In this video we go over the recently announced $25,000 Tesla Model 2 which is expected to be ready for deliveries in 2023. This is a real game changer for Tesla and could help propel them to a $1 trillion market cap.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we talk about everything related to stocks and investing today we're doing a video about the recently confirmed 25 000 tesla model 2, which will be released by 2023. This will be a real game, changer for the automobile industry and will likely be the final nail in the coffin for the internal combustion engine. It has long been tesla's corporate mission to accelerate the global transition to renewable green energy sources. The crux of this mission is elon musk's master plan to eventually make an affordable electric vehicle with a sticker price, even cheaper than gas-powered cars.

They started by creating the super luxury tesla roadster, with a price point above two hundred thousand dollars. They took the profits from these sales to reinvest in cheaper models culminating with the sub forty thousand dollar model. Three, when you consider the fuel cost savings, no need for oil changes and the slower depreciation the model 3's, total cost of ownership is already competitive. With budget gasoline vehicles now musk plans to take it to the next level with a 25 000 model, so even the sticker price will be highly competitive.

They haven't officially named the new vehicle but is unofficially called the model. 2.. The exact form factor has not yet been decided, but is suspected to have a compact, hatchback style, we're confident that long term we can design and manufacture a compelling 25 000 electric vehicle um. So you know this.

This has always been our dream from the beginning of the company. I even like wrote a blog piece about it: um because um you know our first car was was an expensive sports car and then then it was like slightly less expensive sedan and then finally sort of a. I don't know mass market premium. But you know like the model 3 and model y, but it really it was always our goal to try to make an affordable electric car and um.

I think probably uh, like i said about about three years from now, we're confident we can make a very calm. Very compelling 25 thousand dollar electric vehicle uh, that's also fully autonomous one of the most popular budget. Cars in the us and around the globe is a toyota camry, which is a starting price of twenty five thousand dollars. When the tesla starts offering an all-electric vehicle with autonomous driving capabilities, the value proposition will be a no-brainer.

The main argument by tesla short sellers is that the company has evaluation many times greater than the legacy automakers, despite the fact that they produce far fewer cars. In 2020, the largest automaker was volkswagen, which produced 9.33 million cars tesla, on the other hand, produced five hundred thousand cars, which is a little less than five percent of vw's production they're on track to produce close to a million cars this year. But this still only makes 10 percent of vw. Despite this, tesla's market cap is 680 billion dollars, which is more than four times out of vw, but once the 25 000 tesla starts deliveries in 2023, they could easily scale to 10 million deliveries within a few years, because the price point is so affordable to make The model 2 profitably tesla will have to increase their manufacturing efficiency even more than they already have.
The single most expensive part of an electric car is the battery, which typically represents upwards of 30 percent of the total price for the model 2. The battery as a percentage of the total cost, will be even greater to make this commercially viable. The cost of the battery needs to be taken down significantly. To this end, they developed the new 4680 battery cell, which will have five times the energy of older technologies.

This, along with other new technologies they are developing, will reduce the total battery cost per car by up to 50 percent. They will also transition from using a skateboard battery design to a structural battery. This means that the battery itself will provide structural support for the vehicle platform that will greatly reduce the number of parts needed in the assembly process, helping to speed up production and reduce manufacturing costs, they're already producing 4680 batteries in their fremont california facility and plan to Ramp up production over the next couple years, they'll initially use the structural batteries in the tesla semi truck in the model y, but they'll likely use the same method for the model 2.. The model 2 will be built in the shanghai gigafactory, which is a major benefit to production costs.

Labor costs in china are much lower than the us or germany, the two other locations of tesla's gigafactories. The model 2 will first be made for the domestic chinese market and once they ramp up production, they'll export them around the world. The chinese ev market is extremely competitive with the x-punk g3 starting at 21 000. The cheap cost of the g3 proves that it's possible to create a car in the 20 000 price range.

The competition in china has forced tesla to cut prices by 8 percent to 37 000 late last year, but the model 2 will solve these competition headwinds with tesla's superior brand image and leading-edge self-driving technology. The model 2 will likely receive more demand than the domestic ev brands in china at the same price, but the real upside potential for the model 2 is for tesla's upcoming robo-taxi fleet. As early as the end of this year, tesla is expected to launch their network of autonomous robo taxis once full self-driving is complete and approved. They will make a software update for existing teslas already on the road.

Tesla owners will be able to put their cars on the network and generate passive ride. Hailing revenue, while they're at work or otherwise would not be using their car anyway. Tesla will generate revenue by taking a 25 to 30 percent cut of the ride-hailing transactions. A tesla owner could potentially make back the cost of their car in two to three years and ride-hailing revenue.
Beyond that, it will be pure profit, so any customer will be able to add or remove their car to the tesla network. So we expect this to operate. Um is similar like a combination of maybe the uber and airbnb model. So if you own the car, you can add or subtract it to the tesla network and tesla would uh take 25 or 30 of the revenue, um and uh, and then in places where there aren't enough people sharing their cars, we would just have dedicated tesla vehicles.

So we'll we'll ship, when you use the car, we'll show you our ride, sharing app, so you're able to be able to summon the car from the parking lot get in and go for a drive like typically. The use of a car uh is about 10 to 12 hours a week, so most people will drive one and a half to two hours, a day, typically 10 to 12 hours a week of total driving. But if you have a car that can operate autonomously, then most likely you could probably most likely have that car operate for a third of the week or longer so they're 168 hours in a week. So probably you've got something on the order of 55 60 hours.

A week of operation, maybe a bit longer so the the fundamental utility of vehicle increases by a factor of five. So you look look at this from a macroeconomic standpoint and say just if, if this was like some, if we were operating some big simulation, if you could upgrade your simulation to increase the utility of cars by a factor of five, that would be a massive increase In the um economic efficiency of the simulation just gigantic, it will take a while for the robo-taxi network to get regulatory approval in all jurisdictions. But it's not a stretch to think that they can launch in some jurisdictions by the end of this year. For example, phoenix arizona is very friendly to autonomous vehicles in google's waymo cards have been operating there since 2018..

Tesla will start off in friendly jurisdictions and after they build up a record of safety, they can expand nationally, while waymo has to build a fleet from scratch. Tesla will just activate the robo-taxi network for the 1 million teslas on the road today. This gives them a massive head start and will likely allow them to be the dominant player in the autonomous ride-hailing industry. Musk said that the model 2 will have full autonomous capabilities.

If they can integrate these onto the robo-taxi network, it will be huge, even if the initial sales of cars is break, even tesla will be able to make thousands of dollars per year of recurring revenue from the ride. Hailing at software, like margins with the 25 000 price point, they'll be able to sell many millions of model 2s. This could add billions of dollars of recurring profit. Every year, kathy wood projects, tesla's robo taxi network - could be worth 1.5 trillion dollars by 2025, which would make up half of the 3 trillion market cap in her base case scenario.
In conclusion, if elon musk can deliver on the 25 000 tesla and robo taxi network, it will be a real game. Changer, once fully approved, the autonomous ride-hailing network could generate tens of billions of dollars in profit per year and easily justify a one trillion dollar market cap. Alright, guys that wraps it up for this video. What do you think about the 25 000 tesla? Let us know in the comments section below as always.

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one wall, street millennial, signing out.

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28 thoughts on “$25,000 tesla is final nail in coffin for internal combustion engine”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tommy g says:

    when everyone can get a tesla tesla will die. people dont drive teslas because they are effiecnt they drive them because they are trendy and expensive. mass producing will destroy the tesla brand.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chino Gambino says:

    Structural batteries? So once the battery life is spent the entire car is a write off… So green.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DumbledoreMcCracken says:

    Musk: over promise, under deliver, sh ttalk the competition, and drop some meme bombs.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iseenoobpeoples says:

    Highly misleading graphic, the batteries have 5X the energy but also 5X the size, why do they always have to sham.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Beretta says:

    Won't happen. The tax incentives and low maintenance is of course during the warranty period. Not many people, wise people, at least, purchase vehicles new. Teslas out of warranty are incredibly expensive to repair.

    Ice isn't going anywhere

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ebian says:

    I won’t buy a electric car until they can go 350 miles and recharge in less than 10 mins

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stryker Enterprises LLC says:

    Final nail in the coffin of the ICE? Doubt it. Heavy equipment, trains, and of course passenger vehicles will keep running on gas & diesel for the foreseeable future as battery tech will never afford the necessary power where the average Joe can simply plug in their EV for 5 minutes and go from empty to full.

    Time is money and those who commute cannot just hang around for 40 minutes while their car charges its battery in the morning. Those who say, "just plug it in at night" ignore the masses who live in apartments and rural areas that lack the infrastructure coupled with that question of – who's going to pay for that infrastructure to be put in place.

    Not everyone lives in sunny California and the midwest and northeast get hammered with brutal winters and that cold seriously shortens the range of EVs. Going "green" isn't what it seems while the aluminum for the Tesla still has to be mined and it takes a tremendous amount of electricity to turn bauxite into aluminum. Then we need to touch on tires of which are manufactured using oil and let's not forget all of that insulation for the wiring & the plastic used for the interior.

    Going green is a catchy slogan but in reality, people are being duped into trading one toxin for another.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Cameron says:

    I'd take my 1989 Volvo 740 over a tesla any day. Cost me less than 1k. Daily driver.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrej Mucic says:

    had those in China for years, and this fanboy tone makes question the veracity of your other content, too bad

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kavky says:

    Imma be honest with you chief, I doubt these electrics can last more than a month without requiring repairs on the roads here in East Europe.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jessie billiam says:

    Used to like WSM until I realised he is just another member of the cult of musk and will shadow ban factual comments he disagrees that he can't refute.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Moneprint says:

    Imagine being someone in the cult of Elon a few years back, if you believed him then you thought today we would have:

    Supersonic battery powered jets
    Complete self driving cars (repeated since 2014)
    Tesla semi – ready by 2020
    Hyperloop – stamp your tickets 1st quarter 2020.
    Tesla for 25k ( announced 2019)
    Robotaxi – Ready by 2020 (30k gross profit a year)
    BFR – rocket to anywhere on earth.
    Solar roof tiles – started taking deposits 2 years ago.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hodler4Todler says:

    Yup let’s nail the coffin shut. This should have happened over 20 years ago but the rich greedy oil sucking scum of this planet only care about money and Elon is an amazing part of the story.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Jensen says:

    I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast with elon, and they mentioned airless tires to avoid flats, and that made me think… Are the passengers of these robo taxis supposed to call AAA on behalf of the autonomous taxi if they get a flat on the freeway…?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bon Bonjovi says:

    The company that put EV on everyone's radar wasn't at the white house today.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abe Sapien says:

    For those that doubt Elon, I'm 99% confident he's an INTJ personality. I know that doesn't mean much to many of you, but I've competed against these personality types in strategy games. They're unstoppable geniuses. They're also overrepresented in chess tournaments. These types always see a 100 steps ahead, and have contingency plans for literally everything.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elon Burgers says:

    I don't agree with the shortsellers to their degree that Tesla will go to 0, but I do think you over represent them in a positive light.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy says:

    I wouldn’t call a 6-8 hour charge time and 170 mile range the final nail in combustion engine coffin. No where even close.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fooking says:

    I'll get any gasoline car over a Tesla lol, not even caring about the price here.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Berrocal says:

    Even if tesla fabricates the same as Toyota. The valuation will be so overvalued and still doesn't make sense. Also, it is not just sell as Toyota. Toyata sells because of the reliable cars that are made in Japan. Let's see if tesla can compete against Toyota reliability. If I have to buy a Toyota prius or tesla for 25k. I will buy the Toyota, years of reliability, designs, fabrication, Toyota is electrical as well.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arakkam says:

    Elon has long track record for overhyping and under delivering (if delivering at all). Elons idea of robotaxis is just laughable when he cant even get autonomous driving to work in his vegas tunnel. Elon is a conman, almost everything Elon suggests fails.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars algreen says:

    This is great.. but the 4680 battery is not created with greater energy density, it's simply larger hence the dimensions in the name 46x80mm. If you have info on how it will be cheaper let me know, it'll require the same materials etc unless a major revolutionary battery tech provides higher energy density for cheaper.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tai Minsen says:

    well yeah, how long 35k Tesla 3 USD hold out ?

    how about Tesla Roadster with its crazy performance claim while Nevera already out and tested by several channel ? Both prototypes are out in same time

    ok ok, how about Cybertruck ? I mean it should be on delivery next year right ? since Tesla decided to prioritize Cybertruck over Roadster

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias says:

    Comments are full of haters. Go and buy an electric car from another brand with half the range, worse performance and a higher price.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James J. says:

    Sounds like a lot of liability on tesla's end. The number 1 reason I don't lend out my cars is legal ramifications from insurance. If my car is out doing its own thing but hits a snag and kills 6 people, who's responsible for that?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronnie Eubanks says:

    I wouldn't kill off the internal combustion engine off quite yet. If you Google or YouTube search owned Tesla's you will find issues with battery life and temperatures depending where you live. 😉

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart Hyslop says:

    Ok so gonna put this to bed once and for all and for Elon Musk fans (Muskivites) your not gonna like this but it's FACT!. The practical application's for electric cars are AT BEST for inner city commuting after this there no where near as efficiant as petrochemical combustion engines. Look up the wiki page on energy density and its roughly for every 1KG of fuel you burn, to release the same amount of energy you need 1 ton of battery. Also WSM with this being a finance channel etc etc.. Look up the market share Tesla has in the automotive industry and tell me if the title for this video is still relevent. Battery powered cars although a nice thought, batterie technology sadly has reached it's pinnacle and unless we some how managed to break certain laws of physics/thermal dynamics (and not just make bigger batteries like Musk) then electric cars are just a hippys answer to CO2 emissions.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saptaswa Charan Rakshit says:

    You have left out multiple factors out of your analysis. This seems to be a video of a fanboy rather than someone who has done actual research. Tesla is finding it difficult to keep the price at $35000 how can it take it to $25000. Not to mention the trade embargo with China. I am a fan of Tesla too but I choose not to believe in everything Elon Musk say. Please don't get me wrong, he is a great visionary but not everything what he says is correct.

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