In the post-2020 market, the thing you probably hear about most is stock market volatility. It can be scary … But day traders can use it to focus and find opportunities. So how can you find high-volatility stocks? Tim Bohen helps you do just that today! Watch and learn now.
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When it comes to high-volatility stocks, first and foremost, you must scan for the biggest percent gainers. Why?
Big gains tend to beget even bigger gains. But tune in for Bohen’s critical warning on these stocks...
Next, look for hot sector plays. Check out the chart for Liquid Media Group Ltd. (NASDAQ: YVR) and to learn what sparked this stock’s run.
Now, this next tip is key … Watch the video to learn how a stock’s history can tell you a lot about its potential.
Remember to look at different timelines and zoom out. Check out the one-year, two-year, and five-year charts. Sometimes these tickers stick to memory based on previous runs...
And when traders see a familiar ticker on their scans, they may remember the good times and they want more. Or they want revenge from a failed trade. Either way, it can mean more buyers.
There’s plenty more to discover about high-volatility stocks … Tune in as Bohen explains how this all lines up for potential trades.

#StockMarket #Trading #Volatility
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

So, for years and years and years, you've probably heard about volatility focus on volatility focus on the most volatile stocks and geez. I think if you look at like the google trends for stock market volatility over the last year and a half, you know the post 2020 world - it's just. It is the number one thing you hear discussed: focus on volatility, look for volatility, etc. Today, i'm going to give you the three biggest things you need to look for to spot these crazy volatile stocks.

Hey everyone leak train with stock straight tim bowen here before we get started, started start start started starting. You know, hey choose whatever tense you like um. You know what was the joke: it was like the past and the future walked into a bar and they ran into the present it was tense. I think i butchered that joke anyway, choose your tens.

That being said, like share, subscribe and ring that bell to be notified as soon as we go live that being said today, we're going to be talking about how to spot the most volatile stocks every single day. I mean this is one of those terms. You probably hear non-stop and it's one of the simplest things to do, but if you're new, it's probably confusing, so that being said right off the bat we're always going to be looking for the biggest percent gainers of the day. Okay, that being said, definitely hit the link below check out the trial for stocks to trade, fully featured version.

You have all the scans, you can see every video i mean i mean if you want to talk about volatility, you can look at every single video. I've done on this channel for five years and you're gon na see. I've always got my top percent gainer scan. I've always got my new high a day scan and i'm always running oracle and all these other scans that look for the biggest gainers of the day.

Okay, why do we care about that? Well, the old saying goes, and it's so true that big gains tend to beget even bigger gains. I mean when a stock is up big on everyone's scanner. I mean ultimately, what we're looking for on these low price stocks is. We're trading mania: okay, we're not trading uh fundamentals, we're not trading! True believers; please never be a bag holder in any of these stocks.

I mean these are simply trading vehicles that we can go in and out of based on volatility and when they show up on everyone's scans, more eyeballs means more potential buyers, which means more volume, which means more potential. For those morning. Moves midday moves and afternoon moves. I've done videos on that three wave idea that we see, especially with float rotating stocks, so keep that in mind always start out with the biggest gainers, then step through and look for.

Hot sector plays okay, um yvrs example of that. Okay, this stock was up big. This morning you can see it went from a buck 80 to 210 in pre-market, currently kind of grinding sideways, but ran on a 9 am press release. You can see right there down below 9 2 a.m.

9 a.m. Sign some blah blah blah acquisition. We don't care! You know ultimately, but this isn't nft non-funchable token related play. Okay, don't don't don't yell at me in the comments um, it's loosely tied with nfts.
Okay, never forget the stupidity of penny stocks. We like that, so it is loosely tied with nfts. They have a press release and it's that big gainer, so that brings everybody excited, gets everybody fired up. Next thing i want you to focus on is always have whether a physical database, and that could be a spreadsheet that could be evernote or a mental database of former runners and the reason i bring up yvr as you can see, just looking at a one-year chart.

I mean this thing's ran further back, but if you look back last october, big run a decent run in january, then a huge run here in march. This is when the nft news first kind of dropped. You know before march. Nobody even really knew what an nft was.

You know the news drops here. This thing went from two bucks to as high as eight bucks intraday. Then you can see again, even as recently as a month ago, back in middle of july from a buck 50 to almost three bucks, so you've got that history of running so now we're checking through this list. So now again today, it's a big gainer.

You know it's a former runner whether you do that mentally or you just look at the chart. I mean that's why something i preach and preaches is using multiple time frames. Always look at the. What i call the big chart.

The one year chart the two year chart the five year i mean typically don't go beyond five year, but i know some traders like to look at even older 10, 20 year, charts and you're. Looking for those big runners, because i mean listen, whether you made a big game or you took a big loss, people remember that and that's why we focus on these former runners. Now, hopefully you know everyone did well on it. They remember it they're, like whoa.

I remember last time on yvr, so it sticks in the, but also i mean listen. You can see the stock fails. Every time i mean it ends up falling apart a day later, a week later, etc. So if people took the big loss, they want revenge, they want to get back, they never revenge trade, but people do it.

So when they see this ticker on their scans, they either remember the good times and they want to. They want to repeat that, or they remember the bad times and they want revenge which again brings in more buyers. That's why we love those former runners, and this is one of the reasons why i recommend keeping notes as much as possible. I think writing things down.

If you're on pre-market prep, you see me write stuff down all the time. I do that a lot to share with people on the steady trade team which, by the way, if you're interested in more you know learning more of this and really getting in depth, hit the link below check out the steady trade team. Two webinars a day. Every single day, but that being said, i keep these notes, so i can share with the team, but also i mean it's been scientifically proven over and over again there is, you know you can ingrain memories and ingrain retention by either typing things out or writing those Things down i mean: listen, we've all had a high school class or a college course, and i mean you're listening to the instructor, but i mean you you're either taught this or you figure this out.
I mean you, take those notes. You may never never review the notes, i mean. I have reams and reams of notes. You know from classes that i've taken, but i might never review them, but there is a connection between writing things down and remembering them.

So now you've got a former runner. You got some news: it's the biggest percent of the gainer. Then we always like to look at low, float stocks and float rotation. So again, going back to yvr.

You can see. 5 million float traded 5 million shares as we head in the middle of the day. Consolidating around v-wap - this is definitely a potential trade into the afternoon for that recipe for a very volatile stock. So understand, look at all these things, there's a lot more to it check out the steady trade team, but at a minimum, if you're looking at these three main things: big percent gainers of the day, former runner low float stack with good volume, which creates float rotation.

You've got a great potential, trade doesn't mean, listen, yvr might not break the high of the day, but if it does great risk to reward there, so that being said, everyone, hopefully this was useful. As i mentioned check out the steady trade team. It's a small group. I would love to work with you um.

You can hit that link below. We can start tomorrow. We got two webinars tomorrow monday. I've got three it's you know.

It's just a great way. I've got over 2700 webinars in the archive going on 3000 um. All with notes all annotated, all searchable um a lot of these stocks. Repeat, i mean we're trading the same stocks from five years ago and listen any a-n-y one of the biggest runners of the day this stock has been in play.

I don't even know how many times since i started the steady trade team five years ago, i mean reverse splits. Big runs. I mean i remember this run back in 2018. I mean look at this move, so these they repeat, and they repeat and the more you have access to that information, the better the likelihood you can nail all right.

Everyone have a great day and we'll see you next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

12 thoughts on “3 simple ways to find high volatility stocks”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Some Mitra says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Feldman says:

    Great stuff Tim!!! Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaniel Beckons says:

    I’m not good doing it alone but getting into the market turned out lucrative for me.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Drolet says:

    Another great job. Join Tim's Steady Trade Team. He covers this strategy and others, at least, twice a day every trading day. He also gives you the "why". Learn how to find your own stocks to trade. Tim will teach you how. I'm a member. It is worth every penny. He gives you access to thousands of training video.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Finton says:

    Do you recommend we add filters in stt on the top gainers and hod scan

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chilu Mhatre says:

    Thank You Tim 💜

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Mattner says:

    Great Post Tim. I will be stepping off of STT Pro, and STT University for awhile. I LEARNED SOOOO MUCH!!!! Ihope to re-join in a year or so. God Bless

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryptechology says:

    Thanks Bohen watch everything u put out

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Bernardi says:

    Thank you the more I listen the more I learn

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jae Treez says:

    Great info my guru thanks again for dropping knowledge gems. Also thanks for the great dad joke. Lmfao. Choose your tense!!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EpScott says:

    Great info! But, immediately gave this a LIKE based on the tense joke!! Lol thanks for the morning laugh!

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