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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, after six consecutive green days, it's time for a read a recap Down: $2,500 today? Read on: Three out of the four stocks I traded. This is just a day where momentum was very difficult. We saw a few stocks popping up but not holding those levels and so if you got in, you know on one-minute pullbacks. love false breakouts, and in a certain point you know traders collectively start getting a little nervous.

Traders who trade alongside like myself. You know we keep seeing one false breakout in a second, then a third, and then the next stock you see pop up. You're even more cautious about it, and you know that that just leads to less volume on the breakouts and more people just sitting on the sidelines until things just really peter out and and that ends up being the day. So finish the day down 2500 bucks? Yes, I'm giving back yesterday's gains I was up 1800.

so 700 or so you know, still in the rent, but on the week. at the same time you know 700 bucks is no big deal. Last week was awesome. with that $14,000 Green Day on Friday is still sitting up now about 30 3,500 on the month.

Which means I'm only about 6500 away from the 40,000 dollar monthly goal. I've got a really good shot at hitting my monthly goal here in February Here in April for on me and you know that's good March was obviously a red month and so being able to just get back in the saddle and you know, have a green month and not just a green month, but a green month where I hit my monthly goal. That's fantastic I Can't complain about that at all. So really I just have to stay focused over the next ten days that we have in the month.

and you know, not let those big losses you know, get away from me. Just got to keep things tight. Stay focused and efficient. Strong.

All right. So that's it. Enjoy the recap. As usual.

Any questions, any comments? leave them below. I'll come through an answer in this afternoon. I'll see you guys first thing. All right.

Well, it didn't take more than I don't know 15 minutes today to hit my max loss today just wasn't my day. You know some days are like that. gonna be a red day. Recap down: $2,500 I am I do have a small profit in my main account of 28 dollars, but you know that doesn't really cut it.

so whatever. just down 2500 on the day keeping losses small. The big one that got me was RNN Such a bummer. This was right off the watch list this morning where things went wrong on this one was I used my hot key to get in while while I was in a second trade.

Taking two trades at once for me is almost always a recipe for disaster. The problem is I'm splitting my focus I've got 30 percent attention on each stock and I just I never do as well when I'm when that happens. So right out of the gates are Wlk. I jumped into this one for a break of the pre-market pivot right here which was at 420 and I got a great fill.

Boom right in there at 420. I mean I jumped in this thing at 420 right here nine thousand shares I tried to sell some at 449. two seconds later I mean this thing ripped up to the half dollar but it didn't get filled. it started to come down and I was like well you know I've seen enough of these, hit 50 and then go all the way to red so I better start.
you know, locking it up. I ad back at 47 and then this one just really struggled around that half dollar I stopped out at 36 37 and then so I'm on this window here with our Wlk and then I just switch over to this one and press shift one. As I said well this was our NN as I saw RNN squeezing up I wanted to get in it at eight dollars and ninety cents. it dipped down here to 855 and does it surge back up I tried to get in and I press shift one and I got filled at the top at 9:16 So now I'm in it at 9:16 with 3,000 shares and you know I stopped out at 850.

I mean I lost 60 cents per share. it's just you know which was a fine stop that was the right place to bail. Well, maybe I should've sold a little sooner, but you know, in any case, that was definitely the correct spot from a technical perspective to cut the loss. But that one just like that got me really badly.

and so you know. um, that's kind of a challenge of trying to trade two stocks at once your focus is split. As a result, I didn't do as well as I could have on our Wlk. I even ended up giving back my profits on it.

most of my profits anyways. the final trade that I gave back those profits on was right here. Getting back in at 55 for the break over hi a day and then boom it drops all the way back down. So I was up about 1400 on our Wlk and then gave back a thousand on this drop right here and you know, just not easy.

And then a Su R came up, hit the scanners I Jumped into that on this little pullback. This was a one-minute micro pullback following the rules of waiting for the pullback, but it ended up being a false breakout. It hit a high of 57 and then dropped down to 9 89 and so that one got me for 700. RBZ a small $119 loss.

you know, not a lot to speak of there. I Jumped in at 70 on a little 1-minute micro pullback as well I hit a high of 85 I wanted to add over 90 thinking if it broke 90, we would test $6 but it didn't And so you know. quick loss there and that was basically it I was just like boom boom Boom. You know Red Red Red red.

It's not happening today, so you know the good thing I suppose is always keeping lost as small I'm not super happy that I gave back all of yesterday's gains I was up 1,800 yesterday and gave all of that back. So now I'm down 600 on the week, you know, but at the same time, last week was such a great week that $14,000 green day on Friday that you know I'm not gonna sweat it like this is. This is just kind of one step forward. Yesterday, eighteen hundred dollars, a small green day.

One step back today. Twenty five hundred is a relatively small a red day, so right now just kind of grinding waiting for that next opportunity for a nice, solid green day of you know, three, four, five thousand or higher. You know. One of the things right now that's really important to me is that I keep keep the red days as manageable as possible.
It's not. it's impossible to avoid them, that's just part of trading. You're never. There's no such thing as a trader who doesn't have red days, so you know that would be crazy To try to avoid them is to try to manage them, Know that they will happen.

and when they start happening, the day that you start going into the red and it's like oh, this is not looking good that you quickly pull back and mitigate you know the damage. I was up for a moment over a thousand dollars today on are wlk and a thousand on the day and then I took this loss and that put me down about a thousand on the day. So then I tried to, you know, dig my way out and I never got back to Green so that was the one that got me. It's the biggest loss of the day.

RNN in hindsight, the mistake. Well, it was just the risk of using a hotkey because if I had actually gotten my entry of eight Ninety or eight Ninety five, you know that I probably would have been breakeven on the trade. Maybe I would have lost 300 or 400, but I wouldn't have had had that type of loss. So you know that's just the way it goes.

A little bit of a setback, but I'll live to trade another day, which is what's important. you know. never let the losses get out of control. That's what.

I always in, you know trying to remind myself and you just have to say look, some days the market is hot and you can be really aggressive in other days it's just not. And today if I kept trading with big-sized I was taking 9,000 shares I would just be losing money I just Manaka I wouldn't make money I would just be losing so our F TFT I'd to take a scalp of this going through two dollars that was my my whatever my main account but you know only up 28 in my main account so that's fine. and you can see here my orders are set to only closing. so even if I wanted to buy this stock here if I press the button here on this it's gonna give me.

it's gonna give me the rejection was it Yeah right there. can't place any long order so yep no good so no more trades and that's good. You know, keeping the losses small so that's about it for me today. Be back at tomorrow, hopefully have hope that we have a green day and can just kind of bounce right off this red day and be back into the green.

It's a short week though, we've got tomorrow and then Thursday markets are closed on Friday So a little bit of a four day weekend or three day weekend which is nice. but really I mean I'd just rather be trading on Friday So you know that's the bummer, but try to make the most of this short week. So today and yesterday basically cancel each other out. Well I'm down 500 or now let's see I'm down 700 between the two days, you know? So whatever.
I Got a little little room to get myself. you know, got some work ahead of me to get myself back to Green on the week. but it doesn't really matter. I'm still in great shape on the months and I feel good about that.

The goal is of course, $40,000 a month. and I'm sitting right now at thirty Three thousand Five hundred. so that's good, You know? I'm I'm sixty five hundred dollars away from the monthly goal and we still have. Let's see how many days do we have left in the Mother.

We have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine days left in the month. So given I'm averaging this year two thousand dollars per A-and that's over the course of about 72 days of trading. 71 days of trading. You know another nine days will give me almost $18,000 So hey, you know that'll that would give me a $50,000 a month, which would be cool, but whatever.

We'll just see what happens. and I just try to keep you know. slow and steady. and yeah, our wlk Super frustrating.

I Just didn't expect it to be so difficult in this area. but you know, sometimes it's like that. So keeping the loss of small live to trade. another day.

Back at it first thing tomorrow morning. 9:15 pre market analysis and hopefully we have a couple good stocks on the scanner. so we can find some good opportunities. All right.

See you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I Upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Too many false breakouts -$2,500 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rest Assured Worship says:

    Dude you've made so much progress in just one year, how long had you been trading up to this video? I feel like I have so far to go!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars greg white says:

    How do you predict a false breakout.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josephine Omoruyi says:

    Two red day for me.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karthick says:

    pls show ur live trading video

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tako 002 says:

    Got in FTFT at the flattop consolidation at $1.85. Didn't have too much expectation, so I sold at $2.01.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Siew Kueng Wong says:

    Thanks for the recap

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed Osman says:

    RWLK should have definitely been a breakout smh

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leconte says:

    So awesome to see I'm picking the stocks you are trading. I traded RWLK also for a loss however, not a big loss. I'm still green for the month. Thanks Ross

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen Jeremy says:

    Lss $17 dollars on Rwlk but bought AMD for a $146 win :

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Homes says:

    How can u tell if a stock has a SSR ????

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic4 says:

    Thanks, Ross! No plays for me today. Saw RNN, but I was waiting for the break of 9.20 to jump in. Was wondering if you offer any scholarships for people to start trading? Like 500 or 1k?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve T says:

    Thanks for the recap Ross, even though it is a red day, as you constantly say manage your risk and stay alive to live another day to trade 🙂 really appreciate your videos thank you so much!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ely Pelowski says:

    I wasn't feeling it today. I didnt take any trades.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The game master 6642 says:

    Hi Ross only you are the first guy who is sharing some loses all another traders are always winners.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Bell says:

    I took a lot of the same trades you did today, and even though I’m not your student i feel like I’m competing against you more and more. I don’t know how you manage two trades at once though… Your transparency helps keep me motivated to know that I can make it too!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nomen Ama says:

    Hi Ross, what time zone are you at? I would like to see your live trading but I am in the UK

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakuin Z says:

    Thanks for sharing Ross! I had a red day as well. Keep up the good work! As always thank you for transparency and knowledge.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asbjørn Andersen says:

    what is your average trading size? about $100k?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fy says:

    well if we scale our accounts to the same size i think i lost more than you. i lost $340 today. Thank for the recap and I'll see you in the AM on youtube.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Zhouren says:

    Hello Ross, how fast did the false breakouts occur/how fast do they generally happen? Did the price fall too fast past your stop, or did you decide to hold through?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relentless Trader says:

    I'm also red today.. -16 Small Loss

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DDGB says:

    Today was a tough day to trade due to modicum trade opportunities.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thorad krupinski says:

    Hummm, I had a good green day.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PresOn says:

    What indicators do you use on your charts Ross?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 007123 matts says:

    I lost about $570.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob My says:

    Hey Ross, how do you keep your News feed in your brokerage acc so clean? How come it isn't filled with so many unnecessary news?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bang Hotang says:

    What is the best way to lock profit before red?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bang Hotang says:

    I also loss like that, I buy on pullback but the support didn't hold and continue crashing. What your startegy to avoid like this mistake?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Farmer says:

    Didn't trade today, trying to get myself back from a big loss but seems impossible with the lack of momentum atm! Thanks for the recap Ross!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lambert chan says:

    Made $575 on RWLK I bought just before the market opened and it surged quickly in the first few seconds and I was lucky to make a profit on the simulator.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian O'Conner says:

    Oh no! I didn't trade today. Everything just dropped at the open, or those false breakouts scared me away.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your mother is watching, and listening !!! says:

    Today was not a day traders day waste of time

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kat2123 says:

    Small caps were a mess today.

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