Today I want to talk about the 7 worst money mistakes to avoid AT ALL COSTS. These mistakes apply to you if you are in your teens, 20's or even 30's and beyond. We have started to see the beginning of a recession so these money traps are more important than ever to avoid!
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Money Mistake #1: Being too scared to take risks. As an investor and businessman my job is always to minimise risk, risk might sound good but it’s actually not smart to take too much on. But even when I have done everything in my power to reduce the risk there is still going to be some in every opportunity…. As nothing good ever comes easy.
Money Mistake #2: Investing in things you don't understand. As soon as the stock market starts to go down suddenly lots more people become interested in investing. You may think this sounds a bit illogical but they want to ride the wave back up to the top and make a ton of money.
Money Mistake #3: Buying cheap products over good quality. If you don’t spend enough money on good quality products then it could actually end up costing you more money. Spending less is a good idea in some situations like not spending too much on takeaways or shopping around for the best grocery’s, however by trying to cut costs on everything then it can actually be a bit of a money trap.
Money Mistake #4: Trusting Pay day loans. The interest rates on loans like these are sky-high so you end up paying back way more than you actually borrowed. By tracking your spending you can avoid ever being in a situation where these predatory companies can take advantage of you!
That’s much easier these days with many money management apps available, like those ones that round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and save the difference for you, by taking care of your money you will find it goes a lot further than you ever thought possible.
Money Mistake #5: Not having a side hustle. It’s essential to have another stream of income and a side hustle is a great way to do that. Now if you lose your main job you still have a source of income to pay your bills and it can prevent you from falling into bad debt.
It might seem impossible to start a side hustle when times are difficult but if you look hard enough there are online businesses that are booming such as selling digital products and affiliate marketing.
Money Mistake #6: Living beyond your means. This isn’t a good idea in the best of times but it’s especially important to live within or even below your means when money is tight.
By creating a budget and cutting out all the unnecessary spending you’re able to invest more and focus on what really matters to you such as spending time with family and friends.
Money Mistake #7: Get rich quick scams Clever marketers are selling online courses that promise big things, lay on a beach earning a massive passive income with little to no effort at all. Not mentioning that really running a business takes time and hard work. The only people getting rich are usually the people running the scam.
There is usually nothing wrong with what they are teaching, Amazon FBA, Drop Shipping and Affiliate marketing are all real businesses that have the potential to make you some money but they market towards everyone without any experience or ability to run a business..
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Hi, it's Mark., So you might be shocked to hear I'm not actually the youngest YouTuber out there. I've been for a lot in my life., So I thought it was about time. We talked about what separates the people that succeed in hard times and the people that fail., Because, let's face it, failure is not something people like talking about.. I actually built the foundations for most of my wealth during times of recession., So it's entirely possible to achieve success when financially things don't look great..

I will even go so far as to say that there are more opportunities because people are making lots of money mistakes.. I just made sure I didn't make these mistakes, so I was able to take advantage of all the opportunities that came. My way., I mean you might have made one of the biggest mistakes already, which is not hitting that like button and subscribing to the YouTube channel. But at least that's an easy one to fix.

The first money mistake. I noticed a lot of people make and it's being too scared to take risks.. Now, as an investor and a businessman, my job is always to minimize risk.. Now risk might sound sexy, but it's actually not too smart to take too much on..

But even when I have done everything in my power to reduce risk, there are still gon na be some in every opportunity as nothing good ever comes easy. When times are hard. People are much more likely to let that little bit of risk get inside their head and talk them out doing whatever they want to do.. I've seen countless friends almost quit their job to start a business, but they never make that leap because they don't wan na risk their comfortable income..

When I'm judging, whether or not to make an investment. I compare the potential risk with the opportunity cost of not taking that risk.. I'm not always saying I make the right decision, but on average, I've come out profitable when I've used this tactic., And I also never want the thought of what could have been eating away at me.. So the best way for you to grow your wealth is to take calculated risks with your money and use that time to grow your wealth faster than everyone else..

Now, let's talk about the opposite mistake, which is when people invest in things they really don't understand.. As soon as the stock market starts to go down, suddenly lots more people become interested in investing.. You may think this sounds a little bit illogical, but they want to ride that wave back up to the top and make a ton of money. One of the most dangerous sayings I've heard recently is stocks only go up which will be nice, but it's just not True.

Lots of people feel like if they don't invest, they'll lose out on an amazing opportunity., So they start investing in things without fully understanding them.. This has to be one of the most risky things that you could ever do. And it's probably the biggest investment mistake that I see people making., Like I said before. Risk is good, but it's all about minimizing that risk and doing as much research as possible..
You should never just take advice from one person on the internet, as everyone has different opinions, even me. A few years back, I nearly invested in this great big group. Everything they touched seemed to turn to gold.. I can't reveal all the details here, but I had investments in fashion, retail, big banks everywhere..

I didn't really understand how they were seeing. Such amazing returns over time, 25 % every year.. So I passed on the opportunity, as it seemed too good to be true.. I had I invested 50K.

A year later, I would have lost over $ 300,000 because they were leveraging every investment by six times which led to this whole operation going bankrupt.. It's a good lesson to learn, though, because I would have previously thought that the amount that I'd invested would have been the maximum that I could have lost. In these situations. I always think the best tool I've got is my gut., So gut feeling is what you want..

You can usually tell if something feels right. Most of the time I came back. I always like to top this up with some extra research as well.. One risk-free way of investing is to pick up some free stocks from where you bought when you deposit $ 100 I'll leave the link in the description below.

If you wan na check it out.. The next money mistake is when people buy what's cheap instead of what's good, quality. ``, But Mark, I thought you were meant to be frugal and save as much as possible., So you're able to invest more. Isn't that the idea ?''? Let me take you back to when I was a carpenter's apprentice.

We had to buy all our own hand tools and they are very expensive.. However, I found a cheaper place down the market. To buy my tools, I thought how great it was. Hammer is a hammer, a chisel is a chisel.

What difference could there be, And these were better than half price.? I bought a bunch of tools and I took them to work., But to my dismay, the hammer shaft bend almost immediately. The chisel didn't stay sharp for more than a minute and the screwdrivers. They were only good for opening cans of paint.. So I ended up wasting all that money and still having to go out and buy the quality tools which I should have bought in the first place and I still use those today..

So if you don't spend enough money on good quality products, then it could actually end up costing you more money.. Spending less, of course, is a good idea in some situations, like not spending too much on takeaway food or shopping around for the best groceries.. However, by trying to cut costs on everything, then it can actually be a bit of a money trap.. I see so many people fall into the mistake of trusting pay day loans.

During these times. Payday loan companies are like predators., They see, people are struggling and they advertise to them non-stop. On Facebook, billboards newspapers., They are everywhere, circling their prey.. Although a lot of people have become aware of these companies., There are still people out there that would consider taking out a payday loan and paying it back later..
This is such a bad thing to do, because it has the potential to destroy a credit score which could end people's dreams of buying a nice car or even a house.. The interest rates on loans like these are sky high., So you end up paying back way. More than you actually borrowed., A friend of mine, took out one of these loans and because it was payable at the end of the following month, he found he was trapped and he had to borrow every month. So taking out one loan could lead you down a Road of multiple months of debt, which is really really hard to escape.

By tracking your spending, you can avoid ever being in a situation where these predatory companies can take advantage of you.. That's much easier. These days, we've many money management, apps out there. Like those ones that rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and save the difference you..

Now by taking care of your money, you will find it goes a lot further than you ever thought. Possible. In these times. It's a huge mistake not having a side hustle., Although you shouldn't be taking your day job for granted.

It also shouldn't be your only way of making money. My earlier jobs years ago. Only just paid me enough to keep my head above water., So I always had a few side. Hustles.

One of them was teaching people to fly radio control helicopters.. I developed a skill that not many people could master.. So I charged people to pass on that skill.. The money I earned was extra to what I needed for my normal expenses., So it became money that I could easily invest.

It's essential to have another stream of income and a side. Hustle is a really really great way to do. That.. Now, if you lose your main job, you still have a source of income to pay your bills and it can prevent you from falling into bad debt.

Even might seem impossible to start a side hustle when things are difficult.. But if you look hard enough, there are online businesses that are booming, such as selling digital products and affiliate marketing.. Look at what you're doing in your normal job.. Can you transfer this to a side hustle, It doesn't matter what you do from an electrician to a forklift driver..

You can find extra work. One of the most important things to get a handle on. Is your living expenses and not living beyond your means.? That's when people get used to the good times they start spending more money than they actually earn.. You've, probably seen them.

People buying expensive cars that you know they could never afford. And other people just racking up credit card bills on designer clothes all to try and impress others.. This isn't a good idea at the best of times it's especially important to live within or even below your means when money's tight.. It's also a good idea to get rid of all your bad debt as soon as you can, as it's draining money.
Every single month. And once out of control it'll seem impossible to get back. By creating a budget and cutting out all the unnecessary spending. You're able to invest more and focus on what really matters, such as spending time with family and friends..

When people are looking to get rich quick, they often find scams instead of the legit businesses.. This is something I had to mention. As you know, I'm a big YouTube fan as I'm, seeing more and more clever marketers and they're selling. These online courses that promise big things lay on a beach earning passive income with little to no effort at all..

Not mentioning that really running a business takes time and hard work.. The only people that get enriched are usually the people run in this scam.. Lots of these so-called gurus have never done a proper job in their life. Let alone run a decent business., The big mansions they filming and they're, often not there they're, just hired for the filming.

And the Lambo. Well, that's we just rented for the day. There's, usually nothing wrong with what they're teaching Amazon, FBA, dropshipping and affiliate marketing. These are all real businesses that have the potential to make you some money., But they market towards everyone.

Without any experience or ability to run a business., They sell a dream that anyone can become rich if they follow their simple formula.. But you have to ask yourself if it's that easy, why aren't they doing it themselves? These gurus basically package up a legitimate business idea in a way that looks attractive to the everyday person, but fail to mention that their success rate is near to rock bottom.. All businesses need time and hard work, particularly in the early stages.. I worked seven days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day every day to establish my business..

I knew I needed to do this because I wanted good foundations for my business so that it could bring me profits for many years.. So whenever you see an ad from some guy standing in front of a Lamborghini like that promising you millions in cash in the world on a silver platter, it's probably a good idea to be a bit skeptical and do your own research., Where money is tight. You'll be amazed how many people promise to turn your life around And the reality is the only one who can do that is yourself.. The biggest disadvantage to anyone in hard times is not understanding finance..

So that's why I'm trying to help as many people as I can to understand the basics of finance via this channel. And I won't charge you a penny. If you want to continue learning more then make sure to watch this next video., But don't click on it. Just yet make sure to subscribe to the channel ring that notification bell and smash that, like button, if you wan na level up your wealth.
Okay I'll see you on the other side.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “7 money mistakes that stop you becoming rich (avoid in your 20’s)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quicksmile nathan says:

    buying designer clothes is no loss at all i buy second hands off whites and second hand hypebeast stuff so for example i buy off white blazers for 350 i wear them for 6 months and sell them for 500 or maybe if they look really bad at least 370 so there is absolutely no loss here.. i walked on them for FREE and gave myself a nice little extra to spend or invest in even more expensive clothes!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dixon Ho says:

    how do u ose 300k when u only invested 50k?i mean u cant lose more than u invest can u?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caramel Coldbrew says:

    Hey mark can u help out .. I’m depressed that I’m not making enough even I work 7days a week I really need ur help sir … suggest me can be anything.. I have been listening to you for a long time .. I think you are the only one who can help me sir please

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Outdoorsmans Life says:

    Do you still teach people how to fly rc models?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eir Med says:

    How can you lose more than you invest? I don't understand that one

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Capoeira 360 says:

    Great video Mark. Full of wise advices! 👌👍

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kade says:

    So you can lose more money than what you invest with options & margin investing, or if a company goes bankrupt? I’m new to investing and trying to save money and learn as much as possible. Any help would be appreciated.😀

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars all medical care says:

    Youre like boomer version of graham stephan, salute dad!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AJ Dexter says:

    Facebook market place, buy cheap old furniture.
    Sand and paint then and this is important, take the nicest best pictures you can as this will sell the furniture better.
    List on Facebook, gumtree and other local groups.
    It’s hard work to begin with but it’s a hood hobby that can make you a good 150/20£ a month.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zerga WRLD says:

    Watched so many videos,but still dont know what his bussines is. Can some1 tell?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Zajac says:

    Reminds me of the saying "I cant afford to buy bad tools"

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kapton says:

    "But don't click on it just yet" is ur iconic line

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justin nichols jr. says:

    Mark? Any reason you chose the Anniston Star? My in law is a journalist there!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tj Cummings says:

    Hi Mark I'm a big fan of your videos I watched a video and you explained bitcoin briefly would you do a video explaining bitcoin entirely?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheHatsuma says:

    I'm so glad I have come across your content in 2021. I was diagnosed with MS in 2018, and since then, i have been living in a fog, suffering from the errors you mentioned not only on this list, but also in your video about poor and rich thought process. That list resonated especially because of my poor mindset, lack of confidence, accruing debt, and payday loans. 2020 was a major wake up call because I witnessed missed opportunities, so in 2021 I have been trying to rebuild a more confident and mindful mindset. Your tips and content have been extremely motivational and insightful.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gamebuster800 says:

    "Biggest investing mistake" Looking at my portfolio like …hmmm….

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrTDS says:

    I love these videos. They got me into investing. I've started to put all my remaining money from each month into different index funds, minus a bit if I get get an unexpected expense. I've also bought a couple of individual stocks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spectral spectra says:

    I just got a scam ad on your YouTube video while you were describing scams and it was exactly as you said, lmao!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Moreno Belmonte says:

    Are we talking about "losing money" or "not earning more money ? is not the same to invest 50K and lose them,, than invest 4K make 50K re invest them, then make 300K and lose it…. which is still just a 4K lost at the end of the day, if you have never cashed any money you made on the way……

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QualityConst says:

    "no risk no rari baby" a wise man once said

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma L says:

    Wish I had seen this before I bought amc shares

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Konstantinos Anagnostou says:

    After watching the second rule. Youtube add* Invest now at amazon 75% increase

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouReview says:

    Like always, great video with a lot of value 👍

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Empie says:

    It’s so funny to see the get rich quick adds on this video after he talks about them 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc says:

    Man. Surely I wont die broke now. Thanks

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian J says:

    Is that how leveraged positions work? Invest 50k and lose 300k? He must be talking about contracts and not leveraged securities.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rath YHWH says:

    Thanks you for doing this ! I must say it really open my mind… set … gooo

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darixx G says:

    This channel is so amasing, I've seen you in a picture in a hooby shop. Ecxept from the helicopters , did you also like rc cars ?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars catabol says:

    This might be the best channel I've subscribed.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kazaam818 says:

    This channel has inspired me to start putting away money every week for my retirement starting at the age of 21 I think I will have a good amount

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex of the way says:

    Wow, that experience of passing up the investment with the big group for 50k was a sobering one! Can you explain the 6x leveraging, I don't understand any of this and it would be good to learn.

    The idea of possibly losing 6x the amount you put in sounds like a scary prospect for any investment!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dirty Doigler says:

    "I'll see you on the other side"
    Me: 😢

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Gigi says:

    Had two cars. Bought them used thinking, i will repair and use them.
    Whatever i am not a mechanic.
    I starter replacing consumables and parts, thinking i would upgrade these cars.
    In the end, i found myself spending more on these cars much more than i would be buying new.
    I guess, If you have no ideea on what you do, going cheap can cost you much more.

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