Do you feel you’re in the right path? 
In today’s episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, David Meltzer and I talk about 5 Powerful Steps to Become the Best Version of Yourself.
David Melzter is the co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency. 
In our conversation, David and I went through step-by-step and really dissected these helpful routines so you can choose two or three to fit your life and get you on the right track. 
These powerful steps include your schedule, various elements you might not consider that seriously change your life, and proven methods to achieve success.
As always, I took so many notes and I encourage you to write down something that resonates with what you need now. See which steps work best for your life and grow from there.
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey so welcome back to the podcast uh. Today, i've got david meltzer, co-founder of sports 1 marketing, a global sports and entertainment marketing agency that leverages over 20 billion dollars in relationship capital and over 38 years of business experience. That brings athletes, celebrities and businesses together and here's the hook and the reason why i've got them on the show to make a lot of money and help a lot of people and have a lot of fun david. The first time i read that i was like i have to know this guy, because that is so that just so resonates with me.

So so, david first of all, for the people that don't know who you are - and i know you've been very well exposed for books and audio programs and your your contribution. If you will to the world for the person that is listening right now, they don't know who you are. Who is david meltzer? You know i am someone who i think represents a blend of two different currencies uh and it's a blend of one, the currency of money, as i start off by saying, make a lot of money: uh, money's, a currency, it's an object of energy. We put into the flow to get what we want in this pragmatic world and then the currency of faith uh in a non-religious aspect of faith uh which, later on in life, took a major role because my whole life has been about my relationship to money.

I grew up with a single mom and six kids in akron ohio and the only time i wasn't happy was always about money, and so in my mind, money was the thing that bought happiness or love, because i had a mom who made me happy and loved Me i had these incredible five siblings. That made me happy and a huge family, and i just didn't have money. So i grew up in a scarce world of not enough where you know why? Don't i have a house, you know, i have a two bedroom apartment with six kids. Why don't? I have a nice car? I have a country squire station wagon.

Why can't we afford sometimes dinner like? Why are we packing our dinners in a paper bag and my mom working two jobs, and why is she crying because the car broke down and so my whole life? I you know my mom was all academics right, second grade teacher yeah, hard worker and she literally didn't think the fetus was fully developed till after graduate school, her favorite saying literally doctor lawyer or failure. I would say, like some entrepreneurial, be asked to her about being a you know, millionaire and she'd say david you're gon na be a doctor, a lawyer or failure. Just stop write, study, shut up and read and my siblings listen to her. I literally wanted to be rich, but i blended even that to satisfy my mom.

I joke around people, ask how my siblings are so successful. They all went to the ivy leagues all summer, commodity genius, like academic freaks, right yeah, harvard penn columbia, and my people ask how's your mom do that with no money as a single mom, i said simple she's, a black belt in the martial arts and they're. Like really, she kicked your butt, i'm like no, no, no, no third degree martial art of jewish guilt, uh, nobody can and she's still i'm 52 years old can kill me, and i try to pick up my mom's, my parenting mentor. So i've learned wake your kids up at 5, 00 a.m and guilt them wherever you can and they will be hyper successful um anyway, so that journey and blend is is who i am and just to give you a little background on what i did.
I focused it on being a millionaire. I went to law school to be a millionaire. I reverse engineered the law school. I went to to find the highest paying job out of law school, which is oil and gas litigator.

So i went to tulane, but when i got out law school i made a crucial change in my life. I always you know, please my mom. I took a job selling selling legal research in 1992.. The internet was not the same as it is today by the way, i'm old it was very, very slow and very very black and white or green and white.

It was weird, but i went against my mom. I literally have a saying you know just because somebody loves you doesn't mean they give you good advice, because my mom told me the internet was a fad that i was going to be a failure that how dare i not be a real lawyer. I actually took the bar to make my mom happy to mitigate the risk when i was gon na fail in the internet, but nine months out of law school. I was a millionaire everything from the time i left law school until two years before i lost everything which was 2006..

I lost everything over 100 million dollars in 2008. Everything just reaffirmed money by his love and happiness. Every single thing in my life, who i got engaged to why i broke up with her, where i, where i my first job, went to the silicon valley i made more and more. You know i became the ceo of the world's first smartphone when i was 30 years old.

I married my dream girl who hated me when i was a little kid and all of a sudden love me. Everything reaffirmed that money really bought love and happiness um, and i ended up being the ceo of the world's most famous sports agency right down the street from you, lee steinberg sports in entertainment. They made the movie jerry maguire about lee. I was surrounded by the biggest celebrities athletes entertainers, i went to the biggest events and award shows always anywhere with great access, but i always had a charitable purpose.

The interesting thing in my money relationship was, i believe, the more that you gave the more you got and that's a dangerous thought and i know a lot of people like no. No, that's what i believe and that's good to be philanthropic, but i went through a transformation with that idea that it's not the more you give to receive. It's really the more you receive, so you can't give, and i shifted that focus in 2006. uh.

I started that, as you said, i left lee steinberg. He had a disease called alcoholism, he's overcome that now just had signed the biggest contract with patrick mahomes, i'm so proud of him, but warren moon and i we spun off our company to make money, help. People and have fun everything has a charitable purpose or cause in the last three years i built my own brand, as you suggested. I speak around the world, i'm an executive coach.
I do a lot of philanthropic things as well, a ton of content uh. You know books, uh tv, i've, uh podcasts, which i want you on called the playbook uh a tv show called elevator pitch, i'm launching a new one, a two-minute drill, uh. So there's a variety of things that i do, but everything believe it or not. Tom now in my life is i'm on a mission.

I want a thousand people like tom perry, to empower a thousand people to empower a thousand people to be happy and happiness is something that i can teach it's something that mindset hardset, pragmatic world. I can help people with and i do free trainings every friday for the last 20 years uh. They have shifted into during coven something huge by the universe and the luck and the coincidence of now thousands and thousands of people uh come and watch which has been extraordinary. But they're really meant to empower you to understand what happiness is, how to achieve happiness.

How to create abundance? I lived in a world of not enough. I moved to a world of just enough where i was buying things. I didn't need to impress people i didn't like and i'm sure we can get into how i transformed into the world of more than enough man that uh there's so many things david. That i want to unpack in in what you've said, and i know the listener right now is going whoa.

Okay got it like i get this guy um. You said earlier, like the more i give the more i get. I just want to unpack that one. Just for a second, like you know, a lot of people can hear that and say well wait a minute, like you know like i, i i firmly believe that, like happiness in in some way is created by uh learning, right that you know the synapses it creates In the brain, the way it makes you feel right, you expand yourself, you expand your idea, you know your identity through knowledge, and i also believe that contribution is a major factor of of creating sustainable happiness right, but some people use it as a drug and then It you know, then it goes away right, so we both get that um, but what the hell? What do you mean, like you know like, is giving bad no yeah.

So right when i unpack that, i believe the more that i gave the more i would receive. The difficulty was that i was a trader, a negotiator, a manipulating overseller, a back-end seller, a liar, a cheater and all the things i i can tell you i hated about my father. I realized why? Because i hated him about myself - and i can't go through a story with that later. But for me when i made this shift in the paradigm that it wasn't a traitor negotiation, that it wasn't a matter that i'm giving so i can receive.
When i started. Focusing on receiving so i can give allowing everything not to be to me like in the world of not enough as a victim not to be for me, like the world is just enough when i was a multi-millionaire in my 20s and 30s buying things. I didn't need to impress people i didn't like, but now everything was going to come through me with appreciation, not just appreciation of gratitude which everyone thinks of, and i know you're a big fan of it. So am i with all our mentors that we share, but appreciation is to add value when your house appreciates you add value, and so i want to receive everything to add value and appreciate it only to give it away with value to and to add value to.

Other people's lives with appreciation and the light, love and happiness in which it really comes from yeah. So so so many people i talked to - and i mean literally just texting with glenn stearns, i'm sure you know glenn wright. Another great you know: newport guy he's got a great tv show he's gon na be on the podcast. We were just texting about that too, and our sort of mutual love of jackson hole, wyoming and uh, and you know you meet these - these women and men that experience what you've experienced or done what you know.

Both of us have done to a certain degree where you, in your early days of your life, it's just like make money right like i want i'm coming from nothing and i'm going to do whatever it takes tom bill. You same conversation right. You know same exact thing right and then they get there and some people lose it all and that's their lesson and some people have the shift and and that's their lesson and then some people that just becomes their life just money becomes the all you know they Get divorced 48 times, you know they, you know they it's okay. I can just buy another one right like that.

That becomes the mindset right, men and women. What do you think it is about what's happening in our society that creates these people like us, that that just you come from nothing and you're like i just have to have it, and then we finally figure out that the it as isn't it. You know what i'm saying the money is: never it, and i have an interesting perspective on this, because i'm a rarity that i went through a shift yeah two years before i lost over 100 million dollars so coming into because of the massive amount of uh assets And wealth that i had yeah, it had a longer period of pain, meaning pain is an indicator right. If something emotional, financial, spiritual pain is yeah indicator, they have a lesson to learn.

It was cool because i had two of the three, but i think it comes from number one that there's certain people that grew up grow up with nothing that uh are stimulated by one thing: they must be what they can be yeah right and so number one. The common denominator is, they must be what they can be and in order to prove that when you have nothing, you initially set off to get something, because we can only you know, see things, and then we want to overachieve those right, and i i make this A really big point with children is: i want to make sure that all the children get to see things so that they can break those records, whether it's in kindness or generosity or whatever, and i think it's important today that we represent certain uh icons to kids. That they may not see all the time playing their fortnight and with our politics and with diseases. I i want to represent something different that they can see, and over achieve, i want to plant seeds under trees that i'll, never you know, sit under as dennis waitley taught both of us.
So you know for me, it's critical uh to provide that type of of a thing. The common denominator then shifts okay. If i must be what i can be and i want to be rich and then i become rich, i now feel empty and i right and so that emptiness causes either number one a shift or it causes self-sabotage, which causes you to lose everything, and usually you Can pick that up now, there's also the other side, like you said that you know the people that have 40 million dollar homes in newport, beach and big yachts, and literally they still live in a world of not enough right, exactly and but yet they're still driven By the ability to must be what they can be since there's an abundance. I tell everyone there's more than enough of everything for everyone.

They figured out how to get it, so what they do since there's always enough money is there's always more money, and if your goal is that you'll never have enough lives, you'll never have enough boats, cars, planes or money because there's always more there's always more yeah. There's always somebody higher always like my dad uh would always say to me all the time. There's always somebody bigger, better, faster, stronger who makes more, who does more? Who contributes more so? Why don't you stop competing against them and compete against that guy in the mirror - and i was like you know when you're when you're 17 and you have a mohawk - you don't really hear that. But when you're you know you're like he was planting seeds right, but when you're like 22 23, 24 and then you're starting to realize yeah and now at you know, 50 and t minus.

You know a couple. You know a couple weeks like i really see it. I really you know, like my mentor mike vance, would say to me all the time man. I can't wait till you're 80 because that's when you finally get it right he's like he's like it took me 80 years on this planet.

To finally understand it, like most people were never going to get it. Bob proctor told me the same thing: 86 right, yeah you'll. Finally, get that you don't know what you don't know when you're about 80. right.

So so, how do we help the person? Who is you know young and ambitious, and you know, got ta got ta go for what they want, because they're coming from nothing or they, you know they've got a lot and they just they just want to. They want to do more. They just want to experience more um. What do you say to that person? You know to maybe put them on the right path, so i have five steps.
You know i'm very pragmatic, mathematical, technological and spiritual in the same breath, but i have five things and i tell young people all the time number one, and i wish someone would have told me this when i was 22 30 and 42, and i remind myself at 52, by the way, so i'm on this journey guys, i'm practicing everything's a practice. One take inventory of your values. You know one of the things that makes a big difference is look. We don't know our what i try to convince young people.

You already know your. Why you know your wise to help somebody or something let that go? Let's figure out your! What, because that's what scares you, you don't know the what so in order to find your what take inventory of your personal values every day your experiential values every day. What do you want to experience and you're giving values every day and you're receiving values, and they don't have to be balanced? You know: you're 21, you're, 25, you're, 35, you're, 45 they're different, balanced values and here's the kicker don't be afraid of being a hypocrite. Don't be afraid of saying i changed my mind, i changed my values.

I don't believe. Thank goodness what i believe when i was 18.. I don't believe that and i'm okay and what makes it really difficult as you get old and you're gon na feel me with this tom is the snapshot problem. I still i'm 52 years old, i'll, go back to akron, ohio and my favorite aunt and uncle that lived there.

They have a snapshot of david meltzer from the time he was born until the time he was nine and then mini snapshots of stories that they've heard about me yep, and so when i go back to akron to the people who i adore and love, and they Adore and love me, it's extremely tenuous and hard for me because they see me in that snapshot and i want to tell them no, no, no. No, i don't have those values anymore, i'm not a money, hungry competitive person in that respect, i'm a different person today and so don't be afraid of being a hypocrite. So that's number one two ask i i'm a huge fan. I wish still today there's a a little.

You know, dude on my shoulder. That would remind me in person on the phone via email and media, radio, print tv and social media. Every time dave you got to ask for what you want. You got to ask how you can be of service or value.

Ask for help. Ask ask ask ask so i tell young people all the time get into the habit of asking of how you can be of service or value and asking do you know anybody that can help me? Do you know anyone that can help me? There are no gatekeepers in the world drop that mindset. There are only sponsors, power, sponsors and decision makers. Everyone's on your side.
Everyone is here to help you you have to change your mind. They may not be able always to help you because of time, emotion or value, but everyone's here not to stop you. So the more you ask people the more you're giving them the gift of allowing them to number one feel good about themselves that you appreciate the superpower they have, but two you're, giving them an opportunity to feel good by giving and investing in you. So that's the number i got ta just sort something out to you.

So a lot of my listeners uh know i've got a long time friend named thatchenwin up in the pacific northwest. He and i david used to play what we call the contribution game. Put put 50 people in a room, everybody write down. What is the biggest thing you're trying to solve, or what is the most important goal, you're going for and you get about four or five people in and you run into the person.

That's like, oh, i can help you with that. Oh here, i've already solved that here you go. Here's the answer. Oh, let me introduce you to my friend he's a producer and it gets solved that quickly right so like we turned the ask into the contribution game.

The game of how can i help as many people as possible with my toolbox and my relationships, but you get 30 40 50 of you in a room doing that together it is insane. Why do you think? Why do you think most like i wan na i wan na unpack number two? Why do you think most people, don't ask? Oh it's the ego see they don't understand. They think that giving right giving is this philanthropic thing? That's difficult right, it's not it's so difficult! There's so many ego based emotions that are attached to when we ask for help the need to be superior, the need to be inferior, the need to be separate, the need to be resentful and offended the need literally to be worthy, which is a big one. For me, i'm 52 years old, i still work through my worthiness issues that yeah, oh gosh, i'm not worthy of you know asking and i was blessed.

You know i helped consult with the vaynerchuks for their sports agency when they started it, and i got into a competition of contribution with gary and the only thing that guy's scarce about is giving you cannot out give. I would say you can't out, ask the universe. You can't how to ask gary vee because he gets like so competitive, like the more that i did for them. The more he's like dude, i got ta do this.

I got ta. Do this and i'm like it's, not a competition of contribution, but i'll get into this with you, because i wan na help you too, and you can absolutely help me understand what a genius you are in digital media um. So i think it's really important to understand these ego based emotions about asking and fight it, and then there's also the consistency problem. You know if you're looking at doing something two minutes a day is way worth more than two hours on a saturday.
It's a it's! A muscle, it's a habit when you get in the habit of feeling good. The cool thing about asking for me is how many people say: yes right right right, but but i think it you, you unpacked all the sort of the the sort of ego base and the one i didn't hear is like the fear of not looking good or Did you did you tie that one into worthy okay, inferiority right, yeah, but it? But it's true, you know it's also that they're not going to think i'm doing well right, like it's more specific, like i couldn't. Oh my gosh, i really know my uncle could help me yeah. I just don't want him to think i'm not doing well, and you know that i need him and you know it killed me once i got rid of that.

The radical humility took over my life. You know my my success is based off of this simple formula: you're gon na laugh, but i take inventory of my values to figure out my what then, the majority of my time is doing research to find out. Who has what i want and then i ask them for it or i ask them to teach me how to get it. Hello, okay, podcast over right, like that's it! That's it so so you'll appreciate in in my world, with all like i'm i'm blessed to have all these extraordinary clients all over the world and friends.

You and me, like you, know, brothers and sisters in arms and what i tell them is look. We live in a world of r and d and like corporate american people go research and develop and they go no. No, no, no rip off and duplicate everything that someone else has done. If you can, if you can take pieces of that and and turn into your model, your plan, your goals, your dreams, right, like you got to do all that you know the right way, but, like that's, that is my entire ecosystem.

Everybody operates in this world of r d. So if david meltzer's done something david brother how'd, you do it how'd, you tell me everything. Can you send it to me? Can i fly to your office? Can i spend and like that's our community? That's what makes it so damn sticky and special, it's so cool, and i laugh with my wife all the time because you know as the brand grows and you get to the millions of people and everything. I laugh because the majority of the gratitude emails that i get that change people's lives are two things one.

Thank you so much for teaching me to say thank you before i go to bed and when i wake up it changed my life. Thank you. So much for teaching me to say thank you, and i think you know that book i've learned everything you need to know in life. You learn in kindergarten or whatever.

It was it's actually before that, because i have more people emailing thousands. I've changed their life because i teach them to say thank you and the other one is ask right like so i have all these complex issues. I have been around the world thought leaders and i've written books, and i've done extensive research on physics, quantum physics and metaphysics. But in the end, the two things that change people's lives is to remind them to be consistent about gratitude and about asking yeah.
Yes, and don't you like the first thing, your grandma probably taught you for sure, and i would even go as far as i'd even go farther down the rabbit hole that there's a lot of people that are afraid to ask google. How do i build a landing page that converts? How do i increase my? Where should i be investing today like they won't even ask google and get in they just keep it in their head right and - and i i'm a huge fan. I know if you've read this book, the war of art, i'm sure you have right like it's. I i'm in the middle of writing another book right now, so this is like the you always go back to.

You know something like this when you're in that creative space, it's the resistance, it's the i you know, i don't want to look bad. You know these people are going to think less of me versus that person doesn't give a they're. Not even thinking about you right now, but if they know something, people want to share people want to talk about what they know. They want to contribute what they know.

It validates what it is that they know. I have a quote my brother, he passed uh, he was a doctor and i didn't know at 18 years old i was pre-med right after i realized. I wasn't going to be a professional football player. Christian nicoya my freshman year had run me over and i lied on my back going doctor lawyer failure.

So i i went pre-med but i'm 18. I don't know what i don't know, and so i went to ask my brother about being a doctor and i told him dude. I hate hospitals he's like dave. You've got to be in a hospital, be a doctor, i'm like no.

No i'm going to be a sports doctor training room sidelines. He goes dave you're going to have to spend years in a hospital to be a sports doctor. I was so lost and then he gave me this great gem advice. That is the reason people won't search in google.

He said david. You need to be more interested than interesting. You need to change your mindset from interesting to interest you're a great salesman, manipulator liar cheater overseller back in seller. It comes naturally too you're interesting dude, but you got to be interested and once i shifted that perspective of my mindset, i started you know.

Well, i worked for west law, so it was original boolean language search engine on the internet. Then it went to natural language and then to now you know other things, netscape and then google i've been involved in being more interested as a profession. You know than most people and i still sometimes ask myself gosh. Why didn't i look that up? Why didn't i ask for directions? Why didn't i ask? Why didn't i go youtube that? Why did i just waste all the time, emotion and energy and the dummy tax? If i just asked yeah okay, so if one is take inventory of your values - which you know i'm a huge believer in and two is ask what's number three three is one of my favorites.
It's very pragmatic. It's be a student of your calendar and, when i say student, my definition of being a student of anything is pay attention to and give intention to the coincidences that you want. I believe that's the mathematical equation of luck. Attention plus intention equals coincidence.

That's how people become lucky now i study three things in account, but how does that relate to your calendar? I'll tell you i i mean i i get it, but i want to hear it yeah. So, for me, a calendar represents three things. What i have planned during the day, the activity i get paid for in the activity - i don't what i don't have planned for the day which a lot of people that aren't more interested or interesting see the white space bank space. The empty space in your calendar is the most valuable to me and then i study sleep uh in order to effectuate everything.

I truly am a student. I have a sleep mentor at all times, a sleep coach. I have an unwinding routine, most people, you know, maybe because it's a sports background. I've always believed in cool downs i unwind my day and so but here's the lenses i use to study the the calendar and i use the calendar because time is the man-made construct that everyone feels as if holds together a day.

24 hours is a man-made contract. I like to bend that by utilizing these three lenses, one a lens of productivity, so i'm studying with how much value can i provide how productive can i be a lens of accessibility, which is a bifocal meaning it's? How accessible am i to others to be of service or value, but also, how am i accessing what i want right? Looking and research doing all these things? How am i getting what i want during the day, according to my values and then the lens of gratitude, which is so essential to me, a lens of gratitude means this. You are there to find the light, love and lessons and everything. One thing i learned about being one of the most notable sports agents in the world and being surrounded by celebrities, athletes and entertainers and having a job that people would say.

Oh someday, mr melcher, i want you know i want to be just like you, jerry maguire. I want to be just like you, tv shows. I want to right. The golden thing is, there is suck in every job and that's the lesson i learned.

I always say if you can learn that everything number one has 10 minutes of suck in it uh and you can learn to find the light, the love and the lessons and the suck, because i've been around hall of famers. I've been around. You know the biggest entertainers in the world and they complained to me how much their jobs suck and i tried to teach them and coach them hey. Let's find the light, the love and the lessons and the suck uh marcellus wiley's one of my greatest examples.
He would say dave i play football for free. I the way that i find the light. The love and the lessons is, you know people bother me. I lost my privacy.

I have to do certain things. Nobody would want to do and then i use my money that i get paid. I say i play football for free, but i get paid to do this interview or to have this lady. Take a selfie and grab me when i'm with my family.

Then i remind myself before i ruin everything. That's my mindset so study your calendar. You can be productive, accessible and gracious in everything you do and literally it has changed my life and it's also one of the more difficult habits. Just like saying.

Thank you every day is difficult. 30 days studying your calendar. I do it twice a day, minimum 10 minutes. It is difficult to study it so because i i look at it, that's paying attention to it, but to study it to give it intention what i think say do believe.

The unconscious competencies of my uh personality traits characteristics, obsessions and addictions, all aggregated into what i'm gon na perform with yeah and look at the empty space and use that effectively. But when you do it man, you get light years ahead of people right. Okay, so you got ta unpack for me like so i'm a calendar freak. I am a sleep freak right so, like i'm with you on all of that, be a student of your calendar, pay attention to and be intentional around your plans right about what you don't have planned and around your sleep.

So so i and then you kind of said, basically time is a man-made construct which i love. I interpret it as efficiency, focusing on what you want and always being in a state of gratitude. Did i get that right, yeah efficiency, effectiveness and statistical success right. So i i created the power of 64, where, when i first got out of law school, i wanted to be a millionaire.

So i said most people are productive. At best eight hours, i'm going to be productive 16 hours, i'm going to create efficiencies. I call it finding four minutes, you know if you tell people if you find four minutes every day of efficiency, it's three full days of productivity. It's 24 hours a year yeah, so it really motivates you to find that.

In fact, i tell people. Let me give you two weeks: vacation right now, 80 hours a year is spent wasted on looking for things most the time. It's your cell phone, your wallet and your keys. If you go and listen to this podcast right now and find a spot that you're always going to put your wallet your keys in your phone, i just gave you two weeks: vacation 80 hours, so guys guys and gals like us that have also traveled a lot In our lives that we did that from necessity right, you learn very quickly put my watch here.

Put my this here put my iphone the bump up, because otherwise, if it's, if it's a mess and you're in a different hotel room - and you don't know where to be the next day, you lose watches yeah, my wife, i love that this is a crazy, true Story about traveling, you know the yellow line they wrap around dead people when they die. You know the police do so. They know the position, so i created with these these little vinyl um things from the kids toys that you put on this blackboard to make shape. I cut out the shape of my keys, my wallet and my phone, so when i went to a hotel room, i put them down, and so i know my space that i would never forget it, and even if i go out and enjoy myself with a couple Glasses of wine, which is usually when i got in trouble, trying to find stuff the next morning when i got to be an interview at seven a.m.
Yeah i would just that subconscious line would be like okay, this is where dummy puts his wallet. I see. I love that man see i'm. I am such a believer in that um, ambition, right and routine are just they're, just interconnected.

You, you show me a person who is super ambitious and has no routines. There was anti-routine and i'll show you a person that was going to be miserable all of their life, but when you have routine and ambition together, right and and little things you said: hey, i'm gon na save you. I'm gon na give you two weeks of vacation right just by having a little thing like place, your wallet and keys in the same place every single time like just those that's a genius little hack. What's up yeah, please please! I learned this.

I have a set routine like wake up before meditating blah blah blah blah blah blah yeah. I have an adaptable routine. This saved my life, so what i realized realized was that hey family comes into town, bachelor parties happen, life happens all the time yeah and if you can go to your adaptable routine, to say this: okay, the set routine's out of the way. Now, what are my priorities, so my adaptable routine is real, simple number one, a minimum of an hour a day on my health.

So no matter who comes to town. What's getting done, i got to take care of myself for a minimum of an hour a day. Then it's a minimum of 30 minutes a day with my wife, a minimum of 30 minutes a day with my son and then a minimum of two minutes a day with my three teenage daughters and a minimum of one minute a day with my mom. And it's always to tell her four things: number one.

I'm happy number two, i'm healthy number. Three! I love her and number four. I appreciate her if you are a parent or a child yeah and you can communicate every day in a minute those four things. Your bond between the most relative person in your life - and you will always be nobody - will have to prove they love each other.

Nobody will have to do things to create voice shortages. The ego gets out of the relationship when everyone's secure in the fact that you're happy healthy love them and appreciate them and that adaptable routine. Then i spend a minimum of 10 minutes a day studying my calendar, which sets off the rest of a new routine. So but i think it's important for people to know life's going to happen to you.
So if you're ocd, anal, retentive, routine oriented you better, have an adaptable routine because life's going to happen to you bingo. I look. I refer to that more like in that. In this sort of i don't know it's a cliche phrase of like non-negotiables right, like you know, you're, not you're, never going to mess with my morning routine.

I don't care where i am in the world. I don't care. What's going on, you know whatever's happening, i mean, god forbid like something with my wife for kids, then i'd be like okay, i break it, but outside of that those are my non-negotiables share this with us like, because i'm a again i'm a schedule freak like i Tell people all the time you know like if yeah, if it's not in your schedule, it doesn't exist and doesn't get done right so so think wisely about what you want think wisely about what matters to you and then ask yourself: should that be done every day, Once a week three times a week for and then put it in your schedule, then you don't have to think as much right and and i'm hardcore. I'm like go 20 years out in your life and say who do i want to be in 20 years and then what does that woman's disciplines? Health, routine mindset, love joy, grad, like what does she do every single day and then start reverse engineering? What are those disciplines today and put them in place, but, like i say that to people and they go yeah? That makes a lot of sense right, like like some people get it and a lot.

A lot of people do, and i love you thank you for getting it and thank you for doing it for a lot of my dear, you know, dear friends and clients out there. I want to know: what's the question you ask yourself the most when you're looking at your calendar, this is for me personally for no one else, because i'm a i'm a calendar freak. What what's the question? You're you open up your laptop! You look at the week. What's the question you ask yourself for me, the question is: how consistent are you like? I'm actually reviewing the consistency, because i believe in segmentation and exponential growth and acceleration.

So when you talk about who am i or what am i or what are my values? 20 years you know jobs. I was blessed to be around a young entrepreneur, connect the dots backwards. Segmentation allows for that acceleration and growth, but nothing happens. I call it zeroing effect without consistency, and so, as i look and study and put intention into thing, i know that two minutes a day is worth more than two hours on a saturday.

I just know that, and so more importantly, i'm looking to see what i didn't do or i'm not consistent where i have a zeroing effect to the exponentiality of the power of what i possess, of that great source of energy, light and love that i'm connected to And so the first question i ask is looking and studying going. Hmm. How can i be more consistent? Why or you know in challenging myself, why is it so difficult? I study the course in miracles for four and a half years yeah. It took me a good three years before i didn't miss a day and it was always in my calendar, and so that would be that question of why you know.
Why aren't you consistent this? Why would you one of my favorite, uh videos, i've ever seen, is a guy that he decided to record one second of every day in like the little and put it together for five years, and it would end up be like an hour, but anyway like it Was day 36 - and this is his lifetime ambition like to do this project - i love day 36 because he held up a piece of paper and said i forgot and i think in its essence, that's the practice of progress. That's the practice of quieting. It's the practice of human nature that why do we get in our own way that no matter how important how good it is for us how good it makes us feel we cannot do stuff every day, but if we can the universe or whatever, i think rewards Us with exponentiality compound interest and growth yeah, okay, so before we go to number four, what's your unwinding routine yeah, so my routine leads up to nine o'clock, so i have several periods that are research time. I have several peers that are family time turn everything off.

Uh i have coaching scheduled in there et cetera at nine o'clock. My wind down routine is to make sure there's no negative energy input. Uh accelerant stimulants in my life now the wind down routine, is also remember, i'm studying my calendar. So during the day, i'm looking to that unwinding, routine, saying hey, you know it's eight o'clock, am i gon na go jogging at eight o'clock? Is that going to make it easier to enter my wine? No, i'm not gon na.

Do that or you know if it's the night before and somebody invites me out till four in the morning some celebrity athlete has you know i'm gon na be mature enough to walk away, which is always difficult for me, which caused me so many problems in my 30S, because i couldn't say no and i wanted to please everybody - even people i didn't like, so i would be around drugs and alcohol until four in the morning, and i wanted to wake up at four in the morning every day. Now everything leads to that unwinding. Routine, i'm very particular, especially with today of inundated information, meaning that i think people have to control not only what they say but what they hear, and so i you know i will be honest. You know my rabbi brother doesn't like this, but i'll.

Listen to joel osteen uh at nine o'clock right i'll put him on in the background you know, rocks he brought. I i've been blessed to hang out with him and go live and i'm a jew for joel. You know, i don't know what they call me, but i love the dude that should be a hashtag man, that's hot darren prince and i uh another sports agent, magic's agent right but yeah, so that wine down return to me is essential because what it allows me To do is i pass out before 11 o'clock every day, yeah. Sometimes it's 905, sometimes it's 10 50..
But if i can pass out from lack of energy and click clarity, that sleep period that i have is actually a input where i'm most people live their life. Like the myth of sisyphus, they push a boulder up all day long all day long they push the boulder up and when they wake up the next morning, it's back at the bottom of the hill. I plateau and grow my life, partly because of the unwinding routine, but also because i know when i'm sleeping i've got rid of all the interference and corrosion between me and that great source of energy love, light and lessons. And if i'm not doing anything to interfere with that beforehand, i can really maximize not only the physical restoration, that's needed by sleep, but the emotional and spiritual enlightenment that occurs while we sleep and you wake up smarter, better and happier yeah.

I love it. I love it so what's number four you're gon na love number four, i can tell already it's one of my favorites now i have a philosophy that statistics i hate them right. So i used to say. The only statistic i love is 99 of all.

Statistics are made up. That was the only statistic. Then i i started playing golf. I owned a golf course when i was in my 30s and i i realized there's one other statistic.

True 100 of all short putts don't go in. Yes, that's true! Yes, then, i came up with the gold, this one everybody loves and it's the difference between successful people and people that do do not succeed in life. Yeah 100 of the things you do now get done. People who get stuff done are successful.

People that don't aren't - and i ask myself according to my calendar right - can i get this done. Can i get this done now and if i can, i do it and if i can't it goes into my calendar for the next day, prioritize like eisenhower by what's most important for us. That was my most sorry yeah right, but i get so much school started today because i do it now. You know what i had the other day on a saturday, an interview, and i had a 15 minute period and i looked over at this cabinet that needed to be cleaned out for the last year and a half.

You know one of those cobia projects yeah and i looked at i said: can i do this now yeah i can, and you know i in 15 minutes did something that had been lingering over me, causing interference shortages voids obstacles in my life. I must have spent at least two hours of focus over a year and a half of i should get that done. Should i get it done shouldn't i and then feeling bad that i didn't get it done. Do it now 100 of the things you do now get done? The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is people that are successful.
Get things done. I love that man, i'm i'm like this huge fan of like that. That closet to me is the metaphor for i'll stand with somebody, or you know, coaching somebody or just in a conversation i'll say how many open loops do you have and they're like? What do you mean and i'm, like i don't know, are you complete with your parents they're like nope, like that's, that's a big open loop. Are you complete, you know with your health nope, i'm like okay, so i use it like the example of how a child would draw the ocean the waves right and the whole goal is.

Can you just close all the loops right and when you have that one of my great sort of philosophical teachers says, then you are whole and complete? You have integrity and i was like yeah so like the closet. Everyone that's listening right now. Has that closet that they've been looking at that they're like i need to get that done right and i always tell people like make up that list of just all the incompletes right. The closet sell the car clean out, the garage, say you're, sorry right, like whatever it may be, and man do.

You feel better for right, yeah, one thousand percent right. I tell people like uh. Do you do you wan na really lose weight they're like yeah, i'm like do you have any clothes for when you were heavier they're like yeah, i'm like throw them all away, you throw them all away. At least you won't go back to it right.

Just like little just stupid little things to get us in action what's number five number: five is the practice of life, which is practice, ending fear and i'd love to be able to share in three minutes a story that exam exemplifies this. So because this changed my life um, i have a serious routine. So i wake up before i meditate for 20 minutes. I get ready for the gym for 10 at 4.

30. I'm out the door in the old days. Now, i'm running at 4 30. Before i was going to the gym uh i wake up on a saturday, unbelievable meditation, get ready, i'm on the high plateau and go higher frequency baseline for the day.

It's going to be an amazing saturday. I wake up get outside my 17 year. Old daughter's car is missing. I go in, i go into ego based consciousness, i go into anger, i go into anger and i'm about almost done dialing and about to say where the f is your car, where the f are you? Are you kidding me? I told you to be home at midnight now.

Meanwhile, i fell asleep between 10 and 11., so i have no idea what time my kids get home and i'm literally so pissed and then i become this ferocious buddha. I'm practicing ending fear and unbelievably enough i stop dialing and i start breathing. I take those deep breaths in and even deeper out to lower my blood pressure, and i ask myself: why are you so angry and i answer myself: i'm not angry right, i'm afraid. I'm afraid something's happened to somebody, that's so important to me that i'm responsible for i'm terrified.
Okay, then, let's treat the situation accordingly right. You want to make sure she's, okay, and you want to make sure you help her. If she's not okay, take a deep breath. Yelling and screaming and f bombing.

Her is not going to help so now. I pick up the phone in what i call the right trajectory not accelerating in the ego based consciousness of interference, void shortages and obstacles that can change your life. But now i'm moving in the right way like a ferocious buddha would, and i call calmly and i wake her and i said hello. She said hi.

I said: where are you i'm in i'm in my bed? Oh where's, your car? Oh daddy, you told me when kids are drinking, that i shouldn't get in the car, so i took an uber home. I hope that's! Okay! Oh i'm! So relieved you're, okay, i'm so proud of you! I love you! Oh, i love you too daddy and i'm sorry for waking. You, oh it's! Okay. I love you bye now.

So many layers change your life here because yeah i would have accelerated in the wrong trajectory and not practice, ending fear and not been a ferocious buddha. I would have yelled at her and said where the f are you she would have said. I'm in my bed where's your f in car. Well, kids, were you were drinking, i'm gon na.

Take your car, i'm gon na. Take your i've seen myself and other sure for sure: here's where every parent, yeah yeah here's the subtleties, though it's not just that my situation ended with a bonding experience, closing the loop of a father-daughter relationship of trust and credibility. But it goes far beyond that, because what happens that people don't realize is the next time kids are drinking. My daughter says to herself: i don't want to disappoint my dad.

I don't want to make him mad. I don't want to lose my car. I don't want to lose my phone, i'm going to drive home yeah and god knows how lives change. When that happens, her life, my life, somebody that we don't knows life can change dramatically, and this is a classic example of what i think rule number five is so important, because most of the things that are stopping us from what we want are because we are Not practicing any fear we're creating right we're the reason we can't manifest exactly what we desire, because we've created these interferences voids and shortages and obstacles by number one not identifying right when we're an ego based emotion, knowing the need to be right, offended, separate and fear Superior anxious frustrated scared, angry resentful.

All these feelings that i practice identifying and then even more to practice being able to stop. Knowing that, when my mind body and soul is on fire, i better stop and then drop and then roll in the right direction, so using breathing being a buddha asking ourselves. Why do i feel this way? Learning building that muscle now our lives become easy right. Things start happening rapidly and accurately the way we want them because we're not creating the interferences, void, shortages and obstacles, we're accepting and allowing the power that we have, that power that sits within us to be connected and come through us to others, and life really becomes So easy, which ties into like my favorite rule, number six which isn't on the list, but it's don't take yourself so seriously.
Yeah yeah! You know i was just sitting here. I mean you're. Having having you know, we talked to. We have you know: kids, somewhere ages, um love, love, love, love that example um.

But, as you were saying it, i i crossed off. I modernized in my world practice ending being triggered nice right because so much of the world today is in this, like triggered mentality that you know it's, it's, not the parent, you know. Well, maybe it always is the parent saying you know you know, do what i say not what i do is basically what happens, but you know this. I think we have this culture of people now that just that just allow themselves to emotionalize, stuff and and lash out react overreact when it's like, hey, hey chill like i got three buddhas from my wife, and i you know i keep this.

You know near me all the time is that reminder like hey buddha would get attacked all the time as as all spiritual leaders have, and they would take a breath, they would look for appreciation. They would look for understanding we're missing a lot of that right now. In our world man, you know i'm not i'm not going like political and all that i'm just saying like ending everybody. Listening, like you know, i don't know about you, but i turned the news off a long time ago, and man if i want to like get depressed, really quick.

All you got to do is just ask somebody what's happening in the world right in the in the filter of weirdnesses. You can seek the answers. You don't need them in dating you all day long. You want to check once or twice a day how many people die or how what percentage of hospitals are full.

You can look that up, but you don't got ta, listen to it all day, long yeah, yeah, yeah, the this. This practice ending fear uh. If you have not written a book about that, you should write a uh entire book about that fear trigger resistance anxiety. You know it's it's all of that.

Right yeah! I just finished, don't do business with dick, so i think practicing in fear will be next. You got to send me a copy that okay, with the b for the listing, what you don't know is david actually lives, like maybe 15 minutes from my house right, so we're i'm in my studio, he's in his home studio and uh and next time brother. We got to get together face to face because the energy uh could be. It is podcast too.

So without a doubt, this is a a start of a long, fruitful and empowering relationship for us and others yeah, one thousand percent, so david as we wrap this up.

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9 thoughts on “5 empowering steps to become the best version of yourself”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winston Webb says:

    Really inspiring information.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Campos says:

    Loved this! I always take every word to heart and implement things right away!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Juan Carlos Art says:

    Nice! loved the video 👌 I recently stopped drinking at the beginning of the quarantine and have been good so far 👍 I actually just uploaded a video, sharing my experience, and what caused me to stop

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thereasa O'Brien says:

    I really like the concept of "the contribution game". Great advice and information guys! Thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Hayes says:

    Fantastic advice. Thank you so much for such great content.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott springborn says:

    Open loops…. Great analogy. Need to focus on closing loops. Thank you Tom.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Judy Rogers says:

    Rabbi Daniel Lapin meets Dave Ramsey 💣💥

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JWellsCFO says:

    "You already know your 'Why.' Let's figure out your 'What'!" I love that. The Why can become so big, so audacious, it's easy to quickly become overwhelmed & shut down. The What forces you to take stock of what's available now, who needs that now, & how you can get that to them now. Execution is all about staying present in the moment.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delfinus maghu says:


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