To win in your business, you have to win online, and to do that, you have to win on search.
The only problem is that Google is a complicated beast. You’re a real estate agent, not a full-time SEO specialist… That’s why in this episode of The Tom Ferry Show, I’ll show you four easy and effective hacks to win on search and attract more online business.
It’s only 10 minutes long, easy to understand, and will help you generate more business all year long, so watch or listen, right here.
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Your customers can't find you online anymore. Welcome to the Tom Fery Show Hey welcome back to the Tom Ferry Show Episode 285 And yes, your customers can't find you online anymore today I Want to talk to you about the four actions that you can take to ensure success in the search for you game? But let's talk about it just for a moment. When you ask a friend like who's the best veterinarian in town and they give you the name right when someone says oh my my goodness, you got to talk to my friend Sally she's the best at x What do you do in every one of these circumstances we grab our phone and we search for that person and the same exact thing happens to you. You meet somebody in an open house, You're like, here's my card.

What do they do? They go outside, they take a look at the card They search your information. They want to know about you. That's the game always and forever. but absolutely even more in 2024.

So the note that I wrote down is when they look you up, do you convince them to work with you? Do you have all the right stuff there to make someone say yes, she's my gal, he's my guy or might you actually get passed by before you even get a chance to sit down with them oneon-one and show them what you do? Your profiles are everything in 2024 in the search for you game. So here's the four actions I want you to take. So number one is make sure that all social presence Maps Agent Direct Cies Everything has the same exact information making it easier to find you whether it's hyperal or if just in case they don't write real estate agent behind it. So what does that mean? That means if I go to your Google business page I go to your website I go to your Zillow profile I Go to your Facebook page that your first and last name is the same.

your address is so important. Remember Google Hyper Local Search your address is so important for she works this area. She's a local agent. Got to be the same across every platform.

Same thing with your cell phone, your email, and of course your url your website. Now if I just said to you, when was the last time you went through every one of the platforms and I actually got a little list for you? It's not the entire list, but let's just go through I'm ready social Facebook your business and your personal page Instagram YouTube Tik Tok X LinkedIn Snapchat Pinterest When was the last time you went through to verify that your name was the same that your address was on there, that the cell phone or the email, the contact information that your url was across the board the same on every single one of them. If you haven't done that, I'm going to encourage you to do it. same thing with your Google business profile Map Quest Bang places and Yelp And of course all the agent directories Zillow Realtor HomeLight and more.

The bottom line is this: I've got to make it easy for people when they search to go there she is. That's exactly who I just met with. Which brings me to my second: Point Number two. This is going to be a little controversial for some, but I'm going to say it.
same profile pick on every platform across everyone that I just mentioned same exact photo. matchy matchy. So when I look and say there she is oh and there she is and there she is And there she is. and there she is.

Now The reason why it's controversial is you might be on a team. You might be a part of a team. Have you ever looked at like an Instagram profile photo of a team of 15 or 18 or 20 people? You can't see any faces. Nobody becomes recognizable I Need to fall in love with your smiling eyes I need to make the connection with you visually visually while I'm looking at your profile.

So I need your face the same across all for 2024 Number three: When was the last time you rewrote all of your bios on every one of the platforms optimize specifically for them? Now there's a a number of things you need to pay attention to here. First is chat GPT can help you do all of this chatting with Jason Pantana Recently we talked about the Four A's so you might want to write this down When creating a bio, you want to think about these four A's the first one is the audience AKA Who is this for who am I for who do I want to work with so chat GPT understands the 4as and you can say help me articulate in my bio who I am for buyers and sellers here in Boston Massachusetts As an example, the second a is Authority we talk so much about no like and Trust hey chat GPT What is the most important language we can add into my bio to show that I am the authority in this part of town when it comes to buying, selling or investing in real estate and chat GPT will help you write a beautiful bio. Adding Authority the third one is attributes attributes is easy. like I want to relate to you in some way so you you know I've got, uh, a burn a doodle? You got a burn a doodle.

My little brother's got a crazy dog that literally has brought him multiple transactions because they're like you have a Visa dog I Have a Visa dog. It sounds simple, but whether it's pickle ball or you've lived in the area or you went to this University Those simple attributes make you more relatable to a segment of the population that are automatically just going to say yes to you because of that. So the third a is attributes and the last one is action. What's the action you want me to take? So reading your bio I'm finding out information about you I'm connecting with you.

You're clearly the authority and you like this. I Like this, we're in the same tribe. What action do you want me to take? Do you want me to follow you? Do you want me to reach out to you? Do you want me to go to an event? Do you want me to see you in an open house? What is the action? So here's the action: I Want you to take for each one of the BIOS I Want you to go to Chat GPT and say help me write a bio based upon the 4as audience Authority Attribute and action feed in some of your client reviews and some of your recent posts, so it gets a feeling for who you are and most importantly, what other clients are saying about you. And before you're done, add in this into your chat GPT Prompt and please make sure you add in keyword that home buyers and home sellers in Boston Massachusetts would be looking for in their search.
Go Now! I Know that was a ton of information, but it's actually really easy if you've been on chat GPT You know, tell it exactly what he wanted to do. Give it the information it needs and it's is going to write it for you beautifully. Now the key is then copy and pasting on every one of the sites and making sure that all those bies are updated. Now let's go to the last one.

number four. you've got some work to do. The last one is recognizing that just about every one of these profiles allows you to put up fresh content. Now why does this matter if I was on your Google business page and you said to me you're a local real estate expert in this neighborhood if I was then looking at the photos and the videos and the products that are a available on your Google business page if I didn't see neighborhood information Market updates if I didn't see information on the schools what are all the best restaurants who are all the you know hous helping handyman Etc in your local area I would actually question your Authority as the local neighborhood expert So I always say to myself all right if somebody's on this page and I would love for them to hire me what information do I need to provide that would show showcase to them clearly he or she is an expert so I would have all my reviews I'd have all the local market knowledge I could post there I'd have all my photos I'd have content Galore from Facebook and Instagram and Google and everything else all on as many of these profiles as I can now I know we're still early in the new year and I just gave you a whole bunch of work to do I Promise you this is one of those.

Get up early on a Saturday morning at 6 or 5 or four. Just kidding. Okay, maybe seven. Get up early, open up your laptop, go to every one of your profiles with the same photo, make sure you have the same information, Just update Everything clean up your profiles and just set aside some of the content that your clients love and like and maybe grab something from KCM on the local side and add it in to all your profiles.

The bottom line is in 2024, the competition is going to be fierce for people searching and what I want to make sure is when someone hears about you and they're on their phone and they do a quick search. Not only do they find you easily with everything I just shared Google will make that happen. The second thing is when they get there they realize you're the expert. you're the real deal and you're their next.

Real Estate Professional. So let me know your comments on this show. I know I Give you a ton to do. Thank you so much for watching.
We'll see you next Tuesday on the next show. Hey, if you like this content, make sure you get back to my channel and check out Jason Pantana this week in marketing the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience and of course mindset Monday.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “4 hacks to win on search #tomferryshow”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jodymarr6758 says:

    Do you have any realtor examples for the bio?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mannya_realtor says:

    Love this! I got the photo checked off but I’m going to use what you share on this video to update all of my bios! Preciate you Tom!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kentrippexp says:

    Great tips as usual 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mandivirkrealtor says:

    This was excellent! Thanks Tom!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NiveenYoussef-cq1lf says:

    Hi, should I put my address or my office address if I don’t live in my office area? Google business page. Thanks!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @leewerner4831 says:


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