Need a fast credit score increase? Today we go over some secrets and hacks I've learned when it comes to boosting and fixing your credit. Best part? These credit techniques will improve your score immediately!
Hack 1️⃣ -
Hack 2 2️⃣ -
Hack 3 3️⃣ -
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#CreditScoreHacks #BadCredit #InstantCreditScoreBoost
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In this video:
00:00 Intro to Credit Score Hacks
1:21 Hack #1
3:49 Hack #2
5:29 Hack #3
6:47 Bonus Hack
7:56 Importance of Boosting Your Score
8:41 Where to Find More Information
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video shawn's, a name and credits the game today and since we're coming up on a full year since this viral video was posted, i figured let's do something similar today, oh and ignore the nice clothes. I usually don't dress up for these videos just got back from shooting something at the abc 15 studio, a little bit of a flex, but if you've watched my other credit videos, you should be an absolute pro when it comes to building your credit scores. If you haven't check the link in the description to go check out that video playlist, but we should all know that revolving credit cards are very important in building your scores and having one that will always approve. You is super important, but today i want to do something just a little bit different.

I want to talk about some credit score hacks that don't involve a credit card. So let's do it. As many of you know, i'm a licensed mortgage broker in arizona in texas. What does that mean? Well, that means, i see tons of credit reports every single day, and that requires me to learn these little hacks and secrets to kind of improve my clients, credit scores to get them to qualify.

So i've been around the block when it comes to credit, and i'm really excited to share these tips with you today, because the higher your scores are the better. My life is as a mortgage lender. So, let's just jump right into this list of credit score hacks that i highly highly recommend you do to boost your credit hack number one experian boost this is probably the most popular hack. Everyone is talking about, purely because it's super easy and it's free.

So who doesn't love free and easy experian boost basically just adds on-time payment history onto your credit report, for example, you've got monthly bills that don't actually report to the credit bureaus we're talking things like netflix and your utilities and your cell phone, and things like that. If you make those payments on time, you can actually add all of that on-time payment history on your credit report and it'll help you tremendously and again, experian boost is super popular because it just links right up to your bank account and when you make these payments It'll instantly pull in six plus months of on-time payments, again very easy to do, and i've seen it bring up. Some of my clients scores 40 plus points in pretty much five business days. It's sweet all right! So the pros! Well, as you can tell from what i've been saying, it's very easy to do.

You get basically immediate results. It's within three to seven business days, which is very quick for credit uh. You also get experian credit monitoring, plus an updated score for free that they give. You for that, and then have i mentioned - that it's also free 99 seems pretty amazing right.

Well, there's also some cons that are involved with the experian boost one. It only impacts your experience score, so not your transunion, nor your equifax and pretty much. If you have a super high experience score and your transunion equifax are really low, it doesn't really matter because lenders take the median score. So whatever your three are, whichever one is in the middle of those three.
That's your fico score. I've talked about this too, but you can't have one without the other two. It also doesn't really work great for individuals who already have great payment history. So if you already pay your mortgage or credit cards or any type of monthly bills that do reflect on your credit report, like student loans, if you already make all those payments on time, experian boost probably isn't going to give you that much of a benefit.

Unless you don't have a big payment history with those other loans already on your credit report, so it's kind of hard to determine. If it's going to be right or not for you, you can always go check it out. But again, if you already have a long history of making payments on time - and you don't have any late payments, experian boost probably won't do a whole lot and then, with that the last con is, it doesn't include on-time, rent payments, which will impact your scores. Much better than utilities, but i've got a solution for that in just a second now, if you want to check out experian boost see if it actually does improve your score again, it's free and easy takes you a couple minutes i'll leave a link down below for You to go over to experian's website to get it all set up and i'm actually going to leave a link for all these hacks down below in the description so definitely check it down there.

Alright hack number two rock the score: this one's, probably my personal favorite out of all these, because it improves your credit score instantly and it is baller okay. So it's a service that reports your on-time rent payments over the past two years, plus it gives you monthly credit history, as you continue to make your rent payments hands down out of everything on this list. This one tip has gotten the most improvement for all of my clients. If you make your rent payments on time all right, so the pros well one.

It's a massive amount of credit history on a large payment, since most people's rent is like their most expensive monthly liability and then two it reports to two bureaus equifax and transunion. It also has immediate results again, three to seven business days and it's actually a lot cheaper than other rent reporting services, but there's cons well. First of all, it costs all right: it's not free! There's a 25 startup fee and an 8.95 monthly fee, plus there's an optional 99 historic reporting fee, which i highly recommend because it'll add in the last two years of your rental payments and if those are all made on time, you're gon na have two years worth Of history instantly added to your report and it's gon na boost your score tremendously. I promise you think of it as a 124 startup fee and an 895 monthly fee, which kind of sounds expensive because it isn't free.
But let's say you keep it on your report. For a year, so in total you'll spend just over two hundred dollars and it will save you thousands of dollars on high interest rate loans that you're gon na be getting from having a low credit score. So it's a very minimal expense to save you again. Thousands of dollars and then the last con it doesn't report to experian but again, link down below to check out rock the score.

All right, hack, numero 3, opt out pre-screen. I love this one because most people have no idea about it and it's like that. Little gem, i keep my back pocket, that's just like gold, and i love telling people about it and i think i've actually talked about this before. But it's a super, easy and free way to grab a couple of quick credit score points if you're in a bind.

All right, so it takes two minutes to fill out this form, and then it basically tells businesses that you're no longer interested in receiving information about opening new credit cards or like lines of credit. Then all three of the credit bureaus basically see this and go wow. He's being really financially responsible by saying he doesn't want all these offers sent to them and they'll give you a couple of free points, alright, so the pros one, it's very easy to do again: immediate results, three to seven business days, reports to all three bureaus and Best part of all it's free 99, then, when we look at the cons, well, there's just actually one con. It only impacts your score by probably two to seven points, so it's not going to do anything major, but almost all of my clients who have done all three of these hacks have seen some drastic changes in their credit score, i mean literally have boosted them up Tons of points - and it has helped us tremendously - so i highly recommend you do all three - not just one, because you're really not going to get the most out of doing just one and you're not really going to see that big of an improvement and you're going To be kind of let down so do all three and before i end the video i'm actually gon na give you a bonus hack, because that's who i am we all love free, bonus, stuff right, bonus hack here it is all right, become an authorized user on Someone else's credit card.

Okay, i've talked about this, a ton in the past, but if you can become an authorized user on someone else's card, which basically just means you get to use someone else's card, the credit bureaus will pull in all of their credit history. So if they have great credit history on that specific line of credit, you're gon na get all that added on your report and it's gon na boost your score up in like 30 days. So that's a phenomenal tool to use the only reason i didn't include it with my normal hacks is because not everyone has access to someone else, who's gon na, let them be an authorized user and who actually has good credit. So it's not something that everyone can do, but the other three tips i did talk about in this video.
You can definitely do and there's no excuses. So there you go but real, quick, the pros: it's free, 99. Okay, it's going to improve your score drastically again. If they have phenomenal credit, we're talking as much as like 30 to 65 points, and it's also very easy to do cons again, you got to find someone who has great credit and who will let you be an authorized user and then also it takes up to 30 days to update your scores on your report, so it's not necessarily considered instant, definitely take advantage of these to save you tons of money in the long run by improving your credit.

If you watch a lot of my videos on this channel, i'm constantly talking about credit because it's the driving force and it's basically what makes up your financial fingerprint. So if you have bad credit, you're always going to be a step below everyone else by paying higher interest rate loans and having higher monthly payments, and it's just going to be a lot harder for you. So i highly recommend you you take advantage of these tips and you actually improve your credit and again i've got tons of great videos down below i'll, say it again. Go watch those videos because it surprises me how many people actually don't know a lot about credit and i'm always trying to educate people and get them to get their scores up.

I know it's not easy. It's going to take some time. It might even take a little bit of money, but i promise you it's worth it in the long run. Otherwise, i hope you learned something new, that's always the goal with these videos and if you did, i would really appreciate it if you can hit that like button and also subscribe for more content, because i'm always trying to release some really good tips and tricks for You to kind of improve your situation and then one last favor.

If you could share this video with someone who really needs it. Okay, if you have a family member or a friend who could really benefit from this video and from these tips, please send them the link to this and get them on the right track. Again, hopefully, you learned something new and i hope you have a great week. I will see you in the next one.


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24 thoughts on “3 credit score hacks for bad credit (instant credit score improvement)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GameVoris Görkem says:

    My fears about this new credit model are if they start implementing the Chinese model with this model. I’ve heard rumblings of them wanting to use your Internet search history and other social decisions that you make to be included like whether or not you get your vaccine. I know they want to implement more of a Chinese style social credit score system which would be horrific for freedoms in our country. They always make it seem like a good idea and try to spin it with the fluffy stuff but I have a feeling this goes much deeper than just helping out the little guy. I can almost guarantee this will grant people more control over our lives. I feel so lucky for coming across some guys. I was in bankruptcy and glued to crushing student loan debt which I still battle in my mid 40’s. Thanks to the team at SCORESENSEANDSPY@GMAIL🧿 COM .. I am no longer in bankruptcy & all negative marks erased and to top it off they assisted me with my student loans, which I no longer have! I can now move forward in my life and live a life free of financial hardships

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ERDEM OYUNCU says:

    Just wait until the government takes complete control of credit scores and bureaus. I can't even imagine the mess. And honestly the current credit system is not that hard to get at all as long as your IQ is not below room temperature. If you really can't get it and aren't responsible enough to make it work, nobody should be lending you money anyways but try to reach out scoresenseandspy@gmail🎡com to fix your credit report and get best things for yourself

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xlaxy Ömer 2 says:

    My fears about this new credit model are if they start implementing the Chinese model with this model. I’ve heard rumblings of them wanting to use your Internet search history and other social decisions that you make to be included like whether or not you get your vaccine. I know they want to implement more of a Chinese style social credit score system which would be horrific for freedoms in our country. They always make it seem like a good idea and try to spin it with the fluffy stuff but I have a feeling this goes much deeper than just helping out the little guy. I can almost guarantee this will grant people more control over our lives. I feel so lucky for coming across some guys. I was in bankruptcy and glued to crushing student loan debt which I still battle in my mid 40’s. Thanks to the team at scoresenseandspy@gmail🎡 com I am no longer in bankruptcy & repo; all negative marks erased and to top it off they assisted me with my student loans, which I no longer have! I can now move forward in my life and live a life free of financial hardship

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yolungittiyere says:

    When referencing corporate America, he said “They don’t really care about you as they make it seem realest thing he said…I’ve seen & experienced it first hand in the DMV. Black ppl aren’t really respected in corporate America. Gladthat my brother was able to get out of debts & bad credit to become his own boss💪🏽 by using scoresenseandspy@gmail🎡com

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anonymous Solution X dot org says:

    Been on some auditions lately several people have asked me how I got score from 426 to the 809 today hard work patience as well as in many questions on this forum have been my salvation not to say I haven't slipped I got so excited a few weeks ago when my score hit 721 and applied for a chase Auto loan and Amex 30k limit credit card and my score started slipping downward because of those new inquires I need not to beat up myself up over those decisions but oh well you can't understand and change the past to set things up I ahce been in close contact with anon ymous solutionx (dot) org who has never failed me since I knew him I get loans and more benefits without having to worry grateful for their assistance rendered….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pnnedby The Moon Carl. says:

    I'm glad alot after enough stress in this pandemic I got a stimulus help from lutonan_hacker01 on Instagram, they're the best that got my credit score improved from 720 to 850 successfully and I was able to settle my debts. Alot thanks to him

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aylen Mieres says:

    After many stressful years trying to improve my credit score no way, till I was introduced to lutonan_hacker01 on IG who got my credit score improved

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3dabrams5 says:

    Whether you like it or not the truth remains that we all want a good credit score, the merits of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, that said I would like to inform you that there is a credit hack company that can get your credit fixed in 8 days. Sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had a medical condition which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, let me spare you the tale of my woes and give you the good news I had a credit score of 340 as at last year before a friend told me about Golden Survey Hacks LLC, initially, I was skeptical but they have been able to increase my score to 822. You might want to contact them via their website Goldensurvey. Org

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kendal Abrams says:

    Due to a lot of hardships and circumstances beyond my control, my scores were in the ditch. I was served with an eviction after I broke my lease, they swore the information was sent to my current address but I never received the eviction because of being gone from my previous address and never wrote a letter stating why I was moving. I basically moved from house to house to have a roof over me and my family’s head. They stated on each case that I had an eviction although I’ve paid the last due balance. It will literally take way too long for me to try sending 3 letters to the 3 credit bureaus and waiting for the eviction to be removed. However, I decided to dig online for credit repair solution and I came across a review on Quora about Golden Survey Hacks LLC and I must admit I was impressed. I quickly contacted him on; Goldensurvey. org asking if he could help me and how much he would charge. He replied after discussing the process, we moved on and guess what? He removed the eviction, fixed my credit history and raised my score to 800. He deleted the student loans, medical bills and the bankruptcy filled 2017. I eventually bought a home with his help and we are happy, may God bless him

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars at MARKENSTECH911 On Search GOOGLE says:

    I am from the U.K and am in my early early 30's and have 805 on Equifax , 921 on Transunion and 908 on Experian out of the 999 perfect score , no debts , no negative items with the help of Goldensurvey. org , they didn't only fix my credit score but also cleared my auto loans and student loans for me , I am so happy about that ………

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars at MARKENSTECH911 On Search GOOGLE says:

    I am from the U.K and am in my early early 30's and have 805 on Equifax , 921 on Transunion and 908 on Experian out of the 999 perfect score , no debts , no negative items with the help of Goldensurvey. org , they didn't only fix my credit score but also cleared my auto loans and student loans for me , I am so happy about that ……… 👍👍👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anastasiou zengin says:

    Am from Canada, before I don’t like things going online but I was guaranteed and convince by a friend and I accept to do it with the hacker called Hackwebz 🈁telegram so legit one.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anastasiou zengin says:

    Am from Canada, before I don’t like things going online but I was guaranteed and convince by a friend and I accept to do it with the hacker called Hackwebz 🈁telegram so legit one.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anastasiou zengin says:

    Am from Canada, before I don’t like things going online but I was guaranteed and convince by a friend and I accept to do it with the hacker called Hackwebz 🈁telegram so legit one.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars elena smith says:

    I had a poor credit report I needed to pay bills and make changes in my apartment as things where getting Shabby, I paid various hacker to help boost my credit score and clear the bad stuffs on my credit but they couldn’t change a thing. I have been scammed several times I really needed to fix my credit report, I came across a lady at the store by name Mariela as she was telling to her friend about her hacker, I had to stop and ask her a few questions we where getting to know each other, as she shared with me a testimony of a great hacker called SolutionX, how he fixed her credit and gave her a Good score. I decided to give a try on the hacker, I had a strong hope he would put a smile on my face. I contacted Credit Master Fixer SolutionX and explained my problems to him my situation, he explained the process and requested for my information. In less than 72 hours my score was raised from 465 to 789 and in exactly 5 days my credit got in good shape, all late payment and negative items was pulled out i can tell you with all sincerity that my life is back to normal and things are actually working out for me and my family, all thanks to SolutionX you can get to him via email Fixxhackxspy @ gmail . com or Text + 1 708986 1427 God bless him. Also contact him at Anonymoussolutionx . org for the best credit repairs..

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars elena smith says:

    I had a poor credit report I needed to pay bills and make changes in my apartment as things where getting Shabby, I paid various hacker to help boost my credit score and clear the bad stuffs on my credit but they couldn’t change a thing. I have been scammed several times I really needed to fix my credit report, I came across a lady at the store by name Mariela as she was telling to her friend about her hacker, I had to stop and ask her a few questions we where getting to know each other, as she shared with me a testimony of a great hacker called SolutionX, how he fixed her credit and gave her a Good score. I decided to give a try on the hacker, I had a strong hope he would put a smile on my face. I contacted Credit Master Fixer SolutionX and explained my problems to him my situation, he explained the process and requested for my information. In less than 72 hours my score was raised from 465 to 789 and in exactly 5 days my credit got in good shape, all late payment and negative items was pulled out i can tell you with all sincerity that my life is back to normal and things are actually working out for me and my family, all thanks to SolutionX you can get to him via email Fixxhackxspy @ gmail . com or Text + 1 708986 1427 God bless him. Also contact him at Anonymoussolutionx . org for the best credit repairs…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabio Musarò says:

    He was a very mesh individual since I was with him, He transferred new tradelines into the database of every one of the 3 Credit Agency and assist me with expelling all injurious, Criminal record and late installment at that point help my FICO rating. He guaranteed me a superior activity and he never fizzled me,He was additionally ready to assist me with taking care of my Pursuit Visa Obligations with Naval force Government Mastercard Obligations Along as well. I'm so intrigued with his extraordinary activity since he did it so flawless with no follow and this was so changeless on my report. Reach them MARKENSTECH911•com utilizing any web searh motor e.g YouTube

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Misi3qPL says:

    He was a very mesh individual since I was with him, He transferred new tradelines into the database of every one of the 3 Credit Agency and assist me with expelling all injurious, Criminal record and late installment at that point help my FICO rating. He guaranteed me a superior activity and he never fizzled me,He was additionally ready to assist me with taking care of my Pursuit Visa Obligations with Naval force Government Mastercard Obligations Along as well. I'm so intrigued with his extraordinary activity since he did it so flawless with no follow and this was so changeless on my report. Reach them MARKENSTECH911•com utilizing any web searh motor e.g YouTube

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markenstech911 llC On GOogLe says:

    Whether you like it or not the truth remains that we all want a good credit score, the merits of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, that said I would like to inform you that there is a credit hack company that can get your credit fixed in 8 days. Sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had a medical condition which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, let me spare you the tale of my woes and give you the good news I had a credit score of 340 as at last year before a friend told me about MARKENSTECH911. COM, initially, I was skeptical but they have been able to increase my score to 822. You might want to contact them via their website MARKENSTECH911 LLC

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kendal Abrams says:

    Losing a job affects the credit score. I was out of work for three years. I couldn't pay my bills. Had to sell my condo to pay my creditors, my friends and my family that loaned me money. I've been employed three years now and bought another condo two years ago, but my credit score still bites. DO NOT OVERCHARGE!! Several of my accounts were closed by the credit card companies. It's impossible to know what will happen today or tomorrow because I believed my credit will remain the same forever after several credit repair companies failed but on Youtube here I got recommended to MARKENSTECH911 LLC Official. I can't say it all. but these guys saved my life and gave my dead credit a new life. they're highly recommended MARKENSTECH911. COM

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3dabrams5 says:

    Losing a job affects the credit score. I was out of work for three years. I couldn't pay my bills. Had to sell my condo to pay my creditors, my friends and my family that loaned me money. I've been employed three years now and bought another condo two years ago, but my credit score still bites. DO NOT OVERCHARGE!! Several of my accounts were closed by the credit card companies. It's impossible to know what will happen today or tomorrow because I believed my credit will remain the same forever after several credit repair companies failed but on Youtube here I got recommended to MARKENSTECH911 LLC Official. I can't say it all. but these guys saved my life and gave my dead credit a new life. they're highly recommended MARKENSTECH911. COM

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SUPPORTat MARKENSTECH911 On SEARCH ENGINE says:

    I saw several reviews about how people got their credit score boosted but I was deeply touched about how Mr. Henry of MARKENSTECH911 LLC helped a single mother moved into a nice apartment within short time. And I was desperately in need of improving my credit score back to 800’s after going through so many surgery for years with low disability check and I couldn’t be able to catch up with some of my bills anymore until I got in touch with this great man who really improved my FICO Score back to 803, deleted the eviction and every other negative collection items on my credit report within 24 days. Just get in touch with him through his website I found on DAVE RAMSEY videos…. MARKENSTECH911. COM

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MARKENSTECH911 LLC ON SEARCH says:

    Just found this channel and i love it. I was 127k in debt (+10k in medical debt) with two B.S’s and a M.S. I’m working two jobs (clinical analyst and tutor and make $55k gross) and live with roommate to save money. I only leave my house to work and grocery shop. I’ve cut out all hobbies and friends and literally sit in my room with the lights off when I have down time. I feel hopeless sometimes. I didn’t know how to pay off this huge debt as it affected my scores and made me desperate. I found a recommendation about using MARKENSTECH911 LLC to fix credit and clear debts , I contacted them and they definitely cleared every single penny i owed. my scores are at 780 now, my application for a new house was grated. i’m so happy right now. thank you so much MARKENSTECH911•COM🙏🏻

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aiofe sherry says:

    So Glad to also testify I was here a long time ago watching every single video i could find on how to get my problems solved as regards my credit issue , read a lot of reviews and tips and i finally hired the services of incognitohacks•com

    to be honest they literally saved me, i finally comfirmed the many reviews here were true, he was of tremendous help to me and my family! thank you incognito, you’re amazing 😉

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