Want to trade but struggle to find the time in your busy schedule? You still can! Tim Bohen has 5 tips on how to fit trading into your daily life. Whether you're busy with work, school, or family … there’s still time in the day to trade. Discover how now!
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There are ultimately two times of each day that are the most volatile. These time frames are the BEST to focus on. And you can choose which works best for your schedule.
Watch the video for more on that and find out Bohen’s recommendation for newer traders.
Also, having a great trading platform can give you a tremendous advantage. We may be biased, but check out StocksToTrade! There’s a trial link just above.
Did you know Bohen actually joined the StocksToTrade team because he loves and believes in the product? Tune in to hear about all his favorite features.
You’ll also learn about the rolling watchlist method. As a part-time trader, you want to focus on multi-day movers. This watchlist method can help you hone in on those.
Bohen explains all the pertinent deets in the video.
And his final tip is probably the most important. Tune into the video to learn what you MUST do if you really want to be a trader.
Drop a comment if you want to be or already are a part-time trader. How will you fit trading into your schedule?

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*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

Today, i'm going to be talking about the simple tips on how to trade, with a nine to five job right off the bat we're going to talk about time of day. I mean ultimately there's two times a day that are most volatile and that's that early morning trading and then it's the power hour that afternoon window that we talk about and a lot of people say power hour. So i think a lot of newer traders think that means like the last hour of the day, but traditionally the power hour is more that one to four window. So it's more of a of a window that we look to trade, particularly centered, around 2 p.m.

And you know check out the archive and talk about the significance of 2pm and why we care. But that being said pick a time of day and focus on that. Why do i say that there's different setups, okay, there's different techniques and setups to trade in the morning and there's different setups and techniques to trade in the afternoon and if you're busy, if you're at work, trying to work with both of those time frames, i think, Is too much okay and again you're busy? Maybe you get you know again, you got the job, maybe you got kids, maybe you're you got hobbies, maybe maybe you're taking night classes too. You got a lot going on so number.

One is pick a time frame. My preference for you is if you're new and you got that day. Job is afternoons. Okay, um, listen, a lot of wild volatility at the market open, but you got to be so laser focused and there's so much more going on.

This may sound counterintuitive, but the nice thing about afternoons is typically there's fewer setups and that's not a bad thing. Okay, because what you want to do to get profitable to grow, your account is: keep it simple, stupid, kiss and focus okay and listen. If you got 10 setups in the morning and you're trying to get a spreadsheet done for the boss, it's probably not going to end well, okay, the nice thing about the afternoon. You can run a lot of simple scans and you can spot that one or two setups, like an mu on end.

I mean this is a great example of an afternoon break. Look at when this broke the morning. Highs 12. 30 p.m.

Okay into the afternoon. Maybe things slow down at work, i mean a lot of jobs, i mean. Obviously this is east coast time centric to a certain state but um. You know a lot of jobs.

It's go, go, go especially office knowledge, worker jobs very busy in the afternoon, and then we all just kind of mail it in until the belt. You know until the you know the boss leaves and then we all you know, listen. I know you're, probably mailing in a lot of the time. You know i had employees but anyway, that being said, things tend to slow down in the afternoon and i think afternoon is the best and again fewer setups, easier to pick a good set up easier to not get shook out not get stopped out.

Um other than second thing, please, please, please, please get the trial the stocks to trade linked below okay again, if you're new to the channel, maybe you've never seen the platform i'm using, but i am telling you okay. Obviously it's a stocks to trading uh channel. Obviously, i am employed by stocks to trade, but the reason i joined stocks, the trade i was a - i was a full-time. You know self-employed trader for years i joined stocks to trade because i loved the product and i loved to teach - and i believed in the product and the scanners.
Oracle is a great tool. We got built-in scanners, we got customizable scanners, you can see. This is my current oil and gas scan oil and gas has been super hot we've got um high a day list, we've got momentum scans. We've got all these indicators, we have a community, we have communities built in okay, we have chat rooms built in.

We have breaking news built in there's a million features and way too much to go over for the sake of this video, but i am telling you if you're trying to trade part-time if you're, trying to master this, please get the trial check it out. You get access to a bunch, more videos that i do walking you through the platform and it's gon na exponentially improve your odds of success having the right tools. Okay, next thing is have a watch list and i use what's called the rolling watch list methodology again. I know on the channel there's a detailed video, but something that we focus on, especially for part-time traders.

Is these multi-day moves? Okay and here's the thing m-u-l-n again a great example of this. This stock ran on the february 25th. So, roughly two weeks ago, okay, two weeks in trading time, you know not counting weekends, but so 15 business days, okay, so it's basically three weeks ago, but so this thing had some news: some electric vehicle news and you can see - went from 50 cents to 220. Okay, but we kept it on our watch list because even when it pulled back, it was still at you know in the ones in the buck: 50, okay, still up to 100, 200 and hanging and hanging and hanging.

So if you keep those watch lists and then this morning it broke through that level from three weeks ago and you can see ripped higher 30 40 50 percent higher it's pulling back right now. But at one point it was 40 50 above that breakout level and if you're, using that rock watch, rolling watch list methodology and you're keeping these stocks on your radar, you'll catch them. Okay, you won't miss these things and multi-day runners. Okay, that one and done that's a chart pattern of a stock that spikes you know, and it runs okay, which is great.

If you can time it right. Timing is tough as a part-time trader. Timing is tough if you're at that day job. So those one-and-dones lots of times they stop you out, they trick you they fake you out, you get frustrated, you get aggravated what's great about multi-day moves is everyone looks for multi-day moves and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So listen no surprise when muln broke out this morning, great volume. Here we are still with a couple hours left in the day and it's currently trading uh 365 million shares on the day with two hours to go. That shows you volume, confirmation that shows you. The power of multi-day moves.
Um next thing is: have a plan: okay, i'm like uh, i'm lead trainer with stocks to trade tim bowen, but if you've watched the videos, you know you you, probably if you've missed my name. You're, probably like oh hey it's to have a trading plan guy, you know. I know i say it and i say it and i say it, but so many people, especially when you're busy you let that stop slip and you're like oh, you know i was gon na stop out here. But, oh, i got an email or i got a phone call, the boss, you know the boss says he needs something i'll, just let it be i'll.

You know i'll come back later, hey, maybe he'll get a twitter pump. Maybe they'll get a chat pump. Maybe they'll drop a press release. No, no quit making excuses, have a stop, have a goal and stick to it, and if that means your stop gets hit and your email notification goes off, you take that stop you move on and you live to trade another day.

Please goals stops contingency plans, for if the stock is sideways, i mean listen. If you bought the break on muln, what are you gon na do if it's 3 59 p.m, and this thing is still going sideways at 242.? Are you gon na gap? It are you gon na take small profits. Are you gon na add what what are you gon na do if the stock doesn't hit your goal, if it doesn't hit your stop, if it's just sideways, always think these things through and be a professional all right. Last thing to do is you know, get immersed get immersed in this um.

Listen, you got a day, job you're busy. Maybe you got a family you're busy. You got hobbies, you got a lot going on, but everybody's got the same 24 hours and understand that you can pack a lot in because of the technology. Listen, you can listen to podcasts on your commute.

Okay, you can listen to podcasts on the treadmill. You know, depending on your job, maybe you can. If it's just busy work, you can be watching videos in a separate window if you've got multi monitors so take take advantage of the hours you have when you get home at night. You get the kids to bed.

Maybe you got a couple hours read a book. Okay always be maximizing your time. This is difficult, it is. It is one of the most difficult things you may ever try to do.

That means you got to give 100 effort. Okay, i don't believe this 110 stuff. How do you give 110? How do you get over 100 but maximize that time? Listen get your sleep, get your eight hours! Okay, spend that family time, but if you've got commutes, if you got time on the treadmill, take care of your fitness. If you're going for walks, you know you've got time, you can squeeze that stuff in you're sitting at the doctor's office, pull out your trading related book and read while you're waiting, okay maximize your time, do do what others are willing unwilling to do now, so that You can get what the others won't get, and i know i butchered that quote, but it's so true.
If you're willing to front load the time front load the effort, they'll still be other people they're, like hey how'd, you learn how to trade. You know how did you do all this stuff because you were taking advantage of the time you have every single day, nights: weekends, early mornings? That's when i did it. Okay, when i started this back in 2007, i had little kids, i had a growing business. I had a lot going on.

You know what i did got up at 4. 35 in the morning every single morning, before the kids got up and before i had to get off off to the business, did i like it well actually kind of? Did i look back at those days? It was an exciting time learning this stuff, but anyway let when the alarm went off. Did i like it? No, but i put the time and effort to be here, 15 years later, so all right check out the steady trade team. You know it's a mentorship program twice a day, every single day, in-depth webinars, where i go over my 15 years of experience and give you this passion and the education to really master this, and i think it's the number one way to cut down that time and You can participate in the program with a nine to five job thanks to mobile and thanks to everything, archived all right check out the steady trade team and i'll see you next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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