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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone Alright, so here we are. It's Friday again another green day. Six green day of February I'm up forty six thousand dollars here in the last six days. This is awesome.

$7,500 per day average. That's great. Now if I can just keep it up I'm gonna have my second $100,000 a month. That's the goal I'm setting the bar high, but with such a strong start, there's no reason not to now.

I Want to remind you guys this coming Monday 7 P.m. Eastern I'm hosting a free workshop. You're gonna get a copy my best-selling book How To Day Trade. That's gonna be a lot of fun! I'm gonna pull back the curtains on my strategy, show you how I'm finding these stocks where I'm getting in where I'm getting out.

click below to register it's in the description and I'll see you there now on the recap today. As usual, any questions, any comments, feel free to ask I'll come back through over the weekend answering them and I'll see you guys first thing on Monday morning. Hey everyone Alright so midday recap take two and this is the second day or definitely definitely a second day this week, not second day in a row. I've had to do two midday recaps because the first one doesn't record properly.

So anyways, did the livestream over on Facebook those you guys on YouTube that don't already follow us on Facebook You should go check it out. Facebook.com slash Warrior Trading I Go Live! excuse me every day at usually between 10:30 11:30 for my midday recap. So let's see this morning, then finish the morning, up. Two thousand five hundred four dollars in my IRA account right here and down sixty one dollars in my main account.

So you know Green is good. Progress is being made today. My accuracy: I'm only green on? well. one out of three stocks and two out of the four trades that took so accuracy a little lower today didn't get any.

Big Big wins. well. W RTC is actually not too bad. but in total I'm not gonna be the biggest day of the week.

However, it's the 6th green day of the month. I have no red days so far from February which is great. I allocate usually one read month each week or one read day each week and I'm a little you know ahead of that right now, so that's that's a good way to start the month. Okay, so this morning my Gap scanner was pretty much dead.

There was really nothing that was that interesting. I'll do a timeframe here on this historical time. Oh, this already is set up so yeah. I mean you can see floats to big this one.

I Initially wasn't that interested in it. The price is a little higher. This one's no good. This is no good.

This one s nna I Looked at no good, no good, Nothing Nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing. So like we had a really dead scanner yesterday. We had a crazy move at about three o'clock on Apop. I watched it from the sidelines I didn't trade it.

It goes from a dollar fifty all the way up to three Eighty three. I mean this thing all of a sudden was like doing a massive short squeeze and it is a former runner. It's a stock that has a history of making big moves, although recently you know mostly when it gaps up, it fades and so I really didn't know what to think of it and by the time I noticed it, it was already up here and it was halted for I think the third time. So I was like well you know I'm not gonna chase it I'll just watch it maybe for a short of course I didn't have shares available to borrow so I wasn't able to short it and I just you know kept watching it.
It squeezed all the way up to 383 and then pulled back and closed at like 220. so it retraced s-- half the move and then guess what, after hours six point five million dollar public offering diluting the value of the stock to raise more money, its back into dollar 20. So this you know was sort of wild and I think kind of rained on the parade of long biased Momentum traders today just because that was so nasty. I mean this was a huge slap in the face to anyone who decide to hold it during that move and maybe was still holding it over the over the overnight.

so that was Apop. Guess what? Bio Sea also announces a secondary offering. 7.5 million shares down. What percents this down? Well, it was from $2 to $1 it's down 50% overnight.

I Mean this is what you see was with small cap stocks. They they love to do. these secondary offerings raise more money, dilutes the value of the stock. They take that money, try to reinvest it into the company.

You know sometimes it works and they're able to turn the company around, but a lot of times we just see them continue to go lower lower lower and it's just not good. So that was bad. And then MB ot third stock to post news after hours yesterday about offerings. So we had three momentum stocks from the week that just you know totally rolled over.

Someone's asking me on Twitter Do you think Biosea is worth buying at this price and the answer in my opinion is no and I don't know if he's asking cuz he's still holding it and he's like huh? should I average down but this thing has gone all the way back to where it was. you know, a month ago I mean it gave it all back and for me, these are just these are no good. I I Don't want to be holding anything like this. So so that was Bio.

C So when I'm looking at the Gap scanner, it's all remember in context in the context of we have three small caps that just totally tanked overnight, it's Friday We've had a good week already. Maybe this is not gonna be a great day. Gap Scan: It looks terrible so the bells about to ring and I've got nothing on watch. but I've got my high day a Momentum scanner right here.

So the first stock that hit the scanner EG A.m. hit the scan. as you can see here this one I did underestimate it. Ended up doing a gap and go and breaking the pre-market high of 950 and going all the way up to 1055.

So I was wrong on that one and I underestimated it, you know? and so I missed that opportunity. It's a little outside my go-to price range, so I'm not super I don't feel super FOMO that I missed it. but I did miss that move and you can see on the one minute it wasn't the absolute cleanest. So that one I missed.
Let's see the next one was pH iik pH Iik hits the scanners at 450 and 442 and I pressed shift 1 right away to jump in. The problem is when I logged in this morning I forgot to switch to my IRA account so I was still on my main account which is I'm able to access it but it's disabled because I use Sterling to trade my main account. So I press shift 1 and nothing happens and I'm like what is going on, why is the keyboard not responding what happened to my hockey's and I press shift 1 Again, nothing happens and then I realize I'm on the wrong account I switch over to my IRA account but by that point, well, you know it was already going without me. Pops up to 492 and I bought the 1-minute micro pullback.

so I jumped into this at let's see: 494 92, 498 of 498, 492, 10,000 shares Stepped up to the plate expecting an immediate break over $5 Daily Target was 534 the recent high back here on February 4th on Monday So and back of the mind, Target maybe the 200 moving average. It's a low float stock, it's on the scanner, it's moving up quickly and there was a wall at five big hidden sellers would not let it break that level and it dropped down here to 66. I Gave it a chance for the first one minute Campbell to make a new high and that didn't work and then I stopped out right there. so I lost 1,200 bucks on it I could have stopped out sooner but I I guess I Don't want to give it a second thinking, but it was a pretty good daily chart and it actually was the only thing that looked decent this morning.

so that was disappointing. Lost 1,200 bucks and was in the red on the day a Mrs was the second stock. I traded this one I traded to the short side in my main account short at 595 I'll back this up here just a little bit. So I shorted Mrs at 595 and that was right here.

It also had a big seller at 6 and I was like, you know what? this looks like the same thing as pH I okay, I'm short at 595 I've got shares available to borrow so I'm short at 595 it drops down to 587 I covered half of it at 589 pops back up I stopped out the rest as a break 6 it goes to 606 and then drops all the way back down to set. So it did a little false breakout, but at this moment you don't know that it's not gonna go to 610 620 and 650. You gotta follow rules I stopped out and I followed the rules so lost only 60 bucks there. and then the next stock to hit the scanner was Wor w RTC so that was right here at 450 it hits the scanner I pull it up I see that it's a recent IPO stock recent IPO Stocks have been strong this week, especially so as soon as I saw that and I saw that there were two headlines on it I didn't even read the headlines I just saw there was a headline here this morning and there was one on the 7th.
So I was like okay I like the look of this I jumped right in at 4:52 and I added at 479 going into the halt the halt was at 480. Okay so now I'm in this with an average of 455 I took good-size of 455 and then just added small-sized Going into the hall it goes up to resume zat five I sell at 98-96 it comes down, it drops down, it bounces back up and I sell the rest through here I even add back to my position still holding a small position I add back at 475 here and sell on the move back up to 490 but it couldn't get back up over five. so on this one you know I did okay. It got me back out of the red into the green.

$2,000 is my daily goal so I'm happy with that. It puts me up just about 46,000 dollars on the month of February and we're only six days in. So 46,000 dollars divided by six is seventy six hundred dollars per day. That's my average right now.

I have a goal of hitting a hundred thousand dollars this month now I've only had one other month and my career as a trader that I've made a hundred grand and it was January of last year. but this is one of the best starts I've had to a month in recent recent history making 46,000 dollars in the first week all of last month I made 55,000 So to make almost all of that in the first week, it's great. I right now have one, two, three, four five, six seven, eight nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen days left. Of course, remembering that we're gonna have a Presidents Day holiday.

So thirteen days left, let's see a hundred thousand dollars - - 46,000 is 54 divided by 13 is a $4,100 per day average. So if I can make $4,100 times 13, that'll give me 54,000 plus the 46,000 I've already got 100 grand. Can I do it? We'll see I mean I You know, optimistically that would be awesome. $100,000 a month needs to be a month where every single day is a good base, hit a good two, three thousand dollars, and where I have a couple of home runs I cannot have read days I cannot have big losses I need to be really consistent and I need a couple home runs.

So I'm 46 percent of the way there and it was thanks to really a couple of huge days 18 thousand last Friday 19,000 on Tuesday the rest of the days have been smaller, so you know, hey, another $20,000 a day will give me another 20 percent of my goal. Realistically, if I hit for $20,000 days this month, I'll have the hundred K goal most likely with everything else combined. but $20,000 days don't always come easily. So I don't know that I'll be able to hit two more of them.

but hey, we've got 13 days and I'm gonna be, you know, cautiously optimistic. and I really try to do the best I can and let this be a really strong month. So anyways, that's about it for me again. Reminder: Monday 7 P.m.

Eastern We're gonna host a free workshop. those are you guys watching this over the weekend? I Would love for you to register I'll give you guys all a free copy of my best-selling book how to Day trade that during the workshop. so make sure you register I want to see you there and let's yeah, hopefully get next week off to a really strong start! Alright I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll see you first thing on! Monday Live streaming 9:00 9:15 pre market analysis trading at 9:30 and then workshop at 7:00 p.m. Eastern All right, see you guys soon! if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.
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By Stock Chat

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18 thoughts on “6th green day in a row! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    Hi Ross, what is that indicator, the one that draws out support lines and resistance lines?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CapWalks1 says:

    Made $10,270 by noon on Friday.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nadine Thabit says:

    Hello Ross, is there any Platform that has Mobile APP or Website I can trade through it. Actually because of the time differences I will be at work in the Market opening time and I can't install the software of Lightspeed there. can you help in this ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Carroll says:

    You're such a legend Ross, for your trading prowess and how you really help your community!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Bill says:

    Hey Ross! Would you have some sort off sale on inner circle course upcoming January 2020 ? Because I’m financially getting ready to take the step and give it 100% of my energy and power to study and be ready to be above PDF too. This is will be my last chance of trying stock trading.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Burke says:

    no trades for me today, nothing good @ open and didn't see any really good moves by the time i had to get back to work, just one of those days i guess, hoping for a hot monday

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Sometimes you WIN and sometimes you LEARN. Today I learned. Red 140 on EGAN.

    Saw it pop up and pullback. Got it at 9.40 with a hard stop at 23. It hits 41 and swings to 23 in about a second. I didn’t pay attention to the spreads. Ross mentioned this in premarket video. Stopped me out before it went to 49.

    Then get back in after pullback with HOD at 49. Got in on break of 50 at 52. Tried to flatten order at 64 before it kept going into 80s. Filled at 55 for tiny winner. Finished red on the week.

    Truly believe that I have the right strategy and can execute it with the right platform.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RICH RICH says:

    Almost there Ross 100k

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BassGod says:

    Question about tracking trades: If I complete a trade (buy x amount and sell x amount) on a stock 10 times in a day, would you consider that to be one trade or 10 trades with regards to your metrics (P/L ratio, accuracy, etc.)? I'm using my own excel doc and I find myself trading a single stock multiple times taking small profits. As a result I have high accuracy and I don't want to have false confidence if you consider the end of day Net on a single ticker to be one trade. Thank you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Rogers says:

    funny hearing you say "looked for shares to short".

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Rhoads says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Rojas says:

    I want to be like Ross when I grow up!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fraser says:

    You can definitely do it!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thorad krupinski says:

    I was watch WRTC on a small chart waiting for it, saw it was going to break 4.50 so I punched an order in another level 2 with my three charts.. but I punched in 5.53 instead of 4.53 got rejected! Message was Aggressive order price!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calvin Jones says:

    Would you recommend going threw sure trader the way you did till somebody’s account gets to 25000 then moving on to a new platform so we can trade daily ??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Agris says:

    Started from the bottom now we here Starts playing

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CasHCreeW says:

    Made $5000 in the first half an hour. Which was above my daily goal. Decided to trade for another half an hour and gave it all back. Luckily I was able to make $2500 again but next time once the daily goal is reached I'm done. It was a close call.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernardo Alegría says:

    Ross fuck yeah, very green this week enjoy the weekend

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