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Thank you. All right good morning everyone! Welcome back! Um I'll apologize for the voice I did come down with a little bit of cold over the weekend. Uh, definitely definitely beat it. Um, can't keep me down for much more than a few hours, but I'll probably cough a lot during this uh uh webinar.

so I do apologize that um anyway. so feel like I do need to uh, editorialize a little bit my friends? Um, listen. uh. this Bank bailout is idiotic.

This is the dumbest thing that could dumbest solution that can ever happen in this type of scenario. Uh, Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the uh uh uh, the powers that be, whether that be the Federal government or or or pretty much any large government entity in the Western World absolutely refuse to learn from history. Um I mean it was just 2008 that this same thing happened and all dumping this money in all it did was prolong the pain and then ultimately the same thing happened. So we're gonna dump all this money into these poorly run.

Banks I mean the Run by idiots. Okay, if they make stupid decisions, they should be punished for their stupid decisions. I have owned businesses I still own businesses. If I make terrible business decisions, then my business fails and I lose money.

Okay, that's what should happen with any poorly run business. Um, and again, it will solve nothing. All dumping that money will do is pay some of the worst individuals. Okay, the people that should be punished the most will get rewarded.

and then the smaller guy like you know a guy would like you know, a million bucks and a business at these Banks He won't get nothing But the people with a bunch of money and that are politically connected. they'll get paid out. Remember the old saying if you owe the bank a million dollars, the bank owns you. If you owe the bank a billion dollars, you own the bank.

Okay, we've all heard that one right and it's no different than any of these. Like I mean I mean look at war is a great example. Okay, all we did all we did in Vietnam was prolong that situation and make it worse. That's all we did, prolonged it for 20 years and it still ended up terrible.

A bunch of people died, wasted a bunch of money, did nothing. uh uh uh Korea Iraq Afghanistan We spend 22 years in Afghanistan trillions of dollars 100 I don't even know how many lives on both sides and within six months it's like we were never there. Okay Ukraine same situation. All we're going to do is prolong that situation and make it worse.

Okay, so it's no different with the banks just gonna drag it out. Drag it out. It'll still end up the same same way it should have ended this morning. But you and I the U.S taxpayer will pay all this money for the same outcome, will accomplish nothing, and it will only benefit the the really rich okay, the billionaires and the politically connected.

That's all it will help. So there you go. Felt like I had to address that. T-e-n-x T-e-n-x was beautiful on Friday Um, let me show you this.
uh Oracle play from Friday Just a beautiful uh entry on this actually was on a webinar at 10 52 a.m In the entry on Tenx was 53 cents. Stop Loss: 49 cents. You can see how or like I get a lot of questions about how Oracle you know lays out these ideas. Okay, it's right here.

Okay, you can see the signal and remember this is from Friday and this is at 11 A.M didn't hit the signal till 11AM. We had a very solid stop loss: 49 48 cents. You can see when Oracle pivots from uh yellow to Red tells us it's a good place to stop. And then our goal was up in the high 60s and then the major resistance level was 76 cents.

If you can break that I think T-e-n-x continues to go um to Enx. Nice continuation from Friday um uncy top week open red to Green Um and oh, when it comes to trading the banks um I don't know, kind of do what you want I I Think there's the problem with like FRC and wal I mean I get that there's volatility I get that. but um, they're so newsy. Okay, so you might be familiar with the newsy term when I say that it relates to the fact that just never know like from one minute to next.

Okay, evidently Biden is supposed to speak at 9 00 a.m Powell speech. You know, yelling speaks. The problem is, you know you just I don't don't think there's an edge on any of them now. I Get it? I get the Temptation like FRC and Wal both on Oracle both volatile.

but I just I don't know, You know it's like and this goes for long or short, You know you short one of these Banks All of a sudden some politician goes on and says we're gonna bail them out, you go long one of these Banks Some regulator goes on and says we're not going to bail them out. So that's the bummer with these, especially as newer. Traders I Recommend avoiding them. Trka continues to fade.

We talked about this one being over. a lot of you wanted to argue with me actually. um and listen again. We loved Trka for four months.

Okay, it was like a number one for four months. but when it was over we I was like Hey first red day man I'm like it's over. Don't try and bounce this. A lot of people got mad at me.

They're like Tim Trk is going back to a dollar like it ain't going back to a dollar. So anyway continues to fade. Uh, we talked about it in the steady trade team I'm like you know it, it'll go back to nine cents. It'll go back all the way where it came from.

You gotta recognize first red day and know that that's the sign that it's over. I mean Trka was basically green every single day for four months. Look at that candle. it's over.

That's telling you. it's over. Uh, somebody asked about Blph? Oh yeah. um B-o-p-h not done by.

Oh any stretch we yeah red to Green I would probably seven I think would be a good level I show up I Always show up baby. Um so Tiana and the Ards Cystic Fibrosis 8 AM Press release: 24 million float. A lot of overhead resistance though. Ards check some boxes but chart not ideal AI um some of you asking about AI AI the stock.
um you know I just we we need some new news. You know it's like yo The the bummer with the artificial intelligence sector is I mean like all week you know, all week everybody's gonna be talking about the banks. Okay, so we need some news. Okay and again I think we're gonna get a second leg in the artificial intelligence stuff.

It's just we need some news. you know? yeah? I mean think about it if you're if you're reading. Wall Street Journal Financial Times Barons Okay, you know that there's just like you know, a month ago every article was artificial intelligence. Okay this weekend I don't know if I saw anything so it'll come back.

but just wait. you gotta wait for some press releases. Maybe Microsoft announces something. Maybe Amazon announces something but we need something Muhammad or Ahmed ask of all M-t-e-m Oo gave back the entire move.

it's dead I think I hated this one on Friday too didn't I can't remember. Hmm yeah, didn't we talk about I think we talked about maybe not. Um was that the ninth? oh no. 10th.

So I basically remember we talked about it I was like yeah, it's kind of low float. it's got cancer news but no history of big runs. It is a ban beat down January jump effect but it gave back the entire move so um, didn't really like it Friday like it even less today. E-u-d-a yeah um low floats back baby red to green or a break at previous day's highs Bed Bath and Beyond yeah I saw that gapping up again.

Um, nice grinder. Uh, is that an oracle or not? No, not enough volatility. um I say afternoon V-wap hold simply because I think you gotta bait some more short sellers on this. Um I don't like the odds of a morning move, but love it if it keeps grinding higher through the day.

I mean remember, it's we. We know the end result with Bed Bath and Beyond it's gonna end badly. okay Bed Bath and Beyond is going out of business I Just think there's a high likelihood that it gives back to the move Obsv Biotech, Too much overhead resistance Myo any news conference call at 10 A.M you gotta wait till after the call the former: Runner still low float so wait till after the call TMF TMF All 3x ETF Now Prvb looks like a buyout. Yeah, it's a buyout.

Remember when you when you see charts like this Scott always look at your news, it's a buyout. It's an ignore. It's all. When you see a chart like this, it's you.

You can almost guarantee it's going to be a buyout. So Etsy you see the problem with Etsy is it's tied so Etsy is tied to the bank bailouts. Okay so I would say the same thing with Etsy the problem. So Etsy had like all their money at at Silicon Valley Bank So again, it's going to move again all day long.

Etsy's gonna do wild stuff depending on what some politician says or what some regulator says. Okay, so it's basically the same as the baits. it's just it's just a crap shoot. I Don't see an edge so now understand.
Let's see, we'll move with those because Etsy was one of the biggest like they were one of the biggest depositors at. Silicon Valley Bank Hubc AP Hub Cyber security breaking previous days highs needs more volume. So number one is T-e-n-x best looking chart Follow through play from Uh Friday Here's the chart. We broke it down.

sorry about the uh, coughing, sorry about the voice. uh. Anyway, Ten: X Number One I Would wait for the Oracle levels. Avoid the bank stuff my friends.

If there's no good trades, you don't have to trade every day. But don't get suckered into trading the bank stuff just because you can't find an ideal setup. I've done it. I've made that mistake.

but back in 2008 2009 I did the same thing. There was nothing out there I Got suckered into trading the bank stuff FAS Faz Etc took some big losses. real big losses because I could you know I couldn't find something that had an edge. So I started trading stuff without an edge and that's what you're gonna.

That's what you're doing. if you're trading the FAS or the Faz or any of these Banks you're just fishing for something and you're trading something without an edge and it's probably going to end really badly. So Tenx is my number one. I Think there's an edge there.

Have a great day my friends. Sorry about the coffin. We'll see you next time. Thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

4 thoughts on “Pre market prep stock market 3/13/23”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Make $749 Per Day says:

    "People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self_fulfilling prophecy." _Tony Robbins

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego R says:

    Did you seriously compare Vietnam, Afghanistan and Ukraine as somehow similar? And that the US aid to Ukraine is making it worse? What a clown! Stick to your low float gappers.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Alexander says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RockyRoach says:

    I know it low volume but HILLY

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