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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, you can see it is still October it's drizzling. This is the third day of rain, their third day in a row, and it's also my third green day in a row. October means momentum. So I'm now up $7,500 on the week, 7500 on the month.

The goal is to be up $10,000 by the end of day tomorrow. So $2,500 is the goal and with the momentum we're seeing, it's definitely doable. All right. So I'll see you guys in the chatroom Questions, Comments: leave them below and I Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the day.

All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap here. Go over the trades from today: Four trades, two winners, two losers so only 50% accuracy but still up 656 dollars and 35 cents. The market right now is down about 90 points.

it was down closer to 300 earlier. today is you can see the market broke the 200 moving average and sold off. We had this kind of big drop here right around 10 a.m. and when that happened I kind of shut it down for the day cuz I sort of felt like well, the overall market dropping this much after the big drop the last two days.

things might get a little ugly here. so I don't wanna I just gonna step back and kind of see what happens and then things ended up. You know it's bounce back up but we haven't seen anything else really hit the hide a momentum scam. So as always my routine right around 9:00 a.m.

I come on and I start breaking down my watch list based on this Gap scanner right here. Now what's interesting is that PBS B was our second leading gapper up 26% and that's the stock I made $1000 on. but I didn't see it on the list pre market because it didn't have any volume pre market it. Oops.

PD SP It actually was kind of funny because there was like no volume pre market. and then the bell rang and it simply opened 26% higher. So sort of a surprise gabber. So as I was breaking down the watchlist this morning, my first one that I was looking at was SF et.

However, this doesn't meet the criteria for homerun potential for a couple of reasons. but the first is that it's too cheap. Now on the one hand, you could say hey, a cheap stock like seventy five cents, you know, if it goes up to 82 cents, you just made 10 percent right? And and that is true. However, I want you guys to remember the fact that stocks under a dollar trade down to the 1/100 of a penny.

So this right now is 0.63 to zero. So I actually pull up Sfe T.i You can see how you have the decimal point and then four digits so you you know I Can't think of any triple zero stocks off the top of my head, but the lowest a stock can trade is point Zero Zero Zero. One by point Zero Zero Zero Two. And so that's the very bottom of the barrel.

Those are Triple Zeros stocks. They have three zeros before the first digit. But a stock like SF PT for it to go from 75 cents to 82 cents is not seven ticks. So with a regular stock above a dollar, each tick would be one cent.

So it goes up seven increments and your up seven cents. So from a dollar to a dollar seven, only seven steps to get there and the stock will be up seven percent. However, with a 75 cent stock to go from 75 cents up to 82 cents, even though it's only seven cents, stay Same amount of sense because they trade down to the 1/100 of a penny. Technically, that's 700 ticks Now, Typically, a penny stock like this won't actually trade at the 100th even though it can.
Like this is trading on the eighth of a penny up to the full penny. So there's a two-tenths of a penny spread right now on Sfe tea. But even still, that means you'd have more like 70 ticks between 75 cents and a two cents or maybe 35 ticks. And so what I've generally found is that once you're below $1 although you can get bigger percentage moves, the stocks actually slowed down a little bit.

and then once they break the dollar, they speed up as the minimum tick is one cent. So stocks start to move faster. And then of course, between the $2 and $3 and $6 and $8 range, you'll see stocks jump up 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 cents very quickly and we saw that today on PDS be so SF et was not something I was interested in I saw it I'm a Gap scanner but right away it was not interested Oh Bln you can see here I traded OBL and lost 400 bucks and n NBC I also trained and then lost 300. So these were the two that we're actually on my watch list.

Oh BL n and n NBC We'll start by looking at n NBC because this was the first one that I traded. actually no, um, wait, ma now I can't remember. In any case, I traded them both around the same time, so that's fine. We can look at this one first.

So an NBC has a catalyst is a somewhat recent reversal it and has been selling off for a little bit. What I didn't love about it was that I knew it was gonna come in to resistance of the 9, the 20, and eventually a 200 moving average. But really the resistance in this level was a little concerning. So I thought, well if it gets above 3 then it starts to look good.

but you know right now it's a 2 dollars and 30 cents. The bell rings, it drops down a little bit, it goes sideways and right here. I took a trade on it so this was a break of the opening range. This is a one-minute opening range breakout so I was in right here.

At 28 it hits a high of 36. so I was up I don't know you know 8 cents or whatever. not a homerun but you know up a little bit and I had my order ready at 2:40 to add to the position it doesn't hit 240. It ends up dropping right back down and I stopped out I hit the bed and lost 317 dollars.

So first trade of the day I'm in the red same as yesterday now yesterday I finished up $1300 but my first two trades were in the red so you know not exactly the way I wanted to. oops, let me just change my bit right here. Not exactly the way I wanted to start the morning, but you know it is what it is. so got stopped out on NBC and I didn't trade it again OB Ln the second gap where I had on watch so I was watching both of these side-by-side this one out of the gates.
it did Raik this this pre-market high of 2:15 but as it was breaking that right right as the bell rang I saw some 10,000 shares sellers and I kind of was not sure it was gonna work and so I just I just hesitated. it hit a high of 224. it then drops all the way back down to two and then it rips back up right here. I Got in back in at 215, anticipating a break over to 20 and then a break over the highs again on this one.

From 214 215 entry, it hits a high of 223. I'm up nine cents per share, but I was looking for it to break the high and squeeze up towards 230 240, maybe 250. It came right back down on that when I stopped out for a four hundred dollar loss. Alright, so that's two back to back red trades and I'm down 700 on the day now.

my max loss on the day right now is about two thousand dollars. I I have a five thousand dollar hard stop on my account if I'm down more than five grand I cannot take any more trades, my account is locked and that's for capital preservation purposes I have that. but if I'm down more than two grand I usually get pretty cautious about taking another trade. So after those two trades, two losses down seven hundred.

So I'm not at my daily max loss. however. I Also follow the three strikes, you're out rule which means if I have three back-to-back losers, I'm done for the day. So to start the day with two losers means you know I've got one strip, one one swing left and if I strike out, then I'm done for the day with three losses.

even if I haven't hit my max loss, the fact that I've had three losses in a row is again capital preservation. I'm not on my game. Maybe it's the market, Maybe it's me Doesn't really matter. Three losses in a row? I'm out and then I took this trade on Cbio.

Now Cbio was kind of interesting the first: I didn't take Cbio before PDS be popped up. so PDS be hits the scan or 4:17 4:13 and for 26 for 26. so I I quickly type right here PDS B and then I go over here PDS B And by the time I was ready to press shift 1, it was already halted. It was already getting halted at 462, so it spikes up from 376 to 462.

I mean that's the thirty thirty percent spike and just like instantly takes off. All right. So now I'm very interested I Take a look at the news headline and the headline is that they share Surge as Investi PDS inks and Merck and company. Whatever that, they'll collaborate with the healthcare giant Merkin company.

Alright, so when I saw that collaboration with a big company, that's almost always a strong catalyst. so I'm looking at it I'm not in it yet. but I'm watching to get in on resumption from the hall. so I end up taking that trade.

But meanwhile, Cbio starts popping up and Cbio is another biotech stock. same sector with a catalyst with a decent daily chart starting to turn around and so as I see it squeezing up right here it breaks over 550 and I jumped in I pressed the Buy button three times but I only filled 700 shares. it squeezes up to a high of 590 and as it was going into the halt on this one I decided to sell my 700 shares I was like oh, I'm not I mean you know it's up 40 cents I want to focus on PDS B and since I only got a partial fill, I'm gonna sell a partial fill because I'm not gonna be able to get any more shares, it's all. it's about to get halted.
So I'm gonna sell my partial fill and then focus on PDS be coming out of the hall I Don't like to usually be in to circuit-breaker halts at the same time unless I'm very confident that we're in a super strong market. So I took my 50 Cent's and 297 dollars a profit. Now that ended up being a good decision because on resumption of PSB it squeezed up I made a thousand but then it dropped way down. Then when Cbio resumes, it follows suit and also drops down and so this would have been done.

Probably a break-even trade or maybe a loss if I had held instead of sell going into the Hall and that was just sort of the luck of the draw. So I knew his PBS B This one comes out of the hall and it opens at 478. It dips down for a second and surges up and I press the Buy button three times. Boom boom boom boom I got filled I think eight thousand chairs partial fills.

it pops up so I'm in getting in in the 80s. It then pops up over five which was my goal. see you break of five. it hits Five Eleven and I sell half at 5:08 and then it starts to dip down a little bit more.

so I hit the bid I think 501 or something like that and then it flushes back down to 450. It pops up for a second I sell a little bit on the ask and then it drops down and I sell the rest at 438, 440 and 436 which was pretty nasty. So this big rejection, well you know and I this move up is kind of what triggered Cbio and then when it came back down, you know that was bad for Cbio and this sort of was, you know, right at 9:53 954 and then the bell rang. or then the then we had this big drop on the Sp500 and I was just like all right, you know what, we're not seeing.

Very good follow-through So I'm going to step back for a second and I'm just fortunate that I got myself out of the red and into the green. So now I'm watching the hide a momentum scanner waiting to see if anything else is gonna hit it. ses hits the scanners I Did trade this one yesterday I made a thousand bucks on it, but it didn't end up holding up super well. Yesterday it double topped at 285 daily resistance and then ended up closing red.

so I wasn't interested in going back in. Another trait on that one: PBS be back on the scanner coming out of the halt VI ve this one hits the scanner and total rejection. it hits a high 427 and then drops to 375 all in one candle hitting the 200 moving average so that was no good and then nothing else is hit the scanner. So you know I just am basically out of my point in the day where nothing else is working and nothing is really hitting the scanner.
So I got four trades, only 50% accuracy but I'm green because my winners were bigger than my losers. My average winners, right? $1,300 in profit / - you know, $650 average winner average loser today was about 350 so that's almost a two-to-one profit loss ratio, which means even with just fifty percent accuracy, I can be profitable and that sets the bar really low, right? I Mean if you can be wrong half the time and still make money trading, you're doing really well and it's possible as long as your winners are bigger than your losers now. generally I try to have bigger winners than losers and this month so far it's been working well and that's been in part because I've been focusing on a quality setups. all right, So that's about it for me here today.

I Hope you guys have a great rest of the day! Third day of October and three consecutive green days for me. Try to finish off the week tomorrow Friday Wildcard Friday with one more Green Day So I have a really nice solid start to the month. I'm going to put this in my calendar here and make it official. well.

I guess I'll have to find a pen before I can make it official but anyways, sitting here now of 7,500 dollars or so on on the month which is nice progress. Not bad for three days in. Alright so I hope you guys have a great afternoon and I'll see you all tomorrow morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video.

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33 thoughts on “3 days of rain, 3 days of green! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace Hexed says:

    Hi Ross, keep up your good work as always! I've been learning WT pro and trading in the SIM for a while now, and I am looking to go live! But the problem is that I am a short biased trader who has a small amount of money. I really want to be able to trade on Tradezero instead of Suretrader(it's expensive), I am not US citizen but I have green card and live in US. Is it still possible for me to trade with Tradezero? Any advise? Thank you!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amc says:

    Hello Ross, on NNVC, what would you say was the exit indicator that you used so as to bail out without waiting to reaching your max loss per trade.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashwin Kamath says:

    just saw the recap. Like always very insightful. wondering why did you not trade OBLN for red to green setup

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adebayo Oladipo says:

    What's wrong with the future trader, Ross?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Mv3Trader says:

    The power of the mind..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Stadie says:

    I'm impressed man. This market has been so dead for day trades and swing trades, at least for small caps

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vision League EntertainmentTM says:

    Hello Ross,

    Hope you're well.
    I recently downloaded you're Trade Ideas Layout from you're website, but the layout was completely different! It didn't include the High Of Day Momo scanner, in fact most of the scanners looked completely different from the ones you use. It also didn't include the V5/V8 reversal scanner, halt scanner, RSI Extreme, % Change scanner and Volume Spike Scanner. Can you please tell me how I could get the link to you're wonderful layouts?

    Thank you!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MainMan37x says:

    So your winners are bigger than your loser not because the distance from your buy and sell is larger in your winners then losers, but because you add as u go up ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Gomez says:

    Do you look at the 5m chart for patterns?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rigoberto Pineda says:

    Congratulations buddy. Get on the momentum train and enjoy the raid.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Moon Legacy says:

    3rd red day in a row 🥺

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eros Ribero says:

    Would you be able to make a video explaining your scanner settings

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Brown says:

    Up $390.00 shorting OBLN in simulator. 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elissa Jones says:

    How can you tell a stock is about to get halted?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MasterofCreations says:

    It rained 3 days in a row too here in Toronto. I am not getting back into trading yet thou. I wanna wait 2 weeks before starting my TI subscription so if I lose it all I still have 2 weeks left in Nov.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John P says:

    Only Ross can say momentum is back.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DESI TRADING says:

    that's a 3peat Idol Ross! Awesome job!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liz Trader says:

    Nice! Better than me. Two trades, lost $50.00 today, an avg of .-05 per share.

    I was on the right track, avg of move up was .25 that I missed. Kept my loses small. I saw PDSB, but I was hoping more volume was going to come in. Down to $500 now. Not sure if I should still try using my BP, or trade a % of my equity on tickers from 1.50 to 4.00.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars La Hm says:

    Hey Ross. Tell me please how did you find CBIO today and MTP yesterday?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel G. says:

    Green on $OBLN +$80
    Was a tricky one though.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LCarlTBM x says:

    What do you think of most major brokers going commission free??

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Probing One says:

    Great accuracy lesson Ross thank you!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Richards says:

    Did Steve stop making futures recaps? Haven't seen a video from him in a minute

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InLaws Attic says:

    I lost a bit on OBLN, was in at 2.11, about when you did it seems, and held, waiting to go higher, and it did about .09, and then dropped… hate that one, I’ve done bad on OBLN before…hahah….I only get one trade a day, so looking forward to tomorrow…Thanks for the recap, they always help so much…And, man, SES shot up again and dropped this afternoon- it dropped really strong!!…i wasn’t in it, but watched. So glad you did great!! 🖖🏼🙏💪🏻🇺🇸

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Jones says:

    hi Ross, great job! what do you think about these broker like td amertrade, etrade are now free commission for ever trade?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Gray says:

    I dont understand why you did not discuss ctrx…i did profit on that one and obln…i am new, and only made a couple dollars…practicing 😊…i used both ally and robinhood…1st day trading evvverrrrr..lol…I like your morning insight…it was fun and exciting…then i had to go to my 9 -5…cant wait to do tjis again…such a RUSH… and sexy too..coz it was myyyy money..I plan to master this trading process..EVENTUALLYY…hahaha!! Ok bye!!! 😁😁

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Coder says:

    Ross, What happened to the Futures guy that used to be on your site? He used to make videos..

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Gavri says:

    Exceptional job Ross, managing those waves

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JeremyKyndra Willey says:

    Good job man! I have a quick question. I saw PDSB, but didn't touch it because there was hardly any volume to it? Before the big move up there was only 22,000 in volume, and even after the big green candle there was a total of 50,771 volume on the day? I was under the impression that that would not be a safe trade? Or, were you anticipating the heavy volume after the halt?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Perfect says:

    Green trend it is!! Hallelujah!! May there be continued momentum and good times. Godspeed to you Ross, and all the Warrior trading family!! 🌳🌈

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alextwodope says:

    Thanks for showing more rain! Makes me happy to see, I've only seen rain maybe 10 or less times this year where i live. Happy green day 🙂

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ish says:

    Momentum is dead right now, need a different strategy to trade this market…

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Chapman says:

    Im impressed the markets becoming a bear market and ross is handling it like a boss i was waiting to see how he does in a bear market

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