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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are: finishing the 207 trading day of the year in the green Now as you guys know. Friday I Took no trades and I was kind of disappointed I saw nothing that looks good enough for me to take the risk each time. I take a train I'm risking between 500 and 1,000 dollars so you know if there's nothing worth losing 500 or a thousand dollars over I'm not gonna trade so no trades on Friday and this morning I sit down and look at the watch list or the Gap scanner and there was nothing on there that looked good and I was just kind of like well I don't know. So I had one stock on watch that was a maybe and that was Bo XL first daily candle to make a new high I Jumped in and made just under five thousand dollars on that trade and then all of a sudden another stock pops up on the scanner rips I Jump in and make another four thousand five hundred dollars on.

That puts me up nine thousand dollars on the day. Unexpected but a big green day and I'm happy with that so well break it all down in the mid day market. Recap: Any questions, any comments? leave them below and I'll come back through an answer and I love seeing them so please don't hesitate to put a comment down below All Right See you guys first thing tomorrow! All right everyone. So we're gonna jump in here and do the midday market recap.

Finishing the morning up nine thousand, sixty eight dollars and three cents. So that is a big green day and I certainly wasn't expecting it today this morning. Well, as you guys know, Friday I didn't trade at all this morning. the Gap scanner was dead.

There was nothing on there that really looked good, but we had Bo Excel on kind of the watch list as a maybe because of the fact that it had been pulling back for several days. So Bo Excel was on the watch list as a daily set up for the first daily candle to make a new high. So this was the bull flag. First candle up, one, two, three candles, a pullback first camel to make a new high was today.

entry at 3:45 and 350 and there was that squeeze up to four dollars. We didn't break over four, but that 40 cent move $0.50 moved. There was enough for me to make four thousand, six hundred Fifty eight dollars. So that was a nice one.

It was totally you know, a daily set up. It wasn't off the Gap scanner, it was just something that we were watching for a technical breakout so that you know gave me my cushion right away on the day. and then our SLS and I npx you know were the next opportunity. So this ended up being the biggest green day in over a month, which is awesome.

You know, making nine thousand dollars in one morning is certainly a nice feeling and it makes up for the fact that I took no trades on Friday I lost money on Thursday took no trades on Friday And then today you know, bounced back with a big green day which is awesome to have - a nice big Green Trades in one morning is really pretty nice and and on our SLS I could have definitely done better I'm Bo XL I couldn't have done a lot better than than how I traded it. So let's look at Bo XL first. Actually, why don't we look at the watchlist the Gap scanners first? So for those of you guys tuning in for the first time, either on YouTube or on on Facebook Really, every day is pretty much the same process as a day trader. We have the same routine.
Yeah, Eric If you go to Warrior Trading dot-com slash store, you can see our merch. You can see t-shirts, sweatshirts, crap tops, whatever you want. We're not gonna judge you Eric So Eric say he's buying a crop top. Almost? Definitely.

So anyways, this morning started same as always. Really like as a day trader, we always have the same routine which is looking at this scanner. This scanner right here is showing us all of the stocks in the entire market. They're gonna be opening higher and stocks only open higher for a small handful of reasons and from the the biggest reason is because there is some type of catalyst, some type of news.

So my job is to find the stock that I think is going to move today. I Don't make money by buying a stock like you know. let's look at Sprint Well actually that's even moving more than a typically thing. But let's look at Sirius Satellite Radio This is the one I use as an example a lot.

So today it had a high of 622 and a low of 612. That is an 8-cent range. It dropped at the most 8 cents. Alright, so in 8 cent range if you took 10,000 shares which would be $60,000 worth of stock, you would.

If you bought it in the middle at the most, you'd be up 400. At the most, you be down 400. right? If you took $600,000 worth of this stock at the most, you'd be up only 4,000 or down 4,000 It just doesn't move. In contrast to stock like our SLS this went from 3 dollars up to 7 dollars.

If you bought 10,000 shares of this stock, that would be $30,000 At $3 Well, 10,000 you're up at $4 You're up 10,000 Five dollars, You're up Twenty thousand Six dollars. You're up Thirty thousand dollars. That is doubling your money potentially in one trade. So obviously these the types of stocks that we look for.

The stocks that can make these types of moves are always going to have a few things in common. They're gonna have generally some type of strong daily chart. They're gonna have a float of less than 10 million shares, and oftentimes they're gonna have some type of catalyst. The catalyst on this one.

You know there was a headline here, but it's also a recent reverse split which kind of increases the potential. So this scanner right here showing me stocks that are starting to move up this morning a PTI was the leading gapper. However, when I looked at the headline on it I saw that it was a an acquisition. So this company has been bought out and it's gonna trade sideways and be VSN this stock is was on the scanner but only 100 shares a volume.

Oftentimes those are just kind of like false alerts so nothing there. A CCRC Whoops! This was $13 outside my price range I have a cut-off of ten bucks I trade the lower price stocks all right. Next one down B Box This one is an acquisition. AGC Networks to acquire B Box all right Kodak Eastman Kodak This one had a headline but you as you can see here I was watching it possibly over the pre-market high which was three nine, three ninety.
but the bell rang and it sold off so it didn't give me an opportunity to take a train. so really nothing there. So that was Kodak going down the scanner. you know, Light volume, too expensive, You know.

whatever. This one GSL I didn't look at very closely. Ended up selling off a little bit. so pretty much the scanner I usually look at the top ten and there really wasn't anything on the top ten.

no look back rate so that was disappointing. you know, but but it's the way it goes sometimes. So I said all right. Well, nothing on the scanners.

is there anything we can watch from last week and be oxl was the only one that I was considering watching from last week. However, I said pre-market during our pre market analysis that I wasn't sure it was going to work because yesterday was a big red candle. so the trigger on this is always the first daily Campbell to make a new high which is 350 all right now. You could have taken this as a swing trade setup your entry would be 350, your target would be 10% so that's 35 cents.

That's 3 dollars and 85 cents. All right. So you put a 385, you put a 350 by order and if the buy order goes through, you have a 385 sell order. you could have been.

You could have taken this trade while you were at work. All right, so end up breaking 350 pops up to 380. 5 hits 3 99 ends up dropping back down so on this one someone in the room said hey, Ross check out Bo XL it's squeezing up. It's getting close to that 350 trigger on the daily chart and so let's go back here.

So this first came on the scanner at 339 right here. Alright so three dollars and 39 cents so on this one I was like okay. bee box I'm sorry Bee Bo XL I Like the look of it so I take a starter I'm in at 340 I added 344 I added 347 I add more at 348 and I had more at 350. So on this one as you can see, I had just under 17,000 shares which is no doubt a pretty big order.

I felt pretty confident on this one so I jumped in it tark back of my mind. Target was $4 and I scalped the break here. so you can see this is where it did this little pullback. I'm in it right here.

this price of 350 it pops up to 380. it drops back down to 369, it then pops up to 87, pulls back hits a high there of 88, drops down, ends up hitting a high a day of 99 before selling off. So I'm in it for the break of the half dollar and I sold tiny shares. you know here at 68 and 78 sold a good chunk at 71 to Book profit, sold more 80 and 81 and then ended up selling my last like 350 or 400 shares.
A little bit later has it dropped down right here. So in any case, this was about let's see what was 17 thousand shares or sixteen thousand This was about you know thirty cents of of profit. So I took big size on it. but the reason I did that was because the daily setup was so strong.

it was a former runner and I really did feel pretty confident on it. so stepped up to the plate with this one and got that breakout. So as that was happening, you know in this little range here our SLS has hit the scanner at 242 and then it hits at 245 and it keeps hitting to 45 to 75 to 77 and as I see it I look and I think well you know what our SLS this one's got some potential. Yes I lost money on it last week I traded it on what was it Wednesday no I trade it on Thursday and I lost money on it and but I knew if it broke over 355 the high of Thursday that it had potential on the daily to get to $4 and so I said you know I like this I'm gonna step up to the plate so I jumped in it at 299 and 302.

I got partial fills on both of those orders right there. as you can see partial fills and it hits a high of 310 and is halted. so halted at 310. It then resumes and I add more at 347 and 361.

So on this one I've got about eleven thousand shares but I'm in at three like I guess 3:30 or so. so my cost basis is like 3:30 It's kind of in the middle here. I'm gonna pull this back to a 15-second chart just to kind of show you what was happening coming out of that halt. So let's back this up.

Back this up all right. So here we go. So it pops up here: I Buy it at the top, which is a high entry, no doubt about it. moment Trading is often about buy high, sell higher.

It's not that typical buy low sell high type of philosophy. It just doesn't work that way. With momentum, You're buying something that's already moving and you're trying to ride that momentum. You're riding a wave as long as you can.

You can't jump on until the wave is formed. You know, if you're surfing, you don't just sit on flat water and say, well, there's no waves I guess I'll just sit here until one starts to form. You go somewhere where there are waves and then you jump on it. And so here I Jump on the wave.

At three, it resumes and hits a high 349. It pulls back for a second and then as it surges back up I Add it pops up to 369 and then drops down for a second to 325. Alright, so a moment of kind of truth and there I was like oh, I'm heavy on this with 12,000 shares if this drops back down To 3, I'm in trouble. But back in my mind, Target is still.

You know now that it's over 350 that it could go to $4 and so then it pops up to 377 and then it drops back down to 350 and then it pops up to 397 and then it drops back down to 356. You can see these candles and then it breaks over $4 and it's a high of 446. So I'm selling it I take a little bit of profit at 76 a little at 61 because I started to get a little concerned about it. Then I sell it 90 and then 4 and then I ended up adding as it squeezed up to $5 So I added up here for the break of 5, you know? But the thing with this again is that it's so easy to say in hindsight that oh man, Ross you know you're in this at 340 or whatever was why didn't you just hold till $6 or $7 But there's no way of knowing that a stock is gonna go that high.
And just as an example, you know I'll just pull up this other chart here. and of course now our SLS You know it's kind of sad because it's come all the way back down to 310. I mean this made this huge move from $2 up to $7 and then came back down to. the good news is that this is volatility and volatility means opportunity for profit, right? You could trade this long and you could trade it short.

here. you could trade it both directions. but look at a stock. like and why and why.

You know this one. If you sold it to 50, you absolutely did the right thing. You know cuz its back down to two dollars. but if you sold it to 50 and then it runs up to 320 or 330, Do you feel like an idiot? You know you're like oh man, I sold it too soon.

You can't help but feel that way. You know? So you know you have to kind of just give yourself the permission to take your profit and not beat yourself up. You're never gonna get the top and bottom of every move. If you make money, you're doing something nine outta 10 traders aren't doing consistently.

And yes, you can always try to make a little bit more and maybe in a stronger market. I would have held the whole thing longer. Maybe I would have tried to add it and and turn this into a big win. I've had twenty thirty thousand dollar winners before and they were on our Sls type stocks.

but I've also had eight $10,000 losers before on these types of stocks because they're so volatile, right? You know if I just kept adding adding, you know this I knew was probably gonna happen I just didn't know that it was gonna happen here I thought maybe it would happen. you know here or or here. or maybe it would happen way up here. You know it's gonna happen eventually and you don't want to be holding a big position right here when it happens because that's how you can give back all of your morning of profit.

So anyways, on this one and I'll go back and look at this one again and why popped up I Npx also popped up this one I lost a hundred bucks on I jumped in at at four dollars and 18 cents going into the hall thinking it was going to continue. It was also a reverse split notice reverse split here on the daily chart. This is sort of a catalyst and it came back down to 3:30 I sold it to 9:00 at 390 which was the right move you know and booked my loss $800 loss but it was the right thing to do. So just remember, you're never gonna get the top and bottom of every sink move.
If you're making money, you're you're doing the right thing and can always try to capture more profit and again, maybe in a stronger market. I would have held the whole thing longer I really wanted to hold the whole thing over for but then these kind of flashes right here made me a little nervous. And of course, when you're holding full-size and it's a big position, you know that if it does do a big drop getting out, you're gonna get slippage and it's you're not going to get a good fill and you're gonna lose even more than ya you'd like to. So you know it's all about capital preservation.

So anyways, our Sls jumped back in at 490, sold at five a little over five InP x in at twelve and eighteen stopped out of that one is it dropped our SLS back in at Six Fifteen Six seventeen selling at Six Thirty Six Thirty seven. Lots of kind of partial fills. partially because that'll happen because the spreads are so big you won't always be able to get full orders. People are tucking orders in between the spread, midpoint orders, and stuff like that.

Back in at seven, Five hundred shares stopped out of that back in five dollars, sold some at 514 stopped out at 480 that one I was trying to do a bottom bounce coming out of the halt right here, but it didn't bounce and so cut your losses. Keep them tight and that way you're not holding as it keeps going lower. but on this one I didn't have shares available to short it. That was not an option for me.

So I could only trade it one direction and you know I think I did pretty well on it. So I'm happy with this. You know these three trades. Definitely a lot of tickets.

today. Commissions will be on the higher side, but You know for $9,000 I'm willing to, you know, pay those higher. Commission's today was the day to be more aggressive. You know it definitely wasn't on.

Friday Friday was the day to sit on the sidelines. Today was the day to you know. step up to the plate with bigger share size and you know this is why I'm leaving. You know, more money in my account right now I've got let's see windows account value.

So this morning I started with a hundred and thirty thousand dollars in my account. Sixteen thousand shares times three dollars and fifty cents. That was my biggest position today. So sixteen thousand shows times 350.

That's a fifty six thousand dollar trade that I made you know four thousand on so almost a 10 percent winner there. which was good, but you know I today didn't even use all of my buying power, but it's there in the event that I see an opportunity. You know if we have a day like today where our SLS ends up ripping up to $8 $10 $15 and then another stock starts to squeeze up and goes up. you know, two, three, four dollars a share? That's the type of day where I might want to be in multiple trades at once and really try to put this buying power to use.
but at the same time I could write myself a check out of this account for a hundred thousand dollars and drop the account down to well, thirty nine thousand Thirty plus nine thousand today and that that would be enough to trade pretty much everything I did today I You know because of course you have your buying power which is times three so or times four and so you know at this point I'm just kind of leaving the money there I probably closer to the end of the year I'll take a little bit out if I get up towards two hundred thousand. That's definitely a good time to take money out. but right now I'm just you know, rolling over these profits and it's giving me the buying power to take bigger positions and be a little more aggressive. We did have a stock today that I was watching PCG this is PGE California Electric Company.

as you can see right out of the the gates. this sold off pretty hard I was watching it for a reversal so it starts telling off start selling off. the daily level I was watching was $26.67 and that was because that was the low of this candle. Where is it? I'm gonna zoom my chart out a little bit more back here in 2009, so that was nine years ago.

However, that was the level. I was watching a double bottom off that level so it halted going down because of all the wildfires. Everything else. it's been down sharply the last few days.

This is: the wildfires are certainly not good for their profit margin. They're gonna be having to spend a lot of money rebuilding the infrastructure. but anyways, it drops down and is halted. Where was it it was halted? right here on this candle, it drops down I was watching it to buy over $27 It breaks 27 right here and goes 27 25.

It then flashes down to $25 dropping $2 per share and then rips here up to 29 bucks. so had the long bias on it. that was the right idea. But you know, even here if I bought it right here and then was suddenly down $2 a share, you know, even if it was only at the house and shares, that's two thousand dollars in the red.

That's not fun, so it's probably for the best I didn't take the trade on it, but yeah, pretty pretty volatile there. So anyways, that's about it for me this morning. A great way to start the week. I Definitely needed this here this month after last week ended up being a wash and it put me pretty much break even on the month, you know.

last week I made some money on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and then I lost money on Thursday and a tenth rate on Friday So you know was breakeven on the month coming into today and now I'm up nine thousand dollars on a month, you know I mean that's that's certainly a nice a nice boost, you know, a couple more days like this and I'll be in really, really good shape on the month. You know it just again goes to show that you can be having a bad month and then in one day turn it all around with one big win. I mean that's you know how it often is. Last November I had a day where I made $30,000 33 thousand.
It was my best day of all time. and then the next day I made 40 grand. So seventy-three thousand dollars in two days. You know, trading stocks like our SLS you know I was being a little more aggressive on it and um, I remember buying it was something like this, you know, ten thousand shares at three dollars and then it ends up opening closer to four.

So I was immediately up ten thousand bucks. It surges into a second halt and it halts going up. I'm still holding the full position and you know I've got like ten thousand shares up two dollars a share. so it opens higher again.

and you know I sell it up here for like thirty thousand dollars of profit. So it made this whole move in basically like two candles and that'll happen sometimes. and those are the opportunities to be aggressive. So to use a stop? order here I Have to go - what is it Expanded order? entry bar expanded and then I can go down here - what is it? Is this where it is now I'm trying to remember I haven't I haven't used the stop orders before I don't now I don't now I'm confused I don't remember or quantity I thought it was somewhere in here but I just haven't been I haven't been using stop order so I'm actually not sure you could set them up with a hotkey that I know you can do so.

Anyways, 11:30 up almost $10,000 on the day and I actually was up $10,000 before my last trade on I NP X and then one loss on our SLS so you know did end up taking 2 losses today. lost about $1,000 on those two but today was the day that it was worth. You know, continuing to trade. Yep, that's right.

so change day to stop it looks like for order type. Yeah, sorry about that. Alright, so we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. You know, live right around 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis and chat room and hopefully we end up seeing some good follow-through and this momentum continue.

No doubt it's a little disappointing to see our Sls drop as much as it did. you know I I still think it just takes one stock like this to make a big move and then continue to really squeeze out short sellers and this type of drop ends up being a pretty good win for short sellers. So I don't know that this one really is going to be the one that puts you know puts the fear into them to not be as aggressive. But but maybe because this was a pretty big move from 330 up to 7? I'm sure there's some short sellers who lost money on that squeeze and I'm sure there are some long traders who fo mode into it way up here and way up here who lost money as it came back down.

So you know winners and losers on both sides? I'm sure. but hopefully and you guys did well on it today with that entry first at 3 and then at 3:50 Alright so I will see you all back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Anyone questions comment? leave them below and I'll answer them later this afternoon. All right bye everyone, if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.
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By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “207th trading day $9k! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benji Alonso says:

    It was a hard day. We had nearly the same entries and exits today. Ovetraded 44 trades today to get back to green

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Nelson says:

    Hey Ross what do you mean by 1st daily candle to make a new high? On BOXL. Thanks for all the great content man I love it! And I love your book how to day trade as well! A wealth of info!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Longblaid says:

    The high momentum scanner that Ross uses, is that self-made? What software is it? I am doing my scans through ToS and Finviz, but I like the scanner you use Ross. Thanks.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheWhylie says:

    Well done Ross. This was the most frustrating day trading ever. I’m using Suretrader and they restrict me on margin so freakin randomly. I use the Buy with 95% buying power and it rejects because of margin restriction I guess. The worst is that there is no indication anywhere on the platform to tell me that the stock is restricted. This is becoming a huge issue everyday now. I can fund my account with more money but I’m scared that I loose the discipline and blow up the account…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Kush says:

    does anyone know what platform this is?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDroolT says:

    Nice ones, Ross. 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Gunn says:

    Thoughts on NVLN?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benji Alonso says:

    Merch sales included. That is a true humble guru. Its pennies on the dollar for Ross. BTW I made +5k. Thanks to Ross

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benji Alonso says:

    I would love to see the best proclaimed traders donate youtube ad earnings to charities that the subscribers nominate and and vote on. That is what I would do at a minimum..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C.M says:

    I miss your live trading vids 🙁

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Kline says:

    Im 13 and dont know anything about this but when i get older i want to try this

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars STEPHEN KAMAU says:

    Hey Ross its been a while since you uploaded a live trading video. I love them because they are very educative. Would you please upload this one if you recorded it

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    Congrats Ross, nice trades.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Halcyon Days R9 says:

    Thank you for making this videos

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freedom 1 says:

    I jumped into YELP and made 132.00 today…..thats better than loosing…..thanks buddy

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Nelson says:

    Hi Ross two quick questions i am a former student and current subscriber to the warrior trading pro platform you said you were going to have a new chapter on scalping but i dont see it and the other question is today in the chat room i didnt get a alert on RSLS is theere a updated version that everyone is using thank you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ya Boi See says:

    When you fall asleep in class and wake up 2 minutes later

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayDog says:

    Ross, I have been following you for a week or so. did the workshop last week. Thank you for such great advice. I feel like I'm slowly starting to pull this together but still lost on when to pull the trigger and if I should be looking at daily, 5min or 1min candles. I followed both of your stock picks today and for the first time found them on a scanner before hearing from you in the morning, so that was good.

    So, how do you know whether to use a daily or other candle view? and how far back to do you go to determine the "new high" . for example, I found lots of new highs on RSLS today after the $7-$2 crash.

    Thanks for your inspiration and help!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Coldi says:

    Ross just wondering, if you knew RSLS was going to come back down then why didn’t you short it?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Ross, have you ever considered making a video or writing a book on how you started trading and how it progressed, the ups and downs of the process, etc? I catch bits and pieces together but I think an "autobiography" or sorts would be really cool to watch or read.. Might also include how you arrived at starting Warrior Trading.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Károly Sipkovics says:

    Hey Ross, Congrats for the great trades today. I am just missing recently Mike's recaps. Can you push him a little bit 🙂 Thanks! Keep up the good work WT!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MasterofCreations says:

    Ugh! Was having a $300 day in my $500 account then got fomo and bought GLBS in afterhours too high and gave back half of that. Still green but it's a bit of a bummer.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jman says:

    Can you talk more about your risk reward calculations?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Montana says:

    Hi Ross, How did you manage to get the profit before the drop on BOXL, did you use a trailing stop? If so, what was the trailing stop % or cents amount? Just curious! Thanks!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pascal Morival says:

    Someone mentioned MNGA in the chatroom and I bought it with my $338 robinhood account and would have made $74 profit ( that's over 20%) . But I didn't sell because my gut tells me to hold it for a while. (Robinhood would have locked me out too) . But looking back at a stock that sold for over $275/share and I was lucky enough to buy it for $0.30/share, it's something worth holding to.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C. C. says:

    Ross, would you consider showing in real time in the chatroom the platform on which you are live trading? So that we can see (and not only hear) live the trades. This would give you even more appreciation.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    The king has arrived…hail to the king! Look guys…He has the midus touch…Nobody does it like Ross!..He is the king of riding the momentum wave…That is the truth!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sell By Date says:

    great work today Ross. those reverse splits were moving today!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart Ferguson says:

    Ross! Well done! Unfortunately I learned the hard way today about margin restrictions when none of my orders went through due to 1:1 restrictions on both BOXL and RSLS. What a shame because I would have likely increased my entire account by like 50%. Pain!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zayn Adams says:

    Ross, do you have trader tax status with the IRS? You take thousands of dollars in losses, but you most likely get to write all those losses off and have a lower adjusted gross income after your losses than beginner traders, am I right? Traders labeled as "investors" with the irs can only write up to $3000. Just wondering the best way to get started amd don't want my taxes screwed up. Thanks!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Animalmother says:


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