AI – artificial intelligence – has been stirring up the tech pot in recent times. With the release of ChatGPT, and the explosion of AI-powered natural language into the realm of online search, content creation, and even picture editing, it’s become clear that AI is the next frontier of the tech space.
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So as Chat GPT and AI become more popular, my question that I've kind of been asking myself is, well, what stocks that are publicly traded can benefit from what's going on with AI and with Chat GPT So although Chat GPT isn't publicly traded yet, what are some companies that are right? I'm going to start sharing my screen with you guys I Read this article from Yahoo Finance I Found it to be very interesting I Don't normally film videos like this. remember we're going to be talking about two stocks today. In no way are there any stock suggestions. These again, were shared by Yahoo Finance.

I'm just going to be breaking them down and giving my opinion. If you like these videos and you want me to film more of them all I ask you to do is to drop a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel letting me know that you appreciate these videos. Let me go ahead and start sharing my screens so you guys can see exactly what it is that I'm looking at and again this one again. This article was from Yahoo Finance.

I'll make sure that I link it down in the comment section for you. Uh, but you know the perfect 10 and I'm gonna explain what that means in just a little bit too stocks that will benefit most from Chat Gpt's metric growth besides Microsoft so the first one is called Perion Network Ticker symbol P-e-r-i As you guys can see, I mean right off the bat I Have it right on over here. I Like looking at the larger time frames. Uh, it kind of gives me a better perspective of the big picture of what's going on.

and it's not too bad. I Mean it's pretty volatile in the way that it rallies and then corrects itself. It rallies and then corrects itself, rallies, corrects itself. and then it went from a really strong rally, right? But as of right now, we are experiencing some signs of a pullback.

I Mean we're trading below the moving average we're trading I'm sorry we're trading below the EMA line, not below the moving average. We're retracing back here. So the question that I'm going to begin to ask myself right right off the bat. I'm sure you guys would agree as well is okay.

We hit highs of around 42 dollars where we're tracing back. Where's the bottom right? Our job's not to predict the future. our job is to prepare for it. There's no question that we are oversold.

Based off of the RSI indicator, the Macd looks very oversold. But like we all know, the cheap can always get cheaper. and I love when stocks are pulling back just because. I Like paying attention to them.

Not that I feel like the need to have to buy them right now, right? because it's not indicating signs of an uptrend, but because it's retracing back right now. And the more that it sells off, that means the cheaper that we can get it for. And I think that's a positive takeaway, especially if it maintains this overall ascending uptrend pattern right where Pushes Pulls Back doesn't go as low as it did before. Pushes Pulls Back doesn't go as low as it did before as it rallied, and now it's pulling on back as long as we don't go as low as we did before.
And that's the positive takeaway, right? And that means that once it does begin to establish its support level, it does take time, but you know eventually it begins to make higher highs and higher lows and then goes on for its rally. So especially if you're watching this right now and this is something that aligns with your criteria, look into it. Do your own due diligence and ask yourself, is this a stock that I want to be invested in very quickly I wanted to break it down for you, even if this were to be at support right? Old resistance levels could become new support levels, but it's not confirmed yet. But from right now, based off of previous highs, this offers nearly a 40 percent.

ROI In a perfect world. Again, there's no such thing as a perfect role. There's no such thing as a perfect trade or investment. so understand that every opportunity comes at some form of risk.

You want to do your own due diligence. But I thought that it would be quite interesting to talk about. For those that are unaware of what Perion Network is, the relationship that Yahoo Finance is correlating with Perion Network and AI is that the company is already a big part of a strategic relationship with Microsoft and it's being uh Bing search Engine, right? So for those that are also unaware I think it's Android that actually announced that it might actually replace um I think it's Google with its search engine and its default uh now could possibly be Bing and that's again provided by Microsoft So this could even further benefit Perry if that were to be the case right and leads Uh to its direct AI connection, Microsoft has publicly Gone Big with AI and Chat Gbt as based for improving and upbringing being Perion Big and Bing work together in a strategic partnership for search engine advertising. In fact, Perion earnings show a strong correlation with with Bing's user numbers.

So meaning that when Bing has more users right then obviously that plays a role as a strategic partner with Bing for the overall Revenue that it reports for Perry right? So the integration of Chat Gbt into Bing has already shown has a strong effect on Perion Financial results. and then it kind of goes down the list and this is where it says that it has an Um a perfect 10 right? Again, this is according to Yahoo Finance, so they say it's a strong buy. Very bullish, bullish hedge fund activity. Decrease Technical is positive.

Again, it doesn't matter what this thing says that that stock offers at the end of the day, right? You are the final decision maker on where you choose to invest or trade your money. So please do your own due diligence. It's not just like oh yeah, I'm just gonna openly and widely buy this Doc and just hope that it goes up. Understand that of course things can get worse before they get better.
I Love sharing ideas with you guys I Hope that you guys appreciate it and let me know what you guys think about this: Prairie that is shared by Yahoo Finance. The next one is NVIDIA Uh Nvidia You guys shouldn't be unaware of what Nvidia is. But for those that are unaware, um, it's the leader in the world semiconductor chip industry. Um, I mean literally, like the Top Dog, right? If you look at Nvidia's performance, Nvidia is one of few stocks that are nearly back at all-time highs, right? Especially after the huge pullback that it had to lows of 112 or 110.

Check this out. it's right back at 300. imagine that, right? Just a couple months ago, What was this? This was late last year. It has experienced a 183 percent return, right? based off of previous highs that were set in 2021.

Again, the peak. Uh, 346. When I when I say this I I Kind of saw the transition happening when the video really began to take over in the semiconductor world. And it's when Intel really began to no longer be the leader and then Nvidia just kind of took over for AMD is also a very strong performer in the semiconductor world.

but I would say that Nvidia kind of, just you know, really took off. Uh to say it in in the nicest way. if you look at this on the week uh chart where every candle represents, you know, a week worth of time. Um, you can see you know its growth has been exponential.

Um, really? since we got into 2020 right? higher highs, higher lows peaked. We pulled on back but traced uh to the moving average and then now we're going back to retest. Uh Nvidia even aside from what correlation or what relationship it could have uh with AI I would say Nvidia has always been a stock that's been of huge interest to me. Um, but this is what Yahoo Finance had to say.

So on this other AI sign Nvidia has made it to AI platform available as a cloud offering in partnership with leading Cloud software providers including Microsoft and Google AI Chips Future prominently, it's Nvidia Data Center business which is responsible for the bulk of its revenue and so an 11 increase year over year to 3.6 billion dollars. Uh, the automotive and Robotics segment of videos business which is also tied to AI includes Cloud access showing gains year over year of 135 percent. So again, opening themselves as an available platform and partnership again, with the two biggest people, right? the two biggest software companies such as Microsoft and Google So you can look a little bit more into it like I said. I'm going to link this article down in the comment section I Just found it to be pretty interesting because obviously these companies themselves are not AI or are also not directly correlated to chat GPT but they are playing a role and if you see potential in AI or you see potential in softwares like chat GPT then again, there's obviously other companies that could benefit from their growth as they can be strategic.
Partners So I found this article to be pretty relevant and to be pretty interesting, especially as I know a lot of people are wanting to learn more about Ai and how to be invested, especially if you want to be an early investor in these potential things. I mean Nvidia is a very well established company I would say the riskier one of the two is definitely Prairie So Prairie right now has a 1.43 billion dollar market cap. We'll have to follow up with it. I Don't know if this is something that I'm going to want to be invested in, but I Want to see how it performs I Want to see how long and how far it drops to see if it actually forms this overall reversal but I think it would be cool kind of look.

Looking back to this video and asking myself, you know, hey, is this something that you know actually does have some steps substance for long-term growth or is this just something that was being hyped up um by Yahoo finance and then ended up crashing? So nonetheless, I thought it was something interesting to talk about. You guys can let me know down in the comment section I'd love to make more videos like this of topics that I find to be uh, interesting but also pretty relevant to uh, kind of advancements that we're making in the world today. So you guys let me know in the comment section or just let me know by dropping a thumbs up if you appreciate these videos. One of the things that I do want to remind you is again: I work with one team and one team only.

Uh, this is the team that gets to watch me trade live every morning. So you get an inside look of my entries, exits and my thought process. Uh, the goal is not for you to copy what it is that I do. but to Simply understand my thought process when I'm presented a challenge.

So if you ever want to see both my green days and my red days and get an inside look of my trading, remember this is Lpp. It's a one-time payment lifetime access. Right now we are running our biggest sale. It's 175 off.

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Take it easy team.

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19 thoughts on “2 stocks that benefit most from chatgpt ai”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars big show says:

    Thank u ricky!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Deininger says:

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars affe gorilla says:

    How about UPST?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Micheal says:

    In light of the impending recession and the fact that inflation is still far higher than the Fed's 2% target, several of the most prominent market analysts have been expressing their views on how terrible they believe the next downturn will be and how far stocks may have to fall. I need advice on what investments to make because I'm attempting to create a portfolio for my children that will at least be $850k in value.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NYCesports says:

    As a long term PERI stock holder, it has a great relationship with Microsoft (BING) and other companies search engine. I bought this last year around 22 dollars a share. Beat top and bottom Q1 23 earnings and raise full year guidance. I bought some around 31. Worth it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zlata Vnukova says:

    I traded Perion stock. It’s super volatile. It made a huge move from $38 to $34 in about 10 minutes. I’m out for now and waiting for reversal confirmation. The next level is $28. They had recently pretty decent financials. They work for Microsoft. The daily volume could be low for a big trader. Also the spread could be large. Not a bad idea for a swing trade when we see the uptrend again.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Ks says:

    The core thing is that NVDA is not going to grow 100% percent year over year, 20% sure, at some point, the stock is going to return to reality and will have a PE like AAPL, or at least TSLA, I mean it`s not even vertically integrated, AMD and NVDA are depended on TSMC in the first place, this is pure hype at the moment, even Chinese themselves could start to manufacture CPUs and GPUs at some point, IMO if fed will not be bailing out everyone left and right NVDA would go down, the valuation is just ridiculous for such a large company

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Azeka says:

    Good video Ricky. For those who haven't lived through stock bubbles, they tend to grow rapidly, then peak, and collapse. Bubbles tend to last around 2 years, we're not yet 1 year into the AI Bubble, so there are probably multiple growth AI stocks for the next 12 months. But don't assume the AI steep growth will keep going, it will have the same curve as NVDA did in late 2021 to late 2022. This isn't meant to throw cold water on AI stocks, just a warning ❤that it's looking like a bubble, and bubbles pop at some point.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars freedom songs says:

    The stock at low $2.50 at high in the 40s it's in it's falling knife and he wants to buy 😂😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Taco says:

    Guys, LFG to the PAPAYAHUB !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Kim says:

    Thanks for the video. Yes, NVIDIA is the atmost leading AI company.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Bradley says:

    Thanks Ricky! Appreciate videos like this! Love your thought process!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kourtney K says:

    love videos like these. Knowledge is power and you always want to keep the gears turning! Thanks Ricky!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adeel Hussain says:

    Hi Ricky firstly thank you for the amazing content as always. I know that you are the most experienced trader who actively trade TQQQ and SQQQ, i will highly appreciate if you can help me with this question about these ETFs , can we hold them for short term period of lets say 60 days. What is the worst that can happens if we do that and why. I would love you to make a detailed video on the mechanics of TQQQ and SQQQ. I read proshares and investopedia both but the material over there does not say anything about the effects of holding these ETFs for 30 to 60 days but they both say do not hold it for long term like 6 months or more because of the decaying nature of underlying assets. But then I look at the charts and I see simple price movements from one point to another but off course much faster than the QQQ itself , is that the only risk? Again I will highly appreciate your reply. Thanks

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Hoss says:

    Ricky how many teams do you work with?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tan SpaceX says:

    Be careful, Ricky. PERI is likely to retrace back to ~$20, and perhaps ~$10!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rondem says:

    lets go ricky

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Cisneros says:

    Amazing video Ricky

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Artsyay says:

    Excellent video. Thank you. I think NVIDIA is over bought right now. I hope it goes down so I can buy in at a more affordable price.

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