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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? Well, I did not accomplish my mission today of trading less. In fact, today I traded more than I think I've traded on any other day in my career I traded 20 different stocks I traded over 650,000 shares and I only have $1,600 to show for it. The problem today was that within the first two minutes I was already down over a thousand bucks I went red right away and between 9:30 and 10:00 A.m. I dug myself a hole of almost $9,000 and I was like, all right, Well, my cut off on my account right now is ten thousand.

So I said, all right, Well um, this isn't good. but if I can a couple offs in half and there's a couple of good quality opportunities, I'm gonna do it and I did it I cut the loss in half and then I said well, okay now I'm down 4500 can I cut the loss in half again and I did and by the end of the day I was up $1,600 I think today I mean this continues to be a very crazy market, extremely volatile. We saw more circuit-breaker halts today than possibly any other day. It was just crazy right out of the gate, so we had a couple stock squeeze up really quickly, some of them even halting going up and then turn around and halt coming right back down and so it moved up and then came way back down that moved back down gave a couple bottom bounces off the lows.

some of those were nice, others weren't as clean and then at a certain point I just switched gears and said you know what, Just go trade the S&P 500 again. So I traded Spxl, SPX s the VIX and I traded gold and I made back my losses. So the small cap market for me today wasn't as good and wasn't as easy. I just had a couple of big losses.

The patterns that I typically would use like the one minute pullback and things like that weren't resolving as well and we were seeing false breakouts and then big flashes to the downside. spreads were big and you know it just wasn't an easy day. So I I never really got myself that upset today and I think that's because I pretty much started a day read and was read the whole day. So I was just like, well, today is obviously gonna be a red day so if I can cut the loss in half I guess that's gonna be good.

You know it's better than closing the day down 9000. But the challenge of course, and you know I do have my cutoff which is set high right now because the markets have been so volatile. The way I trade, it's not impossible to lose nine thousand dollars and then to make it all back within the course of a few hours. I did it today and I've done it several other days in the last month.

So I have my max loss spread out a little bit further from where it would be during kind of ordinary markets which would usually be at 5,000 and so you know if I had at that on that last trade instead of it be a winner I'd lost in our thousand and I was below 10 grand, that would have been it and I would have been like oh, all right, that's a big red day and I would just walked away I mean I again I wouldn't been as frustrated I get angry when I hit my daily goal and then give it back. That's when I get so frustrated with myself because I had the daily goal I took it for granted I didn't appreciate it and then it was gone when I just go right into the red right away. It's a very different mindset for me, so I was able to dig myself out of the hole today and more or less. I'll see where everything sits I'll import my trades probably tomorrow into Trader View for this week and see where I sit on the week.
Great day on Monday Tuesday was terrible. Yesterday was choppy and today wasn't a lot better. So when it's all said and done with Ecn fees commissions, I don't have a lot to show for it, but you know sometimes it is just about survive to thrive, keep your head above water. and right now I'm I'm treading water and maybe it wouldn't be as stressful if I wasn't doing it with such big share size and having such big P&L swings.

So maybe tomorrow for Friday I should ease off the throttle there. bring down the share size I'm green on the week. Let's just try to finish this week in one piece and hope the market stabilizes a little bit tomorrow or on Monday You know I think that that's probably gonna be the smart thing to do. It's hard.

It can be hard to throttle myself back when I See what I would typically consider a good quality setup, but in this market you kind of have to expect that. You know a stock is gonna come and hit you behind the knees with a baseball bat. You know you think it looks good and all of a sudden, oh my god, where'd that come from? I'm down 50 cents a share. This is unbelievable that keeps happening.

so expect the unexpected during this market and sighs accordingly. And I'm gonna try to take my own advice and do that tomorrow. And then if I can get green in the first 30 minutes through some good trading, some good risk management, and some real precision on my entries and exits, then I'm gonna stop at like ten-thirty and just be done for the day and not have to sit in this chair until 4:00 p.m. which is exactly why I did today.

Was it worth it today? The P&L speaks for itself. I guess so I made made back What? I lost but wasn't able to get anything else done. So you know that's one of those tough things are trading. If you can just get green and then walk away, you're doing something most traders struggle to do.

So try to get green and then respect it. Respect the market, walk away with that money in your pocket. All right. So that's it for me.

I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone. So we're gonna do our recap for today. so it's the news feed bet for Ben Zynga So boy, today and what a day I traded 20 different stocks and or ETFs and after all that I'm gonna finish the day up one thousand, six hundred and one dollar and eleven cents.

The problem today and it's kind of interesting because today I feel a lot less I feel very relaxed I don't feel stressed really at all and it's because I never went green until the very end of the day. Now that's not entirely true because I did take one trade pre-market on BMR A So BMR A was the first stock that I traded this morning and I jumped into it at 9:28 heard not like 929 right before the bell for the break of 1750 right here. So I got in there like as the bell was ringing just seconds before the bell rang and on that trade Oops! I jumped in with 500 shares and as soon as it broke 1750 and then 18 and then up to 1850 I took profit. So I made $493 on my very first trade on BM RA which you know overall was was not bad and then I got back in it right as the bell was ringing like right here it pulled back for just a second and I bought it thinking that it was gonna break over $20 in rib and I stopped out down here for a fifteen hundred dollar loss.
So basically I started the day in the first minute down a thousand bucks. so I was read and as you can see we did get a red to green move on B MRA the only problem with it was the spreads were big and it was not very easy to trade so I got back in it. Let's see so I was in pre market then I got back in it then I stopped out for a loss then I got back in at 1850 which was right about. let's see must have been like right down here and then I stopped out a second time for another loss so the nose down like 1500 bucks and then I got back in and we got this quick squeeze the but I only got a partial fill so I didn't get I didn't make back everything I had lost and then we got this little pullback here.

but I I didn't trade it well I added a 2198 for the break over 22 I sold it 20 to 48 and then I sold the rest as it came back down at 23:36 The high a day was twenty three thirty days. So all right, no. I sold the yeah, there's 23 36 so that was at the top and then the high was 23. Let's see, actually that's pretty.

That's pretty awesome. I didn't realize I had such a sweet exit on that. That's right. but I was still holding 125 shares into the Hult.

It resumed and tanked all the way back down and I ended up holding those shares as it came back down. I then tried to do a bottom bounce on it and I'll switch over to the 10 second chart and on that bottom bounce I was too early so let's bring this back here. All right? So so we had this nice break of 22 right here, so this was a nice trade squeeze up here. took some profit, was still holding into the halt and then where I first tried to do the bottom bounce on this.

Let's see, it was 19. Looks like it was 1952 to 1943 so that was right around here. Yeah, so it was right here that I tried to do the bottom. The first bottom bounce right here is it started to pop up and then I stopped as it came back down and then I was down 2,600 bucks.

so I was like gosh darn it this this one is killing me and then it ended up doing a really nice bounce off the low and I didn't take it. So the MRA in total I made money, lost money and I'm down $225 on it you know pre market I I said I was like my goal today is to take you know three to five trades kind of get in, get out. Hopefully I can hit my daily goal in the first 30 minutes and then I don't have to trade all day. Unfortunately in the first five minutes I was down basically 2500 bucks.
so right away I was like okay well that kind of throws that plan out the window because now you know even if I have a couple of nice base hits, it's it's gonna take a while to get back to green. So I obviously worked my way back and but today the way my P&L was I was red and then so I was down 2500 after B MRA bu RG was one that I traded. You can see right here I made a thousand bucks on that. so let's just go from the again.

I've so main go over I don't know the best way to do it? Why don't we? Why don't we look at the the worst, the biggest losers first and then from there maybe I'll just make my way up the list. Alright so Ap DN was my biggest loser I'm down 4200 on it and this was it. Was disappointing for sure. So this morning was crazy and I'll say for those of you guys that are, you know that have been kind of listening in for the last couple of weeks what we're in right now in terms of the day to day trading is not.

This is not a long, sustained Bear Market. This right now is an extremely volatile market. When the market drops 30% in two weeks, you're in a very volatile market and you could even say a crazy market. And we've seen crazy markets before and we saw a crazy market right in here.

Now this wasn't a Bear market, it was just a crazy market. But it was definitely crazy. You go back a little further. wheel crazy market here.

You go back even further. We had crazy market here and here. So these are crazy markets. These are days where the number of stocks getting halted could fill a pretty long Journal I Mean it's it's just so many stocks getting halted and that's a reflection of the level of volatility in the market.

We didn't have a market wide halt today, but we had a lot of halts on a small cap and even medium and large cap stocks. So yesterday, the SP as you know probably we had this sort of big gap down the markets, sold off, and then bounced off. the low Today was actually an inside day. all the price action was inside yesterday's high and low.

I did still trade the SP long SP Excel is buying the soompi leverage times three I made $4,700 shorting the SP I lost $11 so I did better along on the SP today than short. I also made 1600 on the VIX which is the volatility index. It did pull back today, but I made money buying the pullback right here and then buying this pullback right here. and these were some nice pretty easy trades for me.

So VIX was was okay into the clothes and Spxl. This was trading the market long at a couple different points but a couple nice trade soon. So we also yesterday had BM RA which made a huge move during the day and then after hours continued going higher all the way from ten to eleven to twelve to thirteen to fourteen, fifteen dollars, pulled back and pre market was continuing higher. What's really disappointing is that despite that really big move today, I wasn't able to get a good entry and then I was because I missed my first entry when I took second trades I was getting in too high and I just sort of didn't trade it very well in general which sometimes happens and it wasn't a super easy one to trade because of how volatile or was so that was.
BMR A Yesterday we also had blue Apron blue apron as you can see right here from six up to 20 yesterday, it got me really good yesterday I had a good-sized loss on it and today I said that I'd rather get strangled with a blue apron than trade this stock again I will not touch it again and I stayed true to that although this was an awesome bottom bounce right here. and honestly I I just I didn't see it because I told myself not to even look at it but that was a nice bounce. really nice bounce there on Apr and and actually it looks like I did take a trade on it. so I I don't even remember when that was 15 25 Oh that was right here and there was some news that came out on it in the afternoon about that it was halted.

going up it resumed hit a high of 15 67 and I did trade with small share size 157 bucks. but in any case this one ended up being weak today. so this was weak today. be MRA was weak today.

pick C another one from yesterday also weak today and so this morning we kind of had a surge of momentum and then all of a sudden everything rolled over at the same time. GES This this one got me right up here on this false breakout, squeezed up and then right back down. my SZ this trash garbage stock got me as well I I said no I'm not gonna trade it here and I said no I'm not gonna trade it here and I finally got in on the break right here and it hit a high of 85 I didn't sell and then this candle it drops to 35. That was terrible.

So I lost three grand on that and a Pdn this morning. this was my trade on AP DN where I lost quite a bit. So what I did here it was squeezing up I hadn't I'd missed the whole move right here and then as it was consolidating, I was like okay, we've got a flat top breakout here. It stabbed 95 once, twice, came up for the third tap and I was like alright, I'm jumping in.

jumped in right here for the break of this level looking for a quick break of nine and then squeezed up to 9:10 925 and then this candle. it dropped from nine basically back down to eight and just like that and this is a ten-second candle I gave back I was at that point deep red in the day and it did bounce up here I actually sold on the bounce rather than at the bottom. I was down about 8000 at the very bottom I sold as it bounced back up for a loss and then I did take a bottom bounce on it I don't remember which one it was. if it was this one here or this one here or this one I don't which one it was.
but I took one of those bottom bounces and went from down about 7,000 on the stock to down 4200. So as you can see today I started red and then I had let's see so I started red then I went green on B you are g so bu RG was a well I didn't go green on the day but I went red and then came back up a little bit on bu RG and then I went back down on. let's see where was this grave? Where is this one right here? $47 Winner! Okay so that one's nothing really write home about. Then I had a trade on AP DN and then way back down into the red.

Then about bottom bounce on AP DN came back up a little bit Elway hit our hide a momentum scanner I jumped into this one as it was squeezing up. right here it got halted at 213. it resumed at 220 and surged up to a high of 277. So that ended up being kind of a nice trade just for like a quick quick break out.

but it didn't hold and B Why this was an interesting one today. So I actually traded this one on this break right here of $1 $20 17. we got a nice squeeze as you can see up here to a dollar 55. In fact, at about two o'clock I was still down $2,500 and you know I was like well I and I think today the way my piano when I was up 400 pre-market and then I was down 1500 and then I don't remember I might have been down like 500 and then I had that terrible trade on AP DN and I was down 7,000 and my max loss I have set at 10,000 Actually it's 11,000 but it's supposed to be at 10,000 and then I had another loss on my s Z and I was down $9,000 and then I had the bottom bounce on AP DN so I was down only 5 and then I had a couple of nice trades on Jane ugh and Elway and I was actually down only about a hundred bucks on the day and then I had the trades on GES which was the one that was the false breakout and I was back to down 1200.

and then I had a trade on play and I was back to down 2400 and then I had betrayed on Fran and I guess this was 10 20 and I was back to down just about $7000 and from there I switched gears and started focusing on the Sp500. The VIX and I got a couple other trades here and there and now I'm up 1600. So I went red to break-even to back to red to back to break even and now to green on the day. I would love it if tomorrow in the first 30 minutes I could make $1,600 and walk away.

If I could do that after just one trade, that would be fantastic. You know the last few days the problem has been either that I went green and then went red and was trying to get myself back to break even or if I just went red right away and then I felt like all right I've got to keep digging. So one of the questions you know you could always ask is you know what point do you walk away I would say today like I said before, I was much calmer about my trades even though I took a lot of trades I didn't feel stressed I wasn't angry I was just like well I started the day red. Let's see if I can cut this loss before I knew it I was down five five thousand, seven thousand so I was like well, let's see if I can cut this loss in half.
makes it not as bad of a day. so you know couple three hundred dollar winners. So couple loss in half and the next thing I knew I was back to break-even and once I was back to break-even I was like okay, well now we're actually I'm seeing some momentum I mean I've just made seven thousand dollars so I'm gonna keep going and then I was back to red and I was like mmm maybe I should walk away now down 1,200 and then I took one more trade and I was down 2,400 I was like huh? should I walk away here and then I took one more trade and then I was you know? So I was like hmm, it's not really great to have that happen I think that as a as a beginner trader. When you're trading and you're learning a strategy, you have to stick within the rules of the strategy.

It's really important, especially as a beginner trader, but you have the disciplines. just. these are the setups: I trade between $1 and $10 and this is my share size and I either hit my profit target or you know I stopped out or I'm at my max loss for the day and that's it. I walk away days like this when I was a beginner trader would be almost impossible because I didn't have the level of experience to be able to switch gears and trade the S&P 500 I didn't have the level of his experience to know how to trade a stock like Gilead which is 85 dollars a share, you know I just I wasn't at a place where I could sort of pull a different strategy out of my you know, toolbox or whatever.

but I can do that now and some days it works, in some days it doesn't and you know at the end of all of it you could certainly ask. Well, is it at what point is it better just to say alright, it's 10:00 a.m. I'm down 7 grand I'm walking away and I don't know the right answer to that on on a financial level of P&L my P&L is better because I kept trading today and on a emotional level I feel I suppose a little bit exhausted because I've been trading for since 9:30 and it's 4:30 now. but aside from that, I don't feel I didn't get myself really angry today or anything like that I didn't get super frustrated I just I went red and I was like alright, well I guess I'm red this is this is today.

The worst thing for me emotionally is when I have my daily goal and then I lose it. That makes me furious and that's probably true with almost anyone and that happened yesterday and yesterday I was much more upset than I am today. Now yesterday I actually finished the day up 3000 2,900 but I was still very angry at the end of the day because I was like this was a this day was a mess I had my daily goal and then what I did was I took too much share size on that last trade and gave back all my profit I Don't know if any of you guys go skiing or anything like that but I've known so many skiers who and I've done this who say all right? I'm gonna take one more run and you take that one last run and you you know what I So let me just give you example. So this was like two years ago now and I went skiing and I was I was in the terrain park and I was I hadn't been the terrain park and while and I was getting in there and I was like all right I'm gonna I'm gonna have I'm gonna I gotta like get get good and comfortable because I was thinking you know I'm gonna have I'm gonna have to you know I want to be the cool dad you know I don't want to be I want to be able to take my kids skiing and show them that I still know how to hit the jumps to do some tricks so I better make sure I don't get rusty from you know not not being in the park the way I used to.
So I was going through the park Arkan going off the jobs and are doing a couple rails and stuff like that and I was like okay I'm gonna do I'm gonna do one last run and the last couple. The thing is because the last couple runs I had taken we're good but they weren't like I didn't hit every jump the way I wanted to or I didn't do the trick the way I wanted to and so I kind of had this line in my mind of how I want to do it and so I was like alright this is the one so I'm like going up the lift I'm like this is the one I'm gonna I'm gonna crush this thing and I went big and I was actually on the last jump of the whole trail which was the biggest jump I as I as I went off I caught the tip of my ski on the front of the jump because I started my trick too soon and it threw me off balance and I landed on my face from I don't know maybe 30 feet and I lost consciousness and when I woke up I was like what's you know what's hitting me in the face and it was my own hand and I kind of crawled and I lost. it was crazy I mean it was. it was pretty intense.

So and I've known a bunch of skiers that kind of had that same experience of you know it's that last one where you're just like oh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get this like one last run in and there's gonna be no big deal. it's gonna be fun and next thing you know you, you're coming down the mountain and the toboggan and you've you know you've broken your leg, or you have a head injury or whatever the case is and we're trading. It's honestly not that much different that sometimes I'll have five, six, seven good trades and I'm like I'm just gonna take one last trade and I I don't respect the risk of the market I don't I lose sight of the fact that that one last trade with 4,000 shares if it just rips if it just drops 50 cents all of a sudden like that. I'm gonna be down two grand and that's what happened yesterday yesterday.

I was up 2500 and then I took a trade on Spxl I was trying to time to bounce in the market I thought the market the S&P 500 was gonna bounce whatever ever that was and just like that I lost $2,400 and I was back to square one and I was like all my hard work of the day was gone and then I immediately got into a second trade. emotionally impulsive I chased it I didn't wait for a pullback and I lost another 2 grand and now just back to back like that I totally screwed up my day and that kind of happened a little bit today. um I had the the loss on a Pdn and then I went right into another one I don't remember which one it was if it was trying to look at my aptn trades here. so that was there that I sold there and then I went into the bottom bounce on BM RA at 19 stopped out 18 so I went I was like boom boom two big losses back-to-back Yeah, it was nasty.
it was really bad. so that's where things aren't really great again. I didn't get as emotional today which is important because you need a clear mind to be able to see yourself out of a bad situation. If you're trying to see yourself out of a bad situation and you're emotionally fueled and you're raging and you're furious and you're like I'm gonna have to throw this across the room and you know I'm gonna I'm gonna break my phone and break my glasses because you're just so frustrated.

the market. you can't trade well when you're in that place. That's when you just dig yourself deeper and deeper and deeper. But today I never really got to that level of emotional frustration I just I don't know if I just felt defeated right away.

so I was like I want this day sucks so let's just see if I can make it suck a little less I don't know I never had the satisfaction of hitting my daily goal. So I do sometimes wonder if I should you know enforce a rule like if I you know it's a it's a rule that I've kind of an unspoken rule that I sometimes follow and sometimes don't which is that if I give back more than a certain amount I stop trading. You know, after having my daily goal, the problem is. um, we've kind of been in like the Wild West of the market right now because the market has been so crazy we had these.

You know? let's just look at all the stocks that I traded today. We'll just look at the 5-minute chart. we'll look at the volatility. So this was Spxl from $20 23, this was Elway this was Jane ugh look at Jane ugh this is crazy.

From 350 up to $6 Yesterday was at 11:00 VIX from 76 down to 56, then back up to 66. be urg from a dollar ten to two bucks and then back down nby from 40 cents to a dollar 70 Gilead super wild look at this whip up to 86, then down to 78. Six seven dollar share per share whip Rave! This one didn't do a whole lot SP excess short the Sp500 nugget and you GT gold be CRX dollar eighty to 2:45 then back down mRNA oh my gosh, we didn't talk about him MNR a MNR AI lost 124 on it I tried to do a bottom bounce and one was the winner and one was a loser. Well get that drop from 34 25 be MRA We already talked about that one svx why it's the inverse of the VIX GES from 8 552 11 back down to 8 play Dave & Buster's from 550 to 950 Fran this is more of a pop and drop fake out my SZ another fake out and then a PDM and those are just the stocks that I traded.
There were probably 50 others or maybe even hundreds of others that were equally as volatile. So it's kind of the Wild West right now and it sort of feels like a market where the the typical strategy that I trade has been has been a little harder because sometimes we see stocks move so quickly that they just totally go without you. And if you're not aggressive about jumping in on a quick pullback like a micro pullback, you missed the whole thing Because the overall market the VIX the Espie Espie XL SP excess have been so volatile. it's been sort of creating side opportunities which has been working out really well for me.

But you know, I've also had a couple small cap trades. It's just been a crazy market. That's really all all you can call it. This isn't bare market.

it's crazy market. It'll be a bear market. I Would say six months, three months from now when we are still not at the highs and we're just consolidating, you know, and just sort of trending down slowly. That would be more of a sustained bear market.

This is more of a sustained bull market. but then we get these crazy periods so we'd have to go way back here. And you know, all the way back to 2007. You know this is this.

Honestly, this right here was more of a sustained pullback through this area that began in 2007 where the market kind of topped out and just kind of gradually came back down. This is fun. This is easy stuff to trade on. That's easy this right here.

this gets a little crazy. these types of drops, then it kind of stabilizes a little bit, you know, sort of, whatever, no big deal, and then kind of starts actually coming back up. But it's really these little periods that are very volatile. very difficult to trade, and that's even for experienced traders.

And there are certainly some traders out there who have the money to be able to either, on the one hand sit out of the market and say I'm not going to risk taking losses or on the other hand, can buy their way in or out of a trade. Which is to say that on something like the SP y SP XL if you get in it and you're wrong at first, but you have a million dollar account, well, you can always just buy more, you know? So there's a lot of traders with big big accounts that kind of take that approach, and it's not one that really works for most traders with small accounts and even for me. I I Can only buy so many shares of this, so you know if it doesn't work right away. I Usually have to cut my loss I Can't average down and that's not a strategy that typically is a smart one, but sometimes people that have a lot of money can you know they can kind of get away with that.
So these markets are challenging. but I think that there's an opportunity here to learn. and I think that there are certainly some people, maybe who are a little bit more gunslingers who might be making some good money in these markets. But then, of course, you have to think about what happens when the market does stabilize.

I Think it's more important to have a strategy for relatively stable markets, which is what we're in the majority of the time, then to have strategies that depend on the Sp500 going up or down 5% in one day because that happens so infrequently that you'd be better off not even worrying about developing a strategy for it then making that your exclusive strategy. I'm hopeful that you know, maybe we start to base out here a little bit off the lows of the SP and we may not. But I hope that things start to stabilize a little bit more today. Felt in some ways a little crazier because we had those big big moves at the open and then all of those stocks rolled over at the same time yesterday.

I Mean we really, we're not there yet. So anyways, this is where I'm at here today. Not a not a great day for me, but I'm trying to keep my head above water this month and I'm definitely churning a lot of shares and taking a lot of trades. I had a couple days earlier in the month that really nice and well the first four days were red but then I got into a nice little streak 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Green Day's that was nice.

Then I had that red day on Monday green yesterday and now today I'm up 1600. but when the dust settles with all my commissions for the day I don't know where I'm gonna be at I can't imagine I'll be green. my Commission's today are gonna be through the roof I Traded 20 different stocks but you know when I import my trades at the end of the month into trade review that'll have the gross profit, the net profit after commissions and will will look at where everything settles. right now we still have one two.

let's see five, six, seven, eight days left in the month. so eight days left and you know we're definitely seeing a lot of opportunity. It's just a little hard to know which is gonna be the one to jump on. Be very interested to see if this nvy continues to move.

Looks like it hit a high there of a dollar seventy nine. I mean this. this is a type of stock that on the one hand just looks like tomorrow morning I'm gonna open up my computer and just see it's a 250 or $3 I'm gonna be like why didn't I just buy 5,000 shares and holding overnight But when you have a stock, it is up 447 percent. What kind of risk do you have? You have a risk that they put out a secondary offering right to try to raise more money.

You have risk that they put out news that they can't really account for this type of move in the stock. I Mean they did have a headline but it was I Don't think of warrants this type of move so you can't really buy a stock and hold it overnight. That's a 400% but tomorrow if it's on the scanners I'll look for some opportunities and see if I can maybe take a couple tradesman. So anyways, that's it for me.
$1,600 today. We'll see where everything is tomorrow. Hopefully we have some good stocks on the Gap scanner and we can finish up. This week is tomorrow.

Friday Try to finish up this week with just 30 minutes of trading and then I can be done early. That's my goal tomorrow. Here's my goal today and it's still gonna be my goal tomorrow. hopefully.

I Don't start with a red trade on my very first trade. Alright, see you guys the morning! Hey, it's me again. The most popular video on day trading on YouTube was made by me. You can check it out below if you haven't already and as always, if you have questions, leave them in the comments I Personally respond to every question that's posted on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “20 stocks and 392 trades ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justice Watch says:

    This market is tough. Unfortunately bull markets don't last forever. I feel ya. Roos. Your honesty is priceless.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JCB Music says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby Roberts says:

    What kind of effect is there gonna be with NYSE closing on monday with the market?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FusionTechCinema says:

    300+ trades wtf dude. I made $900 today with 3 trades🤦‍♂️

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Money says:

    Increased my trading account by 25% this week. Small steps but growing fast.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars يــوبيتو yobito says:

    I haven't watch your videos for about two months
    I come back because I was curious how you doing with this bearish market
    it seems a little tough for bullish strategy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Flaherty says:

    Ross, this is getting out of control. You have to put a stop on a number of day trades.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evolution Lancer says:

    what ?! lol. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do that's a shitload of trades tho, commissions must be insane.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiamo ten hove says:

    Hey Ross, I have a question maybe it's a stupid question but is it possible to sell a stock at the ask price i didn't think so but wanted to know for sure. I always find your videos very educational thank you.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xlander1000 says:

    How is this different than revenge trading or is this the perfect example of revenge trading?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve H says:

    Ross, this market is so crazy that you can make $1000-$5000 trading just 1 e-mini futures contract for a couple of hours.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wake argentina says:

    Real PnL is after commissions…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SAFcycling says:

    Made all my money on SPXS. Three days ago I made all my money on SPXL. SPY has those wicked rips up which I short into.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank D says:

    I trade only the first 45mns.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lars1nyc says:

    you're over trading, no need for 20 stocks/392 trades: yesterday for me: 2 stocks, 39 tickets

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Kaufmann says:

    392 trades will be like 5000 $ in fees…….

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B2b director says:

    Hey Ross, you are a true additive gambler , can’t help it … lol

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cruz Santa says:

    It will be hard to not overtrade with the quarantine decreed worldwide…stuck at home in front of the computer looking at charts all day long!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DMG PHOTOGRAPHY & FILMS says:

    Ross a 40 minute recap.. lmao!!! Ross your recap twice as long as many of our entire trading day… You were super active.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grogru2205 says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Smith says:

    OK seriously your commissions have to be higher than what you profited

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 56v12cylinder says:

    with lightspeed arent the commisions on 392 trades w a y more than you made today?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bali Football League says:

    Hi Ross, great come back. I am just wondering why you are still using Lightspeed with their commission structure while so many other brokers out there are commission-free. I know you made a couple of videos on the subject but still can't understand why you stick with this one. Maybe you were talking about routing fees…
    Great video like always !!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savvy GG says:

    Just listen to some bouncing around the room and relax my dude. Love the vids love the shirt dude.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asil ERIS says:

    How many shares you have traded on SPXL?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony N. says:

    For those who are wondering about commissions on the day.

    Let's say Ross gets really special commissions pricing of 0.002/share. 650k shares x 0.002 = $1300 in commissions.

    Not sure if he even gets those rates because he has to be trading over 3m shares a month for those rates. $1600 if he trades over 1m shares/mo with rates of 0.0025/share.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steph Jans says:

    Ross, could you create a video about the Lightspeed Web and Mobile platform? I would like to see how accurate and quick their order and execution system is. Once they receive the order do they send the order straight for execution the same way it happens with the Lightspeed Trader Platform?
    How easy it is to cancel/change an order and how long it takes the confirmation?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Iwas says:

    I love Phish too.

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