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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Well, you guys saw yesterday. Frustrating day. Today wasn't easy. Today was a little bit of a tricky day as well.

Oh am I talking about him up $10,000 not really that hard. It was a pretty good day. Today was a great day. I'm up right now.

Well, well over $10,000 It's been some solid momentum. First trade right out of the gates I went red and I had to work my way out. got myself first to break-even then to green, then to the daily goal. and then it was just trade after trade after trade.

And in fact I took my trade a total of two, four, six, eight, nine, ten thousand, ten different stocks. today. I was pretty active, but the market was hot. momentum was there and so I kept jumping in and riding that momentum up to the next level.

That's the way I do it on a day when the market is really hot I keep getting in I buy high on pullbacks I sell higher now once I start to lose. That's when I stop trading. but if I'm still winning, I'll keep trading up until two three, even right up to the close of market hours. It's not typical that I can go all the way till 4:00 without having that pullback, but is happened occasionally.

and today was one of those days where I kept trading well into the afternoon. so a nice surprise, some nice momentum and a nice bounce obviously after yesterday's red day. Not that it was a particularly bad red day, but it was more frustrating than anything else. So to be back in the green here feels really good and this is gonna set the stage for what will hopefully be wildcard Friday tomorrow.

What's up everyone? All right? So we're gonna go over the trades from today. As you can see right here over ten thousand dollars of profit and my main Lightspeed account which is great. Very active today. This is one of the most active days I've had in a while and you know I only have eleven thousand dollars to show for it I really turned a lot of shares today getting in, getting out traded a lot of different stocks and I ended up giving back a little bit of money on my last two trades I did not hit any of my thresholds for being forced to walk away I did not have three consecutive losers I did not give back more than half my profits and I did not hit my daily max loss.

However, I did start the day going in the red and I'll talk about that trade and I had to work my way out of the red into the green and you know I've made my way here up to well eleven thousand Eight hundred dollars in this account I was up over fifteen thousand in this account before these last two trades on T-con and Jan which I'm a little disappointed that I I jumped into. but you know one of the things with with trading is that when the market is high for me, those are the days that I want to dig deep and I want to really capitalize on the opportunity because these days you know when when they come along you you really want to make the most of them. You'll have days later in the week or month or whatever where there is no use trading the afternoon because there's nothing moving. But when things are moving you want to try to do the best you can and make some good money.
So I did a pretty good job of that Today El MPX is the biggest winner. So I will look at that stock first. El MPX yesterday made a really big move. This thing squeezed from 30 bucks up to 40 dollars all-time highs on it, forty-four dollars and this thing without any news is just grinding back up.

So this morning when I saw the pre market high was $42 I was thinking man this thing breaks 42, it's gonna rip 244 and then we're at all-time highs and so shortly after the bell ringing I was watching it and right here as it broke over 42 I jumped in on this candle I jumped in as it broke through that level and then I was adding basically every dollar per share until we got up to I think it was $45 a share or maybe was 46 and then I held the rest into this breakout. We had a 1-minute micro pullback and then this final squeeze up to $49 and with that I was able to make four thousand, four hundred and seventy bucks which is awesome. I took a starter of five hundred shares I added up to a thousand and then on this final little one-minute break out I added another fifteen hundred share, another five hundred shares. So I had 1,500 shares total which was the I was willing to go up to 2,000 shares but I was only gonna add if it broke $50 because then I was starting to think that this may have potential for a move up to 60, 70 or 80.

but it didn't do that. If I had news today, it probably would have been more likely to have a bigger breakout. so jumped on that momentum There a really nice trade on LMP X A second trade or second stock which is the biggest winner is Re LV This one was kind of a funny one. It it hit the scanners and spiked up and got halted here at 567.

so I actually jumped into it. Let's see, let me find this on the scanners. We have to go back a ways. You can see so many stocks on the scans today.

Alright, so so there's the open. Did you do Mn I will look at that one I'm not sure where this is, it might be. Oh there it is. Okay, so here it hits the scanner, it's squeezing up.

it's up. 35% 36, 37, 40, 41 It's squeezing up I jump in. It hits a high of 567 and is halted on a circuit breaker. It resumes five minutes later and squeezes up to 638.

It then pulls back and actually halts I believe going down I think it halted going down and so I was like oh, that's disappointing You know I mean it. It obviously was nice from 550 up to 6 you know, six dollars I made some money there, but then it rejected that level and came back down. well. coming out of that halt, it ripped back up and so I actually bought this breakout right here over 670 and we got that squeezed up to a high of 775.

That was an awesome trade. I was really happy with that and that was a better trade than this one. This one hit the scanner I jumped in quickly. smaller share size.
got a win out of it but it was kind of. It was a very quick trade and then it curled back up and gave a flat top breakout over 670 so that was a really nice trade. Did really well on that one ae MD and this is an order of the ones that I made the most on. not in the order that I actually traded them a EMD Alright, so a couple big moves on this one.

First this squeeze up from 2 to a high of 253, then a pullback, a pop back up, a flat top breakout as you can see right here and then a move higher. Let me go back and look at my trade on this. So my entry on this was my first entry was 235. Alright, so I was getting in this.

Let's see this was right in this area. Here for the break over 250. Nice clean 5 minutes set up that you'll see right here. A little bit of a red flag on the 5 minute set up the high red volume on this candle, but it pulled back and is it broke over the half dollar of 4550.

We got that quick wheeze and then that surge up through three. it hit a high of 72, then does another one minute pullback again, another small one minute pullback here. and then this breakout. You just don't get those every day.

So when you get them, you just you've got to be grateful because this was awesome. Really solid. So a quick squeeze here from 240 up to 340. That was good for almost $3,000 and then we had n K and K was all over the place.

This stock was crazy. It hit the scanners squeezing up it hit first. let's see this was 657 up to 75771 and then it pulls back. This was the pullback entry right here.

750 Now I Was skeptical but this thing broke 750 and ripped all the way up to 9 71. It was ridiculous. The problem was that it also faked me out a little bit so it squeezed up here to a high of 829 and right here at 829. I got back in on this candle.

that candle right there and then I stopped out as a drop down here I lost everything that I made in this breakout. the whole thing. it was gone. and then I got back in for the break of 8:30 and it rips up to a 92.

It then does a little pullback here I added 8 92 for the break of 9 and it rips up to 9 71. But because I had given back all of my profit on this trade right here when I got back in I didn't have as much of a cushion I didn't feel comfortable taking big sighs so I didn't make as much money and then on this pullback, you know I had gotten myself back to slightly green on the name. but I didn't feel comfortable being aggressive and so even though this right here was a bigger breakout than this one I didn't sighs with enough shares to make more money. So I went from up three grand to down about five hundred and then I'm finishing up two thousand Mni now.

This stock gave a pretty impressive break out over $2 A great job for those of you guys that jumped in it for the break of this flattop. right here it broke two, squeezed up to a high of 243 and got halted I Jumped in right here. Coming out of the first halt, it ended up hitting a high of 259 before pulling back. So nice trade there.
Good for a thousand bucks. Not a home run, but a decent trade apx. This was a quick trade off the scans. this was on our pre market watchlist.

It was nothing that exciting I jumped in it and as it was surging up here and it hit a high of a dollar 25 but nothing too exciting YTN Another one here, it started to open up. as you can see on this candle right here it broke through 720 I Got in on this pullback at 680 and it hit a high of 720. didn't hold that level I only made 120 bucks on him RBZ Alright so RBZ this one was a quick little kind of breakout trade right at the open. As you can see, we had a little micro pullback here from 30 up to a high of 38.

False breakout flushes down I'm down 63 on him by 2 afternoon trades. In keeping with tradition I lose money in the afternoon. Now the reason I kept looking at stocks through the afternoon was because up until those two trades, I was up fourteen thousand, nine hundred dollars and I was like I'm having a pretty awesome day so the momentum is hot and if I keep seeing opportunities I'm gonna keep trading I'm gonna keep trying to be aggressive and so when I saw at Econ pop-up right here I was like oh man this thing looks good one minute pullback I jumped in for the first one minute Campbell to make a new high right here at 4:20 but I only took 2,000 shares, it squeezes all the way up to 480 and I was selling it as it was going up so I only made like 500 bucks. it wasn't a homerun, then it pulls back and I was like okay I'm jumping in this thing right here I get in on this pullback and this time I took I think was 8000 chairs I was like all right I've got a cushion on the name.

this thing looks like it's gonna break over five. Jumped in it here. it hits a high of 66 so the first one minute Campbell makes a new high by 4 cents. it then drops down to 50 and I was like well let's give this a second and then it flushes down to 435 and I have to stop out so I end up losing a thousand bucks I go from green to red I overstayed my welcome and I didn't take any more trades on it and then Jan pops up and hits the scanners.

So these are all the stocks that we're hitting the scanners today: IM p XR E Lv, Jan ID x G, a couple others, a couple others t Con: Alright so the last one wherever it was around here was jam. so all of a sudden I look at J and I'm like man, this thing is taking off and I see that it's got a catalyst and so I press the Buy button um shift 1 which is to buy a thousand shares and I got filled like 400 shares at 460. It then rips up to 487 and I was like oh man I'm up like 27 cents per share but only with tiny size. So what? I decided to do and this was right underneath 87.

He was kind of hanging out there for just a second right here. so right through here I decided to add I added an 87 and 86 thinking that this was gonna break over $5 was gonna rip through 5 and we're gonna get a nice little squeeze up. you know, like teak on maybe a another 20-30 percent squeeze and then this candle it drops back down to 45440 I stopped out, hit the bed and just like that I lost 2 grand I sized up right here on this little micro pullback and that was a mistake and this stock ended up coming all the way back down to 380. I mean it retraced the entire move which is ridiculous.
So kind of got caught there and a little bit of a trap. A bull trap. The stock squeezed up and then reversed hard. So I gave back some profit from being up 14 15 grand to being up only eleven thousand eight hundred.

And you know the thing is I was really active today I felt like I had a little bit of a, you know, a little bit of a bone to pick with the market after losing money yesterday and of course I lost money yesterday in combination because the market wasn't very hot and because I chose to break my rules that breaking the rules is my own fault. The market It is what it is. Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cold and actually was green by thirty eight hundred dollars yesterday before I went down into the red. So I think today I felt this, you know and this is this is I'm just gonna vent you know for a second here and let you guys kind of be my sounding board.

This is one of the things that's so difficult with trading. We all know this, but it's the emotional stuff even have having done this as long as I've done it yesterday. I was very frustrated myself, you know I give myself the haircut and I was frustrated and you know I saw some of you guys like don't be so hard on yourself and it's my feeling on that is no I'm gonna be hard on myself because yesterday wasn't acceptable. that wasn't okay, the trading wasn't good.

giving back profit wasn't good Making mistakes is not good. It's not good. it really isn't And you me, you got a you got to hold yourself to these rules and I haven't been particularly happy with my trading This you know honestly for for a few months just because I've had such big swings in my my PNL and in fact in the last year I've had to read months I was read in of last year and I was read again in October of last year. Now last year was a good year for me but I didn't hit my goal and my goal was 500,000 and I finished with three hundred and sixty Seven thousand.

Three hundred sixty seven thousand dollars is good, but it was not my goal and part of the reason I came up short on my goal was swinging for homeruns, breaking rules being kind of you know, a cowboy in the way I was trading throwing around big share size ten thousand fifteen twenty thousand shares and getting some huge slippage on some of those losses and just really getting rekt and the emotional stakes start getting higher and higher or start getting more more frustrated. So last night I was kind of talking myself as one will sometimes do after a bad day of trading and I was like why didn't why did I break the rule yesterday Why did I why did I do this? Why Why Why? and I was like you know what, don't focus on the why. Let's not, let's just not focus on the why for a second. Let's just focus on the what.
What did I do yesterday? That was so that was. That got me so upset. What I did yesterday was after I'd given back half of my profit I decided to keep trading and unfortunately, um, that was a mistake and I ended up going from up a thousand dollars after. You know that loss that gave back half my profit to down over a thousand and that made me really angry with myself because you know I traded past my max loss.

Okay so the what is traded past max loss and I would say took a couple of trades that were impulsive and not as well thought out as I would have liked I lowered my quality standard I took lower quality trades I started feeling like I was sort of grasping for straws trying to get back to green or get back to how much I had made. so that was the what and the why is is the emotional stuff and so then I said well Russ Let's just imagine for a second that you know you make back to me. You know tomorrow you make back everything you lost today which wasn't a lot and so that wouldn't be too hard to do. And in fact I did it.

You make back everything you lost today. All right? Fine, great. so you're back to break your back to, you know you're back to your square, You know you're back to flat after that little Fiasco And and for you guys maybe ask yourself the same question. Let's say you're down five thousand dollars this month and let's say tomorrow, you make back the five thousand.

What are you gonna do differently so that doesn't happen again so you don't go back in that same situation because when I'm looking at my my P&L and my equity curve when I pull up trader View. The thing that's that's frustrating for me about last year was the fact that I had and I talked about this a little bit yesterday and but I had some some pretty big draw downs: I had a big dry down here in March another big one in July in June when I was in Italy supposed to be on vacation and I lose thirty two thousand dollars and then I did it again here in in November coming into the holidays down forty eight thousand dollars and I was getting myself so I was so so angry myself here in March I was furious I was very upset with myself here in Italy I was very upset with myself here. So this it's almost like it's an emotional meter. Emotions back here.

Yeah I was pretty upset. you know around this period I was I was pretty upset around this period. but the emotions of going down this much for me they're so high and I recognized the comment that one of you guys posted in the comments on YouTube that? Well, Ross you know you actually even though you gave back 47,000 right here. that's relative to being up because that was right here.
1.6 million. That's not even a 5% drawdown like you know, that's not bad. Ok, yes, but I reset my my account. even though this is my cumulative return of this period of time, the account is not sitting at 1.6 million.

You know the account usually sits anywhere from fifty thousand to a hundred thousand. and then I take money out and you know then I grow it again. So during this drawdown, the account went from like a hundred grand to like fifty grand. You know I cut it in half basically.

so that is a pretty big draw down. It's really, it's not a good thing to do now. of course I trade as aggressively as I do because I know that even if I did have a really bad loss, I could always just add more money to my account, it's not I don't have to treat it like it's my last five hundred dollars because it's not or fifty thousand because it's not. But yeah, the the emotional kind of downs last year.

we're much deeper than they had been in previous years and you know I ended up making a little less money And those downs, you know, kind of threw me off my game each time it happened. got myself stressed out, had to press the reset by and had to go back to small size blah blah blah blah and then eventually I got myself all the way back up to flat only to do it again, right? So what are you gonna do the next time you know let's say and let's just say you know, let's just say for pretend that whatever you're down, whatever you're red, let's just put it back to zero just for pretend. What does that do to your kind of psyche? If all of a sudden you're not carrying the baggage of being down five grand on the month or 10 grand, 20 grand or whatever it is, you're flat on the month, the baggage is gone. Okay, so now what are you going to do differently to make sure you don't have a big draw down like this? Now these draw downs from these: This one is most memorable and this was the I don't know what what what year twelve year anniversary of my dad dying cancer and I decided to try to I don't know, be a hero or something and I don't know whatever.

lost 30 grand next day I bounced up a little bit next but I'm not all I'm not clear mentally and then I have another big red day right after it. so I know this one huge loss. That was one trade. It was one trade that I went super super big on and it was kind of like something like this where I jumped into it kind of impulsively and before I knew it I was in and then I didn't want to cut my loss and so I was like screw it I'm just gonna keep adding shares and this one's either gonna make me or break me.

You never want to be trading when you're in an emotional place where you're like, you know, like screw it I'm already having a bad day. Let's just let's just go all-in right? that's you know. usually that's not a that's not a good play. Good time to be trading when you're ready to just kind of throw it in like that.
and I I think I am notoriously over confident in my ability to maintain composure despite being, you know, having other things influencing me like, you know what's going on in my life. You know what's going on outside of trading. As much as I might try to draw a line and say, well, that's outside of it, it's not here. There, it is here.

It's with me and Target to put that aside, so that certainly influenced this drawdown here. It then took a while to bounce back and get back to flat and then I started getting aggressive I started feeling FOMO that I had missed some really good opportunities and I started getting a little stubborn and swinging with bigger share size and then I got caught in a couple of really big losses. Now as I said yesterday, it's kind of like if you picture building a block tower. you know you're building one block in two and three and four and five and then to have them all knocked down.

The feeling of discomfort is so strong that what you really want is to and I'll just since. I'm mostly talking just to you guys. what you really want is to just like bounce back to to alleviate that discomfort. The fastest way to alleviate it is to jump right back to green and that's to get a quick win.

Now hey, today's a day where I got a quick win, you know I got a couple quick wins and I got myself right out of the hole. That's not to mention that I started the day by losing forty five hundred bucks on CET X and that prompted me to be a little more aggressive today. so that was my first Trey CET X and I jumped into it fifteen thousand shares and I really thought this thing was gonna break over 350 I really thought it would. So I jumped in it as soon as the bell rang at 39 3 $33.30 and you can see it flushed down here to 302 it came back up I was still holding right here looking for it to break over.

do then it red to green move, rip through 40 up through 50 I thought because of the news that it was gonna squeeze out short sellers from yesterday and it was gonna surge up and I was wrong. Now this was in my retirement account I took a 15 thousand share position I lost 30 cents a share and you know I'm just like that down 4500 bucks. so I hit my max loss in this account and my rule right now is if I hit a max loss in that account I switch to the other or if I hid and this one I'll switch to the other one of course I was actually trying to recoup some losses in the retirement account that I've incurred over the last few weeks because most days I start in my main account and I only switch to the retirement account if I've either just had a big loss in this account and I'm just like okay I can't train it anymore or if I've had a good day and I'm like okay it's time to start making some money in the small account or in the retirement account now and that means I start trading the retirement account like 10:30 or 11 o'clock which is not the best time to start trading so it's kind of been getting the short end of the stick anyways. I switch gears and start trading over here and I started trading pretty aggressively now I First had to get back to up 4500.
first up 4,500 to make back that stupid loss on CET X and then the second I had to get. you know, get back the losses from yesterday and it's that mindset that's really hard to shake. And so today I was more aggressive than I would have been if I didn't have a loss yesterday. And you know it's of course, my luck that I don't happen to be as aggressive on days where sometimes I don't happen to be as aggressive.

on a day that if I was aggressive, I might make 25 or 30 thousand dollars. you know you sometimes see a stock I Can't think of the latest most recent stock, but I don't know ad ap this stock went from two to six I made money on it. but I don't know, you know you one of these ones. that just goes totally crazy.

but on that particular day you're not feeling like being as aggressive, you know you don't capitalize, you don't make as much, and then it's after a loss that you feel like you need to try to make it back I Think for me, the thing that triggers me the most is going from is going from green on the data red and is you know, simply having a loss going from up 10 - up only 8,000 going up from up 4,000 - up only 2,000 That feeling of loss even though I'm still green on a day can cause me to start to get really aggressive. Something that I was thinking about as maybe a technique to help slow down my thinking a little bit would be to take position sizes based on the dollar amount. So let's say t-con Well I only want to take or Jam I'm looking at Jan Well Jan I only want to take. Let's say thirty five thousand dollars worth of stock.

So then before I can get in this stock I can't just buy five thousand shares I've got to actually think okay, well wait a second. $35,000 divided by the current price of five dollars. So how many shares gonna take? So 6030? So seven, seven thousand I Wondered if maybe forcing myself to do you know little arithmetic would or multiplication or division would just kind of slow me down a little bit. One of the other things that I did when I was trying to slow myself down is: I took the shift one hot key off my keyboard I did that during my Cmeg account challenge in December when I turned 500 bucks into 50,000 I didn't have a hot key to buy so every time I wanted to buy I had to manually enter the order.

Now that slowed me down and that forced me to be a little more thoughtful. I would say my biggest problem is that I can get really aggressive for a reason not tied to the market A reason like I'm frustrated or I have a goal of this or I had a bad day and I want to try to make it back. And when I'm looking for trades, it's easy to talk myself into them. And essentially what I do is when I start to feel more more emotionally I guess kind of when the emotional stakes start to go up and I'm more emotionally fueled in tandem, emotions go up.
Quality standard goes down. So I go from only trading a quality set ups to trading a be quality of see quality, even a D quality set up and I do that because even a de quality set up you can potentially make money on right a quality set ups. If you wait for only a quality, you might not have a chance to bail yourself out of the hole. You might have to wait a few more days.

l MPX Was it a quality? Well, the fact that I had to scale in with five hundred share positions tells you that the risk was obviously higher and it was a good daily setup. Made sense there. That was okay. Re LV jumping into it going into the first halt was risky yesterday on PEC I did not do that and Peck ended up going into a second haul and then ripping higher.

This came out of the first halt and then halted going down. so it did not do what Peck did yesterday. The safe trade on it was this one right here. Of course.

That's always the challenge with trading is you know if you set your quality standards so high then you could set it so high that you're only trading once a week and now that's that's no longer gonna be that's not gonna work right? So you have to adjust it and you may even have to adjust it in different markets. In a really hot market, you know you may be able to be a little more aggressive and take a couple of those be quality set ups and they're gonna work. Where's in a cold market? Even an A quality setup might not be working at the same percentage of success that you're accustomed to. The problem is a lot of times during a B market or during a colder market you start to feel even more pressure to trade because you need to make money.

or if you had a big red trade at the beginning of the cold market which is very common because you were in a hot market, you were being super aggressive and then you got slammed. Big loss. So now you're going into what is starting a cold market with a big loss and now it's like you want to desperately get back to green, but the market conditions aren't suitable for it. So how do you really truly trade the market that you're in and put all your stuff? you know at the door when you come into trade? I Even though through all my years of doing this still struggle from time to time, it's not the ability to maintain emotional composure while you're trading.

It's not something that you get and you have it forever. It's not like beating a level in a video game or it's not like getting a diploma and you put it on your wall. It's a muscle that you have to constantly exercise. and the problem is during a hot streak that muscle gets atrophied because you get reinforced.
You get positive reinforcement for negative behaviors because in a hot market you're taking C and D quality setups and you're making money. So you start to learn bad habits and it's not even necessarily a bad habit. you're making money. The market is hot being being A and C quality set ups are are worth trading in a hot market.

but how do you know when the markets hot or cold and it can switch so quickly from day to day? Sometimes it's a it's a tightrope. It really is like walking the tightrope and it's You know. it's a good thing that it's not boring because it definitely keeps keeps you engaged. Every day is different and it's a different challenge.

And the setups that we trade are not always picture-perfect straight out of the textbook. which is why it is so important to be able to trade next to someone who's been doing it for a while. And there may be times where you see me trading and you're thinking hmm, he's getting pretty aggressive you know I wonder if it's because the market is hot or if it's because he's You know he's trying to dig himself out of the hole and he's revenge trading or he's whatever something else. it may be obvious that it is one or the other.

on different days. Today the market was pretty hot. there's no question about it, but those last trades on T-con and Jan I was pushing it and I was being really aggressive because you know I was trying to have a really big green day and even though I was up for 14,000 being up 15 or 20,000 would be even better. and I thought that today was the day that it might happen.

so you know this is it's just it's one of the the challenges with trading and you know I was thinking about this last night and with the small account challenge I did when I did the small account challenge and I was like alright this will bring down my stress level because during the small account challenge I'll just trade. you know, be obviously trading with smaller share size. but the problem is if with a small account you lose 200 bucks and you cut the account in half, you're gonna feel just as frustrated as I feel. you know having lost 20,000 or whatever the case might be, You know what I mean you're not gonna be able I you might think oh well, you only lost 200 bucks.

You know you can get out of that. If you're trading with 200 shares, it's gonna. It's gonna still take you a week and a half to dig yourself out of that hole. It's no different.

So the the stress level of trading with a small account in some ways might even be higher. Again, with a big account, you might say oh, you can trade your way out of this stuff. You can average down stuff like that and I don't really think that's true I mean LMP X I was running out of buying power when I tried to add another 500 shares. It said not enough buying power.
You can't trade your way out of a forty seven dollar stock. You know if you're wrong, you gotta bail out. You can't just average down. and with the cheap stocks, you really want to take forty thousand shares to try to work your way out.

because what if all of a sudden in the middle of the day you get news of you know, secondary offering or something stupid like that and the stock drops 25% Just like that with your 40,000 shares. Well, now you're down 50 grand or whatever. so you know I think regardless of account size, whether you're trading with a small account I think in a lot of ways, a small account which I thought would be less stressful is actually even more stressful because you're so close to the to the edge. I didn't trade in my TD Ameritrade account today.

my TD Ameritrade account I could trade in but I didn't going read right away on CET X I didn't trade CET X in my big account because I earned my TD account cuz I wasn't I wasn't I knew in the first two minutes or so of trading the stock could be very volatile and I wasn't sure TD Ameritrade to be able to keep up. so I was like you know what? I'm just gonna focus on this one in my retirement account. try to grab a quick you know 30 40 cents on a squeeze from 350 up to four dollars whatever. So then once I took that big loss I was like alright well I'm not gonna go switch gears and try to make a hundred and twenty dollars in my cash only TV account now I got a forty five hundred dollar hole that I have to dig out of and LMP X there was no way I was gonna trade it in this account.

it's too expensive. so LMP X big account that went into after LMP X my next trade was Mni and then RBZ and a P/e X so you know by the time it was 10 a.m. that's not the time of day. I'm gonna take my first trade in this account so it just kind of missed the opportunity there and it's probably just as well.

You know this ends up being a, you know it's It's funny. On the surface, this looks like a great day, even even obviously 11800 is great in the main account, but between the twos, you know six thousand dollars is a great day. Alright so really good day and yet the story beneath it now the initial loss that having to try to dig myself out getting all the way back to Green only to then have three thousand dollars in losses off the top. You know it just paints his picture of being very aggressive and you know you, you could have been I could have easily been doing all of this in my Cmeg account.

you know, first loss and then digging myself out and you know this big swing and it can happen and I did I Do think I was in the zone really pretty well for a while today. I was so focused on trading but you know I was I was being more aggressive than I typically would and it really started because I began the day in the hole I had to dig myself out and then I was just kind of in this mindset of I'm digging myself out cuz even as I was going green in this account I was like well you know my IRA accounts still red and I can't do anything about it. so I just kind of maintained that emotional state of I'm digging myself out. today's a day I'm digging out from yesterday from the first loss and so it kind of led to a little bit of a wild day where I traded very aggressively, the managers jumping into kind of everything that moved 11 different stocks I traded today.
It would be nice to make $6,000 and trade only one stock and only have to take two trades and some days that happens but today it couldn't happen. So when I do my 20 19 year review I'll I'll talk about you know kind of some of the the challenges of 2019 and some of the things that I want to try to improve upon in 2020. although I'm not making any progress on that at all right now and you know that's a little disappointing, but whatever, it is what it is for right now. So just today's another day at least heading in the right direction and hopefully tomorrow we'll get some good opportunities.

and beginning of the year I think it's just always hard for me because it feels like I feel like a man I need to I'm I'm Bree I'm zero on the year you know I need to build my cushion as quick as I can and will I make as much this year as I made last year and you know these kind of It's this pressure at the very beginning to try to get yourself in the driver's seat as quickly as possible. You know what the fastest way to get yourself in the driver's seat is to hit a home run, but to hit a home run requires some risk and that can result in some losses. and I think that that's part of why I didn't stop trading yesterday is I felt like I you know? yeah, I gave back some profit and I technically broke that rule of giving back half my gains and I kept trading. but I can't afford to not keep trading it's so early in the year I need to keep trading I need to to keep looking for opportunities I can't get stopped out and stop trading in the first one minute of the day on CET X And it certainly doesn't mean that there's not more opportunities now this.

I'm not gonna get myself a haircut on this because this was okay to hit my max loss in that one account and switch to the other because I do that. That's fine. but if I was only trading in one account for instance, and let's say I lost 5,000 on that trade, that would have been my max loss for the day. How frustrating to have that happen because you know you feel like, well, what if two minutes after that happens, you see a stock that you know Ari LV or whatever the case is that all of a sudden starts to open up.

It's a It's definitely a challenge trying to be aggressive and take big-sized to maximize opportunity, but at the same time not allow yourself to be sized so heavily that if you lose on that trade, you're wiped out for the day. I Would say based on my conviction of statistically being right 69, 70 percent of the time there'll be times where I'm like, okay, you know what Today is a day where I'm taking five thousand dollars of risk and it's either gonna be a $10,000 winner or you know it's gonna be five $10,000 loser. It's gonna be one of the other. But the 70% chance it'll be a win.
Of course that's over the long haul and the problem is that it doesn't matter when you're right 70 percent at a time. If on you know those three trades that you lose on, let's say three out of ten you risk fifty thousand dollars on those three and then on all the winners, you're only risking two thousand to make two thousand right? Then you can be a trader who's right, seventy percent of time or even ninety percent of time and still losing money. Anyways, you know these are the things that every trader goes through. Any trader who you know says you can trade and there's no stress and it's just super super easy.

and you don't You know you don't have to deal with any emotional anything. that's just not true. Is this an easy job? It's easy in a lot of ways I said here in front of my computer. comfort of my you know, either office or home or wherever I can travel I can do it from anywhere in the world, but the biggest battle will be your emotions and some people are suited for that battle every day and they do really well and some people they just they can't do it and I would say I'm you know I I barely hold it together but I hold it together.

So there's definitely people out there that are better than me would be with their own emotions, you know? Which is kind of a funny thing because although that is separate from the strategy, you know I have the strategy that I teach I have a strategy that I trade. but then the emotions will cause me to deviate from my own strategy. you know? But that's that's that's the power of emotions. and that's what we call being emotionally hijacked and it can happen to every single one of us.

So everything and anything you can do to get yourself really strong from the emotional place is gonna set you up for success long-term no doubt about it. That's why I have to trading Coaches trading our trading psychology team at Warrior Training It provides mentoring to my students because it's that important, you know? I I Do that because I Want to see you guys succeed and I know it's a it's a challenge the emotional stuff. So anyways, and it's gonna be it for me. Long recap: Green Green Day As it turns out, I Almost said red day feels like a red day I'm still beating myself up from yesterday I Guess um, but hey, it's actually a green day.

So there we go. That's nice and this has actually been a really good week. and in the grand scheme of things: I made ten thousand eleven thousand on Monday And here's another really solid green day on: Thursday So tomorrow is Friday wildcard Friday and we'll see if we can finish off the week with a couple more solid trades. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on LMP X for continuation.
It's a risky one, no doubt about it. I'm I Can't take very many shares and that's probably a good thing because you don't want to be taking 15,000 shares of a stock like this. but a thousand fifteen hundred I can make four or five grand and maybe I'll try to do that tomorrow. so that's it for me.

I Hope you guys have a great day! For my youtube subscribers who are watching these recaps while you're driving the truck or in your commute, this is a nice long one for you. So I Hope you enjoy it and please give me the thumbs up and I will see you guys first thing tomorrow! Bye everyone! learn more about trading! Check out some of the links in my description and if you have questions, ask them in the comments. I Personally respond to every question posted on my channel. Don't forget to subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Another tricky day of trading ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Hutson says:

    Ross, great honest video as usual!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amc says:

    Hello Ross, Is there a way of telling if a stock has halted before from when the bell rings? I want to avoid trading third halts. Secondly, how much of a dip do you like to see on a stock that is coming out of a halt before jumping in, I am making reference to the halt on RELV at 11:30 am EST.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marvelous Machine says:

    I’m just looking to make 80 to 100 grand a year with trading. Are the stocks below 10 dollars the best ones to trade while I’m learning how to reach that goal

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Tone says:

    Does anyone recommend paper trading to start? I’m new and need practice. What software is good?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nidal says:

    how did you know that u should sell LMPX on $49 and not hold untill $50? since it is usually a more obvious target and level. Thanks!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stocker Man says:

    ross would you please explain why wont you execute your orders with CMEG, why use sterling isnt that double commissions?, and also what is the type of sterling platform you are using

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shortmemory says:

    great recap, thanks Ross

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne Perdue Lafayette says:

    420th like

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lu Bu says:

    Is anyone watching FCEL? It has real potential to spike next week.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leroy Jenkins says:

    keep your cool or you'll be trading from the comfort of a padded cell. Just keep getting hits like Rod Carew.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tesla Truck says:

    I'm trying to understand how TD Ameritrade works with trading.

    Yesterday I was able to trade $25k of TSLA stocks and made $744. But today, I'm stuck and can't trade anymore. Then I read up on rules for settlement. It seems I have to wait 3 days before the money sets into my account to trade again.

    So my question is this:

    How much money do I need in my account to do constant large position tradings?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Safuan Ngah Said says:

    yesterday was really awesome..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jf L says:

    Denial, Anger ,Bargain, Depression, Acceptance…..Denial (avert it by "it happened"), Anger (avert it by letting out a grunt), Bargain (If only I had not done x,y, z…analysis), Depression (Now I have to dig myself out..ok), Acceptance (let's get back on horse..steady)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boo Boo says:

    I think this is very helpful to the trader community! Do you find your losses that bother you aren't where you are wrong, but where you "hold it" beyond your "I know better" level? That is me. I don't mind losses, but when I refuse to take the loss, that's when I get my draw downs.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Crandall says:

    Well unfortunately I am done trading with CMEG I'm not sure why but for some reason Everytime I try to buy or sell I have to hit the button at least 5 times before they send my order and then it takes too long to fill and also sometimes let me use my leverage and most of the time it doesn't even if the stock is over $4.00. So I'll be switching back to Webull. It's a slower grind but at least my orders get executed quickly and the platform is better in my opinion. So R.I.P. CMEG

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Crandall says:

    Awesome job Ross!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RRRa says:

    Ross using a cash account, if I traded all my capital on Friday can I trade again on Monday? Or the days the market is closed don't count towards the cash settlement for the trade? Thanks and a great recap as always watched every bit of it 🙂

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Rocky says:

    Ross, which kind of subscription do you have on trade ideas? The standard one or the premium? Do you think that both are good options for scanning porpouses? Thanks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Ranum says:

    Do you trade live? Where do you get your stock list in the morning ? I feel like your videos only show up at the end of the day

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vasy Dzitac says:

    Hi Ross, what Brokers you recommend for small Account. ?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex McKoy says:

    Ross, I am new to day trading and really just getting a taste of the woes of poor judgment and delayed pulling out. I lost money on CETX as well. I need to take your course. How can I sign up?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grogru2205 says:

    Ok Jurassic T-shirt. I will have it on me tomorrow 👍

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mad max says:

    4k finally mate thanks 😉

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DMG PHOTOGRAPHY & FILMS says:

    I really ENJOY When you have strong days in the market, no matter if its a 300 dollars or 10,000 dollars Its not the dollar amount. Its the consistency

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Paul De Leon says:

    Any chance you can share your high momo scanner set up?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coffee Zoo says:

    Excellent stuff, Ross. Thank you. I thought I was the only one dealing with those emotions.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Catboy Trader says:

    That's awesome great green day. Quick question, I'm still trying to learn sterling platform for hot keys do you use sell mrkt or last currently I've been using last and seems to work better than market

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HormigasRD says:

    Love the video and great advice on does trades its all about controlling size

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Murray says:

    I really enjoyed this, you made allot of great points! I personally view a loss as my tuition for being schooled. I try to learn from it..,,

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryant Burton says:

    Trying to get into trading. But what do you mean by adding shares? Are you adding share at initial price (meaning your first buy in) or is it adding shares as the market price goes up?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PatDufour says:

    Ok… So …. Ross, when you do not respect your rules, you cut your hair. So when you make 10K, you can get Hair Extensions ! ha ha ha ….

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean C says:

    Thanks for sharing your insights Ross. We have to look at our metrics constantly and evaluate where we are. I sat down and looked at my trades in the sim and realized why I lose money. I asked why do I lose money when in a month I might have 5 red days and 15 green days? And I realized, all my red days were BIG snowball days. My reasoning was, it’s just the sim, so I wouldn’t do this with REAL money. Now, I have a new rule that if I’m red at the beginning of the day I have to wait 5 minutes before I make another trade because what I would usually do is jump right back in thinking that after the stock drops there might be a bounce or something like that. I’ve even had days where I had to make a rule that if my first trade was red, I was done. So I think everyone has to make rules that apply to the triggers in order to reduce or eliminate them. And follow them. But the key is identifying the problem and being honest with ourselves.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoLegendary says:

    Love that sweater bro

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Nobles says:

    YOU GOT ME AGAIN!!!!! AMAZING EDITING ROSS.. This Sh*t is better than Netflex lol.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EMSJEFE says:

    so you find most of your stocks off the high of day momentum scanner ?

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