Tony Kim, Financial Analyst gives his thoughts on the new DTCC rules, if they aren't necessary, why would the DTCC be implementing them? clearly, they know AMC is about to squeeze.
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Tony Kim makes an excellent point, if short selling was not rampant, Dark Pool Abuse did not exist, and that shorts would not cause the market to crash, why are these rules being implemented?
Rule NSCC-2021-010 makes it so short sellers that are in trouble can lend out their long positions in return for cash to buy back their losing positions.
This means they don't have to dump billions of dollars worth of shares into the market, causing a market crash.
Breaking: Financial Analysts Thoughts on New DTCC rules - AMC Stock short squeeze update
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#AMC #ShortSqueeze #AMCStock

Welcome back to the channel everyone today, tony kim, the financial analyst has given his thoughts on the new dtcc rules and why he thinks they're being implemented, and i've got a few other updates as well. Trust me guys you do not want to miss this video, so stay tuned and let's make some money, but guys before i dive into the video. I just want to give a massive shout out the 2 600 of you that have currently ding that notification bell, because you guys are always the first to watch a new video as soon as it's released so guys be sure to drop a like down below subscribe To the channel and ding that notification bell, if you haven't already so that you don't miss another video, just like this one and now i want to dive straight in with the key information, so why the dtcc is the largest security depository in the world. Having processed 2.15 quadrillion dollars in securities in 2019.

on july 22nd, 2021, the dtcc published sr and scc 2021.010. This filing sets out the procedures for short sellers to exchange securities for a cash loan to meet collateral calls in the event of a default. In doing so, its members can avoid a fire, sale scenario or a market crash. Now, if you're not already up to speed - and you don't know what nfcc 2021 010 is, i have explained it in one of my other videos.

So i'm not going to read this full publication line by line, but as a summary of this filing is to establish the securities financing transaction clearing service to make central clearing available at the nscc for equity security financing transactions, which are broadly speaking, transactions where the parties Exchange equity securities against cash and simultaneously agreed to exchange the same securities and cash plus or minus a rate payment on a future day so effectively. What this means is that, if a short seller is in trouble and is about to have his short position liquidated, he can lend out some of his long positions for cash in order to buy back those shares in the future, whether that's a month or a year Or the next day or in 10 years time, that hedge fund promises to pay back the cash they borrowed and an extra rate payment or an extra fee, maybe even plus additional interest on top. This is effectively to avoid a market crash scenario. If a very large short seller like citadel, is about to have their short position liquidated, they might need to dump billions and billions and billions of dollars worth of blue chip stocks into the market all at once.

To afford to buy back the shares that would obviously crash the market and potentially just ruin the s. P. 500.. Now we don't quite know the specifics on how exactly these transactions are going to work, whether the lending company is going to be able to lend their shares out for a hundred percent of the market value or whether a different institution or a different hedge fund is Going to be able to lend them pennies on the dollar, whether it's say 90 percent of the market value or 80 percent of the market value.
However, we do know that the nsec also filed rule 2021.011, which basically says that they can disconnect participants from the market. If they're a danger, therefore, if citadel will lend out all their long positions for cash and then use that cash to try and just short the stock even more, instead of buying back their short positions, the dtcc or the nfcc can effectively just disconnect them from the Market, so their orders don't go through. That is obviously good news, because a lot of people were asking in the comments tom. What prevents these hedge funds from just taking all this cash and shorting more effectively.

The dtcc are gon na, be the backstop and put an end to it and say right, hang on no more you're. Already too heavily leveraged and you're gon na get liquidated. You can't lose all this additional money that you've just borrowed, so we're putting an end to it anyway, back to tony kim, it begs the question: why would the largest security depository in the world take steps to shield the market against the fire sale borne by short Positions if the threat of such an event wasn't real. Why are these safeguards necessary at all, because i was told by the mainstream media that meme stocks, such as amc and gamestop, were just elaborate pump and dump internet scams, but only an idiot would blindly hop on a social media, driven speculation.

Bandwagon headed for certain financial ruin. Obviously the mainstream media calls us a cult and says that all of our due diligence is nonsense and just that the amc company fundamentals are terrible. So it's definitely going bankrupt that there's no fundamental basis for investing in a dying, brick and mortar video game retailer and a movie theater chain in the wake of digital transformation, that the stock market has become gamified like a casino but naked short selling happens, but not On the scale that retail thinks it is, mainstream, media are trying to tell us that naked shorting never really happens and on the one percent occasion that it does they're a hundred percent caught from it and fined, which we know all too well is not really the Case the dark pool abuse is just a wild conspiracy theory propagated by tin, foil, hats that don't understand basic market mechanics and that somehow this rising dark pool percentage of 50 to 60 to now 70 being the norm for amc is just normal market behavior and is Not manipulation of any source, supposedly it's absolutely normal - to have 71.5 percent of transactions going through the dark pool, 7.3 of transactions, being institutional block, trades, 17.7 of transactions, being institutional sweep orders and only 10 of activity being retail trading. Absolutely normal trust me guys and that dumb money does not have the intellectual capacity or resources to develop an edge in the market and only smart money with their 20 annual returns that only just narrowly beats the s.
P 500 is considered the biggest edge in the market whatsoever, and the smart money can't possibly make any more than that by even committing illegal activity, because supposedly illegal activity never happens in the market. Could it be that five plus million individuals worldwide are gullible enough to sponsor the greatest misinformation campaign ever concocted, orchestrated via the internet, the biggest dead cat bounce of all time? Or could it be that a few bad actors got greedy careless and found themselves overexposed on the wrong side of a trade with an infinite downside and therefore use their market, manipulating abilities and their size and dominance, and their too big to fail mentality to try and Force themselves onto the right side of the trade, at the detriment of millions and millions of retail investors like you, and i, if you haven't seen the film here's, an excerpt from the big short that explains just that. What, if he's right, you want him to be right? Yes, i do. The banks have given us 25 interest rates on credit cards.

They have screwed us on student loans, so we can never get out from under then this guy walks into my office and says those same banks got greedy, they lost track of the market and i can profit off their stupidity yeah. I want them to be right. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one: two excerpts from the latest dtcc filing below. Why would such specific default conditions be stipulated if there was no risk of these conditions ever being realized? Nscc understands the sfts, provide liquidity to markets and facilitates the ability of market participants to make delivery on short sales and thereby avoid failures to deliver naked shorts and similar situations.

I thought those never happened. Why would the dtcc take steps to reduce the potential for market disruption from fire sales if there wasn't a material risk of such an event? Nscc believes that broadening the scope of central clearance at nfcc to sfts would reduce the potential for market disruption from fire sales. For a number of reasons, are these loaded questions or did the cow actually jump over the moon? I also wanted to quickly show you this screenshot i saw when i was going through reddit whale alert, just under 10 million dollars worth of amc shares purchased today at 40.29. Let's go as you can see.

It's a whopping great big order for 244 000 shares of amc placed it just after three in the afternoon. This is likely another fund picking up shares in amc or adding to their position at the forty dollar mark. Therefore, they clearly see amc going way higher than forty dollars, otherwise they wouldn't be buying. So many shares - or maybe it's a short who realizes the squeeze, is just around the corner and is trying to get out while they still can and covered their short position.

Although i think probably the former guys be sure to let me know down in the comments below what you think about tony kim's thoughts, do you think it's just a wild coincidence that the nsec have put in this new rule and the market crash is never going To happen, especially not because of the shorts, or do you think the dtcc have gotten on and they're just trying to prevent a market crash when amc squeezes. If you want to pick up some shares in amc, but you haven't even yet signed up to a trading platform, be sure to sign up with fidelity because they don't sell their order flow to market makers like citadel who root that order flow through the dark pool. Basically, don't use weibull or robin hood to buy shares in amc because they do sell their order flow. However, saying that weibo is an excellent beginner investment platform.
They've got great charting they've got news company fundamentals and figures. The option order flow they've got absolutely everything. So if you do want to sign up with weeble to buy some other stocks, maybe in apple, amazon or tesla, be sure to use the link down in the description below to get some free shares and if you're from the uk be sure to sign up with Free trade, because they also don't sell their order flow link in the description again to get some free shares and, as always guys, if you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out some of my others. Alternatively, subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted when i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Breaking: 🔥 financial analyst’s thoughts on new dtcc rules 🔥 – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Millspaugh says:

    Everyone please be aware that NSCC-2021-010 is a PROPOSED RULE CHANGE not a final regulation which is fully enforceable by the SEC
    On July 22, 2021, National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) filed a proposed rule change (SR-NSCC-2021-010) (“Rule Filing”) with the Securities and Exchange Commission

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Tracy says:

    I’m done with I’m thinking everything and everyone on YouTube are Fud my opinion I kept hearing “this the week” “ok this the week we shot up” this stock is going no where. I still haven’t seen any bank pay up ⬆️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant W says:

    The only power us small guys have is to continue buying. Buy, buy, buy and then hold, hold, hold AMC stock. The longer this goes, the more phantom shares they give out, it will be in our favor. We can’t change the corruption, but we can tip the favor on our side with purchase power and patience. The hedgies, Robinhoods, banks, government all underestimated our power. Our movement and newly acquired wealth will create change. After we get our profits, put a little in GME and then SNDL. Those are going to explode because there’s going to be a lot cash in apes hands and people will see the shift of power to retail investors. Actually Robinhood is a little to credit to this movement. They were the first platform to get younger and smaller investors to start getting interested and were the first to offer free trading on a simple platform. The other platforms were using 1990 systems. Investing is no longer for the rich and educated. All now can participate and the trades are free, easy and on our phone. Education and awareness is getting out. We want fair trading, transparency for both sides and no more bleeding large companies by hedgies betting against them. This is going to shift their power and think twice before attacking our businesses.

    Tell your family, friends and neighbors to invest a little. We need the retail investor support to grow and we can witness the largest wealth of transfer. Power in numbers and it doesn’t have to break your bank.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tre Cardwell says:

    Yo this guy is consistent as fuck. I've seen improvement but damn he's on top of shit since day 1. Much love to you my guy!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Work Account says:

    So weird the price drops every day. What's the longest amc stayed green consecutively last 3 months

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Denaro says:

    These rules have been recommended by white papers written as early as 2013 as part of an investigation of the 2008 economic crisis and have no genesis related to AMC. The same or similar rules concerning centralized clearing of FSTs to minimize shadow banking have been implemented in the EU from 2018-2021 and the US is FINALLY catching up on reducing FST risk. Honestly kind of disappointed that Tony Kim did zero due diligence or research before writing his article. Fire Sale events have happened plenty of times in the past – his third paragraph just shows complete lack of knowledge of his topic.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheMeirgabay says:

    1. BUY MORE. amc SHARES !!!!(EVEN ONE..)  
    1.5 DO NOT "WASTE&CREATE" OPTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2. H O L D ! ! ! ! DO NOT SELL JUST AVERAGE DOWN. !!!!!!!!!!
    3. DD ALL THE WAY !!!!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darcost says:

    Could you make a video on best trading app to use for people in the European Union ? No payment for order flow, thanks.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MV MV says:

    I'm unemployed and add shares when I can. Currently holding 42 which isn't much but better than nothing

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip says:

    DTCC has been issuing many new rules this year, and all point into the direction of an upcoming big event, the MOASS

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Import Production says:

    The corruption will not end until THEY are ready for it to end. They as in, SEC, HFs, other big banks, DTCC, NSCC, FINRA, ETC. Once they have figured out a sure way to lighten up the blow they’ll give us the scraps again. The money they took from other paper handed apes, apes playing trade options and PFOF, they’ll then finally give that to the rest of the apes. So F them all!!!! Doesn’t change anything but buy and hold. Just expect for a longer than expected ride ladies and gentlemen..💎 🤚🏻

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Brewer says:

    Excellent Video! Very informative and inspirational. I was all "a twitter" when you mentioned the large AMC purchase yesterday. Good stuff. Curious Thomas, are you a New Zealander or an Aussie? Just curious. Thanks for your videos!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Peterson says:

    Hey Thomas, if the HF's dumped all their blue chips to cover their shorts, I would call it a market dip. Remember a few years back the market would swing 200 points a couple of times a week. This would be like that. Retail and everyone else who is not covering shorts would be able to buy on the dip at a steep discount. Protecting the HF's that are short is just kicking the rock down the road and preventing a wealth re-distribution. This is just my opinion and I could be wrong… But I doubt it….

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Von Schultz says:

    Well I'm all the things I have been seen and what happened back in February and March where the market rollback. I got a feeling it's because of the hedge funds that had folded and the ones that also covered their positions on GMAC

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rastislav Jarabek says:

    its been a freaking interesting rollercoaster from January 4k shares holding strong sold 0 so far 🙂 hoping August will be more bulish!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Docta' Trading says:

    WEBULL is a PFOF payment for order flow… PUBLIC ALSO sells its overflow….by clearing through Apex clearing everyone is selling PFOF if you clear through APEX CLEARING>> sorry to let you know….but public is a totally rigged broker…I know, i like people signing up cause we all get free money….but this is how they operate.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Holt says:

    I wish I had known Robinhood was dirty before I bought stock with them! Transfer to Fidelity made. Now just hurry up and WAIT!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Culcasi916 Chris says:

    They are stealing our right to buy the dips! Let them fail! Market crash is a great opportunity for the retail investors to buy in and level the playing field!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Keen says:

    First time seeing your videos and you've got yourself a new sub from Worcester 🙂

    No BS price predictions or click bait titles just easy to digest factual information backed up with proof. Exactly what the community needs. USA YouTubers need to take note 😎

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars apes says:

    Looks like we are seeing 100-300 this week, and weak apes gonna sell before next week's 1k

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars you pro says:

    Sec and dtcc can make all the new rules they want… Until they enforce them and do the job their supposed to do. We will keep seeing this manipulation till it gets low enough for shorts to cover.. Sec and dtcc= worthless!! Amc 🚀 🚀 🚀

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Keen says:

    Is this still happening? I thought the guy who found the DD said he got it wrong? Hopefully thats not the case 🤑

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrElliptific says:

    Another very good video. Could the HF threaten the DTCC with a market crash if they are not helped? Like "we don't want your loan, if we are not helped, we sell all our shares and you go down with us".

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars consl says:

    spent 5k more on AMC thanks to the article you just went through. Somehow I start to develop the feeling they dont achieve theri goal with these fraudulent articels 😀

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpectrumRob says:

    I read Fidelity loans shares and if you have an account you can request them not to. Any idea how?
    Great info Tom 👍

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uk7769 says:

    I dont know if this hurts or helps. So, Ill just HODL AMC GME. Im just a dumb ape. I don't even have a sell button on my trading thingy. bananas. Die, hedge funds die. Then send all the hedgie criminals to prison for life.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greenpower2 says:

    Lol Thomas, you need to make it clear to some here that was sarcasm when you said the dark pool 71 percent activity is normal. Most of us know it isn't, but some here, particularly newbies, may take your word literally.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Julian-Golding says:

    Hi Thomas, thanks for your Videos impressive amounts of useful information. What app do you recommend for trading options in the UK?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bulkcutshred says:

    Mostly agree my question is. Isn't their insurance for these situations and isn't the insurance worth more than what's in the market

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james hefley says:

    After months and months of listening to many of gurus on this matter,,,,, I’m as in the dark today as I was the first day!
    Why ?
    It’ can be nothing short of confusing,
    Not transparent in any way,,
    One side creates FUD
    The other FOMO ..
    I can tell you that for any price , it gets to the point it’s just not worth it to me .
    It shouldn’t be a matter of what we think ,, but ,, what we absolutely know!
    If I knew the score I would put another 20k in or take my money out !!!
    I’m saying that we should at least know the truth and gamble from that truth!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas James - Investing says:

    What do you think about Tony Kim's analysis? clearly the DTCC are implementing these rules as they KNOW AMC is going to squeeze!

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