx now, and did it get halted? Yes, now we're halton very nice. Oh boy, good moves.

Good moves puts me just over 376 on the day with bttx, not a big one, but you know if that pops out a little more we'll make a little more bread on it. So that's good! That's always good um i'll probably have to pop out here around 12 for a little bit uh. I think i'm going to stick around for today for a little longer, but i got someone coming by at 12, so i'm going to pop off for a snack. You know it's like: why does my connection work perfectly now like? Why didn't it just work perfectly in the morning when, like everyone's on, i don't get.

Why now sava? Now, let's check? Oh, oh sabi, shabi magu, that's the setup! My dudes yeah saab is a good swing. Long um, it's starting a bull flag right now so and really no it's starting a bull flag. You have you, don't even see it, but i do it's starting one ready i'll start drawing it for you, it's not for sure. It still needs to set up, but this could very well be the first leg up of a flag formation.
So i'm gon na start drawing it for you. It'll look like this, maybe so you're just gon na you just have to envision that this is that there's price action below this. You may not see it now, but just think that this came from down here and it's gon na create a flag like this and realistically the the price did come from down there remember it came all the way from i don't know. However, far back it went right, so it came all the way from down here.

So though, it's not tailing off the bottom of this i mean the price did come from down here at one point. So, theoretically, prices come all the way to this price and if we create a little flag long, so yeah we'll pretty good chance for something there um. Let's look at what the charts telling us, though, for real, so i'm looking here, uh it's little 10 day. Five minute so yeah, oh, and look at what we got today, i didn't even i actually could have figured this out way earlier, but maybe i'll to do a little less talking on stream, sometimes and less coaching, but anyways you can see.

We had the ultimate volume system spiked today, look at that right. So this morning, at 8 20, the ultimate volume system, which is currently on sale, 10 off said, hey watch me so sava was alerted by the ultimate volume system today to say this might have a better day or for whatever reason, the volume is unusual on this Pre-Market today over, however many past trading days - and so it's telling you hey - this could be unusual today right and look at the move that it's having so this. This ultimate volume system typically puts you in play with stocks that are gon na have good days. Not all of them will work um, but you know like in this case with sava so sava today.

Has this signal. So it's like hey watch me so we're like okay, we'll watch you all right. So then we watch sava. So we take a look at sava, whether you look at one minutes or five minutes um.

You know we could look at like a five day, one minute here, so we look at a five day, one minute on savas over the past five days, we're downtrend downtrend, downtrend downtrend down. I mean this arguably might be hard to consider which one's the true swing low, but we'll say it's all really right about there to here right, so it pops over hold starts to rip. I mean you know this one's kind of iffy. I think let me zoom in this one might have been a little challenging.

So let's see oh well, no, because you had a one minute: high or low break there. So, theoretically, downside risk on that move was two percent and now you're up ten percent. So one to five there on the day so far, and i expect that this is going to go higher so whoever bought this is going to get more than a one to five, because there's a very, very strong chance that, by the end of the day, sava Can hit a price of 49.98, so uh we're going to look for over the next couple days, a 49.98 move, if not by the end of the day and then a flag over the next couple days, and then a long move out that could be a setup. You're, looking for okay b, whatever that is b t t x, that's funny just down sure so, anyways yeah you're pretty much just getting an immediate downswing on bttx i mean whatever all right mark.
It's still. I know i got a lot of lines like it's so confusing. I mean it's just don't even worry about the lines, but again you know you're still, theoretically, uptrending here right, whether you're looking at a one minute, a five minute i mean it doesn't even matter i mean you're still up trending. So hmm two attempts to get the ultimate volume system it froze on the processing page.

Well that i mean i don't know why i would do that. It's probably well it's issues with the parent company, not specifically like anything. I can truly do, but thank you for letting me know interesting. Maybe hmm yeah btbt is spiking hard.

There a lot of volume picking up on btbt there um so far the pullback on bttx is holding decently well yeah, so btbt right, i mean it kind of you know debatable, but yeah nonetheless, i mean if i were gon na move up on btbt. You know more on the day and we'll now need to sustain 1196 and hopefully move up to like 1280. At some point. No, i typically don't trade warrants.

No, i don't think so. No, i mmr still trading up on the day, pretty decent a lot of people buying in btbt. It almost seems on that dip. There someone's trying to support the dip there um.

Oh there goes bttx my dude bttt, oh banging dude or not that's cool there. It goes um, so anyways. I think i'm gon na call it there. For the day i got someone popping by here.

I was thinking about sticking around later, but just gon na call it a day here. Um so i'll see everybody back tomorrow morning, our stream's probably going to freeze it probably won't work. I wouldn't be surprised, but we'll do our best to be online as we typically are. So i appreciate you guys tuning in and uh.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Stock market live analysis | lcid continue?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john alexander says:

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