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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well hopefully yesterday you watched my recap. That recap was one of the best ones that I've done in a long time and I felt really recharged after it or some might say recharged and so today I knew that I had some risk with this a whole jury duty thing and I was like you know I was feeling FOMO cuz I was like I really don't I never like taking days off I don't like taking days off to go do something fun because I'll feel like if I do something fun then I'm missing trading and that's I'm supposed to be training so that's what the weekends are for. Of course jury duty was on Friday he got canceled so I was like alright, jury duty was cancelled. That means I meant to come in and trade and I had my my notes here from yesterday's recap where I was sort of writing about kind of some of the things that I was noticing in the big losses that I had had during the last for cold streaks.

So in the last for cold streaks, the first one that I analyzed was March of last year, then June of last year, then October into November of last year and then this one that have been on here from February to March and I looked at a lot of the individual traits where I got in the big losers what I was doing right, what I was doing wrong and there was a lot of FOMO There was a lot of rule breaking, a lot of swinging for homeruns, a lot of emotional traits, not following stops, a lot of chasing entrance. and so today I said clearly in the last few days I've been over trading I've been taking way to Matrix so I'm gonna trade less if I can take and I actually told myself I was like what if you tried just taking one trade just tell it was just only take one trick and I was like well I don't know if I should just do one trade because if I do one trade and it's a lose or even if it's a small one like 50 bucks then you know seventh consecutive red day and I might also feel like oh well I only said Oh take one trade so maybe there if it's not working I might get more stubborn and hold on to it thinking that it can't take a second. So I was like don't do that, just let's just not take too many trades to just trade less. So I took a total of three trades and I had three winners and I'm up $1700 and each of these three trades were really good quality pullback setups.

Now the first trade: I got in a little early I got in at the right spot, it just didn't break right away. it dropped down and then came back up and broke. So for that moment I was like you know this, this is not looking great but it did break that level which I think I had a higher likelihood of doing because the initial entry was a good entry. it did drop before it came up, but I still had a good quality entry I Didn't buy a high a day I bought a pullback.

it ripped through the highs and I sold it, pulled back ripped up again I bought the next pullback vented one more So I three pullback trades $1700 If I can focus on trading less and trading higher quality setups for the next few days going into next week, I Think that I'm going to be moving in absolutely the right direction towards rebuilding the account a little bit and regaining some confidence. All right, so it's a nice way to finish the week. It's a lot better than finishing with a 7 thread day. and even though it put my watch on this morning, in any case, even though it's only 10:00 a.m.
I'm done. I'm walking away I'm shutting it down and I'm just gonna let it be. If the market rips without me this afternoon, so be it. I'm walking away green.

So I'm gonna really take my cue today and walk away early. All right. So I hope you guys enjoyed the recap and I'll see you first thing on Monday morning. All right everyone.

So we're gonna do our midday market recap here for Friday and finally I'm gonna finish the day Green! It has been a not a fun week, although the last red streak I have lasted more like three weeks just because I had three weeks of you know, a couple times a week having really big losses and so feel like I'd have a really big red day than a couple small green days, then another really big red day got a couple more green days so it was like just very choppy for the period of like three weeks. This has been six terrible days and hopefully now I'm gonna be on the other side of it and starting to just make my way back into the green. I certainly could have made a lot more money today if I was willing to be more aggressive, but I didn't have the cushion to be aggressive and so I came in today saying I would focus on pullback setups and the first one was along on Dr ad right here. The break of the pre-market hi was, well the pre-market hi was actually 702 and I bought this pullback at 75.

So I want to show you this trade here real quick and this was a very quick trade I jumped in. we got a pretty quick break over and the this level of 75 so let's see just pull up this video for you. Alright so this was my entry here at 675. Alright so you can see we've got the pre-market high of 7.

This was the first Campbell to make a new high. So I'm in and just like that, we get the break and the squeeze up to 7 I take profit of half At 97 we get the breakthrough I take more profit as it's squeezing through the whole dollar and then taking a little bit out as it's moving higher. So that ended up being a $1400 winter. It flashed back down, but it came back up.

So the first trade, $1300 the next trade. let's see it comes back up right about here. Ow I said this right here. If this breaks over seven, this is gonna be a one-minute pullback.

So I put my order here for two thousand shares at seven I only fill as you can see one thousand forty seven I flip the money asked and took the profit for the one minute candle to make a new high. It ended up squeezing up into a halt at 7:40 and I was happy to see it do that 748 actually. But I took my profit on the on the way now. I didn't want to be super aggressive on this one just because I knew that there was risk that you know the first.
The first trade was a little risky cuz I was read for a second and it popped up and I said I I want to finish the day green so I need to trade with smaller share size. Had I filled my full 2,000 shares that would have been obviously nicer but only got a partial fill and did not want to chase it. Alright so then it's halted. it resumes.

Let's see and on the resumption right here we get an open and my charts actually live. Not aligned perfectly here so it pulls back for a second it hits a high of about 75. It pulls back and on this pullback I end up taking another thousand share trade. Got my hand next to the buy button so I'm long there looking for the break of eight dollars.

A little bit of resistance there. 81. By 90 there it breaks and I end up just selling in 92 but kind of a bad fill but whatever ends up breaking 8 and going a little higher. but again I'm just taking my money on the way.

if I leave a little on the table, leave a little on the table so ended up being a pretty solid a solid stock. some really nice action in it. if I step back out of this and look at the chart, you can see that it actually just squeezed up to a high of 84. I didn't train through this breakout typically I Probably would have gotten back in here, but again, being in the sort of position of wanting to just rebuild a little bit and have a green day and finish after a you know agreed trade I am really content with walking away a little earlier I Know that I left some money on the table and certainly I could have trade with a larger share size.

However, if I had done that and had gone the wrong way, this would be my seventh consecutive red day and I wouldn't have been able probably to dig myself out of the hole if I lost three or four grand starting with smaller size. If I've lost five hundred or a thousand, I would have had a higher likelihood of being able to dig myself out, so kept the share size a little more conservative. Didn't be as I wasn't as aggressive on the high a day. Entries: Ayano We were watching this but I told myself you know what, It's a 90 million share flow already with five million shares of volume Cree Market Let's just focus on what's in your wheelhouse.

However, it did a nice one minute pullback here and a second pullback right here. so some nice opportunities on it. but I left it alone. And one things that I knew would be challenging today would be the fact that traders are watching many different stocks.

Some people were watching Ino some people were watching HT Px, some we're still watching a PT and a H P I others are watching the S&P 500 and T VIX some are watching Carnival Cruise Lines I Mean you've got traders really dispersed among these different stocks in the market? Co DX Taylor I See, you traded that one. You also traded Opk so it just goes to show that you know there's traders are watching a lot of different stocks right now and that can make things a little bit tricky. So Dr. I said, you know what, it's the leading a for the entire market.
it's up 111 percent. It fits within my price, float and volume strategy. I'm gonna trade it and I'm gonna try to take as few trades as possible I took three trades and I had three winners and I like to do it again on Monday right now obviously leaving money on the table, but but not really because the only way I would have been able to make that extra money would have been able would have been for me to take risk that I really shouldn't have been taking today so I took less risk I took my profits quickly I made money and that's a great day so you know. Certainly, had I been profitable for the last five days, I probably would have been comfortable taking bigger share size and holding longer and maybe even adding into the Hall on Drad but today I didn't and that's okay.

so I'm not gonna let it bother Soliday You back at it on Monday All right you guys I Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday Hey did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list. subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description. If you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment posts on my channel.


By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “3 trades, 3 winners green day recap ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GonzalezHD says:

    I been red for a week straight down 3.5k smh small set backs for bigger comebacks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winkler says:

    That DRAD rip in the morning was super nice, happy to see those coming back

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EchoDelta _ says:

    Great turn around Ross good stop to red streak. Way to hang in there and stick to your guns

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Tomlin says:

    I see these other youtube videos trashing you and then I watch videos on your green days and red days. I wonder how the other videos I watched can trash talk the master. You honestly don't brag about green days and are not ashamed to share you red days. In each scenario you come in with so much feeling and general concern that your audience needs to learn what happened and why it happened. That's what sets you and Warrior Trading apart from the rest.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R-STi Regul8 says:

    Hey ross, thank you so much for putting your morning watchlists in a playlist. I was able to backtest a strategy properly thanks to you. U THE BEST, and congrats on the win btw!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stl udent says:

    how much more do you (should I) risk on A quality setups compared to B-quality setups? Twice as much on A quality? i've been thinking a lot about this, doubting about twice as much or 1.5 as much :/

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan says:

    What technical indicators do you use besides vwap on day trades?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josef Espag says:

    hi ross, why dont you post on fb anymore?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwight Phoenix says:

    Congratulations Ross. Enjoy the weekend man👍🏽

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evolution Lancer says:

    slowly but surely, green on a friday, can't beat that.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars htx goth says:

    Thank you for what you do. I’m finally playing around on Robin Hood with the last bit of my temporary temporary money and I just put in a 100 into diff stocks htbx drad opk. Htbx was a loser

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Barnett says:

    glad it turned for you! Yesterday was a fairly good day!! Enjoy your videos and attitude. Thank you Sir

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack says:

    I would like an intraday bar graph that has the low to high price range on the x-axis and the volume at that price on the y-axis…. it could represent where the price “belongs” over any given time frame.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Shpak says:

    Nice Ross! Good to end the red streak before the weekend!
    I had the same problem with poor high entries, chasing FOMO and getting stopped out for losses. Stepped back & Reassessed my problems.
    Today I broke my 3 day red streak with a 1 day swing trade on INO for 900$, I could've of got 1.25k (thinking it would break 16 after pullback with cup n handle formed) but didn't break back up to 16. Settled position before weekend.
    In 2 months, I'm now up 108% in my first account started it on 1/26/20.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duchess and Hammer says:

    Haha great job man. That was a wild red streak. Keep the faith.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johan Straver says:

    Awesome Ross! Congrats on being green again 💪🏻

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vee Mozz says:

    Base Hit!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhoan Camargo says:

    Great job !! Ross !!! One week income for a mechanical engineers in 35 min of trading

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bad4good says:

    Hey Ross what do you use to record your screen? I want to start recording my trades so I can play them back.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levi_The_Human says:

    Nicely done Ross,
    way to break the cold streak 👍🏼. I had a red day , gave back every dollar of the 2k that I was up from earlier this week🤦‍♂️.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wilson says:

    There you go….I got in INO on the 1 minute pullback….

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macaroni crash says:

    Hey good job Ross! I’ve been watching you for years man. Always rooting for ya. I guess getting rid of the black cat worked!!! Congrats!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clint8u says:

    Good job Ross ..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zujjaj Arsal says:

    Congrats ROSS momentum is back☺

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John McManus says:

    What’s the song in the background? Well done today Ross 👍

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Immortal GrandMaster says:

    Ross I am loving these live trade Recaps, I wish you could do it every time they really help!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark huirua says:

    Poor quality audio again….? Hope it gets film better, I’m glad your going with less trades: higher quality

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Farillo says:

    been trading for a while now and enjoy your videos and trading. The problem is no profit loss last year and my YTD Results at around 3 k loss only one good profitable week. What is you opinion should I give it up and quit .

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