In today’s episode, you’ll discover 6 powerful trading tools which will save you a ton of time.
So go watch it right now...
The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:

Hey hey: what's up my friends, so in today's episode i want to share with you six six trading tools that will save you a ton of time right. So that's what we want right time! Money! Freedom right! So let me give you some time back all right on your own uh on your own live in your own life. Okay, number one! You want to have a trading watch list, so what do i mean by this is that i see a mistake that many traders make is that you know whenever they want to trade they just open up their charts. Let me see what pattern i can recognize and let's trade it all right.

Let me open up the trading view, the mt4, the mt5, and see what familiar pattern i can find, and i trade it. No! No! No! That's! That's! That's! That's ridiculous! That's no way to trade, the markets and you're going to waste a lot of time scouring through the charts trying to find patterns that make sense to you trying to satisfy your itchy fingers right and lose money okay. So what you want to do is to have a watch list depending on the type of trader you are for me, i'm a swing trader position trader. I have my watch list done every weekend on uh saturday.

Actually it's a friday. Okay and this watch list is actually to prepare me for the week ahead. So i know right out of the 40 markets that i trade, which are the ones to focus on for the coming week, and the watch lists don't have to be complicated right. First and foremost, you have to ask yourself what type of strategy are you trading? Are you trading breakouts of support resistance, maybe you're trading a reversal at support resistance? Maybe you're trading trends trend continuation trades, whatever the case is right, first and foremost before you do your watch list, you have to know what you're looking for.

So let's say you are trading trend. Continuation straight. You are buying pullbacks in an uptrend selling rallies in a downtrend and very simple in your watch list. You want to scan through the markets every weekend and see which markets are already trending, because those markets which are already trending chances are, they might present you a trading opportunity for this coming week, because it's already in the trend, it's in a market condition that you Want to be trading make sense or how about another example.

Let's say you trade reversal that support resistance, then clearly the markets in your watch list should be those markets which are approaching near support resistance, because that's where it's going to trigger you, a potential trading setup, make sense. Have a watch list number one? It's going to save you a ton of time right because you won't be all over the place. You won't be trying to find meaning right out of the noise out. There number two get a position: size calculator, some of you, i believe most of you are trading effects here.

There are so many position size, calculator out there, just google it right. You don't have to manually calculate it in your head or your calculator whatsoever, but i'm a bit old school. So i still have this this calculator here from time to time. I use it, but again you don't have to be like me right.
You can use those free position, size calculator out there and determine how many shares to buy how many units of currency to buy. That saves you a lot of time as well. Number three set price alerts, all right, so i'm not sure which platform you're using, but if you're on trading view, i believe the free plan they allow you to put in like uh two price alerts for free. So let's say you know you want to buy it.

Support you can set a a price alert at support - let's say 100 on amazon right and if the price reaches that 100 price point that you're looking at it will send an alert to your email, sms or something along those lines, all right so use price alerts. So this way you don't have to be glued to the screen all the time without blinking at night i just did yeah so yeah set price alerts right. It makes your life much easier and you don't have to be. You know wasting so much time.

You know staring at the damn monitors all right, so that's that's very useful as well. Number four have a trading journal because you're starting right without a trading journal. How are you going to improve on your trade and, if you don't have a trading journal, you'll find that you waste a lot of time trying to remember uh? What phrase did i put on last week, man uh? What trades did i put on the last two weeks come on? I can't even remember what i eat for lunch yesterday. Do you think you can remember the trades that you put on last week? Don't don't kid yourself so have a trading journal, so you don't have to waste time trying to think what i did last week or last last week right in your trading journal again, nothing too complex right! You want to put down the important matrix like your entry.

Your stop loss your profit in terms of r, like, for example, you risk one dollar. You make five dollars, there's a five hour, profit uh. You also want to screenshot the the charts right, the the the charts right when you took on the trade. What does the entry point look like and the the chart right when the trade is over, what the exit look like? Okay, and also uh, when you do your trading journal, you want to record down the uh type of trading setup that you trade.

Is it a breakout, a reversal, etc? So all this is right when you accumulate over time when you review makes the process makes your life so much easier. Okay trading journal number five right: this is a powerful one scanner, especially those of you who trade stocks right. There are thousands of stocks out there in the u.s markets, asian markets, china markets, india, markets. How do you know make your life easier? So for those of you who trade us stocks all right, okay, uh, ting or swim.

It's a very powerful software. It's free! It makes your life easier. It helps you scan right. The different stock industries out there like russell thousand russell 2000 - russell 3000 smp 500.
If you want to look for stocks trading at 52 week highs, guess what thing or swim allows you to do that now. Of course it's not going to be as simple as you know, clicking a click there. You know you might have to write a bit of custom programming to do it to your to fit it to your needs, but it can be done and it's not rocket. Science.

All right, and if you're like me or you're in a programming idiot, you can always hire somebody right to help you with it. Okay, so use the the thing on swim platform. If you are, you know, if you want something, that's free. At least the platform is free, and if you trade stocks, u.s stocks, that platform is very powerful uh.

Another platform to mention right, if you want to scan, is a army broker. This is a paid version, but this one this time around army broker. You know, as long as you have the right data feed, you can scan the fx market stock markets uh almost whatever markets that you want, but it's more of the premium version and finally, the last thing right to make your trading life easier to help. You save tons of time is to use a backtesting platform, especially if your trading system, your trading strategy, can be quantified.

Oh, my goodness, back testing platform makes your life so much easier to quickly validate whether a trading system works or not. Okay again, if you can't program, get someone who can do it right, because once you have this tool in your hands, you can you know verify whether a strategy works right in like a minute or less. You know because when you click the back test button in 30 seconds right, it's going to give you the results over the last 10 20 years. Okay, so back testing platform, again a few to point out, you can use army broker, especially if you trade, a multi asset class.

Like you know, fx futures, or rather you, trade, a portfolio of markets. Like you know, 40 50 markets at once, army broker is powerful for that. If you trade, individual markets, you can look like you know: tradestation multi-charts. These are all uh paid tools right, but again they will save you a ton of time in the long run, especially if you want to get serious about this trading business all right.

So, as a recap, right, uh number one uh have a watch list right, save you a ton of time number two position: sizing calculator, number three set price alerts: number four: have a trading journal number five use a scanner army broker, think or swim for example, and Number six back testing platform like army broker, multicharts tradestations, et cetera, and if you like to learn more about this type of systematic trading approach that i recommend you to go down to my website right now, trading with, i got one guide called the essential guide To systems trading for non-programmers, so if you're interested to learn more about quantitative trading systems trading, but you can't program, then this guide is absolutely for. You i'll show you how to do it where to find people to help you with your programming work where they find a trading systems that work, how to test it validate it, and you know, reduce your learning curve right. All this and more on trading with Just go down to the website: the guide is over.
There click download, send it to your email for free, so with that's it. I wish you good luck and good trading i'll talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

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32 thoughts on “6 trading tools which will save you a ton of time”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Business Guide says:

    Keep posting interesting contents like this!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syd99 says:

    I love this guy, learned so much from him.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sigma six says:

    you really know the mindset of beginner traders… Lol…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luigi Simoncini says:

    Hi Rayner thanks for another great video. Unlike what you stated thinkorswim seems to only be free for Amertitrade customers, anyrhing I got wrong? Would like to try it. Thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heena Chauhan says:

    1. Create a watchlist – look for markets and stocks ready for trending.
    2. Get position size calculator.
    3. Use price alert systems.
    4. Have a trading journal to keep track of your past trades.
    5. Use stock scanner tools.
    6. Use back testing platforms.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LEARN MORE EARN MORE says:

    hello rayner pls share your trading journals its useful to us

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronal Barberian says:

    "Hey hey ma friends"😁…i like that line.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyron Pedlar says:

    This is Brilliant @Rayner Teo thank you very much for sharing your knowledge really appreciate it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claudio Libres says:

    Thanks for all the info.
    I am a beginner and still lacking knowledge in terms of trading and your channel gives clearer info than other channels i have checked.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khristine Tobito says:

    Hi Rayner, so impress with your knowledge, energy, youth and generosity teaching free these so very complex skills. I really appreciate your books, I am studying them and trying to understand very well this new information for day trading. Right now I feel a lot of interest for system trading, I think I can do it! Thanks Rayner!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nhafz Nap says:

    Sir @Rayner Teo, did you ever use Elliott Wave?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Price Action Channel says:

    Hey Rayner… I learnt everything about trading from your videos… There was a time when i dint know anything about price action… and now i am pretty confident about my trading just because of your training… You are the best trainer out there on youtube… God bless you brother

    One thing i want to request you is to make a video regarding Fibonacci Retracement tool… How to use it and some strategies using fibonacci retracement…

    One more thing i want to request is to make a dedicated video about majorly used indicators… Just educational video about indicatiors nothing else…

    I would appreciate if you educate us about those contents… Thank you brother and God Bless you…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Folajimi Fawehinmi says:

    Thank you very much Ryner. Does your book titled "Pull back stock trading system" work for forex pairs. I'll like to know. Thank you.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirandeep Choudhry says:

    Hi Rayner My head is stuck in motive and corrective waves. What is your view on Elliot waves. Do they work. Can you please make a video on Elliot waves.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaius Amoah says:

    Glued to your screen👀😆….thanks for the info Rayner

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yadla Vijaya krishna says:

    Bro, please make a vedio when to enter a stock on its earnings day. Intraday purpose only.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relaxing Tube says:

    please do a video for intra day traders..its still.cunfusing to draw support and resistance for intraday..there is too much minor levels thats y more difficult to enter a trade..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MegaLittleartist says:

    Guys do y’all think that trading can be like a long term job or something temporary ? (Sorry for my English)

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rishikesh Kulkarni says:


    I'm checking screeners for Indian stocks. Can anyone suggest helpful screeners?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Market killer says:

    I have a question please
    Should i email it or just ask here?
    Because the question is not about this lesson
    Am waiting for your reply @rayner teo😊

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amar Rajput says:

    hey hey raynor….please make video on when and how to book profit in intraday and long term buying or selling….

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VenGEance Gaming says:

    Rayner bro you are so specific about everything.. ❤️❤️ i hope i can follow your footsteps too

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KETAN BORA says:

    As always learning in your videos. Good work Rayner. Keep it up

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pacificcoast says:

    Anyone with itchy fingers should probably visit the doctor

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whatsgoingon123 says:

    “HEY HEY My Friends” amazing content as usual thank god i found you early into my trading career thank you !

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bulldog Woof says:

    Great videos, I use all these tips well in cryto trading ✌️

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sh Bk says:

    A talented trader like this guy making yotube video is clearly a sign. Youre better off making yotube than trading

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suvrat Dharmadhikari says:

    Do you have a guide for programer friends :)?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ankit s says:

    Hey Rayner,
    Please suggest some good scanner for Indian markets

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asogwa Chukwuebuka Solomon says:

    No matter how frustrated I am, not getting my target each day,I always come to your channel to learn more and the same time smile through the period of watching it..
    You are more than a teacher

    "You dont have to glue all day to the monitor" it sounds funny!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amit Singh says:

    How far back you set your charts when you analyze trends (6 months, 1 year, or 2 years)? for momentum swing/trend trading. Thanks!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kofi Sarpong says:

    Rayner is a whole mood😂..thanks Rayner..Powerful💯💯💯

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