In today’s episode, you’ll discover the 7 things professional traders do that losing traders don’t.
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Hey hey, what's up my friend, so in today's episode i want to share with you seven seven things that professional trader do that losers, don't okay, so number one professional trader! Okay, if you're serious in this business, you have to be open to learning. So what this means right is that you can't think that oh my trading methodology or strategy is the best you know i can forget everything else you know so take me, for example, all right. I started off with price action trading in for a while right. Quite a long time, i thought that this is the best way to trade, the markets right, no indicators, you know just the price, because the price is all you need now.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with price action trading, but if i were to stay with that belief right, it's going to limit my growth as a trader, because i wouldn't be exposed right to other different trading methodologies like trend following okay. So this is another method that i've you know learned along the way, because i told myself i had to be open about trading. I had to learn right what other traders are doing, what they are finding success with and see how i can replicate it. So i got exposed to trend following then later down the road i got involved with systems trading uh in systems trading itself.

There are multiple, you know ways you can trade the market. You can do it short term. You can do mean reversion trading, you can do momentum trading, so yeah have an open mind right, because when you have an open mind, you get to learn more ways that you can trade the market. What this does for you is that, eventually, you will have a portfolio of strategies, systems right to trade, the markets.

So, for example, when you are trading multiple systems right, this will help you improve your overall trading results because, for example, one system right, let's say system a it, doesn't do well, there's a good chance that system b might be doing well at that point in time. So what it does is that your overall equity curve right is smoother over time, because some systems that are doing well right can compensate for other systems that are doing poorly compared to you know just trading one system or one strategy. If that market condition isn't suitable for it, right, then guess what your entire portfolio will go in the rate, so yeah be open to learning. Okay, because this will really elevate right.

Your trading results number two. You must know when to stay out, doesn't matter whether you're a discretionary trader or systems trader. You must know when to stay out of the markets. So, for example, let's say you're a trend trader.

You buy dips in the stock market right. If the stock market is in a bear market, then guess what you need to know when to stay out of the market you wan na you wan na avoid right buying pool bags right if the overall stock market is in a downtrend. So yeah know when to stay out of the market, and one simple tip that i have for you is this right: if a stock is trading below the 200-day moving average right, you're better off, you know not trading that stock, because chances are the stock will continue. Heading lower, okay, so just something to share with you right number: three.
You have to know right that you can be wrong right, even though you might be really sure about trading setup. Oh you know all the stars are aligned, rainer. You know the moon, the sun, the asteroids they all align right. This market is going to rally up for sure.

Well guess what nothing is for sure in trading, nothing is guaranteed. The president could just come out and make a news and say something and the market could just collapse in an instant. So, yes, the stars can be all aligned, blah blah blah, but it doesn't mean that the market will behave in a way that you expect it to right, so always be prepared right that you could be wrong, even though all the stars are aligned right know that You can be wrong and once you know that you can be wrong once you embrace that fact, then this brings me to point number four. You will manage your risk because if you accept that you can be wrong from time to time, no matter, no matter how sure or how good your trading setup is, then this will assure you - or this will make sure that whenever you put on the trade, you Won't be betting, the fund, because, even if it's a loss that will just be a fraction of your trading account, so you won't so call you know, go bus just like that.

Okay, so number four is manage your risk number five. As a professional trader, you must trade with an age in the markets. I can't emphasize this enough, and this hit me hard right when uh, i believe it's uh from the book market wizards, where jack schwager was speaking to, i think one trader right and the trader was saying: hey jack, you know you know, so i'm just gon. Na paraphrase this right, because this is just based off my memory - hey jack, you know, uh, isn't just risk management enough, isn't psychologists.

Just enough right. I can have a minimum of a one to two raise reward. I raised one percent of my account. I should be a profitable trader right, jack and then jack went on to reply and said you know what the best example of this is that for you to go down to the nearest casino right, you can have the best psychology, the best risk management you can.

Even bring down a psychologist with you, but guess what eventually you're still going to lose money to the casino. Why is that? That's because the house has an age over you, so without an age right, everything else is rendered useless. Everything else is secondary, and this is the same for trading. You must have an age in the market.

You must have something right, a strategy that, if you execute it repeatedly right, will generate a positive outcome, a positive expectancy for you, okay. So this is important. Number five trade with an age in the markets number six execute relentlessly. So once you have defined your age once you adopt proper risk management.
What's left to do is to execute relentlessly whenever there's a valid trading setup, you take the setup again and again you never miss a single one of this setup. This is what i mean by you know: trading like a robot executing relentless relently, relentlessly, okay, because here's the thing because when you start cherry picking your trade, i mean i don't feel too good man. I don't think the market is going higher. Let me just skip this trade and the trade that you skip.

Guess what ends up being a monster winner and that could you know, bring up your p l of your account. You know into the green, but just because you know you weren't feeling too good. You skipped that trade, and you know your account remains in the rate. So, yes, you can be trading with an age.

Yes, you can have proper risk management, but without the right execution to execute relentlessly your results right might not be the way it should be. Okay and finally, the last thing right as a professional trader, you must be humble, you mustn't, let the highs and lows of your equity curve right reflect how you feel so, for example, let's say you make a killing in the market right, you are up, like you Know 30. 40. This year you shouldn't be too overjoyed so happy right, because when you underperform right, then that uh happiness that you had right will reverse down lower and bring you down to the bottom of the peak right, because you know you're having a loss.

You don't feel so good. Your emotions will also reflect the way you are so the happier you are when you're up there, the lower your fall right when you're down there so don't have to brag. Don't have to, you know, show off just be humble: stay neutral right, just take what the market gives you stay neutral, because when you are neutral right, the highs and lows of the market, the highs and lows of your equity curve right won't affect you too much And this is important, because this is what will keep you executing your trades consistently over time day after day. Be humble, be neutral! That's how you get longevity in this business.

So a quick recap number one professional trader number one! You have to be open to learning number two. You have to know when to stay out of the markets. Number three! You have to know that you can be wrong, no matter how sure you are number four manage your risk. Number five trade with an age number.

Six execute relentlessly and number seven be humble, sounds good. So with that said, i wish you good luck and good trading i'll talk to you soon.

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28 thoughts on “7 things professional traders do that losers don’t”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Евгения Виноградова says:

    I don’t understand what is “define your edge”

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tahur De de la Salsa says:

    Great insights Rayner! You actually answered one of my questions about staying out of the market when conditions are not suitable for my trading style. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ma Ash says:

    hey Rayner, dont you have any tutorial video about Fibonacci etc?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danielle Gonzales says:

    What great advice, thanks for these awesome videos!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItsPushy says:

    I prove this time that Ross Cameron strategy are the only strategy that work in this kind of situation "Intraday Bounce play"
    1. follow where the big players goes
    2. use MA/EMA or VWAP to your entry because the price will go down in that level and support buying in that posistion
    3. sell 3%-5% if (if you trade in forex good luck, but if you trade in stocks most of the time 3% are possible within 5, 30 mins – 1 hour)
    4. If your broker sucks 1.20% of your 3% change to Etoro (note: this is only for stock trader because theres no fee on stock trading)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Youtube says:

    Great video – be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schaun Van Zyl says:

    Thank you so much for all your advice! I’ve learned so much from you! Keep up the good work Rayner! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K V K says:

    Hi Rayner teo, Many thanks for the valuable lessons. If you find some time , could you please do a video on managing risk in trading. Because it is very broder term, would love to see your way of looking towards managing risk.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Pips Forex says:

    Keep sharing sir. You are definitely making an impact.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geo Bois says:

    this fool talking about losers and he the one that wears only 1 shirt

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RAJU M says:

    Hi bro, very nice video bro. I am indian, i am new from stock market. i am learning with your videos.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ejeh Martha says:

    Hey hey what's up my friend? 🙂🙂
    I always look forward to hearing this every single day. Thank you sir Rayner, for making me a better trader❤❤❤ I look forward to seeing you someday ❤❤😍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karthik R.D says:

    I read your candle stick book Its ossum broo🤩🤩🙏🏼🙏🏼

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Bynum says:

    Best trading subscription… hands down.

    Be Humble…. celebrating every first down like a touchdown brings a price.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milton says:

    Isn't trend following a form of price action

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dellphina Teo says:

    You hv a very generous heart. Enjoyed your sharing so much. Have benefitted a great deal. Thank you & God blessed you!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bunnex Investment Group says:

    I wish to make more clear videos like yours😊. You are professional Rayner!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Angelo Angcon says:

    Thanks for sharing Reyner your content is a big help to us. Keep sharing, God speed. May the Market Gods be with you! 🙏🙏🙏

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arun_ the city hunter says:

    Spot on……… awesome……this kind of trading psychology video s are really helpfull…….thank you so much

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kosta Jankovski says:

    Thank you Rayner for the excellent refresher and mind opening. Great presentation. I can not understand those "down thumbs" for the free education they are receiving. But who cares about them.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Carter says:

    Thank you. Always enjoy your videos and get something valuable. Cheers

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars well I guess I'm what ever u say I am says:

    I'd say having a business on the side that's economy proof just as a back up plan, not a bad idea. Like a barber shop, something.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GS GURU JI says:

    Hey you bro.. for these cool ideas..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dizeliun says:

    what is your thoughts on which MA is the best to watch? I hear some people saying 90day / some say 100day / some say 200day. Some say watch all of them. Which should we follow?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberta Free Spirit says:

    Thank you Rayner! So much knowledge. "Be HUMBLE.". I so love that!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars torreshondaguy says:

    Awesome rayner. Iv been watching more of your content the support resistance cheat sheet is really good an the other vid the build up of the candles at top of trend good to. I'm a new trader struggling taking 1 day at a time I work a day job so that just makes it harder but I am able to trade at work the first half of the open I just keep second guessing my self trying to do swing trading to ride the trend but it's frustrating at times but I'm not one to give up so in it for the long haul keep up the great work man

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daljeet says:

    Sir namaste…you are becoming my guru day by day🙏🌹

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ueki Kosuke says:

    Thanks Rayner you're one of a kind trader! 😀

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