Ken Griffin talks about how he avoided a margin call even though he was oblivious to what was going on in the market. This is exactly whats happening now and exactly how Kenny G got into this mess with his AMC short position.
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Ken Griffin was nearly margin called in 2008 after being oblivious to the current financial system status, however, he managed to avoid it by cutting employees and other costs.
Another hedge fund is taking on losses as a result of their AMC short position, as they're having to sell off long positions in order to feed their short position more and more.
Secret NLP techniques are being employed to try and convince the apes to sell our shares. Typical FUD produced by the mainstream media isn't working so the hedgies are going further and implementing NLP and Eriksonian Hypnosis in order to convince us to sell, but its still not working!
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#AMC #ShortSqueeze #AMCStock

Welcome back to the channel everyone today, i want to show you this video of ken griffin talking about how he avoided a margin, call how he was completely oblivious to the state of the financial system in 2008 and how he rather quickly avoided that margin call so Stay tuned and let's make some money, but before i dive into the video, i just want to give a massive shout out to the 3500 of you that currently ding that notification bell, because you guys are always the first to watch a new video as soon as It's released so guys be sure to drop a like down below subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, if you haven't already so that you don't miss another video. Just like this one and guys, if you didn't already know, i'm currently running a massive 600 paypal or visa gift card giveaway and i'm drawing the winner on the 28th of august, all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning. Six hundred dollars. Is join the patreon and the private discord linked in the description below and now guys.

I want to dive straight in with the key information. So let's hear what ken griffin had to say and not foreseen. The financial crisis of 2008 was the greatest mistake of my career. You see, we are paid to see the unforeseen and i did not grasp the magnitude and depth of the financial crisis that was growing in our banking system, a crisis so large that virtually every bank in america would have failed if the government had not intervened.

Every bank would have failed and after lehman failed, we found ourselves fighting for our very survival we were caught in the maelstrom. We were losing hundreds of millions of dollars a week, if not more cnbc parked a van in front of citadel waiting to break the story of our demise, but we weren't going to give them that story. You see each day we took the steps needed to keep our business going, we sold assets, we closed business lines, we let people go, we suspended redemptions. Our management team absorbed 500 million dollars of costs on behalf of our investors, to demonstrate our commitment to the business and our belief in the future, and each thing we did bought us one more day and day by day we bought ourselves a future.

Often the choice was between painful and more painful, but the one thing we didn't do was put things off by the end of 2008. We had lost half our capital, but we were still in business and we kept our team and our team kept fighting tobias. Another day you see with the right people with the ability to execute and with the willingness to make the tough decisions we were able to save our firm. As you can see, ken griffin is very oblivious to things that go on around him.

I personally think this is how he ended up in the mess of amc and gamestop. I think ken griffin started by shorting amc and gamestop, because he thought in the pandemic that there'd be two businesses that went bankrupt. However, both of these businesses reopened and began generating significant revenues. Again, i think ken griffin was just very oblivious to this and that's why he didn't close his short position.
On top of this, in january of 2021, you've had hundreds of thousands of retail investors like you, and i jump on the bandwagon and buy the stock of gamestop and amc to show our dedication to the brands and that they were going to continue on to be Successful companies - and this again, is where i think that king griffin was oblivious instead of realizing that these companies were reopening and closing a short position or realizing that everyone was buying the stock again and closing his short position. He decided to double down and triple down and quadruple down on his short position. Instead of then realizing he'd made a mistake and closing his short position. He decided to take the illegal route and started creating tons and tons and tons of synthetic shorts again, doubling tripling and quadrupling down on his position and he's now been so oblivious that it's got to the point.

Where closing his short position would bankrupt citadel and therefore he's had no choice but to continue on committing this malpractice, and i think what you have to realize is that this is a game that ken griffin cannot win. He can continue shorting amc and knocking the price down again continuing to double down triple down and quadruple down on his already well over inflated position. But even if he continues to knock down the price of amc and gamestop us apes aren't gon na leave and we're not gon na sell our shares. Therefore, he won't ever be able to cover his short position down at the 20 region or the 10 region or the 5 region.

The reason why he can't cover his short position down here is because he's been making his short position even bigger and therefore he would have to buy up all of the supply of the stock, thereby sending the price skyrocketing to new highs. There's no magical ferry! That's going to come by and force us to give over our shares to ken griffin, because that's not how it works. Ultimately, at some point the sec will come down and force can griffin to buy our shares from us at the price we set. And ultimately, this is what will cause a margin call to ken griffin and citadel.

You have to remember that to close his position, he has to buy back every single synthetic share that he's created from the likes of uni and again he can't just hold this short position forever, because there will come a time where he won't meet the margin requirements And will get margin called, but i expect what will happen before then. Is the sec will come down on him and forcibly liquidate his position and forcing him to buy back all of those synthetic shares? I also wanted to go through this reuters article. That starts by seeing a uk-based hedge fund. Oday asset management, has sold its stakes in airline firms.

Ryanair holding an international consolidated airlines group, the mail on sunday reported hedge fund manager, james hanbury, sold his holdings in british airways owner iag mail on sunday reported, citing a presentation seen by the newspaper. This recent development comes after the hedge fund took a short position for cinema chain, amc entertainment according to a report in the financial times. Clearly, this is a hedge fund that started its short position in amc around the 5 to 10 area. Amc then ran up to 70 and has now since been pulling back, but oday asset management has been consistently adding to their short position in order to crush the amc price by adding to their short position, consistently they're having to sell off all of their long positions.
So they have enough capital to continue feeding this short position again, a very similar story to citadel. I saw another article on reddit, where citadel had actually been selling off a large portion of its long holdings in facebook, amazon and some other companies to continue feeding that amc and gamestop shore. As i said, i do think it's only a matter of time before the sec come down on them, because there's no other way that they can escape because they've been doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on their short positions. There's no way they can close their short positions.

That are now in a multiple, multiple, multiple billions of dollars, if not potentially even in the trillions of dollars, they can't close that short position without skyrocketing the price. And finally, i wanted to give you a quick guide to fighting off high level. Fud attacks the nlp and ericksonian hypnosis based attacks, use highly damaging psychological programming using words and language to try and reprogram people's minds. Neuro-Linguistic, programming or nlp is the power of words to reprogram the mind like a computer is programmed and ericksonian hypnosis is the power of suggestion to try and weaken apes diamond minds and turn their diamond hands into paper.

Hands, nlp is using words to program people's brains, leading people into the emotional state. You want them to feel so. They can then use their emotions to get them to do what you want them to do or paper hand, as opposed to what's best for them to do, which is diamond hand, for example, don't think of a big elephant. Your brain has no choice but to think of that big elephant.

Therefore, i'm suggesting you to think of a big elephant while being able to claim to do the exact opposite. If someone wants to weaken you they'll ask you to imagine weak or stressful situations. They'll ask you to play in your mind again again and again, to try and weaken your mental fortitude notice that this person in their post is painting only negative scenarios asking apes to visualize stressful situations, suggesting that people will paper hand putting the idea out there that All apes will fold like a cheap blanket by pretending that he is trying to help you. He is actually trying to enter your mind and paint in your mind, a scenario of you becoming weak during the squeeze.
However, the super reality is that the minute the amc shares go to two hundred dollars a share three hundred dollars a thousand dollars a share. Apes will recognize that the due diligence is right and eight will become even stronger. Apes will go from heroic to hercules level of mental strength. All the dd is proven.

The minute we hit 100 and then 200 and then 300. ericksonian hypnosis, is using the power of suggestions to do super fast, hypnosis and totally reprogram people into a positive, empowering state of mind. However, evil people can also use it to try and put people into a negative, disempowering state of mind as well. So why would hedge funds be using neuro-linguistic programming and ericksonian hypnosis? These are very powerful, and yet they are new and not medically accepted.

The answer is simple: traditional psychological attacks are no longer working, all their expensive psychiatrists and psychologists, and not being able to weaken the apes. All their price, manipulation and fud articles in financial news sites are not able to get the apes to sell and therefore hedge funds are resorting to powerful and not yet medically accepted psychological methods such as neuro-linguistic programming and ericksonian hypnosis, but we're on the verge of the Apes greatest moment, we will become stronger and stronger our diamond hands and diamond mines and diamond balls will shine even brighter all our lives. We've waited for this moment to finally get a fair chance in life. Men and women are both born to succeed.

We are getting our moment and when it arrives, we will shine like the crazy diamonds that we are so guys when you do see articles that are either trying to trick you or trying to convince you. The squeeze won't happen, just remember that it's fud and that it's nlp and that it's super sneaky techniques to try and make you think that the squeeze isn't going to happen. But you just need to remember that the due diligence has been done and the shorts have. No escape but to cover their short positions, guys be sure to.

Let me know down in the comments below what you thought about that video of ken griffin talking about almost being margin called and if you want to pick up some shares in amc. But you haven't even yet signed up for a trading platform be sure to sign up with fidelity because they don't sell your order flow to market makers like citadel who root them through the dark pool. But if you want to buy some other shares in companies like apple amazon, tesla or netflix, then weevil is an excellent beginner investment program. They've got great charting they've got news, they've got company fundamentals and figures.

They've got option order, flow they've got absolutely everything so be sure to sign up with weeble, using the link in the description below to get some free shares and if you're from the uk then be sure to sign up to free trade again linked in the description Below to get some free shares, as they also don't sell their order flow and as always guys if you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out some of my others. Alternatively, subscribe to the channel and ding that notification bell, because that way, you'll be alerted when i upload a new video cheers.

By Stock Chat

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34 thoughts on “Omg! πŸ”₯ ken griffin on how he avoided a margin call πŸ”₯ – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert J says:

    I feel like this is one of the best videos I’ve seen on YouTube to explain this whole situation to friends and family. Thank you.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hansheapau ma says:

    The holes get deeper & deeper, bigger & bigger, to bury those short sellers. As Citadel is not the only hedgies in the market.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Babiedawhl Bankz says:

    Lol your face lol… your ain't buying it… this stuff crazy sad

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chaz C says:

    Being oblivious towards companies he's viciously shortening? I'm gonna call BS on that lol…he saw people flock to these companies and thought he could actually short all of us and make his pockets fatter…..reality check, we aren't fucking leaving old man! πŸ™ƒπŸ’ŽπŸ‘πŸ¦πŸ¦

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Morrison says:

    What a hero he is! To all assholes, liars, frauds, confidence tricksters and psychopaths! Lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gorilla Trader says:

    Its obvious they shorted companies they thought were going to go bankrupt.Wasn't a bad idea considering the pandemic. What they didn't expect was the commitment of the retail traders. They can't close the short position because the price went up to fast and there are not enough shares. The were selling synthetic shorts from the very beginning IMO. Why wouldn't they? They thought they wouldn't have to cover if the companies went bankrupt. The problem is that there is obvious collusion among all of the shorts, SEC, DTCC, and Fed.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LIL FROG says:

    With fraud and manipulation he managed to Survive. With AMC/GME he will fail. Sorry Ken this ain’t 2008 πŸ€‘

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby DBob says:

    Ladies and gentlemen, before you is a true loser. Presenting Kenny G,,,,

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Sterling says:

    So how is the SEC going to know during the squeeze if Griffin says there's only 5 million synthetics, when in fact there ARE 5 BILLION
    That's going to be a difference of thousands of dollars in the share price when we are all waiting for citadel to buy all the shares back!!!????

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrPmj00 says:

    Yep, I bought a ton on the dip.

    Amazon invested $14 billion in the last quarter alone, the same as it spent in 6 months before that. It is a do not sell stock.

    …With the Delta virus coming at full speed ahead, pandemic sales will make a comeback.

    Amazon is investing so much money, that no competitor will ever be able to catch up.

    Amazon's not going anywhere so I know that eventually it will come back.
    Fidelity considers Amazon as a large growth company (probably because as big as it is, it still only has 7% of the retail market)

    Get on board or be runover, it's up to you.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Brewer says:

    Another excellent video! I like your confidence.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Roy says:

    He make a great politician right up there with Nancy Pelosi and Janet Yellen

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grape ape says:

    Sure glad they didn’t shut down or we wouldn’t be sitting nice for this squeeze lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iliveintherealworld says:

    hahahha. watching Ken is like watching a defeated man. empty suit. hahahhahha

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kendal Gee says:

    Currently it's around $30, people are loading up, if by some miracle they drop it to $20, people will grab a shit load, if it drops to $10, people will buy a fuck load, at that price nobody in their right mind would sell. Dude they are fucked. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wynton25 says:

    They really gotta keep shorting & go balls to the wall🀣funny mental image

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E'relevant says:

    Thank you Thomas, Have a look at SWISS BANK and all of their F-13 filings.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Smith says:

    My man Thomas coming through with that good shit

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john kennedy says:

    I wonder if he will use the barrel of a 12 gauge as a straw when it all goes down?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy K. says:

    Kenny just fight for power because he is a narcissist. He will keep double and triple down non stop

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deep NurMom says:

    They shorted it to destroy them.
    The UN and world economic forum's
    Great reset is the new world model.
    They want games and movies to only be streaming.
    They want the population reduced by 75% then only a few cities in each country. Like kissenger said the new world order will be very painful for most ,but the few that make it will
    Live the best life evet

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHanning Sheets says:

    He makes my skin crawl. I don't know how you can watch this liar.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Science Everything!!! says:

    100k per share is my price, not selling for anything less!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JP says:

    I really want this piece of shayt to go down really bad.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaa bee cee says:

    If there was mass protests outside citadel HQ then that could help disrupt them and get some much needed fox news coverage……

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ NO PLAY says:


  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ NO PLAY says:


  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bulkcutshred says:

    Did whatever he had to not give them that story like manipulate cheat and lie

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cats rule says:

    i hope at earnings adam aron says he is investing in mostly red states that don't have these dumb lockdowns. jedi mind tricks only work on paper hands. ken griffin will soon bust out a Ouija board.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars georgiebest ManUtd says:

    Heard thru grapevine Griffin sold one of his houses to raise cash. Many Reddir netizens actually accused Griffin & CNBC of being in cahoots w/ one another. Hardly the case where CNBC van parked outside Citadel waiting to dance over Citadel's grave 2008 that Ken alluded to.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grey Dobson says:

    <While you are still having doubts others are makeing moves towards greatness.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeanMachineTTV says:

    Guess they didn’t learn when they lost half their capital, time to take it all.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarrett Porst says:

    Holding for 6 digits/$hare! We, the Republic, are going to let you go Griffin!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Davidson says:

    He could cover at $25 and it sounds like it's possible for the Shorts to drive down the price to that level.

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