What are the top 3 lead sources that bring you the most listings today?
In today’s episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, I’m sharing a session from this year’s Success Summit and giving you 7 powerful listing strategies to move your business forward!
I went into great detail explaining each strategy and revealing helpful actions to apply while using these strategies.
It’s so important to apply new approaches to expand your lead sources, especially during these hard times. While you listen to this episode, I want you to also set a lofty goal for the number of appointments you want in the next 16 months.
Move the needle by thinking of this number while you choose two or three listing strategies to help you get to the next level. Dominate the next 16 months by being listing focused.
Remember, have an open mind - you’re not going to win the listing game if you play defense!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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I want to talk to you about again the seven listing attraction strategies. Now many of you are going to go hey my coach and i started working on that two years ago or hey i'm killing it on that one. My hope is that i reveal at least four that you're currently not doing so i'd love for you to start by writing in your notes. What are the top three lead sources that bring you the most listings today i see tim macy in the house good to see you brother right.

What are the top three listing sources that bring you the most listings today, i'm going to bet you're, going to start with your past clients and sphere and by the way i group them all into one and most of our clients by the way are saying julia That it's anywhere between 35 to 55 percent of the listings, they're getting right now, are coming directly from their past clients and sphere and referrals from those people which is excellent. It means their brands are strong. Their trust is high and they're marketing effectively in the language that is resonating with their customers. So, what's number two and three for you what's number two and three remember my promise: is i'm gon na give you seven with the hope that four of them you're like oh okay, i can slip that one into my business and make that a september october november.

All the way, through 2021 new source of getting listings, that's the mindset all right. So let's take a look. The first thing you guys have all seen this. If you look at the year-over-year results in the u.s - and i know i've got friends all over the world.

I just saw somebody say: hey it's 5 a.m here, so i have a feeling i know they're, like australia or new zealand, or maybe some place in asia, but right now in the u.s, this looks pretty similar to the rest of the world. We have a total shortage of listings hitting the market with historically low interest rates. Creating this sort of perfect storm of sometimes a not so great listing, has multiple offers. But when a tasty listing hits the market, it goes bananas.

I've heard as high as you know, 27 offers on a property to the point that one of our community members actually built a spreadsheet just to be able to review offers with their sellers because they were getting so many of them. So we have an obligation. My friends to, if you will shake the tree more because the more you shake the tree metaphorically, the more apples fall, the more listing opportunities show up for you, so you can't just do what you've always done. We need to get exponentially more, especially looking at the data even worse.

If you look at it this way the housing supply year over year, it just continues to get worse, meaning less and less properties hitting the market more and more people confused, more and more people haven't had a beautiful consultation from someone like you, who's willing to sit Down and say david tell me about what your goals are. What are your ambitions? Why are you guys wanting to do this is? Are you sure this is the right time right, actually being thoughtful as if it was your parents or one of your closest friends not to slam dunk and get a listing to hit mls and make a sale, but to actually be thoughtful right? What's most important to them, and then we all see this so i was on the phone yesterday with steve harney and we were talking about the fact that in the u.s right now, appointments are up 60 percent year over year. Right appointments to see property up. 60 percent, so if you were talking with a potential seller today, hey how's the market.
Well, the number of people going out to see homes for sale is up 60 percent year over year right, the demand has never been greater, whether it's the interest rate, the shortage or how people view a home today. So i just want to say these things to you to just bring to light how important it is that we add doug some new approaches to generate even more listings. On the last day, on thursday, jason pantana myself we're going to walk you through here's, the marketing plan that we want you to follow every day every week you know throughout the month that will generate seven to ten listing appointments every single month. I know if we bring you an additional seven to ten appointments.

This group, you guys, are gon na help a lot of people which means you're, not on the other side of the buyers, saying how do i get my offer accepted, but instead you get to work with the the piece you want right. How do i get more listings to deal with the offers, so, let's go through it together, um here's my first question: how many listings do you want to take paula clark in the next 16 months? How many listings you want to take write down a number, so we have context right. I see diane van dyke. I saw you on the phone, probably booking an appointment.

I love it or close it a deal. I caught you, it's all good. How many appointments? Do you want excuse me listings. Excuse me in the next 16 months: do you want two a month? Do you want five a month? Do you want 10 a month, jay marks? What do you want 20? A month right, someone at your level there we go right.

20, a month baby. How many do you want get that number in your head right so show me on fingers, because i see all these faces show me on fingers. How many listings you want to take in the next 16 months. Show me the number on fingers.

You can go boom boom boom boom boom. You can go 25. How many do you want? Love it love it love it love, it love it. Oh, i see some of you going triple digits.

I love it. I see it 20 in the month rub it outstanding. All right so come back to me. So the first thing i want to stress to you is you: do not win the listing game playing defense.

You do not win the listing game playing defense. I actually was sent this by a client. I love it. If you all see the little slide, it's so cute right, it's it's one of us going up to somebody with a sand castle saying i know i know right.
All i'm saying is if you did decide to sell, we need to be operating at that level. My friends, we need to be so listing focused so listing focused appointments using our energy. That's how we're going to dominate the next 16 months, so here's the first one should be common sense. Now, tomorrow in the morning, do i have your attention right now right.

Do i have your attention tomorrow in the morning i'm going to do something that i have not done in five years, i'm actually going to be a little risky and reveal what i see as the six most important trends that are impacting all of us. The six most important trends and for context the last time i did this five years ago, i said: hey, there's seven things that we need to get ahead of the curve on there's, seven things and a whole bunch of them. My friends are what companies like this are doing right now. I think you should sign up for every one of these sites, so your friends and your parents and others that get their very intelligent, smart marketing that they're not like.

Oh yeah, hey, we just listed our house or oh honey. I found this really great service called home light and i went there and i found six agents and you weren't one of them. I've had multiple friends call me because i know just about every ceo. Please don't call me right away, please call your coach first, but multiple friends and clients call me and say: hey tom, my client, who i sold six properties to listed and sold six times in the last 20 years.

Just went to one of these websites and they sent me the lead for a 25 or 35 referral fee. What the hell do i do now, my friends, i'm telling you right now. I've got some if you will show stoppers for you tomorrow on how you're going to out position them in your local marketplace. That starts at 8 a.m tomorrow morning, so you need to show up uber, focused and ready, because when i reveal those five things michael franco, i love you brother, when i reveal those those six trends.

One of them is how do you beat these guys? How do you beat the op cities of the world, the referral exchange, the zillow, the realtor, the fsbo etc? But i will tell you short term if you want listings. The first thing is you better be signed up for every one of them and paid the referral fee, happily, all day long make sense. Everybody give me a thumbs up if that makes sense. Okay, so we're on the same page.

So what i've seen is like jill biggs, who i was talking to and texting earlier right. She says: hey up nest, i kill it there home light, i kill it there. I don't mind paying the referral fee because i'd pay a referral to every agent in the community. That sends me a listing and i'm going to take that listing using strategies that we'll be discussing this week to generate two or three more deals from it.

So i can take the haircut short term because i'm going to make a fortune on the back, so that's the first one number two now this should be common sense, but do me a favor for all my friends that are watching right now, everybody out there be Honest have you spoken with every single person in your entire database this year? Yeah, i see you all looking down looking away, okay, coach, i know i got to do it, so i'm going to give you guys a couple different ways from the trenches what's working now. So, let's look at the first thing. I'd ask you to do. Take a look at this slide and this this dialogue that i'd love for you to have with every person in your database.
Now why this is going to make a lot of sense is because dorian you already reached out and said: hey. Are you guys, okay, right, hey? Are you guys covet safe checking in do you need anything so you've maintained that trust and that bond and that connection? So now to come in and say: hey dorian, i'm reaching out, because so much has changed over the last five and a half months and i'm reaching out to all my best clients and friends to really kind of have three different conversations about our homes today. So my first question is like todd: have you guys refi to the most ideal price, or you know uh percentage? If you will interest rate for your goals and what's fun about that question? Is they're gon na be like well yeah? I think i got a pretty good rate. I was with somebody a couple days ago, like yeah.

My industry is four percent. I'm like have you been living under a rock? You can get a 1.99. You can get a 2.6 like there's so much available. The vast majority of our clients don't know, so i want you to explore that, like that oprah conversation we had earlier, the second part is hey: have you guys secured a just-in-case heloc loan? Now i don't know about you, but a lot of people got caught with their pants down during covid.

They weren't, prepared, financially and by the way, if they're thinking about selling their house good idea to pull some cash out to make them a better, more attractive. Buyer. So i want you to have that dialogue and then, lastly notice. Lastly, first it's like, let's make sure you refight at the right rate.

Second, one: do you guys have a heloc loan? Are you guys set? Are you guys good? I just know some people that that really got in trouble during covet and heck. If there is another shutdown, i want you to be prepared right. I am your real estate, i am your trusted advisor the last one is knowing what you know now with work from home, some people having to teach from home. The question is: are you living in your ideal home now or have you guys considered making a change and did you all hear my tone? Did you all hear my tone hey with work from home, some of us teaching from home? The question is: are you living in your ideal home now or have you guys thought about making some changes and that's when you hear the um well, and you know the answer is yes and all i'm asking you to do is to go deeper and wider between Now and the end of the year, i challenge you to have that conversation with every person in your database.
Now i know a bunch of you will be like. Oh, i can just shoot a video on this come on tom video. First, i'm going to say: yes, you can absolutely send that video and you should do it, but i'm asking you if you care for your clients the way i care for you, you will reach out and connect on that level and watch what happens the deeper you Go forget forget the fact that it's just an opportunity. It's referrals, it's relationship, building on steroids.

So that's the second part, but i also want you to do this. This is something i want you to do today, starting today. Look at this little text, hey name, fill in the fill in the blank. Obviously, hey name hope you and the family are doing great crazy times.

The real estate market is bananas. Now, if you're new to the tom ferry community bananas is a word that is used to describe many things, primarily all things, bananas are all things awesome right. So if you say the real estate market is totally bananas, you know, if you haven't heard it hey. Do you just want to know the new value of your home? Now i've been teaching this sort of texting strategy myself and bill pipes and jason and debbie and jeff, and all of our amazing coaches, because we knew going back five years ago.

60 percent of consumers guess what they want to communicate through text. Guess what the number is today, it's 90 percent, 90 percent of the people we reach out to would rather be in a texting conversation with us than that phone call. You know it and i know it, but now it's one thing to say: hey here's an example of what you should send take a look at these numbers, so here's robert mack right he and his team watching right now so rob goes hey i sent out 181 Texts over a four week period only got 144 responses that happens to the best of us, but from that 44 people raised their hand. 38 cmas go down to the bottom 12 serious sellers that are one to two year out.

Three listings taken two needed to buy. Four clients referred to, as you know, to his lender for a refi and two clients got pre-approved for an investment property. Now everybody everybody just do me. A favor right now grab your phone and just go like this, with a big smile on your face.

Go like this go like this two hands two hands: unless you only text with one two hands, just show me that you can do it. Okay, so i see everyone knows how to do it. So here's my ask: i want when we're done today after you check some more things out, go to some networking hang out with some friends. I want to text.

Have you text 10 people in your database that script 10 people in your database and then i would argue, continue to do 10 a day for the next two weeks and, let's see if your numbers are equal to or greater than rob's model, is it equal to Or greater than now, by the way, what did we learn from joseph? If i put that in my schedule, text 10 people, here's the script copy, paste change name send next one copy paste change name, send you do that 10 times and you do it for two weeks straight. Not only will you have paid for the summit, you will have set yourself up with all kinds of listing opportunities. Super easy, so give me a yes if you're committed to do that. I want to.
I want to hear you from around the world. Are you in say yes say? Yes, i want to see those lips moving. Dorian are you in say? Yes, there we go all right now. You saw the data.

This was a postcard that was created that i absolutely love. Now we modified just the color of this. It was all green and white, but have you sent a postcard like this to your entire database? At what price would you consider selling your home and then you back it up with homes in acton or your city have increased by an average of eighty thousand dollars in the last 12 months? If you have had any thoughts of selling, please contact us for your standard, cta right. You want me to back up and show you that one again, this is a really good piece.

I got you. I love that when someone's like back up back up so the headline big postcard at what price would you consider selling your home at what price would you consider, selling your home and then your standard cta on the back? But what i loved about this now, i see catherine taking a photo, and i love it, catherine, but you're getting all the slides inside of the software at the end of the day. So just want to remind you, you get everything all right. In addition, a few years back, i started saying to people hey, you know what you should do.

Why don't you just go back and say every person i sold the house to two to five years ago. So this is just my past clients, two to five years ago. What, if i put together just a mini cma, you know cloud cma, the ones you can bang out, like really quick and and what i tell people is now. What, if you just did like five? A day just five a day added into my schedule, i'm gon na do five mini cmas for people that i sold the house to two to five years ago.

But i'm going to add this little sticky note, so i'm actually going to hand write right, yvonne, you've done really well with this property, and i'd probably highlight the new price and knowing you smartypants, what are you going to do? You're going to write down what you sold it to them for five years ago, hey 395, 000, now worth 475., i'm the kind of person that would say. Don't you wish you would have bought two because they made so much money so name you should have bought two of these hey, i'm curious. Have you had any thoughts of trading up right or trading down? Let's discuss talk soon, so here's the hook. If i now send five of those a day, pretty easy.
I like it packaged up put into a mailer. You know hand the dress hand stamp, i'm old school, because i know that gets opened and i'm gon na send those out and that's gon na, be a part of my discipline now five a day, which means now, when i'm following up with a text or a Phone call it's far more meaningful now again, what's great about every one of these strategies is every one of these is also a video you could shoot, but i want you to be clear. You got 500. 800.

8. 000. You know 10 000 people inside your database. I'm asking you to touch them.

I'm asking you to connect on a deeper level deeper than you've, been since maybe march or april. When we were all saying, are you okay? Now we want to talk about their house all right, so that's the second one. The third one show me if you're working expireds give me a little thumbs up thumbs down, let me know: are you working expireds in your marketplace right? So i see a couple. No's come on expired listings.

Kristin. Are you doing it? I see you there give me a thumbs up, kristen or a thumbs down all right cool. Got it right, julie. I didn't see you you doing it thumbs down.

So hey. I love the thumbs down because this means this is an opportunity for you to grow. So if you want to generate 40, 50 60, 80, 100 200 listings over the next 16 months metaphorically, you can only squeeze the same lemons and get so much juice. We're going to have to get some additional lemons to create more juice, so we need to add more listing sources.

So i'm going to argue that expired listings, even in this incredible bull market that we're in i'm still seeing expireds every day everywhere. So i'm going to give you two different scripts, two different openings just take a look at this. Just take a look at this opening, as maybe something different that causes you to a feel better about your offering and b you're absolutely going to stand out now. Heads up this was my buddy tom toole and i brainstorming with new strategies who's like the king of expireds.

He said you know, we just need something new, something different, something that makes me stand out and i said well: are you offering people the covet home and lifestyle consultation? He was like, oh stealing, that right instantly rnd. That idea hey. Did anybody offer you a cove at home and lifestyle consultation to prepare you for what buyers want now now? What are they going to say? Their home didn't sell, they're going to be like no. What's that well covet has completely changed how people live and work in their homes.

I mean how have your days changed, engaging them with how have your day's changed? Oh, my god i mean i got my kids, my dogs, my mother-in-law just moved in it's completely nuts. I sit in front of my computer all day long and you're like right. Remember we're gon na sell, like oprah we're gon na listen with empathy with caring and understanding and then say, you're absolutely right and a lot of home buyers feel the same way. If i could show you how we can appeal to the new lifestyle that today's buyers want, i mean it would be crazy not to meet right now, that's just a different opening.
Now. My hope is by sharing that with you that you know, following all the appropriate rules, all the dnc all the appropriate guidelines, which you must do, my friends that you start reaching out with a little more intelligence, a different approach. If everybody's saying the same thing and you're doing something different, you stand out and you win, so we gave you another one. Did anybody offer you a home, a coveted home and lifestyle conversation prepare your home for sale as you can imagine, code has completely changed.

What's important to home buyers, wouldn't you agree, i mean from work from home teach from home stay at home. How have you guys modified your place and i'm watching tim macy right now who's? One of our you know rock star crazies on video he's already gone. Oh, i could do a video on this one for sure right, your home didn't sell. Did anybody offer you a home and lifestyle consultation that home and lifestyle consultation? I really hope you wrote down because, as we continue through this, my friends whether it takes another six months or two years, it's more about what's important in your home, because the word home means so much more today than it's probably ever meant.

So, let's be aligned with people's emotions and their behaviors and let's help them get those homes sold. So expireds is number three this one. Okay, i'm looking at the camera, not enough of you are paying attention to and i'm telling you right now. This is where the gold is right.

Now the gold is in number four. Are you guys ready for number four? Do you want the gold say to me? I want the gold right. I want the gold and here's what's great guys like these expired scripts. This is brand new.

This is like just off the press like tommy's, saying oh man, i it did it. I worked it. I got it. People are really engaging with it.

They understand it, i'm definitely aligned with consumers. This one is the listing goldmine and everyone that does it is like. Why are you telling anyone right? Please don't tell anybody in my market, so let's take a look, non-owner-occupied, unbelievable source of listings right now. I could go through all the reasons why, let's just start with the fact that there's no emotional attachment i didn't raise my kids here.

I didn't marry my spouse here right, my puppy didn't die here. There is no. That would be bad emotion, but, oh my my poor nova right, there's, no emotion to it. I bought it.

Someone gave me money for it and you know what in california, i'm getting nervous about owning investment properties right, i'm getting a lot of people. I'm talking to are like a little like. Oh right, i'm a little nervous now. So i gave you some numbers and i'm really upset that i couldn't get the last one.
But what do we know? There's 128 million homes in the u.s there's 15.4 million in canada, there's 9.4 in australia and there's 221 300 in all of europe. Right and i know we have multiple other countries here, but i try to do some of the big chunks. So here's what you probably don't know in the u.s there's 21 million investment properties, 21 million single-family residences - and what you need to know is 16 million of those properties are owned by people like us, non-institutional investors, right melissa, just owns an investment property that she bought In los filos a million years ago - or you know my buddy claude, whose mom had a couple fourplexes in like hollywood and now he owns them - he's not an investor investor, he just was properties passed down in the family, and now he owns these toilets and tenants And problems does that make sense. Look at this.

In canada, 15.4 million homes, 4 million - are investment properties. When i got that number, i was blown away in australia, 9.4 million 2 million investment properties and with europe right now. Europe is basically in 1962. Sorry for all my friends out in europe, but we don't have the data at the level we have in all these other countries.

My point to you is this: my friends look at this. If you haven't pulled the list in your town, if you haven't gone to your title rep or to remind or any other data mining solution, what's the first thing you want to do: pull up every property right, every property? Second, i'm going to add them to my database under non-owner occupied and they're, going to start getting a mailer from me every single month, every single month like clockwork you with me, they're gon na get my just listed they're gon na get my just sold. How we did it they're gon na get my market updates. They're gon na get everything they're now a part of my non-owner occupied farm.

Then you can see number three. I want you to send the very first mailer i put in their primary residence. Just to remind you that you can't send it to the address, you got to send it to their house like where they actually live, but for the first one look up here, guys so you're at your you know. For me, i i come out of the garage.

I go, you know, go to the mailbox, i grab the mailbox. I grab all the mail and i'm like this ready bill bill. Junk mail, junk mail, junk mail, junk mail bill bill right. Does anybody else? Do the same thing? Give me a hand? Yes, if you guys do the same thing or do you go like this? Oh, oh look.

Someone sent me some junk mail. I can't wait to go sit and read this. No, we go bill trash trash bill trash, but every now and then i go like this. Oh hand, the dress hand, stamped birthday, cake, thick stock, really full somebody's having a party, and i put that one on top to make sure my wife gets it.
That's right: there guys a very important key when you're doing direct mail hand, the dress hand, stamp birthday, cake, wedding cake. You know holiday cake, whatever something not ran through the postage machine and you know, ran through just a label process. You do that. My friends, and maybe just maybe, if you're doing this for a buyer, because you've got a buyer that desperately wants to live in that neighborhood.

You could write a letter like this. You know, hey john. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. I've been searching for a home for my clients, the smiths right they've got three kids and one on the way and they desperately want to live.

In crystal downs. I saw that you guys own an investment property at one two, three four banana street and i'm just curious with prices peaking an election cycle near us and any other information that you know about your area. Would you be open to selling that property right with the question mark, we can assist your tenants in finding a new place and, of course i worked with lots of investors on trading up through 1031 exchanges. Hey, would you just let me know even a text saying no, so i can let my clients know would be greatly appreciated.

Now i don't know about you, but i'm 100. Okay, if a bunch of investors text me and say no and then i text back hi, i'm sorry you're, not in my phone who is this and which property. So i can tell my client. Oh this is tom ferry, oh tom ferry.

Thank you so much! I'm sorry, you don't have any thoughts of selling that one by the way do you have any other properties you would consider selling and i started engaging them on that level. Now. Do me a favor buy a raise of hands. How many of you think there's more than a hundred non-owner-occupieds in your city? Oh, that would be everyone.

I would bet that, for the vast majority of you, it's in the thousands depending upon how broadly you go, if you want to riverside if you took all of riverside county the desert alone, my mom owns 35 properties in the desert alone, she's more of an institutional Investor so you're going to see plentiful opportunity, i'm challenging you. If you want to dominate on the listing side, you cannot get there doing more of the same. You've got to add something: that's proven and works. Now here's a little script.

I would recommend you call them. You know hey john tom ferry here i sent you a letter about your property on 1-2-3-4 banana street. Did you receive it? Hey? Have you considered trading that property? Would it be helpful if i gave you an updated evaluation on the home, which would be the best place to get it to you, email or should i just send it to your house? Well, why don't you just email it to me great? While i'm doing it do you have any other investment properties you'd like some information on another evaluation on and now all of a sudden? Well, i do own a couple, but ones in tennessee and one's over here. Hey, i got great agent relationships everywhere.
Why don't i reach out to those people i'll get some valuations i'll package it up and i'll send it over to you now. The reason why i love this script? Look up here! What you don't know - or maybe you do is i'm also reverend tom ferry in the last year and a half. I have married three couples. One of the couples met at the summit several years ago and literally came to the tom ferry after dark dance party, and i got to marry them recently right now, almost a year exactly so so it's been fun for me to do this, which, by the way, My assistant went online registered for me.

I got a card, it says reverend tom ferry and that's it and i kind of know how to work an audience and do a script. Thank you. It's not really that much, but here's the best part in two weeks, i'm going to marry my little sister right. She had a huge wedding plan.

It was going to be in the biltmore north carolina a travel and wedding. You know she's my my littlest of my two sisters, not this little she's, 35 years old um. But you know it's just so special when she said hey colin and i would love for you to marry me and when she said it. I just had this insane flash memory of sitting down with my mom when she said you're not going to believe this.

I get this cold call from a commercial broker and i'm like yeah, i'm like. What's the story, she goes well. You know he called me and said you know hi. This is colin and i know you have this property over at blah, blah blah and i'm just curious.

We sent you a letter if you had any thoughts, trading up trading down anything you like to do and she goes no and he goes well. Do you have any other problems she says yeah. I got a couple other properties and she's trying to chat. You know.

Chatty kathy so she's in this dialogue with this guy clearly had nothing else to do in the moment. Right so she's just and then she goes. You know you sound like a pretty nice guy. How old are you and he's like? Well, i'm i'm i'm 29.

and he's like really are you married or single she's, the guy's like uh, i'm single she's like? Are you good? Looking he's like i, you know, i mean i guess i'm pretty good looking she goes well. I have this really hot daughter. Um, why don't you text me a photo of you and i'll text? You a photo of my daughter that all happened about three and a half years ago and i'm marrying them in two weeks. All from a script like this, my friends raise your hands if you're single, by the way, raise your hands if you're single.

This could be a really good thing for you. You can fall in love with an investor and get a couple listings all right. Thank you. All right, let's keep going so number five number five, i think, is so important.
All of you should do this ready in your notes, google tonight how many people live or actually even better, don't google it go into remind or your mls or, however, you get your data and i want you to pull up ready guys, i'm going to give you The list people that have owned their property for 25 to 50 years 25 or more, but you know you could literally go in and say, show me every person in my entire city, that's owned their house for 25 years or more now. What i love is. I want to say they're, owner-occupied and they're two floors, so two-story three-story two story, three story. So now, all of a sudden, i'm like wait a minute who is most likely to sell in the next 18 24 36 months.

Who could i make a connection with and nurture with and really like with a lot of empathy and respect, be there for them to support them in the next stage of the transition of their life? Now, i know with remind you could actually put in things like their age and that really gets interesting, but what do we want to do? I want to add them into my database. A whole list. I'm just called downsizers downsizers. These are people that have owned it for 25 or 50 years.

I'm pretty sure you can say how's the mortgage or not that's even better, but always having two floors and then the same thing. I want to mail them something right and the first time i mail them. You don't want to have it in your your company branded nothing against your company brand. You all have great logos.

You know, i know all your ceos. I love the brands. The point is, if i want him to get it to open it, something soft right, heavy stock envelope, hand, hand written, you know, address hand stamped, make it beautiful and easy, but here's the hook, you ready, i'm going to be mailing to them once a month. From now on so the hand address hand stamped, you got make the phone calls follow.

The dnc script obviously make sure you're paying attention there and consider knocking just like you heard from andy consider knocking so here's a little script or a letter right to start with. So here's the deal i give you this as an example. Don't do this if you don't have a buyer, but if you have a buyer right, i'm going to take my non-owner occupied list, i'm going to take my most likely to downsize list and i'm going to find the non-seller for my customer. So you can see open up this nice little letter.

Dear name. I hope this finds you doing well, i'm writing, because my clients, you know the smiths. You know they've got three kids one on the way and they desperately need a two-story home in crystal downs. We drove past your home at one two three four banana street and they were curious with peaking prices, the election cycle and everything else happened in the world.

Have you guys had and i'd underline any if you had any thoughts of making a move anytime soon? If you have or haven't, would you let me know even a text or an email, just saying no, so i can let my clients know to find another property ps if you want to know the value of your home. I can certainly do that as well, that with a nice little envelope sent to 60 80 100 200 in your notes, write this down in your notes, write this down, please the most recent study on direct mail on direct mail. Now we're talking about basic direct mail bulk, sending postcards not this kind of stuff, which is always going to produce a better response. The current number is a four and a half percent response rate to every hundred you send out, so you send a hundred.
You should be expecting four and a half now here's the hook. It increases dramatically when you take it to this level when you go hand to dressed hand stamped personalized, i actually just saw them and i think they're still here. I see marty, gellins and maxine right. What's up marty hey maxine right, i i don't want to tell all the the juicy details but maxine what i think that was that mark, i think, or maybe mike so maxine we're chatting one day and she's like i got this buyer right so every week when We're on our coaching sessions we'll go through, who are your hottest buyers who are? Your seller, leads to make sure they're staying on top of it and converting right, so maxine finally, is like god, okay, i got this guy there's like i'll screw up.

The number there's like 32 homes on this one street on the ocean and he desperately wants to be on that. She goes, and i just know like there's going to be an opportunity right. She sees the one house, i think i'm probably butchering the story maxine, but you know the home right. She finds this property right.

She writes a letter which how she got it to the guy. I have no idea how she did it to finally find where this guy is through multiple llc's writes a letter saying look, i got a client who wants to buy in this street and you got that property. Would you be interested in selling it right? The guy calls long story short, she has a 10 million dollar listing and then sells it - a 10 million dollar listing because she took the time to be resourceful and thoughtful and put together a great little letter and then zach right. Her grandson is now out doing it in all kinds of other farming areas.

My point to you is this: my friends between the phone calls between the ding dong and the direct mail. This is how you're going to win today, but you can't just keep doing more of the same. You got to try new things number six agent to agent referrals. So all my coaching clients we're still averaging 500 to 600 agent-to-agent referrals, all between all of you guys and dave robles.

You and i both know for as long as we've known each other that doesn't even scratch the surface. Compared to how many of you already know. Each other and just call direct right. You already say: oh okay, i need uh who's in atlanta.
Oh, oh, my stars bend a baker boom right and you text her and you do a referral that stuff's happening every single day. My friends, i want to challenge you. Your database is much richer than you think, and your ability to market to other agents strategically should become one of your most important listing pillars go back a couple years ago or go on my youtube channel and watch the youtube. Video atomx talk by melissa, menard who broke down this beautiful strategy for how she's been networking, not just with her company but with the entire tom ferry ecosystem.

So here's the list - you ready my advice to you tactically - is build your list of partners build your list of partners. So should you have local agents in there? The answer is absolutely yes, absolutely, yes, you should have local agents that are higher up in the ranks. People you want to work with, you want to be more connected to, but also your company, both regionally and internationally. I don't care what company you work with if they have a ton of you.

If there's five of you, if there's 15 000 of you, you should be connecting, but you should be connecting with all of them and getting them into your database. The next one is all international and then national agents that you meet across the country you with me or you meet here guys we got people from asia, australia, new zealand. We got 40 some odd countries covered during this experience. That's a lot of opportunity for you to do some quick hit.

Networking like we would, if we were face to face at the bar hanging out afterwards, but here's the big one. You ready targeted people in specific towns that we would call most likely. So what are those most likelies? You go to howmoneywalks.com as an example or you, google, where do people move when they leave alberta? Where do they go where you know? Where do people leave when they leave toronto? Where do they go and all of a sudden now you're getting this data rich set of hey? You know what they move here and here and here and here, and what i'm asking you to do, write this in your notes, because it's not on here is: i want you to map out where people are coming to and from and how many agents you know In those regions map it out, so i do a lot of business with a company called baron warner. Big shout out to baron warner in chicago and i've been showing them this.

How many walks and actually kind of rousing them some of the times, because cook county illinois, which is the county that chicago is in, seems to show up in just about every city where people are moving to so there's clearly a little mass exodus happening in chicago A lot of it, though, by the way, melissa when you look at the how money walks map shows that they're just moving out into the suburbs that they want to get out of the city and now they're moving into these other spots. What i'm telling people is you need to know those spots for your area, yvonne, who i've referred to a couple times living up in sandpoint. Idaho knows that people are coming from all over california, arizona, nevada, they're now coming from the east coast, because everyone's hearing idaho, is the place for a little bit of money and get a lot of land and beautiful quality of life. So, what's she gon na do she's going to market to all those agents, letting them know i'm the one.
Now, i'm going to give you a whole bunch of things to do, but obviously you need to join all the online communities you can and obviously our ecosystem is bananas for agent to agent referrals. Obviously, all of them should be built into your crm under one category agent to agent and then broken down by local, your company. You know tom ferry ecosystem people right most likely to move that kind of stuff, but then here's your list, you ready and melissa. I give you a lot of credit for this.

I just added a bunch more to it. You want to go through and say all right. Let's do a personal video to my best like referring partners at least like once a year. You know hey brian, just wanted to reach out.

Man hope you guys are doing great. I was thinking about i drove past the jones's house the other day. What a wonderful couple! Thank you so much for referring to me hope you and you guys, are doing great, see you soon. Just that little personal touch, video is going to go a long way right.

I love the a video checking in to wish, so this is just beyond bomb bomb. I see you there, marianne with your. It looks like your kid behind you hey. What's up, no s marriott she's like let's get get out of here, i'm in the middle of the summit.

All right! I like that she's focused. I want a video every you know. Every quarter, you just say, hey happy spring - hope it's going well for you right, happy holidays, all that good stuff, but i want to find it on here. Ready number three look at number: three: melissa menard.

I want a direct mail piece with the name of every agent you sent or received whether it closed or not the name of every agent you sent or receive on addre i'd like to thank the following agents: 32 names you with me and then you mail that To your entire agent-to-agent database does that make sense everybody now they're like wow, she gets a lot of referrals. I should probably talk to her more katie day, who i see over here right from texas, she's, killing it on the agent age of referrals, because she's doing these types of things also look at look at 4567. What have you sent them by the way? Watch this guys, here's the top 20 things i learned at tom ferry's virtual summit this year. You list out your top 20.

You make a video and then you send it to all the agents with the hope that they get better hey. I don't know if you were there or not. Let me know if you were, but there was like five scripts. Two text messages.
This whole crazy trend thing he's talking about. I just wanted to make sure you had it. I hope you're having a great year keep up the good work right. Um meet them face to face when it's safe.

Look at number five: what if you scheduled a mastermind session with all the agents in all these areas, and you talked about agent agent referrals listing attraction strategies, helping the people in those areas that would be most likely to send you referrals, helping them with how you Built your business paula, giving back to them, so the referrals and the reciprocity machine keeps working in your favor. So do me a favor and stop before i give you anything else, stop and just in your notes, write down what are the two to three that i'm thinking about going after don't go deep, just say: okay, i'm missing the boat on expired. It's that whole non-under-occupied thing what up scott reynolds i see, and you and the team inside there love it good to see ya by the way i got a photo earlier of, like 50 people sitting in a room with doug edwington, one of our great coaches and Clients, 50 people looking at all these screens like like yes, i love it. So what are the three or four you're thinking about? What are the two or three that you're thinking about adding in? Is it going to be more agent, age and referral? Is it going to be non-utter occupied it's going to be expireds? Are you going to text every single person in your database and go deeper? What are you going to do? What are you committed to more? The same is just going to get you more of the same.

We have to add more pillars, more lead sources to get the kind of breakthrough results. We want now. Here's the last one number. Seven.

Are you living in your dream home now? Are you living in your dream home now? Here's what i want you to do. I want you to pull the list of every person. That's owned a home in your area for more than seven years for more than seven years now, you can go in detail into your marketplace and say trends for when people are selling like how long after they buy right. When i did this, the number is now showing it's like seven years is when the selling begins.

We know the average now is ten years, but still at the seven year mark. That's when people start, but what i want to do is i want to add them into a specific list where i pull all the condos and all the town, homes and the smaller properties, smaller properties. Now i don't know how detailed you can get, whether it's through your mls or to remind, but literally i'm looking for homes that are, you know, 1500 square feet and smaller right. So i bought my first house.

It's super awesome. It's a one bedroom and a loft with two bathrooms, a no car garage and it's 960 square feet. And then i fell in love. And suddenly there was not enough closet space for all of our clothes and then we decided to get a dog.
And then we said we should have a family, and just like that, my friends, we are on the most likely to move list. My point to you is: i want you to think about the data. I want you to get more scientific. Instead of just you know, pray and spray and hope that something happens, i want you to get more targeted and focused, and once again, i'm going to put them in my database under like small properties or most likely to sell, and now i can message to them On the things that matter, the most to them like, if you see in my notes like, i would start sending them new listings with big backyards and a swing set with a pool with thoughts like had any thoughts of making a move.

Looking for a pool like this need a home office, all the things that we know those buyers are dying to get today, i want to be targeted with my direct mail and my phone calls following the rules of the dnc and, of course, dming on social and More so obviously giving you guys a little. You know a little script, a little language you can use in your letter. I hope this finds you doing well, i'm sure you've heard and it probably discussed over zoom with some friends or family. How covet has completely changed? How we view a home nice little letter to send from stay at home work at home to teach at home.

A lot has changed right because of this more and more friends and clients are asked me to find them something with a backyard. Maybe a pool maybe room for a better office, more space, and you know with interest rates where they are well. You know how good it could be something as simple as that to send the first time hand-addressed hand-stamped and i'm just trying to elicit a response. I'm trying to pay attention to what's going on in people's minds today, so i would include, as you see on there, some zillow reviews all the stuff that's going on in my business, so they know that i'm for real and the bottom line is my friends.

That's the first seven you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “7 powerful listing strategies to move your business forward”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Hoida Realty says:

    You're the man Tom! A while back you mentioned a website where you can see where people are moving to/from by state. What is that website? Thank you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paula monroy says:

    Where do you get your data from?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Homes by Anne says:

    Hi Tom, I decided to bite the bullet and chat 1 ex-client who sold his place through me a few years back (& where I last reached out more than a year back) and a coffee session has been set up for next week! Thank you so much for your sharing!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shayna's Miami Home and Health. says:

    This was outstanding! Thank you!🙏🏽

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sotero Lopez II says:

    Wher r the scripts he’s talking about?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaac Ocean Realtor says:

    This is amazing. Thank you for sharing this for free man. Your a badass.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dianne Wall says:

    Thanks for all the great tips!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Bushee says:

    What are some of the ideas we'd provide for the expireds to adapt to covid?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariah Kristine Realtor says:

    Does anybody have experience using referral sites?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Albrighton says:

    Can't stand texting important info, pickup the phone!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars miri ezra says:

    Good video!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lutonya Johnson TV says:

    Wow! I literally started this morning. Let’s go!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bjwoodward24 says:

    Awesome awesome video. Thanks again Tom!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liu Elmer says:

    Great video! Thanks for sharing.

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