Chances are you’ve devoted a lot of time to setting up your profiles on all the big real estate websites.
But are you overlooking the second most-popular website on Earth?
If so, you need to fix that.
But don’t worry… we’ve got your back.
Jason Pantana returns to guest host today’s #TomFerryShow, sharing 4 Ways to ‘Crush It’ on YouTube in 2021, including:
• The most important detail about how often to post
• YouTube settings and branding opportunities you might have overlooked
• A powerful tool to help you identify video topics and keywords
And more!
With YouTube sitting immediately behind Google as the world’s most trafficked website, you can no longer ignore it. Don’t miss these tips…
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Youtube is wildly popular, and so, if you're not making it part of your marketing mix, you're missing an opportunity, and today it's my intent to convince you and train you on how to change that going on tom ferry show viewers. My name is jason pantana, i'm a business coach and national speaker with tom ferry, and i am back for another episode of the tom ferry show. Welcome, welcome welcome uh. Last time i was on, we talked about how to get google ready in 2021 and the final point of and by the way, if you haven't watched that go back and watch that up.

You can watch this one but you're going to want to watch that. One too, it was about getting google ready in 2021, and the final point i made was that in order to be google ready in 2021, you must also be youtube ready in 2021, and today i intend on talking a lot about how to get youtube ready in 2021 uh so first things: first, let's kind of talk about what makes youtube special. What's its secret sauce, what's unique about it, and i want you to think about uh search engines versus social networks like common search engines. Obviously, google is our big dog right and then you've got facebook, instagram, linkedin social networks and they're different right because searches.

I go searching for some piece of content that meets whatever it is. I'm hunting for that. I'm looking for versus social media is i just log into my account and i just scroll through the feed. So it's scroll not search.

I just scroll through the feed and hey dj. Spend me my favorite song. Whatever my friends post algorithmically just serve it up for me to look at it like it, hurt it and move on, but fundamentally there's a difference in behavior of a consumer on that platform. They're not searching out for content they're, not seeking it out, they're just scrolling and seeing what's there, and so when you produce content for them.

It's kind of a hamster wheel, but search based content can have this evergreen component to it, whereby it can. Last and last and last because it speaks to some specific nuance of what people are searching for now enter in youtube, youtube's, this hybrid right, they're, both a search engine and a social network. It's this lovely little concoction and we're going to work it to our advantage, and i want to talk about how it's both of those things, but here's sort of my outline or agenda for this show first things. First, i want to talk about key metrics of youtube.

What drives their algorithm, then? I want to go from there and i want to talk specifically about hey. How is it that a viewer that a viewer comes to see any particular video? What are the avenues or routes through which, by which youtube is able to serve up videos for people to watch? Some are going to be search, driven, some are going to be social driven and then last i'm going to give you four hacks or tweaks or whatever word you want to give to it to really up your game on youtube. So there's a lot to get through and let me talk to you just not just because it's a hybrid but really why i think youtube matters so much in 2020 and 2021 and beyond, and the answer is because of it's arguably popularity right. If you go to a website like top sites, which they rank traffic all over the world and by specific nations in terms of what websites are the most popular and if you go there like today as i'm filming this, this is the global list.
Globally. The number one most popular website on the planet is google number two on the planet is youtube and then it goes like some other sites that are outside the us foreign sites. For us foreign and then the next american site is facebook at six number six and then it goes yahoo at number 10 and then amazon at number 12, and then zoom is kind of really sliding up in attention at number 16.. Just to give you some perspective there, but then, if you look at that same website, top sites and you look at just usa, just the united states most popular sites, here's the top six number one, google number two youtube number three amazon, then yahoo and then Facebook and then zoom right.

What am i getting at wowzers? Look at how popular youtube is right, youtube is actually outranking. Facebook instagram is the one were mentioned in there. Youtube is wildly popular, and so, if you're not making it part of your marketing mix, you're missing a massive uh. No, i know it's saturated, but you're missing an opportunity, and today it's my intent to convince you and train you on how to change that.

So, first things: first, let's talk about uh, the youtube key metrics that determine your algorithmic standing in terms of videos being seen and getting a lot of views and virality and all that kind of fun stuff. That was a mouthful uh, there's really only two. So, let's make this super easy youtube. If you really boil it down, cares about two things: they care about watch time and they care about uh click through rate.

So what does that mean? Well, let's, let's start with watch time because that's easy: how long do people watch your videos? Why does that matter to youtube because they sell ads so the more people watch your videos, the more people who see ads and the more times they can show an ad. Therefore, they care about watch time. So how like, if somebody watches your video and then they bounce and jet in the first three five ten seconds, that is sending a direct signal to youtube. That says this content is not holding people's attention and, if i want to advertise, i must get attention therefore youtube's, like ah not going to recommend that thing.

The other key metric is click through rate. This is simple to understand. It basically means if somebody does a search or whatever like here. I am on youtube right now.

This is my home page and look at this. This is tom. Ferry 78 000 views two years ago. Million dollar lead follow-up strategy.
This is a thumbnail i.e. This is click bait. This is the thing that's going to make me want to click or not click to go. Watch the video.

So if i see this and by the way, youtube knows that this was in front of my eyeballs, it's counting the impressions and if i click it, that's sending a direct signal to youtube that says: hey when i show this videos really thumbnail, it entices people to Click it to watch it. The next question is: do they watch it or do they bounce? So youtube cares about two things. If people see your videos through notifications through their home uh feed through searches, whatever i'll get to the different avenues in a second, do they click it open to watch it and then how long do they watch it watch time and click through it? That's what they care about algorithmically now. The next thing we got to know is what are the different avenues or like you could call these points of access that somebody can come into seeing one of your videos, i'm going to go through i'll, read them, i'm going to talk about browse features, suggested videos, Youtube search, notifications, advertising and optimizations.

So, let's start at the top there with browse features, browse features like under browse features. That's our umbrella term. Browse features means like the home page, i'm on the home screen right here of youtube for me. So, like i see these remember youtube monitors impressions, did they click it open and then how long do they watch it once they clicked it open, that's ideal for youtube.

So browse features like this is a huge source of it and then also like i've got it hidden, but subscriptions feed. So what and some of these are my subscriptions like uh - i see tom and byron and i've been listening to his music, so he's in my subscription feed, here's, stephen kim and there's peter mckinnon and people that i and my kids and i were watching lions. So there you go, this is this is my: this is the social experience that are right. Remember, search versus social, that's part of it, but browse features is a source of how people can find your videos.

Remember if i see that thumbnail right there with tom - and i don't click it - i am sending a message to youtube saying, show me something else: that's how they choose to interpret it next on the list in terms of how people can see your videos is through. What's called suggested, videos you've been watching a video, i'm sure on youtube and at the end of it, uh as it's kind of loading. The next video, because it's gon na keep playing it'll pop up like one two, three, four and you'll start seeing all these other suggested videos, because what does youtube care about they care about watch time, and so what do they want? They want you to watch more videos now those are suggested videos. They may not be related to the channel that produced the video you were watching.
It's just suggested videos because algorithmically they think you're likely to watch that and they're going to learn. If you do or don't watch that, what to show you to try to whittle down to exactly who you are and what to show you to keep you kind of glued to the screen, i just want to keep watching like a cog right, that's kind of what They're, you know that's their gay, that's their gig. It's attention, they're after attention, uh suggesting uh, suggested videos could also be as you're even watching a video say on desktop on that right-hand, sidebar they're, going to start showing you other recommended videos. They think you might want to watch so just suggested.

Videos is another piece of the pie suggested. Videos would also include, like i open up the tom ferry million dollar, lead follow-up strategy, and in the description of that video there could be links to other videos. That's even called a suggested video, so so far, we've covered two ways: there's browse features and suggested videos. Number three is youtube search, which means keywords, matter, keywords matter i'll talk about that a little bit.

What are people searching for? I'm going to recommend a tool like tube buddy, t-u-b-e buddy, we're not endorsed by them, but i use them personally and the reason i like that is because it integrates with my youtube and it can give me all kinds of analytics on uh search performance. I can type a search on youtube and it will tell me here's how many average monthly searches from other users using that same query. There are here's, some other related searches and what it can tell me is: there's a high volume of searches and or there's a high or low volume of listen, close videos that supply that search. So it's just supply and demand right when you think about youtube search.

It's supply and demand. What do i want? I want videos that have a rather i want search phrases that are widely utilized, where there's not a lot of videos, meaning i don't have a lot of competition, so my video can show up there and rank pretty darn. Well, as far as search goes so youtube search is most certainly one of the pieces of the pie in terms of how youtube shows videos to people notifications uh. So let's go to tom ferry's notice.

Here i'm on tom ferry's uh channel, i am a subscriber. It says, subscribed and i've got the bell turned on i'm. What's called a beld subscriber meaning i've activated notifications, and so therefore, because i've done that, what that means is, i can get emails, or rather i do get emails whenever tom uploads a new video to youtube. I typically get my emails.

I think his are scheduled to upload at the beginning of the day, so like at 6, 00 am there's an email that hits my inbox like tom ferry uploaded the tom ferry show or whatever it is, because i'm a belt subscriber and that's another way. People can find your videos uh next on the list is advertising youtube has two main forms of advertising: they have what are called in-stream ads and video discovery ads. In-Stream ads are the ones that play before the video you're trying to watch and it's like after five seconds, i can press skip ad sidebar and caution. Let's pretend you're using a video that has to be published, so it's a video you've uploaded to your channel in order to make it an ad right - and let's say the video is 60 seconds long and people always press skip ad skip ad skip ad at the Five second, marker guess what you're doing you're actually killing your your organic algorithmic juice, because watch time is getting annihilated every time people press skip ad.
So if you're running a lot of in-stream skippable ads, i would actually advise a lot. It needs to be a lot. I would actually advise running those from a separate channel that you use just for advertising like hosting the videos you advertise with. So that way, your channel is not getting beat up within in-stream, however, i'm not going to get into it, but there's also under the umbrella of in-stream.

There are skippable, non-skippable and bumpers. Bumpers are those six second videos that you can't skip and then there's you play for six seconds and then they're done so there are those options, also uh, that's one ad type for youtube, it's in-stream ads and then there are video discovery ads so like, for example, I did a search for real estate, investing and then look there's an ad right here from td ameritrade they're buying up those keywords. Basically, i'm going to actually turn on tubebuddy and show you this. Here's tubebuddy integrated, look huge search volume, huge search volume per month; 640.

000 searches a month is estimated here are some other related searches but competition. It's like don't do this one, because there's a ton of competition, so when it says poor, it means don't try it's a super noisy space and it gives me an overall index. It's a 14 out of 100, not a good keyword to go after so, like that's the power of understanding search, but i digress. So, let's get back to it, uh, that's so ins advertising has in stream and it's got video discovery and then last is optimizations.

This is the last way people can find your videos. Optimizations means things that you've done, which i'm going to get into here in just a second, with four hacks things: you've done to drive viewers to watch your videos like, for example, at the end of the video you can add an end screen where they can go And it's like a recommended video for them to go, watch another video on your channel and that then becomes the source of how they came to watch that video. So real quick review, we talked about browse features, suggested videos, youtube, search, notifications, those bailed subscribers, advertising and optimizations. That's how people can actually watch your videos now, let's talk about what you can do to really up your game on youtube because you need to be, you need to be ready to roll on youtube, in my opinion, to crush it with all things seo, with all Things, google youtube and related in 2021, so first things.
First, let's talk about upload, cadence tip number one is define your upload cadence. In other words like. How often are you going to post there's the what's. The quote, the quote, is consistency.

Is the foundation for success on youtube? Without it you might be able to capture attention, but you won't be able to keep it right. I'm sure you've heard something like that. You might have one video that goes viral, but then capturing attention versus keeping. It are two vastly different things, so the number one tip that i'm giving you - and this is like the roll up, your sleeves, sweat equity - do the work is: what's your upload cadence? What content are you going to produce? How often find a plan that you can stick to and then keep rolling i've even heard people say anecdotally, like until you have 100 videos on youtube.

It's not even really algorithm algorithmic, whatever it's not really likely to do anything. I, whether that's true or not, here's what i think we can all agree on. You need to have a pace, a consistency of uploading content on youtube. Number two: is your channel, i'm gon na call it your channel ambiance the uh, the aura of your channel.

If you will so like i'm looking at tom ferry's channel right now, and what do i see, i see a great. This is called the channel art across the top great channel art. I love the call to subscribe here he's, like literally anticipating me, subscribing to his channel. He wants subs, he wants.

Subscribers he's got his links to facebook and twitter and instagram and linkedin and his favicon. There that links to his website channel art also, this is called the channel icon. It's your photo uh, the name of it down like he's right here, because i'm a subscriber, i am seeing his featured content. If i was unsubscribed, i would see his channel trailer and then i see his.

These are called sections right here, so uploads, the first section best of tom ferry on youtube mindset, monday tom ferry, show the podcast experience i'm seeing his different sections of content. If you want to edit those, let me go to my youtube: real, quick, i'm logged in to my youtube and i'm looking at the customize channel section and right here like it says for returning subscribers for new visitors. So the content varies and i can at live now. You can actually control what shows up first.

Is it a horizontal feed or is it a vertical feed? I can control all that, so i've got my marketing streaming, guest appearances and all this kind of stuff here on mine. So that's one thing to point out. I also want to point out playlists to you: let's go back to toms real quick. If i click playlists, i'm going to find like his main buckets, we call these official series, there's kind of two types of playlists there's just a playlist, which is a collection of videos that somehow belong together and then there's what's called a an official series i.e.
It's a main source of content so, like the tom ferry show, is an official series, a main source of content, tom's vlog mindset monday the housing updates with kcm that we do uh the tom ferry podcast experience. These are official series, but then we've got these sort of accessory playlists new to real estate, uh real estate training events. Success summit feature keynotes business marketing. These are topic-based where we can pull from our main series of official content and then drop them in as they fit.

So that's playlisting uh. Let me show you something here: i've got a playlist of mine open and i'm going to show you like. I can click edit on this playlist mine's called marketing stream, i'm going to click, playlist settings, i'm going to click advanced settings and i'm going to look here and i've got it set to public and i've got it ordering date published. I want the newest video to show first, the newest video to show first, if i'm doing episodic content, and then i can do some other fun things here.

But this to me is sort of important. Otherwise, it will go to the back of the list and then people are less likely to click on it. So that's uh. Let me see if i hit everything there.

Last thing on the ambiance of your channel is like your about section, your bio. The details is this channel subscribable when people find here to this when they navigate to this channel, are they going to want to subscribe? Is there content, or is this what i call a cul-de-sac channel a cul-de-sac channel? Is i go there? There's like one video there's? No reason for me to subscribe, you've got it so that goes back to point number one. Your upload cadence don't have a cul-de-sac channel a cul-de-sac. Channel means like people navigate there and there's nothing there to look at and so they're gon na bounce and exit which downplays algorithmically your watch time, your click-through rate you're sending a direct signal to youtube that you're not worth subscribing to.

So it's all about that content. Cadence and then we talked about your channel ambiance. Is this channel subscribable hack number three is, and i know it's kind of a long one, but there's, i think, there's useful stuff here, for you hack number three is optimization. Optimization of your actual videos.

I'm going to go through a couple of things: one cards and end screens if you've watched a video where it's like, hey by the way i made this other video click the card above and then some text appears and they can click it. That's called a card. That's okay, but because what i don't really love is people clicking off my video, i prefer end screens end screens are at the end of your video, it's going to say: hey here's another video you might like or a whole playlist, because the benefit of a playlist Is i'm i'm kind of building in the idea of streaming multiple videos at once watch this one and then this one and then binge watch my whole channel, which helps me algorithmically right, so end screens are critical. The way you do those is you go find your video on your channel after it's been uploaded after you click edit video, while logged into youtube, and then you can add those end screens and it's so easy uh calls to action and prompts like hey by the Way, if you haven't subscribed to tom ferry's channel click that subscribe button and turn on the bell to get notifications right, that's a call to action.
If you look here on his channel, there's a subscribe here, arrow trying to direct me on that little channel homepage to subscribe to the channel. So have you optimized not like to a point of ad nauseam, but have you optimized to say, hey, leave a comment subscribe to the channel share this video across social? Are you optimized in that way, with your content, uh, logos, thing and bumper i'm not going to go in a lot of detail here but like if you've ever watched, the tom ferry show uh it'll do a little teaser of me in the beginning, they'll. The editors will find something that i said, that must have been fascinating enough to try to tease you to want to watch everything, and then it goes. The tom ferry show, that's called a logo, sting sting and it can add a layer of professionalism to your videos and then last is this thing called chapters or sometimes they're called time stamps? I don't know if you know this but like if there are key things that are discussed in your video.

You can literally go into the description of that video and say 4 colon 32, and what you mean is at 4 minutes and 32 seconds. I talked about and then you list what you talked about in the description and youtube will automatically pick up on that and it will hyperlink that 432 as a timestamp that can be clicked and so you're actually building out your seo. So if people google, that or they youtube search that it can literally jump to a suggested clip, so it's just the little details: the nooks and crannies, the dotting of eyes and crossing of tees that helps to optimize your videos to be seen by a wider audience And time stamps or they're, called chapters could be a way of doing that number four. This is a lot of content.

Number four is keywords: titles tags, keywords, titles tags. This is where two buddies going to come in for you: where are the searches that you want to rank on? You got to look at the. You need a tool like tubebuddy to figure that out otherwise you're just guessing tubebuddy even tells you the same thing. They give you the same analytics concerning tags.
You can go into your video in post, production click edit video from within youtube, and you can add tags and that's another way of helping. You rank and search understand, and i said this in the last video the google video we did for the last tom ferry show. I said that google reads from left to right, so whatever your keyword is, that should be very early in the title itself. As far as the text goes not likes all the way at the tail end of that all the way at the tail end of that phrase, so in other words, if i'm talking about coffee recipes, say coffee recipes out of the gate, don't say how to create The most luxurious, wonderful coffee recipe at the end, because you're actually downplaying in youtube's mind their robotic mind, you're, downplaying the significance of coffee recipe as the keywords.

Okay, so i talked about four things: upload cadence channel, ambiance, optimization, hacks and then keywords tags, and i think i said text. I don't remember what i said, but nonetheless, no matter what it is like youtube is a frontier that, if you haven't crossed into it, you need to cross into it in 2021. It's part of seo it's part of social. It's part of your future success so get to work.


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16 thoughts on “4 ways to ‘crush it’ on youtube in 2021 |#tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Sisters Sold It says:

    Wow!!! Sooo many great tips!!! Thanks Jason for sharing!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Edgardo Palomo says:

    Thanks Tom and Jason, a lot of content, is the second time that I see it, and I discover new Ideas to take action.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyla Ramirez says:

    Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars President Ryker says:

    Woow woow 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amit Singh says:

    OMG 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Lav says:

    Hi Guys 😍💋 💝💖

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyla Ramirez says:

    You can get more info about me on my channel 😍💋 💝💖❤️

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Lav says:

    So Nice 💘💘💘💘💘💘

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Queen Gomez says:

    Fantastic 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariah Kristine Realtor says:

    Yess more on this topic please!🙌🏼

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmanuel Fonte says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Cheney - Washington Fine Properties says:

    Great info Jason. 👍🏼 How about best video ideas 💡 for a follow up show❓

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shelli Stine says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Timmins says:

    Nothing actionable

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Better Off says:

    I totally agree with you when it comes to end cards vs iCards. And another thing, I love to put my playlists like real episodes like in real movie series

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    Grab those online dollars folks.

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