What are the top stock to invest in right now? Here are the top 10 stocks our group members see value in!
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Hey, what's going on team, it's ricky with talk about solutions, hope that you guys are all having an amazing sunday, it's time to prepare for the trading week. Um. If you guys didn't know, uh the month of april was one of the worst months ever at least for the nasdaq market for most of the market uh since 2008, so uh 14 in 14 years, one of the lowest points um or one of the worst months. That we've ever seen so, if you guys feel defeated, if you guys feel challenged, if you guys feel like the markets against you, i just i need you guys to know that it's not just you.

The overall market um is just very, very bearish as of right. Now uh, it was a very big earnings week. You know one week ago, exactly when we hosted our sunday stock talk. We talked about it.

We talked about how crucial um last the week was right: google, microsoft, amazon, all of these reporting earnings, facebook, it's it was um a lot of fun. It was uh. I i really enjoyed going live multiple times throughout the day. I don't know if you guys enjoyed that as well.

Um things don't always go according to plan, especially with earnings. I think that amazon was just really set the tone with dropping so much after it reported earnings. Amazon just just has such a big influence. It's such a large market cap and the good thing about this is that because we sold off so much on the month of april, in my experience after a very aggressive sell-off, there tends to be some form of cooling and a recovery for no reason, it's not That this is going to be a full recovery.

It's not that you should go in blindly. It's that i mean even right now, the nasdaq futures are a little bit in the green up a little bit over 0.32 percent for the nasdaq features, which means that if the market were to be open right now, we would be slightly in the green. We do have earnings of this upcoming week. I wanted to ask you guys if you guys want me to go, live again when most of these companies report earnings, i would be more than happy to.

I was looking through the list of different stocks that are going to be reporting earnings and it's it's a decent list. It's really on tuesday, wednesday and thursday, where the bigger companies begin to report earnings, we have amd, we have starbucks, we have pfizer, that's going to be on tuesday on wednesday. We have ebay, cvs, realty income. It's really on thursday, though that stood out to me.

We have companies like uh sq, which is blogger square, what used to be square gopro, shopify dropbox, but again the big tech stocks were last week, so um i and - and i i've talked about this - i'm really happy that i made yesterday's video um. I wanted to share and express what my current view of the market is um. I get really excited when markets pull back, because i view them as a great deal like opportunity for the market to recover. That's not that the market has to recover.

I just think having that mindset right now when the market is potentially at its worst. That's the best time to prepare that's the best time to anticipate a recovery right. We talk about this all the time where, on my red days, i prepare for my green days and on my green days. I prepare for my red days.
I think last week is a great example of you know. The market is very unpredictable and even when you think that things can't get any worse, but they definitely can right so market's challenging no question about it, but that's why we enjoy it right. If it was super easy, i don't think all of us would look forward to being able to train on monday at market open, so uh, let's go ahead and just jump right to it. If you guys want me to break down your stock, all i literally ask you to do is, of course drop a thumbs up if you feel like we earned it and then share your top stock in the live chat, so we have stefan already uh sharing cop.

So let's go ahead and break this one down, so cop was uh previously bearish lower highs, lower lows. This is on the day, chart we're now trading above the moving average. So the thing that i really like about this is that you're at least trading, something that the overall direction tends to be more bullish than it is bearish. It has been selling off almost making lower highs and lower lows ever since.

What is this uh march 25th? Uh been making lower highs, lower lows and it looks like it's getting rejected once again uh, so we are tuning now below the moving average. What used to act as a support here is now acting as a resistance here. So, although i think it would be great to be able to buy now and then sell here uh, it looks like that moving average. So you guys see that this moving average is now acting as a resistance level.

So again, old support levels, which is the moving average, is now acting as a new resistance level. I would set an alert for the break above that and again, if we break above that, if it's indicating signs of adoption, then great, let's follow up with it other than that um. I just really would hate for you to buy right now, and then it just continues to sell off so sometimes keeping it simple is uh one of the best things that you can do with when deciding to trade right. Let's go ahead and move on to the next one: what's going on sean, let's go ahead and break down your microsoft, so microsoft is one of my favorite um, as you guys can see, it's one that i have in my watch list just because it's my favorite Does not mean that it has to be yours, i'm always here to encourage you to be the best and be your own version right, uh.

The thing that i really like about microsoft is i like companies that prove it, that they are bullish right, that they're bullish, that they can do this consistently and it's been in a rut just like the overall nasdaq market has uh. We peaked at around 350. We've been selling off ever since, if you're trying to make money right now, microsoft probably is not going to be the best stock to either trade and or invest. If you're someone that is okay with buy now - and you know, your intention is to make money in the future um, i think microsoft at current price levels is definitely something worth considering.
I still think that you need to manage your position size. I still think that you need to wait to step on the gas when direction is in your favor. I think it has great roi potential. I personally don't think microsoft is going anywhere as in like it's not going to go bankrupt, it's an essential company um and it has amazing history with its performance.

It's just it's going through a rut right now, just like the entire market is so you can't expect something to happen when market sentiment is so bearish, but you can still prepare and plan for the market recovery. I think now would be the best time to formulate a plan, either a trade plan or an investment plan of where you choose to buy, where you would choose to average up. You know where you intend to sell if you're going to hold it for years and even better right, you're, not really on a time crunch. So really, if this is something that you want to trade or want to invest, i just wouldn't expect making money anytime soon with microsoft, market sentiment and market direction.

Just is not in your favor, so you would need to understand that don't sugarcoat it don't sell it to yourself understand what is going on uh. Here we go so we got ray with that. Ticker call out format on sq, so this is square. Oh now now it's called all these companies changing their names.

It's ridiculous uh! It's now called block right, uh used to be very bullish. It's selling off. I reports earnings. If i'm not mistaken, we just talked about it on thursday uh.

So that's going to be quite interesting because it's been on a very aggressive sell-off uh, it's pretty much showing signs of a double bottom here. I would just be very, very careful because a lot of tech stocks have recently been missing earnings. Therefore, it can drop even further from where it's at right now. So, if you think it's cheap now, i would rather wait till after earnings before deciding to either go all in right.

It's already, it has so much upside margin, even if it does go up a little bit. Who cares right? There's no such thing as a perfect trader. Get that idea out of your head. Allow that direction to be in your favor.

It just makes it so much easier to be able to trade, and i'm sure you guys agree with that right. It's like any time that you try to predict the bottom of something it just continues to get worse and it just continues to sell up. So if you decide to buy when the stock is still selling off, watch your position size and have good intention understand that it probably will still continue to sell off you buy now, it's not because it's at the you're getting at the lowest price point. It's just you're not trying to time the market right, you're just trying to get in because you view even the current price point, a good enough deal based off of your intention to hold and to sell much later down the road.
So let's go ahead and break down nvidia the video uh reported earnings, if i'm not mistaken like two weeks ago and the video is actually a company that i have in my watch list as well. Again, that's just my opinion. It's i think, an amazing company such as um amd right, it's one of its market leaders and what it does um very bullish, very consistent. I love its performance.

It's in a right with the chip shortage on everything. That's going on right now, uh supply chain issues. It's obviously hitting the video pretty hard again. If your intention is to make money right now, i would not be buying nvidia.

If your intention is to hey, i'm trying to take advantage of a deal, invest and expect this thing to make me money later down the road months from now or years from now. I think the video its current price point is worth looking into, doesn't mean again that you go all in. It doesn't mean that you have to you, know aggressively, buy, there's structure to everything right with position. Sizing averaging up when direction is in your favor, knowing when to step on the gas, but i do think that having the conversation right now about nvidia is definitely not a bad thing to do.

If we look at current price levels and the last time that it was there, it looks like it was mid 2021, where we are now back it pretty much gave back all of that right and that sucks for people that were invested in nvidia, but for people Like you and i we're able to take advantage of this deal if we see value in it right and if we have proper intention, so let me know what you guys think about that. So what effect will the fed's wednesday meeting uh will have on spy? Do you think that it will dump further 100? Damn i mean, i think, there's no question uh that the feds and their meetings on interest rate hikes influence the market. This shouldn't be a surprise. It's not a question right.

What do we do right? If i were to ask you, are all of our learn plan? Profit members. You guys should be aware anytime, that you are uncertain if you're trying to trade right. Your investing is different because you're not going to pull out everything that you're invested in right, there's different intention with that. But if you're trading and if you know that there's going to be a fed meeting on wednesday, what's a safe play, probably to stay cash.

Because, if markets choppy, if markets direction is unclear or if it's bearish, why put yourself in that position? It's like! Don't don't sell it to yourself, don't sell you uh yourself, the idea that no things won't get worse. What what have the past five months taught us that things can definitely get worse, so be real with yourself. If you choose to be and stay in the market, then you need to understand that things can definitely get worse, but now is the time to have that conversation. Not after right have those difficult conversations with yourself.
I think that's what's most important. It's the whole idea is not to sell yourself. What hopefully happens, it's hey realistically, things have been bad, so i'm going to play it safe and i'm not going to be invested. That's it there's nothing.

You don't need to tell yourself what, if i've missed what, if it jumps up a little bit, i don't care, i played it safe. My focus is risk management look out for yourself. No one else who cares about everyone else, look out for yourself. Make sure that you do yourself a favor, don't sell yourself the idea of maybe it won't be that bad, at least in my experience anytime, that i begin to have those conversations with me of being hopeful and always end up more worse than than better right.

At least on a consistent aspect, so we got darien with ticker symbol, n t. What is that anti-do? What nintendo? Oh that's an otc stock. I don't trade otcs um right is it. I would just say what would it say: it's ltd, so um highs of seven of 673 indicating signs of a descending pattern.

I don't see anything crazy with this and it looks like it was previously bullish and it peaked, and this is again uh early 2020. So it looks like a pandemic stock that did really well obviously nintendo if it's the one, i'm thinking of uh, obviously very bullish high demand levels during the pandemic as we resume to business as the usual demand levels fall and it looks like direction has fallen as Well, don't sell yourself the idea that hey this thing has to go up. No, it does not right. It's bearish.

It's selling off demand levels are falling ever since the pandemic. Look at netflix right, look at spotify all these companies that did so well during the pandemic, but shortly after that's when they peaked right, like zoom zoom peaked in demand levels, i don't know if it will ever get to that same level, and you just have to Understand that direction was bullish. Now it's bearish set an alert and if it begins to indicate signs of recovery, then follow up with it other than that. Don't sell yourself the idea all right.

Let's see what are we breaking down next, so go daddy. So g d d, why i appreciate you sharing that again make sure you guys don't forget to drop a thumbs up? It looks like we have that same resistance level right around 90. A share. This is for godaddy.

Um looks like it has its previous support level right around 70.. One of the things that i can see with this already is that it kind of trades sideways, and this is like the past year. We could see that i don't know about you, but, like i like to put my money in areas where i see consistent signs of growth uh with godaddy, it's kind of this horizontal pattern. These are the low points.
These are the high points, there's no consistent growth. If anything, right and right now, it's at kind of like the mid to higher level of this range right. The the resistance range is right around 90.. I can draw it out for you, so resistance range right around 90 and then support range is right.

Around 70. uh with that being said, it's just the only time i would really consider buying. This is when it's super oversold more at the 70 level price point based off previous patterns. That's all right! Let it bleed let it sell off the cheaper.

It gets the better, it is for people like you and i and then at that point we can watch our position size and it begins to indicate signs of an uptrend. Then that's when we can definitely guess other than that. I don't really care for it. All right, let's go ahead and break down apple.

Uh apple is probably one of my favorite stocks to look at right now. Um, you probably won't hear a lot of people say this and it's because apple is, like everyone knows apple right like i feel like the thing with trading and the thing right now. That's very in is like to invest in innovative companies to invest in like ev companies, but, let's be honest, it's like none of those are really doing. Well, i mean tesla is one of the exceptions right because tesla's like the leader in that, but every other ev company is complete.

Poop right, it's their performance is absolutely horrendous. Apple is a company that first off it's the most valuable company. That's publicly traded, it's cheap! It's so bullish, it's not anything special, it's not anything like it's. Just i get it that people, don't.

I feel like any well-known company people refuse to trade or invest in it, because it's not viewed as like a lucrative or like very like unique way to like make money. But guess what i don't know about you. The intention to trade or invest in anything is to make money right period and guess what apple does really well with that. It's really cheap right now, based off previous patterns.

If i'm not mistaken, it offers a little bit over 20 roi, oh 17, so 16 roi. I think apple is at its current price point based off previous patterns and previous um price levels. I think it's i'm loading up on apple, and that's just me, i'm not here to convince you to do the same. I'm just also saying don't over complicate it.

I think it's great to invest in innovative companies to invest in new up-and-coming companies, but guess what it's also nice to play. It's safe and i think apple does a great job with that. That's just that's just my opinion. So all right so evie riveon, let's see what's the next one we got.

I wanted to follow up with ford how's ford doing after reporting earnings, uh very aggressive sell-off looks like it peaked at 25, yeah, no, no sense of a reversal as of right. Now i'm gon na move my alert and uh people ask this all the time with. Like you know, when do you know when to buy right? Something was so bullish before it's selling off. We don't know if it's gon na recover right away, there's so much upside margin with this, like this, isn't like apple right.
This isn't something that probably will go up 100 right. This is something that offers 84 roi. So why nickel and dime an opportunity? Why try to get in at the lowest price point? Why try to get it when it's selling off don't overcomplicate? It set an alert and when it begins to indicate signs of recovery, follow up with it and then ask yourself: hey is now a good time to invest in four. Is it now indicating signs of an uptrend? That's all right! It's like let it bleed the more it bleeds the better and then once it begins to trade above ema once it begins to indicate signs of an uptrend, don't over complicate it average up into it, ease into your position and enjoy the direction keep trading simple.

Is that not what it's all about so again, let's make sure that we don't forget that one, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight all right! Let's go ahead and do two more c cvx. So this is chevron. This is uh has a lot to do with oil prices right. I personally think that oil is very close to peaking right.

It's not that there's a solution yet for the demand or the shortage. I just think that the hype of oil prices is kind of just no longer there um. I think that we're reaching very overbought levels, i think we're ready for a pullback um, just because it is overbought, doesn't mean that it has to pull back like i wouldn't short chevron right. It's not like it's guaranteed to pull back uh, but i would consider the idea of locking in profits because of you know how much people are working towards lowering oil prices, especially at these levels, with how much there is for potential upside versus downside risk.

I don't think the risk to reward ratios are in my favor, but again, if directions in your favor, you want to continue to run with it all power to you. I just want you to understand how much downside risk these companies have as of right. Now, let's go ahead and do one more stock again, if you guys want me to break down your stock share it in the live chat and make sure you smash that like button all right, let's do two more i'm gon na do shop and then i'm gon Na do one more so you guys can share another shopify. Although i love the company uh first off this one's about to report earnings, i think it reports earnings on tuesday or wednesday.

Although i love the company, it's just not there. Man like it is so bearish directions, not in your favor there's just there's, no reason uh, there's like how do i say this there's so much upside potential, 316 percent based off previous patterns. I think that's amazing, three hundred percent - that's insane don't over complicate, it set your alert and if it begins to indicate signs of recovery, then ask yourself: is this something worth investing into until now? Let it bleed let it sell off. It's been selling off for about a year, anyways um, i guess not a year uh.
It's been selling out for a couple of months but like why over complicate this right, it's so consistently bearish. Let it bleed, let it sell off, but then once it does begin to indicate signs of recovery, then we can follow up with it. Other than that, i don't really care uh last time that it shot up. It reported earnings.

I guess it was better than expected. It shot up for a little bit, got rejected at the ema and then sold right back off. So again, it's just like keep it simple direction's, not in your favor. Yes, it's cheap, but it's so bearish, don't over complicate it for yourself, um alrighty, let's see uh.

So what do you think about the nasdaq i'll end? The video with my thoughts on the nasdaq, but let me do one more stock, um, so c y and see what - and here we go okay. Well, i actually don't really want to talk about this one because it looks like a pump and dump. So it looks like all of a sudden it just began to pump if this is something that you like to trade, that's great for you, but just based off previous patterns and how consistently bearish it was before it just makes sense that this is not going to. Last, this thing is something that most likely will again.

It's like. It's proven it's like a fact that every single time something pumps like this, it's only a matter of time for it to crash these are too risky for me uh, just because i don't do something. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't i'm never here to tell you that the way that i do things is the best way, and the only way it's just i choose a specific dollar amount that i take risk management very seriously and with this my upside would not outweigh My downside risk, especially with these lower cap, manipulated pump and dump stocks, so i would stay away from it, but that's just me, but yeah: let's go ahead and end it talking about uh the nasdaq market. So let me go ahead and refresh this nasdaq market right now again slightly in the green again uh.

It doesn't really mean too much, but i personally think because of how much the market sold off uh this. This is the way that i think of it. Uh, do i think that the market can get cheaper 100? No question about it. I mean we're at lower price levels than we were when russia attacked ukraine, and that was after inflation.

That was after interest rates. I mean earnings hit us hard earnings hit us, like you know hard with that being said, um after ending the month of april as one of the worst months ever since 2008, shortly after a really bad month or a really bad session, we tend to rise for No apparent reason: um and again it's asking the question: are things getting worse right interest rates, obviously that that's already factored in as long as things don't get worse, then the market can rise because everything is already factored in it. So i wouldn't expect the market to recover right away, and i want to sell your sell yourself um the idea that oh no, this week is going to be going to be the week, but i would just say you know, after a really strong pullback um. I would that's why i made yesterday's video.
That's why we do these things right now, as the market is super cheap and very oversold, it's like now, it's the time to have these conversations to begin to prepare, not just for trades like trading. Is i mean i do it every day right. I love my trading sessions, i love being able to trade the market, but i'm even talking about like swing trading or investing. I feel like those are the conversations you should be having right now.

What are some safe plays on? What cheap stocks you can buy right now and cheap, as in like apple, is cheap right now based off of previous price levels, but i don't expect apple to recover right away, but it's something that i definitely want to talk about. So um, i would say, with with on the trading side, i mean i'm excited to see how the market opens tomorrow. If you're part of one plant profit make sure that you set your alarms for market open um, i'm i'm very excited because of how cheap the market is of how oversold the market is right. Now, i'm sure you guys saw it even with yesterday's video um.

It's it's a thing that really excites me, because it's really really challenging right now, but again, i'm a big believer that some of the greatest challenges in my life tend to follow with the greatest fulfillment after i overcome them, and i think a lot of you guys Can probably say the same right, i think that's what i enjoy most about the stock market, that it's not easy, that it is challenging. So because you know it's challenging, watch the money that you are treated with, watch your position, size and don't over complicate. It understand that sometimes staying cash, meaning not being in any trade, is sometimes better than forcing a trade when obviously direction is not in your favor. So i really do appreciate you guys time.

I hope that you know um, you guys have a successful week, but let's not over complicate it. If the market begins to bleed, if we obviously see that the market's bearish or either reduce your position, size stay cash and or you know we might have to just take a couple of positions on securityq, but other than that. I think now is a great time to prepare for the future in the sense of what stocks are you going to buy now that you plan to sell a year or two years from now? I think that now is a conversation to um. You know to start having that one, so i really do appreciate you guys time.
I will see you guys tomorrow at market open for our live trading session, friendly reminder, if you guys want to join you guys don't have to, but if you guys want to be able to watch me trade live. I work with my learn plan profit group. Every single day they're, the only group that i work with - i offer nothing else. I work with them every day you get access to the course you get access to the daily live training sessions.

You get access uh to the group chat and then you get access to our hq. That actually reminds me tomorrow at 12, 30 p.m. So afternoon, tomorrow, at the hq, if you're a learn, plan profit member and if you're in arizona, i hope that you can join us. We're gon na have an in-person session uh and we're gon na be planning out some swing trades and some um investment uh plays.

So i'm very excited uh to kind of in person break those stocks down. It's kind of it's kind of going to be like a sunday stock talk, but a little bit more in depth and planning each trade, obviously in person. So um again, if you guys are part of learn, plan profit and you want to come to the hq message me via discord - just to make sure that you're all set with our address and you guys have access to it. So you should know where it's at anyways uh.

But again i really do appreciate you guys time if you guys are ready to join our team. That's going to be that second link in the description and if you guys have any questions, you guys can message me on discord and that's that first link down below i'll, see you guys tomorrow at market open, wish you guys nothing but the best. Like always, let's make sure that we in the year on agreed now to get.

By Stock Chat

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4 thoughts on “10 high growth stocks to buy may 2022”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ella Emily says:

    I'm finished holding on for the Award Advance since I get $67,900 at regular intervals of my speculation with Michael signal.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GamingwithMarz says:

    Free earnings live??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JOE BITNER says:

    I wouldn't buy anything until the fed meeting this week. But that's just my opinion.

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