77 days ago I set out to try and beat the market with my investing portfolio.
In order to achieve that goal, I have picked a very aggressive strategy targeting growth.
So far that strategy is yielding incredible results - this investing portfolio update is showing growth at a rate that is 5x higher than my benchmark - the VTI index ETF.
The return so far is13.6% which is 125% on an annualised basis and this is crazy.
The stock market has actually done very well during this period and gained over 4% which is a very decent return in the short time frames.
And using the same time-weighted average, that is equivalent to an annual return of 24.6% which is exceptional compared to the average rate of 9% to 10% that you would expect over time.
But so far Man is winning vs The Market in this epic battle after a stronger than expected start.
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77 days ago, on the 10th of may, i started an investing challenge. My goal was to beat the market something that 90 of actively managed funds failed to do consistently. So, in order to do that, i have a very aggressive strategy. I have 12 stocks, and 11 of them are green so far with one of them returning 42, which is ridiculous.

I am going to walk you through my strategy. Explain some of the thinking show you some of my stocks and then i'll. Show you what my overall portfolio performance looks like and how it compares to the stock market overall and then i will also share what i'm doing next with this portfolio, so that i can try and stay ahead all right. So first let me explain my strategy because i might help you understand a little bit more about what i'm doing and why i'm doing it, this portfolio is set up to be very aggressive, because i am targeting an annual return of 20 or more because i'm trying To beat the stock market, i have to target a return that is substantially higher than the 9 to 10 percent, that the market will bring me if i just put all my money into it without doing anything.

So that means that, although i am only picking stocks with high potential, the portfolio that i have is also relatively high risk. Remember that this is not my entire investing portfolio. This is just one of the many different investing accounts i have, and it is a relatively small proportion of my overall investments and i set it up specifically as a challenge on the stake investing app by the way, if you do like the app as i'm showing You and you live in the uk, australia, new zealand or brazil feel free to use my link in the description below to get yourself a free share worth up to 166 dollars, which is what nike is worth as i'm recording this video anyway, this portfolio and all The companies that i'm talking about are part of my aggressive experiment do not just copy it or listen to what i or anybody else on youtube. Tells you what to invest in always.

Do your own research and due diligence make sure that your investment strategy aligns with your goals, because the likelihood is your goals, don't align with what i'm doing over here. So because i am investing for high growth. The companies i've selected are mostly from my high growth. Squared bracket, i explained it in some way of the videos, but what it really means is that the company, i think, will grow substantially within their industry.

Based on my projections - and i also think that the industry the company is in is also either growing massively or reinventing itself. So out of those 12 stocks in this portfolio, two are electric vehicle manufacturers. Two are gig economy. Enablers three are tech solution providers? Three are tech, hardware, manufacturers, one is a financial sector disruptor and one is a social network.

Some might say that all of my eggs are very firmly in one technology basket and they might be right, but you do have to take sides if you're planning to beat the market. You can't just go broad and invest in everything, because then you're just replicating what the market is already doing. You have to make plays based on the information that you have, and these are the plays that i am making. There are three stocks in this portfolio that are currently not doing as well as others.
Micron is currently down 6.9 percent, which is pretty fascinating, because my target price on them has a really substantial upside uh. At least it had three months ago, if i haven't already by the way, i will be making specific videos about each of the companies in this portfolio at some point soon, and the other two underperformers that i actually have talked about recently are tesla and palantir. Those two companies lagging behind actually makes a lot of sense. In fact, i would have expected lucid motors to also join them, but unexpectedly they are actually doing pretty well.

Both tesla and palantir are long-term plays for me, and their tiger price is heavily based on earnings that are further out in the future than some of the other companies. And so, although i have a lot of conviction based on the models in the upside, i expect the path to those prices to be pretty bumpy and there to be lots of ups and lots of downs. If i have a 50 upside and a mature company, i would expect that upside to materialize, much faster, because their revenues and their projected earnings of which their value is based, are not as far in the future. However, tesla and palantir are also the two stocks in my portfolio that my models show the highest upsides for, and my forecast over the next 12 months, for both of them show some really interesting numbers, and i am actually expecting that both tesla and palantir will move From being the lowest growing to, i think the highest growing stocks in this portfolio over the next year - fiverr nets.

Here my two places in the gig economy, space and both are doing really well. I recently made a video about fiverr, where i was explaining why i still think they're ridiculously undervalued and i'm gon na be doing a video on etsy soon now most of these companies in my portfolio are gon na, be announcing their results. This week and next week, twitter actually announced theirs last week and the numbers were really good. They pushed their share price up and tesla is going to be the first out of the rest.

There is also coming out tonight, as i'm recording this video, i'm going to be doing an update on some of these companies after the results come out so that i use the latest numbers so that i can go and tell you what my projected share price from Them should be why i'm investing them and give you some insight if you're interested in hearing my thoughts looking in the models and understanding, why i'm making some of these decisions in a bit more detail, make sure you subscribe to this channel and i'm going to be Doing all of that in the upcoming weeks now, amd and apple are both sitting on about plus 16 in my portfolio so far, and the rest of the stocks are somewhere between the plus 20 and the plus a 40 mark. So i made a little spreadsheet here to compare my performance to the stock market overall, and the index that i have selected, i'm trying to beat is vti it's very popular. It is the vanguard, total stock market index fund etf. I've made two deposits into stakes since i started, and i also got one free share that i cashed in remember.
You can also get a free share by using my link in the description i made my first deposit on the 10th of may and the second one on the 15th of june, a grand total of 3076.49, including that free share. Now, as i'm recording this video, the value of my portfolio is three thousand four hundred and ninety five dollars and fifty cents. That's a thirteen point, six percent return so far. That is really not bad at all.

For a portfolio that is less than three months old. With a majority of the money only going in a little over a month ago, i definitely had a very, very good start and, as may well be down to a load of luck, because i certainly didn't expect it to grow that quickly. Anyway, i actually went and worked out what the annual return is weighted by the time since i have made those deposits, and at the moment my annual return is on a run rate of 125, which is completely bonkers, and it is so far ahead of what i Expected is definitely on track to beat that 20 target that i set myself now when i started the challenge. The vti index was on 218.43 and the current value is 227.46, so the stock market has gone by 4.1 since i started, which is actually not too bad, but i wanted to compare like for like so i did the same time weighted calculation for vti, assuming that I go and invest the exact same amount into the vti index on the exact same dates so that i can compare like for like compare the performance of vti versus my portfolio using the same kind of metrics and using those numbers.

The return would be 3.5. So far, which is equivalent to an annual rate of 24.6 percent, now, that's not a bad annual return for the stock market at all. In fact, it's really really good, it's much higher than that 9 to 10 historic average, but so far i am feeling very smug and pretty good, because this challenge has so far netted return of five times higher in my portfolio with that annualized rate of 125. So here is my plan over the next month with this portfolio, i'm going to be doing an update on the valuations of each of these companies in this portfolio.

Some of them are already done very recently, but others are going to be doing more in-depth valuations on coming soon and i'm going to be sharing all of them on my channel. I'm then going to look a lot more closely, one or two of these companies that i think maybe are reaching a price which is a little high versus what my target without leaving enough upside in there, because some of them have grown considerably, i'm up 30 or 40 and some of them now i need to see what the next set of results say, but it may mean that i will sell one of these positions. It may mean we will find out so far. I have not actually sold anything in this portfolio.
I've only bought, i am a long-term investor and i'm driven by fundamentals, but if some of the companies are investing go through a rapid period of growth and my math says that i have taken all of the upside that i thought was there, i will sell those Positions that could happen in five years time in 10 years time, or it could never happen. It could also happen in three to six months. Time has happened with nvidia, where i sold all of my positions, despite it being one of my biggest holdings in all of my other investing accounts over the last few days. It is absolutely critical to never be emotionally attached to your investments.

I can love and believe in a company. I can love their products. At the same time, i can still sell their stock because the math tells me that the price is too high. So, in order for me to stay ahead of the market, i'm going to continue reassessing all these companies continuously.

However, there's also a huge risk that a big correction will turn up and wipe out all of my gains and put me behind where the market is because my companies are relatively high risk, because my companies are high growth stocks. My portfolio has companies with very high pe ratios and valuations based on long-term prospects, rather than short-term outlooks, and if there is a market crash, this portfolio is likely to get hit much harder than the market overall. But i am trying to strategically pick companies here where i don't think the long-term optics, the long-term expectations performance of those companies would really change in that scenario. So, although their share price may fall as a result of this, i still think that those companies maybe will then bounce back just as hard afterwards, because of the reasons in for which i bought them in the first place.

Now, if you enjoyed this update - and you found it useful - please don't forget to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. Thank you so much for watching. I really really appreciate it and, as always i'll see you guys later, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “My tech portfolio is destroying the stock market – man vs the market update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamas says:

    Hey Sasha. Would you be so kind to tell, what is the simplest formula to calculate annualized return ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archons says:

    lucid might as well turn into a fraud, they've never sold any cars and the cars themselves don't look that good tbh, you'd be better off investing in nio, they're the only competitors to tesla, the only problem with nio is the china issue, but i see you're already a gambler by investing in lucid so you might as well go with nio lol.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G C says:

    Wouldn't touch tech or the US market with a barge pole, seriously over valued. Furthermore add into the fact that GBP is strengthening your returns are even more limited. Stick to domestic stocks rather than US garbage. Plus no withholding tax on any dividends.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RO Invest by Claudiu Florin says:

    Hi, Sasha!! You are driven by fundamentals but you are investing in companies with 40 50 times Revenue. Can you explain this ? You are smart … I think you can bring more value rather than following the hype ✌

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mizanoor S says:

    Hey Sasha, can you show us how to make the excel spreadsheet?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ollie Fishlock says:

    Hi mate,
    Not sure if you will see this or not. Just a quick question though.

    I have about 400 positions open on different stocks on T212. This is a lot from different pies when I was early on investing.
    I always watch your videos and you only have 20 or so stocks that you’re invested in.
    Is it worth me selling all the small amounts of these other stocks / cashing in the pies that they are in and just focusing my cash on a main 20 or so? I have about 20k invested overall.
    Thanks mate

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arslan Ahmad says:

    Nice video Sasha… good job is done for comparison but it would be worth comparing your portfolio with S&P 500 or NASDAQ 100 since your portfolio is more focused on US stocks and tech companies. Also, if you may include the cost in investment and fx fee as well in analysis. BTW nice new T-Shirt.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shailesh Dholaria says:

    Hi Sasha, what are your views on MSCI India available in free trade (for long term investing) ? Please kindly advice.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Lo says:

    On Freetrade is there any limits to how many times you can buy and sell? Or can you keep buying and selling regularly for profit?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johnleeyh says:

    I thought you were up 125% since inception! Still can't complain. Looking forward to your revised valuations on the individual companies. You've convinced me about TSLA btw! Only question is why didn't we all hoover them up in 2019 @$50…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aiden F says:

    Hi Sasha, as usual I'm loving your content! I wondered if you'd be interested in doing a video on China tech and education stocks that have taken a big dump? I'd love to know your viewpoint on if there is a buying opportunity or not taken that some stocks have dropped so much, thanks!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thebesttheworst says:

    Great series/content … Keep up the good work, the channel is gaining real traction and getting better all the time 👌 well done Sasha 👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NALDO 300 says:

    Yooo Sasha can you make a video on Chinese stocks because at the moment they feel like gambling

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Callum Smith says:

    Another very interesting video as always, looking forward to your updates!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Budgie says:

    Thanks as always Sasha. Any chance you could do a video showing your spreadsheet modelling in greater detail ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geolykos says:

    Thought you made 125% in 77 days and I doubted my whole portfolio for a moment there.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lucasfunkt says:

    Sasha, you cut back to the full screen of you talking too much and too quickly.

    I don't have enough time to look at and digest the figures you talk about, you mention something, I try to read it, and within seconds it's gone.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darko Leskovšek says:

    Can't wait for Tesla numbers today. I'm debating if I should do a swing trade or not.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FoyshaCollection says:

    Great stuff! Smashed it.
    Although I do feel there are bargains to be had where people are the least likely to look. Peabody Energy Corportation (BTU). I'm up over 250%. Fossil fuels are'nt dead, just yet.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shah Zad says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoHand says:

    Evidence shows that value beats growth and the market on the long term. Good luck.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amaani says:

    Great gains! Just remember us when the Sasha hedge fund launches!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan Seacrest says:

    Love this type of video. So many investing channels are all opinion and no data. "“Don’t tell me what you think, tell me what you have in your portfolio.” – Taleb

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toby Newbatt says:

    Looking forward to seeing this portfolio grow! (Immediately copies 1:1 and does no due diligence *joke*) – nice work so far Sasha!

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