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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, let's see. Good morning There We go. Well, it's about 8 45. we've got 45 minutes to the bell.

As I sit here right now, scanners are up as you can see. Uh, we'll start looking at charts. Dlpn. I mean Incredible.

What a move from 16 to 38 between after hours in pre-market Impressive. That's very impressive. Um, I do seem to recall someone out there, um, yesterday saying this was a short. No, this.

They didn't say that they said it's an easy no, No, this, that's an easy comma. Obvious short. Well, um, you know. I mean it's not to say there might not have been some intraday opportunities to short it, because of course, if you're just day trading, it's going up and down.

Um, but this was long and it was a sort of all day long and it was based on that Nft catalyst. Very similar to what we had on Tcat. Now, I wish I had had the i don't know the confidence in it to hold for that type of move. It's so hard for me to do that because you know I it when you hold, When you, you know when you take it as a swing trade when something's already up 80, 90, or 100 percent.

and you know that there's risk of maybe a T1 halt depending news, or there's a risk of, um, maybe even a T12. you're risking 50 of your capital essentially. And so how much am I really comfortable just holding and risking that much of on something like Dlpn Probably wouldn't want to lose more than 10 000 on it. So then I'm realistically only holding like 1500 shares and then that starts to feel like what's even the point? What's what's the point of a swing trade with a thousand or 1500 shares? I mean it.

I might make a marginal amount, but not a significant amount. and so you know, I just don't do it. Um, I could have traded it longer into the day and I could have traded after hours. But like I said yesterday, it's important to know when to walk away.

And I took my money off the table and walked away. And it kept going without me. And that's great. I'm happy to see that I am happy for you guys who kept trading it because you know the strategy, you know how to trade momentum, and some of you who even stuck around for that after hours squeeze.

or maybe got up early pre-market and caught that rip at 7am, which is what I was trying to do on Tcat on Friday that 7am rip. but I didn't do that. I haven't taken a trades yet, I actually haven't even logged into my platform yet. so let's go ahead and log in.

Um, all right. So here we go. So I'm getting logged in here and I'm going to put, let's see. So I'll put I don't know.

Probably not going to trade Tcat Dlpn, I'll have on watch. Um, zkin, I'll have on watch. I was watching that one. Um, and these are just sort of placeholders from before so I could just kind of close the that's actually a stock.

Um, just to make them blank. That way I'm not using data and getting distracted by something. So those are the two that I have on kind of watch right now. Uh, so yesterday? Uh, Tcat? What was the high? Um, 72 73? Yeah.
So nice. Move there. I'm going to move this chart up here. I'm going to move this one to make it a little smaller.

You can see Zkin is on the scanner. It's currently gapping up 29. It's not a huge gapper. um, all things considered, the float on it is 7.9 million shares, but that's a nice pop right there from 14 up to 14.50 That's kind of like the trade that I took um, yesterday.

sort of micro pullback and then a break through that level. but I can't chase it up here. That's the thing. I don't want to chase this one, so I'll probably just wait a second and we'll see maybe in the next couple of minutes what it looks like.

But um, let's look at the leading gap or Hofv. All right. So this one 58 million share float. it's already coming down a little bit.

Dlpn second leading gapper this one. I'm gonna wait for it to get back. probably around or over the volume weight, average price. It is curling up a little bit right here, but I think trading it below V Web is.

you know, Occasionally I'll do it, but I don't It's too. It's not close enough that I'm looking at the break. It's got a two dollars a share before it's even at the V Web. Uh, which I suppose gives you a profit target at Vwap if you got in down here, but looks like a double top there at 30 60.

I don't know. I I think that, um, it's just a little too too risky below V Web and clearly you know Dlp. Uh, Zkin is a little bit more, has a little bit more volume. Uh, well, actually it's got a little less volume.

It's got 2 million shares, but it's lower priced and it seems to be what's getting a little more attention right now. So this is starting to form a five minute abcd pattern. I'll take a dip right there, but I only filled 2500 shares at 37. So the high is 67 and I'll just take that mostly off the table for a thousand bucks.

That's an Abcd pattern. that's A. It's a good type of trade to get in on the dip and take that profit off the table. It's a bummer.

I only filled 2 500 shares. It's a five minute breakout right there. So uh, high is 90. So now the question is, does it break over 90 and continue up to 15? The thing that Zkin has all-time highs on this is right around 16.

so we're near a blue sky setup. No, remember, no market orders pre-market So my orders were at 1440 and I only filled one of the orders and it was only a partial fill at 1437 and then it was above 1440. So so this right now on the 10 second is a micro pullback as you can see right here forming. but the better entry was down on that dip.

So now, uh, we'll see if it gets over 15.. I have the all-time highs just for clarification at 16 right there. Boom. 16 All-time highs? Let's see.

Um, looking at Alya, I don't like that chart. It's coming down too much. Auvi. I'm not sure about that either.

Maybe Maybe. So this is Auvi and this is Ayla Dlpn and then Zkin. So Zkin, you know it's not the leading gap or not yet. It's got a little ways to go before it's the leading gap or I don't think it will be the leading gapper today.
It probably isn't going to go up that much, but it's It'll be probably in the top. It'll stay in the top 10 or so, so high is 99. that's a little red candle. I might need a little bit of a pullback for a second.

Um, I'm going to let's see. just pop up my disclaimer here for those on Facebook and Youtube. Uh, thank you guys for tuning in. Hopefully you've hit the thumbs up If you haven't already, punch that thumbs up.

Uh, we're on Youtube at 816 000 subscribers so making our way towards a million slow and steady. Uh, thank you. It's because of your help. So uh, I want to remind you in case you didn't already know that day, Trading is risky.

Most beginner traders lose money. These stocks are extremely volatile. I'm probably trading some of the most volatile stocks in the market, and I'm doing that because these are the stocks ultimately that I I feel offer the most potential. These are the ones that are the big movers.

Tcat, Dlpn, Gamestop. You know these are the most volatile, but clearly these are the ones that are making the big moves. So these are the type of stocks that I was always trading when I was, uh, trading with smaller accounts because these the, you know, a stock that's going up 65, 75, 100 in one day. That's the type of stock that can, uh, grow a smaller account in my experience.

So I encourage you guys to just be mindful of the fact that this is risky stuff. Uh, certainly trading any type of stock even Facebook or Tesla is risky, but these are the riskiest. Um, well, Otc penny stocks are probably the riskiest, but in any case, I think you get the point. Trading is risky, so do yourself a favor and trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line.

All right. So we're getting a little pull back here. Um, which is good? It's healthy, hi that last candle 70. I'll take along there at 70..

The idea here. First candle to make a new high and then a breakthrough 15.. So looking for the break over 15? order at 15 to add and watching here in the 90s. So this is the typical first one minute candle to make a new high setup adding at 92..

there we go. Took a little off the table at Um 507 partial fill. That was a nice trade. Cost basis is 14.81 sold the rest of it at 85..

So that's what we call the first one minute candle to make a new high right there. Sometimes they're false breakouts, but you can still make money on a false breakout as long as you take profit. Uh, at some point. So now the high is 15 10.

New order goes at 15 10. So I let it pull back and then I'll try to do another dip trade for the trade over 1510. We'll just watch it for a second yvr. Um, I don't see anything on that right now.
So there we go, watching it pops back up over 15 dips back down below hit a high of 1502. It's a little choppy here. 1496, then 1507.. there you go.

All right. So broke through. that level broke without me nicely. So yep, stay focused.

Break even trades are no big deal. This is too extended right here. See if it holds 15 on a dip back to 1490. Hmm.

All right, well keep watching it. So we've got a topping tail candle there on the one minute little two two Doji's in a row. Well, Marcos, take it slow. That's what we always say.

First day live. Take it slow. You're going to realize it's a little different from trading in a simulator. Simulators are good, but take it slow.

Someone mentioned yesterday a student burning bright and fast going. huge, big size, you know, and I really discourage that. you might maybe get a little beginner's luck. More likely you'll screw something up and then all of a sudden you dig a hole.

It's just not worth it. You gotta pace yourself. So Danny's um, oh my god, look at that. look at that.

So the thing that you get right there, that type of pop? I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. First candle to make a new high. Look at that up to 1575 without me.

I thought that was extended too. so I can't really buy it up here. I gotta wait a second. 15.75 Our all-time highs are 16.

so I've got to wait for the next setup. But it's good. It's up 40 percent. now.

it's moving up to the fourth place on the Gap scanner. Moving a little higher. Yeah, that had some that had some momentum behind it. I think that probably startled some short sellers.

So 75 is the spot I might watch with smaller size to try to ride the squeeze. Small size there at 74. Ride the squeeze up to 16. Looking for short squeeze continuation high is 88.

watching over 88 for an ad, adding at 88 right there for the breakthrough 16. So my thought on this is we get a quick pop through 16. adding there at 96 took some off at, you know, So that's actually I got a terrible fill there. I pressed the shift 2 hotkey and I filled it 16 13 when I wanted to fill it 16.

So now I'm going to let it pull back again. The highest 16 16. now we've broken to all-time highs and I'm going to watch a dip trade size down to 900 shares for right now, so add another thousand bucks on that. Let's let this form a one minute pullback.

So one minute pullback after that breakout would probably be the best way to manage risk. so let's see how much it dips down to 79.. So I'm starting down at 77 to buy the dip. I'm going to look to add back over 16 and then look for the break of 16 16.

adding there at 16. So now what I'm doing here is I'm sizing up for the Breakthrough 16 16. it begins as a dip trade first one minute candle to make a new high will be over 1607. So 1607 watch.
That's the that's the apex point. We can let it dip down again. We're looking for that first candle to make a new high through 16 16 1607 and then to hi a day. So watch right here.

watching for a dip adding there at 94. So let's see how high it's going to go. Cutting it at 86 Looking for another dip? The Low: That pullback was 75 70. let's see how much it pulls back.

Sos what's the news: Digital Asset Exchange Nft I don't see the actual Nft phrase in this though, because that's I'm looking for it. Um, because that's what I think people would pick up on more. Not sure Z-k-i-n low is 62. adding at 65 there 67 Doing another dip trade on it looking for the break back over 80.

still trying to time the first one minute candle to make a new high. I might have been wrong on the first one, but this is what I'm looking for. First, Kale to make a new high continually is breaking out higher. Here we go so it's over 81.

now watch this. over 16 orders at 1607 to add added right there for the Breakthrough 16 Now looking for high a day 16 16. So watch the break back through 16 adding at 89 Dip Trade so we've got 91 on the ask. I want to see 95, 96, 97 Cutting the loss gave back I don't know what I gave back.

I don't know how much I was up but taking a loss on that one. Not a big loss, but gave back a little bit so this ended up being a false breakout candle. A little bit of a more dramatic one. I could keep doing dip trades down here, but with that false breakout now it's a little bit.

uh, a little bit riskier. Quick dip at 26. I think that's a good entry. Sold at 30 80 Profit so the high is basically a double top there 16 10.

hmm maybe a good idea to wait for a five minute setup. Five minute bull flag V is down at 14.71 Good morning Leslie Well done Mike Slow and steady. Four stocks you traded green on all four. 2017 Terrific.

That right there's a great date stop right there and it's a great day. All right. So we've already had a little bit of action here on Zkin it is. pulling back though.

We had a false breakout on that candle I added at 16. In hindsight maybe could just taken the profit off the table, but in any case added looking for that bigger move up through the highs took the loss as it dropped back down here. Did one Dip trade now kind of sitting tight on it. Dlpn was the one I was initially thinking might be more interesting, but it's continued to pull back a little bit.

it's not quite set up and that those 8 am Adfn orders screw up the chart a little bit so I don't know. Maybe I'm not sure if this one is going to give us more, but we'll see. Let's see. Um, how v let me take a look Hofv leading Gapper? Okay, it's breaking the volume weight.

average price there. Yep, I'll put that one on my chart or on my level two. Not sure about it just yet. Uh, it is a 58 million share.
floats a little higher. So I've got Dlpn Zkin Hofv. Those are the three I have up in front of me right now. Um, okay.

uh uh yeah. Okay, I see that. Thank you Thank you guys on uh, Youtube who are tuned in. I see a lot of you guys as soon as you tune in.

you hit the thumbs up which is awesome. I really appreciate that. So yesterday was a pretty good day. I haven't imported my trades yet, but I can do that real quick.

Let's see. um there we go. Go over here. okay, grab this.

So it felt kind of yesterday like momentum was picking back up. Uh, you know, Dlpn Tcap the Nft stocks definitely got some big moves there, but you know I did give back a bit off the top which is always a little bit of a bummer. I was up like 51 000 and then 52 maybe gave back eight off the top so called it a day there. didn't want to give back anymore.

That was the right move. but I did. I suppose leave. I gave back some off the top and then I guess I left some on the table because if I had kept trading, probably could have been able to make a bit more.

But let's see. So yeah, so these are my metrics here from yesterday. Uh, or this is. well, I guess this is the month, so I'm kind of waiting for that next, you know.

Big Day. Seventy Four thousand, A hundred, Two hundred thousand. You know something to really squeeze and during the time that I'm trading it, you know. So we're seeing some squeezes after hours or pre-market but that's not during the time I'm trading.

So yeah, I don't know. um, but I'm keeping my head above water this month. Uh, I haven't had a a big draw down here. Uh, I'll go back to January.

I've had a couple losses for sure, but but nothing. um, really brutal. So since you know, actually, since February since that big loss, I've been pretty dialed in here. but it's been slower as you can see here in the last couple weeks.

So this is where I sit on the year right now. Uh, I know, I'm sure there's people that have made far more than that already this year, certainly on Gamestop, but I'm I'm doing what I can. I'm trying to chug along. So that's where I'm at.

Uh, 1.6 million gross profit. Net profit after fees and commissions is going to be 1.4 so you know that's that's where I'm at. But of course, I've had a couple big drawdowns one and then two. But this right here is good because I'm keeping those drawdowns smaller.

So that's that's kind of my goal right now. So for the month of March, I'm sitting at 287. Net gross is 334. So you know this is a nice kind of steady one-to-one profit loss ratio.

Biggest Winner: 63 000 Biggest Loser: 46 You know, pretty quick trades 65 Accuracy Just kind of grinding right now waiting for that next big momentum stock. So I've you know, got to do my color rituals. Drinking green, wearing green. Maybe I'll put up the Santa Claus Christmas tree in a few minutes.
I don't know. I just got to kind of, you know, do everything. Uh, to get myself in that headspace. You're right, Jacob, it is good for you.

Well, the Christmas tree is green. Uh, it's only a little red, so it's mostly green. We've got about 15 minutes to the bow, so you know. as I know, usually my usually my best days, I'm in pretty good shape pre-market so I'm up 5 grand pre-market here.

Uh, that's not quite my daily goal. My daily goal is at this point is 20. I'm averaging 19 a day. uh, this month.

but this year I'm averaging 26 a day. So I'm I'm trying to hit 20 a day that? that's kind of my goal right now. So the fact that I haven't hit it pre-market and that we've gotten this kind of bigger pullback here on Zkin. You know I might sometimes do a dip tray down here, but I'm also just sort of like I don't know, I'm I'm not really.

Not really sure. It's pulled back a bit more than I thought. although it is on lighter volume which is good. high of this current five Minute candles: 1496.

65. There, you know what? I'll take a starter at 76. What? I'm kind of thinking on this. It's right at the View app.

so I'm in basically at the volume, weight, average price, and then if we get the first five-minute candle to make a new high, the high of this current candle is 14.96 So so watch this. This candle right here on the five minute is going to close in one second. Now first candle to make a new high is over 96. So now we've got a five minute setup Adding right there.

14.96 Took it off the table at 99. You know what? That was not bad. That's called a bounce off the V web. New order Is it 1505.? watching a dip and then a pop back up? 1505..

Now it would have been better if this had squeezed up to like 15.25 I sold whole. I meant to sell half, but it's fine adding back at 88, doing that dip trade, looking now for the pop back through 15 and then up to 15 25.. So we're going to look for that breakthrough 15 and then 15.05 There's 1498 on the ask adding there at 98.. So adding for the breakthrough 15, then my target is 15.

Uh, 25.. there's 99. it's not breaking sold for a loss. can always get back in on a dip reposition.

should have broken right there. And because I added for the break of 15 now I've increased my cost basis so that that's where it's like it's got to really break. Otherwise, I got to let it go. Addy back at 77 79 Though that gives me a better dip trade for the second attempt Because here what we have is below V whap back above it.

So the first one minute pullback after breaking back above V Web can present a one minute opportunity. So this is a one minute pullback technically after a fresh five minute breakout and a bounce off the V Web. So new order at 15. Now if I add at 15, it'll bring my cost basis up from 14.79 for sure.

But it could be the opportunity to kind of roll this into a bigger trade so that five minute candle, we're one minute close adding at 97 there. So cost basis is now 89. Added 87 Another little dip Looking for that breakthrough 15. cut it at 83.
Looking for another dip on it though? The thing is it's breaking back below V-wap so I might just want to let this one sit for a second. We have only 13 minutes to the bell. Look at that flush down to 40. 10 000.

Look at that buyer though. 10 000 Share buyer at 62. Uh, I should have done a dip trade on that. Put an order at 47 but it didn't fill.

Hey Dan! So uh, we don't. Uh, the chat room membership right now is we're not accepting new students into it. We discontinued selling the Chat Room last year and uh, the idea was to go just all in on education, education or nothing. So either you're here because you want to learn or we're not going to let people in just for chat room Only because the thing with Chat Room only is that it creates a busier chat room of people that asking questions that are answered in the classes but don't want to take the time or spend the money to take the classes.

so it feels kind of like it's not really a good product. If you know, the idea of a good product is that it gives someone a really good experience. The classes are the better way to go. so at this point we offer the starter and we offer the pro and then we have the standalone simulator subscription for people that want that.

but we don't do chat only at this point Again, I mean we have it up there as uh, enrollment is is full because we as we were testing that we didn't know whether how you know that would what that would do if it would be a mistake and then we could always revert back. but at this point it's been a while and I I don't know but it again there might be a point where we would do a chat only preview or something, give people a week in the chat and I don't know but but we're not, it's just not on the roadmap right now so that's the answer to that question. But yeah, all existing students whether you're a starter or a pro, you guys just continue at that discounted rate uh to maintain your membership. So we've set that up and when you're up for renewal, uh, you'll be able to email us and we'll give you.

We'll give you info on how that works so some of you guys will be coming up on your end of the first year of the pro. You don't have to buy it again. that's not how it works. Um, we just have a monthly sort of rate to just maintain access to all the classes, maintain access to the chat, the Sim, and everything else.

You can pay for that in one year up front. If you want to, you get a discount for doing it, but it's not. It's not the same as buying the class all over again. So 10 minutes to the bell? Uh, thanks Steve, those you guys over on Youtube? Yep, I see some of those comments.

I appreciate that. Okay, so let's see. and I know that a lot of you guys do learn over on uh, Youtube and Facebook and we're happy to have you guys tuning in and learning over there. We know that a number of you guys will end up at some point jumping over and getting into the starter or the pro and we'd love to have you go through those classes as well.
So let's see. I'll put up my disclaimer here again as a reminder that trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money, so trade with caution. Trading a simulator.

Our students have access to a simulator, but practice, practice, practice. Um, what was I going to say? Um, yeah. you guys have access to the scanners as well. I was going to say something.

What was that slipped my mind? So zkin' yeah, I don't know. It's kind of. I don't know it. It's okay to take in my opinion, the first breakback overview app.

but then when it failed to hold that level it, that's a problem. Oh, what I was going to say is chapter 17. Um, Interviews. So uh.

Ted and I did an interview last week. Uh, many of you guys know Ted and Diane run the trading. Uh, kind of mindset, trading psychology portion of uh, the Warrior Pro curriculum. So I did an interview.

I put Ted in the hot seat. we kind of switched spots there and I asked him questions of his experience working with traders, what he sort of sees as you know, the biggest roadblocks and you know what what the turning points are and how to get in the mindset of being a profitable trader, Knowing that, uh, sometimes mindset is so important. but how do you kind of get into that mindset when you're not actually there? So that's in chapter 17. I think you guys will really love it.

It's a great interview. Um, also have interviews there with uh, Danny who I was going to mention earlier and I think I got distracted on that as well. Traded with Td Ameritrade for I don't know how long it was, like six months or something like that and Danny how much what did you make in those six months? I can't remember what you said. it was like um, 800 bucks or something like that, but it was his proof of concept.

and uh, he's now got his 50k badge which is awesome and started just scaling up And I was so impressed with his level of patience and discipline to spend six, eight months or whatever it is making only a couple hundred a month. But at the end of the day he knew that if he can just prove profitability even on a small scale, then it's a question of having the confidence in himself to increase share size and start taking more risks. So that's really good to see. In contrast to the student that is burning fast and bright.

you know, throwing 15 20, 000 shares out there. I highly doubt Danny even at this point. Um, you know, a year into it or whatever is going to trade with that type of size. So pace yourself.

This is a marathon. It's not a sprint we say that a million times. But just really, this. there's a lot to learn and it's a lot of fun every single day.
Sitting down here, it's like solving a little puzzle. It's there's a lot of satisfaction in solving that puzzle correctly and making a little bit of money. But it takes time, so let yourself get through that learning curve and don't try to rush it. So interviews with Gary? Danny? Henry.

Um, Henry's a college student trading as his, uh, sort of side hustle. Really? Uh, he's got his 100k badge. Side Hustle 100k badge? Good for him. Uh, so did an interview with him.

That was cool. Uh. and then we had Jeremy up there as well. Um, and I don't remember if it was Jeremy or Gary one of them.

I asked, which was harder learning to fly a plane because they both have their pilot's license or trading and they both said trading. So that tells you something. Also, four and a half minutes to the bell? All right. thank you guys.

Uh, on Youtube and Facebook. So I'm gonna end the broadcast here. Um, we'll keep trading. Uh for Warrior Starter and Pro students.

As soon as the bell rings, I'm sending 8 000 right now. Only stock. I've traded Zkin and um, yeah, we got four minutes to the bell. I thought Dlpn was going to be sort of the one, but it ended up kind of well fading a little bit.

It's all all things considered, It's holding up okay, but it's clearly sold off from its high of 38. So I do have it on a chart over here in case it starts to pop up. Zkin, I'm going to keep up on a chart. Um, but uh, I'm not going to probably be trading anything right at the bell.

I'm going to be watching to see what hits the high day moma scanner because right at the bell, we've just been seeing so much volatility. Sometimes it's a halt going up, sometimes the halt going down and I don't want to get shaken out in that. I, you know, I'm not up quite enough to take that risk, but I do still think I have a good shot at having a decent day here. It's only 9 30.

I don't have a hard stop today the way I did yesterday so I can trade potentially a little longer. but I do want to be careful and make sure I do take profit off the table. And hey, if this is the best it gets today 8 000. That's still a terrific day all things considered.

Got to be grateful for that. It's easy to lose, uh, lose touch when you see people out there making a lot of my trading much more than me even. I mean, you know I'm not stupid. I know there's people out there that make triple what I make and good for them.

Uh, you know, so it can make me feel sort of like, oh man, I'm only at 47 000. this person's up 150 000. dang it, I really screwed up. but hey, let's be grateful for what we've got.

All right? So um, that is my game plan here. Two and a half minutes to the bell, so you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

20 thoughts on “3/24/2021 – $dlpn to $38 60% pre-market live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Humes says:

    Ross just "chugging along" with his 1.4 Million on the year. lol. The man is a machine.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    8:00am ADFN orders?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharon Davis says:

    Thank you for the live!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andrew wegierak says:

    When you put in your order for $ZKIN was it on the ASK?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diana Young says:

    The light shines brighter and brighter, always be a blessing to humanities!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Rain, shine, snow fall, be sunny, there is no excuse to see your show of the day. Thanks a lot Ross!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pram Logistica says:

    wow got

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pram Logistica says:

    good one ross

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cave Man says:

    Thanks for the hope

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Woofy says:

    PDT rule is a violation of investors rights. They allow people to go to Las Vegas and gamble and potential lose lots of money in a matter of minutes on pure luck with out government “protection” yet we can’t even day trade if you have a small account this is dumb

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balin Villa says:

    I was going to get dolphin @10 yesterday but I thought it will flush when market open. But it went up and later in the day went up more. To 20s and now 30s that's ridiculous everyone selling other positions to buy onto new plays like these nfts stocks.
    I lost on ocg yesterday, waiting for cash settled. Btw Good job Ross like always.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Meints says:

    For day trading im currently using robhinhood under 25,000 is there somewhere else i should do day trading? And i can only do 4 day trades a day correct? Thanks so much!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Hasten says:

    Hello Ross, new Pro member here. On some of your teaching charts you have a dotted line/right angle indicator that's referred to in the chart info window as "TO." Can you tell me what that represents?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lois Walter says:

    Really a good fan. Got one sub

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric says:

    I'm subscribed and been following you on YouTube everyday I really like your style, it seems to fit me. I was wondering if I start with your starter program and want to move up to to your advanced Warrior Pro program can I get some kind of credit for moneys already spent on the starter program? I may soon roll over my 401k to a TD ameritrade IRA so my trading bankroll may increase soon. So far I've been making small gains trading small amounts.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soe says:

    Can you also do the video on swing trading? Thanks

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason mekush says:

    Learned so much from your courses. another green day , starting a streak. Eagerly waiting for the team approval for ch 17 addition . Have a great day .

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Fox says:

    Question to any veteran traders. Today I decided that my paper trading account should be relative to how much I will actually start with. Good or bad idea? I feel like them starting me off with 100k is unrealistic for 90% of us. Today’s trades +96.00 and -$22.00. Profit 74.00. This is with my small/micro 3k amount with paper trading I only used 3k. I’m not sure if I will use margin. I feel like even when I start live I should wait till I get my emotions in check then slowly dip into using it. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David says:

    Hey Ross. I was wondering if I could ask to code a stock scanner similar to Trade ideas. Do you think is possible?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Marinov says:

    Ross, what do you think of tick charts, instead of 10s charts? Also have you tried automating your strategy? And if yes, why you are still trading manually, what is the reason 😕 Thank you.

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