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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so during this episode, I'm gonna talk about one of the biggest challenges of trading with a small account. One of the biggest challenges are the emotions. Trading with a small account mechanically is not any different from trading with a big account. The platform is the same.

pressing the buy and sell button is the same. obviously I've got a little less money, but if I have leverage, I can use that to grow the account pretty quickly. As you guys have seen, the biggest challenge is up here. It's in your head.

It's the emotional challenge. and and that's because when you have a really small account, you've got almost no buffer. One loss can be the end of the account. and so when you have that pressure that creates stress and anxiety and that can lead to sort of emotionally impulsive trading, erratic trading behavior which can all manifest itself in the form of losses.

and so what I want to do is I want to share with you some of the tips and tricks that I've used to help become kind of emotionally Zen while I'm trading even with a tiny account and that's why I want to introduce you to Ted and Diane, Ted and Diana my trading coaches. I've been working with Ted for almost 10 years and he's one of the reasons that I was able to become a successful trader because when I was getting started I went through these emotional cycles of you know, having a couple of really big wins, of getting overconfident, and then having a couple of really big losses and so my first two years, I was in this constant pattern of two steps forward, three steps back, two steps forward, three steps back. and so my account kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Obviously, that's not a sustainable way to trade I wasn't consistently making money over a long period of time and so I started working with Ted and really helped me get to the root of that behavior and that cycle that I kept going through.

And so in this episode, what I want to do is I want to introduce you to a tent Diane and I want to share with you a couple of struggles that I'm having right now. even as a veteran traders been doing this for a long time, the struggles around trading with a really small account and what I've done for you guys is I've put a link right in the description where you guys can stream a full session between Ted Diane and myself where I talk about the some of my motivations of wine to be a trader freedom, financial independence, the ability to never have a nine-to-five job or a boss looking over my shoulder ever again, and then the challenges that come with learning to trade during a period of time when money was really tight, where there was a lot of pressure to succeed quickly, and how that pressure created the negative kind of emotional responses of trading impulsively erratically and overly aggressive, to the point where I was losing money. I'm hoping that this is really going to be relatable to a lot of you guys who are either right now trading with a small account or we're thinking about trading with a small account because if you can get to a place where you can separate you know those emotional that that kind of emotional baggage from the account. you'll do so much better.
You'll be in a position to actually grow the account really quickly and you've seen over the last. You know 10 days as I've been growing this small account, how quickly I've been able to grow it in spite of the fact that I've had the same emotional fears of what if I blow up this again. Well if I blow it up in front of my entire YouTube audience in front of all my students, how embarrassing that'll be, how disappointing it'll be. So I've had I would say just as much pressure as I had when I was getting started trading but I had to leave that at the door.

trade the market that I was trade the best quality setups and the results. They speak for themselves. So I hope you guys enjoy this episode. I'm gonna introduce you to 10 Diane and I want you to click that link right down below to watch the full session.

We're the three of us break down some of the common struggles of trading with a tiny accountant getting started trading. All right you guys! As always, questions and comments leave them below. Make sure you subscribe to the channel. I'll see you for the next episode.

What's up everyone? Alright, so what I want to do is I want to talk to you guys today about something that many of you know that I've struggled with over my years as a trader and I'm sure many of you have as well. the emotions of training, the big ups, the big downs, and so sitting with me here. this is actually a little bit of a TED talk because Ted and I are sitting here and Ted runs our formal Friday and mindful Monday Well, you both do it together and these sessions that you run for our students. They're really designed to help students deal with the emotional challenges.

a trade right for context so you guys understand when I was getting started trading I was you know, kind of at this period in my life where things were really chaotic and I was going through divorce. But you know before that the marriage wasn't in good shape and I was trying to learn how to do this new thing and there was so much pressure on it that if it worked, maybe it would fix everything else. And so the emotional stakes were really high and as a result I think I was more apt to make impulsive decisions and feel like I was grasping for straws and ultimately that led to more mistakes than successes losing money. But one of the things that you and I really kind of honed in on was that ability to maintain presence of mind right while I'm training.

So those of you guys who actively trade who you know know what I'm talking about here. With that that ability that all of a sudden look back, you know and be like what was I thinking in the last two hours I'm going down like three four thousand dollars. How is this possible? Like I've done it again. You know this is crazy.
This is the same thing I've told myself I need to stop doing and I just went into this tunnel and I did it and now I've got to sit with the loss anytime I would step out of that. you know, hours later, the next, that night or the next day I'd be like wow I I really like I wasn't myself I was so in this place and so I kind of learned that there's a tipping point where you know I can be between the two sides of my brain of like total logical reason you know, sound, calm, cool, collected and then this emotionally impulsive primitive sort of Neanderthal like crazy cowboy trader but just that really emotional side and that when those tip to a certain point, this part is gone and I cannot get it back until I like way way come down out of the situation. but the challenge is kind of like putting a you know a frog and water it. It's having the presence that something is changing and being able to step back before and you guys have helped me with that a lot 10 especially and my goal with bringing you guys on to help our students was that I sort of felt like you were my you know one of my secret weapons.

That really helped me get over the learning curve and I wanted to give our students that same opportunity to have those sessions with you so maybe you could talk for a second about what it's like for you guys to work with students, to maybe have worked with me over these last almost 10 years right? and to now be working with some my students who they probably see is like versions of me. Yep, doing a lot of the same things. Yes, it's amazing to see just how so many of the same things come up for for pretty much everyone who tries to enter into this activity of trading. mm-hmm it's like every possible emotion is going to come up.

yeah, whether that's you know, anger, sadness, shame, joy, elation, yeah, you name it. yeah. and anything that you might potentially struggle with they're gonna run into in trade. Yeah, there are other activities of their endeavors were maybe there's parts of you that you're not gonna have to confront on the level that trading forces you to.

So you really have to know yourself well in order to try to do this and be successful at one. A lot of it is. I Think what you highlighted kind of in the beginning. all the things that we're going on in your life as you were coming into training.

Yeah, and that's so true for so many people is that you know that the training isn't That's gonna create emotional ups and downs just because the stakes are high when you're training your money. You know? Yeah, yeah, that's already a big deal, but right? Have so many other aspects of our lives that can be stressful, and even when it's a positive change that's happening. yeah, it can create a more emotionality. Yeah, and and that's what can kind of come out during during training.
Unless you really practice with meeting those emotions, right? The thoughts, the patterns on the right parts of you. so you know. On that kind of note, I This week was the beginning of my small Cap challenge and you know I've been spending the last six weeks really preparing for it. I've done a series of videos about you know how to start a small account like all these things that you can do the side hustle raise money and so the stakes for me felt really high.

like I have to succeed I got enough Yeah, they said day 1 and so on day 1 we had a snowstorm and in the past I've been you know, sort of like it's so typical for me to overestimate that. I'm totally fine I'm totally fine right? I can roll with this like yeah I can trade you know at home with the dogs barking and the plow truck and my wife I'm dropping off and the lights flickering cuz it's so much snow and this isn't I'm gonna just like sail through this and I've watched myself you know, get off an airplane after a red-eye sit down from come to the marketing trade and that prompted lives like five thousand bucks right? It's like you are not on your you were not in the zone, you know you weren't on your game and yet I didn't have the presence of mind to acknowledge and so you know for me this last Monday I said you know what? as the bells about to ring now so frazzled that I was just like re I'm just gonna step back for a second. it's gonna watch and see how these things around my watchlist play out and both of them kind of did exactly what I thought they squeezed up and I was like I felt phone I felt fear of missing out start feeling angry and then I was like okay this is just my emotions are now getting even worse because I have a short fuse. It's like you know the second I see it going on the link got dang.

You know it's like I'm gonna immediately to a haunted like. All right, you know if that's my reaction I'm not in a place where I should trade. as frustrating as this is every day I come into the market I need to be I need to be my best you know self as a trader and I can't do that today and so that meant day one. I've been trained and you know who's a little disappointed in some ways because I kind of got an all hyped up that yeah first of December and then I just traded the next day and had great day and a really good start to the challenge.

I was in my office I was in the zone. you know it was quiet was perfect. but you know me of ten years ago me when I was getting started I wouldn't have had that I didn't have that presence of self even a few gears guys and even still I sometimes lose it sometimes you know I guess that's the challenge. it's It's not like once you have you have forever like this rusher.

you know still you're still a human being and I think that's the thing that allowed you guys on YouTube you know I've seen over the years, you know. sort of. The comments Ross I see you make the same mistake again. Here we are.
You know you're down $5,000 What's wrong with you? Why won't you get better? Why won't you stop doing that? And it's not to you know, say that during that period. I Haven't made a lot of money, but you know it's like every four weeks or every six weeks. or every eight weeks or whatever it is. I'll have that one day where just things go wrong.

and so I mean maybe you can speak a little bit to why that patter and sure keeps coming back. Well so because these emotions are always going to be President you know these patterns. these reactions, you know, the ones that develop within us are always going to be a part of us. Yeah, it's all about the relationship we are having with.

you know, So just. you know. it's any relationship we might be in. You know we don't just set it in one place and then it permanently stays there.

It's always evolving. It's always moving. It's moving from one stage to another, back and forth from you know, one mode to another. And it needs our attention.

It needs our care. It needs our cultivation. That's what it means to stay present with ourselves and to have a relationship. And it's in the face of changing stimuli all the time.

So you know all different aspects. large and small of the pronouncements around life are changing every day and in every moment. And so there is a way that that we can't. things can't sneak up on us.

We can be caught off guard and fall into an old pattern. Yeah, and in a common mistake that people make is, you know if I could just you know, cut out all these emotions in trade. Logically, I would take mine. But the motion.

The emotions are not going to play along with that. And the more we try to do that, the more we try to wall them off. They tend to, you know, pressurize You know, behind the scenes. So what it's actually required is for us to be in a state of relationship with all of those emotions.

You know, like you were saying earlier, like one of the most dangerous station can be in is the one where you think, oh, I'm fine. Yeah, because then you don't really know. Okay, what? I'm actually feel it, right? You know? How did that flight affect me, right? right? You're slowing down, taking that time to really ask. You have to really notice.

Okay, this is what's here. Yeah, and it's through that acceptance. You know there's like this paradoxes. You know the emotions will.

Once we acknowledge them and leave them with some kindness, they tend to calm down. They're not as intense and as we learn, should let it be okay that they're there. Then we have a much better chance of a staying grounded, staying centered, and making good decisions. Yeah, yeah.

So for me getting to a place where I have a strong enough presence of mind on most days to be able to make that decision of today's a Day of Trade or today's a day I don't trade or this is the point where I need to stop trading for today. you know cuz I near that tipping point where you know if I keep going down this road, it's gonna get worse. You know that the ability to get there is kind of like, you know Zen training of it's like that next level of training. but if you know you think of this as a marathon which is that you know it's not about making a million dollars in two or three months or years or whatever.
it's about doing this for potentially the next five 10, 15 years or longer that the individual day is no longer has most significance. And so if you just say okay, these are my thresholds that when I cross it I'm done for the day I step back and you can have the presence of mind to do it. You've got that marathon rights and the ability to really gain that is part of a daily practice. A daily routine, right? My morning routine.

My actual trading routine. That sort of has these elements of keeping myself focused and things that I do make sure I'm within my boundaries. and then my sort of post trading routine where I break down what happened today, what worked, what didn't work. so I can have that you know awareness of was I really in line today? Let's say I make money but I broke some rules.

It's this really a victory. Is this really a good A or is this a day that you know? I I really shouldn't be patting myself on the back. My goal for you guys would be you know that by working with especially for those who guys who are students, by working with Tend I am and by being part of our class is that you're able to start to develop the presence of mind so you can get to this similar sort of place that I'm at. It's you know, the journey becoming a successful trader.

It's certainly you know, learning how to trade. It's learning the terminology, but it's also having the minds of a successful trader. So what I want you guys to do? I'm gonna put a link right down below in the description and I want you guys to click on it. It's going to be a link to a session that you the three of us are going to have.

So it's a session that we're gonna have this. We're gonna break down one of the biggest challenges that I continue to have as a trader. So you guys want to watch that session. sit in on it.

Click that link below and we'll see you there. Alright, thanks for watching guys learn more about trading. Check out some of the links in my description and if you have questions, ask them in. The comment: I Personally respond to every question posted on my channel and don't forget to subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Trading psychology and the struggle of day trading a small account”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean McCarthy says:

    Day trading is incredibly humbling, I like it for that, you’ll learn a lot about yourself.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sue says:

    I'm loving all the content. But, THE GLASS!! Your candle chart design is rad!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Street Tacos says:

    How can we buy that Stock exchange price loop lamp behind you? I'm sorry I have no idea how to describe it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savalis Adkins says:

    This was a pretty good talk.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lifestyles says:

    Idea. Why not rerelease these with new intros? I think new ppl just need a gentle reminder sometimes. And sometimes with a sledge hammer. Lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lifestyles says:

    ZOOM OUT. It isn’t just a technique when looking at a chart.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rymart 2.0 says:

    Why did I just saw this. Awesome content !

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dhanushka says:

    Grate Video

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    Ted may be interested to know there is a field of psychology called "Behavioral Finance"; the emotions and thought processes of how we interact with financial decisions and other decision making.
    see book: "Trade Mindfully: Achieve Your Optimum Trading Performance with Mindfulness and Cutting-Edge Psychology" by Gary Dayton

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alley way321 says:

    On the emotions – "The ones that develop within us are always going to be a part of us. It's all about the relationship we are having with them." – Ted

    This is excellent on many levels. It recognizes the normalcy of potentially destructive emotions, and it's okay. Why? Because it's nothing unordinary. In fact, it is extra-ordinary to have them. I have not been in Ross's chatroom for awhile. However, in my opinion he currently remains the best Youtube personality from which to help with your struggles as a new and even an experienced trader (as is coming from this five plus year experienced trader). I'm looking forward to the updates on Ross's upcoming small account challenge. Here's to rock n' roll Ross!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOS 1X100D says:

    In this approach that I am making to this world of trading, I have collected the indicators that allow me to assess an external intervention. The warmth of the instructor, the wisdom, the tenacity, the sagacity, the experience, the baggage, laissez faire, the generosity, the solvency, the humanity, the simplicity, the concern for the beginner. All present in Ross and to close the circle share his retirement from action and submit his entire psychological apparatus to a review, maintenance, and repair.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Battalon says:

    We have all the same struggle!
    We can have the best strategy in the paper account… but when it is foing live.. everything changes.
    I made a lot of money and lost it all.. now I am so afraid, to get the confirmation, that I can not be profitable.
    It is not about loosing money… it's about you failing to execute what you have trained.
    I think, the biggest problem is, that a lot just give up… I took a break and now train in my paper account.
    I have 3500 bucks in my live account… but I have to work on my emotions.
    Losing money is typical… deal with it.
    In the end you have to be green.
    With a good strategy, you can make a bit money (which is more than you would earn in a day job).

    I wish you all best luck and only trade, what you see and not what you think! ✌️

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alvin Foo says:

    I feel like I understand stock movement, pattern , entries and out. However every single day my emotion is the driver of my trading which cost me loss in every day. From green to red or just red. What should I do

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OCK TUBEVLOGS says:

    my ears with ross my eyes on the windows

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zachery andersen says:

    This hit home. New traders should should probably watch portions of this video every day for at least the first few weeks of trading. I really appreciate you trying to help people help themselves. Your videos themselves have been a bit of a F.O.M.O. producer for me personally. I can only assume others have the same experience. Maybe that's intentional to drive training sales but I'm hesitant to be that cynical of you. This video actually alleviated some of that stress in getting a little deeper view into how you came up. An origins story, quick and dirty documentary, might help out to further show people that their situations are tenable and it just takes dedication and patience.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NL says:

    These kind of sessions are super helpful.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wizard Stein says:

    the background on the window screen so beautiful!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria G. says:

    This was TRULY amazing and sooooo very true!!! We are dealing with OURSELVES! I'm learning, thank you Ross!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matthew riggs says:

    I've been paper trading for about a month now and I have felt every single thing you've discussed here. I was having doubts, but it helps to see that I'm not alone! Thanks Ross!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Hazlitt says:

    Honestly I feel very confident when it comes to my emotions. I believe it's a strength of mine but I can remain very calm and clear during trading and be logical and stay disciplined. My issue is honestly the lack of pattern recognition. I have one patter that im over 80% accurate but the pattern only forms maybe twice a month. I just need to dial in on a strategy. Honestly I just really need more trading days to track the data and analyze.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge A Ebrat says:

    Ross Your Very Inspiring To Watch You Still Trade Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart And From Many Of The Traders That Still Get To Watch You Trade! Your Killing It Out Here Man Killing It!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iskaz says:

    Doesnt anybody wear shoes anymore!?!? LOL

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M C says:

    my hero Are the Windows panes sold in any online store ??

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JCrockett 870 says:

    I believe that having edge in your trading strategy is more important than emotions. People say that trading is 20% setup and 80% emotions, they are wrong, it's 100% edge, and the other 100% is 20% set up and 80% emotions.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    I've created my Lightspeed account and I'll be trading in it side-by-side with you starting 2020!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrouchingTigerHiddenPotter says:

    Hey ross quick question, when asked on type of order. What is a position?
    Do you go with stocks or positions? Can you give me some clarification. Thank you.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen says:

    Hey Ross, I just wanted to say keep up all your great work! You’ve been so much help for not only me but many other traders🙏

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