In today’s episode, you’ll discover the top 5 things that 5% of winning traders do.
So go watch it now...
The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:

Hey hey: what's up my friends, so in today's episode right i want to share with you five things: five things that only five percent of winning traders do right. So this means that what i'm about to share with you right other stuff, that you know 95 of traders, just don't want to do right. So let me share with you what they are number one always be. A student of the markets.

Right trading is not like your degree where you study for two or three years you graduate bum needs the end. No trading is for life right as long as you're in this endeavor right. It's gon na be for life right. So take me, for example, right.

I started off trading with uh, pretty much price action trading actually before price, section trading, so indicators i dabble with it for a little bit, but i would say the first start into my trading careers, the main emphasis on price action trading. I studied stuff, like you know: candlestick patterns, support, resistance trend, lines, multiple time frame, analysis and stuff like that, and once i have gotten a firm uh grasp a firm foundation in price section trading right. I started wondering to myself: you know what were this. You know institutional traders doing how would hedge funds trading you know? Do they also adopt a price action trading approach? Then the more i started right, the more i realized.

The answer is: no. They they don't really adopt a price action trading approach, and i ask myself so what were they doing? So? This is where i came across right: the the world of trend following right. This is a multi-billion dollar hedge funds, applying a trend following approach in the futures market. So that's where i learned about trend following and the beauty of trend following is that you can adopt it right in a discretionary approach and a systematic approach.

So the the book that i encountered was a systematic approach to trend following i learned all about it, and then i asked myself. Systematic approach seems like an interesting way to trade, the markets. You know what other such trading strategies out there right that are, that can be traded in a systematic matter. So that's where i you know got into uh systems trading right, i studied you know mean reversion trading systems.

I studied you know momentum trading in the stock markets and and up to this date right, i am still continuously studying and learning more about trading right and the more i learned, the more i kind of earn right, because i can actually use my money and trade Right, multiple uncorrelated trading strategies, that's what we have actually discussed in the previous uh episode right and that you know helps me with my trading psychology that helps smooth out my returns over time and there's a lot of benefits to it. And it's all because right, i'm always a student of the markets right. I've been trading for, like you know more than 10 years now, but i still. I know that, there's a lot out there that i do not know.

For example, now my emphasis is on systems trading, but hey, who knows, i might you know, go back into uh. Other forms of trading maybe learn more about statistical. You know uh trading, seasonal tendencies and stuff, like that. There's a lot of stuff that i really do not know, and i want to learn more about it right.
So that's the first thing always be a student of the markets. Number two risk management, so i can dare say right that up to two days, i have never blown up a trading account that is because of proper risk management. This is a lesson that i learned way early right in my trading career. Now, that's not to say that i've never lost money in the markets.

No, i have lost money in the markets, that's not to say that i have never. You know, have an investment. You know go to zero. I have investment that went to zero right, but those are outside of trading nothing to do with my own trading and the reason why trading right is uh is that i've never blown the training account is because risk management proper position sizing - and this is simple stuff - Really is it's all just math right, you just apply the mathematical formula.

You'll know how much to risk, how much to buy, how much to sell and that's it risk management. So if you ask me, what's one of the key things that a new trader should should learn early in their trading career is to understand and practice risk management, because once you've mastered that you'll never blow up, another trading account again all right number three ignore opinions. So, ah so, with the rights of you know, technology, social media, globalization, right, there's so much news, there's so much opinions, there's so much noise in the markets. If you just go to any facebook group right or telegram channel, you can see people posting their analysis, their charts, their time frame, their their their signals or whatsoever.

Now, here's the thing right, i'm here to tell you that as a trader as a professional trader as an independent trader, you want to ignore all the noise, all the opinions, all the news, all the everything. Why is that reason is simple right, because your trading is very likely highly, probably highly probable, different from the guy who's sharing his analysis, someone might post a chat on, let's say, euro dollar five minutes time frame. There is a potential breakup, but how does that concern? You because you might be a trader who's on a daily time frame trading off uh, a different time frame with a different trading strategy. So if you were to follow someone on a different time frame with a different strategy with the different goals, then what's going to happen is that you will be inconsistent with your actions and that leads to inconsistent results.

So really ignore all the opinions you know ignore all the analysis ignore the news. It doesn't matter. What matters is you your goals, your trading plan, your trading system? That's all that matters, and you must follow them. That's it.
Everything else. Is noise number four leverage the work of others before you, because here's the thing right in trading - i know it can be uh sexy right. You know you'll be the one to find the holy grail right to find that that formula, the magic formula that you know speeds up money consistently over time. I've tried that approach didn't find success with it and what i found a much more easier path is to leverage the work of other traders before you so go and study.

Proven traders write their works right, you're, reading books, uh blog posts watching their videos starting webinars, going to ssrn. I think that's a like a a hub right where it stores all the academic research papers and study those materials. It can provide you with uh trading strategies that comes with. There are back test results that you can leverage for your own trading.

You can take the system, tweak it a little bit, make it yours right and test it and verify it and see whether you know it still works or not right, and how much of a difference are your own results compared to the ones that is being shared In the books in the videos or whatsoever so leverage the work of other traders before you, you can really shortcut your learning curve right. They kind of like give you already a template like a skeleton right there, for you, and all you need to do is just add the meat and the muscle and the skin add some hair and you pretty much have a human framework structure, a a proven, verifiable Or tradable structure that you can use right so leverage the work of others before you and finally, the last thing very important as a trader as even as a human being right, you must be able to think independently. You must be able right to stand away from the crowd and tell yourself the crowd is wrong and i am right. You must be able to do that, because you're sitting right in trading, no one will be there to spoon feed.

You know we will be there to. You know, do the back testing the forward testing for you, it's all on you. No one else will do it. I mean you can pay people to do it, but ultimately, it's all on you.

So one of the ways or one of the things that i see among traders, is that they are not willing to do the work. They ask me questions like hey rayner, which is the best moving average out there man, you know when i see such questions like it immediately tells me that this person doesn't want to think independently right. They do not want to ask himself right. Why is rainer using the 20 period moving average? All they want to know is which is the best moving average, and when you ask yourself such questions right, it kind of you know just ends the chain of learning right.

You don't get to learn anymore, because the questions that you ask are too superficial, so i want you to think independently. I want you to think deeper and some ways to do so is to ask yourself why why is raynor using the 20 period moving average? Don't ask what us why and when you ask why you will find answers right to your question like maybe why is renault using the 20 period moving average? Well, that could be because right, the market is in the strong up trend and the 20 period moving average serves as an area of value. That's why, or rather why is rainer setting his stop loss right above resistance 180 above resistance? Well, that could be because you know he he says that you know there's a good chance. The price would spike above resistance and then you know collapse lower, and if your stop-loss is just above resistance, you might get stopped out.
So ask yourself why right focus on the concept right so, for example, trading strategy? Why does this trading strategy work? Don't ask yourself what is the best settings for this training strategy, because that again, right just ends write your learning curve down there. Ask yourself: why why? Why why be independent right think independently? Really in your your your life right will just look entirely different right. You can be sure that you are the rare minority out there who can think on your own two feet and you don't have to be spoon-fed and that's powerful. Okay.

So, as a quick recap, number one always be a student of the markets. Your learning never ends number two practice proper risk management. Number three ignore opinions, ignore the news ignore all the noise out. There number four leverage the work of other traders, so you can reduce your learning curve and number five think independently right focus on the.

Why focus on the concept so with that said, i've come to the end of today's episode and i will talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “5 things only 5% of winning traders do”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max says:

    Great words of wisdom. You're a great teacher. I appreciate the lessons. They have helped out my trading skills

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam D says:

    rayner is 5,7 not 5,1 the chair speaks out fort itself

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Chan says:

    whats up bro thanks for the valuable content you provide pls keep it up! also can you provide the book you talked about regarding systematic approach to trend following? thank you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pentax Bajra says:

    in my country, it takes minimum 4 days to transfer shares. So, if you buy a stock and it goes to loss, there is nothing u can do for four days.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Osetakha Godwin says:

    Rayner you are too good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZEN LOUNGE says:

    Hey Hey Whatsup my Friend
    Im kinda used to it😅

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Smith says:

    How profitable is forex trading now?
    Is now the best time to open a position in the market.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ObservantMagic says:

    The like to dislike ratio blows me away

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lord William Graham says:

    Never stop learning from market. Think independently, ingore other opiniont, leverage the proven works

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BA G says:

    Ask "why, why, why, why". Great advice RT!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Daffaallah says:

    Came across your videos yesterday. Thanks so much for your insight!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Berhel Galila says:

    1. Always be a student of the markets
    2. Applying Risk Management
    3. Ignore the opinions of others
    4. Leverage the work of others
    5. Think independently

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chiranjeeb Thakuria says:

    Keep up the good work bro. I really learnt a lot from you.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NARAYAN JAYBHAYE says:

    this video very help us thank you so much

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chinpang says:

    Wts the book talking abt institutional trend following sys could you plz share ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Descrypto! says:

    You nailed it mate. It's quite hard for newbies to get to the point you're mentioning simply because it's a complex environment, and it requires a change in the mindset. Those who persist will see the truth you're talking about.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunny Chan says:

    Man you are truly professional!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farid Najmi says:

    Hey my friend, you look tired and under the weather. Hope you're taking care of yourself and may God bless your good work here. Haven't found another content creator as sincere as you. Once this COVID thing dies down, I'll make my way down to Singapore from KL and belanja you teh tarik ✌🏻

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NooB DJ says:

    Make a video on your lifestyle rayner🙏

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raul F. says:

    I love you man helped my trading career with the stock market I implemented your stragies and works!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Mcfarlane says:

    how to reverse and double in the same trade?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HARISH MALI says:

    Hey Brother, I please add English subtitles for us…..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adi hasbi says:

    hey hey wassup my friend
    thank you rayner. .

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TOURINSG says:

    which trading software you're using?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rohit Mishra says:

    What ROI Should I expect monthly in trading, and what you think is hefty ROI ??

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Niladrh Biswas says:

    Nice video .Sir are you from Philippines ? If not then from which country ? Love from India.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Palakkaran's Taste & Travel says:

    Very useful for stock market aspirants…

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m3dic51 says:

    I always find myself thinking “why did I do this, it’s the opposite of what Rayner taught me” God. This guy is a gem! Kudos!

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  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lemon Juice Studios 🍋 says:

    learned alot from you bro 🙂 Keep sharing your experiences

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Call me Yogi says:

    Nice tips i have a question
    How to be patience? Whenever i open charts i get scared and impatience.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KuchB says:

    I have all the qualities except risk management. Because of that even with 80% accuracy I have blown my account more than 12 times and lost a hefty amount. It's not that I don't know about risk management. It's just that I became addicted to trading

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ersin Güngör says:

    Thank you Rayner, I did like the “Why” part of the video. 💪

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