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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? Well, today is Friday and I'm finishing the week with another green day. So, five green days in a row in my main trading account, which is terrific. It's exactly what the doctor ordered. So after a red day on Friday last Friday week ago today, you know that was disappointing because I'd had a little two small green days, then a red day, then a tiny green day, and then a huge red day.

And so I was read on the month. So, five green days in a row? almost sixty thousand dollars in profit. Not bad at all. And just like that, I have gone from red on the month to green on the month and I'm heading towards my 100 000 goal for the month of August.

Yeah, I guess I'm still a little ways away from it, but hey, we're only halfway through the month and this week we saw some great momentum. So if we see a continuation of what we saw this week into next week, then 100 000 should be well within reach. So twelve thousand dollars of profit today only traded Sprt. It was, um, seemed like the most obvious stock.

I did pretty well on it. I could have been a little more aggressive, but you know, I got Green and shut it down and shut it down early so as to not get tempted to go back for additional trades and risk giving back profit. So five green days in a row? I feel really good about that. It's a huge confidence booster and I'll be back at it on Monday.

Looking for some more momentum and today I was a little more aggressive. We didn't have have as much, um, sort of parabolic momentum on sprt, but we got some good action which was great to see. so that's that's great. For a Friday in August, it's a hot day.

It's gonna be a hot weekend, so go try to relax, enjoy it, rest up, try to feel better. I've had this cold for a couple weeks now, but um, it was sort of its worst on Monday and Tuesday and it seemed to be getting a little bit better now. So anyways, that's it for me going into the weekend here feeling good, so please hit that thumbs up. As always.

In case you already know, trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. You should assume that you will also lose money, and without assumption in mind, trading a simulator before you put real money on the line. My results are not typical.

All right. Enjoy the recap. I'll see you on Monday morning. All right.

So I'm gonna do a recap before I get, uh, tempted into taking a trade on Acy and then giving back my whole morning of profit. Um, the problem with Acy is that the volume is just so light on it. but you know it kind of. It keeps bursting a little higher, but then it pulls back.

It bursts a little higher than it pulls back. you know it's gone from like 32 to 36, but it's hard to trade. I, you know, I tried it yesterday and I lost on it. Um, so anyways, uh, Ti Rx is another one that I'm trying to restrain myself on.

It looks, you know, nice five minute setup, but it's a Chinese stock and I'm a little nervous about trading Chinese stocks right now because the issues, that, uh, some of the political and regulatory issues that some of the Chinese companies have been facing. I just feel like they're a short magnet, a target for short sellers, and I just don't want to mess with that. So Sprt traded one stock today in the big account and traded it aggressively and traded it fairly well. Could have been a little better, but fairly well.
Uh, so I started pre-market on it initially. I'll say that I was pretty biased on it. I traded it during this move up on the daily chart. You know, a couple weeks ago when it went from five to ten.

The whole time it was hard to trade. You know, I just didn't trade it well and I was kind of like, you know what? I when I saw it popping up today, I was like, i don't know. I don't think this one's gonna be easy. Um, and it goes to 9 35 and I was kind of watching it here and I was like i don't know, I don't think it's going to give a big break out.

It ends up ripping from 9 35 up to 9.78 and then I was like well, all right, so it it did that move. Okay, okay so I guess it's starting to open up and I'll just go back to that time on the 10 second chart because um, we had this, um, kind of long period of consolidation here and then it hit first 10 61 and did a micro pullback right here and I was sort of like all right, you know, first micro pullback and then it goes up there to 1079 and then a micropullback and so I finally got in. I finally just said, you know what I'm in, it was in this area here I said fine, I'm just gonna take a stab and then from there I just started actively trading it through this move and I was trading it with between Um for for most positions between 15 and 25 000 shares. I felt comfortable taking our larger size on this one than I have in uh, some of the past trades.

This week the spreads were tight, the volume was pretty good, and it was moving pretty quickly. So I got some nice trades on it and we got this nice move from 1011 up to 10.50 Pulled back at the open, it sells off. I was up uh 10 000 on it, then gave back about uh, about a thousand. I was up I think 9 300.

And and that was giving back some profit on these dips trying to buy dips but they weren't bouncing. And then we got this, um, nice red to green move. I took a trade on that move in my small account which was at a sacrifice of getting that same trade of the big account. Um, made like 100 bucks in a small account on it.

which could have been you know, three or four thousand in the big account. but then in the big account. I did take the trade right through here and up to there. uh and I took one more trade on this micro pullback right there.

and that was, uh, I think one of the last trades of the day. Uh, I might done a dip. I think I did a bounce. I did a bounce trade off of um 10.50 on a pullback.

It came back up to a high of like 10 60 or something like that. But anyways, it was somewhere in this area that was my last trade. So um, 12 000? So now this week, um, let's see, and I don't remember. I kept kind of trying to remember how much I'd made on Monday and I couldn't quite remember.
So let's go and actually check. Um, so this month? Um, well. actually what I can do, I can just go ahead and import. Why don't I just import my trades for the month and we'll just see where where I'm at.

So um, let's see. All right? So I gotta go from the first. I don't think I've done any imports here for the month of August, but maybe I'm wrong. Let's just check.

Okay, sign in. I'll adjust the screen sharing just a second. So here we go. All right.

It reports. Okay, so my last import was the 29th. Okay, so I got to import the 30th. All right, and then I'll be.

Then it'll be good. So I'll just do a little switcheroo here and I'll hide my chart. Okay, so let's go from the 30th of July through yesterday and I'll import those. I don't remember if I have any trades in my retirement account during that period, but I'll check that in a second.

So I ended up having, uh. All in all, a pretty decent week. It started slow, uh, but picked up a bit Tuesday, Wednesday, uh, and Thursday as you know, and here on Friday. Yesterday was my biggest day of the week.

Uh, at 22 000 I think it was Today was a little slower at 12 000. but um, that's okay. So let's see. I'm thinking I'm up about 60 000 on the week right now.

going to see where I finished the month um, or where I finished Uh, on Monday? Okay, I'm just going to check my retirement account, see if I had any trades in there. I might have traded in the retirement on Friday. Uh, the 30th. So let's just check.

All right, So we'll go back on this one to the 30th. All right. Looks like there's a couple trades to import, All right, So we'll get those imported as well. All right.

So let me refresh this. Okay, so yes, about two thousand dollars there. Which is about what I thought, so you know. The bummer, of course of last week was that Friday.

Um, I certainly could have done without that, but that's that's trading for you. In case you didn't already know, trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. In fact, most, uh, traders who've been doing it for a while still lose money.

So you should assume you will lose. And without assumption in mind, trading the simulator before you put real money on the line. I wish I had done that when I was getting started. All right.

So I'll refresh this one more time. Okay, so um, did I take that Friday off? Maybe you took that Friday off. Now I'm trying to remember, I don't see any trades there. Does anyone remember Did I take the last Friday of the month off? I think I did.

Anyways, All right. Well, that's fine. So uh, so for August? Yeah, so this is where I sit. That's right.
Okay, so I was right on that thing. All right. So let's look at the equity curve for the month of August. All right.

So we're going to go here to win loss expectation. Oops, I'm going to type this in for August 1st. All right. So for August 1st, Um, or as of August 1st.

So I went up at the most 10 000 on the month before going into the red, but 29 000 and now I'm back to up 21 000 on the month. But of course that's before today. So now I'll be up about 30 000 which is good. It's not bad.

I mean, I said my goal was to try to hit 100k. Uh, that's the first target. So I'm at 30 right now. and of course it's um, halfway through the month.

So if I do 15, uh, 30 next week and 30 the week after, that'll put me up, uh, over right around 100. So that's that's realistic. especially since I had such a good stretch here this week. My profit loss ratio is terrible and that's what happens when you have one huge loss.

It screws up your your ratio. so my average winner is almost half my average loser. It's not good. Unfortunately, that's August trading for you.

You get too aggressive on the wrong stock and that's what happens. Accuracy is decent, and of course I've had some nice winners. So yes, that's where I finished there. and then relative to Um to July if we go back here a little further sitting at about 289 000.

um, you can see I've still still got a little ways to go you know, I I lost some money at the end of July. There I was up here at 388, pulled back so and unfortunately dug the hole even deeper when I had that thirty thousand dollar loss. So I'm glad that I've got a hundred, and uh, or I'm glad that I've got sixty thousand dollars or so of recovery here. Off the low, But I've still got, um, still got a ways to go to really get myself back to the peak of where I was in July.

And you know that that's that may not happen this month. This whole month may end up being me slowly digging myself out of the losses from um, you know, from earlier in, uh, in the summer. but at least I'm doing it well into the green. We'll go back to the beginning of the year.

This is kind of where I sit right now, so just in a little bit of a lull here, you know, a little dip down curling back up off those lows. it was my tide for the second biggest drawdown of the year. Both of those are about 150. this one was over 300.

But I think if you you have to think of things in sort of a relative manner that I probably trade about 10 times more aggressively than, uh, maybe your average trader. Even an average trader has been doing it for a while, so this might be like a 30 000 draw down. For a more typical trader, this might be a, you know, fifteen thousand dollar draw down. For me, it's 150.

it's 300.. And for the guy who's 10 times bigger than me, it's 1.5 million. it's 3 million. Might even be 15 million or 30 million.
There's people even bigger than me. I'm not the biggest by any, not even close. So it's all relative. Someone you know who's bigger than me.

Uh, yeah, I'm down like 15 million in the last, um, three months or last three weeks. But you know, made uh, 600 000 this week and I'm on a good stretch moving back, right? You could that that could be a sentence that would come out of someone's mouth. Not me, but someone out there. So you kind of have to take it with a grain of salt whenever I'm talking about my profits.

Uh, this is coming from someone who's been doing this for a long time, has a risk tolerance that's higher than most, and you know I can lose that amount like I did in January and recover within a few weeks. So you try to keep it relative when you're thinking about profit loss and stuff like that. If you're trading with 100 shares, obviously your your profits will be substantially smaller, and losses, hopefully as well, substantially smaller. So anyways, that gives me kind of a little bit of a mid-month check-in here of where I'm at, and if I just focus on the month of August, I can look at the glasses being half-full At least I'm green on the month after today.

and um, you know, 31, 32 000 after today. Once once I had today's profit, so that's good. I don't like having one big loss there, but um, hopefully by the end of the month I'll have one or two big winners that are, um, that are, you know, a little bit bigger than that 30 000 and I'll finish the month up around 100. And if I do, then let's see, I will be.

Well, I'm at 2.6 and gross right now, but it's a good overview and then month and year. So yeah, kind of in. Had a really nice June. July was tied in June before that last week when I lost 100 grand so I was feeling pretty good.

I was thinking July might be able to push back up to these levels of 400, but then flew too close to the sun and gave back 100. and now unfortunately in August I've had to really button up and be like very tight with how I manage risk so I don't have a you know, continuation of those losses. So August is smaller, April was smaller and then you know there's a month there. That was.

That was crazy big. If we look at last year just for reference, last year 2020, I was I was struggling at the beginning of the year: 12, 000, 75, 20, 92, 225. All of a sudden, momentum picked up and then it slowed down a little bit. Then it picked up again.

and then I had a month where I was actually read after commissions there in November and then. so how is it possible? 800 red and then 750. let's do that so you can actually see how it was read. So one month of 700, then a red month and then 700, the next month 650..

it's the ovenflow the market, you know. That was sort of. The tide of momentum rolling in captured some great profit. Then it kind of pulled back.
I didn't adjust, I traded too aggressively, got red, and then rode that next wave up. So a better uh trader in that same month might have been able to just have a small green month maybe like this and not be so aggressive, but it resulted in going red. But it's just the way it goes. You can see that my trade distribution increased last year when went dipped down during August and September and October and then increased again going into the winter.

Here, I can't continue to be really really aggressive and then taper down as I have a slow April and have now kind of come back down a little bit more so waiting for the big momentum to come back and then I'm gonna step up to the plate and get aggressive again. So anyways, that's my mid-month uh review here and I will see you guys. Uh, back at it tomorrow Monday morning. Enjoy the weekend.

I'm hoping by Monday I'm 100 better I'm feeling a little bit better, but hopefully by Monday I'm all better and we can get the second half of the month off to a good start. All right. Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you guys on Monday morning.

I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. so please please please hit that subscribe.

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24 thoughts on “+$12k on sprt short squeeze | day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Ng says:

    HI, so it is not safe to take position on TIRX now?thanks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amir HHH says:

    Ross I love your videos. What do you use for charts ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mason Kajeh says:

    It seems the SPRT has been a blessing for both sides, long and short. I've shorted the stock and made a little less than 4k. I have a live record of my trade on my channel πŸ˜‰

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Dani says:

    Anyone know what position size Ross traded in his large account for the 12k gain?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ripper says:

    Can you tell me what indicator are you using I can't see clearly from the cellphone? If it's a moving average then what settings do you set? Do you only buy stocks that breakout on the same day and what is the right way to entry buy?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Keebles says:

    Ross, what would you say is a reasonable short locate fee?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dean Toma says:

    How about that GRNV?? Had to sit back down for that one.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Congrats on your full week of 5 green days Ross! Awesome that you capitalized on the little bursts of morning momentum we had this week. I am so impressed with your sizing and reasons for sizing up on SPRT. Really really nice work!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Š

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kybor Voh says:

    I love Ross. He's one of the best traders.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars donald whitt says:

    Ross do you use any paid alerts if so which ones?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmanuel Carbajal says:

    Hey Ross, I've been thinking about getting into one of your courses but out of curiosity, how much do you use per trade and how much do you have in your account at all times?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Powell says:

    ☝😐What would the shorts do to mess up your trade?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars managereda says:

    Good recap. get better and see you on Monday boss!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mohammed silmi says:

    I wonder why you completely ignore buying major support level dips like 9.07 at 6:38 AM.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Hall says:

    Hey guys go watch the new small account challenge too, he's not using leverage in it! you can learn a lot about what it's like to trade a small account

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tito Sirj says:

    Hey guys, Ross uses Lightspeed which allows a 10 second timeframe. Would you know of other platforms that also has a 10-second timeframe?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kavitha says:

    You're not live trading in the morning now a days?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher says:

    Love it when ya step up and get aggressive.. watching in the chat I'm always like yup don't have those big ones hah!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiny Pie Media says:

    Sounding much better, 5 green days, WOOP WOOP, enjoy the weekend.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DENNIS DOUGLAS says:

    Hopfully im green for the week. Find out tomrrow when evering is added up or subtracted. Lol

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Brigante says:

    Got in on the way up played puts back down great day with SPRT

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Pamatat says:

    looks like you are feeling better πŸ™‚ congrats on a strong week

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    Downloading Ross' digital consciousness into meat puppet…
    [=== ] 50% complete

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Full Energy Channel says:

    A good broker where I CAN TRADE STOCKS can you recommend me one low commission, 500 dollar budget

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