Gary Gold has sold some of the top, record-breaking luxury properties in Greater Los Angeles –The Playboy Mansion, The Hearst Estate, The Chartwell Estate, and more – and for good reason!
As you’ll see on today’s Luxury Code, Gary doesn’t just cross his fingers and hope he’s able to land these high-profile listings. He has a detailed 10-point system that he follows, and it sets him apart from the competition.
Would you like to know those 10 steps? Then listen to or watch today’s part 1 of this revelatory interview!
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Welcome to the luxury code, where we decode the mindset, the marketing and the business approach of successful luxury brokers. Hey welcome back to the luxury code. Today, we're going to unpack with gary gold, his 10 steps from generating a luxury listing lead all the way through to the close and what he does if he doesn't get the listing. So gary welcome to the show how you doing i'm doing outstanding man happy new year to you and thank you for being here, yeah thanks for being a part of the show.

Now gary you're, one of those special guests that i can say, hey gary, come on because every agent wants to know the hacks everybody wants to know the best practices. Everybody wants the the cheat code if you will to go from selling at one price point to another, and i think, what's going to be special about the people listening today, uh there's going to be a lot of note taking because your your 10 points are spot On for not just the luxury broker, but i would argue for any agent that wants to list property at scale right, so i'm gon na go ahead. I love nothing more than doing this because i find every time i teach other people what to do right. It just reinforces on a deeper level of me, i'm like student number one.

So i love this one thousand percent and thank you my friend for sharing. We, you know, we've been working together for a long time. I think, like 2010 2009, i think it's 2009 right. So so all right well look look at you're going to bedazzle them so for the listener, whether you're on audio or video right now get ready, get that get that pen or your phone ready to take some notes.

So gary talk to us about the 10 things you do from lead to listing taken. Okay number - and this is not. This is 10 things i do, but this is 10 things that are adaptable to anyone. This is not just.

I don't do it because i've sold the playboy mansion and i've had all these big sales. I've been doing it for 35 years. This is, this applies to everybody, so number one which is critical, especially if you don't have a track record in the high end, is sell what you have if you are brand new, but you like came from another industry. You might bring a dialogue to the table.

Hey listen, i used to be in the music business and this is what i learned there. This is what i'm going to apply here and i do it a little bit differently or the fact that listen you've got 100 of my attention or whatever it may be. Sometimes it's your company right, i would say the company that you work with it's. You touched on something immediately that i think a lot of not just new agents but but agents in general seem to miss they they look around and they don't see all the ways to connect the dots of what makes them special and unique or a better option For the buyer for the seller, so your first thing is: you got to sell what you have and i've heard you you mentioned this before, but it's also don't sell what you don't have.

No, i mean just be be yourself and sell that people are really smart and what they don't necessarily consciously get. They subconsciously get and people like end up liking. Someone so we'll get into more well there's more on that as the steps go by, but i think that's critical, let's go number two number two, which was a big one for me, is decide. You're gon na get this listing right uh.
When i at some point when i was at first when i got the lead for the playboy mansion was years prior first, i didn't believe that you could sell the playboy mansion and then it was. How would how am i gon na get that? Because i was not the most apparent person to get that there were other people with track records that far exceeded mine at the time uh, but at some point uh as i started doing research, i knew it. I can get this listing and i literally made a decision. I'm gon na get it no matter what and uh.

I think that that's key, where you have that type of confidence and it's easy to have that confidence if you're selling what you have if you're bullshitting that falls apart, real, quick, so yeah, i wanted to make that distinction that this isn't like just an affirmation. This is a a level of determination, which means i'm going to do everything in my power ethically and morally to out prepare do what you know do whatever it takes to win. Yes, yes, and which gets me to the next point, which gives you that ability to decide is just be prepared more than anyone. When i go to into a listing appointment when i get a sometimes i get a lead for a listing appointment.

I go jesus i'm gon na deal with, because when i go on listing appointments for these house, big ones, i am competing with literally the number one two and three agents in the world right. It's insane. The competition where i am is insane right. So i'm competing with people that are all day long as good or better than me.

They just are right. That doesn't mean i can't - and i i but i happen to do very very well when i compete against these people and i'm just more prepared than everyone. I, but what does that mean like gary? We know that phrase be prepared, but what is that give us an example like break down like what's what is your level of preparation? How many hours do you spend and what do you spend it on okay easily, i mean on something monumental. I call certain type of sales.

I call it super bowl rings like the playboy mansion, the beverly hillbillies estate, rehearse the state yeah. I want those those those are those change, your career, those make. Those are epic and everyone in their area will have those properties. If you sell that it is something so i'll, i could spend 10 20 hours on it.

I mean i will put the time to it. I become tenacious and besides the time, here's what i'm talking about. First of all, i sit down and i anticipate what these sellers are going to want. I do not have a blank special here's, my listing presentation, i call my company and i have them, give it and i just come in here - here's the book do not do that now.
I say: what does this deal need now, there's one. I use all the time, but i don't probably - and i we've talked about it's - my reverse - marketing listing presentation - yeah, where i show them a sale. I did before and show them how i sold it uh, but i don't use that all the time, sometimes for these big epic ones, where i know it's going to be a beauty pageant and they're going to interview 10 people i like for the for one of The big ones i sold is, i bro. I made five books for a whole board of directors and they they each weighed like 15 pounds.

They were like coffee table, art books, so i wanted to go plop boom and that and that's what i did and the detail of that was crazy. I probably put 20 hours into that deal, so that's it. But what was in the book we were talking. Are we talking recent sales? We talking landmarks in the area like what would be inside a book like that, and and how does that make you feel more prepared than say another agent walking in it is, first of all, when your listing presentation is is slicker than other people's actual marketing yeah.

That has an impact, yes and so you're. I am with that thing. I am literally showing them the degree of class and detail right and thought i'm gon na put into something. So i mean - and now this i don't think most places necessarily have that opportunity.

I mean we're we're talking about big houses and i have a lot of resources where i particularly i'm. So i do that every once in a while, where i really come in with something insane now, i will tell you that, just in general 85 of my listing when i go on a listing appointment or some type of thing i might have, i might have spent 20 hours on the listing presentation, never pull it out. I hear that all the time never never pull it out, but doing that i was super prepared. Now i will leave some, but if i have it, i will leave it most of the time because i remember not having the literally one of the best listening presentations of my life and i did it all on my ipad and i walked away and they didn't Have any i didn't, leave anything and someone else came in with like a book and this person was tactile and that and i missed out - and i if i would have probably brought a book - i would have gotten that listing so okay.

So before we go to number four though i want to just clarify, but there's more to it, yeah. So there's more to this yeah understanding who the seller is. I go deep on the comps and if you hey, listen, you might be going for something you don't know about this market right well, know about it. I i mean i would drive by every single property that you're that you're comping out.

I would call the broker if you can get information in my case, i'm looking up articles. I really want to know everything about that. I want to know who owned it, who owned it before that who the architect was you're, going to be having this conversation and stuff like that to come up, and if you don't have the answers, it will definitely be a note and not a positive one. On the seller's mind, um and i and then i you know, will gather any type of intel i can get on the seller on the area.
Any common denominator, as you said, connect the dots right, there's anything like that. That can give me an edge i'm looking, for that i mean the second. I walk into a uh, an appointment or a phone call, i'm i'm trying to create rapport. Yes, so i think that those things are key yeah knowing the arg, knowing the architect, knowing what sold recently, who are the five people that have owned this property? It's all of that level of detail that it's interesting every luxury broker i talked to like this is the start of a new show, but every one of them says the same thing well.

Well, you know what we're uh, i'm we're. Just speaking the truth, i will tell you who does this better than anyone i've ever met. I've won on a couple listing appointments with your buddy tim yeah yeah, and he does this thing that is so brilliant, but you have to have the goods he'll sit there and he will go over the comps, but he doesn't just say 32 blah blah blah road. He goes, you know, jeff block sold that house and he and he sold it to the simpsons and he he mentions everyone, everyone who bought it.

Everyone has sold his name and when he does that subliminally, they think he did the deal he might not have done. The deal, but it's almost as if he did the deal and that i mean probably the most blown i've ever seen on a listing point when he did that so yeah. It's it's the level of intimacy with each one of the comps that separates him like like. When i've seen him i've driven neighborhoods with him, and he tells me every single person that lives and i'm thinking to myself, how does he have a memory for this? But but you automatically think there's just no one else.

I would work with right. He knows this area who lives here better than anybody else makes it makes him the authority without ever having to say, oh by the way on the number one agent in town right. So now now that that's gon na work, sometimes for some people correct, he could do that and have this thing and he misses on something else and right. Another person gets the listing, so you don't know what it's gon na be um.

Getting to my fourth point: uh people - and this is gon na - make people more comfortable that anyone can get these listings. People don't choose who's the most successful. They don't care, i'm the most successful agent in the world or in town or number one. They choose a person that they think is best for them.

Sometimes people have bro yeah. This guy he's our guy. Whatever the case may be every you know, every celebrity doesn't use the same business manager right. They all use who they think for them is the best.
So that's what you really need to really get the point across is how you are going to be the best agent for them. The fact that you sold 7 000 houses could very well may mean that you don't have time for me correct. You don't have time for me how i mean if you have 50 listings, how am i going to ever hear from you? So that's not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes people want a really good person who's super discreet.

They don't have a lot of listings. They want all the attention so be aware of what people want, and also be aware that you can be that person where i mean listen on any given day some brand new agent who did their, who, at a listing appointment, outperforms me they're, gon na win right For some reason they push the right buttons right, so you can do that um. This is also one that i learned uh. I used to be this people had this impression i was such a chill easygoing, guy and uh.

I think the testosterone injections helped, but we're here. First, ladies and gentlemen, i'm telling you being pumped yeah and passionate right is absolutely key people now that that doesn't mean you're bragging about yourself, but people want people that are they want someone who's passionate. I think people want their attorneys and their real estate agents to fight for them to be like badasses, this guy's going to get the thing done. He is unstoppable.

That energy, for the most part, is what someone says now obnoxious, that's a different thing. Just enthusiastic is what i'm talking about and for me there i come off as humble, and i think i'm humble compared to people who are not humble, i think compared to people are really humble. I don't know how humble i am, but whatever the case would be, people go god you're so down to earth, and that is something that works for me: hey, listen, i'm good friends with josh altman wow! I just did a uh. I just did a uh a conference with ryan sirhan.

I don't think those guys come in as humble that's just my guess, but it works for them right for me being a little bit more down to earth. I mean it actually, it's who i am so. It works, but i got the playboy mansion and, as i said, i was up against the best in the world. I wasn't the person who was most likely to get it, but when i went on that appointment talking to the board of directors, i told them point blank: hey, listen.

I've been in this business a long time. I know what i'm doing. I can get this job done. However, if i sell this property, it's going to change my life.

It's going to change my career, you own me until this thing is sold. This is literally my life's purpose right now and that mattered to them and they believed it, and it was true right - and i hope, the humility of saying something like that yeah and it wasn't like i need this. It was like look, i know what i'm doing and i'm letting you know - and you know this - this transaction will change my career forever right. There's something about that statement.
Was there what was the context that brought you to that moment? Do you remember i mean i can remember it was a hundred percent true and again that kind of goes back to sell what you got. That's what i have and the guy who one of the people who was the managing director of like this board of directors. He was a client of mine. He didn't make the ultimate decision, he wasn't going to step out, but he trusted me and i knew that - that's what i had he trusted me and i so i did everything to get that listening.

I also brought in somebody else who had more credibility on that to get that deal done, because i wanted the super bowl ring. You sell a house like that or whatever that equivalent is in your neighborhood right that changes the trajectory of your career. What are you building? This is the essence of my blueprint event where i ask you to take a few days away from your business and dream about the type of business you ultimately want to build. So to make your reservation go to forward, slash blueprint.

I look forward to seeing you at the event, so it's being passionate and being pumped uh, but it's also. It goes back to i'm also hearing that number two point which is like decide. This is my listing like i'm getting this i'm getting like the combination of the two there. Yes uh absolutely i mean i'm saying them one thing, but in my mind i'm getting this there's nothing to stop me uh.

What's that what's number six number six is, and i love this love, love love this and i just i did it and then i started realizing. This is what i do. I never lose listings they have to that people. When i don't get a listing, they have to take it away from you, because i become their agent right before they give me the listing.

Not only do i spend 20 10 20 hours on a listing presentation, i may spend 10 hours helping people with stages of photographers and let me get you this roofer or whatever. It is i'll. Do anything for somebody up front without any commitment and i've heard brokers go you know what i'm, why would you put all that effort into it and then they give it to somebody else yeah. I say i don't care, that's that's.

If i do that kind of thing, not enough i'll get a lot of business and if i lose some, that's just the price of doing business big deal. So we've all heard the phrase assume the sale but you're talking about like the next level of that, like you're you're like this is already my listing, so we're gon na get it staged. This is already my listing. Let's make sure that we do a b one.

You know abc123, like yeah you're, in that before you're saying, let me send you the paperwork, but i also yes but the the distinction, one of them assume the sale can come off a little obnoxious like a sense of entitlement. Mine is there's no sense of entitlement. I'm doing the work all right, let me help you yeah and if and and sometimes i'll say, hey listen. They go come on.
You know once you back down, we haven't decided. I go. Listen! I'm here to help you this. This is how i run my business.

If you end up listening with someone else, that's the way it is i'm totally good with that. I'm all right with that. I mean i want this deal, but i'm not worried about helping somebody out that i you know. I tell people, i've been sober 35 years yeah, we uh - that's just just just our credo yeah.

So i have no problem with that. Listen if you go with someone else, fine that usually conversation doesn't come out, but it has and it can be pretty powerful. Sometimes yeah there's a karma element to it, though uh another gary vaynerchuk, and i remember like talking to him like in 2010 about you know if people were just more willing to help and go the extra mile and do the work with absolutely no thought of. Like will i get business from this? Those the people are gon na win and in this case they've invited you over they've said come talk about the sale of your home and you're like okay.

This is my listing i'm taking on. This is what i would do and you go right into that yep i just i. I concur a hundred percent. What's number, what's number seven, oh! Go ahead when i started in the business i had this mindset.

I don't know where i got it, but being a salesman was sleazy and you're like taking advantage of somebody now and you're stealing, and i was really uncomfortable being a salesman and i never wanted to and anticipa or state that i'm to do this or do that And at one moment it just all changed for me. I remember i was this. Guy said it was a big listing. It was, it's been listed recently for 70 million.

At the time it was four i've been around a while yeah and the guy said you know what i'm firing you i'm not doing this deal, i'm pissed. He goes all you care about. Gary is selling this house and i grew up here right there at the moment and i looked at him and i go roberto you're 100 correct. That's all i care about that's why you hired me to sell this house so and i'm going to remind you and you've hired me to manage you to get this deal done.

You are going to sell this house we're going to do this stuff screwing around and yes, i, like you, we're friends, but what i was hired to do is sell this house and okay, fun, fun and all of a sudden. Now, when i like well, i take a buyer out. Sometimes i'll go hey, listen! I just want to warn you, i'm an expensive guy to spend a couple hours with. You know you might be several million dollars poorer by the time we're done so.

People actually like salesmen, they hate people who pretend not to dance that dance. I agree right. I agree so the next time, speaking of sales, because i know your point number seven, because this is good - tell them number seven! Yes! So when i go into appointment, i first tell them what they want to hear, and then i tell them what they need to hear. Most agents just tell them what they want to hear and they end up with a really overpriced listing.
So but you first need to hear what they have to say you have to, and you have to be on their team and you have to go over it. You have to just be very, i would say, an agreeable tone, not necessarily grain, that they think their house is worth seven zillion dollars. But this agreeable tone not like all of a sudden going into defense right and once you've established that then at some point and the more intelligent you do that the better off you are. Is you tell them the reality and i'm usually i'm talking about for the most part pricing? It's pricing? It's not, but sometimes it could be other things sure um.

So what and but when you go over pricing, make sure you do it in an intelligent way. One and i have a lot of different ways to do that, give us a give us an example or two okay, one of the things. If i got something really difficult, it's kind of funny i'll go. I've come up with the perfect formula to price your home.

Exactly i go, i said, come up with a price that you think your home is worth. Don't tell me: okay, you got that. Okay, okay, now take off 20. That's what your house is worth and i said every seller thinks their house is overpriced and why you know that is because i just sold my house and i did the same thing.

I sold my home for three million dollars. I thought it was worth three five yeah, so it's just human nature, but my favorite is bringing out an ipad and pulling out the five or six most relevant comps to them and go and show and have them look at all the pictures and show them the Property without the price and ask them whether it's an ask or so ask them to price it. What do you think this house is worth? What do you think this is houses worth and then, if they think their house is 25 overpriced, they're going to think these things are worth 25 more as well and when they see what they actually are, that is a reality check and then you you. They start to become edgy when, when a seller's educated, they make better decisions.

That's why i'm always giving comps during the listing, and if sometimes you know, the gestation period needs big sales sometimes, and people should be prepared, for this can be one two three four five years from having that initial lead to them, making a decision, because the bigger The property, the more discretion they have. They don't need to sell the house they're thinking about it, but it usually takes a while and if you could like start saying, hey, let me start showing you what is similar in your area and you're doing this over a period of time. By the time you meet with them, first of all, they're calling you you're their guy you're, the one if they haven't, if they have a question, they're calling you and they'll begin to actually know the market, and that person is very pliable. It's the person that has no clue that just left to their own um, you know, look, look to their own mind and you know they just are going to us.
They assume it's worth a lot more right. I mean people always assume it's worth more unless they know what they're talking about and then they might think it's worth less than you. So it's interesting you you bring up. You know the the timing involved with especially a lot of these bigger listings, which is nice, because you look at number eight that word tenacity right, yeah your ability to follow up so speak to us about number, eight.

Okay, so i remember my best: client guy ultimately sold the playboy mansion for, but i sold a number of things for him before i got the lead. I had met him at his house uh and by the way i got the lead just doing somebody a favor. It had nothing to do with. He didn't want to sell his house, he wanted to know if he was overbuilding, so he did a favor for an architect, um and then he's he said.

You know what maybe i'll sell it give me a call. So i tried to reach this guy by calling him for like two weeks, and i said you know what maybe i'll text him so then i start texting him and then it just wasn't working i go. You know maybe i'll text him at a different time, because i was texting him like. Maybe it was looking backwards at the same time so and that didn't work and then i just started changing them.

The question the method, the thing and at one point i don't even remember what it was at this point, but i you know i i said i i sent him a text and i said the right thing and then bam. I pressed the right button at the right time and he immediately called me that was interesting after that call all he wanted to after that. First text that we connected all he wanted to do is talk and then, when we got into actually listing the property and the deal all he wanted was emails. So people don't just have a preference.

There's a pattern so be very aware, and i never lay a trip on anyone, i'm never like hey dude. Why haven't you called me? Call me back. It's always like yeah. That's such a big distinction, but also what i'm hearing is you don't give up, which is that tenacity piece? I think too many people and and gary one could argue sales.

But if we're talking real estate, we're talking high end mid price low end, it doesn't most people give up and how often have you and i been together at one of our events where someone will say i just closed this buyer. I met them. Seven and a half years ago and we celebrate that we celebrate their their tenacity, their ability to follow up, but the other part you're talking about is modality right. So maybe it's a voicemail.
Maybe it's an email. Maybe it's a handwritten note. Maybe it's a text you're changing modality to try and catch them at the right place in the right time and the right experience for that. I call it pushing the right button at the right time.

I'm sure you've had this experience. Maybe you decided. I want a porsche go down the porsche dealer. You're all pumped get the salesman your number or he gets it from you and then something happens.

You're not interested in getting the porsche right now, but maybe but maybe you're going to get one in a year or two, and this guy just methodically keeps on following up and you don't even return any of his calls. I mean literally this guy's been calling you for a year. You haven't returned a single call a year from now. You really want a porsche and he calls you and you go bill.

I am so glad you called, and then you get all kinesthetic with him. You know what i really want to thank you for following up that was unbelievable. Let's get this thing done. So all of a sudden.

You appreciate him now if he was a prick during the period of time, you would have blown him off, but if he was courteous and methodical and he just the right thing when that time was right, you were happy to hear from him and you appreciated his Tenacity, i love it. So i know your number nine point and, and one could argue you could have said it sooner and some people would never even say it. But i would argue if you said that you probably really aren't working the luxury market, especially in l.a, especially in l.a, especially in l.a, so um i've had deals where there were nine agents on it. No, that's not that doesn't make sense and it wasn't my first choice, but it was fine.

I still had a huge bigger commission than most people will ever earn. It was all good so, but the point is like be open to co lists. I mean you, you and i think, go back to like joe babajohn. Remember, you know good old joe, when i worked with him a million years ago, every listing he took was split with another agent.

Well, what he did in which i have a lot now myself is: he was the big guy at prudential and from before fred sands, and he obviously worked that. I never had the discussion with him, but everyone who didn't have the muscle the cash yeah would bring in joe right. You probably didn't do any work, but they just brought them in. So my point number nine is coalesced.

If you need either the muscle the cred - and i get this a lot all over the country, i'm doing something in new jersey and i'm doing something up in tiburon. In those cases i actually had the lead and i'm bringing someone else in, but often i'll get it off and i'll get it, and i will someone will bring me in because - and this is a perfect uh combination - there's somebody who's relatively new in the business or Or doesn't sell 10 million dollar homes to sell one million dollar homes and they have a friend or connection and that person likes them they'd love to give them the listing, but they don't think they have the goods to sell it. So if you've got one person that they like and trust and one person, that's got the credibility. You've got a winner, and that is that that's my biggest when we i first started working with you.
Zillow was my biggest source of leads yeah. Now that's my biggest source of leads next to my sphere or like neck and neck. I feel like i have this virtual team all over the country. I love it yeah.

I remember when uh, when alan shafran moved from la down to uh san diego. He calls me he's like hey. I got this listing appointment, it's a seven million dollar property. He he must have been a year into the marketplace and even though he was doing those deals in the valley in la canelo valley, specifically, he said i just wasn't ready.

He goes i brought in the gallons. He said here is my listing appointment. He walked in hey. You know gary thanks so much for having me over here's maxine and marty gallons.

They did the rest. He goes it didn't matter. I sold a 7 million dollar house. I was suddenly in the game on that side of pacific coast highway.

I had that sale to talk about. I was a maid man right exactly and a maid man at that point. Maybe the next time you don't need that person right right. I've done.

I mean i've been on both ends of this, and but sometimes it's just you need the muscle, sometimes you're, just hedging your back. If you're on a listing appointment, you go okay, let's just bring in this person who's. Also after it or for whatever case you bring in someone else to to just reinforce that, you're gon na get it right. Um - and i do that all the time - and you know what, when you have multiple agents on a listing, the likelihood to get lose, that listing diminishes.

Yes tremendously, it really does uh and another thing just want to make a point when you get a listing and it's a co-list, whether there's one or two or three other agents. I take 100 responsibility, love to have partners that do their do. What they're supposed to do and often there's cases, but i've had multiple situations where the other agent didn't even show up yeah, and i don't i don't resent it. I just i when i list the property, i take 100 responsibility and you know what everyone recognizes that and ends up being brownie points that that you get at some point in the future.

So that's that's my creeds. I don't want to present doing something, um and then number nine uh number ten. If all else fails, there's always the hail mary. Exactly i've heard and i've heard several people at your conferences over the you know over the years saying god i didn't get it and then i went back and i thought about this and i went back to them and i was gon na get it and i Just nailed it so that happens all the time and uh.
That's how i got the playboy mansion. I i had it almost in the palm of my hand and i lost it and i threw a hail mary. They had met with everybody and they went with me and was looking good, and then they met with one other person and uh when they met with that other person um they it mike. The guy called me and said: listen.

We met with this other agent and everyone was just totally blown away. They just thought he was just phenomenal. What they were offering was everything, and i said to him - i wasn't prepared for this. I just i already decided i was getting it.

So that's where my mind works so quickly. I said you know what, when it comes to a listing presentation and like laying it all down, there's nobody better than him. I completely understand why you guys made that conclusion. I said where hilton highland really shines is in actually selling these homes, and, i said, give me 10 minutes, i'm going to send you a spreadsheet of ours, our big sales in the last three years and their 20 million plus sales in the last three years and You'll see the difference and we literally had like 10 times the sales that this company did right.

I sent that to him within an hour. He said the boards just decided we're going to co-list and the rest is history that that's i'm so glad you clarified, because hail mary's can show up in a lot of different ways. Yeah right it could be, it could be hey. Look, i just got to show you one set you didn't know about, it could be hey, let's co-list and let's be clear, it could be all right.

Everybody else is saying four and a half. I want five i'll. Do four and a half right i mean it. Could be even just a commission hail mary.

The point: is you go back to number two, i'm getting this listing, no matter what yeah so so, gary being mindful of time, i had it. I have no. I had one other. I had one other where i was getting this listing, no matter what i had just been exhausted with this person, i knew him really well.

They had met with like 20 agents and i'm sitting down. I thought i was getting the listing she goes. You know i met with one other agent and we i like you a lot and i met with this other agent and he is such a hustler. I am just so impressed with them right, and i said you know, there's no question about it.

He is an incredible hustler, i'm completely on board with you and i took a beat. I go, the only problem is you may be the one he hustles. I don't know where that came from. It happens to be true.

Oh, that is such a great way gary. That is such a great one and it was just i never and i and i wasn't really so i and, and i ended up getting that listing yes um. I don't always have those lines it, but it's the confidence to say something like that in the moment. The trust you got like hey, i've lost lissy anyway, so you know what's the worst case scenario here, go for it, you don't even think that stuff you it just it.
Everyone knows it just comes out of your mouth and you either go that was great or holy smokes. Don't ever say that again i say things like you that i i i'm i'm witnessing it as much as everybody else. My mind's, very quick like that. What are you building? This is the essence of my blueprint event where i ask you to take a few days away from your business and dream about the type of business you ultimately want to build.

So to make your reservation go to forward, slash blueprint. I look forward to seeing you at the event. So listen, let's, okay, let's finish being mindful of time, let's finish with the two things you do, if you don't get the listing yes number one, i catch them on a rebound. I this how this is on the market.

I i what i do is i'll do a search in the mls for their address anything that happens on their address. I'm aware of, i also do a search, and i save that and i'll get alerts. I also do a search for their comps, so i'm really up to date on their comp. So if i run them, if i run into them at the market i'll be able to have a very intelligent, uh conversation with him about the market, you never know when.

That's gon na where opportunity is gon na strike. So, and you know especially you know, jeff highland says you want to be the firstborn, the second wife and third listing agent and especially in the high end. Yes, so you're going to get, i think 15. 20 of those deals i miss, i get the second time around and they've been beat up.

They've got an education and i'll get the sale, so it's so that's really important. I do that um and the other thing that's interesting about that is um. I don't resent it, i'm not like pissed that i missed a listing right and like when i'll see that other agent in my mind when i run into them. I like say to myself you know i want to thank you so much for uh babysitting.

My client, during this period of it being overpriced so it'll, be ready for me six months from now. Sorry, that is what what a great uh level shift in your thinking for everybody listening right now for losing a listing right. Thank you so much for babysitting. My client, during this period of time, while they were dramatically overpriced, right catch them on the rebound right.

So the one thing i've learned so much is yes. Failure is, what's predominantly that's. What success looks like right telling this to my girlfriend all the time when something happens i go. This is what success looks like you go for a big thing and you don't get it yeah, big, okay, yeah, so i mean i mean you've already.

You've heard them a million times, i mean guys like michael jordan. You know missed more shots than they've gotten got a bunch of you know losses. So i don't and that's the other point. So not only do i catch them on the rebound, is i don't beat myself up for? I don't you know real estate, it just keeps on coming right.
You can miss every deal this year. It just keeps on coming, there's always more. If you get beat up and you and you you know, get deflated you're going to lose the people, i have respected the most in real estate. I notice guys like take a big hit or celebrity.

It takes some big hit next thing. You know they do something big, so you just got to keep on going and realize that probably 90 of success is failing. Yes, yes and uh. The other thing is when you get the listing what to do when you get the listing.

A lot of people are really good at getting these listings and then they drop the ball and that's just pathetic uh, and the first thing i do when i get the listing is i over deliver. I really want these people to be blown away uh also. This is key. Is i provide updates about the market about the marketing i'm doing about other sales in the area, everything about the showings we've? Had i provide that to my clients before they ask for it, if you, if they, if you give them all this information right and the house isn't selling that's on them and they they accept that you've, given them information.

This is the decision they need to make. If they call you and go gary what's going on, why isn't my house selling it's on you and, and they blame you, so you don't want to be on the defense. You want to constantly be on the offense and you know it's respectable you've. Given someone a listing, i know so many times i've in my in the past, i've done a great job for a client.

They didn't know it and if they don't know it, they're not they're going to be pissed and once someone's kind of pissed at you. It's hard to fix that they already have set in their mind that you are the problem, so never put yourself in a scenario where you're the problem put yourself in the scenario that you've done this work and show it to them. I could have another conference on how i do that this, what my marketing reports but you'll never have a problem with a client when you tell them in advance, and they know everything that's going on. They want to know that right, um, just to just to clarify you do a showing you get.

You know you get some feedback from the other agent and then you're texting emailing. What like, if, if i'm listed with you, how often might i get communicated from you on a weekly basis? If i had five showings in a week, am i gon na get one email or am i gon na get five emails? This is what we'll do when i get a showing, especially on the high end. I tell them we're showing it. I tell them who they are any back story.

Anything i know about yep when we get this after the showing myself from my assistant, we'll give them the feedback, and every month we do a marketing report where we have every single showing who the people are, what the outcome was. We also have comparable homes in the market. How many new ones have come on the market? How many have sold? Because if your house hasn't sold - and everyone else has - has that's one piece of information - that's good to know if you are just like everyone else and nothing sold in the last month, that's a different piece of information. So then i let them know about the marketplace.
As well and then i take credit and let them know about every tweet, every post, every instagram, every ad, every corporate ad, i also lay down all the activity on the internet from zillow truly a realtor, my own website. I take credit for all that stuff and let them know what it is and let them know that their house is being exposed by the way you don't tell them, they don't know right and they just think you're not doing a job and they're getting they're. Looking for something's not happening, people are looking for what the problem is and don't make it so obvious that they think you're the problem, especially if you're not that's, really sad, but people sometimes don't want to bother somebody. So i'm all over them - and i think that's key to uh - provide those updates.

Those are great examples of like over deliver. Yes - and i i i appreciate doing i'm no problem doing it, i'm up late uh and then, when you make the sale - and this is key because you don't want to sell one house - oh i sold a 5 million home. You want to be in the 5 million category. You want to be one of those people, so when you make that sale, leverage it and there's a lot of ways to i mean in 2010, when i started at 9 or 10.

When i started to coach with you, i'd never been coached before i had come off of doing developments, and i was virtually like i lost at people knowing me in resale, even though i had done some things. I remember going on a three million dollar listing and saying show me why i should what have you sold recently? Who are you they didn't know? You know, i remember running into the air going to the airport and someone says: are you still in real estate? Oh, my god, yeah you're, like yes after thank you, 30 years at that point sure 25 years right, so i had to start all over so but i i got this one deal for a million six, i'm going to be a celebrity. It was ashton, kutcher's house, and i leveraged - that i sold ashton kutcher's house and then i ended up getting a six million dollar sale and i leveraged that because it happened to be a foreign buyer. And that was a really hot thing and i was doing zillow and i was up late at night and i had this whole pitch.

How i get these foreign people, because i work two shifts and i respond to them in real time. And that was my whole pitch: hey! Listen! If you respond to someone at midnight from china and you're having a conversation compared to someone who responds the next day, because what happens if you're in china - and they call you in the day - and you call them in the day - and you call them the day - You have these conversations like every you know. Oh you never reach each other. It takes weeks to have a conversation, so that was like my whole pitch and it worked very well and then i got an opportunity to get a 10 million dollar listing from a prior client, but i wanted a hedge i wanted to get that deal.
I actually brought in mauricio. We co-listed it just to get that 10 million dollar deal which got me. The 20 million dollar deal after that, and that 20 million dollar deal got me closer to. When i had that playboy mansion opportunity had something to work with, and then i got the 100 million dollar deal, which then i got 100 and that was fun.

150 million deal. Someone brought me in yup because remember that was the guy. So that is all that's key. Just leverage it.

You know there was somebody who sold a 70 million dollar home in beverly hills. It was the biggest sale ever in beverly hills, and there was another one in holmby a year or two before for in the 90s and these two agents, no one ever heard from before. Again they had they were there. I know they are and they did nothing with it right rookie of the year and then gone so so everything from just souls to video to like how many different ways do you get the word out like.

Let's just give me like the playbook, you know you just sold this property. Give give me yeah, give me the list. I want to digress before. I forget one thing, because there's something you've said: there's a few things.

You've said that have been invaluable, but the one thing i rep is a monster to myself is, i don't know sometimes y'all. I don't even remember saying that you say tell people what you know. Don't tell people what you think and that's a big part of when i go on there, i'm telling people the facts, i don't hedge. My bet i go well, maybe sort of what do you think? None of that i'm a s, i'm a surgeon, i'm telling you you need! You have torn acl.

I don't care what you think about it. Okay, so i do that so go ahead and say what was your question so my question was by the way i remember the linox. I remember doing like an early tom ferry show on it and it went something like this uh experts know amateurs think don't ever say. Well, i think we should well.

This is what i know i that was it where it really. I've heard you say it multiple times, but it was at, and i heard that that was my big takeaway and yeah. It's a it's a big one. I love it man all right.

So so my question for you - and this will be the last last question before i let you go gary - is yeah um. So how many different ways can i get the word out? So i just you know i just made this legendary sale for me. It's my most expensive sale. What are the five to seven things? I should do to get the word out that i did that transaction.
Well. If, first of all, i have very good connections and because of what we do, we get a lot of press, but wherever you may be, you should another thing. This is all kind of like getting listening, people who have publications or blogs or posts they're. Looking for content content, if you've got and real estate sexy, so a big sale.

If you are not getting that posted now, i never will make 400 grand on somebody and they don't want to know about the sale and and and go out there and blab it. But now the way the world is it's going to come out and once it comes out i will definitely get on there. So if you can get press, that's key, but once you get press you might even be on tv who knows, but once you get that press i find that i will like. I will post something whether or if it's a video i'll post it on bombbomb, and i will send it to my sphere of influence.

I'll i'll say something about it and i'll send it that gets more impact than anything and then all of a sudden - and you can see what i want but on gary i just want to. I want everyone to hear. I record a video and i distribute it to my center of influence and you talk about it right, like there'll, be one way or it'll, be something or it'll be a video that came out for sure and i'll send out the video and i'll write a caption On it, but if you send something out whether it's bomb bomb or you send an email with something - and i put effort into that - i don't just dump something out there when you send that to people as an email, email is the best social media on the Planet - let's not forget about it, bingo it's! It really is, and you send it to your people who know you and you start getting responses right you every time. I do that.

Somebody calls me there's a lead in there somewhere, always somewhere, there's a lead there, so that is a big one. How i get it out and for like i can work into any conversation that i sold the playboy matching right. I could be at a funeral. Speaking of better places and um, but that's because but let's be clear for the person listening going: oh my god, a funeral really! No! You want to know why, because everybody's interested in real estate real estate, everybody look at like million dollar listing and all these shows that are out there.

Gary people are obsessed with big, expensive fancy, crazy homes and the agents that sell them, you being one of them. 100, but even if they're, not big, fancy crazy homes, if they're, if average homes, if they want one of those people want to know about real estate. How's the market what's happening and if you've got something to say and if you just say something. I made this sale in a conversation or an email and there's some connection of what they our interests are doing.

You're gon na get a phone call, people are there's a you're likely to do it and if you, if you keep on doing this over and over and over again, you become the authority and if you stop doing it, they're going to forget about you in about 90 days, did you did you? Do a just sold iteration of a card or a brochure to the neighborhood around the playboy mansion as an example? No, but i did do i'm curious yeah. I didn't think of that. Okay, okay and the neighbor bought it so yeah who says door knocking, doesn't pay, but what i did do is, i did a it was so easy. It's probably been one of the best responses of anything i ever did.
I just did it. I was doing a a video of selling a house and i said: can you shoot a little bit more thanks and i just mentioned to them. I sold the playboy mansion. I want to show you some images of this iconic sale and then i just had like, because i didn't have a video on that ken burns effect or something i did like.

I did a video about 10 images of this property yep. I just said that i had sold it and i posted that. I got so many views and that was just great for social. It was great for youtube.

It was great when i said it when i sent it out to my clients. That was magical, so i mean it's i'm not talking about. I don't you just came up with them. I would have never thought that i am not a male guy yeah.

It cringe when i think about it: hey, listen, it might be. I know that uh there's people that you know and coach that kill it with it and it's great every area is different, and maybe, if i put that kind of effort into it, i would but it just hasn't been uh hasn't something i've. I've done much i've. You know when i've done it, i've done it half ass.

I did one or two and then i give up on it. I was just going to say going going back to your list orchestrated tenacity and then like sell what you have if it's not direct mail. It's something else, and you do it well, my friend, you know well well, you know what i can do it so much better. I am kicking my ass all the time.

I've had a lot of i've been doing this a long time.

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