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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Okay, there we go. Good morning everyone. Okay, my audio. Oh, there we go.

That's gonna be better. I don't know how that got turned down so much. All right, good morning. So let's see, we've got about 45 minutes to the bell.

I just put my disclaimer up again as a reminder that trading is risky. There we go. Sorry about that. Um, so you saw the disclaimer.

Trading is risky. In case you didn't already know that we've got a couple, uh, wild stocks this morning. So wild card Thursday yesterday. Tcat? Huge move.

Didn't trade it at all yesterday. stuck with my guns and was grateful for the eight or nine thousand or whatever it was that I that I finished up. Um, I was up about 15 and then I gave back. um, a little more than.

well, a little less than half of those gains. So at that point I said, all right, let's shut it down and take the money off the table. So let's see. let me refresh.

So this was, um, yesterday in gross profit before fees and commissions 8995 dollars on 13 trades. So a green day better than Monday Because on Monday I was up 15, then I was up five, Then I was read 10, then read 15, then read 20 and then read 26. So yesterday I said no, I'm not gonna not gonna come back. I'm not gonna get Fomo because you know what? The market will be here for me tomorrow.

And yes, I did miss. I suppose some nice opportunities here. Although this isn't the time of day, I would typically be really aggressive sort of late morning into the early afternoon. but it did end up giving you guys some moves.

So good for you for anyone who traded it, although I'm sure there are some that traded it and managed to be read on it just because of the volatility being so much so this morning, it has continued its move. It has a current high of 29.60 so I'll put that 2961, whatever. Um, so we'll see if we get continuation on this one. Ocg also an art stock moving higher.

The high is 1328 so I'll be watching that one. Tcat I have already traded and I took trades in two separate areas. The first was around uh, let's see this break right here which was nice and then I took another trade. uh, right in here and right in here and I have not traded it right through here.

I don't think so. at least I've just been waiting. so I am agreeing on the day which is good. So I've got a start and I like the idea of continuing trade.

This I thought that in this area it felt just a little extended on the five and what we actually have now, which I like is a tap of that nine moving average. So it pulled back, it tapped that nine moving average and now that's kind of getting a little bit of a sort of a better looking pattern. maybe in five or ten minutes for a possible trade through the highs back to Ocg. So this one.

I'm going to put this over on this chart over here. So this one is, um, interesting. So let's see. let me move this around here.

Um, I'm gonna put that there there. Okay, so Ocg, Uh yeah. so you know this one. Um, back over 13? You know you can see, it's kind of starting to set up.
But the risk here is that we're very extended off our nine moving average. So we're extended by like almost a dollar a share off that nine moving average. It really is a little bit extended there. Um, but Ocg is cheaper.

Uh, which is true. It's gapping up currently 20 both Tcat and Ocg. You know they're moving up on this art stuff. Um, the digital art headlines these record sales in these auctions.

So that's the that's the catalyst. It's a general catalyst. Um, but it is obviously giving these some momentum. I will say that our leading gappers only 39.

Uh, it's not a huge gapper all things considered. but you know that's just what we're sitting with here. So our high a day on Ocg is 1328. So from 13, you know, 13 28.

you're not talking about a ton of room and you are talking about a bit more downside risk. So I don't think the risk reward ratio on this is quite right for me at the moment because your downside is 12.55 whereas your upside is only 1328.. So being in at 13 is just a little too close to resistance I think right now, so I'm just going to be patient on that. We'll see what it does.

That is the first five-minute candle to make a new high. However, that carries higher risk of a false breakout when in this context it's a bit extended. It's also not the leading gapper. I mean, it's it's up there, but it's not the leading gapper.

If this were the leading gapper, I would probably be a bit more, uh, aggressive on it just because I would think it's more obvious. But since it's not the leading gapper, I'm being a little bit more cautious. So Upst is the leading gapper upstart and it's a higher price stock. I I don't think there's anything there.

Um, for me, 46 million share float? I don't know any. Os is our second leading gapper. This one pre-market chart doesn't look good, and then Tcat is our third leading gapper. But Tcat's not far away really if it breaks through 29 50 from being the leading gapper.

So I think Tcat is the sort of hotter one of between Tcat and Ocg. But some traders might prefer Ocg due to the price being a little cheaper. So I I think that they're both worth keeping on watch. They're both probably going to trade a little bit in tandem.

Let's see. um, Ocg moving up just a little bit more there. Oh, and Sino. Yeah, so Cyano is up here.

13 million share float launches, highly secure Nft exchange. Um, okay. so uh, the Sino is a shipping company by the way. Hmm, yeah, so I don't know.

Um, hi, a day is 1181.. Sino is one of these companies that does tend to kind of jump on what's hot and you know, I guess it's It's definitely been guess positive for their share price. They've definitely recovered from being way down here. You know, un under two dollars, but it's hard hard to know if that's really going to work.
Um, feels like it might not. but I suppose you never know. Don't want to form too much of a bias on it, because then I might talk myself out of what from a technical perspective could be a good opportunity. I was up a little earlier today checking the Tcat chart because it closed because it captioning not starts to pop available, pulls back, and then sort of off it goes there.

So I think right now you know Bh Tg, let me look at this one again. No, that one's pulling back too much Cyno dipping back down. Yep, I see that. So those you guys on Youtube and Facebook? thank you for tuning in to the Morning show this morning.

Um, I'm going to pop up my disclaimer here. For those who are just getting logged in, there we go. Uh, as a reminder that trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money, so you should trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line.

And I would love for you guys to hit the thumbs up if you haven't already. We really appreciate those. And if you haven't already subscribed to the channel, hit that subscribe button Sometimes I start streaming a little bit earlier like I did today. so I uh, when you guys are subscribed, you'll get a notification when I do go live each morning.

So we're coming up at 9am. Let's see if we have any breaking news at 9am. That gives us maybe some type of fresh opportunity. Our high on Ocg is still.

Oh no, we broke the high. But look at that false breakout So I don't love that. That's a that's a you know that type of whip is that's I don't like seeing that that's a false breakout for sure. The high is 13 34.

well look at that. gosh, Then right back up. Hmm, that is interesting. Uh, I I don't know.

Right back to 34 33. well I can't really get in it right up there. it's it's a little too high so we've got about 90 seconds till 9 a.m So let's see if we do get a little bit of a a dip trade. maybe on something like this, or if we get some breaking news headlines right now trying to just be patient.

wait for those good setups to come to me. I don't want to chase stuff. I want to make sure I getting a good solid entry. so maybe a little short trap on Ocg there.

as it broke through the high of 13 34. high is 13.74 so you can see how this is double topping around 1374 on Ocg, Tcat breaking out Ocg, I'm going to do a dip trade on that. Buying the dip there for the Breakthrough 1374 and then over 13 90 is an ad for the Breakthrough 14. since Tcat's also squeezing, I think this is a safer one to do the dip trade on.

So watching for the Breakthrough 14 adding there at 95. Tcats also squeezing. but Ocg is a little bit cheaper which makes it a little easier to trade. Took my gains at 1401 which was a nice trade.

New order goes at 14 10. Hi, that candle is 1405. And there it goes. A little higher up to 14 13..
Now I'm going to wait for a pullback. Let it prove itself. This one's a little easier to manage. Risk on uh, Tcat being a little higher priced, it's a little bit more volatile.

But we have here two four candles in a row that are green. I bought this micro pullback uh dip trade right here. That was my entry on this dip so we got a nice move higher. Now up to 13 14 13, it would be a little extended for me to add back up here without a proper one minute pullback.

So now my hand's sort of off the buy button for a second and I'm going to wait for a proper one minute setup. So the high of this current candle, the last candle is 13. the high of this one is O5. I'll leave my order at 14 15.

T-cat is pulling back a little bit. I'm not really sure which one is leading the way. It seems like Ocg broke out a little bit sooner. I would say this has a risk of being a bull trap.

a false breakout because it's that teeny little candle up at the very top. If it was really, really strong, it would have already broken out. So the fact that it's hesitating makes me a little bit. uh, nervous, right? See how it's just kind of like.

I mean, if if it was really strong, it would have just ripped. Now you know it might go here. Then there it goes. So that's just not typically what I would expect.

I would typically expect an immediate breakout not that kind of hesitation, and then a breakout. So the high is 1425. but then you can see it flashing back down the Tcat chart. Tkat is showing.

You had that nice break out there on that candle, So it broke through this descending resistance right here. Popped up to 29 30, 29 50 up to 30, up to 30 50 but then retraced almost the whole move. So a little tricky, but continuing I think to take stabs at things that are moving and are looking interesting make sense and at a certain point one of these might start to squeeze and move a little faster. I don't know.

we'll see what happens. So tcat the high of day is 30 50. all-time highs. It looks like blue sky setup.

So Tcat and Ocg are the two that I'm watching the most closely. Ocg is moving a little bit higher. What I'll say on Ocg is that the high a day is 25. If it breaks that level, we might get a little squeeze up to 50.

so there could be a quick trade there. Let's just watch it here. I'll take a quick trade there. This is just a little micro pullback and then the ad would be over 38.

so added there at 38 and now I want to see if this squeezes up over 14.50 and we get a move up towards 15.. So watching right here for a dip, adding at 43 and trying to take the break through the half dollar. if we can break the half dollar so we broke it, are we gonna hold above it? I'm in at 35 average, sizing down and out at 40. gave back well because I added on that at 49 and I didn't sell anything above 50.

Well the high actually was only Fif was 53 so I didn't get out anything up in that move. Um, really. But okay. high is 53.
so let it dip down and then maybe I can reposition. I'll do another dip. trade there. 2 800 shares at 43.

you know, let's see. Does it do I get the break of 53? Um, yes it hit 53. New order would be 54. if we can break over the half dollar then that would show some good strength.

No, it doesn't seem like it is. I'll just sell it 45. Only 2 cents on 2800 shares. That's 56 of profit.

So time for this one, I think to pull back and give us a five or a one minute setup. Tcat did end up squeezing right back there to the high so there's some good range on this one high right Now look at this is 77. I'll take a quick trade there at 85. just try to ride the momentum up over 31..

So let's see if we get the break of 31. on Tcap I added right there at 97. Can we get the break up to 31.? let's see 3102 3110. If we get the break over 31.25 then we might start to get into more parabolic price action.

So let's see if this wants to move faster watching the bid in this case. So I'm actually watching the bid right now instead of the ask and the bid keeps moving up. So I'm like, okay, let me just hold this for a second. 23, 33 on the bid.

Okay, so the bid is solid. There's 50 on the ask. We've got two, four, five green candles in a row, so I'll take it off the table there at 25. Realistically, not the biggest trade, but um, now I can look for a dip trade on it.

Ocg, this one is definitely still in play for a trade over this level. Sino is coming back to the high, which is 1181. So we've got a little bit of action here today. Um, the question and the challenge is which one is the obvious one? Which one should I really be focusing on? Right when you've got four or five stocks that are all squeezing, which one do I make is kind of the the primary.

So I'm going to move this up here so I can have two stocks on watch. So I'm going to have Tcat and Ocg Tcat uh, is at the high, but that's a little too risky right now because it'd be a high day entry whereas Ocg is starting to pull back a little bit more of a five minute setup. So on Tcat, you've already got three, four, five green candles in a row. I am te was this one also related to the arts? Yeah, yeah.

Okay, so I see Imte squeezing up a little bit lighter volume on that one. Only 800 000 shares? There's a 10 000 share seller at 80. yvr. Let me check.

So I feel like today could be a little tricky. With so many different stocks moving. I want to try to stay focused on what I think are the strongest ones and not get too distracted by sort of secondary setups. I mean, you know again, something like Imte, it could end up working same with the Sino, but the highest volume right now is on Ocg and Tcat, so I think these are the better ones to focus on initially.
Clps. I'll take a look at it. So all right, let's just move this. I just want to watch this for one second.

So these are both pulled back at the same time They're trading in tandem. Clps. I'm not sure about Tcat. The high is 31.50 It's a bit extended.

You've already got two four candles in a row that are green. It could be a bear a bull trap up here. You know if it starts to do false breakouts all of a sudden you get trapped up there. Imte is continuing a little higher through nine, so that one's going without me.

I'm focusing on what I think are maybe the more obvious and higher volume stocks. So waiting for a bigger pullback on Tcat and Ocg, I am thinking it needs a bigger pullback. but you know we'll see what happens. So Ocg, we know the high is 14.

Just over 14.50 14.54 That first candle to make a new high popping up a little bit. we had a higher volume red candle there. We still have three minutes left on the current five minute chart. This is just a little too risky on Ocg there, so the high on Tcat will mark out as 3150 high on Ocg.

marking that out at 14 54. Yvr. Let me take a look at that one. Yvr is hitting my scanner over here so this one is a little bit lower.

Price as you can see, volume is 3.5 million shares. Liquid Media this is also in the same space. Company's been around for a long time. They have price action all the way back into the early 1990s.

If it got over seven and an eight, it starts to look really good. Over ten starts to look really good Where it's at right now. 450 is, you know? Kind of. Just not sure.

So Tcat is our second leading gapper and Ocg is the third. So I think that it makes sense to continue to focus on these two primarily unless they give me a reason to stop looking at them. Hi, there on Ocg was 1440. The low of this pullback is 14.09 I'm going to take a dip trade there so I'm gonna start accumulating on this and 1454 is where I'll add adding at 14.50 right there.

So I'm looking for the first five minute candle to make a new high and then up to 1465 1470.. now Tcat. I'm also going to be watching, so watch Ocg over 1455. adding 1452 right there.

there's 60. I'm happy with that. Taking a little off the table, that was a good size trade. Now dip first, dip on the one minute pull back.

I'll look to add high is 60.. So watching on this dip right here. This current one minute candle high is 54.. So I'm watching this and I'm adding at 35.

I'm buying the dip on that 35. And I'm scaling out of this a little bit. I'm a little thrown off by that big red candle on Tcat, so I sold the rest of 26. I'm gonna look for a dip trade on it, but these trade in tandem.

So why is Tcat selling off right now? That's a red flag for me That's making me nervous. I was thinking initially I was thinking okay, dip trade for the first one minute kale to make a new high and then a break over 1460 and then all of a sudden I'm thinking wait a second. You know why. Why is this pulling back like that so realistically didn't make I guess as much on that as I could have.
Um, but let's let me watch this for a second quick dip at 1404. So trying to buy the bounce off the whole dollar there. Usually when I do something like that, I set a stop a little bit below and then if it breaks over 14, 15, 14, 20. that starts to look like I've got a good good entry.

Five minute. A little bit of a premature breakout sort of how it looks. I'm gonna sell it at 99 for 120 loss. Either bounces or it just sort of doesn't.

and that one's not enough for bounce. Hmm. Well now I'm not sure that that candle right there. That one candle is what threw me off seemed like not a great moment for that.

So this essentially I mean it broke by 5 cents from 55 to 60.. So what I did on this was I was trying to buy off of support with a stop at about four. uh, 14. I was in at 14.25 and then added at 1440 and 1450 for the breakthrough.

The half dollar here and I was looking for a bigger move, but I took some off the table as I got it. but it was not as big of a trade as I was thinking it might be low. Here on Tcat, we've got about 12 minutes to the bell, so the low of that candle there is 30 11. I'm gonna do a dip trade on Tcat there.

I feel like this might be the beginning of a five minute, uh, bull flag. So I'm gonna try to start getting into this and look for the first five minute candle to make a new high. We still have 90 seconds left. So I'm going to give this a chance to work.

But that bottoming tail. The fact that it has that bottoming tail on this candle right here. That's what gave me the conviction to punch the buy button and my new order is going to be at 31. Uh, 32 high of the last five minute candle is 38..

So right now just holding this, it's not a big position for me. I'm just going to give it a second and try to set this up for a five minute trade. So the High: That candle is 31.25 So now I'm going to wait for a one minute pullback. And if we get a nice one-minute pullback after that fresh breakout, then that's a place I can consider adding.

Right now. I'm waiting. The high, the last five minute candle was 38 and the high a day is 50.. So I'm waiting for a dip.

I'm going to add there at that on that dip. So that was a little flash down to 31. So I bought that dip and now I'm going to look for the breakthrough 31.50 adding there at 50.. Now I'm looking for a squeeze up to 32.

So let's look for the break of 31.75 There's 60 adding at 67.. So now I'm looking for that squeeze through 32.. I haven't taken any off the table yet. I'm still going to add over 31.88 3190 for the breakthrough 32.

I want to see if I can get a full dollar a share out of this. So looking for my ad up here? Adding at 88 right there. Looking for the Breakthrough 32? There's 94 on the Ask 95 97. so I want to catch that squeeze through 32 and if it starts to move a little bit faster, maybe we got to move up to 32.50 So there's 32 on the Ask adding right there.
Now looking for that squeeze to 32.25 So in a position like this where we're coming into the open, that's this high. I'm in a pretty good spot so let's just see what this wants to do. Let it dip down and then on a dip. I can add adding at 51..

So bought the dip there at 51. Ocg is still on watch now. look for the break back over 32. We've got 66 on the Ask 71, then 75 76.

so look for that. pop back up over 32 76 on the bid. So I'm holding only 1100 shares. Through the rest of this pullback.

I'll let it dip a little bit more. I'm going to keep Ocg on watch. Hi! This candle is 3203. I didn't sell any.

Uh, 3203. Maybe I should have, but I'll let it pull back. Then first one minute candle to make a new high can be a fresh trade. so I'm going to let it dip down for a second hold through the pullback.

the low is 31.34 My average is 31.46 orders at 32. We do have six consecutive green candles in a row, but we're also coming into the open so we'll see if this starts to go a little bit more parabolic adding at 60.. So buying for the first 1 minute candle to make a new high Now I want to see if it's going to break through 32.. let's see if this curls up over 32 ad for me could be at 95, 96, 97 as we approach the whole dollar, So watching the Level Two seeing green on the tape, there's 88 on the ask, adding 1088 a thousand at 32 and then taking some off the table as it breaks through that level, holding 1200 shares.

back down to my initial position there 948 and averages moved up all the way to 31.72 high. Of that candles 32, 21. New order goes at 32.22 Ocg is still on watch about six and a half minutes to the Bell sold the rest of Tcat. For now, we'll look for a dip trade to buy again, but it's due for a five minute pullback.

Ocg the height of this candle is 23. We still have 90 seconds left so we're starting to set up a five minute breakout which would be through 23.24 And then for a re-test of the highs, I'll do a dip It 1405 there looking for the breakthrough? 1423 So holding this here, we still have one minute left on this current five minute candle. There's 18 45 seconds left on this current 5 minute candle. Adding at 15 right there 1415 increases my cost basis a little bit.

But starting to line this up for a trade on the first five minute candle to make a new high. we've got about 25 seconds left and 14 23 is still the, um, the apex on the five-minute breakout. There's 18 on the ask. All right.

So this candle is just closed, so the first five minute candle will make a new high is over 23.. So let's look for the break through 23. from 11, that would be 13 cents a profit into the breakout. So looking for 14 23, then 25, there's 18 1920 and taking the profit off into that breakout, is it going to hold this level? No.
But six hundred dollars or so of profit with five, four and a half minutes to the bell. Did dip trade at 82, buying the bounce off of support right here at 81.. Now looking for the pop back up over 14? There's a nice bounce. So the situation we have now is with four minutes to the bell.

Tcat and Ocg are still the two primary stocks I'm watching. Mostly mostly bass hits on both of them. No like home run grand slam, but I think this thing maybe single biggest trade winner was maybe eight or nine thousand, so I'm not sure, but so nothing crazy big. I had one set up on Tcat for the move over 32 where I was set up really nicely to try to get a dollar a share, but it hit only 3202 and then pulled back and I sold on the pullback.

I did add back for the first kill to make a new high, but that wasn't a perfect trade. Now it's pulled back a little bit more higher volume red candle as we're coming into the open and this one's pulling back a little bit as well, so I'm not sure if this is going to be one of those days where we're going to see that the bulk of the momentum was pre-market and then at the bell we just sort of see a fade, or if one of these or both of them end up breaking out, they'll probably continue to trade in tandem, but I've done a pretty good job this morning, so my goal would be to try to keep as much of this in my pocket as I can and not give back too much as we go into the open. As a reminder, trading is risky in terms of the amount of capital I'm putting up on some of these trades. Um, let's see.

my biggest position on Ocg, which currently has about 10 million shares of volume, was let's see about 500 000 so that would be a a big position for me. I mean occasionally I'll take like on Gamestop. I was taking trades that were worth in terms of the total equity over a million dollars, but I don't do that on a daily basis. That's a little bit less common, but on something like Tcat, I might take twenty thousand or ten thousand shares of it.

And that's three hundred thousand dollars. So ten thousand shares, just like that's a three hundred thousand dollar position if I took twenty thousand, which would be a pretty big position for something like Tcat. Given the spreads and the volatility, you know that would be six hundred thousand dollars. So it's not impossible today that I would do that.

But I'm also not sure right now I I don't see a reason to go that aggressive. But we'll see. Um, we'll see. At 32 I sold.

Let's see. Um, I bought a thousand shares at 32 and where was this? I sold? I don't know. 1500 or 1500 at 1100 at 32.12 So I haven't traded with huge size on Tcat because it is. it's riskier.

I was trading with bigger size on Ocg because it's lower price and with more volume which makes it easier to get in and out. So in any case, I want you guys to recognize that. Uh, just like anything else, it can look easy when you're watching someone who's been doing it for a long time. But the reality is, when you're sitting here trying to trade, uh, it's not that easy.
It does take a long time, takes a lot of practice. So study, study study and practice in a simulator if you can, it's a it's a much better way to get started. Okay, so with that, we've got less than a minute to the bell, so I'm gonna put my disclaimer back up here on Youtube and Facebook. Thank you guys for tuning in.

I hope you hit that subscribe button tomorrow when I go live. you'll get a notification when I go live if you are subscribed to the channel and I will see you all first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you so much! All right Warrior Pro students. We're going to keep trading watching Tcat and Ocg at the open.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “3/18/2021 – live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian muli says:

    Ross, what happened to market day recaps?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Chong says:

    This is the first time I watch your show. Do you mind letting me know what brokerage you are using. I find that you could just trade by pressing just the buy and sell buttons. This is a great function for day trades. Btw, I live in Canada and wonder if we have the same kind of brokers at the North. Many thanks for sharing your trading secrets.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Abnir says:

    Hey Ross! You gave me courage to start my pending account. And I know for sure it will be successful as long as I follow my rules. When I save enough money I will join your course and be one of those successful student of yours! Kudos my friend

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Siverio says:

    Hey Ross – what MA is that on the 1 minute… is the 9 SMA, EMA ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Watermelon Slice says:

    I wanna see how you traded these on the open

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unicorn Slapper says:

    Hey Ross, do you know why some brokers including TradeZero and TradeStation require minimum age of 21? Do you have any suggestions for the best brokerages for individuals under 21

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Thanks Ross for the streaming!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dionysios Kokkoris says:

    please can you suggest a decent scanner?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amy adler says:

    Hi Ross, I recently followed your Webinar and am reading your ebook now, and I just wanted to say I think you did a terrific job with both the webinar and the book. I feel like I'm learning so much from you, you're a very good teacher (I used to be one too so I understand what you mean about loving being a teacher). Hopefully after the summer when I have more time I'll be able to complete your pro trading course. Until then I'm subscribed here and excited to learn more. Thanks for all your hard work helping people learn how to trade. It's very much appreciated by many people.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Gillespie says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUG A VET says:

    Made $3k today on OCG trading 1000 shares. 4-5 trades. 3rd day live. Thank you ROSS!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Armour says:

    Hi! Just watched the video (missed the live stream today but I did get notified!!!! Success!

    My question is related to size and getting in and out of positions in pre-market quickly. I am just learning so I am trading small size (100 shares) yet I still find it hard sometimes to get a fill. In pre-mkt you have to use LMT orders so I am wondering if you are hitting the ASK on the Buys or even ASK++. On my Lvl2 I often see no more than a few hundred shares on the ASK so how do you get filled on several thousand shares without major slippage? Is there some knowledge I am missing or are you just waiting for the a decent size on the ASK before hitting it?

    Similarly on exists. Stops are MKT orders so you need to enter STP LMT orders but if the market is moving rapidly against you, you might not even get filled if your order LMT is the same as your STP. Are there some guidelines on what are the best order types to enter and exit trades quickly in pre-market?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    David , you can watch his old video s…lots 2 choice from.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Stricker says:

    Just found your channel. How do I listen to you throughout the day?

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