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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Bam We did it again. $5,200 Another awesome day of trading as of right now I am up $75,000 for the month of April That means I'm 75% of the way to my hundred thousand dollar goal for this month and we've still got nine trading days left. I mean we're basically halfway through the month and I've got seventy-five thousand dollars of profit. If this keeps up, we're looking at one hundred and fifty thousand dollar month and I don't have to tell you this is a lot of money.

I mean it's crazy if I was able to stack up the money I made each day right on my desk. Imagine what that would look like I mean imagine if I was walking around in my pockets with the amount of money I was making each day, my pockets would be humongous. And you know this is kind of like a reality check because it wasn't that long ago that I was. You know, struggling to pay bills, that I was building up credit card debt.

that an extra twenty thirty dollars a month was something I was stressing about. and now to make a hundred thousand dollars in a month? it's it's crazy. and it is 100 percent thanks to learning a couple of strategies for trading the markets. I mean it's it's really empowering.

its total independence, financial freedom. It's everything that we all want in our lives to be able to get it. trading two hours a day. That's the life.

So anyways, I'm just really pumped up and we're gonna break down the date the traits from today in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So we're gonna break down the trades from this morning. Another awesome day of trading.

$5,200 The momentum is hot Blaine He just said that he made 23,000 dollars today. Man, congratulations, that is a terrific day. John He did $6,000 today. and I mean you guys are just.

you're killing it I Love when you guys make more than me because it just shows that you've learned, you know you've got it. The the birds have left the nest and you're flying. you're doing it. So you know.

For me, a $5,000 day is great. but I a couple of entries. this could have been a $15,000 day easily see HEK I had a ten-thousand share order at 498. if I had gotten filled on that order, I would have made $10,000 on that trade as it spiked up to 679 and that like that would put me up $15,000 on the day.

So you know what? $5,000 is Still an awesome day of trading. I Mean you put this in perspective. five years ago, a $5,000 day that was. you know that was Huge.

If I go even further back. Seven, eight years ago, $5,000 day was more than I'd make and a month of working 40 hours a week, right? full-time having to get up at 6 a.m. get showered, go into an office, work a nine-to-five which for me in those days I was salary. but my hours were nine to seven.

I mean it's not even legal, but it was nine to seven. Those are my hours on salary. nine to seven Monday through Friday My whole life was at work and you know what? I was lonely, make him like forty-four thousand dollars a year. So this is, you know.
I just I think back on it and I just feel really, really grateful grateful that I learned how to trade and that I was able to, you know, finally figure it out because you know it was a learning curve like it is for anyone else. But man, this is. this is a good day. a great month.

So I'm up $75,000 right now for the month of April That means I'm 75% of the way to the hunter K Goal for this month and we've still got nine days left in the month. We're in really, really good shape here. I Mean we're actually on track for a $150,000 month although I don't really think that'll happen. but you know you never know at the very fact that I'm up $75,000 on you know, here halfway through the month and it's not from one big huge trade.

You know it wasn't a $25,000 winner. my biggest trade. my biggest winner this month. It's probably been maybe a $10,000 winner, but I've had like you know, five of them so that's where you know.

that's where it counts. So I'm gonna write it in the calendar, make it official. Five thousand, Two hundred and one dollars and eighty-eight cents. It's my 13th consecutive.

Green Day 66th trading day of the year. The Momentum is hot right now, so this is what we talk about when the Momentum is hot. You know you just gotta really capitalize, so you've got to maximise on the opportunity because we will come into a slower market at some point, one point or another. Maybe it'll be, you know, a month from now.

Maybe it'll be two months from now. but things will slow down and we'll have to be content with making maybe only 500 to a thousand dollars a day. So during the hot market when you're hitting five thousand, eight thousand dollars, back-to-back-to-back-to-back be grateful. Take those profits, put them away, they're gonna, you know, help you on a rainy day.

All right. So let's break down the trades from stay. Very first trade was KBS f not on the watchlist watchlist. Today was kind of a dud.

We didn't have anything that looked good I Fon I'll just take a peek at that. We're at a time right now the day that I wouldn't feel very comfortable taking any trades. so I see it. but I'll just leave it alone.

So KBS F Yeah so we had a C net on the watchlist this morning. This one I said that I don't think I'm going to take a trade on it I Didn't you know it opened? It just sold off. It wasn't clean, it didn't really work out so you know, no, no follow through. it just didn't work.

So it was. You know it was up 60% pre-market The bell rings and it sells off, so nothing there and someone in the room said hey, take a look at KBS F and I just pulled up the chart and saw that this is where we were at a spike right here. So this is what I saw. All right.

So right at this point, that was the chart. All right. we'll make this full size, All right. So I saw that chart and can anyone tell me what kind of pattern that is? This right now is forming a 1-minute micro pullback.
One-minute micro pullback. So we have a high of seven. I was actually a high of 720. So when I see one minute micro pullbacks I know that I want to be a buyer over the highs.

However, during this pullback, I can always get in down here at 680 or maybe seven dollars knowing that it'll probably pop up and break over the pre-market high or over the high that micro pullback. So I like to anticipate my entries as a beginner trader. anticipating is more difficult because it takes intuition and so it's safer to simply wait for the first one minute candle to make a new high on the pullback and be a buyer at 7:20 Once you've got a little bit more experience under your belt, you can start anticipating these breakouts. I Tried to buy 15,000 shares at $7 Stepping up to the plate with big size 15,000 shares at $7 I only filled 5,000 it immediately pops up boom to $7.80 With 15,000 shares, that would have been about $8,000 $9,000 a profit right there.

but with 5,000 it was still a good winner. I actually added another 2500 shares at 7:50 I like to add at half dollars and whole dollars so first entries at 7, adding at 750. Next target is a break of 8 I add it again at 89 and 84 because right here we sort of had a little bit of a micro pull back now. I changed this to a like a 30-second chart.

Let's see. Mmm, that's not quite enough. Let's do 10 second chart. All right.

So here you go Now you can see right here. this little micro pullback that formed at 780 and also you can see right here. there's a little tap of 699 a pullback and I jumped in on this candle here and that's where we got that move. but right in here.

these are two pull backs. so this is a pullback right here and this is a pullback right here. Okay, so we bought the first pullback and then I added on the second one right here at 79 and 80 for we pop up to a high of 44. I'm trying to sell them, you ask 4319 I Don't get filled so I hit the bid I sell in the bid at 801, 807, 799, 802 and I'm scaling out and so with 7500 shares, you know, getting in, getting out.

this ended up being a pretty, you know, pretty decent rate. Four thousand, three hundred, sixty-two dollars in the first four minutes of the day. All right. So really solid trade there and you know from that point it just sort of faded and it didn't give us another setup.

I Was certainly willing to give it another shot, but we just didn't get it. For those of you guys watching on: Facebook or who will watch this later on. YouTube If you guys have questions, feel free to leave them below in the comments section. I'll come back and answer them later.

Also, if you guys like what you're watching, give it a thumbs up. All right and so let's see. KBS F We did a little bit of a false breakout here from 780 up to eight dollars double top and then faded. No follow-through from that point on.
So KBS F1 nice trade. Second one was V Lr x VL r x hit our scanners, popped up and get halt got halted right away I Didn't have an opportunity to buy it before the halt right here 225 so I I got in after the halt. Okay, so it resumes. You can see it spiked up to a high of 294.

So VL Rx was pull this down I jumped in this actually why is that looking that way? VL Rx yeah I wasn't oh sorry sir, sorry I had my mouse on the wrong candle. Okay, so pops up to a high of 458 so its halted, it resumes, it drops and basically as its spiking up I Got in for a break anticipating a break of four dollars long at 374, 392, 410, and 390. I got in there because I thought if it broke over the whole dollar, it would pop up and squeeze up towards 450. It did, but it wasn't easy to trade.

Sold half at 425 more for 412. Got back in at 437 thinking that you know it was kind of gonna curl here and go back to the highs. but then it just double topped at 440 and it really didn't work. So I ended up stopping out of this I was up about $1,100 and then it gave back maybe $300 in this little drop.

So this one for me wasn't very easy. Again, probably the best opportunity was getting in before the hall, but I didn't have it on watch so I wasn't able to and then that last one was ch ek this one I tried to take 10,000 shares going into the halt at 498, hid our scanners I didn't get filled obviously I didn't really think I would, but you know it's always worth a try Sometimes going into halts you do get filled and hey, this ended up squeezing up to a high of 679 which could have been a $10,000 winner. And just like that, I would have been up 15,000 on the day. So it sounds like some of you guys did get fills it in the four 90s so it's a great job on that for those that did and made some money on it.

But I I didn't get in at before the first halt. it then squeezed up and at this point I just thought the volume was a little bit too light and I just I just didn't really feel comfortable with it anymore. so I passed on it and said you know what, you're on your twelfth consecutive Green Day let's just keep sorry 13th consecutive Green Day Let's just be consistent, you know and and not push Now push your luck. So I traded smart and I'm coming out here today with five thousand dollars of profit.

It's a great day. I mean that this this month is crazy I'm looking at my calendar and it is the The. The worst day of the month was $2,200 That was the worst day of the month and the best day is $15,000 I haven't had a day that wasn't a four figure day which is crazy I mean I don't know if I I'm gonna look back on eight On January January January Actually January started with losing $4,000 on the very first day of the year and then from that point on it was it was all big green days and actually in January I didn't have a day that wasn't for figures I had a couple of four figure down days but I didn't have a day that was less than four figures. So my best day in January was $18,000 which was really nice.
So I've been averaging about $30,000 $32,000 a week here this year or this this month. so I'm about halfway there right now. I'm up about 12,000 on the week. so yeah, 30% of the way there.

So so we'll see what we can do. Wednesday Thursday Friday what are you gonna have in store for us? We'll find out tomorrow we back at it 9:00 a.m. 9:15 pre market analysis and we're gonna try to keep capitalizing on this hot streak. And for those of you guys that are beginner traders, this is a great time to learn.

It's a great time to get started, you know? But remember, if you're you know right now the markets easy. So it's kind of like you know, catching fish in a barrel or whatever that expression is, it's It's very easy to be profitable right now. There will be a time when the markets a little bit choppy, so this is a good time to learn to see the momentum. You know the the choppy markets.

They really teach you discipline and then if you can make it through a choppy market and you're profitable, then you know you've got it set. So I encourage you guys to, you know, just study up! I'm gonna upload the live trades from today to our Warrior Pro class so you guys will be able to watch that it'll be part of I'll make I don't know if I'll put it on Chapter six or I'll put it on the live trading samples at the end I might put it at the end but but you will see it there. Alright so and Hayley oh so the way we do the the access to the classes is we're constantly updating the classes and when you have access to the Warrior Pro you don't have access just to the classes, you have access to our chat room and to our trading simulator. And so that's why once you finish the class, whether you've joined for the the Ninety Day class or you joined for the one year class at the end of it, you go on to a monthly or a quarterly rate.

So that's 297 a quarter and that gives you access to the chatroom, the simulator, and all the updates to the class. So it's kind of a subscription model in that way. kind of like Netflix you know and and I get it you might think well geez, you know I paid this much money I Just want to have the classes, but we're providing you all this stuff on a constant basis. The support the chatroom, the Sim so you know that's what the the quarterly fee is all about.

297. That's $100 a month. so we try to keep it reasonable, but we've got to cover our overhead with the simulator and all that stuff. So anyways, for those of you that are getting started, you probably are already familiar with that.

But yeah, so anyways, we'll be back at first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll find some good stocks to trade. All right. See you guys in the morning! Oh hey, I didn't see you there while I was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade. Hopefully it comes soon.
Until then, make sure you subscribe to get email alerts anytime I Go live or upload new videos. Until then, Happy surfing.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Ka-pow! another awesome day of trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rudy p. says:

    why u dont show your live trading day ???

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abenet Beyene says:

    I missed watching you recap…I am back

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davis Tong says:

    I was thoroughly excited to trade all of this summer but I landed an internship that starts at exactly 930. It seems like my only option is to trade via my phone using Robinhood. Should I trade these volatile momentum stocks (which can change in second) or attempt to swing trade stocks (similar to Ricky Gutierrez's style if you know him JNUG JDST) etc. Would love some advise Ross since you and Ricky are the two traders I love the most although your styles are entirely polar

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melbourne Shorts says:

    Great videos ross. Always a pleasure watching your videos. you are an inspiration.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hheythered says:

    I have a question regarding buying the breakout, whether it be HOD or PM high. Where should I put a stop? It seems placing a stop at the bottom of the last 1m or 5m candle could make for a dreadful R/R ratio. Especially, on a stock that moves very quickly. For instance on your first trade here, say you bought the break of the that first big green candle, and through that pullback I would have had a heart attack. But then again, I wouldn't want to set a stop below that either. I am in a terrible habit of trading without a stop for this reason, it really limits my potential each trade.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pelasmar Asmar says:

    i tried to go to the website that you suggested to checkout the courses but it did not come up please help

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Rainville says:

    Hey Ross,I've been following Warrior Trading and watching your video lessons/daily uploads for a while now. I just want to say thanks for all the valuable info you give out, at your level of trading you obviously don't need to be putting out two daily videos essentially holding the hands of beginners like me, but you still do. I am currently in the situation you described as struggling with bills and every last dollar meaning so much, and I feel like success in day trading for me is right around the corner thanks to Warrior Trading, so I just want to say thanks for the direction and encouragement, and keep those videos coming!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Evans says:

    Do you take on students to help them try some of your strategies?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars so ho says:

    I'm not going to lie you are really good at break outs. Not that you care but I don't think I could replicate what you do with under $10 stocks. I like to hold position but I have money to play with. Awesome job. My edge is trading futures all night and swinging large caps. As soon as this strategy doesn't work I'll try you out. You're HOT

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shayaan Rajwani says:

    Hello ! I want to know that how you guys study market, yield analysis, developing expectations. Is there any proper training for this? Or which books you guys have read ? Thanks.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Ivanovik says:

    I work from 7am to 6pm mon to sat. for maybe 8k a year 🙁

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike L says:

    Hi Ross, do you add in anticipation of half and whole-dollar breaks by clicking 'buy' in the order entry window, or with hotkeys, or a mixture of both? When do you use each?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Qas says:

    How do I join your course.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pelasmar Asmar says:

    Hi how do i join and where would i find info about joining and if i join would i be able to access your scanner thank you

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pogi Boi says:

    on KBSF this 1st micro pull back, if you anticipated the entry before break HOD what price would be your stop?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BradtheBaker says:

    During pullbacks, how can you tell that it's going to get eaten up, and feel confident enough that its going to keep going up?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hagen Gonder says:

    Mr. Cameron, you are an inspiration and I love your transparency. Currently trading the sim and it's just amazing how much I've learned in the past 3 weeks! Guys and gals, if you're on the fence I can tell you the course material is top notch. Just think of how much you're pretty much GUARANTEED to lose learning on your own. (90/90/90 rule) It's a bargain!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lan_1329 says:

    Hi Ross, does a stock that is halted always resume on a higher price? Thanks and happy trading?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Marilag says:

    Hi Ross! Which timeframe do you usually use for these type of trades? Is it 10s?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars csmith6278 says:

    Damn legend

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trader Kevin says:

    How do you deal with the big spreads? If there is a spread of 30 cents. Then what is your stop? 50 cents or even more?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renee Gray says:

    You're such an inspiration Ross!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MainMan37x says:

    Hi Ross just a quick clarification. What is one trade in regards to the PDT rule? For example, is one trade a buy order then a sell order? If so how does this work if you place a buy order then scale out with multiple sell orders? Would scaling out count as multiple trades?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bo Redfearn says:

    Anticipation on point 🙌🏻

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Loots says:

    Hey Ross , what are the key factors you look for when jumping into a stock off the hod Momo scanner? I mean before the micro pull back?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Sautiere says:

    Damn Ross you're on fire 🔥 🔥 🔥, and I'm struggling being consistent on paper trading 😂😂😂 but i ain't giving up I'm feeling closer than ever. Time, dedication, hard work and patience!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raouf Hanna says:


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