Move the needle in your business with powerful strategies!
I hope you’re enjoying this year’s Success Summit! For today’s episode of #ThrowbackThursday, I’m taking you back to last year’s Success Summit to cover an insightful keynote where I reveal powerful campaigns! Find two or three strategies that are right for your business and implement them so you can become a dominant listing force in your marketplace!
Take out your notebook and take notes - you won’t want to miss these strategies!
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Okay, so let me tell you, what's going to happen, we're going to go rapid fire you're going to see 20 whatever the number is different strategies you can implement in the next 24 hours to two weeks, you're gon na pull from the ones that are most meaningful To you all my coaching members, you're gon na end up with two or three and you're gon na operationalize, around them they're going to become the 2020 new extension of your business. So you can grow so you don't have to do all of them. Don't be wowed by everything find the two or three that are right for you that are right for your market that are right for your dna. Finding your tribe cool! Do i got a yes on that, then we're gon na take like a 15 minute working break where you're gon na go through the first two and a half days, ken all the notes from day, one all the notes from day two three quarters of the way Into day three and you're gon na try and synthesize that down to probably no more than 10 ideas, 10 big things steve they're, going to move the needle in your business, then after that we're going to spend 90 minutes.

Okay, look up here! How many of you! Besides me have at least one totally annoying belief that stops you, who has at least one raise your hands really high? Okay, so that only all of you so we're going to spend the last 75 minutes. 90 minutes at the most up until 5 30 and i'm going to walk you through an exercise that helps you extract the limiting belief and instill a new belief, planting a new seed and getting the out of your head who's up. For that say, aye you guys up for that say hi if you're up for that, i'm talking about how this kid went from, i'm not smart enough! I'm not good enough! I got kicked out of four high schools. I got a ged to saying how do i become a billionaire and take over the world? That's a bit of a transformation, and i didn't start a facebook.

You with me like even saying that out loud still at times, freaks me out, which means i need to do the work with you. Does that make sense like that shit's real? What you believe is your reality. It's how you show up and most of you look at your partner right now and say your head is a scary place to be. That is not an affirmation in case you were wondering yeah exactly all right.

So, let's jump in. Are you guys on the right page, all right? So first thing we asked all of our best clients. Where do all your listings come from here? Were the top 11 sources ready take a peek direct mail or direct from past clients database right working, their sphere, geographic farming, agent, agent referrals, expireds, open house, converting zillow, realtor trulia leeds for sale by owners, relocation just listed in solds and pay-per-click advertising so stop and Tell your neighbor right now of those 11, which are you currently not doing now by raise of hands? How many of you want to be a dominant listing force in your marketplace? Raise your hands really, i all right, so you ready get your notepad your ipad. However, you're gon na go we're gon na go one at a time.
No order of importance 21 different campaigns so number one. How many of you send out just sold cards say aye, stop it they're stupid how about? Instead, you send a case study of all the details. You did that created the sale so, instead of just another sold, it stacks the cool of your marketing expertise, the level of detail you pay attention to in your business that i would argue that i would argue, is a massive degree of separation. So take a look at this card from our great client robert mack, to highlight it instead of saying just sold 24 avalon.

How did we do it? How did we do it and then well, we did some prep and marketing for four weeks jay we did the miscellaneous repairs throughout the home. We painted the entire interior light and bright an off-white color. We replaced the older, worn carpet with brand new light beige interior design staged the home to show like a perfect model, home professional photography, custom, four-page flyer, direct mail, aggressive pricing strategy to maximize home exposure. Do me a favor just tell your buddy.

If that's what we would typically see in your just sold card, tell your tell everybody just big resounding yes. You're, like he missed like five things that i do then he goes on to say in the same card sold six offers in five days spring over 70 people through our open house, five thousand plus views on silo trulia,, redfin designated hot home over 35 private Showings in the first week, six offers received within three days sold for a record price in five days. That's a little better marketing. What do you guys think you're gon na sell houses and you're gon na send 300 500 800 250, whatever it is alex? I would argue what you send matters it matters.

He then goes on to say: a home is worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it. The wrong agent and the wrong strategy could cost you thousands of dollars, call robert mack your north park square expert. If you're interested in selling, while your home's on the market or you're still no hold on in selling, while the market is still in your favor, who you work with matters stolen from tim smith, tim is in the room. He sees that everybody loves.

It request. Your free home evaluation, no strings in text website, yada yada. By the way, robert mack you in the room, someplace robert. Where are you man currently not in the room? Let's talk about him all right, he's someplace.

I think he was just on a breakout. So, do you guys, like that you're gon na get a copy of that in all of my presentations inside of the app so tell your buddy? Are you gon na implement that yes or no yes or no? Yes or no? If you answer like this, yes, i know the kind of action you don't take, but if you're like yeah me man, i'm doing everything, i just sold two properties. While i was here, i'm implementing that all right, easy one yikes campaign tell your neighbor. How many buyers you have right now that you can't find a property for tell your buddy? How many buyers do you have right now you can't find a property for lots right.
The hair bro all right so check it out. Lisa doyle eileen rivera right, one of our long-standing masterminds uh where's dave. I just saw him a minute ago from los feliz right, the original yikes piece. Here's the key, though my friends when you're gon na send what many of us that have been around for a while called the magic buyer letter.

The key is you want to make it as personal as possible, you don't want it showing up in any company brand. Any company logo, because that's a marketing piece, might just go on the trash. So if i send it in a hand, dressed hand, stamped non-branded, right or smaller size envelope, that's going to get a significantly better open rate. Um many people would argue if you put a birthday cake or a wedding cake there and you have it, be a little cream covered and thicker you're really going to get everybody to open it, who's getting married.

What are we being invited to and then they open it up? Do neighbor, i'm representing a serious buyer, who's interested in your home and i'm sure, you've seen what's happened with market values, my clients financially qualified, but the key is ps. I've included some of my client reviews on my services, my sales track record from zillow, and you stack in five six, eight other pages of reviews and your map. So this thing paul becomes that thick you want it to be thick. Does that make sense now tell your buddy two things: have you ever done a yikes piece before and what's your plan going forward for your buyers, tell your buddy go okay! So come back to me, let's go to number three.

How many of you are on instagram raise your hands and say aye now i know some of you've been like. Oh my god, instagram it's been talked about so much this weekend. I went to this breakout in that bracket. It's overwhelming.

Let me show you some easy things that you can do that create engagement and can create clients who would like easy engagement and clients from instagram, say aye. So i'm going to show you one that a lot of our clients have been using since a year ago. This one's easy, but just reminder instagram, is a billion monthly. Active users, 80 of accounts follow a business on instagram.

That's a very important distinction for you that when you're contributing doing interesting things doing, food shows talking about the market. Whatever else you're gon na have a lot of people following you and by the way some of them will be 75 and some will be 15.. Do you care? I don't care. I've got tons of high school kids that follow me and you know what i see them as future coaching clients does that make sense we're going to revolutionize the realest industry with all these young people coming in, so we know it's there by the way, there's neo From last year, dancing with me so here's the first one, the easiest thing to do is go to your stories and create a poll, and in this case the poll is, are you living in your dream home? Now? Are you living in your dream home now? Talking about robert mack since he's not in the room, robert mack and i were playing golf one day, shady canyon, over in irvine, and i want to say we were the fifth or sixth hole and i said, have you done the instagram thing? Yet he goes.
No. I'm like dude, take one of your listings right now take the photo of it. Let's put it on instagram. Let's add the yes, no poll.

Are you living in a dream he's like i'm not gon na? Do it i'm not gon na. Do it i'll just get my my wife to do it? She handles all the marketing, so he calls her. She sets the whole thing up and instantaneously. He starts getting.

No! No! No! No, are you living in how many of you right now are living in your dream, home you're living in your dream home right now raise your hands 17 of you. How many of you are not living in your dream home? Raise your hands really high. Don't you think most clients would feel the same and there's nothing threatening about saying? Yes, no, then they get oops so the next one have you had any thoughts of selling your home in 2019 or 2020.? Now you can't do this every month it would become obnoxious, but to do it once or twice some you know a year or something like interest rates just dropped. Are you living in your dream home now? Have you thought about make buying an investment property as an example? Yes, no take advantage of timeliness in the market, don't just make it something that once a month you throw up there now that's an easy one.

By the way, you know on instagram every person that responds yes or no, you know who they are. How many of you know that? Okay, so you might want to write down when you do the poll you can get the list of every person that responded yes or no. Do you think that would be a valuable list to maybe send a private message to? What do you guys think now? Some of you will say, but tom i have like 43 people following me and you know the numbers might show that only 10 would respond. So if 10 percent four people and three said no and one person said yes, the only thing it would say on that bar is 75 said: i'm not living in my dream home and 25 said.

Yes, they don't see the number, then they click to the next one is the seminar over sam was it something i said? Oh there we go they're back they're like just let's screw with them. Thanks owen, it doesn't matter if it's difficult technical difficulties. Yeah. Thank you.

That was a good face, so check this out. The four people that responded to you, you see the three that said. No, you see the one that said. Yes, you sent him a private message, a dm, a direct message inside of instagram, so glad you're living in your dream home.
I'm not shocked. I sold it to you four months ago. If you would have said no, i would have been pissed and they're like. Oh, i love you thanks so much tom and the other three you're like hey, i sold you that house four years ago.

What's changed? What's changed, what's happened, oh and how many of you are seeing how we went from email, 91, open rate down to like 20.? We saw text messages, you'd, send a text and like hey man, what are you guys doing? Two seconds later: hey we're doing this, okay cool! You want to meet here, yeah, okay, let's go now. I send my wife a text message and like three hours later, she texts me back text has already become my friend, i'm not saying it's done, but it's lost the sense of urgency. How many of you get what i'm talking about say aye, so we keep texting and my wife is a good human being. It's not like she's trying to diss me right and i'm guilty of it as well right that it used to be got ta respond.

Now now i look at my phone and i've got 273 that i need to respond to it's kind of become like email, but i get inside dm, like direct messaging in twitter or in instagram or in facebook, and we're right back to that real time. Super fast conversation, so just pay attention to the trends, got it guys all right. Let me show you another one. This is a game changer, you want to generate more business.

You want to reach more people, you want to touch more people. I've been doing this since i want to say october november of last year it was actually the first time i did it. I was sitting with jay abraham and i said jay you want to see something really cool, let's, let's test something he's like great and my very first one. We were sitting at shady canyon having lunch, and i said i'm sitting with jay abraham 22 billion dollars in marketing sales got a question go and all of a sudden within a matter of an hour, 75 questions.

How do i do this? What do you recommend here? What would you do if you're in this situation, if your marketing budget was that - and i literally turned to jay and said - is the first time i've ever done this? If i can figure out a way, i'm gon na do this every day for the rest of my life. Now i've now answered well over 3 000 questions. Do you have any idea how much insight i learned from that? What do you guys think now? Some of you are like, oh god, that's a lot of people you're responding to, or you might say what, if only like three people asked me a question: how long does it take to talk to three people? Did i have to set up 20 signs and do an open house to do it? You got three people that you could say you got any questions about housing, home prices. Investing in real estate got any questions about how the stock market's recent adjustment could impact home values.

Were you aware that easy knock knock open door zillow and everybody else wants to buy a third of all properties on the market? What's your opinion on that and you engage people in conversation, there's not a direct ask here. I'm just answering questions, and now i know who i need to go deeper with. Does that make sense? Okay, so do me a favor pinky promise, your buddy right now, pinky promise. Before i even tell you just pinky promise.
Look, oh! You got like a threesome here. This is good. You know. If you just would have started that way.

You guys would have all been fine, ready, pinky promise your buddy and say i promise to do this tonight. So what does that mean? All you do is go on instagram you can on pinky the yes simon says. Now let go my friends i cannot emphasize enough. I want to talk to people all day long.

I want to find out who's interested. Who can i help what's going on okay, would it shock you to hear that in the last year i also have had a few bad days. Would that shock you to hear and i won't go into the bloody details, but i've had some life situations occur that threw a wrench at myself, my wife, my kids, and you want to know what my savior was. Besides a little prayer and meditation and working out twice a day and trying to get my energy right, instagram, q and a's, because i just sit there and get out of my head and pour myself into helping other people.

What's the number one rule to be happy help other people right and my wife would be like you answer a lot of those questions and i'm like yeah, because it gets me out of me and into contr. You know contribution to helping others. So do me a favor turn to your body and say you pinky promised you have to do that. Okay, how many of you would like to know people in your database that would like to buy investment properties? Who would like to know those who those people are raise your hands really high? So why not do this? Here's coach, ken tripp, is it time for you to learn how to invest in real estate and by the time i got to his story kyle.

It was at a hundred percent. Yes, a hundred percent. Yes, think about that, i'm going to show you some numbers for those of us in the u.s market. If a client bought a house in 2009, 10 or 11 in most cases, the amount of appreciation they have had is so enormous that i would be posting that i'd be writing to him about it.

I'd be talking to him about it and ken's experience. It blew up he instantly identified, who investors were and now he can have that conversation they're self-identifying, that's good marketing. So let's go to the next one. How many of you know the company called remind say? I, if you know remind me so i am an investor and i'm an advisor - i think the world of leo the ceo so leo and i sit down the very first time this is three years ago right.

He says to me like steve, take a look at this. I said: what do you guys do? He said we believe fundamentally, the mls does not give agents enough information or enough business intelligence to make good marketing decisions, so we created software. That brings in a thousand other data points mixed with the mls, and then you can run queries to figure out what you want. So let me give you guys just two of about 50, that he showed me.
Here's the first one absentee owners in or out of your state absentee owners in or out of your state, meaning they live there or they don't. He said you know tom. You can run a query. That literally shows you see all the yellow ones.

Here's all the absentee owners in your area and then you can convert all of their mailing addresses the owner, not the house, the owner, all of their mailing addresses, so you can mail or call now. I know other services provide this, but this is a no-brainer. I was just having lunch joe hanhower, steve azonian, and we were talking about a new company and i can't say it yet, but one that we're all kind of bullish on investing in chris i'll tell you about it. You're going to dig this, and what we were talking about was that, right now in the u.s who's in who's from america raise your hands really high.

You might want to write this down that for the first time ever, there are more individual owners of a hundred units like a hundred doors right now in the u.s. There are more people that own a hundred units than there are institutional investors, so the amount of wealth that has been created, but here's the other thing larry. We need to think about it's how many of those properties have been acquired. Some would argue right now that we're missing about two and a half million properties in the first time by our market and guess how many of these properties are currently owned by those two groups about two and a half million five years ago.

I said you, one of the biggest trends is going to be brian, we're going to go after these big dogs, because they're going to start selling these things off after five years. We just had a conversation about it, even at a six percent return because it used to be 13 if i was getting a six percent dividend return on owning 500 600 800 of these units as a reit, any investor in their right mind is going to take That money, which means they're not going to sell them on the flip side, how many duplexes, fourplexes and triplexes are there in the u.s? Do you know right andy, dane carter, who saw andy dan carter's uh his conversation with you guys a whole bunch of you? I don't want to miss. Was it how many was like 2 million or 2 and a half million do 10 million? Thank you andy. I know it's gon na screw up.

That number so write this in your notes. How many two three and four unit buildings are in my town? How many two three four unit buildings are in my town is my client dan blackwell in the room anywhere. I liked my personal client. I got you that very special seat you're welcome dan earlier i was talking about this guy.
Everybody say hello, dan right, that's dan blackwell number, one in orange county and probably i don't know i have to get the exact number in the u.s for selling 10 to 20 unit buildings for cbrr's, a commercial real estate broker personal client of mine taking over the World dan's not going to want to go market. Two three four unit buildings he's going after 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 100 unit buildings. Nobody is going after the two three fours nobody's going after it and guess who they're owned by your parents. My parents me we bought these things two years ago, five years ago, 30 years ago, and we've been sitting on them forever.

Do me a favor, look your buddy right in the eye and say and you're not marketing to him. At a certain point, my mother inside the room said to herself. I don't want toilets and tenants and all that bs and on a like on a whim, she sold all of her units and started buying shopping centers. Are you gon na go find those people? Yes or yes? Okay, let's look at the next one by the way, that's a letter that you should send them.

Hi, mrs ferry, i noticed you own several properties here in southern california. Congratulations! I work with several families and investors looking to help or you know, helping them acquire properties and do trades. I'm sure you receive hundreds of these a month. They get none.

I'm sure you receive hundred diseases a month to show you i'm serious about creating value. For your my clients, i've included a cma on each of the property's current values. Take a peek. If there's something i can help you with, etc, etc.

I would argue right now guys. The next great wave like expireds has been our database has been is right. There do me a favor turn to your neighbor and say: don't do it. I got it covered all right now, this one, if you're not paying attention watch this guys.

I call leo, and i say what do you think right now is the like. I know i want to talk about absentee owners, but if there's just one of the 50 things that you guys do, what would be the most important thing? We should teach all of our clients. He said tom look at properties that have been owned for 40 plus years. That are two stories with no mortgage.

Generally speaking. How old might those homeowners be right? 75, 80 - probably not 14. they've owned it for 40 years 45 years and all of a sudden, you see every property in your area. That's two-story property, you with me own for 40 plus years and no mortgage.

What would you do? Convert them to a separate farm? Direct mail focused on when it's time to sell or downsizing strategies and then even consider a seminar for them called seven mistakes to avoid when downsizing. So do me a favor turn your buddy in and just give him a yeah or eh just tell everybody. I don't care, tell everybody, give them the visual, yay or nay do the visual. I don't care, i'm only at like six.
I got a few more to go. Let's go agent age and referrals. All my coaching clients say yo. I hear all the time.

Oh i'm paid for coaching in like five years, just the referral business back and forth from each other. So we know you build your list. You share your monthly tips. You visit them one time a year and those become another source of listing opportunity.

All the time. Easy one now take a look at this one. I just went to zillow and i said: okay show me home values from basically 2010 to yesterday. That's what the chart looks like now.

Should you do a localized chart, one thousand percent? Yes, should you consider treasure doing both charts, here's, the national number, here's our number and i would argue past clients who bought a home from you between 2010 and 2016 have done really well for themselves. What do you guys think right now again, market by market j price point by price point in the city could be different, be strategic, pay attention, eileen rivera and i amazing coach, brilliant marketeer. She said tom. All we have to do is call them and say: hey.

You were smart enough to buy in 2010. Now the question is: are you smart enough to pull some money out and buy an investment property or is it time to trade up or trade down and take advantage of the equity? That's a no-brainer right or wrong guys and i think that's better. In a direct mail piece in a bomb bomb, video than just a phone call, because the visual is going to demonstrate, what's happened in the market, but wait there's more steve harney by the way. Who knows who steve harney is say i you know he's here because he loves my wife and they're hanging out and steve has lost 50 pounds 50 pounds.

Yes, the other day he was on a health panel for my wife and they were talking about the changes, but has anybody watched the stock market in the last 72 hours? So i i text steve and i said i know you're talking about leaving on friday. Could you stay until after lunch and do a quick, 20 minute five to ten slides? How do we address our clients with the stock market in the u.s right now you guys up for that. Okay, that's gon na be tomorrow right after lunch, 15. 20 minutes.

All the slides, so i'm giving you one of those slides now that he gave me two months ago. This slide from nerdwallet past clients, who bought from you from 2010 to 2016., send them all a cma show them the trends and include this more than two and five of those planning to sell in the next 18 months, say: recent shifts in the housing market have Them selling sooner than initially planned, 44 percent. You know what the expectation is a wave of sellers if you're the knowledge broker. If you love your customers, sending them this kind of information, if it's something they're thinking about is the right move.

Tell your buddy you're going to do something with this: yes or no yes, or no: hey uh, robert mack! Okay, let's go back to the very beginning! Dude i've been talking about you for the last. Like 15-20 minutes, you cool you good! You you're get out of here go shut up sit. I want to talk about you all right. Let's go all right.
You ready so you're gon na tell your buddy you're gon na. Do it yes or no? Okay, here's the easiest one! You can do it tonight! Email, your entire database, one of two questions. One of two questions: are you planning to say your home in 2019? 2020? That's it that's the subject line, don't send anything else, don't tell them any stories, but if you want include, this include that you could just google nerd wallet article on 44 of future sellers planning to do it early. Take that article attach it and email it to your entire database.

You could even say even if you're, not thinking about selling, read this you with me, even if you're, not thinking about selling, read this, you guys got it. Okay, tell your buddy. If you're going to do it, yes or no, yes or no, yes or no all right, you guys want to have some fun. I feel like i haven't, talked about video in 38 minutes.

You guys do know. I want you to do videos right. Do you guys get the memo? I sent you a fax, so check this out a year ago, ish talking with a buddy who's kind of hip with all this stuff. We start talking about the next evolution of online advertising and what we know is google is still controlling four out of five searches for everything real estate, and we also know that google owns a little company called youtube.

So if somebody types in homes for sales in sarnia or duplexes for sale in sarnia or whatever that keyword search is a week later, they could be on youtube and we could target any search to show them an ad on youtube. That's pretty badass right or wrong! Guys so i want to show you guys, a few videos from one of our great clients, sean ryan, so you're, going to target interested prospects on google through youtube, bumper ads to people who have recently searched for properties in your area. So, let's take a look because they're only like five to six seconds long, here's the first! I only have six seconds to tell you why you should stop renting and buy a home, so click here so who do you think's gon na get that ad? Anyone? That's looking for rental properties in sarnia is gon na see that ad. Does that make sense, here's another one hi sarnia lampton.

Are you interested in the local real estate market? Maybe thinking about buying or selling subscribe to our youtube channel today, just an easy one to say, subscribe right, click, the link find out more here's the last one. Do your kids still live with your mom and dad get them started on buying a home click? Here i love that one. I would argue that should just be on anything that has the search term. Grandparents, okay, so do me a favor? How many of you remember? Okay, all my elite clients for a second four years ago, we're in palm desert, and i have gary vaynerchuk spitting fire for 45 minutes or an hour, and then he did a bunch of q.
A and david from new york city says i got a question. You got a hundred grand what company would you invest in and he goes netflix and i watched about 1100 of our clients paul in equal thirds. Go like this. A third went netflix.

Oh, i hate that company. A third went. That's a really good idea. I'm gon na highlight it.

I'm gon na put a heart next to it. I'm gon na put a little thing here and never do anything, and a third, including me backstage start texting their broker. Calling - and i literally like this - i'm like keith, hey tom, how much cash out of my account put it on netflix he's like well. We just put that on a no-go.

I was like yeah, i don't care put it on netflix. Now. Tell me as your as your financial advisor, i'm letting you know that here, but i'm like i'm, actually calling somebody that's funny. Sorry, i didn't butt dial you i ear dialed, you and literally after i basically said to him.

Look man! If you don't do it, i'm just gon na fire, you so it's like. Do you understand? I got ta go get on stage so like do it right now, he's like begrudgingly, okay stock was at 375.. Six months later it was at 700. 700.

Then it split. Seven ways, and now it went back to 375. - was that a good move? What do you guys think? Okay? Do me a favor metaphorically, look at your buddy and say by netflix say it now. Am i telling you to actually buy netflix, or am i telling you you might want to start running bumper ads today? So, in 18 months, when the prices go through the roof, because everyone is doing it, you were the early arbitrage at pennies on the dollar to attract all those customers.

You can wait, i'm sure it's been really good for your business to watch trends hit everyone make a fortune, and then you jump in i'm sure that strategy has been really effective for you. Do me a favor turn to your buddy and say he's talking to you right now: okay, the next one. Do me a favor look at your buddy and say i love expired listings, so you probably saw who was here yesterday for the battle of the belt for expired listings, who saw that was that hysterical and powerful by the way, timmy smith, my personal client said: if You guys do that again next year, i'll put up 10 000 bucks for the winner. That was pretty cool, but then he said do it again for listing presentation closes and i'll put up another 10 grand.

You want to know why he's like i'd spend 20 grand to get all the best clothes to kill it in business. You guys think that's crazy. I thought it was brilliant. Now watch this carolyn young.

Some of you saw her speak this morning in my breakout. This beautiful, you know, 27 year 28 year, veteran in real estate, had always done her business. The same way spring had only learned one way of doing it, generating referrals and if you know her story with her children as a single mom, she was able to get her kids through private school. She was able to get her business to like four or five hundred thousand dollars a year and she did it for like 12 straight years in a row, but what she could never do is go beyond it.
So she signs up for a tom ferry seminar, she's sitting in the room, robert and there she is and all of a sudden. You know you know bruce lee right. You know bill pipes, doing sales, hedge there's a panel and some guy goes. I just call expireds every day.

This is how i do it. I say this this this here's my schedule and she went like this cost me, no money, big addressable market. I can do it tomorrow. I know how to do this now.

The first year she will say i went on like this. Many appointments got this many listings made this many sales and it wasn't month it was like. Was it like an extra five hundred thousand dollars in income? So it wasn't a lot. I mean you go from like 450 to a million i mean the taxes.

She's got ta pay now that sucks well she's in real estate. None of you pay your taxes right. So it's okay, we're gon na talk about money tomorrow, i'll save that one. So i textured two weeks ago - and i said, can you give me an update she's like well so far in 2019, i've been on a 112 expired appointments.

Only this is not including all of her other sources of business, just 112 from expireds listed97 sold 61. But today, on stage she said i'm at 65 now because that's two weeks old she's had 65 sales from one source of business and we're on august 14th or wherever we're at okay. Do me a favor turn to your buddy and say those people need you. Please get over yourself and help them tell your buddy.

You have not said hi to me once all right. You ready check this one out. How many of you have a property. You really want to list, they engaged with you or not, and they just won't return.

Your phone call, who has at least one of those say i i would argue, sending them one of those little video brochures and doing something like this could be the tipping point that gets you the business. Let's watch another video ready, hi, i'm tom ferry with banana real estate, thanks for taking the time to open up that brochure and watching this quick video. My team and i specialize in marketing properties utilizing the power of video and the most important seo strategies to get your property in front of the highest number of qualified buyers that are interested in seeing your home in today's competitive, real estate environment. The agent you choose absolutely matters if your desire is to sell your property quickly at the highest possible price with the least amount of stress, and what we know is video is the way so, if you've had any thoughts of selling, simply call me today at 949-867-5309.
That's 949-867-5309 or visit my website at to read more than 275 five-star reviews from raving fan customers. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you bam. First of all, my numbers: eight six, seven, five yeah! Thank you! Okay! All right! Let's keep going easy! One, nearly two-thirds of all your online leads need to sell before they buy the next one. 33 are first-time buyers, two percent are investors and 65 have to sell a home before they buy the next one.

Tell your buddy. How, well are you doing converting online leads not into the buyer sale but into the listing sold. Tell your buddy real fast go. Come back to me, come back to me all right, who's ready for the absolute one.

You have to do say aye. This is the one you have to do say to your buddy. You have to do this here. It is geographic farming listing domination campaign for my geo farmers in the house pay attention, look for the subtleties that you might be missing for everyone, that's starting a new one.

Here is the plan number one, take your entire database upload it into google maps. So you get a sense of where you have influence. Where do you have influence where on the island have you sold the most properties? Does that make sense? I would even argue your sweet, your sphere of influence. Where are they? What, if all your sales are here on the island, but all of your friends live here, you might be missing an opportunity.

Does that make sense, so we want to make sure we're paying attention to where we have influence and a track record. The second one, obviously where's, the annual turnover higher than six percent. Don't go fishing where there are no fish makes sense, but i love this neighborhood, but the one sale a year probably isn't worth it number three: how many homes can you effectively manage hundred five hundred? A thousand ten thousand josh rubin. 88.

000. My client jay, 88. 000. What's your budget, is it sweat, equity at this point, knocking on doors, delivering flyers? Taking your kid throwing me in the bucket knocking another door.

Doing your thing: that's, okay, or is it check equity? Direct mail, facebook overlay advertising geo targeting all these other cool things that we would spend money on, and then it's all about planting seeds cultivating nurturing and harvesting. You don't send your first piece and get a come list me call it's chinese water torture. Here i am here i am here, i am here i am, and then they go. Oh it's you makes sense now obviously easy little example of the map.

Ideal monthly marketing write this down. Obviously you want to do coming soon and your case study of solds. So, every month a coming soon piece every time you got a new listing, even if it's a pocket listing you could say pocket listing and describe it, but maybe not give the address. Obviously you could do your case study sold.
You should be doing open house invitations. They should be getting something from you all the time, so they always know you are open for business and doing deals, market updates. Every month. Here's what's going on here's what's happening and again reviews case studies, the version we would call just solves.

More importantly, take a look at this. I would argue that these are the 10 things you need to be focusing on inside of your farm 10 different things. Obviously number one we're going to do. Direct mail three pieces a month for four months then go to two pieces a month until you or they die in case you were wondering what that meant.

So when you're starting a new farm three pieces a month for four months and then william everybody knows, then you can go to two pieces a month. Raise your hand if you've ever started a farm and then stopped raise your hands really high. I'm not shocked. It was either you picked the wrong farm, you you forgot about influence and turnover.

Where do i have influence? Where is their turnover or you thought mailing 11 pieces in one year would work 11 pieces in a year? Don't work unless you send it like 11. In a row week after week, it's about continuity, remember remember day one frequency familiarity, that's where relevancy authenticity and then trust is earned. So you have to apply the same strategy. Then go back to the list.

Door, knocking in door drops mega open houses, facebook, zilla, realtor, trulia zillow, make me moves. Videos on the community expires old and new fsbos community functions and non-owner occupieds stop for a minute and tell your buddy, where you may have missed the mark on your geographic farm. Tell your buddy: where might you have missed the mark?.

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7 thoughts on “5 powerful campaigns to dominate your market | #tbt”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earning Attorney says:

    2nd method sounds disingenuous. Not the kind of impression I want to leave

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yolande Barradas says:

    Thank you!!
    Amazing info and content!!
    Yolande from South Africa

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dianne Paquette says:

    Tom, I know you talked about Remine I love Remine, I noticed that EVERY SINGLE property on Remine was listed as Absentee YES? It was discovered that the address has no space between the town and the state (example DerryNH instead of Derry NH) so Remine thinks the address doesn't match the property and says its absentee, I called Remine they said I discovered a programming glich, since you are an investor maybe you can get them to fix it? As of today the error is still there. Loved the 2020 Summit by the way!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Marie Schieler says:

    What in the world is a pocket listing?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Moore- Realtor- eXp Realty LLC says:

    Always great content Tom. Summit has been awesome. Looking forward to day 3!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Higgins says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Goldstein says:


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